The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, March 23, 1899, Page 2, Image 2

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    March 23, 1899
Filipino General Beheaded
Advising Peace.
the Intarfsnt leader Will Hot ferret!
BOKffMtlOlU Of CfSBtlM Of fIMtllltl0S
Waaknass la the Babel Ranks lot
preaaad by American Klndoess,
Maxii,a, March SI. It U reported
on hitherto reliable authority that
Agulnaldo is taking extreme measures
to uppre 1frnM calculated to cause a
cessation of hostilities. Twelve ad
herent of the cause of independence,
residents of Manila, have been con
demned to death because they were
advising iurrendor. All loyal Fili
pinos have been called upon to perform
"the national service" of assassinating
Last Friday General Lagarda visited
Malolos to advise Agulnaldo to quit.
He argued with the Insurgent leader
and attempted to convince hlui of the
folly of his persistence in the face of
overwhelming odds, Aguiualdo was
furious at the advice and ordered Gen
eral Lngorda to be killed Immediately,
The general was promptly beheaded.
Many prisoners represent that the
Filipino soldiers are weakening, The
generous treatment .that the Ameri
cans administer to the native prison
ers and wounded seems to influence
the Insurgent army powerfully. In
the opinion of the Americans, how
ever, the Filipino leaders will con
tinue to provoke fighting jutt as long
as they can retain their hold upon
their followers, because they have
everything to gain and nothing to
lose, '
The enemy has twice as many men
on their firing lines as they have arms,
and the fact that so few arms are cap
tured by the American is because the
guns of the wounded Filipinos and
many of those who surrender, are
spirited away,
Hum Offlelsl In Maulle Think 10,000
IiBliirornemnnU Are Neoilail
IIoho Kotffl, March 21 A corre
spondent of the Associated Press at
Manila says: "An army has seldom
operated under harder conditions than
have been encountered by the Ameri
can 'dying brigade. The country the
American troops have traversed Is In
tersected with lagoons, narrow and
unfordable rivers and bamboos so
thick that the enemy can not be seen
100 feet distant. During the charges
the Americans were ignorant as to
whether they were attacking 100 or
1,000 rebels. .The Filipinos were un
expectedly fierco at Cain to. Had it
not been tot the fact that the Ameri
can line wu thin, the enfilading fire
would bare slaughtered many of our
"One of the prisoners captured by
the Americans says tho Filipino lead
ers boast that they can continue such
a war for years, depending upon the
American forces being weakened daily
by twenty men killed, wounded or In
valided. "Borne of the high officials here
think that 10,000 reinforcements aro
needed, as the troops now on this Isl
and are hardly more than required to
maintain a line arouud Mauila and
police the city.
"Considerable rain has fallen al
ready and it seems that the season for
rains is beginning prematurely, It is
possible that when the steady rains
Wijln rnr trnoji will hvj to "be with
drawn to permanent barracks, which
may enable tho rebels to return to
their old positions.
"The Americans have refralnod
from destroying the buildings in the
country swept by Oeneral Wheaton.
Sentries have been stationed at every
store in I'aslg, but the soldiers are
bringing In loads of loot from dwell
ing houses."
Mluwurt'i IIoims Kngrnaaa a Hill le
f'al t'ltargea In Taut
JxrrKnsoa Utv, Mo., March St.
The llouna engrued the esprph bill
by Myers of HoUlnger. It cuts ex
prM rU in Iwu The following
rates are established: For packages
weight tea pounds or Uss, tut. -en
cent; for packages weighing iore
than ten pound aud not exceeding
fifty, forty-five cents; for package
weighing more than fifty pounds and
not exceeding seventy-lire, fifty-no
rent for package weighing more
than seventy-five, pound aud not ex
reeding lot), seventy-five root, and
. for alt package weighing iuor than
too putted, at the rate ot eavsaty-ave
cent per 10U pound. It nrovld that
n ex press euatpaay kU ehrg a
grlr prlee than tUtrly-ftve euU
r 104 puttiU fur traesportlaf fruits,
vvtfslabU or barrlM whs parked la
et ties, Utsa or baskets, from any
pUI la tbl State t4 y otber plat
i a tht stale,
Tk ralaa apply in Ml.4rl r
grUlM f tlitUao, but aa l-r4
wf oMtklr4 In ike tat is peroitw4
kr guokls asusl he lrfrr4 fro
on euMpaay to aauiker ta trsaslk
fiHMnl MsfttwWf HsmM M
sii Mi4s aa rs t a t(
H MiM, Msrek tl -U vUw f
tkeesrit tb4f) at rU8lUs wf
tl tr4ty f mm witb r-i, IM
lt tiparat wUl MMka luM4if
rrttgiNttat riyiiti It uw
shUim in thai atrr. It t tk
sJtS44l4 kr (kst tk rl
From tbe namerou letters received
since this economic discussion was be
gan in the Independent, we are led to be
lieve that it has proved very interesting
to many thousands of readers. The fol
lowing letter is in the right tone nod is
as far from tho '.kind of socialism that
the editor of the Independent opposes
as the poles are apart.
The writer soy that, populism
arid socialism have , many things
in common. Both populists and
republicans believe In a republican
form of government, but that In no
reason why; populists should give aid
and comfort to the republican party.
Employment for nil at eight hours
day would bring no relief if tl control
of money wns left In the hands of the
Rothschild syndicate, Tbey could Just
a easily mare slaves of us then a now,
Populism is represented by It na
tional platform,' and not by what Indi
vidual populists may believe. Socialism
Is represented by the platform of the
sociul labor party and not by what in
dividual believe, It Is the socialism of
that platform that the Independent
The public ownership of railroad, tel
egraph, etc., Is not socialism; nor I tbe
public ownership of anything else where
the workers are hired end paid a stipu
lated salary which becomes' their own
private property.
The trouble in this country at the
present time Is the concentration of nil
wealth in few bauds. That wealt h can be
equitably distributed by eontrollug the
volume of money,
The Independent does not think that
It waste auy ammuuitiou when it points
out the iff or t to orguulxe ft purty, called
tho social labor purty, In every state of
the union, the obj ct of which Is lo draw
vot from tbe populist party and thus
help plutocracy to rule file country,
The ttiient of the social labor party
are not populism. What individuals,
who may cull theniselvr socialists, may
believe is altogether anolLr mutter.
Editor Independent:
I have followed with Interest the dis
cussion in your paper upon thissuliject
end will av that I don't Agree with
yon or Mr, Wilbur F. Bryant.
Wo And when study social prob
lem that our social body Is diseased
and a remedy Is needed to effect a cure.
What kind of medicine we shall use we
can't agree upon, la years gone by the
proper remedy was supposed to be tariff,
llut farmers and leboiers through dis
cussions In their organisation soon ar
rived at the conclusion that other rem
edies were riimiary. The remedies
agreed upon by populist are too well
knowa to be repeated here, The differ
ence between populism and socialism has
been explained by Mr. Amos Black in
your paper sometime ago in a most
clear oud able murine r. la tegard to
your opposition and severe attacks
upon tociulbtn, I have to say that 1 feel
that you are doing the number of that
party a great Injustice. 1'opullsts and
socialists bold many view in common
and many who do t heir own thinking be
lieve that they ought to vote tbe same
ticket. &., ,
A rifting scale of prices may tend to
keep the trust in check or eveu destroy
them. mtmmzz:
A scientific money system projsrly np-
State ov Ohio. Citv o" Tin.icnn.
l'ltANK J. Ciiknky makes oath tlmt iin
is tbe senior partner of tho firm ol F. J.
Ciiknky &. Co., doing business in the city
of Told, County aud state aforesaid,
and that said Arm will par too sum of
ONE 11 UNDUE!) I0LLAIW for each and
every case of caturrh that cannot Im
cured by the use of IIaus I'ataimiii
Cl'ttB. FlUNK J, t'llK.IKV.
Kworn to before me aud subscribed ia
my prewnee, this Cth day of December,
Notary 1'ublia.
IIhII's Cnt urli Cure Istnken internally
and ants directly on the blood uud mu
cous eurfuce of the systoin. Hciid lor
teeUtnonlals, tree.
F. J. tliKSkY i .. Toledo. O.
ItsTSold by druggists, 75c.
s I : rr -
UirluMl Btaal LaadaMa Htm tile Hoard
In. W uina. IW.
W othar artfeli.
Writa ni,w ttiul aot
Da entaMwoa f raa.
vuulir fi,r ,,rtna work
Oil l'l Ma) la IU Dalua IHaM MUl ita
plied most certainly would cure the
panic evd.
Home people believe that blgnnr prices
resulting from free coinage of both
metals would bring about a emand for
more shoes, mors clothes, more houses
to be. built and so foith, thus giving em-'
tilopment to all and at better wage,
This, however, is ft little uncurtain aid
many are doubtful as to whether the de
strnii result will fully obtain, Socialists
believe that the eight hour law can
better im depended on to bring about
tbe deslrd effect employment for all,
Hoelillnts, like populists, do their own
thinking and hardly two think alike,
and no writer can be taken as authority
as representing populism or sodilium In
every respect, l'opulist a a rule bi
lieva tiiateducutlou Is a good thing but
a few dispense with that necessity rather
than pay the tax. Home socialist may
advocate a division of property aud lh
everything In common tilan, but they
are few and In the minority.
Meanwhile letu not condemn this
theory, perhap some day when our so
soolnlsystem I thoroughly reorganised
that It would work to , satisfaction just
like our educational system today. The
man who pay a 1 100 school tax re
ceives only the same benefit a the man
who pay one dollar or Ihs. The high
school law passed tin winter (staking
another step in tbe, same dlndiou,
namely; That we shall not only, have
the high school but that these schools
shall be within reach of the poor irov
em men t ownership of railroads, tl.
gruph and telephone line are socialistic
Equal right before the law and spiclnl
privilege to none will hardly fill the bill
and we must accept socialism to such an
extent Unit those who are less favored
with Intelligence can successfully com
pete with those of great brain power, or
those who are weak can make a com
fortable a living a the strong, or o
that those who are poor shall not suffer
from oppression by the rich, Kpvainl
legislation for the weak und the poor Is
needed against the strong and weullhy,
A government that permits one iimhi to
bold and own the oil lands, another to
monopolize the railroads, anoi her the
land and mo oii until a mall majority of
the tieople own nearly all the property
of the nation, and the great majority
paying large parts of their euruirm
year after year to enrich those few, is
not a satisfactory government, and
some radical remedies nre needed bcsldf
money leg'slatlon. If socialism does
not exactly suit our taste let us not con
demn it anyhow. Hoemllsm enacted Into
law tep by tep, 1 believe would be a
great blessing to humanity. When 1
gut ready to pray I will try to counteract
Mr, Drj ant's prayer and says "Ood de
liver us from this terrible scourg,"
namely: Comisititlon.
No, Mr, Editor, do not waste your
ammunition on tbe socialist but fire It
at tbe goldbugs and prates, and let u
extend bur right hand of fellowship to
onr socialist brethren.
I do not write thi to cast any n flic
tions, on ths contrary, 1 realize the good
that yon and Mr. Bryant have done for
the party, and only wish tbe land was
full of inea like you.
Matt Htkhvv,
Gresbam, Neb., March 15, 18iK).
Meanlnif ef "IStpansioa."
An administration organ 1 anthorit;
for the statement Unit American capttaj
is rushing Into Cuba and that "the
syndicate are forming to control this,
that and the other industry ' Aftet
enmucruting a formidable list of Indus
trie that tho syndicates have now or
soon will have under absolute control,
the organ continues "The latest effort
is to secure control of the tobacco fac
tories, along with great aruns of tobneco
lands," Here we have the meat in tbe
coconnnt. This is the true inclining and
pnrpoKe of the ko called "cxpasnion
Having exploited tieurly everything at
home, the trusts are reaching out for
fresh fields to conquer Cuba, I'orto
Itico and the Philippines vill soon be
within their grasp Labor I nuorgnn
lied and dirt cheap in all the Island.
and there is nothing to prevent the
manipulator of tho trusts doing with it
a they will When they realize tho ef
feet of competition with the product
of this chifs of la tor, American Work
Ingnn n will h um that tlmre U nothing
in this expansion humbug for tin ui.
Jonrnnl of Knight of Labor.
Trtt DinC Oiti
, mi m, a turn, Sard aa
1 P'r .X sT!lai ,,J,JCs"-J'"
fin. I X C2J
Itiaaataloauafraa. lvij' a .Ha
WtO.. U If 1. A Ita. 111.
Bow , the Government Uatnhllahr
:, Saneesses Vor Corporations..
Official of the United States govern
ment are now engaged in putting in
working order and operating the tele
graph lines left on their band in Cnba
and Porto Rico. These line were all
the property of Hp in and come to as
among the other fruits of victory New
lines connecting all Important pointson
the Islands are also projected, and they
will soon be constructed and in opera
tion for military and other purposes
None of these lines will pay running
expense, to suy nothing of the first cost
of their construction, for many year
to come, If they are ever to be profitable,
bat as a nieuns of securing quick com
munication they are necessary and will
have to t 'built.
General Orecly, chief signal officer of
tbe army, has dispatched a large force
of officer and men to the Philippine
to luy an extumdv system of cable be
tween the principal Islands of the arch 1
pchigo, This will be a laborious and ex
pemdve undertaking, and financially
the work will be almost a dead loss,
bnt nndcr existing conditions, a in
Cuba and Porto Ilia), It will buvo to
b done regardless of cost t-y
It may not be generally known that
tho government still own and operate
a good many miles of telegraph wiro In
onr own country in connection with
tho war, navy and airicultnral depart
ment. A considerable addition wu
made to this mileage In order to con
nect tho fortification along tho Atlantic
scubourd daring the late war These
Hues are all In sections to which the
private telegraph monopolists would not
extend their wires, because tbe business
would be conducted at a loss, As soon,
however, as th prospect of profits ap
pear In sight, the government retires
from the btisines and the monopolists
take posncssion It is very kind of the
government to thus pumper private
monop()Iy,bcides paying the latter more
than fair tolls for an Inferior service
and selling out costly equipments at
rates below the price nsualJy paid for
old Iron, ,
A pertinent to thi subject, we qnote
the following, which wn recently sent
from tho city to the Full River (Mass.)
"A Washington special sns that ths
government contemplate offering for
sale the cabin between Wood' lloll,
Martha' Vineyard and Nantucket
This line has been maintained by the
government for 12 year, Hlnee the
erection of the line several commercial
companies hnvo been In the Held us
rivals and are now established on a per
muncnt basis,' In pursuance of a policy
of tho government to withdraw from
field covered by privuta companies.
Congressman Greene lias been usked to
learn whether any objection i likely to
bo raised tu tho district concerning the
ule of tha cable. "
What right hu the government, aft
er going to the expense of establishing
telegraph lines to unprofitable localities,
to retire fron tha field in favor of n pri
vate corporation whenever officials cf
the latter th'nk tha line likely to pay!
Will a in.ilar policy prevail in tho fo
tare in onr new dependencies, which
are now being connected telegraphically
at a very greut cost?
Congress should look into this matter
without delaj. If it liu heretofore been
and i " now the policy of tho govern
ment to , build and equip costly tele
graph systems aud then band them over
to corporations for a mere song, it is
high time the country was made aware
of tliu factJonruul of the Knight of
Br, Bull's Cough Syrnp I tho Nafcit
and surest cure for those dangerous af
fiftloiis of the littleones croup, whoop
ing cough and measle cough. 1'uystclnn
pnweribe it, eliiiilrwi like it, and dose
are small. Price 25 cts.
25 Couts F reo
Our I'aaurlptlta
Cnlnlocna anil Oua
bill for U easts traa
to anjr Sitdra.
We Vf rroltfht
WahHVa a vuiuplala aiixM
nl abolna ITuit. Mlmua and
tirnaiimnt! Traaa, Vlua
Shrslia, ala. All attii'k Sl
lh, wall r'lotail knit aam tu
nr rsaioioara trna tj nam.
Sauil Jfosr ssma os a puaia!
card A'lilraaa
0. U. IIUI. HURT, Mgr .
fatrbnrv, fth,
When answering advertise
ments mention Independent.
NurwUi. Crttt, NeVraiU.
Taxation of Franchises.
Somnel Heabnry. counsel for the New
York Association for the Public Control
of Franchises, said to a reporter:
"The question of taxation of fran
chines ia simple,
"The vulu of a franchise is greater
or lew according to the growth of the
community, and is created by the pub
lic. These values furnish a natural und
legitimate sonrce from which tho pub
lic revenue should be taken Why
should tho state raise the taxes neces
ary for its support by taxing labor
product and in the vain attempt to
reach personal property when there is a
public fund in existence, created by the
pnblicand justly theirs, In the hand of
prtvute corporations untaxed f
"Dy what 'principle of justice are
these Vast public value donated to
private corporation for their private
advantage when our pooplo are over
burdened with tho tuxes now laid upojj
theinf" '
fills Is 'louttn-
The Lawyers' union some lime flo
found Judge Delicti buugh and Henator
burke guilty of. fleecing client, and
new the circuit court has expelled them
from the union, which means that they
can no longer work at their trad The
crime that Dellenbufigh and JJtirke were
guilty of was not of robbery, hut of be
ing found out. and If tha latter cannot
secure an injunction somehow they will
be foolish if they do not combine and
work some scbemo to expel the whole
union, for they are no worse than their
persecutors, Cleveland Citizen,
from Colorado's Uovernor.
The voleo that Intones tha litany is
the satna that commands a rise; In the
price of grain when hunger is abroad
The pen that signs n check for the erec
tion of a church or a library I the same
that approve tho vouchers of the lob
byist. The hand that gives freely to the
chuho of temperance- in New York Is
the Jiuiid that regulate the output of
the Kentucky distilleries. The influence
that deplores tho decadence of public
morality Is frequently the same which
tempts the public servant to hi down
full. Governor Thomas
Kl'lU.Vr TJUEDNEHH is different
from tin winairl'iicMi caused by hbw,
The last Is cured by rewti the first tt.
quires a few Iscliles of jwxwl Harsti.
jiarlJIa to cure It,
Tli at (distress Jfter eating in cured
by Hood' Pills, They do not grl;w,
85 ceil:!.
Lawyers and business men
ho are particular about the
appearance of their stationery
should leave their order for
that class of printing at th
Independent. Doubt it.
Washing Clothes , ;
Made Easy
Py osing "Twin Sisters" Washing Pre
paration. No rubbing of clothe or
washing machine needed, Bend 4 cent
In stump to pay postage and wewlll
end, FUER, enough for one ordinary
washing. TRY IT,
Cameron Co.,
U. S. Agt, Beaver City, Neb.
When writing mention this paper.
TliAtiSM I economy compared
inrOWinK wl,h WW Nursery
Btock the usual way.
lYlOllcV We positively can save
. . w ONIwIAl.r Jr YOU
Ua mint umir nimo And we'll send
mc nam juui nainu TO(, thB no(t
and most Instructive MjllHKHY Cata
logue Issued ia the west, Tell of the
best aud hardiest Fruits, Miruos, etc
How to Plant, Prune, and Car for all
kinds of Trees. We are extensive grow
ers of Fruits, tflirub, Hoses, Ornameutal
1'rwes, eta, and want to sell you dirvot.
WrM for onr Catalogue.
Sioux CitySeeuS sloux
& Nursery Co,, at, u.
tm. Wrr .... Z
Tell the itory. When your hesdi
acnes, ana you icni vinwu.
pated, and out of tune, with your W
Htomacb sour and no appetite, Just
buv a bttckttite of tw
Hood'o Pillo 1
I And take a dose, from 1 to 4 pill. X
' r ... a . ..I U
u ioa win no urpniHJu t www
,1, iholf uivlr 'iirrt VfillP WW
Mil. win t'tii ! w
headMho and blllinisnes, rouse the
llvuv anil ninkn vim ImnliV Hfffllll, a
S i!! ceiui, Bold by ell medicine dealer, a
T. . . .... -i t- c
I """ I I We wnnt every bee keeper
t" .S.. 1 '1 In amul for tllir lH)9 ('lllO-
rmwimi put-
PLY W , 103 B. 111 Kt., Lincoln, Nob.
That Lincoln Tannery. 1X3 0 StrMf
receive all kind ol Hide and Fur to
tan Into Leather, Kobe, and Rag
ti,.ha iinail. lildfts Tanned on hare.
Ulgbet prepaid for at
MolrnTJaase Marsary, bes:l. Jasi, Mb.
Personally Conducted Excur-
tions to
i in hp in
Leave Dilcago vry TburwUy via Colo
rado Hprlug and rWnie Itoat to fUa
Franciseo and Lo Aiiirele.
Bontbern Uoutai leave Cbieago ver7
Tuesday via Kansas City, Fort
Worth and Kl Paso to Ix Anaele.
The excursion Car ar attocbod to
Fast Pojaengef Train, and their pop
ularity I ridano that w offer tha
Accompany the exoorslon and tart
money, for tha lowest rata ticket or
available In tb PULLMAN TOUR
1ST CAiiS. For fall description of
tbl ervlo and th benefit given Ita
patron, your local ticket agent or
address John Bebastlan, 0. P, A., Cht
aago, 111.
FlAJIC II. Bahnu, C, P. at T. A.
lltbA O Hu., r 'nroln. N.h.
you arc roinf to tha old cairn try
or intend to bring friend from tbr
to tbl country, plea call on m far
figures, inforutatUm, etc.
C. T. A. Northwestern Una,
The Way at t Caltforala.
la la a tonrlst Bleeping car peraonalry
conducted via tb Uarllngton roata.
Ton don't cbang ear. You inakclaat
time. You e tb floeet scenery on tha
Tour car la not o extensively flnlshed
nor no fine to look at a a palace lenper
bat It I Just a clean, lust a comfort
able, just a good to rid In. And nearly
20 cheaper.
Th Iiorllngton excursion av Lin
coln every Thursday at 010 p. m. react
ing Ban Francisco Sunday and Lo An-
fele Monday. Porter with aen car.
Ixcuraion manager with aoh party.
For foldnr giving fall information call
at D. M, depot or city ticket office
corner 10th and 0 atreet.
Q.W Possfu,
C P. T. A.
Don't complete arrangement until yon
have aeenred Information regarding lbs
iieroiially conducted excursions to San
Franciseo, lo Anarele and Portland
via lh Union Pscino. Tbe exenrsious
av 'lileini, Uiuueapcilis andKLl'aul
every Thursdav, and Omaha every Fri
day in sletraully upholstered Pullman
Tourist HliN iMrs; illuminated by I'liitrh
llghtj hHHtsdhy am. tsggngeli kej
thraugh from atarting ixiiut to detina
titm. Prompt and satisfactory esrvtee.
Many hour quicker time than auy otbsv
For full particular call on or addrea
U. It. l,0aHl!,
Ifom Attend
TllUOt'tllt TOl'MaT KI.KKPUItJl TO
Tb Hurling ton l(ul ba itbllab
a ts)U-a wk lourtal rar liaa Irooi
Kaaaa t ny a4 .irula to Putte,
Mpiia, Tmitu ad N-allta.
tar stt Kaaaata City aud t.'siHtla
"f Tasadaf and Thttraday. arttvmg
at Htli) MUtaieg Friday aa4 Kuadsy,
Tbt are adtolaltt- la iaiu. 11ms
twd lisra aud lats'-liiim mtm U tta 4
wlg.MMl qsaiiiy. Tka hsaiiag, .a.l.
a and Uiilst atreaiHa-aU are all tb
le asd va a car w i thsrii
ul a aaiUirtatv.) iuiliHa ivurur, a..
a..Wd4i? t tatt4 li Ik tt4
t'att ttt IbMHigh altkoat kasgwf
t ! the twtik tat Irwitt I la.
H ti 1aMia,a retllka tawaij tut,
tu iirmad.ale pl' it H pfuMfita.
tl ki,
Mi a4 tk Pat! H.ed
f ata a factum rtw4 i t m
atupM (fji,. A a fntt'a-."
ial u tk alkal l ri4tily at
'' Wa rt,tMii-aa. tfcia a
tfoiar b ha Wa Mit.hti4
iik a taieansaf kv U potbs.
"' 4 It la Ida Vt u-j.u
W iwrtka, iwkau aa) lt! Uhar ma.
tiHi ai j.i i It. i M a.Hit wr i
tie iMih a4 U .
tk W, ht u
1 T, A.
tlaat tl rMMKt SX4t!iUf U t
tka iMJW4t kIm wee wUk4rw V
tv vtia ( wsr,