The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, March 23, 1899, Image 1

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The Wealth Makers and Lincoln Independent Consolidated.
NO. 45.
The Bepubllcani Bouted, the Gov
ernor Sustained and a Sifting
Committee Appointed.
Beport of the tnveatlgating. Com
mittee, Republican Hypocrley
Shown up.
Oo for Supreme Court'
Thursday was a great day for popu
lism in tlie Nebraska legislature. Tbe
first thing that startled the republican
manager was the appointing of a (rift
ing committee by a vote of the bonne,
thus taking the appointment away
from the speaker. Tbe old gang tbat
baa ran thing whenever tbe republican
bare had tb legislature bad fixed op a
scheme to appoint uch a committee all
republican, with poNHibly onefuslonlst
and give them complete control of legls-
latlonfortbe wet of tbe term. There
are 800 bill on tbe house calender and
anions power i Invested somewhere to
make selection from these bill tbe leg.
Mature would not get through In Mix
. months. When the resolution to Jap
point such a committee, giving the fu
eloniats fair representation on it, with
tbe names of tbe committee inserted in
it, was presented and tbe motion was
put and carried, six republicans voting
with tbe fiisionists, tbe old republican
bosses were driven frantic.
Their frenzy was increased when tbe
committee to investigate whether any of
tbe state officers bad been riding oo
passes and charging mileage np to tbe
state reported. The majority report
sounded like one of Joe Johnson's press
letters. Tbe committee finding that there
was no evidence to sustain such a charge,
got off a tirade such as was very com
tnon during the last campaign and it
fell awful flat. The minority report by
Mr. Stuggla was a stinger. Its exposure
of republican bypocrisy made even some
of the old case hardened corporation
agents fidgety In their seats.
Then came tbe vote on tbe governor's
veto of tbe bill to continue tbe supreme
court commissioners. When tbe vote
was counted and it was seen tbat tbe re
publicans didn't even bave a majority
In favor of over riding it, let atone tbe
constitutional two-thirds required, the
republican war borses wbo had fought
in tbe interest of tbe plutocrats and cor
porations "for twenty years" began to
think that tbe day of judgment bad
come sure enough.
The next thing tbat happened to them
was tbe adoption of a resolution to In
vestlgate the supreme court. By that
time the republican crowd bad become
so demoralised that they could hardly
put up a fight at all, and the resolution
passed by a large majority, About tbat
time the republican leaders began to
tbink that their party bad no future In
this state and they let loos the vials of
their wratb on each others beads in
way tbat was very comforting to mn
wbo want honest gouernment.
After getting up and shaking them
elves to find out whether they were
really there and not in bed dreaming
bad dreams, they ooooluded to call a
canons. They held the caueue at night
and any ordinary man . could smell
brimstone for a block in each direction
from the meeting place. It didn't do
ay good. The supreme court will be
Investigated, i The silling committee
will stand. The fallowing Is Mr. Bler
gV minority report from the committee
to Investigate whether state offlpera had
traveled on pass and charged mileage
to the state,
Mr. Speakers t am aaabte to Jola U
the majority report ol Ins aunsrailtee
appointed to lavewtuiat lbs charge
that sUte ofttwra eulhwtetl Mileage Irout
the elate lor tripa taken o ikmm fur
ftblted by the railroad oa.paav tut
tk rnea that sab! report eoalaiae
assay ttt-eM-et aaaupported t,y tb
IvMimoay and Qtnita tnaey eoaelaalaaa
wkkk la iMUlwuay warreat.
I eotnur, hoevr, ia the Bedia tit Ike
majority that s Ot-wrtur llWsiab,
Kereiary of Hlaie l'ure, !
klarvs, riurtdel J , Al
oray.wet i Mwf ta, tMiNtiMMtaee id
t'ull Made ad PailJu. nwltt rWe.
mim ut the Haid td TraaKrlaiKHi
tiablmaa, l.awe wad IMmrtue, have
not at aiy Iiam dmiug la4r m.tal
tartar vkeiirvd IN elate Iwr a,..-, i
et't ah-re lky eeieaiir paid teats
tr Ike toi herid-
Th ladta that Male O tur
t!Mtiea ekargd Ike slate h Bg
kaa k did ,t Mpad aay taw.
tkereKte, ket tata4 rod a pa i
o sMtitrfd tv aat lelle.ay la Ike
Vtf4. Mr, MatMiHi w akd
keiUe r not he aeiaaitr pd Ike tail
rvade lot Ike atha kat4 aad k
aidk did. He was tarlkef aked
whether or not be rode on a pass and
charged tbe state for fare and be
answered, "no." To tbe question
whether he rode on passe be re
fused to make answer on the
ground that tbe question was out
side the scope of the resolut ion under
which tbe committee was acting. 11 the
committee thought It was entitled to
hi answer and that if the answer was
given it would tend to show that be bad
ridden on passes and charged the state
for mileage for such rides the committee
knew bow to get the answer but they
took no steps in tbat dlrecslon. Having
not done so they have no right, l sub
mit, to imagine what tha answer would
be and then predicate t hereon a finding
to the effect that Mr, JSdmisten' test!
mony is not true. Tbe uncontradicted
testimony of Mr. Eduilsten shows that
he never charged the state for one penny
of milenge except In tbe cases where he
actually peld for the mileage chawed.
The finding tbat Governor ilolcomb
during his term received passes from tbe
railroads Is without any support iu the
record, wuo, among in witnesses ex
amlued, says he received (iicli passes?
not one. Then by what authority did
tbe committee find that he did? The
fuct that other state offloers received
passes does not prove that be received
tbeni; unles it be true that where it Is
proved that one man did an act it neees
sarlly follows that soma other mm did
a like act. Tbat such is not true and
tbat such reasoning Involves an absurd
Ity I too plain to admit of controversy.
Hut since tbe majority have so found
and have applied that peculiar line of
reasoning to the other ex-stats officials,
wby, 1 ask, did they not apply the same
line of reasoning to the other ex-sfnte
officials wbo served with Governor Hoi-
comb during Hils first term? The record
shows tbat these latter official charged
large snms for traveling expenses, which
Is shown in detail as follows;
A. It. 1 1 u tn phrey , ex-Co in nil ssloner
of I'ublio Land and Uuildlnurs,
1891 t,000.00
A. Jl, Humphrey, eX'totnmlsslouer
of Public Lund and Duildina:.
1HW 1500.00
II. C. Knssell, ex-Comrnlssioner
Public Land and Buildings,
195 , 1400.00
T. II. Denton, ex-Auditor Public
Accounts, 1891 9200,00
George H.Hestings, ex-Attorney
General, 1H91 1400.00
A. K, Uoiidy. ex-Muwrintendent
Public Instruction, 1.100.00
Hoard of Transportation, 1 89 If 1.000,00
Hoard of Transportation, 1895., f !J0U.00
ISoard of i'ublio Lands and
Huildings, 1891. f 1,000.00
Hoard of Public Lands and
Huildings, 1893 500.00
Hoard of I'ublio Land and
Huildings, 1895 .. f.100.00
If tbe fact that other ntate omcer had
passes daring Governor Uolcornb's last
term proves that be also bad pes
during that term, wby does not the
same course ol reasoning load to tbe
conclusion that his associates during bis
first term also bad passe and applying
to them tbe same method of reasoning
applied to Edmisten, does it not follow
that they rode ou passes and charged
tbe State large sums for mileage, much
more by an hundred fold than was
charged by any of tbe present gtate
And if the Committee wae disposed to
go lurtber along tnese lines it would
bave discovered tbat ex-Attorney Uen-
eral Churchill; wbo held office with Gov
ernor Ilolcomb, charged for travelling
expense and milenge 437,10,
Tbe Committee's finding tbat tbe
rttate officers had an unlimited supply of
passes is not supported by tbe evidence.
Especially is this true of the finding tbat
they admitted tbat they bad sucb a sup
ply. Tbe testimony may be raked
through from one end to tbe other with
out finding a particle ol evidence to sus
tain this latter conclusion. 1 he truth is
on this record tbat whatever passes
they received were doiivereu to them un
sol mi ted and in aeoordanoe with .what
appears to be a long established custom.
VYs deny tbat tbe Uom mittee had any
authority to inquire whether or not tb
Htatji rtlllnura np ritnla Htn rilnvwM rm
oeived passes from tha Itaiiroad Coin
panies. Tbe Committea was not ap
pointed lor that purposa. The purpose
of Its nnpointineut was to enquire
whether or not theea officers and em
ploytwa had brea revming mileage from
tbe Htate in easna In wkieh no moy
was expended by loam lor tuileaga. Hat
since the Committre aaemumi to go out
side id Its lust Hue of Inquiry wby did It
not Bad what tbe evidence clearly show.
vxeept In one iostaee t ba uotrd later
on, teat not a single mate otnor aver
osatl ou of thea paaeaa for bis own
benefit, but tbat wkea they were need
they were need lor the benefit of tha
rttti that thousand of dollar were
the saved to Iks Hut: tbat tb uftUwr
rvnrtvtag Ik paev not in benefit Iron
Ikein aad Ibefvlor that they wra la ao
way obligated to Ika railroads by ike 1.1 lMi. k ft Ik. I.ImI, . ,.u
gut lb benefit ol Ika pa aad keasi
that tea Rial aad nut tea wmr m
obligated pi the railroad toMaaia fur
Ik ((UiMiltea laetle to tketa
Mtala otti wra, aiaea II dtrla4 In $
lata Ik mm tU.Mi at ad, auatd
have ake wkviar tk vfllt tvt
aghMM tktlr daiH U t war with
rni to Ik raKroad. II tk t uaimit
Ira bad duaa m ll woald kav laad
tkat Ik wtl' iaWwata wra ear-ialty
mtNrit ai4 ia ai ngfawia.
The Uiaid ol :.iaitauia antnith
taadtng tk rwliH1! valaa id all etar
kiad ol trwtty lerad tk iil
va:aali. nl lailaav iroitly la tk
vtsik ait tha ataaawtat of Ike
high 4 reNiM'a ottltfiaia tk eaai
iiHsMt lrlk tat a uada
I tkal Uaa treyt lata ( Jver
akk k waflleaH dftfel Ika lwla
laralurvf w tk iaa of rgiaiig
ia aay nay (141 ta tkarg la tkt
(tVaUaaad aat tfclnt pf)
How Oeorge Bice bai Fought It for
Twenty Year Withont Gain
ing an loch.
A Bribe ef $500,000 Offered for At
torney Oeneral of the State
of Ohio.
Tli Trait Triumph,
The corruption of th courts and the
coutrol of tbe railroads by private par
ties are the two thing tbat has enabled
Uockefuller to build up the most gignn
tie monopoly tbat tbe world ever saw.
An appeal to tbe courts has always
been useless. A plutocratic judge Is
quick to Issue an injunction against a
labor organisation and there is never
any time lost fa putting it ia force, but
when it comes to tbe Htandard Oil com
pany, tbat is another thing altogether.
Tbe fight tbat the attorney general of
tbe state of Ohio has been making has
attracted the attention of the whole
country, but It will probably be futile,
Huhlnd tbe attorney general stands
George llfce wbo bae been fighting
Rockefeller for twenty year but always
without success, Kockefeller will never
be downed until there Is a chang of the
administration at Washington, for the
United Htates government In reality
stands bock of bim always and all tho
time, '
nice was born to Vermont, out when a
young man went to Glens Falls, .N. Y.,
with bis parents and began his business
life there est he proprietor of a general
store, says the ft, 1, Journal.
Tbe discovery of oil tempted hi 111 to
new ventures. He gave up bis store and
went Into the oil business, as be saw
there were fortunes In it.
He bought and Mold oil wells. He pro
duced and sold on. lie made money,
Then be decided to start ft refinery,
This change was decided upon twenty
years ago, lie saw that tbe Htandard
Oil Company, even then mighty, was
rapidly extending Its Influeno. He saw
tbat millions ought to be made.
He built bis refinery at Marietta, O.,
which was a good receiving and distribu
ting point.
lis began with a capacity of 60,000
barrels and energetically sent out travel
ling sal-amen and established agencies.
The Htandard was annoyed at his
temerity. It could not understand how
a new refinery dared start at tbe very
time tbat refiner after refiner was being
bought or crushed.
Negotiations were attempted. lie was
given a chance to eell and close np. He
was told that it was beet for bim to ac
cept the proposals.
At a remarkable meeting with John V,
Itockefulle five months ago tb great
magnate reminded Hiceof these warn
ing and told bim tbat It would buve
been better bad he accepted them.
Hut H!ce did not accept, and a storm
of persecution burst upon him. 1
iho standard u aa octopus with a
myriad of arm. It muddles tha water
In an effort to bide what It is doing.
Home 01 it tentacles ars courts, some
are railroads, some are legislatures,
some ar corporations and business
houses which are Htandard Oil Company
in Uet, but are under different names.
Hioe was attacked by all of tbeaa In
Freight discriminations were first se
cured against him, and b wnt to Col
umbus, tb Htate capital, In 1870 and
1880, appeared before legislative eom
mittee, and tried to get laws naaeed.
II did not suoceed. H found tbat h
was paying on ons road 33 cents a bar
rel, where tb Htandard paid but 10
eenta. II next tried Htate courts in
la 1883 he weat to th United Stat
Court for relief, but found Bona.
la 1NH0 he appeared befora tha At tor
ttey.Genaral wan a demand that th
chart re o! two road b forfeited lor
disenuiiaalina. lleekuwed tbat ae was
paying Irons 60 to 10'J per rant more
than tb utber refiaerlea In hi district,
all ol whlrh were mm rolled by tb Hiaa
dard. HagotauraM.
laepllaol opposition hie energy had
built p kla besUeee to a eapaeuy ol
loO.UoO barreia Irom ftD.OUU, bat now
kt trad twgaa to show tbfiwuuf tk
Hie' arBUa attark4 aa Ik
agait ! other rival aad been, aad la
tow after towe.rlval alurea, tally stork
4 wtik oil aad griera aa t gwaral
goo.', were eatakiWUd by Htandard
M'Bl. aed Sold Vf thtag holuw atal
till tb o8xadag uaWr a Ktrtna Id go
t ol bttetne ki no una avnt lain
ktaelor to bay mhI.
At leaat tkn luarik ut Hiae'a aga.
tea wtr lr tka aad oik aiko4
Um4 to tit.
! ol kta wtrkata wet dkargd
aad kia rlrf lara-d aat bat little wit.
It a8tt 4aal4.
Tk lataia tViwiaotea law a
I4mm4 aad Itte tgta la kattW aitk r
aa4 eaergv, ll UiUr wiu uarl
had at dtaa'tiMM hie.
II tmt tat stUr ea Ul.tta tk
(VatatUMsoa and irtv4 ki poiata tie
atlf liaMk. I Hf k t Mataiu4ua
tadlkatltkdai ptia a id kiss
Mf teaatrd , doe tkat mm$
okev kjattrad m evade! ky bom
t t' Jk WWsH
la ail, la-ladiag ta hoard kdir
tk tftta t watSMrtY t'oatatUMtia,"
said Mr, Rice yesterday,1'! have brought
coses directly against from twenty-fire
to thirty railroads, and indirectly
against nearly lOO.for discriminating in
favor of the Htandard.
"It is through discrimination in freight
rates that tbe Htandard Oil Company
gams a great many of its ends. '
"According to Poor's Manual of Rail
roads, official of tbe Htandard Oil Com
pany number one-flttb of tbe total num
ber of railroad officials and directors in
tbi entire country. And their bidden
power iu tbe railroads is vastly more,"
Three years ago It seemed as if Hies
was finally beaten, lie shut down his
refinery, lie has not since started it.
It I failing to ruin on the banks of tbe
Ohio. ,
Then it was that be planned his last
and most dangerous attack on tbe
Htandard. It was when be was a ruined
man tbat lie struck most dangerously,
There is In Ohio an Anti-Trust law,
and under that law, In 189a, the Htand
ard Oil Trust, as distinguished from the
Htandard Od Company, was ordered to
discontinue operation.
No duo believed tbat tbe decree was
observed, but It was left for Hice to se
cure the necessary evidence to prove
this. ; - r;
In October of 1897 he entered formal
complaint with Attorney-Oeneral Mon-
holt, staring that the Hiandard uil
Trust, operating illegally, bad ruined
bis business. He charged conspiracy
and said the i rust hud never obeyed
tbe court decree.
Tbe bearing is still in progress and
will continue for some weeks to come,
Tbe oil of tbe Htandard was not used to
lubricate the wheels of justice, Instead
the ease ba been retarded. Hut. al
though the wheels of justice bave been
grinding slowly, they threatened to
grind so exceeding small that ths Hrand
itrd at length beguu to feel afraid.
i as us s r tKHt4(r niitii, iiiiiits
clals, recently fled to West Virginia to
avoid tbe service of papers upon them.
And. most startling of all, there came
the offer ol a bribe If tbe At
torney-General would but see tait tbat
all proceedings under tbe complaint filed
by Itlce be slopped.
Last October, in tbi elty.he and John
I), Hockafeller met face to face,
"we are getting to be old men, yon
and I," sold the possessor of countless
ni'llious. "We should not fight each
other, Kemembi-r tbat I told you tbi
fllteeu years ago."
"No, I will keep right on," replied
Klce, as be reluctantly took tbe band
tbe other offered.
"You are trifling your life away," said
"You, John D. Rockefeller,bave ruined
mel" cried Rice.
Tbe meeting was In a public place and
oysrauiiers neara every word.
Klce thus expressed yesterday the prin
clple for which be bas fought so long
and is still lighting:
"This is not free country, if trusts
are to be allowed to act aa tbe Htandard
bas acted toward me and so many
"I bave bad no help from Government.
I feel like a man wbo is held np by high
way mon, and wbo resists as best necaa,
while tbe police look carelessly on.
"aly contest has been lor the simple
right to do business freely In tbe Uuited
Htates, without Interfering with others,
and without having others interfere
with ma," ,
Editor Independent! ,..
Notice on tbe wrapper of onr paper
says time's np. Yes we are aware of ths
fact, but it is not possible to make any
payment just at the present. Wear
also aware tbat prosperity bas not yst
arrived. The discharge of tbe volun
teers brings a few cents into use but It
takes so much to get even a little that
it looks like It would take all the corn
in tbe crib or all tb grain In tbe grain
arte. Much mora ao when there is
barely enough to keep things going on
tb farm. Plenty ol bsnda and plenty
ol work and aa offer ol Ml eenta per day
when yon can get days work which la
very aaldom. No money to pay with,
eora 33 eenta per bushel, not much bir
Ing done, offer 11 to I5 per month all
good days. Hd If a fellow got 18 days
from tb 1st ol a month to th end be
would atlll lack H day of having worked
a month.
Hilly UoKiaWr saldk would rather
hie ndmlotetratloa be an igaomiaioua
failure tkaa b reapoasibla lor aa an
holy war, II shooting tha I'lllppiaoa Is
ot aa aahoiy war, pray yos tell what
it take to eoaailia'a an eaboiy war,
and kla adailaiatratioa will b a failure
0 tar aa lb majority ar aarad, so
I bJwve. t will aead yo yoar dues
jat aa ooa aa tMSMibK
Ha atietaleiNi aera, Wa tklak mack of
tli ladetM-adeat aad kopalt may bv
Uag aad du a kty work la lkr
tore gwd, II w r sot ao dog Bailed
poor I wiatd get asvsrat ! lugiv
to my atlaiklHira, I ktaa oar t-aif vat
all I eaa. It wakaa aHk to Ikiak Ik
f ailaat aad lanblal Jtllea la iiatMt
by aa old gij bag krtr. ika mm la
BttMt irrarbf lla enald tkoaa x
itie ia ear ,araaa trrfttt aa h Mly 7
l it way avrvr aaa.
w, t. lvati.
I'Uwy, kla,
ta MUaWk' Ra t oft,
la ilatarat ak j ta aaa mm Wetara
ta tot Ik-ex.aeirt.k-aiiae l aa hI.
lMa d Ika l ad' titxn Jaf al ki
latest id tit' wk. tk ta
ra ut (f'ar ats4a 1 aktck ka d
la Ik ratia tkat a e. kui U
la kirHialHi kw a pariMt W
ii aa mat It auM of a taisMer,
aad oik rkaea 4 ka hhmI aalf
tarff altital wl m grtf atw tu a
pa lot,
mm fund
Every Voter In the Party is inter
ested and Should Each One
Assessing Officeholder and Candi
date la Wrong and leads to
A Now nan Oatllnad. -
Editor Independent!
A a sort of supplement to the plan
proposed in your issue of February 9 for
a closer union of the reform parties
through the adoption of the same plat
form by tbe vote of the people, the
writer would offer the following sugges
tions for raising campaign funds which
proceeds on similar linos as the plan for
lit Is quite as Important to have 'the
funds with which to carry on this great
fight against the United Syndicates of
America as it 1 to have a platform.
The republican party obtains its great
funds from tbe corporations and trusts
and those elected through the aid of
those funds serve the trust and mon
opolles more faithfully than ever slave
served master, now, this is tbe people's
fight and the funds to carry It on ought
to come from tbe people; tbe burden of
it ought to be borne equally, or as near
ly so as possible. Every one who would
regain and maintain hie freedom,
everyone wbo would bave our gov
ernment freed from tbe domination of
corporate power, should feel it a sacred
duty to contribute his mite toward tbe
accomplishment of this groat work,
Every voter in the reform lorces ought
to feel an Interest in this cause to tho
extent of a a ickel, a dime, or aijnarter;
aud they do fuel sucb interest, but no
satisfactory system of allowing them to
manifest sucb Interest bas been put in
operation. We should not rely for funds
upon contributions and assessment of
candidates, clerks and employees, It is
unequal and unjust to tbem and smacks
too much of old party methods, it
bankrupts tbe candidate and if be Is
elected be is placed under strong temp
tation to gel it bock by some book or
crook. II not elected, be has probably
lost bis business, or mortgeged bis farm,
and very likely plunges deeper into the
political whirlpool aud pulls wires to
get tb nomination next time. It is a
system unworthy to be fostered by a
party which believes in "equal rights to
all and special prlveleges to none."
Good government is for the benefit of
all and all should help to gain It.
Herewith is respectfully submitted the
following plan: Lot tbe state chairman
and secretary of tbe tbres reform parties,
silver republican, democrat and populist
meet together and agree upon a uniform
system to collect money irora their vot
ers in tbe various counties for campaign
purposes. Let these omcers send out
printed slips of directions for carrying
oat tbe plan, or what is better email
memorandum books with such directions
printed therein, to tbe chairman ot tbe
county central committee of the respec
tive parties; ne, in turn, sending tbem
out to ths townships or precinct com
mitteemaa directing him to appoint
some reliable and energetic person In
each school district, or la cities accord
lug to wards and precincts, to collect
from ten eenta to aay amount more
tbat each may ba willing to give. Tbe
printed slip should instrnct tb collector
to giv receipts lor thasnms and deig
nat tb contribution aa silver republi
can, democrat or popniwc bsca party
may select a person to go among its
own voters, or all three may units upon
on perton to solicit in a dkstrm, that
depending upon tha good judgement ol
tha romuittaas. lb proa elected
should be on enthusiastic and willing;
ons well liked and well known. If men
or too busy, there nrlotof women,
young girl and boy who woald gladly
do it, aud ba proud of beiug tka rMg
aised by tbir party. Party leader
think too Utile ol women' ketp. There
arv plenty of farmer' and anwkaais's
wive aad iwty eaugater wno could
eollsrt a MMoaige iaad tkat woald
fcak tk vry tbroa of tk taadard
oil trust.
There ar lOO tMH) vour ia Ik Mora
kiraee ol Nebraska. Tea aval m pwre
from ikeaa woald bring a lead tkat
aoald eoadwvt aa-k a raatpaiga aa aa
kava never ae. To da tkt tka Han
skoald bt la Oratoa early e tkat
tka luadi raW may ba all tare! In by
ta ttate tka tat aatiua tnswla aad
tka it omitW may ku Just
akat wwth ltaa piaa. Una taeaat
Miisat eaaaaa ol l)ll.tia awrkaadd
Ml la tkat Ika Mati-atata eutMBMlt
dt not kava lead aad da not t to
ist laid tka vWtWm la tatrty uk
lka aad Ik Hum t to kor tt d
g-4 SMI,
Tka lta;iiag kt la 1st dae aa
arty aa May Jaaa aad all airaa
dsa BHt a4 ai rtt4 la tk
laaaki or pt4Ht wail
P ! la I ivy .Mt4 msI ai
ty t.taiBMIIaaM.IUMt SH tk at
aad lata vt l Ik pevaun an'te-l In
Mhi',iiM gua rstvit-t. Ik
aMra kMad rtuM I IkastaU t-'ta-
aita tka al aa kaad, ki feowd
agMHatMa tkal ihiI lalaga M
taa paitp aad akat wwata la lt k
rataiawt hm aoaaty aaatiMMga wwk. At
eoasty eaiH wka dHalara
elected to tbe state convention, let on
be selected to carry the money to state
committee from whom be receives a re
ceipt therefore. Iu this way the fund
are properly credited to tbe sections
sending tbem. Then let tbe convention
elect a reliable and efficient campaign
financial manager to be responsible for
and judiciously expend this money.
Let every voter support our cause by
contributing a small sum and never
falling to support his party paper
and tbe people will win, for tbe voter
who feel interested enough to do this
will be very likely to go to tb polls on
election day. UexKiv M. Gorr.
Lincoln, Neb. .
A few years ago tbe populist demand
for postal savings banks wa derided by
every republican in the state. Last week,
HI wood, a populist, Introduced In th
Nebraska bouse a resolution in favor of
the populist demand and notwithstand
ing that body is largely republican it
passed. Tbe resolution was as follows:
Elwood of Antelope offered tbe follow
ing which was adopted: . ,
Whereas, In all countries where a sys
tem of postal eavings banks bavs been
established it has proven to be a great
benefit to the people, and believing it to
be tbe duty of tbe Uuited Htates to pro.
vide some safe place whereby depositor
will be protected from lose; therefore,
Resolved, tbat it is the judgment of
this bouse tbat ws favor a system of
postal saving banks, and w hereby re
quest our members iu congress to secure,
if possible, the passage of a law at th
next session of congress to put sucb a
system in operation in all tbe state.
Editor Independent:
It occurs to me tbat tb sudden and
unexpected demise of oar able aad be
loved statosmau, jurist and patriot, W.
L, Greene, tbe people choice in tb big
Sixth district a their representative In
tbe lower house of oongrea,thu leaving
tbi district without representation, tbat
it would not be out of place to look ovr
the field for substantial material to fill
said vacancy. Let tbe people of the
H'xib district (not a gang of politician
speak through the column of tbe Inde
pendent, wbo bould finish tbe work no
ably began by onr late and deceased
member. I know of one nan wbo would
ba able to finish the work of rsnr at .
ing tbe great common neonl of tbe bkt
Sixth, or rather tbi whole country of
onr. And In that man I behmtb
Kople bave entire confidence of hi abil
.rand Integrity. W elected bim gov
ernor twice and can elect bim to congress
more tnaa twice. Hiiae A. U oleoma
would be a fitting representative in mem
ory of onr beloved Grarae. It would be
doing honor to tbadend congressman
and justice to tbe living wsrkman.
Dawes county would do tbe right thing
by bim, and tb people of tbe Hixth dis
trict would be represented in truth and
in fact.
There is grave need for ancb a man in
congress. Imperialism, and tbe destruc
tion ol tbs legal tender quality of tb
silver dollar, silver dollar certificate.
coin treasury note and th green,
back should not be forced upon the peo
ple without a dissenting voice. Greene's
spirit will be thuiM, but nut alone, fur he
will have with bim such a Washington,
Jefferson, Jackson, Lincoln, Cbass,
Htepbens, Logan, Wade, Morton, Gar
field, Blaine et al. to watch tb last act
of a republic May God grant tbat tb
Kaunas, the Elklne, tbe Belmont tb
Cleveland, tbe Thurston and th Mo
Kin leys will return to tha principle ol
tba father and refuse to tell and to be
old to ths mon ld lords of this country
and Europe. What loaa to the Sixth
district for it not to ba able to send tbat
nobis man, ei-Senstor Wm. V. Allen to
tb lower house. Ill recognised ability
and bis Integrity might save tb people
from witaeasing tbi last act ol a re
public True, tber ar other good man la
tbi district, uch as M. P. Harrington.
J. II. Kdattsten, II. O. gtawart, a 0.
Fairehiid aad other that Dawea coanly
populmta wonld ataad by la mamory of
W, L. (Irreu.
What reioielec Inert wit be among
tk wo aay ehaagars to know tbat Alkra
I aot a raaldeat of tha Huth district of
Nebraska. It all eoaatkes speak npoa
tki subject. May Uod a wakea th peo
ple to their Imatiaaat flaagw.
I it. iMNBUea,
Chadroa, Neb,
Tk tklg abtiv alt otaae thing that
ka held tadla, bound kand and test,
ad prevented aay edvaaetawat for
age, kaa bn ita ayst of aet flat
k aaes tkiag la asotk torn I fast
gaialag a tool kold la Ik I'altad Xtate.
Oaea wa kad doator wk treated vry
lit .kat Ik faatiiy wa abjcl la, hat
bow a landy Mt kav a half a d
duetura. Tker nta! be eae kr tk yt
oaa kw Ik tar, owe be avrvoa Iwam,
a bf fetal wplalate, oft kr
tatarrk, aaa bf aargW sd vpsrallvaa asl
a w ad Uaiiaa Davk wa d Hwa
dtittora twras a Mst If tkaaMlva aad
lauai att.wg bal thai wiltyt
mi it I t tk law, 1 ail id I ka nm
a4 la a)ka-a. AW id Ua a ara
aarvnaj aad lMaikt . Ika vf f
aatae id Ik y iw taakta lka so,
l as a k a tk t la (da waU
Ika mm ot tkat vatiy. A a kla g
4 kaaiaa aatara la lar-iWia to aay
wa wl Ma 1f ara auo4 la tie
Iran tl tal jai aa gravy aa waa
tt t Ibedo,