The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, March 16, 1899, Page 2, Image 2

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    March 16, 1899
ira wm m.
Filipinos Surrendered the Town
After Fighting All Day.
Cavalr TLmd ths Amarlnan Adraiioa
Babela' Opposition Wm All In Vain
Our Loas I Blight Heavy lUlu Our
ing tli Engagement.
Manila, March R At daylight
llrigadler General Lloyd Wheaton's
divisional brigade, consisting of tho
TwentietU United States Infantry, tho
Twenty-second Infantry, eight com
panlet of the Washington volunteers,
seven companies of the Oregon volun
teer, three troop of the Fourth
United (Hates cavalry and a mounted
battery of the Hlxth artillery, was
drawn up on a ridge behind Han Pedro
Macati, a mile south of the town,
The advance wan sounded at half
pasta o'clock. The cavalry led the
column at a smart trot across tho open
to tho right, eventually reaching a
clump of tree commanding the rear
of Guadaloupe. , :
Supported by tho Oregon volunteers,
the advance force opened a heavy fire
on tho rebels. The response was
feeble and desultory, apparently com
ing from bandsful of men in every
While tho right column was swing
ing towards the town of 1'asig, the
left advanced, pouring volleys into
the bush.
A small body of rebels mad a de
termined stand at Oaudaloupe church,
but was unable to withstand tho as
sault, At half past 7 o'clock, an hour after
tho first charge, a river gunboat start
ed towards i'asig,
Tho rebels were first encountered by
this vessel in tho jungle near Cauda
loupe, Steaming slowly, the gunboat
poured a terrlflo fire from Iter Gatllng
guns into the brush. For all of an
hour tho whirring of the rapid Are
guns alternated with the booming of
the heavier pieces on board.
In the meantime ricott's battery,
ashore, was shelling tho trenches and
driving the enemy back, The artil
lery then advanced to a ridge of bam
boo and drove a few of the enemy's
barpshootera away with volleys from
their carbines. The artillery then ad
vanced and met with little opposition.
In tho meantime tho infantry had
been sent forward in 'splendid order,
tho Washington regiment resting on
tho bank of the river, each regiment
deploying, on reaching its station, and
furnishing its own supports. Tho en-1
tire column then wheeled toward th 1
river, driving the enemy toward bis
upport and advanced on Ouadaloupo.
The artillery moved to a ridge com
manding Paslgand Parteroa. lfy this
time tha Filipinos were in full flight
along a line over a mile long and the
firing was discontinued temporarily,
In order to give the troops a rest be
fore making the attack on Paslg. At
this stage of tho engagement it wai
raining heavily.
After a short rest Oenorat Wheaton
resumed the attack on Paslg.
, Scott's battery, supported by two
companies of the Twentieth United
States Infantry regiment, advanced on
Ouadaloupo by the road along tho
river bank, the remainder of tho
Twentieth regiment and the Twenty
second regiment following with the
reserve of tho Oregon volunteers. At
half past 11 o'clock the column came
in contact with tho enemy, and a guu
lmt. ntnmrd to the firing line and
cleared the jungle on both sides, while
tho batterp took up a position on a
bluff at the right.
The Crst shot from tho American
field pieces at 1.200 yards range dis
lodged a gun of tho enemy at Paslg.
After tho town had been shelled, the
Twentieth regiment lined up on the
bluff and the Twenty-second took up
position on the left of tho place,
with tho cavalry In tho center, where
upon tho enemy retreated to tho town.
The gunboat then moved Into a bend
opposite, and a hot Ore upon tbo rebel
position was msluUiiiml along the
whole American line until 2:30 o'clock
this afternoon, when preparations
were made fur the attack. At 3 u'elock
tho United Male gunboat started In
pursuit of tho enemy' armed tug,
chasing her to the lake,
At halt past 3 o'clock a large body
of tbo enemy was nlscovered wotklng
around our right flank, and tho
Twentieth ws moved to a command-
lag ridge. The rebels were met op
jmmIU Petero, but the easiny bulled,
Thirty re bo la wro kiil4. slstoea
were taken prlloaer and the Amort
ran Uwt sli men wounded.
1 Tke whale Atuorleett tine blvMtk4
I t n'fUtck. About Tug robots were
tepurted t be marehlag aorta ward
few wile ta iae eweMiwtst.
Vesta. $tb N. la,
Tbe Nebraska iBWedl, Manila,
NU--lv-r Mrst I bate wee vt pmt
nuioimUM ttewtaf eUae ia mj
family and Sad U eetUferKwy la K
l.ttV way. Us t la e.e tow
att fl m ItwU l f twura
. .. i,b u -tm
ta atoe KU4 MaiMSwl Ike WmMeet H C, Mereti It A
Aaubta atuM4la U to Hurled Um Ba
ejs4 ler kia Wt UbWe WMt
44 e4 etMoitu4 eaWMe U !
at a, ItutaL llutk mmt kubiie oalev
laiaste, taa tief nnfUal
wreetler a4 Mbfcie WklWi
Vnreite4 love to etts4 In bate
tee. a m im aveir,
WAKtf l'HlU lrel I tl
JUWv. 4pdt,
We have a very fine high-grad Hcbilb r
piano, taken on advertising, and as we
have uo use lor the instrument, will put
a price on it that will irn-ure its sate in a
very short tim, Tbe instrument is
made by tbe Sehiltur Piano Co. of Ore
gon, 111., and cardie with it a guarantee
(or flveytmrs. It Is a, double vanwtred
caw, choKM of either Walnut, Oak, or
Mahogany. Bveu and one-third oc
tave, overstrung brans scale, double re
peating action, Boston full board with
full swinging music dk th entire width
of tbe instrument. Raised carving cio
plaster and panels, flue grade of Ivory
and ebony keys. Fmly finished mid
nrin tone. Fullv warranted for five
year. The 'instrument is in tbiscity
and can be seen by any one calling &t
this office. -The regular retail price of
tbe piano l.i f .'125, but as we are not in
tt.o iilHtui hiiuiiiriHM and cannot use it
otirsolves. we hitva decided to will it for
t!25. Will take a well secured note
running ouo year for $100 and 9125 io
Norway Mors lltl(t I Thsa Ever
t'oder It Tniiiirsrjr Itulsr,
CuiMSTIAStA, March If. Norwegian
are not pleased with the temporary
government of tho crown prince, who
is much stricter than his father, and
who has now shown that he will not
allow Norwegians any little demon.
stratlonsof "Independence,"
He has decided that Sweden and
Norway will synd only one represcnta
tlvo to tho peaco Congress at Tli
Hague, This representative will prob
ably be a Bwede,
There was a popular demonstration
hero last evening against tho crown
prince. The prince was returning
from the Military club when ha met a
crowd of people who hooted him,
hissed him and belted him with snow
balls. Tho crowd wa dispersed by
the police and several arrest were
made. The Norwegian paper eon
deinn tho demonstration,
Klsvsa Msfkfd Man Tie Emptor as
Hub a Hallway Ofllma,
Wayeaxt, N. Y., March If Eleven
masked and armed men entered th
power houso of the Waverly, tiayera A
Athens Traction company about i
o'clock thi morning and ordering the
three employe to hold up their hand '
bound them securely and placed them '
in an empty car. The workmen were
then tied more securely by rope
around their neck attached to the car
roof. Leaving one man to guard the
prisoners, the robbers blew open the
three safes in the office and secured
174 In cash. Only money was taken.
About 4 o'clock one of the men suc
ceeded in freeing bis hands and all
were quickly cut loose. The police
were summoned, but there is no clue.
Chicago shams to Italia Vsgaiabtaf
for tha Northern Market.
Chicago, March If The Chicago
colony, the Isle of Pines, a co-opera
tive agricultural community, ha been
organized here. A tho name indi
cate, it will bo located in the Isle of
Pine. It is thought plenty of fertile
land can be procured, either in the
way of government concession or by
purchase at a cheap price. It is pro
posed that tho energies of tho colony
hould be devoted largoly to the rale-
ng of fruit and early vegetables for
the Northern markets, although sugar
cane, tobacco and other staples in
dlgenous to that country will also be
cultivated to some extent
wedlsb Knglnaar Uimhla to Ba th
Spanish 'rular.
Washington, March 14. The Navy
department has abandoned all hope of
the recovery of tho armored crulsor
Cristobal Colon, sunk in tho battle of
July 8. Engineer representing tho
Swedish Wrecking company, who In
spected tho wrecks, have left for
H lock holm without making any prop
osition to the department and it is as
sumed from this that no action will
lo taken because of the hopelvsaues
of the task.
MikM r-. S. t '
Overeom by Heart I'allnra Whlls Eft'
roato From III Hotel to fake tha Train
kt Omaha for I.lni'iiln Rumln Taken
to Kearney,
Ovuiu, Neb,, March 13. Congress
man W. L, Greene of the Hlxth district
died suddenly of heart failure Saturday
evening in a carriage whilo n route
from the Arcade hotel to tho depot to
take a Hurlington train to Lincoln,
He left the hotel In company with F,
B, Prince, J, TJ, Donovan and J. 0.
Rooves, all of Madison county. He
became ill just before the party left
the hotel, but persisted in his desire to
go to Lincoln, and was assisted to the
carriage by hia companions. Just
when he died hi companions do not
know. They noticed that his head had
dropped forward upon his breast, but
did not realize the gravity of the situa
tion until the depot was reached,
When the three had left the carriage,
Mr. Donovan turned and remarked to
Mr, Orcene; "Her we are! this Is the
depot," There was no response, and
Mr, Donovan peered into the carriage
only to find the eongressman still sit
ting motionless with hlshcad drooping
upon hl breast,
Calling a depot porter, the three gen
tlemen took Mr, Greene from the car
riage and bow him Into tha depot, A
young medical student who wo at
hand examined him as he lay upon the
floor and pronounced him dead, Dr,
8. IT. Smith arrived a few minutes later
and found that the lower limbs had al
ready grown cold. He declared that
death was due to heart allure, caused
by various complications,
A delegation consisting of Norrii
Brown, John T, Mallallcu, 0, W, Hox
lo, C, B. Hcott and B, 0, Hostcttcr ar
rived in Omaha early Sunday morning
from Kearney to act as an escort for
for the remains.
KKAftNjcr, Nub., March 13. The re
main of Congressman Orcene arrived
here yesterday afternoon in charge of
tho escort and were met at the depot
by members of the Kearney bar and a
large crowd of sympathizing citizens,
A funeral procession of carriage sev
eral blocks in length followed the re
mains to the home of the family, The
flag on public and private buildings
were floating at half mast.
Mr, Oreene was born in Pike county,
Ind., in 149. He attended an academy
at Ireland, Ind, three years and was
admitted to the bar in 1876. In 1883
he moved to Kearney, Neb., where he
has since resided. In 1893 he was
elected judge of the Twelfth judicial
district. He was elected to the Fifty
fifth congress as a populist and re
elected last fall. He leaves a widow
and two daughters.
While switching at the stock yards
In West Lincoln Saturday afternoon
about i :50 o'clock II. & M: switch en
gine No. 297 collided with the Burling
ton through freight No. 40 on the main
line from Billings, killing three and
seriously injuring four trainmen. The
blinding snowstorm was probably re
sponsible for the accident.
Tho killed are:
The injured are:
Engineer Daniel Delaney, badly cut
about tbe head; both legs injured, but
not broken.
Fireman Leon L. Emerson, hurt In
ternally and suffering from a sprained
snkle and severe nervous shock.
Fireman Skaus, leg fractured in two
place below the knee.
Prskeman Arthur 0, Goodwin, head
cut, left aide and leg crushed, and hip
FliUffrvcirdJ Arc4 Orchirvi In ktouom. Crttt NunifY. Gttt NiWuka.
WFrif niRcer rn rue mBULt.
4, IV
Hilling II log
riow, . '
11,11 nth... urlu-la.
H i,j CMtnlutfua f rm. ... -...I
tr vttk
ivxlr for i.rini wnrkviXi
II kl'l.,llt t I .
Hon ITI, Ah, 1U.
!; fWw Itmr; b U Ualu Hum, Muni M u Iumm.
The cut on this page is a view of the
fifteen-year-old orchard planted by the
Crete uuraurles in Hullua county, Bix
and one-half acres were planted in the
vry dry, windy spring of 1881 without
the loss of a tree. The apple trows aero
planted '2Hi'2H with pouch trees alter
nated north and south, making the or
chard stand iu rows UH feet apart oust
und west and trees 11 foot apart north
and south. The soil is of fair quality
and lies 170 feet to water. The orchard
wus cultivated twelve times the fimt
season, and has been cultivated 8 to U
tunes each season since. A record of
yli Id was not kent separate from othur
orchards until 1804, tho very dry year,
lu spite of the severe drouth und small
hi.m of many of the apples, owing to lack
ot moisture, twenty bushel of apples
were picked from single trees. The aver
age yield of all varieties was nearly sev
en bushels per tree, Tito peach tree
having been removed, the apple trees
stood itHx2i feet, or CO per acre. The
fruit off 0 acres sold for f 1,400, an
iiverngool fJ 1 0 per acre. The yield of
ii acres was fiJ.&UO bushels, The yield
ol best singto tree was twenty bushel
each. The uverage selling price wus 5Sc
per bushel. The trees are low, making
the work of baud plckiugeasy. J, WV
Walker baud nicked W bulifls of (tonics
in one day, This crop of 210 per acre
is more than 10 per cent interest on a
valuation of 20U per acre for ten years.
I ins orchard also gave as large crops in
18U2 and 18U0, besides smaller lots oi
fruit In other years, The three crops of
01, 04, and 00, alone pay a large inter
est on a valuation of $200 per acre,
The annual expense of cultivation
since crops were grown in orchard has
leu $J,60 per acre, while the cost of
giitlieriiig a lance crop has been about
010 per acre. The cost of planting and
cultivating the orchard, aside from the
crops grown therein uutil orchard com
menced to bear wus, about foo, per
The orchard i now in its prime end
has paid more than SJ0 percent! per
annum on a caplitalissatioti of 200 per
acre for each year since planted. Ap
parently the orchard is good for fifteen
years more work. The recorded yield ot
about f GOO per acre s far gathered
may be increased by ?wu to fi,uuu
more per acre before the orchard finally
txhuusts itself,
An orchard ofWInesap apple trees
standing alongside this orchard, aged
II 1 1 een years, In. 1801 made the following
yield: Trees were planted 2xH feet,
or 10.1 trees pir acre, yield lu 1801 eight
bushels per tree, or at the rate of l.oou
bushels per acre; the fruit sold at from
auctofl per bushel, depending on
when and where marketed.
What business pays butter?
E. F. Htki'HKNs,
When answering advertise
ments mention Independent.
The Pleasures of Home
are greatly enhanced when
it is made an attractive plaue to the eye.
What Is more noticeable than wall pa
per? A bright, chwrful pajnir makes
ev ryoue feel more pleasant, while an
o'd dingy pa;sr has the opposite effect.
Why not buy new powr now, while we
are selling so cheap and beautify your
I546Q St., Lincoln, Neb.
6V Uitfdwad
fctUHil LmiiUidt, IMiuble H.ultiI i
H Wi n
H ii n
Natives of Another Philippine Island
in an Insurrection,
The Mnrna en tha 1'itUwitn Ills nils ths
XstMt to Uo on tha Warpath Ag-alnst
Htmiilali KuU Curry With Them to th
Hills Several llossn ftlvei,
TACOMA. Wash.. March 14 Advice,
by tho steamship Victoria from the
unent staie inai espanisli misrule ha
again stirred uo a rebellion. The in-
urgent Moro of Palawan island, one
M .4
oi wio group north of Borneo and
southwest of Luzon, murdered tho
Spanish governor of Palawan, resld
ing at Tort Royalist, and killed his as
slstants, Hi head was severed from
his body and curried back into the
hills to Incite a rebellion among tho
natives, who bad previously feared
Spain's power. A church aud other
Bpanlsh building were burned, after
wnicn tne rebelliou Moros retreated
to the hills of Palawan, currvinir with
them several doun men, women and
children, all Hpuniards. as prisoners.
This now comes from Hincritnorn.
where it was cabled from Labaun,
capital of British North Bornoo, II
was brouirht there bv the British
steamship Laburn, whoso master, Cap-
tain rrort, learned mat onerous taxes
and other burdens im nosed bv ths
Spanish had caused the natives to
iriKQ a mow for freedom, lie also
found that the Spanish mall steam
shin which called at Port Uovalist af
ter tho massucre, did nothing except
to make inquiries, l'fort brought
away the governor's wlfo, several
other women and children, a priest
and twelve soldiers who were landed
at Sandakam. -
ttaliroitd CuuipanlM Uo Jfol Take
Kindly to the New Oar Trust.
Ciucaoo, March 14. The railroad
companies are not fasctnated with the
idea of tho car building trust. Man
agers of several of tho big Hues run
nlng from Chicago say that hereafter
they will build their own car rather
than be held up by tho trust. Tho
only thing that will be necessary in
most case li for the transportation
companies to enlarge their shops.
Ws the C'oppsr Bins' Agsnt.
Tjluib, March 14. M. Hecretan, chief
agent of the great copper ring of IdSi,
died yesterday.
To Prohibit Hypnutlo Exhibition
JtPFEnsoir Cur, Mo,, March 14
The House engrossed by a big vote a
bill by Hall of Orundy to prohibit
publio exhibition of mesmerism, hyp
notism and animal magnetism.
(Charter No. 518.)
At Hallam, in the state of Nebraska,
at the close of business March 0,
K Etf ounces.
t.oann kill dUoonntn
Ilnnklnn bouna furnltsr sod
flit ii ran
Carront xpnM sad tuxes
Duh from National, HtsU Slid
Prlvftta Binka and bankura
Cms currniy. ....... ........
f 1,023.88
190 SO
7.103 fll
l.neo us
11.71 el
Total oiuh oi baud
Total tll.lti0.71
1,1 AHtl.ITIKH,
fiapltnl aturk psld In S,0fl 00
Uniiivmmi priinm Ti.i
Individual Unponila uli)it to
bk T.678.J0
licinnuit (rtlltenlM ol ilrpotlt iM 0,... t.BIS 00 1,711.00
Total IIMrtO.74
Stat of Notiraaka, Connt., ol l.aneaaUr, MM,
I, Jobs i. Myr, Canir, ol tha auova samad
baab, doaalamulr awaar tkat tha abova ataia.
steal la In to tba baat ol my ksovladiia an
AttMtl Jobs 1. MV, Mraetor. Oarkard Hip.
naa, iMrwtor, SBtrllHMl sad awnra to batura
Mia tbla aib da, vt Marrb lnt.
ISaal) W, M. WilllMNO N.ilarf I'al.lla.
Mjr eowittlMlus aipiraa Kuvauibarlt, I no 4,
Hood's Pills
Are prepared from Na
ture's mild laxativesand
while gentle are reliable
and efficient. They
Rouse the Liver
Cure Sick Headache, Bil
iousness, Sour i Stomach,
and ' Constipation. Sold
everywhere, 25c per box.
Prepared by C.UIood & Co.,Lowell.Mas.
We went erory bee keeprr
0 send for our IK 09 Cnta
....rna Tit KMT Kit KllP-
i'l.,' a., 103 H, lllli Bt., Lincoln, Neb.
The'Lfncolo Tmtn, 3r3 o strwi
reeoiTes all kinds ol Hides and Furs to
tan into Leather, Kobes, and Rug,
Robes lined. Hide Tanned o shares.
Ulghct price paid for Wjft H0UL .
io, r5; spal 1 i ' left I. Ksa. Ilulbrrr. Ml
rb &'i.h .-id Oo0Hrief2
alualraa. Jaaaaa Honwirr, b!4L, Jssms, wan.
Personally Conducted Excur
sions to
Lmre Chioago erory Thursday mi Colts.
rfo Hpring and Bosnio Route to Hsa
Francisco and Los Aitgtle.
Soatbern Uoate bares Chicago erery
Tuesday vl Kansas City, Fort
Worth and El Paso to Los Angeles.
These excursion Cars are attached to
Fast l'assenger Trains, and their pop
ularity is eridenoe that we offer the
Accompany these exonriion and sara
money, (or tbe lowest raM tiekets are
arallable In these I'ULLMiN TODR
1ST CARS. For fall description of
this serrloe and the benefit giren its
patrons, see yonr local ticket agent or
addrese John Sebastian, 0. P. A,, Chi
ago, III.
Fbaxe n. Ribhks, 0. P. A T. A.
11th k O BtA.. T Jncoln. Neb.
If you are going to the old country
or intend to bring friends frotn there
to this country, pleaeo call on me for
figures, information, etc.
C T. A. Northwetftern Line.
Tbe ITay to go to Oalirorala.
Is In a tourist sleenlng car personally
conducted fla tbe Burlington roate.
lou don t change care. Ton male fast
time. Ton see the finest scenery on tbe
I oar car is not so extensiTeiy nnisnee
nor so fins to look at as a palace sleeper
but it is last as clean. last as comfort
able, lust as good to ride in. And nearly
f 20 cheaper.
The Burlington escuralons -ears Lin
coln erery Thursday at 6-10 p. in. reach
ing Ban Francisco Sunday and Los An
geles Monday. Porter with each ear.
Excursion manager with sach party.
ror klr icmnif lull iuioruiatioa omI
at B. k M. depot or city ticket offlee
corner 10th and 0 street.
Q. W BoimfLL
C. P. T. A.
Dnn't vm titnta appHiiun.iiinla nnHI inn
bars awumj inforiimtioii rgardiiig the
tiersuiialiy conducted excursions to Han
ranoliwo, lxm Antfi'ln and Portland
thrt Union 1'ai.lfln. Thaaa Hwrnmutna
bave Chimiro, sliuiioaiKilis and Sul'aul
my Thursday, and Omaha trurr Fri
day In eltfmly upholstsred Pullman
Tourist Kits iTi llluiuiuattNl by I'lntob
Hunt; heatvdby steMiu. iWgags eherked
through Inmi starting imint to dtina
linn. Prompt and sittialaetory eorrtea.
Many boursqukikefUuie thai any other
For lull partlrglaro rail oa or aildroae
II, II. HtWtlM,
Tko ttorlingtoa Itoato kaa rotaldisked
telrv-a k tourwt rat bee fmttt
Kaaaae tlty asd l.topola to Dstl.
rMtaas TaaHimn aad rValik
Care ke K sauna Oiy aa l,lael
tr TsMadar asd Tkermlay. arriiiag
al r-Mltht luiittoietf I'rtdoy a4 Hasdaxy,
Tfcay are pkolatfo4 la rattaa. 1 be
b4 b asd lurn-aktane are Wa aa
ltM4 a)iatity. Tke btia, dt.
i4 as4 toOot ataarou an all U
bo ttwMrwl as 4 wmk ear to la tharg
t attMf4 I'allataa ptiftar, huM
tttodnlfkt taau-e4 talk oatat4
t orsrse tkro( allkwet tkasfogl
as? tie4 aa4 tko t-tb rat Um IJo,
t TasaM tf IWattlotofkaly uo,
Tt talM4iaie fx-iate tt t Hwpwittaa,
Uauea aa4 tko Ptt oa4
tit aes a tiif NPtu4 tM,
arM eeMiaN
Ifatst t Ike Mtk-l ht faWiiy t
taiatai bMf fmNFtiwM, Tats M
tMattas-oa b kao m tatiib4
Mtk tiiNf kr U toethe.
tmt kr It km Ue V tmmm
Iwelwetke.lirkato 4 Ult UKirss.
tha a Jf al It, A U. eVti M Mlf 9mm
Ma tftkaa4 Ut-tv
tk. W, Pn L