The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, March 16, 1899, Image 1

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    t k.ff Iff' J
The Wealth Makers and Lincoln Independent Consolidated.
NO. 44.
7 .f 1
Abandon Their Fight Against the
Quantity Theory and Declare
it in True.
The Direotor of the United States
Mint Gives the Word for
a Change of Base
, I aortal In Money.
The promulgation of tbs director of
the mint hare always been the law to
tboie who tight under the banners of
plutocracy, For the lost ten year
whenever the gold fore were getting
the worst of it, tbey always bad an an
nouncement from the director ready to
launch, but this last statement must
give the old "war horses" the shivers.
Tbey will bare to take back all that
tbey have been saying and start off on
an entirely new track. If there is any
thing that tbey have fougbt with more
bitterness than another it bos been the
quantity thoory. They bare denied
that an increase In the volume of money
would raise prices. Hut now comes the
director of the mint and makes an ar
gument on the other side of the question
and the old war horses will have to
change bane.
At the close of congress the members
began to Inquire how tbey wsre to coo
duct the coming fight and the director
gave out the following interview.
"The most striking new feature will be
the (treat Increase in the output of gold,"
belaid, "in the year Jmj the gold
produced In the world amounted to
about 202,000,000, and the silver,
counting sixteen ounces of the latter
eqnaltoorie ounce of gold, 1217,000,.
000. The industrial consumption iu
that year was estimated to tie about
100,000.000 of gold and 40,000,000 of
stiver, I lie net amount ol new gold and
silver available for monetary use was
consequently about f .120,000,000. The
world's production of gold in 1808 was
about .100,000,000, and it can be fore
seen that at the present rate the yield in
1800 will reach 350,000,000. We fuc
the extraordinary fact that the new gold
available for monetary use In the year
1900 will fquul the amount of both
gold and silver available from the pro
duct of 1800. And of course a consider
able amount of new silver will coutinne
to enter into una as money the world
"When It is considered that the total
product of both gold and silver in 1873
was only 178.000,000, It will be awn
that the product of gold alone has be
come practically double the output of
both gold and silver in that yeur, when
the world's supply of money is said to
have been cut in two. Indeed the annual
gold output has now reached a propor
tion relative to the present atocks of
money equal to the itioreusa in the 50V,
when the placers of California and Aus
tralia startled the world. The world's
Htofk of gold and silver ln I .tirnud
to have increased from 1850 to 1800 by
40 jiercent, and by the present produc
tion of gold the worlds stock of com
will increase from 1000 to 1010 fully 40
per cent.
"Lu.vlng aside all confederations as to
the injurious effects of changing the
standard of value to which the business
of this country is ndjusted," continued
Mr. Huberts, "it Is by uo means clear
that the etock of money In the world
could be Increased by the universal free
coinnirnuf tllver any tauter thauicis
now being increased. The fall in the
value of silver Is Itself largely responsi
ble lor the Increased product ol if mil. A
Inrgn part of tbs present product of gold
i obtained from low-grade ores, which
yield only e email profit above the poet
of iientmeiit. If a rit In the prim of
silver should turn miner from g.dd to
silver it would rsi'iifM ths output id the
former. 1', as the sliver mtit claim, there
would be nmh an Increased eoiung ol
ilVrr M t rvdllOM lh Vn'u id sold, it
would esrUthlv cluck (he prod act loit of
lb hitter, Kvsry mime in tht world
But tid by the ifiiM standard would
then to avoid be In wurws off require to
have his inci-wesd, all I lis auu
dn- ud tw gold uiiuuw aud prnTt
lag ould hat to ihmI eorreeimndinsly
hrnre, and the (t-ct would Inevitably b
ii r)n ths product, Ho il raaunt lw
ld lht uilaht hnv cur present
j e l l id H"'d d also m h an lni-rd
miuouhi nf stive as lii rilu tt tutu
id Ruid. Ti iurra It supply Inmi
iit I In tbtrea Il Iron Iks
Miner, Tt""r U an equilibrium k r as
la mhrr t!i that atnt mamUm.
"TUsum.j ii. im its tnkd
Kurupe, la siaikl aa I eonnteij, 'ed
4'tprt rent t'-".i jiaasry J, llttu
Jnnrv I, l'Ji. . Ml tree, a
wui'titt l.l, thai stink la bafck ais
la ", l.if money M ! j
) t. lur Ilia Usv. i.d
ito-a- 'fcll. Ik l l
la Ik ( il tttnt t.t Imsi.
tMH ItSI UM ls I.I dV I f J, Jllnl,
aal IsSSMIIf II.MHt.lSMI ts
pn.n. Una g'll l im iitk -aii.ral
at Ik r ui otti 1 1 f ttti.MtitiHii
v ier, wbik a U an attMuw akaual
mUIiIi iWidat id l l.ti nl
Irw-ts. I ti ri nt4 gtira tiuisit
yM tk i,trKfui.if d itMki V .
ttl H " , a I a.i in,.n
aa I p4p.'M.iM ad
txtiol ti and I Ikal it tkkot
be had in an amount sufficient to main
tain the parity of ourexistiug paper and
Biiver. seventy nve per cent ol our
customs recuiiits at New York are now
In gold. The banks, instead of hoarding
gold, are now boarding paper, which
they can ship and handle rnoreconven
tently. If an export demand for gold
should set in the banks would probably
furniih the gold rather than give up
their legal tender notes."
Many of the statements in that inter
view no economist will sanction. The
The stock of gold In tho United Htntes
in 1 800 was nowhere near (100,000.000
end there Is nothing like a 1,000,000,
000 now and the statement that the
stock of gold will Increase 40 percent
from 1000 to 1910 Is so extravagant
that It is really ridiculous. The world
has been storing up gold for thousands
of years and to eav that that store will
be increased by 40 per cent in twenty
years la the very height ol absurdity.
Tbs Importance of the Interview Is
that the quantity theory Is the basis of
the whole argument. The director of
the mint plants his feet squarely upon it
and defends the gold standard because
the quantity of gold Is Increasing. He
says In effect that every populist bos
said, that Is, "when the mines are pro-
lino ws have good times, and when thi
mines are barren and unproductive we
nave bankruptcies, lulling prices, men
out of work and distress everywhere."
The news columns of the great dailies
are getting to be a curiosity. Their des
perate efforts to keep the facts concern
ing the killing of the soldiers by the
beef trust forces them to do all kinds of
ridiculous things. The court of inquiry
was out In Chicago the other day.
There was a long account of the testi
mony of every witness who had nothing
to say the questions and answers being
printed verbatim from the stenog
raphers notes but when it came to the
evidence of the witnesses who had some.
thing vital to tell It was summed up as
"Then followed a general discussion
on the amount of nutritive value left in
the meats which, after having been
boiled to make beef extract, were canned.
The board'then adjourned."
that Is d cidediv rich. J he truth Is
that Armour was trying to get back
some of his heavy Mark Hunna contri
butions and after having boiled all the
nutrition out of th beef he canned the
residue and sold it at a big price to the
uovernmetit. It was then snipped to
Cuba and 1'orto Itico and Issued to the
soldiers. It mude them sick and hun
dreds of them died from stomach trouble.
Hundreds of thousands of pounds of
this stuff was condemned by regular
army officers and thrown Into the sea,
some of it was hurried and some was
saturated with col oil and burned to
prevent on epidemic. McKinley runs this
government and Armour is not iu much
JudgS Maxwell Advocates tha MeetlDu of
Congress on the 4th of March and (
Other Needful Things.
Just before the final adjournment of
congresM Judge Maxwell delivered the
following short speech, which has in it
in mi y good suggeetious:
Mr. speaker: in his messugo to con
gres on Marcu, 15, io'Ji, I'rtsuleut
Mclvluley euggeHted the propriety, if not
necessity, of changing the time of meet
ing ol cougrese to an earlier date.
then thought the sunncstiou was wise
und should bu acted upon by cougress,
and tuereiore, alter waiting tor some
time for some partisau frieud of the ad
ministration to introduce such a bill,
and no one responded, 1 introduced a
bill changing the time id meeting of
each new cougreaa to the 4tb of March
next following the edi tion of its mem
bers. This bill was referred to one of ths
leading cuinmiltew" o ths Iioum, but 1
have Isvn unable to get the commit tea
to ?viiri eithtr l-r or agmust It. It
Mollis to Ills Unit there is merit lathe
bill, mid 1 aid brn 11 y state sums ol the
reusoiis n ttin iH-tief. The Brst Mou
dn,v in l.i1t.r wan dslKuld in ths
mnstliUUou as the 1 1 in- tor lies uni ting
id eouitreMt only unitl itinngid ly sut
uK iliTsis thvii but little mora
tiinu Jt.tMMi.OllO tipte m the 1'mtrd
MImIim, aita but litttw MMiiHirroa either
inland or lurii, liemw but little Iki sta
tion ass uiitiieary Iu ranrd lo siuli
lea. ineak ol eonittiuntraUoa lmn
use pari td ttteeounlrv lu aii"ti.r asr
ttt'evdmaljr i-rn ia and priunl't, nid
tbehtreevd la rschlM lttraHUl
a'iMwl mwvMii(.iw. , -uru v br
land troui ii-M'it. il.s t artWiuHs.i.r ir
Hinti would iHiupy Hmrlv ni-mik, and
aHia Ike a.luni. id sm.s.e, KB
lutlf, ad Dnm atxiai Ik eaine tmte
knuU Imi ftqniiett. Akd Ike rtwvtiv
niUMimul li,eepMal Iti a nal u Iks
I'olunt' flif, a fciie It ttli. ke
dMittet bl awa la arif a astlsiib
ra did kot sktittva Ike avrae
lvumi.hs inra ul at In tiw j
!. va It awrii Iksi a
.tr ka, akelks a UMr, ner.
fkakl, lfu..f, i nibsr imi ii.,, l
W t In i), lu-isl hat nn ,!
Iuis l mtrtd ki ltala4 ImI ii ..ii
t h'M.,, ti ikal tl
null Mi m1-
Hag IM aksrv krl r M
H'va al h4sl Hi lea Hi.alk al S Ik
ltiK at aks-a a kf i-i lwt.ii
Ins ma rqHt lMsaiirnia k dnUt,
Ad ia a, ika'i. atiMUMi vi .mmih
Uv tn irk a kiiiua
hours at the farthest, and In no case
ueed it occupy more than four days.
We have grown from a nation
8,000,000 to nearly 80,000,000, not
counting the l'hilippines, and are in
creasing in numbers rapidly. Thenex
fifteen years will -e our nation with
more than 100,000,000 population, and
wealth will keep pace with our increase
In population. It Is desirable that the
legislative body elected upon a distinct
issue should have un opportunity to re
spond to the issue upon which at least
majority were elected. Otherwise the oc
casion for the proposed ieulelation may
euve passed belore any action by the
legislative body can be had. Itesides,
each new congress should meet on March
,u unci vur gnrviiuu w I ii iui hi ir-i n,
there would be sufficient time to discuss
every feature of proposed legislation
which there is not under our present sys'
It Is a fact well known to every mem
ber of this bouse that when the Diugley
tarin bill was reported to this house
time was fixed when a rote would be
taken upon It; that we met early each
day and held night sessions, and still
but little more than ball of the bill had
been gone over when tba time Uxed for
the vote on the adoption or rejection of
the bill was reached. That the IJingley
bill, while it possesses many good fea
tures, Is Imperfect 1 believe Its friends
will not deny. There Is no doubt that a
full debate and desire to muke a perlec
bill would have resulted In a more ac
ceptable bill every fair minded person
will, 1 think, admit. Mo, with many of
the war measures more time in debate
would have produced more acceptable
I believe this bouse might adopt the
senate rules as to debate with profit and
benefit to the whole country. Why not
permit debate to go on uutill all mem
burs have expressed their views. This
practice of doling out five minutes, or
one, two, or three minutes, as the case
may be, for a member to exprees his
views or reasons for or against a bill,
where very important subjects, involv
ing the appropriation of millions of dol
lars it may be are considered, shows on
Its face the necessity of careful consider
tion. Let us take time enough to do
our work well if it takes the whole two
years of the term. It seems to me the
time has come lor a change of tho time
when congress assembles.
Jbis house may be, and It should be
the ambition ol every member to make
It, the model legislative body of the
world, but In order to be so there must
be free debate, and every member be
able to discus in bis own right all mat
ters before the bouse fur a reasonable
time, lam informed there ure more
than three thousand pension case pnd-
rig in this end 01 the capital, and prob
ably about the same number in the oth
er end. Theee, so fur ns my information
extends, are largely those of men who
ought In the runks, who marched thro
sunshine and storm, and slept in tho
rain or on the wet or frozen grouud, of
ten wheu on the march without ade
quate shelter. Yet they fultered not but
cheerfully obeyed all commands and
bravely faced duth to preserve the na
tion. 1 heir comrades fell around them;
they themselves were often severely
wounded: they are now old mid Infirm
and poor and need help. They have but
few influential friends to press their
claims until too late. Lveu now, when
cases have been considered and a pen
si on agreed upon, the announcement is
made that the petitioner is dead, and
the lull for bis relief laid on the table,
Hope deterred is doubly disappointing
wheu there is a just claim lor the per
formance ol the duty. There are thou
sands of chsss itf destitnfinn nmotifr. th
rank und file of the volunteer soldiers,
atid relief should be grunted them us
rapidly us possible by h steady and con
tinuous examination of their claims un
til all are considered. This la a great,
rich nation, and the American js-ople
are not only just, but geurous, and d
sire that congress shall Kraut relief uow,
aud 1 earnestly hope that congress will
Ills rororiliualloa Doubled and aa Orllm.
il Hell Desired fur tho He-
MieIMa fur This War,
Kdltor Independent!
I have just finished reading llnUtead's
story of the Philippines. isetrong
for Imperialism and says there U wealth
b-vuiid Um dreams id avnrk- in our
new neions. The unexitecletl al
ways happen, Ws hav grabbed th
LI Miid and should keep Iberu. IU says
thai with our bulk ol th .North A inert .
run rontiiieat tiu'glug Into ths great
iterant it wit foreordained sine th Is-
lhtiini ahei O id rrealed the earth tl
, lb luile-rial mmmm-i i, this iiu
-fil A titer Kim ioue, shutiM p a great
ihIk Hirr
II ink I Iru Il Mt that 1UI fir
nrdsiite I thai th fcfHULb e-el hon'.l
Mt trv thwlr hand In tir tBlrl
tar 114 Ikal Ibul lorkN wil.
liowewr, a ii ik N t a thv
MM kl whiii IhhiIi iand tiiiare
ill h ei,i'liiiti. Nn, l i aki
did w if I J'l.ishlism, Ma, hat il'l
aea"1 ftniiJ Ike yhiMl id tiru.
i. U kr asd S aa b -r, i
aa-a Ik Ireatf n4,b Tfcr.l .l
tttl in Ik f an I iiir I il
Ike 1 hit.. I , t.s.Un ImlW.
tai ird lv rMii a'l aa d.d'iae
M Ik temwivt4 nibr Af H'ealdit, r
il id W ! ee. na I III I ll. td I
ik iemya. Tel H lfc.Nt I
"mH r'' a kii-i I aad Ix.ihhi
primttvra l. ad $t nl-. ff Ik il.p ;
m-i N,ii la uiir tri V t "4H
t1 "t.i t I r ! I.t nv l all
i4u l pltar in ik t id lae la
! iw l"it- al ti rfci
ah r ih f ilstf nuitlt
with? Surely It would have to be with
Taking the whole work of Hals tend
Ingeniue and competent as be Is, 1 come
to entirely different conclusions from
what he does. He claims that the is-
land, rs are intelligent aud many of them
well educated. The insurgents say that
the troubles came from Hpanieu priests
Our trouble co men from the fact that
our president claims to have no policy
In the matter. Hut he surely does have
a purpose. Are we sonding warships
soldiers and munitions to maintain a
war without a purpose? It means war,
ana "war is hen,"
In my judgment we are making pets
01 tne teamen in the Philippines, who In
justice ought to have been shot or ex
ported at Hpnin's own expense.
I full to see bow the wealth beyond the
dreams of avarice Is to bo turned Into
onr hands unless we consent to become
robbers, cut-throat and thieves. For
tnyseir I decline to be cheated by such
General Otis says be mowed dowa the
islanders like grass. This he can do at
bis pleasure, but civil! red people will
give him no credit for it. Our president
is responsible for the blood and treasure
ol both nations. No policy I
The Insurgents were all good fellows
and were our allies until McKluleysent
over his governor-general In the person
of (jen. Merritt. Then they wers Ignored
and brushed aside. Heretofore I bavs
not been much of a believer In an ortho
dox hell, but of late I am Inclined to
that view of the case. There should be
such a place to b,i rilled with the Hpanisb
priests along with the powers that pros
ecute mis unnatural and cruel war.
l'leose cite all readers to the following
pugesof llalstead's book: First his pre
face, then pages 1(5, 121, 124, 125, 128,
izu, i;so, iisv, iiu, 140, and 14 1.
Union Mills. Neb. L. 0. Todd.
IlfnaMui Donnelly Want th Organising
ofl'srtles Slopped Stand by tli
Peoples Party.
In the lust edition of th's paper Don
nelly has several things to ray about
this silly nonsense of organizing a new
party every few days, among thern the
We have received a circular in reference
to still another convention to forma
new party, to be held la Cincinnati, 0.,
May '2d, and 4th, 1809. This is Its pro
1st Uii'flcatioii of reform forces.
2d Promotion of the study and prae-
. .1 -! i . I 1
tics of good citizenship.
8(bli;ctictrn :at the primary, caucus
aud convention selection of the best
and most competent in nominating cau-
didates for public office.
4th Direct legislation through the
Initiative and referendum.
5th Proportional representation.
0th The Imperative Mandate.
As all the reforms are practically ad
vocated by the peoples party except the
5th, which has not yet boeu discussed,
why do theeo men not join in with the
people's party and try to make it sue-
1 be truth is, in our humble iudirment.
that all tbes efforts to build up new
parties, really originate with the plu
tocracy. It is very evident that the way
to unite reformers is not to split them
up into a dozon organizations. If nnv
other party can prove that three or
four years ao it polled nearly 2,000,
000 votes, It will be time for these little
nondescript gatherings to urge our
party to dissolve.
Id His uieautime it Is our first duty to
stand by t h taple party, as organized
Upon the Omaha platform.
No commented last week upon th
coming conventions Iu March and June.
to start new parties, n rivals of the
people's party. The following from tho
Milwaukee "Advance I right in line
with the review we therein expressed:
" are Kiittinir a multttudiuonsues
ol reform partie. At a low estimate
here must tie a score of them. The
lateet was started by farmers la Fulton.
Melionough, Warren aud other counties
in Illinois, bi are nrratiKing to call a
convention to organise a national farm,
era's party.
A convention to b held at I inrin.
uatlto nationalize th union reform
tarty of Ohio,
"Our friend, I'olonel Norton and Clark
wlu ol th Chiciigij F.ipre, ar prmr.
tiant with a call fur another eonveu lion
which nisy reultlii aunt In r pirty or-
sanitation., Pa., tin a 'muuu-ipal oanershLi
party, th Hialiia Itav Ihre id their
nan and th mid He id th rund miij.
ii ar antajiHiitHig th vauUr nr.
gamt ni'"i bv havirni m In k. in th nld
ir hell yi preltnlt tl el.vllou,
"Many Mrtef mrdiit rltirui mmivw
m'MtM.ritoiaj on la var.ou rl id
the eoMntrr.
.Vi atiaC th ?
nt on rvhirin parly enoiuk
Why i n 'l turn in and pun the rea-uir
nmM'tttiua and thai Ike risk! kia I
id il-kM4le araehn le-t
I Here U li.ue ru.xih lltk oief III
rae If I h k ill isl rMata an
r.s. Vnd Ihu piper anl Mlittir
lilt-on id lb Mrt kkkera I lkl
I lH rv.l . Dim d ir at- l-
irU taerwtve I dVulla . ew-
rly, j
1. UI la iki anna plan kihh
id I If l lll b n I I 11411.1 Ul k
im vi kl Ik k a and II .irpm
lM4 ii, I fc maltee tit taiftUtt
at is Id Matwrti tetfulaier tfc
niH At aa t W, P tinl. im
is l I ft at file id lat iki la Ik
state was 24 mills, although the debate
on the railroad gross earnings tax bill
had shown that those favored corpora
tions were getting off with 8 mills. "The
man who owns a mortgaged farm or
homo, which may be valued at 1,000
but In which be may bavs no more than
100 equity, Is paying not 8 mills, but
240 mills on the dollar, Is this fair? Is
It just?" queried Mr. Foes, There are
08,000 families in Minnesota living on
mortgaged homes, Are they not en
titled to as much consideration as the
rich man or the powerful corporation?
When a man Is loaded down to tbs ut-
most limit of his strength, a few pounds
mors will crush him. To the man who
la struggling for his dally existence, ths
burden of taxation Is often what crushes
him down. The law which compels him
to pay a tax on what he does not own
Is a shame. It does not deserve a place
on our sraiuie pooks.
What'th Uapubllcana Promlied. Whit
They did and What They it fa sad
to do,
At ths request of the New York Jour
nal, Senator Marion Itutler made the
following summlug up of the work of tbe
last republican congress,
"McKlnley and bis party won the last
election under false pretenses. Tbey got
the votes of enough men who wers
friendly to silver to secure their victory
under ths pretense tbat tbey stood for
bimetallism. About tbe time tbe Amer
ican people found tbey bad been "bun
coed ' aud the new secretary of tbe treas
ury announced tbat tun gold standard
was ttrmly established, tbe admlnlstra-
, I St 1 aiatf linilliiutlrim. I.I . I r. H ... 1 .. i ..I w
and under the English system would
V.1SI4 HIM HMUUnntlUUHIflJ ih hiiuuiiit,
have bad to appeal to the electorate. It
was at this juncture that tbe war with
Bpaln began.
the administration was not in favor
of this war for humanity's safe, and bad
to be driven Into It by public sentiment,
largely aroused by the information of
the condition of affairs la Cuba, fur
nished by such enterprising newspapers
as the New York Journal, aud by the
persistent fight made by senators and
representatives in congress.
In spite of tbe unwillingness of (be ad
ministration to take arms lor tbe cause
of humanity, and in spite of tbe discov
ery of so much jobbery aud scandal In
the oouduct of the wur, the results have
been so brilliaut aud decisive that every
American applauded credit for tbe re
sults. Ho, this administration has been
situated diff ireutly from any other ud
ministration since that of Polk, its po
sition oil national matters, it man
agement ol which would have mode it
unpopular, being overshadowed by for
eign com plications and the brilliant re
suits of the war. The popularity of tbe
administration bos already reached and
passed high water mark. The American
people will not endorse the colonial pol
icy on which tbe administration seems
bent. Tbe effort to saddle a large stand
ing army on tbe (teople and the adjourn
ment without repealing the - heavy war
taxes which require at least 100 of
taxes to be paid by the masses who own
less tbanhalf the wealth; for every dollar
to be paid by that class that owns more
than one-half of the wealth; tbe failure to
)uss uu income tax, which is oue ol tbe
airest aud most just methods of taxa
tion; tho (allure to do anything to check
and restrain trusts, have assisted iu un
doing the popularity of the administra
Add to them other measures which
have been fathered by It and will un
doubtedly be pressed at the next session
of congress as odious and Infamous as
tbe Payu-Hauna subsidy bill, which
would bind the country for twenty years
to pay an Indefinite aud Increasing sub
sidy (which would certainly run up into
the hundreds of millions, which would
euabluafew individuals to contribute
more million to tho republican cam
aigu luud than the Armour trust aud
similar luvored trusts have done) and
you will sen that theae things, with
other that would take too much space
to mention, will each day more attract
the atteution of the people and will each
day put the administration Iu a smaller
and smaller mluorlty. la short, what
settms to b Ike certain future cnur ol
the administration in Mi-runn to our
foreign acquisitions and alio toward
the great iconomio questions walling
for aolution make th defeat of Hi ad-
Ministration in 11)00 a luevitabl
lute, MtHIOI Ul'Tl.kK,
Itst ek th ledcHtdut irtblihd
aa arinri wliM-a clipped from lb
Antiiira Herald, maklnif m'Nim rharge
again! Mr, l.tchtj. U ar Iu rwmpt id
a teller truiii Mr, tiiM u duoying IW
rhargi ni I in lb i-lippm teat Mr.
Abbott walketl In Iowa wtlnaropvia
ki mm kei and a iltwir to enlist in bat g.
Ing Mr, l.hhlf. lb lndre4ut dot
but deair lit fend ltl to watirriu utt
arttukded rnmur against asv iwab'
tfuo.l tkrai't-r, and i sUd Jdr,
A !.-. I eul la km vorrwlion. Had b
nmHunl hiniMitl Id Id luiint raiwnl
-mid kv pnblwiied hi Mir Mtir,
Mr. I.nkiy aiidini Ik Irnthial
id th.inie thrrl lit, t ar a r
Ikal la lime id ! I,durea n4vi.
Irai4l U! ar set alt ial, an I ar
IniliMe-l la nirept km auk. Miau
tr f ttnal.
Th Htai Junrnal an ! iim
tii t Hi et kld of ad Ik iil mi
la lkiiinly, l tkiak kl a-t k
iMnbla tiiii ta irrpiu.l4i'tiia
id eiil and II dMu tt4 mm t-la
In md all-1. . fet e fcw ini
at lm maaf tval Mile It tkt
l4l a reaa'ai ki4 il ad ivim
it lM(linl1l,,' Vker k ? rr bit's
d rfra-e Iwtawin m i4d i4 niv and
d.wtria-a d Id i'iin -rit
What Shall the State of Nebraska
Do With Its Educational
Lands P
Changes Proposed In Appraisement
Which Will Brlog More
School Revenue.
A Vary Important Intrt.
Tbe most valuable possession ownod
by tbe state of Nebraska is the nearly
two million acres oi school lands whose
title Is now vested in tbe state. Tbe im
portance of tbe great estate is not real
ised now. In fifty years tbe value of
tbls land will be at least 76,000,000,
and tbe income from it will give to tbe
children of tbe state ol Nebraska tbe
best school system of any state in the
union. Tbe care of tbls vast heritage
Is the most important work for tbe
state government at Lincoln, Several
bills effecting these lands are now pend
ing before tbe legislature and it is o
importance that tbe state tborongbly
understand tbe questions presented by
them and tbe condition of tbe school
lands at present.
For tbe first time in ths past fifteen
years tbe report of tbe commissioner of
public lands and buildings shows ac
curately tbe condition of all these lands.
A summary of tbls Is here given:
Total acres common
school lauds received by
tho state 2,815,230.80
Total sold 8911,189.78
Now owned by the state,. ..1,022.040.57
Under lease ....1,050,627.62
Vacant 865,614.06
Total acres ti
lands received
j HII. I VI ' J
by tbe
the state,...,
otal sold........... ,
Now owned by the state,.. 14,701.68
Under lease 14,314.48
Tola! acres agricultural
college lands pctived by
tbe state -80,148.60
Total sold 77,420.18
Under lease 11,688.42
Vacant 40.00
Total acres common
school lauds owned by '
state 1,022,040.67
Total university lands HjOl.Ctf
Total agricultural college
lands 11,728.42
Total acres eduoational
lauds 1,048,470.67
All of these lands are by the act of tbe
1007 legislature reierved from sale and
set aside for rental perpetually, tbe rent
money to go into tbe temporary school
aud temporary university lunds. There
was received trom the reutal 01 these
lands, together with penalties and
premiums, lor the two year irom Dec.
I, 1BU0, to Deo. I, lava, the following
For the common school
funds 205,016.00
or the university aud
agricultural college
funds 10,840.09
Total; 221,006 05
There are over 800,000 aerea of com
inou school lands un leased and unsold
and therefore producing no revenue.
The reason for this and tbe need of a
change in the present law are well set
forth by I'otumisiouer Wolfe as follows:
"Ifiud that la some of the western
and, particularly, th northweatera
counties the school land were ap
praised in boom time and with a very
vague and, what has proven to be, a,
very erroweou idea ol lli un to which
they oould be profitably applied, Tbey
wr undoubtedly appraised a agricul
tural land, but th (act has developed
that, lr in want of nioisturv, they an
only reliable aid proniabl lor grimg
parjiowa, and Ik cottwrqueuc U that
very larg amount id uuivud land.roa.
slating id over W.ii.iHHi acrta, nioily
Uuatfd In lb arid portion of our
late, sill uot, in my opinion, be taken
until a lower ni praU un-M i made:
and, Ulieviug a I do, that It U better
tbat tnt land should t lad evew at
a aomlual rvall, than lo remain idle,
id doHlitiu Invalidity id any board
ol appraiser lo ml urh vale Uhmi tbnt
Und a alii sushi Ik soium kMtourr la
tea nil, or any rnnideralW poriloa i
th hi, and lavormg rw-appva.
at id all ik ackiMil land I would su
gl awrk a Intent in lklawaaii(
! th eomaiweioaer ol imblm lasda
and bnilding. whi-n ffrlne; tfcte Und
,.r I, and nnslW la ld a prna
willing Ij ink Ik n at i r nt
npvM It rent appraMMf.!, u put
haiHi np at an 'tiua and il la
tk wn sku ail pr it tr rent
ntfia Id bi4iel apif aieeeieal, Mlia
Ik !, l 4niiti) aitk nitnf bul
,1, U tli il id It mmih, said
wiii'im k 411.4 Srst tsrtt nVv adtt
ImswJ ta win more ir4 la Ik awna
l la kit a Ik ld t U li4 '
! ir t ial iu riMnendtiia il
K eismi'duiist Htiaif H-'ino'd ka
IhIiw ... eeaat .- ky4e
U lt)l.ii4 1 111,11 tke la a
hind kal l Kln mkn-k
(in .-I on. K.tlk IV