March 9, 1899 A HIRELING RACE. Wlieu 'all tlie trusts get organized auo. everjlliiiig is m uieir iiuuds, iitny un ums wiiolo popuiwuow m be Inreaugi. 'tlie Me oi every mam and Uiat oi inn wile aud clmdren, will depend upon serving Uie umiioualre. 'Altera wia be iio eliauce U live and uo opportunity for work outride of tlieir good pleasure. 'I'll in stute ul afl'uir j set lortli In a correspondents K'tterr to I4ie Uueugo Keeord, um follow; We rapidly aro beeowiiiif a ruce of 'jilrelUitfs and, twia.nU, and ut our pres fiut raits o progress tlie small pro prietor of a luetory or auwe audi the Siouio owner will soou be u jura avis If not a rciiiiulseenee. Ureut corpora tions, c'oiiiinoiily cailad trusts, eon trolling many inDlions of money, largely foreign and managed by un awupulous utm already coultrol the greatest industries of tlie country ,ainl wot a day pusses but we mid of tuoir reiKchlng out for jimwc, "Hut," say aonio inodvrw JioHg Tweed, Vlint are you going to do about ltV" Weill, Mr, Tweed got hid answer ami died' a mls !rubl convict. Ho, too, our anawer can be givem the mlgli'tlent of trust, and they lie made to fed the power of a just law, btuiUtsd by a limited people. A remedy rim be found' In the taxing jkww of tdie United States govern ment. ' Tlt?y Pan be handicapped. A "nidii. ated tax on all grow stiiles within' the limit of the United Stares, ttoinethlmg like ih following would, I think, be very effective! Tlie first $500,000 ex empt the nwrwid $500,000, 1 jer cent; Mia second $1,000,000, 2 per of'intj tflie Mrlrd $1,000,000, 3 per twt, and ho on, Jiwreiiwlnff 1 pr Cent wIMi rafli $1, O00.0O0 unlil the trusts would reach a point beyond wlilch ft would' not Tray lo go. In tlila way Ittie government would derive a Inrge iwome from the 'lns that cow!d bent afford ,to pay a tax, but who too often eseape local luxation by bribing assessors and olh. r utulertinnd mean. Foreign aalea to tills country could Jrb fully con trolled bv a wise regulation of the tariff. The supreme court of tlie United Stale Hia lately affirmed Ulie graduated Inheritance tax Jnw by a lnrgft malorlty, and would, without doiilit, affirm a frrndimtAd wile tax law. J. F. KrNfiWJLL. Chlengo, Feb. 24. NINETY PFTO CENT of the people lmve mm kind of humor In the blood, aw this causes many dlsenwcs. Hood's friitrsnrwirllla cure these dilmnses liy rxjK'lilng the humor, "ItnmVn V)n nre non. Irrigating and ihe only pillti to take with Jlood'n Sr. imparl 11a, BANKER'S MONEY, Ths TrlliuU of Millions Thst It t'ollceti from l.uboT Kvery Vesr, Kditr Independent! i iVe read of olden times of a nation of MMple tliat were heavily bonded to their task masters; they were soarly WHAT GRATEFUL WOMEN SAY About Pe-ru-na as a Remedy for Female Catarrh. M AOIM71WR, YiBK CO., Va. pr, H. II. IlHrtman,Cdumbtis,0.t I can scarcely find words to eprss my gratitude to yon for all your kind ness to me. We have used l'e-ru-na In our family for tho pwd year ami Ilnd It a Wonderful iiifdhlite. It bus mIiUhI the grave of one vb'Um, for I was tn a rrltlcsl condition whn 1 w roto jou Ur fore. Thanks to vou.huwever.iiiy health Is fully restored! and m Utter than I have IsHin for (It years, I cannot say to much in favor f your mHUilus, If yoticsn use any words of mine i aUt you in your work I w lit only lo Umj gll, I, wish every yoiuiR tly In our town coul l resl yimr Uwk, Thfr would lw a great iiat m sivkiH and ftuuy oineti.MMls lWrtha I:. Msrvout, KvMTiTil, lr. H, It, 1 1 sr I ins u, t'i ! u mi Ihw, (i, i "Ithtall Ills tllll lo h t )oil k u a w what J-ut triMtnt A4it iv(r KM, I sm itdi'l thsi IwirtUs trHln 1 1..1 hit w rule U ym. tp e ttlJ K SllslithWn HH Without th Hwvt Sr tiu, I siitwrU o Ihtt, si,. stti hot it U Ur lit iihr ) sot (till Uktni IVtw u vl Msm lut uk sot IImj U ts my lu lulls iiU, Yv to. it til ihrowsh Is yllw (( r. ') l-ly m tltu ttt, thus, htt lh lnit, bwllf teltsd It, It was llkl that dkl BH't littow i Mtly etts it the UttU tiU hsl iht h.Uhs a,t. a liuls tm, t UM at tslt iit hill imsm suiKiU ltt, whk. h xl oireswd; God heard their criea and ent tliem a leader, to lead thera out or oondage. A tie was leading them through the wilderness to the proniis. tfrt jiamt, xjiey ibalked, they rebelled agaiiwt their leader and guint tlieir (iodj they gave tip their gold that Aaron irnight iniiko them a golden calf to worship; a false CJod. llmtory .e, Iie&tn Ltelf in 1890. Tlie people of the Uniitcd Suites were. heavily bonded to the God of uvrice. The nnuller tritoes Maid, "Iet us chootie a leader to lead us out of bondage, but the i larvest trilie mud, "Pay, we will give our wealth to tlie tlods of avriee If tliey will let us full down and worship their golden eiiir, and remain in slavery. A heavy bomfcd natiom makes wage slavery, always did, and no will the worwhiijieri of the golden calf, gold standard und national banks which prodiuoe wmge slavery. They try to lull the unthinking ear to weep by calling it sound money, hoiHwt money, but did you ever think what it coht the iwotlucer of wealth to worwiiilp ithe golden, onlf. We huve had some $340,000,000 greerulxicks in clrcu. latloiv fluid with $340,000,000 national Iwimk etiiirency, they have been doing the business of the country side by side for the last thirty.flve yews. The greenbacks as credit money, are os good as the nation, and the $340,000,. 000 lias mot cost the wealth jwodueer one cent of Interest. The bankers credit money, wlimt they call "sound money," "honest money," and oil such pretty ritaine to lull the unthinking to sle"j, costs interest and we are roblwd of the products of our labor. The Iwinker icrons his credit money ot 10 mt cent for three months, only, and at the end of tlie year It is 12 per (rent. Ho by couiitinig $340,000,000 lit Vi jK-r cent we have $1,908,71)5,1545 for ills currency, Labor lias to pay the gold interest on bonds to isuo tlie $340,000,000. The old bonds draw 4', sr eent, say 4 per cent to bo in bounds. i Interest on bonds $010,585,455 Interest on currency 1,908,079,513 Total $2,61 8,006, W To make it more plains reduce It down in products of labor. Ho you can se where wage slavery conies in, lis I have stati! iilMrve, lalior bus to pay all, We will take corn and show how uiamy biwliels it will take at 20c per bushel to pay 4hc bunkers' interest on his $340,000,000 currency and tlie in. teres t on t-he lioiwls to issue the same, We find tihat it will take 12,573,325,000 bushels of corn, liy sending it to market In cur loads, say COO bushels to a car, we ilnd It will take 25,140,fi.iQ cars. AVe will allow .10 feet long for each car, it would take 171,454 miles otf track. Just seven times around the world; the world as near o can be llgured is less than 25,000 mlics around. A loud of com. seven times around the world to siillsfy the bankers for their credit money, more thorn the green, backs have cost the wealth producers on the same amount. Can, you see where wage slavery comes in? And the Isinkers ore crying for more blood, they nay the greenbacks should be :e. highly and recommend." Mm. F. K. F. Oillo, Box 10. OrtYKA, MlSS. Dr. S. B. Hartman, Columbus, O.: "I am sure that l'e-ru-na is ono of the bent medicines on the market. I have taken It ovcry winter for tho last four years. I llrst tried It after ft lonfy hard spell of la grip!, for eough and catarrh cauxed by Ugrlpito. I am sure that I would have N-en In my frrave now had I not d It. I have told many others the pt'msI it diil me. F.verylxxlysald that I bsdeonsumptlon, and I knew that I would bars It unless I got relief. Every fall for the Inst four years I take It as a preventive from cold. I Mieve that If ppb knew what e.rst prfventlve l'e-ru-na U they would have less (rouble from that dresdml dl--ini, grlwi. It neer fstls, I sin well nlvaueitl In life, but I f"d Ibst I might live through many winters with the help of IV-ru-ita, I never forest to rHHiiuni'iid It to young as well a eld tor sU kbuU of cl.U, roughs, catarrh, He, I tM It my duly to lve prslie where It Udmt, I sm and ever shsll I grateful lo ll-o man who dUcovrred IV ru-n." Mr,H. 1.. MeKer, NkwOatlUK, la, tr,H, It. Itsrtinn,t'ilumliis,0.i jwwr I sm f.elinf r'f.i VlA tn u h bsttsr Nw t U r m no ml ... ... ... ... i- t I II l"J I'lfHW, . as a irtslt r atul sud littif 1 M- Unihi'V thsn thUtsuitot t 4f ihI, 4 hmUs mu !') bk )tuwU Is kst this wotkl hmU nv.t, ). srs Is at wlUinf to t frvs a 1 i tn !l. I II "d Vt Htt W ths twt Ki"h UM t f tusls rNt Ulut, so I In sll I lrvet k I this It U ths tt Ivtlodv U thWotht,M II l, d-.liIMS a rt UiNtl 4 (, My fusnU y tht I am )tMuf IwtWf it.-w IKj ks M lhy wsal lt kw Whl I h lH it.lltrf, I h k Wfll I Ml tltl IVrw t did li, I h s I'f, UMM il s tttssy )r tw to hl. ethi as h dk ut,"Mr. It, tttths t muiH tti mi. v 1jf than 1 havs I Jff MHu y-sr, I hat taken t n i Utile !! yir ' U:W. )' I's-runa and ' " will eontliius 'A taWUtf It and itir.v t THE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT. tired' and the goverranent should go out of the banking" business. The greenbacks are all that is left of Abra. ham Lincoln republicanism. When tliey ere destroyed! Ida monument should be draped in mourmlnr and the Codes of Liberty take hen eternal flight, end leave the United States to the Cods of avrice and the worship, ers of the golden calf, and let the heathen God and thin great republic go down hi 1111017 like Koine. Britain loaned money at 00 per cent which brought on he dark wges of the world all wealth fell into the hands of S per cent and the nation was destroyed That is what wage slavery means. a. th'ton. WON A STRIKE IN 25 MINUTES Tlis Itrooklyn Hrlilgs Klovatsd tins Hurreudet'ed to tlis Man. New Youk, March 2. The train men employed on the Brooklyn bridge truck to-day and after congesting trafllo for twenty-five minutes were granted what they demanded. The cause of the strike was it new time and pay schedule prepared by the Elo rated Railroad company, which cut down the earnings of the men, A Oood flsnelpt. A curs for politienl annexation follows: Takeequal parts of dvil,emlmlmd beef. extract of buzzard, mosrjueitos and tincture oi nornet, i tin taken three times day Willi embalmed beef tins nsver failed to perforin a cure if taken before meals. Now Mr. ifold bu If you don't believe this will perform n cure try ft at once titid lis convinced of a good thinar. to lie cured of that awful disease annexation. Yours for Immunity sake. W. M. Ukik, Aurora, Neb., Feb, 27, 09. Static or Ohio, Citv ok Toledo, jss, LUCAS Louvtv. I'll ASK J, Ciiicmcv makes oath that hs is the wiiior partner of the firm of I1'. J, ( iiknkv A Co., doing business In the city of Toledo, County and state aforesaid, and that said firm will tiny the sum ol ONi; II UNDHEI) HOLLA itH for each and every case of catarrh that cannot 1st cured by the use of JIaix's Catauiiii COIIK. FUANK J. ClItCNKV. Mworn to before me aud subscribed in my presence, this Ctn day of December, A.l), 180. KAI.. A. W, (J MU HON, Notarv Public. Hall's Catirrh Cure is taken internally mid acts directly on the blood and mu cous surfaces of the system. Head for testimonials, tree. F. J, ( jibsbv & Co.. Toledo. 0. IfjTdoId by drugist, 75o. SOCIALISM. "We'll walk in the sun, lsiys, with ease i We'll cover our iliodies with greusej We'll all get drunk as a loou; We'll Kwoip our wive every moon; AimI so le true freemen, indeed." r-Votrt. Bditor Iilepcndci,t: In the midst of pressing professional duties I have taken time to comply with your request, and send you this article. Webster defines socialism as: ''A tlieory of society which advocates a more precise, orderly, and bannoni. ons arrangement of the social relations of mankind thun that which has here. toforo prevailed; communism. See coin in uiuMiri," lie defines coniiiiiiiiiKiii as: "'J'he re.orguuiation of eociety, or the doctrine tiiat it should be reorgan. izetl, by regulating proiicrty, Industry, and the sources of livelihood, and alo the domeaitic wlation and social mor. als of iiKinkiiid; soci', eKs"cially the loctirine of the community of property, or the negation of individual ri flits of property. The particular Joint of socialism now rife in this country is state socialism, such ns is described in Marie How. land's "INipa's Own Girl." It is the doctrine that the state is supreme and oimiriKtteiit. Every child born in the commonwealth belongs to the Htate. Every man by common coiiHent is en. titli to the proqterty whielt to his immediate erHOiiaUty, that is to say, his tooth brush, his eknthes.ete., but machinery, udites, land and all the productive sources und ugvnclc are to U'lotig to that Intangible ereutlou .f iikiii the iut n to. I li be the only tie which binds man and woman. I'uloii witu. out hue is (according to tlie apostle of the new ppt l) adultery, .Marriage Is tt 1st like Die union of I Km J mm ami lioldee. ue say, Mr, EdHor, ttstt ull Cm titoiLijNilSra of VsiHlrrMIt, Jay (tiMtld, llituttitirtoii, sinl linnM'll Niiire, suppl. meiited by the vairttrles vf Tweed, Halt, esk and Metiargte cannot eelle the ilaiifr of IhU liiuliiUnis tl,Htiiit ho far s coiniitiodly of prts-rty t Hiiu,"-riMl w htte w-eit its ip r.t!i lit Kols' rt IVtle Itwru's lteW iuttiiutuy t'obuiy, lit John llitiuphrty .Noves ttiu-iikt com uttiiutj, lit fiiuMs Itroik f trtu e mniMtiiti t , iMle IsttnsortHl ! IUw thorite's IH.tluHUle fi:i(.ii4 r, aud the imh Uuuii of sot It gtv ititiiK ns lleiny II, l uoivtu, M-try ttrt Fu.b r, ( h4rU A, Ikiw, 4ih tii U-1 1U. tUiros slid Iho Uuwutr l t sihrr linker, tW to ittHtUlt f MiM'tis by ths S'w't le, vr ii t lot l r, sil Is tlt rlwtvn (luiill ft K.'Mkri", .t U ri t lris iioul tl t iiiu-l ru- si Allrvil M tins, I s i, ti lotrt S'd I ult :.!, IUiwkli ,Kii.O . ni "W; Miuol ', .tJMlt1, hri.'ix k t .-! l !. SulMiol ll i iki w ht Kits w4ttek w s, l.t Itf W ..,!. toil tlWS, iUl III ( li.te 4 total ftiliMe, 1 1 il.Wr tf !,'. hltk f fMMtait si l a. n. : i o i iw4iktl: W e isu.jf Mt t but t.Js simI riippirs," r'w tiff!, Until t' Hl rfitl M- tt-tt r ' fcd, lsl aMfil. i(l .!,ivlli, Wtio tf tm wj1''! !1 tk It' I i.t- fn, I in( it ot U ! tittltwf it Sufiift. Itt ih u I t iuri el ihai hiwl lhis ! t.t Ut. Im tHlrwl. Hr. N yMtt fmta h f (w( sil bt IH tH tt, O !!. f( ftltllllW, I H of lhs I (w tt, r bks real. I. iclc Headache from lad Stomach, From the J'lain Dealer, Cleveland, Ohio, One day In the imnmor of 1895, Chailei I. Vogel wu tilling on tlm front vleps of Ills Inline at No, 1513 Loruiu Street, on the Went niil, Cleveland, Ohio, tlie picture of misery. He had spent a nhrpleM night. For six mouths Cliiirlus Vocul hud been a stiUVrer from IhmiJiii'Iii'ii of tlio moat sovsre sad criii'iiiting uharaeler. W'liilo ho iv os preouoiiploil In thin (lis liMii tiiiiliig inediiitlioii, tuiiiH one willia poueli' fiti'iippi'd lo his ulioiililcr idaei'd a pninplili't in liia IihiiiI. McM'liHiiii'ully Mr. Vouel lieuati lurniiiK Dm n of the liooklot. Huddculy, howuver, lil jiiiiiHereiice wu cIisiikciI to lntnrmit. and loon lio wm reiulinir n kw of tlm li'illiiiiiiiliiU of nnonls who had t'oiind la Dr. Williams' Pink Pill s curs for ill of varlAim kinds. "Then I bejran to e if domebmly hsl used tlii'in for thn isms trouble from which 1 was iiilfaring." he went on to any "ami I found wlnit f was lookinir fur. Tlis siorlon koemt'l utralKlitforwiird and full of Nlneerity I Inul never heard of Jr. Wllllanis' Pink Pills hefors but 1 determined to hnva box of tlisiii, and went to the drug dors and mauen pnrciisM. It w tht lisnt Inveatment I ever iniide, "The flril pill did not cars me. nor did the second : but I hud not been tiiUln thein for a week lie tors I Im-ksii trtlei'l betlr. Icon, tlniiud to have tlis lien'uelies wbiiih hroks my slcrp ami ret, but tliey were lent violent mid lem 1'reqtient. At llin end of two weeks 1 wis so in mm improved Unit I eon hi not hut admit to myHf that the little pills were wonderful, Oisduiilly the pain In my bend learned, and at the cud of a month it marly dinnpiieared. "After tiiklncr the t lis for a month I wan cured. That was a year ago, and I have not fullered cilice. filial and centrpHal forces which hold tlie earth In place, Now, In economic society jrrogresH is engendered by competition; but us in liiccha.nlcH, fric. Hon inmt 'be overcome. At perlodoc Intervals In our national history, we have hud isviiJca, in 1819, In 1837, Jn 18.17, In 1H73, und in J 81)3. These are in round nni,mleis twenty years wpurt. It Is not my purpose, to examine in detail all the caiiMcs which liiave produced Ihcsc (Iniiiicial uplieav. als. It is my own firm 'belief that, whatever their cause, each and every. one of thorn could have beem cured by a well regulated currency system. "C'u red V ' 1 should have said prevent, ed. With Boicnfciflc money, It in absolute. ly ImjKisHlble for a pnniic to occur. You might as well talk about cheating me out of my letter X when I inn working an algebraic problem, us to mention the pOMMibility of a juiuic in a country with sdemtlfle money. The letter X Is Ihu tangible ijepreseutatlve of nn ldei, limving no peouiiiiiTy or wjiniiicrciul value; but, by a changing of equations it determines the rclatkm, of oilier (jimntitics which possia it jiecunliury or connnercial value. i Under the system proposed by the pop ulist party, the ptirjiose is not to make A divide wie product of his lalmr with It, but to give A and 11 an equal chance in the race, and trust their individual, ity to an honest) eomjietition ja tihe arena of life. That every (man In the world should have the sa;me amount of projierty Is not a desirable state of fuels. No more la it desirable that ev. cry tree In the forest should be a ts-cch "tree. The state Mocialist is the worsi mo. nojsdixt ii the world, lie wislw-a to center all inonool'ies In one giant mo. nosly, calhul the state. Head ixik. ing Further Forward, by Michnells. Ancient Sirta was a sample of state HocialiKin. The family relation, wae de. stroyed; iiJiitural nffeehon wim crush, ed out. Despair was the reMiilt. Sui. eide was common, Owl deliver me frouriiving in such a country as that wa(, where a mother rejoices when she hears that her son is killed in battle. The Spartans -were no hoiuttter than other people. AjreMlou' pun: "I have IsH-n U-a4en by thirty thousand arch. ei-H " eUiuling to the figure oa the l'er. hiIi it gold coH cr.!!v the duric,, had a world of iiieiiitliig In it. In coikcliixiou let me say Hint state oiulit lime nothing in common with NuliMs and everything In com. iiionwithrcjMihlicaus. Men wholiclieve in Hiiigley t.irilT. ste.liiilMWtt subsidies, and Ut-t su'.ir iMMiuties, are not far fiiun Mate M'laliBin, AUttt iwvnty, lite iiirs iil'o, when 1 was a tue.e sliipling, 1 lunml Wbitvluw licid, now of iiiiiM-nalml w fume, iU-ni -imh. The lute rhnrles A. Ihtua ot the New York rnttt U loiir-d lo the llrook f.u in iiniiiiull,v. John M, I'rttiu -r, mIiu kIimhI os m tluntiitv for William M;. Kiuk-Vt Jr., tn l5u. made a iironuttaeed (XM'iwiUtie MHtvh In lite l intel HtaU-s scuttle, at the tUius of the lloiiu-stetil teoid te. from tltn Irrrible scoury of the m l U'ist, L'takl lvnl, tlrliter In, li l t II V, IMtY.VNT. Jles Juks kstllua iss4 l.tNHKSt a, Ktn , Msreli t Juds J..U t hsrltua d, I laihUeitr yer tf wf hssrt 1st are, Its ps-d ssy fi,lr, ttoirf In hi tfUssr. Ju l-s ibwrtloawa fve tlitrtjr ois vr a rstldsat w( this s ir. s4 il4 awuMr MARCH, APRIL MAY, tMMMi ibs W4sai w sua t ri Tns U tk ssa ka ti k'oo. hmM attk 1'i.fsr Iih a-oesilh Jsr s Iks ' Htosllt Immilits) riSNH awl rt.tSittMi.t, ss4 DlkM t lMittts Iw ilrta IrtiiH tioif IH l tkef MSf hnl is SS.I Vislilll SUflflSrf 1 1 thn! t H rS-SM 1 1 Is ilnl ssd w hMxt I'Sitll'Ss; SmliH It U IhwwI Ms In I h'nis. IlkasHsl s ssditoss t Is Mi ns It "l pan' s'l srsk fitmr lio, re-sis sa ei--,ii !miit tmt siai-iM, ti4 gift en MlUkt), oh lit kS 1 1 k, "What was tlieeauieof those headaches? you auk. They ciunu from my stomach. It was out of order, and so wss my whole y. tuni . I was run down, hut my canned me the modi trouble. I am (dud lo leniiiy to the merit of Dr. Willisum' Pink Pilli lieniiiNe it i on seeount of lbs wiliiiiK nesM of others to do the same that lam rid of a dinircKnlng msludy, and it will give me iileaiture to know (list my teiliinoninl may be (lis means of helpinii some one else." Mr. Voitel is about tweuly-thres years old, and is the sou of Clmrlos Vnnel, a mason contractor, with whom be niukes bin home. The saht of Dr. Williams' l'hik i'iils for Pale People i enormous. An analysis of their proprrtit'N kIiowh that they eoniiiln, in a eon UenHftd form, till the rlenienls tiecewiary to vivu new lll'u and rli'lnicKS to the blood and re store shuttered nerves. They are an untiill lug speeiliu for such tlisfflscs ns loeomotur ataxia, jitirtial paralysis, Hi, Vitus' dunce, sciatica, neuraiuia, rheiinuitUm, nervous besiliiclie, tho elh ct (if la grippe, pnliiiliitlon of the lienrt. pole and siillow coin plei lorn, tluit tired fecliiit resultiiiK from nervous tiros' trillion; all diseases resulting from vitiated humors in the blood, such ns aerofula, chronic erysipelas, etc Tliey are also a speeillo for troubles peculiar to females, such as suppres sions, irregularities and all forms of weak ness. Ther build up the blood end restore the ((low or health to pale and sallow cheeks. In men tliey eft'eet a radical cure In all cases arising from mental worry, overwork or ex cesses of whatever nature. There arc no 111 elleeis following tlie use of this wonderful medicine, and it can he irlveii to children with perfect safety. Dr. Williams' Pink Pill are sold by all dealers, or will he sent post paid on receipt of priee, JO cents a box or six boxes for UM, by sddressinir Dr. Williams' ilcdj. cine Co., Schenectady, N. V. CRETE NURSERIES Established 1872 We offer full Hue of Nursery Stock, Fruit Trees and Plants, Ornamental Tress, Bhrubs, arid Hoses. Evergreens all sli"s S Inches to S feet. Itufnr to thousand of customers and bearing orchards. That our Fruit Trees are productive to ebowo by the crops of Fruit we have grown, 13000 BUSHELS .Apples in ono season. 1 7 to 24 bushels of apples on single trees; 700 bushels of Cherries In one season !i bushels on a single trees; G70 bunches of grapea on a single vino. Extreme care to have all carefully packed and true to flame. We help on all losses Hend for printed Illustrated Catalogue to MltNTIONTHK NKII. INIIJCI'KNUICNT, E. F. B E GOOD New Catalogue Fruit, and Ornamental Trees, Shade Trees, Etc, will be mailed you free upon application to Marshall Bros., Arlington, Nebraska, Proprietors of the Ar lington Nurseries and Fruit Farm, located in one of the leading fruit belts of the state. They pay the freight to your town, so you know just what the goods will cost you. Their fruits re ceived the gold medal at Trans-Miss. Expo, in Omaha, 1898. MERCHANT'S DINING HALL 1042 P STREET, Opp. Capital Hotel, Lincoln, Neb. FIRST-CLASS fllEALS 10 CTS. 100 ACHES IK HUBSERV DO YOU WANT TO PLANT fhsrry Trsea, riuw Trwa, Apple Trssa, drape Tlasa, Frail llaeta ol all kiads, Kbade Trsva, Uosee, L'fsrgtwaa, eta, that are NEBRASKA GROWN? YOUNGERS A tin I nr"-V Proprietor Auburn . IVIU I NURSERIES ( i rower of yrnrral Nuntery Stock Armlet, IVache. Peart. 'Ium, Sluwiwrriri ami othrr imall fruit. Can hip tn tiotlt II. iS: M.aml Mo. Pacific railrtuiU, Write (or pricn or call at Nurmy I lrai!;uartrr. Auburn, Nemaha Co.. Nebr, w m r, If wa tl r rspMI; sd with vxutrl ! pU, ant ihat tht .ritsra ad Ms etiMusstl.iss tha fstet s.rit ta rttl v ssd asay h"r the ftst im .tta m!sI sshiI Wkisr, 1. l4f f.l.s 31 s.ri Nssr otk, It huri lUMUm, vik-U, sl Wsi sit m ta'is 1( rrt!stl, to. uhj sot ss.e imrlf si hiurttf trsi !! h Ktu; I u-V t i in Nrth. ,.t,iT A. . lWMta, i V. A. Ill k TvaMi strseK LOOK HERE LADIES Washing Clothes Made Easy Dy using "Twin Sisters" Washing Pre paration. No rubbing ot clothes or washing machine needed. Send 4 cents in stamps to pay postage and we will send, r HEH, enough for one ordinary washing. THY IT. Cameron Co., U. S. Ait., Beaver City, Neb. When writing mention this paper. Throwing Money Away Is economy compared with buying Nursery Htock the usual way. Ws posl t i vely can save ONK-HALK IF YOU IIUY Of U DIRECT. We want your pameSfi and most Instructive NURNICUY Cata logue Issued in the west. Tells of the host and hardiest Fruits, Shrubs, etc. How to Plant, prune, and Care for all kinds of Trees. We are extensive grow ers of Fruits, Shrubs, Hoses. Ornamental Trees, etc., and want to soli you direct. Write for our Cataloguo, Sioux City Seed' , 4 Nursery Co;, 5 BEE KEEPER'S SUPPLIES. We wont every lies keeper U) send for our 109 Cata- l,w,. mt'.MTIi'lt Mttl- PLY CO., 108 8. llih Ht, Uucolo, Neb. s3 j STEPHENS, Mgr., Crete, Neb. TO YOUR HOME. BUY A Lincoln Steel Range and please your dear wife and family Warranted the most perfect cooking stove made. We use the very beat , cold rolled patent leveled steel, and Una every Hang with asbestos and steel, which makes It Impossible to set fire to your floor. They are handsome, attractive, up-to-duU in pattern and design, lull nickel trimmed, win burn any kind of fuel, will last a lira time. Made ou honor, sold on merit. This Is why we call them the "man on f abth." If your dealer does not handle tbem he makes a grmt mistake. Writ to us and we will provide a way for you to buy on at reasonable price, Buckstaff Bros. Mfg. Co., LINCOLN, NEB. MAKERS Patronize home Industry made ia Nebras ka. We refer yon toBtata Officers. Banks and Express Companies of Lincoln, and thousands using our Manges. Special at tention given Hotel and Restaurant Outfits giving a description of all the leading classes and varieties of nursery stock adapted to. the west, consistine of Vines and Shrubbery. Roses. 20.000 TWEES IN ORCHARD If yoa do. writ lor oar iVscript. Its I'ataioga end 'res Ltst ktea we mad FiitK. AMr, & CO., Gonova, Nob. untKir TIUK KVtttt HM, mttnt Ih Juusrf 1K tU Ureal IU h UatMl's Mttrda I ls, Um Ut I4im4m ! Ist4 h at, Uilr, will MMike rM'tk. si tKt i,tts tlt sw fst trwlsa la HiH IsVs lliy sist Sr!sit, (kntiH sntitit si torthwl IV tA l.l litt lMf t. (Ut Iki s-d. kr ami tttt Osn sr Wtvrv. tK,ljr esvtsslf Ihw Id s''sit, tW-sfoH, ttm 1JmmIs) h's Ttiiu at K Tatrontie tho Niiiasia iNuirNUixrt a.lvr rtiirr. I