March 9, 1899 THE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT. A MAN Should Never Hang , A man should never hang up his coat by the loop made for that purpose if he can avoid it; if hung in that way sooner or later it will sag out of shape. Then again, they say we spend one-third of. our life in bed. If that's the case we must spend the other two-thirds with our clothes on, so the wearing part has the best end of the bargain. Isn't that good proof . that the wearing qualities of your clothing be more carefully looked after. If the quality of the cloth is all right the hanging part as a rule is all right, When you buy a suit of clothes from The Nebraska you can rest assured the quality, style and fit is correct, it wouldn't be Nebraska Clothing if it wasn't. We are showing some men's suits of all wool diagonal serge, fast colors sack style, satin piped, perfect fitting and splendidly trimmed, good looker, good wearer, good value for $6.50. If you want to order this suit through our mail order department, order suit No. 216 say you saw the ad in the Independent then you are sure to get the exact thing we call your attention to, Sizes 34 to 44 chest measure. Don't delay, delays have dan gerous ends. Grass Seed Garden Seed We carry aim out ev erything in common and rare grant sosde; can got anything of fared by other bounce and nave you the fre ight probably more. Figure with us, We are headquarters for every thing in the eoed line. Our five cent package hold twice a much as those you got from ordinary eeed boxes. Try nix of 'em for 25c, Seed Potat's We sell only northern grown potatoes. Our lied Kl ver Early Ohlos are boaulies f I pur bushel, For the very earliest we have the Acme 0 weeks, We also have World'e Fuir and Carman No. 1 and a. BEE T11HM. Garden i Tools We have a full line of lanet Jr. and Iron Age cultivators, drills eto. We sell 'em RIGHT. CALL OR SEND FOR CATALOGUE GRISWOLDSEED CO. TENTH AND N STS., LINCOLN, NEB, INSURANCE "HOLD UPS." laitead of That the Fool Democrat! Didn't Have Bens Enough to Charge It.RularrfUte., The republican press of this state is still wailing over the hard lot of the poor insurance companies "held up" by Palm. The only thing about Palm, aside from writing letters that would in criminate himself as well as Innocent parties is that be didn't have sense enough to charge the regular rates for the work that he did. To find out what the examiners in other states charged for this work, letters have been sent to the auditors or insurance commissioners of the various stales. The first reply that comes to hand is as follows: Topeka, Kaa..Feb. ISOO.-Uenlyluir to yours of recent date in rifereuce to the amount of charuos uirainst Insurance companies where . examinations are made by this department, I will say that our statute provides that an in surance company shall pay the expenses of such an examination of its ttssets. The statute clearly intends, it it intends nuy thing, that the clian are to go to examiners for making the examination. lhln department nas Instructed in all caxes that the examiners charge a fee of f 23 per day from the time they leave thiso'Iloe until they return, providing ho was at work while at the other end of the lino, excluding Sundays, and his expenses while there and going and com ing. 1 he basis for these charges Is this: J. P. Davis. proeraVut of the Kansas Mu tual Life Insurance company of Topeka, informed me soou after I came Into this cfllue iu 1807 that some Chicago experts come to tbeomoe or the Kansu fILIPlI 1 If 11 Another Attempt to Capture Waterworks Reservoir. tht Vfhen Amerloan Drove One Bodjr Away Another Afitilo an effort to Take the romping Station Ifrom tbe Rent- Die New Cannon. Life a few yenrs ago to make an exami nation, that they charged f 25 per day from tbe time they left Chicago until they got back and expenses while here aud going and coming, and In addition they chariced op an attorney's fee aitainst the company for one I), It. 1 lite of this city of 200 against the Kan sue company, they run up a bill of over 1,1)0U. The result was that when I come to send out an examiner from this department to examine a company ont side ot the state 1 instructed him to charge f 25 per day from the time of leaving the department until he return ed and ex pence while there, and going DUTIES OF THE COMMISSION. President MeBlnley. Infraction to the Men Rent to the fhlltpplnei, WAsniffOTON, March 8. Renewed Interest in tbe situation la the Philip. pines is awakened by the establish' meat at juunua oi me civilian mem bers of the commission which h&a haen THE ENEMY AGAIN DRIVEN OUT. do8!notoa b tha President to repre sent him In the archipelago. The speculation regarding the duties ot this commission and tho authority It will have in the colonial government are set at rest by the publication oi the order issued by the President to the secretary of state. It will be noted that the military government of the Islands under Ooneral Otis will be continued without interference until Congress makes other provisions and that the commission's powers, while important, are very largely advisory. The order says: "In the performance of this duty tho commissioners are enjoined to meet at tho earliest possible day In the olty of Manila and to announce by a public proclamation their presence and the mission Intrusted to them, carefully setting forth that, while the military government already proclaimed Is to be maintained and continued so long as necessity may require, efforts will be made to alleviate the burdens of taxa tion, to establish industrial and com merolal prosperity and to provide for the safety of persons and of property by such means as may bo found oon duclve of these end "Tbe commissioners will endeavor, without interference with the mill tary authorities of the United States now la control of tho Philippines, to ascertain what amelioration la the condition of the Inhabitants and what improvements in publlo order may be practicable, and for this purpose they ' will study attentively the existing social and political state of the vari ous populations, practically as regards the tonus of local irovernment. the Manila, March 8 Tho engagement of yesterday In wuloh thirty rebels were killed near tho reservoir, was renewed this inornlncr. After the Insurgents had been Urlvon off last night from In front of Mariqulnao they came back 500 strong and cut oil a company of tho First Nebraska vol unteers. This morning Qonoral Halo sent out three companies of tho Nebraska regiment and two companies of the Second Oregon to dislodge them. Tbe enemy, who were holding a strong po sition among the locks, tired excellent volleys at the advancing Americans, but the latter, by a flank movement, drove tho Filipinos over the hills. No sooner was this fight well under way than tho insurgents to the south of the waterworks, knowing that the forces there had been weakened by loading troops to Mariqulnao, at tacked the water works In tho rear. : Mutual I Their object was to cut off the pump-1 Ing station, but they did not succeed. The flro was heavy and our small loss was due solely to the bad marks manship of the Filipinos. The enemy's dead numbered twenty. Returns now in show five Americans woundod. Tho Insurgents are placing guns In position at various points. Tho opin ion or all TO RECRUIT KO mm The 65,000 Regulars Enough for the President M'KINLEY HAS SO DECIDED, Dole. AtMolate Neoe.ilty Should Artie, tho Fre.ent Volunteers Will De Mat tered Oof and Nona KolUted In Their tend. ' At.- . . I i. - 1 r f " - alia Is that the military force of the tlon of euiltom, oUl8p t th Insurgent ol garohy must be broken m,a,or transportation and the need ab? irovernment caabaes- pubUo rapr0Toments. ii iSi ht l? . . 1 "The temporary government of th. At daylight this morning the enemy uittH. i. in im ZZTiX And I ! -re discovered trying to mount a gun .'and IwlUtT uni expresaly told them that if they charged ?ro "J" P,T" Uom 8an J odro nd, gress shall determine othwwlse. a less amount than this and I heard of fcn Sixth artillery promptly shelled "insofar as imraodlate personal ii.iuaitney would not malte another ex-ju"rouoi uatiery. .temporarily stop, changes in the civil administration uiiiiuuuuii wr line iiriiurtuinnc. I l"uK "o wuii vuo cuuiuy nuureu a As to the reasonableness of the charire fusllade of muakotrv noro tho river. I will say that on tbe SMth day of No- but a gunboat moved up and cleared vomoer, 1 HUB, i revived a letter from the banks of the stream with rnnid as the may seem to be advisable the oommls sloners are empowered to recommend suitable persons for appointment to theso oiUcos from among the Inhabit ants of the Islands who have previ ously acknowledged their allegiance 1 & mM Ynnr IfflS Oppor Cheap Stove - Dear Coal. The heal in the Majestic Ranee goes where it will do the most good, and not up the chimney. Made of malle able iron and steel by the Majestic Mfg. Co., St. Louis, Mo., and sold as low as $27.00. For sale by tunity to ...... buy the best at the lowest price is now at hand. Having received a complete new stock of granite 0 ware and tin ware, also hardware and garden tools, at Bottom Prices, we will Sell to You at a Corresponding Reduction........ HALL BROS. CO. 1308 0 ST., LINCOLN, NEB at 1 THE TIME AGAIN EXTENDED. 1. 1 1 . . r : 1,1 t. . - 1 . 1 mn uuu. lit) win r, i vd, mirnrinienoeriE a.. of Insurance of the state of New York.l 1L. m, mnvlnrr th,.fc hlu H,.r.,.r. ........ UUWM WIU JMUpinUS I1UTO 0- gng. d in f xamlnlng a company by the ! cureJ ft aow '"PP1 of mokcless am- to this government." uaine of the Airriciiltnral Insurance munition rocenuy, as mere nas oecn a company ot Watortown, New York, that noticeable difference in their firing amoiigut its nsHets there was a inort- i during the last few days. guge made on property located In Kan- In addition to tho two new cannon The Kerne. sasaixi ne wanted to arrive at a proper used by the insurgents In the night ,.u....wU ... .I, iu, tuoi I'"' i ' ftttaelf Handair. two olhup irnne in an appraisement .wi, .....jl ... i .i , day by General Halo's brigade. The guns wero so placed near Han Pedro as to be capable of enfilading General Wbeaton's brigade. Little wns ewwDtial that should be nisde of the same, lie ru-ked this department to select two Individ uals to make the appraisement, lie said In reference to compensation, as follows: "Kor services of this character our department allows a compensation at the rate of 16 dollars a day for each appraiser, together with an addi tional allowance of $5 a day for eneh apprairor, for expenses and actual die- unrneinent lor cor fare." This shows conclusively that an appraisor in New 1 ork is allowed a compensation of $WO er any outside oi ins car fare, but I ave no knowledge us to what New i York allows to examiners ot insurance companies. Truly yonre, WISH!! M NALL, Superintendent of Insurance. Washingtoic, March a President MoKlnley bas decided not to avail himself of tho authority granted by the compromise army bill, to organize a provincial army of 85,000 volunteers. After consulting with officials of the war department the President has de cided that, in view of the present favorable outlook In Cuba and the prospect of the complete suppression of the Philippine insurrection at an early day, it will not be necessary, after the present volunteer forces have been mustered out, to have more than the OS.t'OO men allowed for tbe regular array until July 1, 1901. It is also his purpose to expedite the withdrawal of volunteors from Cuba and the Philippines as rapidly as pos sible, and muster them out of the service. All of the volunteers are to be brouorht home from Cuba without delay, and those In tho Phil- Ipplnes will bo brought home as soon as enough regulars can be sent out to take their places, The President will have authority under the law to appoint volunteer general officers and volunteer staff officers In sufficient number for the 69,000 regulars. If subsequent devel opments show tho necessity for mora men the President will then exerulsa his power to enlist all or part of tht S3, 000. Under any circumstances the Pros (dent will not enlist tho 85,000 volun teers until after the regular army ha been Increased to 65,000 men, and then only when they are absolutely necessary. Dr. Hull's Cough Syrup will Drove a quick and sure cure tor croup. Moth ers, when your children are attacked with any dreadful disease, vou can d. pond on this marvelous remedv. It never fails to cure at once. Price 25c. Hardy's Column. ARIZONA SETTLEMENT. The late fall of '49 found four Wis. connln boya digging gold on the Amor. lean river in California. They struck It rich from the start. From one step in the bed rock, extending from the middle of the river iimler the bank two umlretl feet, they took out sixty thousand dollars. Two of the boys qucd protected their shore and went hiwne. nu,'tn The other two continued to dig, till the summer of M at whk-h tim their iolnt pile had inereaaed to the hurt. red thoitMHiHl, News bad been circulate,! of rich Hffffing In Arisona on Colorado river. Ho with three motives in view, first to dig, second to trade, and third to !at a city on the head nava.M. tile wsteni of the Colorado, they ehsrt. eivd a email eteamrr. hxiilivt her l and started. It ws a .low job awxnd. ing the rter, fur they had Wi top and M, CAMBON IN WASHINGTON. To Pal the Leal Touch., on lpnlih American Peace Negotiations. Washinotow, March 8. M. Jules Cambon, the French ambassador, has arrived here after an absenco of six months spent in Paris. M. Cambon bas been detained until after the peace negotiations between the United btates and Spain had reached the stage when he could put the finishing ' touch to the work which he began last summer. He will communicate to the State department when Spain has ratified the peace treaty and he will conduct all the preliminary arrange ments for the renewal of diplomatic relations between oursclvos and Spain. M. Cambon will bring home data bearing on French claims to indem nity concerning the Cuban debt It Is understood by the ofllciala of the French embassy that M, Cambon per sonally requested to be returned to his post here In order to finish the Spanish-America u negotiations. It was the desire of the minister of for eign affairs to keep htm In Europe, as he Is a diplomat of the highest standing. M'KINLEY IN CUBA. the PreeldeM'e Mretnee le.Ule Thai lie Is ea a rieeanro Trla, IUvasa, Maroh a While Abuet McKlnley, who has been here several days, denies: that his visit to Cuba ta more than a nr pleas are trip, there appears to be little duabt that he has a twofold Mission political and bualntea. Officiate here say he baa private lattruolloae front the Preaidea! to Uve.ttgsU the situa tion, sound the .allrut of bnaloeea eut wtnid la make stmui. They Wtl. ea nd thoroughly f the Cuban j Kaawsa Illy and M. Inls from the ed as newr the rapid, and the fclvh Unkt a was prwtitMl and rhrUteu-4 lhi-lr new city It trdtvUle before it vtm boil l, , Th urarv.l pttetoftWes wr Ia A a, tiirve humtrvd nut tu M ami MuU IV, eis hundred to Ik s.l, Tbe rlr wns lh ouly hih way of eoui. l"rr aid tt tHhl d d tun. wll hmo Dm f ttr or foot tu a i. it after a jrer or two (he euoutrv a iU4k to lh utUS t.rU hv fur of th i'ett.d lr eaut , f.i, tvrul H.i'.Urv ps (l'!ih'd in tt e.M.oirv eUiui eel iu4ny of xkn o UteUNvv trot I ho iittr. I evl riH thiMkiiHr il uUl it IohiIW l lrtr h d, r lih or oi !. WuyHt (ColluMd oi I ttfMtl Vw ) meriean adwlals- ( provisions It a fur the talr-. ho Mllag toward th A trattoit, will looli tt of an (r- oway with wkteh he la eonald and a railway soWrprUe wilt alni have his attav- tlua. Uwr, at prt he Is devoilaf 0 alttio to toin sad tiaoe ht arrival hit l..t hv k oarois , tiat and p'""! ta hr sa l hi rly w und(e t wf tia aval lls''hr;, Mertal ta a yora aunt t. U-r h 4 1,4 o uatai and h I a kf aoiif.reo, Iedlook Ulren More Time. TorEKA, March 8. Tho legislature took another lease of life to-day by extending the time for the considera tion of appropriation bills until 6 to-night, liy the terms of the pre vious resolution tho legislature wt due to cease notion oa bills at noon. Unless tho executive and judicial bill conies to . Oovornor Itanley with out the rldsr of 815.000 he will veto it. lie has declared In emphatlo terms ha will also veto the deficiency bill. Ha argues that If Populist senators who are beneficiaries of tbe deficiency bill, refused to vote to pay him and other officers of the state their salaries, ha will be Justified In vetoing their bill To Examine County Aoooanta. JxrrxBsoif Cur, Ma, March 8. Senator Morton' bill giving the state auditor two skilled agents to examine county accounts ' was passed by the Senate. The atate auditor says that with these two agents be can save the state from 130,000 to 850,000 per annum. It will ta the duty of tUe agents to examine and check up the books and records of counties relative to th assessments, collections and aettlement of atate taxes and licenses and to Investigate the legality and correctness of all claims agalnat the state. The agents are to ba paid ) per day and expens.a Meet BHaa4 Two Trial. CATOAei, Ma, March I. Yester day the March term of the circuit court eominenoed, with Judge J. JX Prkln on the beoeh, The business is very heavy, Including over forty dU vorea ease. At thle term will ba tried th damage suit of Mra W. J, OUflllan for 85.000 against John IX MeCrillla, for th killing of her hus band last Decern Her. Th trial of Mo Crlllle for murder Is also slated, he be log under bond for lit, una, KieiU tlty(iHieke JirriBsox Ctrr, Ma, March I ! Th aat eorumltle on fir Insur ' Id MIMfl f 1.1 f.U I. Ml . himeelf." Th oflleef la nta.1 liabi to at A . el 1,Mk J .. I 1 1 . a, . . . a R"W tHm-..m tmH WlM .a esttai 9W IW iw wuuuts A REPORT ON THE CLERKS. Th HUiourl llouoe Iteopen th See slon's Uln Siioubbt. jKrrBso Citv, Mo., March 8. The House got back to its old familiar wrangle over the clerical force this morning and fought it out with Its usual spirit. One could hear a pin drop as Popa of Cole, chairman or the special com mittee appointed to Investigate tha clerical force, arose in his place and sent to tho desk the report : of tha committee. It provided for the rein statement of four stenographers who were discharged by the chief clerk. Lon Luther of Scdalln and J. C Duval of Richmond were reinstated because necessary. Three others were rein stated because the members who rec ommended them had no other patron age. Th committee recommended that th enrolling clerk drop three, tbe doorkeeper three and the engross ing clerk eight of those who had been retained after the first dischargea un der the Dozell resolution. Pope said the committee had care fully considered Us work and found much difficulty because members, as a rule, elected to retain those they had on the ohlef clerk's force. They found that the chief clerk had discharged those of his force who were recom mended by the two members who died. These were reinstated. Tha committee also reinstated Lou Luther aud J. C. Duval, two members dis charged by the chief clerk. The four typewriters were reinstated because they were needed. The doorkeeper had agreed to drop two and th en rolling olerk three. TRAIN ROBBERS INDICTED. Tea BUI Afala.l Keaaed, Bjraa a4 th Other at llartvtll, Haitviu., Mo., March I John Kennedy and th six men who ara ac cused of assisting him In th hold ap of the Memphis train at Macomb Jan- nary I were all Indloted by the grand Jury her this morning. Te Area pTteeaere la !. Jtrrthsox Car. Ma. March ft Kleholas Introduced a bill la tha Hons providing that when a mob threatona to hang a prUmer It shall b th duty of th oflloar In abarg to provide th prisoner "with a IS-eatlber revolver fifty cartridge and such other satptlng fir la.uraae eowpaal of of tha sati poolUer Anderson, t eeley topr voted for th bill and tuaW Molt against It. sx smm taiTt ANTI-PILL cimommu. hi M ap4tMek -....M 4I., OtlHll t'V, I kM. 4M imp ltMUHUH4 I I Alt Mitooj Ctif, U. M,th a ! ol Ka Va, itralMl U ta aai f tterdy ahra.Mi a i , t th law to froaihft lh k4- j ina ot hotierina IU It ait. M-i W Uiti M.,ai,,r hwo titer at ta I heroine. a.Mla.ato) ihtt ho t4'lrtaV Aeaetleaa Metla. tm lea rhl Psats, Maroh aTk AwrUaa Marine who hat Va uardiag tk l'itv hlaU Ufaltva ar or drs to tta 1 b Kuia and Froash swUeete ksv a!o aoiiAed th v. raat of laieaiio of noon ilhdrwi guards front tkt ritio Uiallooa the Hm4 4 th Swom eWtioi I'soua, Mar h a-A4a rl voa Ka., tootmaa Wrda hf of tha aa, baa ri-4 II s UWalkoo. lo Uk Iki tUa m aaaouavad Uat a taota. 4tte JlVftaaos tut, Ma, Msrek) a -The oe'ered t nruHt hVtat t.. Vaadim VUl i.irU at ltetr to git Wt I fa feiBi and aaUif fo. wIm ka arter4 h fo of h la f ! of f afcirt to sua on thia Wa4, IUaa Ka)uy Uleaeelt WAtiiitaro, Marsh a Commissary Uaral IharUa I. lUgon, who hat riMatnel In lYaablajloa star tk owrl-ioarlUt su.iiea4.n4 hint from th smU for his attaok a Unrt Ml!, tu arraao4 to U WaaMsf tow lonWkl fvr lh WesW II will go to aaa I ran.laoo sad thetio wrli for lloauUla, l ha a son lU.r wtthlar Uvrst t uflo outa-tioaa a Wo l a H SWea t ti at i, Ma, Msrvn aMla ail he rooeil, 4akte af tka 1st Re, tUtaat V, 4 ed ht lle 4f , 44 It J.r aha m tk ihor of la a lUr ftoont other sltt lh )ae ! )Mti liatMsta, Mrh iijue.m M4ri lUartviv. who l tultertu front rooebo-oaeanoiuta. oo.eed a fu4 night a4 h.r ot.iuM th t atoraUf Wd OV.rk.4 lWyvOMk t till aiiict If la i f ttat . IfcoM-'wasaa) 9SeM M4i-a Im, fr4 "ioM v I . K 11 v I eoj. eta utrvo ti.ti t. a., in, tiOl.