The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, March 09, 1899, Page 4, Image 4

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March 9, 1899
S Nebraska Jnticpmbmt
Isdipsqdtqt Publijhiifg Go.
At UtO M Itreet,
$1.00 per Year in Advancb.
AMmm a ManiBlMtlvM to, est sal afl
Wl ' rer. tU., paabl te
Laooi.1, Mm,
Tbero were on tbe 4th of Mamb, five
vacancies in tbe Unltod State senate,
Nebraska bad but one senator and be
a corporation attorney.
The little novelette that have been
running in 1 lie Htato Journal during tbe
lout week concerning thin paper and it
editor hare all been very amusing read
ing to tboMO who are acquainted with
the facte.
Strange tale oomo from Manila. One
cablegram coming by way of Madrid
ayithatit will be impossible for Gen
eral Otln to bold Manila much longer,
From our own correspondent we learn
tbatthefamillcRof the oflioere who no
oompanled tbe recent reinforcement
landed and were Immediately sent back
to the ship In the harbor, There must
have been s serious stute of affaire In
and around Manila to hare made euch
precaution necessary.
Governor Plngree went to Toledo, 0.,
and made a speech in advocacy of tbe
renomination of Mayor Jonee In the re
publican convention. Dut In spite of all
that both I'ingreeand Jonee could do,
Jonee wne defeated and the convention
was ehown to be in the hand of the cor.
poratlon. Jonee say that he will run
on an Independent ticket, so be le out of
tbe republican party and the eoouer
Fiogree follow him the better It will be
forl'lngrce and tbe principled he advo
cate. Tbe only aura that England ha
ever scored In tbe government of colo
nies In where he ha turned over the
government to the people who lived In
tbe colonic, n for lustauce In Canada,
New Zealuud and Autralia. Let u fol
low that example, not the example the
ba eet in the gov rnment of India where
800 year of that kind of colonial policy
ha only wrought famin, doath aud uni
versal poverty to all except the office
Tbe editor of tbe Independent ha
been hammered, punched, buldowd or
worn at by every democrat he ha met
for a week. The cause of thie outpour
ing of democratic wrath wu the article
In laat week's issue which Intimated that
the democratic party was responsible for
the demand made In tbe World-Herald
that Cornell ahould admit that he we
guilty by reaigning, before one word of
evidence bad been submitted on hi aide
of tbe case. They, one and all, lay that
the democratic party doea not sanction
the poeitlon taken by tbe World-Herald.
Some of them cay that there lnota
democrat In the whole atate who doea.
One thiog I certain. If the Independent
made each a break aa that, the populieta
would be held reeponeible without any
"it or and."
The republican preaa ia juat at present
Indulging In big headlines and all aorta
of typographical Invention to call at
tention to the aasertion that two or
three of the trust have raised the rat
of wages. Thousandeot wage workers
are made happy they say. When the
truth I publUhed it will be seen that the
whole etory Is a lie as usual, l,at year
thee truet reduced wagr of all em
ptayee about IS per eeat Tbewsge
workers have Mood It aatil they Iwgan
to brim about proaperily having ra-
turstd and lha mad a demand that
wagwe be ratord to what they were be
fore the raduclloa. They have only aue-
cdad la part. They got a rretoratioe
of from ft lo 10 r t, but the rate
are it ill tar twlow what they war twfor
title era ol Mt-Kiiy rterlty art la,
HKlMa VtHltkK
It is eoanmoa aajieg it aeppr
rirrlr; tt a artte Ik head litww aad
I oWtrar a ho write the editorial.
The lalwtare td the p will aleay be
oa the aid ol th. kaad'i.' There U a
M ol Hath la lb Utt. The lei.
priIUt are aiaklag the ual id the
lead V tha dejr. Ovef aa art!
ua the embalaMMl Ul beat la
fkieaga ppr, Ihk BJ lis a a raw
"Hay k Ward ft uaptfat. l'tm
jtmii tasdtapatva It l'pard thai
m a ttlnd that, ar4 aa
tilalet. tt lee olkef ime Item
M that h Wl aa aorrtUy tad aal
laada Ik ddW ate. Is k4:ia
wrtler kaa thai l oal 4 ta t the
tweleea a ta the rtta av ral aay
thtaf ttt tba h4 li la their daily
papera, aad tHat We the U t, Ihvhead
Ma waa euatwta I ha pvU-y l the paper
After weeks of acheming, planning and
voting, the republican of tho legisla
ture settled the division of the exceed
ingly valuable postal contract on tbe road bv the nlctlon In tit
caucu Tuesday night of M. L. IIyward
for United States aeuator. Mr. Hay
ward will have the diatlngnihed honor
of mirepreentloV the majority of tbe
people of tbl tate In the United 8tat(
senate for aix yeara from the 4th of tbla
month. It will be aeeu that the rail
road hod bank by their manipulation
have destroyed government by tbe ma
jority In tbl tate and substituted that
of government by the minority, Dotn in
the state legislature and In the eenate at
Washington, Ilayward went before tbe
people as a candidate for governor ana
wa beaten by nearly 8000 vote, l'lu-
tocracy being atiafled that tbe common
people of tbl state did not want Hay
ward, immediately concluded tnas ns
was tb.j very man tbey wan tea, ana
forthwith went to work to elect blm sen-
. t A , . I
ator. The thing tnat Kept mem irwm
agreeing for a time was tbe dmtribution
ofthelmmenHfl sum annually distrib
uted to the railroad corporation
through postal contract, That point
being disposed of last week, and the sev
eral candidate being Informed that It
wa time for them to quit, they, one and
all did quit without a word of protet
and came Into tbe caucu declaring that
Hay ward wa the statesman, scholar
audgonia that tho republican parly
nd been waiting for and that It wa
their "duty" a well a "manifest des
tiny" that be should be the unanimous
choice of all the republican in the legis
The settlement of tbe potaf contracts
wa made lost week and It was the In
tention to bold the caucus Monday
night, but some of the little fellows were
not informed of the fact so when tbe
legislature met they voted with the fu-
aionUt to bold a night elon which
spoiled the plan for that day, Durl ng
the day, however, they were drawn op to
the snubbing pot aud had to take their
medicine. When they found out that
Manderson wa In Washington and bad
an interview with Thurston and the at.
torneys of the U. &, M, and U. P. had
satlefttctorily fixed up tho postal con
tract between them, the little fellow
saw that the game was np. Ho on Tues
day night, Webster withdrew, Lambert'
son withdrew and all the ret of them.
As soon a the republican caucu wa
over a itrang state of n flair began to
develop. Thompson and hi supporter
dtdared t hat tho nomination of Hay-
ward wa tbe result of the vilest treach
ery and and tho violation of tho pledged
word of honor of several gentlemen In
the republican camp. The thing soon
got so hot that the TbompMon men de.
dared that they would not stand bv the
decision of tbe cauou. Then they began
to make overture to the (unionist and
promised that if all the (union member
would Mtand by them they would nnlte
with them to elect a man who would
give a written pledge to Hupport every
plunk of the populist party. A caucu
wa called, but two f union member re
fused to support the plan. Tho Thomp
son crowd could munter just enough
votes to elect, if every (union member
wa added to thein. These two popu
late could not be peruaded, but the
hope was not abandoned until after the
voting began. To test the situation,
seven oi tne repuoiicans uoiteu irom
ilayward and cast thoir ballot for
Talbot, but when it wa seen that thee
two would not come over, the bolters
changed back to Ilayward and the vote
was a strictly party one,74 for Ilayward
and 58 for Allen.
Even up to ten minutes of the final
vote being cast, there were but these
two populist vote between electing a
senator pledged to support every plank
of the populist platform and tho eleotlon
of M. I Ilayward. It was a mighty close
shave. The man would of course have
bean taken from the ranks of the repub
lican party.
1'eople are wondering why Lincoln ha
escaped the email pox while all the
town around have been more or leee
afltlcUd with It. Tbe reaaon la very
plala, Kvea a small poi microtia would
be ashamed to b ama la a city governed
by Frauk tlraham aad the oily council,
KTBaTarsTfaa'grnf a
Dunn and Dradatreet are talking about
tha raorwou aggregate of clearing and
tay that it m gr4tr thaa ever kaowa
twtore, What it tha elearia are
grvaUrf What doea It prova? It alintly
pruvea that there h ea mora gant
fcllug doua oa Wallatrwl thaa hreto
kins If aa iocr la gambling tea
ga ol prosperity thaa the logt Uasa
aad ltradtrt I eoaad. That' ail
there U ta it,
TM ttatHMtBltIC kit IK.
t uMrMHi ItalWy ha rveigtteJ, It
hm4rahip ia the aatktaal oaa id rp
rwwataUv, The raea that he did It
a a Mo UKiaWy p.
Mtti a lot ul hmrmm oa
atMtfiuM aad a wtft wr ta the arav,
Thae gtywia aasWd t hold hoth
pitiua, The attt aa Marvel t a
vafhatilteela Ike huvMahk-h had
krtyt rpaWat tHa it, aadthl
aUt rriurtwd, a it wa k aad t
ds that it a vUirly eoalitatiiai
M MMbr ta hi)d hi pttaiiitMi i Ik
hoaa aad be a iakr ari la th
aratj Mt at lh aaai tie, Wha thi
matter came to a vote in tbe bouse a
whole lot of democrat voted with tbe
republican to allow these gentlemen to
bold both positions. Mr. Bailey had
been very pronounced in opposition and
when be found that many democrats
had voted for what was clearly an un
constitutional proposition, he forthwith
Mr. Dalley, when bo accepted tbe dm
orrat lo leadership in the house should
have known that the democratic mule
wo a very bard animal to lead, and
have expected It to cut op Just such fool
capers as that. That being tha cone
when tho male swung back on it
hnnnche in that ridiculous way, be
ought to have expected it and taken the
matter in a more philosophical manner,
Now when the mule got to bucking In
this state last week and cutting up all
kind of foolbth antic, no ono wa at all
astonished. It 1 Just what we expected
aod wo go on our way with unruffled
Hit VAN' riant,
Tbo ffuht Against Dryan within tbe
democratic party I by no mean ended.
Tbe gold standard force' seem to bo
coming to tbe conclusion that there is
great danger of the reform element car
rying tbe next presidential election, so
they have started off on a new track.
Everywhere tha gold paper are attack
ing the trust with all tli venom and
vigor that tbey attuoked ISryan lu tbe
Inst campaign. This 1 fust what the
Independent has been predicting, Very
often tbl paper bus called attention to
the fact that the money power would
willingly grant every plank in the popu
list platform if they wero only given
control of tbe volume of money,
A short time ago one of the Helmonte,
whose banking house bn long been the
Agent of tbe bouse of Itothscblld in
tbl country, started a nwigsjslne which
ha been attacking tbe trusts, franchise
grabber and the railroad with more
bitterness than ever was found in a pop
ulist pnter. At first It said It would U
port Uryon and tbe Chicago platform
except the free coinage of silver and
would even support that, if the conven
tion so declared. In its lust issue It
say that tbe financial question will not
be an Issuo In the next campaign. The
fight will be wholly on tho trust and
franchise grabber.
Tho grunt banking syndicates and
agent of the money power have no In.
terest in what they call tho "Indus
trials." They Invent only in bonds, In
cluding first mortgogo bond of tbo
great trunk lino railroads, Tbey well
know that this trust business I only
another Houth sea bubble or Dutch
tulip croze and that It will not bo many
months bsfore every ono of them not
backed up by rebate or the railroad or
a tariff monopoly will go tumbling In
the midst of another panic,
The plan of the fight of tbe bank
against Hryan I to get np such a fun
over city frniichles, trusts or some other
question of that sort that tho conven
tion will be willing to go to extremes on
those point and drop the money ques
tion from tbe platform altogether,
Populist will not be fooled with thi
sort of thing. They well know that the
only way to down what trust are left
after the smash that I coming, I to get
control of the volume of money, but the
other wing of tbe reform party I liable
to be fooled with It. There are about
2,000,000 voter in these United Btatf
who will vote a ticket headed "demo
crat" Just as quickly with a republican
platform under it as if It had free silver,
government issue of paper money, own
ership of city franchises and all tbe rest
of it
Under such circumstances Dryan would
till be formidable on account of hi
great personal popularity. Hut those
who know him beat do not believe that
he could be Induced to accept a nomina
tion on a platform without a right sort
of a plank on the money queatlon. Tbl
writer has such confidence In him that
he would be willing to trust him in th
White House If el cted oa almont any
aort ol a pi at lor m. Tha trouble would
be that tha banks would get hold ol
eaough democrats, who, not being
bound by a platform, would defeat any
financial legialatintt whatever. The par-
amount question U the money queatloa
and no oue aha i honeat want any
more at raddle, or silent platform oa
that qmatlon.
It wa io trouble at all lor tha armor
plat rat to gt oat of the,'a
houw all th-y waated, bat tkoy neua.
tr4 trouble aad lot ol it Kty
g"t to th aai Th wkWk i
alrWtly aador th eoatrtd o( th trust
at all lima, aa! pay tha trust
Vh) a tia lvi pUi. The e-at ut it
da to f tot) aad pMi.d t th
UUiWhaiaat id a fra at fo'lorf to
eMwli! armor lM, Vkthl
a avxd got ta th kos it did Ml
take th trt Mag ta gt it
IrWkae oat, feat tha eaeat ttd
ty tha UH a to aad at that l-er
oaa l ia lh hilt. It pMiia eWr
id th hea say lhalaa aa a tha
ail hMa aioai It et! rW tkaprtai
tolVHteU4 thtat will her
a rrVike at la te4 hy tfcM,
They a Wo a, that that ia aauugk
artHMt plat oa a ta laat aatd to
Mtttfuagraa MaaU aa tha trail atll
Km aathlag ttaai Ike ppaaio th
Ira alttvv atajwrity ia Ike aaaate.
Waa tbe populist party organized to
get tbe office or wa it organized to get
legislation and by legislation to change
the hard conditions of the common peo
pie Into ometblng better? If the latter
wa the object theu tbe policy adopted
at the St. Louie convention woe the
wisest and shrewdest move ever made
by a political body, Tbe nomination of
Dryan by tbe populist party opened a
wide field for tbe propagation of popu
list principles that bad nntil that time
been bolted and barred against us, A
democratic or republican audience op
to that time would not listen to a pop
ul 1st speaker and the Independent think
or In both parties had left them so there
wa no chance to get at tbo rest of them.
However, a soon a tbe . campaign
opened there wa a call for populist
speakers from both tbo camp of tbe
free silver republican and tbe demo
crats. From that time the doctrine of
the populist concerning railroads, tele
graph, telephones and city franchise
begun to take root In the heart of ten
of thousand who had never beard tbern
before, The seed thus sowed has sprung
up and brought forth a hundred fold ev
erywhere. There are hundred of demo
cratic papers scattered all over tbo
union that areadvocatlngevvry demand
In tho populist platform, Tho trouble
with some of these uew convert I that
tbey are too radical. Tbey are more
wild and woolly than tho craziest pop
who ever wandered over the plain of
Kaunas or Nebraska, Let tho good
work go on. Tbo people' party bn
made no serious mistake o fur, The
principle It advocates aro becoming th
principle of good men in all parties,
ly and by we will all got together and
wipe plutocracy from th face of tbe
urtb. Populism is all right.
This commercial ng having destroyed
all that good men held dear In tbe way
of brotherhood aud oigliborllnes that
wa tbe prominent characteristic of Am
ericans, two or three generation ago,
men have sought relief in all tort of
so-culled brotherhoods and societies,
seeking for that, without wbich there I
no happiness In this world. Tbe neigh
borhood I no longer a brotherhood
where men aro always willing to assist a
neighbor,but rather A settlement where
every man's hand I ngalust every man
to pull blm down or overreach blm In
trade, Kvou in these makeshift broth
erhoods tho commercial spirit was not
banished and some sort of Insurance Is
attached to each of them with a lot of
paid officers.. Others have Nought pro
tection from the iffects of tbe gold
standard and commercialism In tho
stock Insurance companies until the
thing has becomo a regular craze. Hit
goe on at tho rate of tbo last twenty
years the excessive premium exacted
will create a fund no immense, that
oaned out again, It will take mortgage
four feet deep on all the farm of Ameri
ca for security, Ths end of it all will bo
that a few great Insurance manager
will have most of the homes of the peo
ple and the Insured will be their serfs and
vassal, There wa never a worse craze
spread among a people than this ex
cesslve insurance craze, Hut our "best
citizens," and the "business men" all in
dorse it. Nevertheless the people of tbe
western states would bo nearly two
thousand billion dollars better off than
they are if there had never been an old
Hue insurance company organized.
LI UC MA 111.
One of tbe most astounding inven
tion of the present century is a machine
that produce liquid air at a coat of
about twenty cent a gallon. The tm-
prature ol liquid air Is about 400 de
gree below tero. It commercial uses
are almost innumerable. The expansive
force of liquid air Is twenty times ae
great ns that of team, and engine are
being run by it now In New York. Hut
the most astonishing thing I th latest
s'tatemsot that an engine consuming
three gallon of liquid air will, by th
ore It generate, produce seven gallons,
that Is, this Inveutloai four-srenth
better thaa perpetual motion,
All thi seems Incredible, but th public
exhibition given In the presence ol
oroiuinent w-Uutifto gentlemen and th
Indoraemaute they have gl va tha cUuna
ol the inventor ra l retablWh th
lain thai A great motive lore hitherto
uaknowa, ha really bn levanted. Th
mat hln that produce liquid air ta email,
Miupie but little epiMV and It et but
tittle toeaaatruet it.
The erotiouita qutloa Immediately
artare. If imwar 1 t ft tha iml
inaUturie, railroad aad aWamhl
ilo-llr aula!, lh Rw aid b
eraatrf thaa a' I tha machiaary U
tor la !!, II tha eolJie! Idea that
Mt'klr ka prudaevd all our wu i
eorrart, thaa ara aa so a the vrg Of
ratilf tm, luvh at humanity kaevf
U.ih b-luf, tt MipatUi da u look
litiathatr. It ai l ly eeneala
at the dawtaada that thaf hat all lh
fiat eelA liy imly at
huuimUa iruiwrtr. lutlroad will
aat a pfMWd la NeiaUie thr
ekarlte tkeMt ol aiaiataiaaa i
atfekrad l. Th r,w lh I
Jaata ol laWf wtU at U twrwillad ta
ftt white larval aa I tat ratt Ik
aaai. A a awuriaoa i.-raa ia lh id
at ol Muy wilt k eVaaa4 la tltl
tkeatMltk aa tavaatkia. Illhl
ta aol do, ail Ik tweeflt atll ,
tka kav aiaai a e t repi'al. The
only way to bring tbe benefit of inven
tions to tbe people and not to the bond
bolder and tax eater is to control tbe
volume of money. Have rising, or at
least a staple level of prices. This is an
old proposition demonstrated and
worked out to undeniable conclusions by
the economists of every nation. The
trouble with the socialists is that tbey
have never taken tbo trouble to read
one of these works, but have worked
out a theory based on their dreams.
That tbe republican party will enact
a law retiring tbe greenback and silver
dollar and give over tbe Issuing of pa
per money to tbe bank Is just as certain
as if It wa already done, providing that
they can bold all of their force in line.
Tbey have gone about It In away that
showe that they expect severe opposl.
tlon but that tbey nevertheless expect
to sneered. Iloth house of congress
bav appointed committee with power
tosit during vacation for tbo purpose
of perfecting A bill that will put Into ef
fect the Indianapolis plan,
The members of tbo senate committee
are Aldrlcb, Allison, Piatt ol Connecti
cut, Piatt of New York, Wolcott and
Ilnrrow. Tbe caucus committee of th
bans include Henderson of Iowa, Dal
"ll of Pcnnsylvunlu.Payne of New York,
Overstreetof Indiana, Curtis of Kansas,
Loveringof Massachusetts, Morris of
Minnesota, Loud of California, Ilubcock
of Wisconsin, I law ley of Texas and Kerr
of Ohio.
These men will always bo In close con
nection with Croker, Gorman. Henri
Wattcrson, Curler Harrison, Whitney
and the other gold bug democrat who
form the committee to down Dryan, And
it will have the support of every gold
democrat In tbe bouso and senate. Into
tbe hoods of such men a theso has been
put tbo destinies of the American people
and their plan of action Is a shrewd one,
They hope to flood tbe country with
bunk paper in time to Influence prices
before tho next presidential election. Af
ter that the deluge. Who cares? There
will boa big standing army and navy
and the banker will hold the deHtitinie
of evey businessman In their hand. A
long os tbey can get "accommodations"
from the bank "business men" will care
nothing for tbe oppressed milliou. At
ant they never have, The people voted
for MeKinley. Now let tbern take their
There was never a greater fraud perpe
trated by scheming political thieves than
Me pretense that they represented tbe
the "bundles Interests," or tho "best
citizens." Professor Herron dissocted
those phrases in a recent speech in Chica
go after the following fusblon:
"Tbe 'good citizens' are the chief ene
mies of goodness. Tiie men of "blame
less lives' are the high priest of wrongs
that affront the skies that blaspheme
the universe, and that make tbe very
stones cry out against the suffering of
man. Child murder, chattel slavery,
;irinoner flogging which of theso has
not bud upon It side the majority of the
good citizens?' ask an English writer.
Leaseholders of tyranny, ignorance and
squalor would not be worth twelve
months' purchase but for tbe unnelfli-h
devoted men and women willing to die
In tbe support of any lie or injustice. It
is tbl defense of evil system by 'good
men' that cunetitute the tragedy of
progress . Tbe Father forgives tbern, as
the son of men forgive them, for they
know not what they do. Tbey are a
truly the victims of a false system and
training a the several hundred little
children who are today working beside
their mother In West Virginia coal pits.
Tbey are the Most' whom Christ comes
to save in tbe social revolution. Let ue
hope that soma of the at least will re
pent while there I yet time, before the
day of dreadful reckoning conces on, and
they are called to repentance by barri
caded street aud buruiog cities, by
wasted aud trampled field."
- ,J Ll . )- I . .
UM.I'IIOtlARKIIOWAl th.OmaKa ri-ii'..ahalAl.l.Tlli: I'tOl'I.K-Jo.V
tteiKietMl aa l alt OX TUK lU'Stti a th laraal t4 hrw
aa roua.U lltiHK HLU'k HfU.l.ltVH the all Mhihttur; tlilUK y.tMtl.t,
lluHjit.H, Hi nut,. tw year-eMo; amraaUie pi aiawrre, HiixtaiiKia in ef fr
et III, U , Ntr, aad Hi. Ui lair aad Ik lfal eialito and r la
wvitfH (MMSMU.
IMS RECEIVED $1 .320 LfnGrfatejt How lh
hibtt at Omaha tiposiiioa.
1 1 Ml TUN aad "jAQriM COM R," larval aad Mt M aum,, I,
I! l .trail1 ataeote at lH,ti, In, Nliraa aad Mi, Lai latra,
Wi:RK Not HHUw.H MibHael tii-oaUiwa, l aJeeje ha a Ur Ml Jl
U1he.0a!ala eaaalry, aalliag lehUf etUt t emntav at kir
ra. i th ! tj ia dirl la lams' Mf a a a4 tv
ataaae aad,iattaf Iwakww HaIIM lhaa all wife lajpori N.
hk. UMgarita-a4 laaa ) tlght, Uk4 I. ta rinaaiUI
part, tiiaj'kia aiekaagad,
lami to4 hd Unt irt Mwcoti Id rp! Who IX) Buiioru With Hlra
Um U UOO-teaii tttKl Stiittl J lettral 1)00.
There can no longer be any doubt that
Carter Harrison is in tho Croker Whit
ney- Watterson deal to down Bryan
There has never been any straight for
ward honesty about Harrison since he
first appeared in politios. It will be re
membered that when after hi father's
death be took charge ol the Chicago
Time, be gave Lewis, bis Washington
correspondent A free hand to write up
the plots, rchemea, and, deviltries of tbe
Cleveland-John Sherman combine to
eliminate silver from the amount of oar
debt paying money and that tbe Time
went up jn it subscription list by lapa
and bounds. In a few weeks It bad
nearly quadrupled it circulation. Then
Carter Harrison sold it out to the gold
When Croker wa perfecting bis scheme
to eliminate silver from the democratic
platform in New York, Harrison went
down there to give him a helping hand.
Wbon the plan to down Dryan was a
little further matured Croker came out
to Chicago to see Harrison. Now Hi
announced In eastern dispatches that
Harrison Is ono of the committee of dis
tinguished gold . bug who claim to be
democrat that will soon convene to
perfect the arrangement to capture tbe
next democrat!) national convention.
Harrison Is now the candidate of every
goldbug In Chicago and all of tbo gold
bug papers for the democratic nomfna.V
tion for mayor of Chicago. Altgeld,
knowing that Harrlsou bad complete
control of tbe machine with all the banks,
corporations magnate and franchise
grabber behind it, rofused to contest for
the nomination iu the democratic con
vention and will make the race as an In
dependent candidate,
The nature of the battle that la now
on between Altgeld and Harrison may
be gleaned from the following extract
from one of Altgeld' recent speeches.
"The mayor' position I one of bitter
hostility to municipal ownership. He
bo not dealtoandidl.v with this question.
If tbe people want municipal ownership
now they have a right to bare it, The
majority of men occupying public office
today Are corrupt.-Tbey are levying
blackmail from the bottom right up
ward. Republican Inst itutions can't live
In a corrupt atmosphere, Municipal
ownership put an end to tbene corrupt
conditions. This country and this gov
ernment will bo obliged In time, to take
these monopolies and separate them, it
will bo obl'ged to own tho railroad of
tho country. It i a quention of life aud
death with our institutions. We pro
pose to wipe out every municipal mo
nopoly, YVe propone to begin the work
right here. That is what this movement
means. It mean cutting gan, electric
light and railroad charge In half and
giving tbe people what is saved Instead
of the politicians getting it. I will not
give you a penny for all your offices. I
want an immediate reduction of street
car fares. I believe if this movement
succeeds wo will got lower fures next
spring. 1
To an imperialist Christian tbe greater
the number of tbe Filipino who are
mowed down with our batteries and our
rifle the more we show the love ol
Christ to man. That is the modern
kind of Christianity. It was not tbe
fashion in the days of Paul, John and
the other apostles.
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