The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, March 09, 1899, Image 1

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    ' J .St
The Wealth Makers and Lincoln Independent Consolidated,
NO, 43
I'olli of th Orest Good AecmiiolMieil bf
repulUt Party Mm Its Mirth -IVelliiifly
Kefer t III Introart With Neimtor
, ul ItegretsMi-sakltigOf I rleniily Ties.
The following peech was delivered
by Senator Wm. V. Allen shortly be
fore adjournment of congress, The
iddress, with the added interest of
being the distinguished Kebruskan'B
farewell remark, wan delivered in hi
aiost vigorous ty!e, and reflect the
sound and wholesome view to which
"". he adhere. On Senator Allen' mo-
tlon the senate we considering tho
vlnt reolution (8, 11, 191) declaring
that under the constitution of the
United Wtatc no power I given to the
federal government to acquire terri
tory to he held and governed perma
nently a colon leu,
Mr. Allen tuld;
Mr. President: Within a very few
hour the Fifty-fifth congress will be
come a thing of the pant, and my erv
ice here will be at an end. March 4,
1103, without any previous parliament
ary experience, and representing, to a
certain extent, a new, and hitherto un
known, political party, I took my neat
- in litis chamber ae a aenator from He
, braska, I wm at that time, as I have
lnc been, and am now, a populist,
. believing in the doctrine of the party
a promulgated by it national plat
form and giving to it my undivided al
legiance. At tin time, and when I am
oon again to take my appropriate
place among the people of my state
who have honored me beyond my merit
in sending me to the senate a one of
their representative, it i fitting that
I should ay a word.
, To be the pioneer of a new political
party in the United State senate,
which In its Inception incurred the
bitter hostility of the two old partfee,
' wo by no mean an easy or satisfac
tory task. It required some fortitude
and stability, some determination, to
stand by the principles of the organi
sation whatever might betide the indi
vidual. The first years of my life here were
spent In combatting assaults on the
party to which I belong. It was at
that time freely-held by many opposi
tion senator to be the advocate of
nihilism and anarchy, and all that is
bad in politics and in political thought.
But such has been the progress since
then that during the last two years
and a half or more I have heard none
of these epithets used against it.
Mr, President, I shall retire from
the chamber with mingled feelings of
pleasure and regret. I have not, thus
far in my life, sought a seat in this or
in the other branch of congress. My
election came to roe six years ago
without solicitation, and if I should
sgaln at any time be elected it will be
whoa tuy follow elliicusbellrve that I
can represent them to advantage and
without my seeking the office.
I shall retire with the consciousness
of bavlug discharged ray duties a
faithfully and a conscientiously as I
was capable of doing, and feeling that
I have cast no vote and uttered no
word in debate that I would uot again
cast or utter under like olrcuiustancos.
I will go from here with a sense of
freedom from the responsibility of the
great oflice I have held, and will with
pleasure again turn ray face wettward
to dwell among a people with whom I
Live lived for so many years, and who
have so signally honored me and for
whom I have the deepest feeling of
Mr, l'restdent, over forty yesr o!
tny Ufa have been spent west of the
Mlltppl river, 1 am peculiarly a
western product, of wtakra birth,
ralslug and education. My language
and manners are those of the wet,
and while I feel myself broad enough
le take within my patriotic vision and
duly appreciate every eeelioa of the
ueloft, freahaea euiapel we to admit
thai 1 have a keener atfeeilun for the
west than any other torelity of our
torn won country,
1 will leave this chamber with the
single regret that I am eataplW4 la
sever pleaat pit mmmUUoui
with thua fur whom I have farms! a
tlreaf pereumat atUvftmeat, l'eIJ4
aa4 ahe, during tuy life, 1 have
aught Ike teqaUtlina f nefl kwa V
edge thai would nut tnily We tf tow
l leJivldaally, tut wwald Waell
Ito arvuud ee. 1 hat net, ae uae,
ajve4 Ike silia J, tut a-y JsIWmi
has toew drawn frwta Iks evM and
free slaae eMl I with Ike kiwi vt
y kiad, uirieeat4 by rvaJiag at
my iiUms-
klr. fraal.Uat, wilt rrt will me
erf different Idea tit Ike l'alt4
tale eeaat ftow Ik etri4
wkew I tame tore ttrt ae4 Isspwl
a M la this toJy, 1 4 et 4sM Ihst
Ilea le 4iWat4 hy any lU In
Ike U, as4 1 4 net hi this In a
4leretwg , nee 4 I Ietea4 to
lessen, the reap! dee le Ike sato as
t !, i sh esewtof of ikl
kwUe toly, I igt4 It taiksr a
a compliment to the senate, and cer
tainly it is a tribute to the American
people, to say that nny state can fur
nish ninety men posNeHsing all the
knowledge and mental equipment ne
cessary for the transaction of the pub
lic business in this branch of congress.
A sense of relief from the perplexing
duties of ofliclttl life and of Joy in re
turning to thotte I honor and respect,
and with whom I shall spend the re
mainder of my days, will greatly com
pensate for the sevrauoe of the pleas
tint association with senators which I
would enjoy if I remained in the cham
ber, Mr. President, during my stay here
political events have been rapid, radi
cal and important. Mistake have
been made by both the republican and
the democratic arty that will require
year to repair, if, indeed, they can
ever be undone. In 1RD3 the democratic
party made its first fatal blunder by
an unconditional repeal of the purchas
ing clause of the Hherrnan silver act.
It bowed to the caprice of 0 rover
Cleveland, who was elected president
on a free silver platform, when it
should have stood as firm a a rock
and resisted every encroachment upon
that act unless it were accompanied by
a provision for the free and unlimited
coinage of silver and gold at the pres
ent legal ratio, I know, then, a I
know now, that it was a mUtake, and
it wa with some chagrin that I saw a
portion of the democratic party here
bow in humble submission to the will
of Wall street.
There wa a partial attempt to at
tone for tho error of repealing the
purchasing clause of the Sherman act
by the enactment of the seignorage
bill, but a horde of bankers and brok
er from New York came down upon
the president and it was promptly've
toed, and now it Is openly and boldly
declared by the advocate of the sin
gle gold standard that silver is a dead
issue. Iiut, sir, that remains to be
again tested.
Mr. President. I hold it to be true
that ours should be a purely domestic
policy that will build up the home
government and make our people
stronger, richer and happier, end at
the same time strengthen and fortify
them against every foe within and
without, and that our foreign policy
should be incident to a . strong . home
policy, and not Independent of it. If
we are to change a domcstie policy for
one of imperialism, we will be subject
to the complications and dangers of
the most reckless European govern
ment, past and present
It should not be thought by any
that the populist party is not ft com
pact, well equipped political organiza
tion. It represents two million and a
half votes. I ts pi at form of 1 890 is the
test of its faith, and that platform re
mains Intact in every sentence, plank
and provision. It will not be materi
ally changed. Monetary reform, anti-imperialism
and other great Issues
will be submitted by the party to the
people in 1U00, and they will be called
on to determine at tho ballot box
whether they are willing to throw
away, in the mad race fur the forvl
ble colon 1atioa of foreign peoples and
alien territories, the principles of lib
erty won by their ancestors and main
tained by themselves, that should be
transmitted untainted to their pos
terity What their verdict will be af
ter the issue is presented to them I
have no doubt.
Mr. President, in what I have said I
have in no manner undertaken to dis
cuss connectedly any of the questions
referred to, but I have spoken In a
general way, partly parsuial, partly
prophetic, and somewhat retninivtnt.
Mr. ProaUleut, iu the great gallery
of the aueiunt and modern world hangs
tho picture of this union of states, the
most beautiful and lovely of all nv
tlous. Moro tlisn eentury ago It
was palm. I by uialr ban Is, an I Its
colors dimmed by years, have been
touched to life by the blood of our au-
eeUr and our sous, battling for free
dom and Its iualulnane for all time.
lHiubtlvs vesrs will again dim Its
hue an dust obscure It beauties, or
It may be ngteul4 aud bloU-h find
jodgiuea; it III ba a quUkn4
telllgvnee and a renewed patriotism
will raise up oihf r to wield the brush
an I bring U new life and csue It
twenties to she forth In grveter
splendor Ihsit before) eud for numWr
Um a toeume we tuey euanUaily
hope to rwmsU the fslresl tt all lb
The mm hi tries at d4 patriot U
every eaj fcawtet. In the bitty
tuaru uf Irsde, aid m every il t
this grvsl ttMttlmeat, are soared to all,
eit'l Um bl4 t ksltt RnUlt, sUe;et
lag fr.i to eiu, will
esln ti4 ti stfe tttius vf Ik
pie, t. vmi lku Hold, to the ml
the haw rate, Ike bb4 vl Ihatts
4 mt ed4ter hat toen sk4,
while Ike Hr ! ksi
frvely Isht d iw their livss l the 4
ttase to flag
ii. eay we at t4'lMliy hp
that hr Ul to a beptum t
pan MWm ( paklM lire oa4 that v
y wan will raw his tUh In
WutllwtUwt 4vl agalsi 44Wal kU
life to Ike fl Hplar fie4M
4k tat euaiiasalr IK a It at
ar eoealiy assy lit Kmt HI t.k, IM
hope and refuge of the oppressed who
leclc it free institution and the pro
tection of its flag. I join Longfellow
In hln beautiful apostrophe to the
Ship of State:
Sail on, O Union, trong and great!
Humanity, with all its fears,
With al the hope of future year,
I hanging breathless on thy fate)
We know what Master laid thy keel,
What Workman wrought thy ribs of
Who made each mast, and sail, and
What anvil rang, what hammer heal
In what a forgo and what a heat
Were shaped the anchors of thy hope!
Fear not each sudden sound and shock
"lis of the wave and not the rocki
Tis but the flapping of the sail,
And not a rent made by the gale!
In spite of rock and tempest's roar,
In spite of false lights on the shore,
Hall on, nor fear to breast the sea!
Our hearts, our hopes are all with thee,
Our hearts, our hopes, our prayer,
our tears,
Our faith triumphant o'er our fenrs,
Are all with thee are all with thee!
The Xemnha County Ilm-ald, publlnhcd
at Auburn, Nebraska, Ifao rgion o
country that sent us Llchty, give a lit
tle history of that gentleman under tb
title of "Hatttii KebukiDK Kin," which ia
decidedly interesting reading, lie says
''The Herald will reserve judgment in
the Auditor Cornell case until tbeevi
deuce I all In aud all the parties have
a proper bearing, but it cunnot refrain
from expressing it contempt of Ham
Lichty, the Insurance deputy who was
arid by Uoruoll a few week ago, and
who in turn made erlou chnrges, after
he was ousted, against the honesty of
tne auditor. Llcbtyitbe name scamp
who, an cashier and one of the stock
holders of Hie Citizen Hunk of Fell
Citj years ago, received denoslt of cuh
tomer up to five o'clock in the after
noon of one day and the next day the
bank failed to openthe bank wa insoi
vent. Hince Mr. Lichty 'e alleged expose
of Auditor Cornell some very sensation
al stories are being revived of the
formei's bank transactions, which if
true show up the pretended reformer ft
a Joseph on the surface only, and one
who lives by hi wit alone, One story
In effect is that George Abbott, the pres
ent bosom friend and chief advisor of
Lichty, wa a depositor io the defunct
Citizen' Hank at the time of the failure,
and when he heard of the affair walked
from hi farm to town with ft rope in
bis baud to help bang Llcbty, Another
story now being repeated is tbat after
the failure Mrs. Lichty was known to
have bill of large denomination sewed
up io ber skirt. Not long after tbe fail
ure tbe Llcbty bouubt a valuable qunr
ter-sectlon of laud, and tbe money is
believed to have been "saved" out of
tbe bank wreck. If there is anything
Cornell should be Impeached for it Is the
appointment of nam Lichty as bis iu
surauce deputy.
Golilhuf IieniocmU Forming a Ills; Com
bination to Control Ilia Nation!
I,ouiville, Ky., March 2. A special
from Washington says a scheme, na
tional in its scope and which will have
an important bearing on the democratic
nomination for president, bus become
public property and democrat are ul
readv diM'Using It and suiting forth
conference that will put tbe movement
uuder headway. The plan le to side-
truck Pry an In bis race for the preldu
tint nomination.
The story goes that a conference has
been ht rt awl to bo held in New Yoik
bv tJorntsn. Whitney, Croker, Carter
lUrrUoo, I-loser and Davis el Went
Viruinia. firover Cleveland will l with
them In spirit perhaps MrMiislly,
It la calculated that the com dm tit loo
eiu roMrol In the next national ronvru
tlon all theesMteru stslw, end Vuii.
qsnie, Weal ViryMila and IiIiimm, and II
roii a in with ronndeiira on routrulllug
h aistirity of dleKtv.
The eheiiie is Io bring forward some
raiididate lr preeldetit who will rwive
all lb Mama for dumping Hryaa aad
th-sdr'P aim U lr the rouirntion Is
hld, (I rnte is to in 4 brouabt Io the
front, lioraisa U in to Crtlir's
Uvorlte, and Is said ! kave made -aee
with ki dvnuMiatle eaeuii la Mary
Prvaa ht In to blsml Ut fsvi.rln Iks
lrir w it l rlimia. The pisiform id Ike
imhtsattatN Is Iu to aati imaiia,
astt-ir!, and, as Waff, if Mut,
I. ilr kaMaUoa nltkoiiBit Ills !
ksoea teal Ike political rmiiWiaa tif
Ike eraate ast lksaaHe 4 sliver
lulls lmNwitile lor sit Jf
A dwiir wku feaa U ia Ike eoee
U id toitk iK lie f4-iNa sal
t kairwsa Jmm aav lUkeki.
14 il IWiaa, toisg vala ki tola
aalsdaMev lie lavors Moee tt Mi.
w.eri, ls I ht s l t to IsvwtsMe to Mar
rei a ei4 1 kiMrv,
w ka CuegweeMsa Caaaon la ry
sperek 4fl Ikal it Jfry MlmMi
k4 1 sM la Mek'4 w k he k4 at 11a
Iks tm al Iks koae k wuatd ksv tore
Mtl arlial4 sad shot. Jf Nmm
Iksl to ima aad katol, "t
to sknl al II itda as aatval 4l toller
Uss In l-esSul hire bf a uM huMM
kmd'sa toaea Caaa " Ika aan was
iiwMti a4 4 applaaes Ikal
last4 Ive aiu
i mum
Tbt PrcBpeota cf the Bucorst of
Their Eilorti to Purify the
Old Parties.
TboSourco of Boym' Suoceaa In
Getting a Majority of Demo
'i emtio Party,
Slaail op for 1'ouuUmii,
Plngree him started out to r form the
republican party uud all men will watch
hi efforts with Interest, lie bus a much
blger job on hand than lirynn did when
he undertook to reform the democratic
party, for the tradition of democracy
were on llryan's side, The republican
party has never bud but one great man
in it who was in full sympathy with the
common peoplo, "of whom (iod made so
many," aud he, Abraham Lincoln, wa
really a JiffurHoninu democrat as he
most plainly suys in that fumous letter
to tbe Host on committee, Plngree may
succeed far enough to keepfome thous-
and voting the republican ticket, who
would otherwise come to tbe populist
party and tbe result of it will be to give
aid and comfort to the money power,
banks, corporations and trusts, all of
whom he attack with so much bitter
ness. Pryan, by hi peruaslve eloquence,
faultless management and upright char
acter ha captured a majority In tb
democratic party, but every one of tbe
oid leaders and men of wealth in that
party continue to fight Mm. Tbe other
night the democrat in the bouse at
Washington held a caucus. There were
enough of Ilryan' enemie in that
caucus to prevent an expression on the
money question and confine their declar
ation to a denunciation of Imperialism,
but tbe senate stood by Ilryan and hi
iiiom theories,
Ilryan In tbe fight against tbe money
power io hi own party ba many ad
vantage over Plngree who I engaged
In tbe am kind of contest In tbe re
publican party. Pryan ha tb prestige
of tbe teaching of Jefferson and tb
glorloa and ucceful figbt made by
Jackson on tbe United State bank.
Plngree ba none of the rage of bi
party to back him up except Lincoln,
and every thing that Lincoln said npon
the subject ba o often been quoted by
Pryan that their use to auetaio ' Pingree
in the republican party ba been des
troyed. Above all, Ilryan basthematch
less eloquence that captures the very
hearts of tbe people where ever he goes.
Ilryan has still another advantage,
lie is everywhere and ail the time invit
ing tbe co-operation of other ttwn and
other parties. Pingree wants tbe thing
to be republican and nothing but re
publican. It must be all done inside of
tbe republican parly and a man must
brand himself "republican" or he can
bave nothing to do with it. With the
whole press of tbe party as well as all
the leaders and all the fund in the hand
of those against him, Pingree must fail
It Is not in the possibilities tbat he
should succeed. In his last tecb Mov,
Pinsrre spoke in part es follows:
"To oi'i'OMi thetebenieM of the wealthy
and puMMiui and 10 siaud tor tne riK
til all the people, lnth lien anu iNNtr,
riquirwi mure saerlfleea than any id you
ran aptnciate, uunes you nave iu
tbrosuh II,
'la the Bret place you wIIIim ealM
deaiHtOtfue, ur perkMpe, nnr I.Ul, bv
thime whoa plans lor unlawful pro til
you srek la thwart, The urwepapxfe,
SicHhave ! or ITIOMI,
will rail you all aorl til saint.
If yon viiirees an opinio leal cor
pora le Walla ! Iwllig lie! Sliltilljf Iu
iire siea im email maas al nl liulua
)ou are lll a danarruu ataa, ll ua
Susans tbat: rtirpi'iioi' aiu invir
iflvUniee aad by riiiihniag ton Iruate
imiixnh vsr aalhiaal tito. ua tank
eaetiiir nl i oar wvaUky fr'veds.
'.Noeluee will to a-H amtal by the
aeis til etipiais wwaila ta
kawtiUal aa4 rata . II are ta
baaisree, allat' U to made to 4-
ir war eredii al all laaattat laeti
tan tea u will to amved Iroas ike
U.-isl id d rtrloie ij limr tost, o
lU todpll, tf ptilsa aialkade, til
titar la tkank, t aad
aWikUr a ill raie laaliieg aaetgasd
allr ialea4M 14 aadvfwia )imf rv
niaima asd U. tnf vkaraeler,
)iarvkiMrtt will to k(ih4 valraae
tutu Id Mawlf wkrr lfc' ki tow
ft,vwluiMl topV kalaa,
tsi at awl ritst id wal lakt
kapta, It I rM4 aksl has ka
p4 ltit aat wilk ia IfcK I
Isiiie lw to k r aftialf Ito
f wkttk t kav ri4 is Ik v
paMwaa par If al at malrulM aa4
ts P pttailt aiwia Ito law arewl pab
aa itetMiaa, lieel ns4 lat'ia.
dxiaiadkf a lar-wit id Ik sseMtors
"I kave town skU to laatntoa ewarag
taoagk l y, witkaai kwiaia, Ikal
there is nothing to justify the adminls
tratlon In chiinilug that It represent
the niHjorlty of the republican parly
upon these two great question. Home
of them may differ with m as to t his
If so, you are certainly ent itled to your
opinion, l venture to predict tlmt niler
tne temporary uurraii 01 patriotism
which always prevails during war times,
has subsided, the sober second sense ol
this country will condemn Imperialism,
"w seemed to bave purelinsed an In
Nurructlou and puid 920.000,000 for it,
to say nothing of the lives of good
American cltuen, I believe the ad 111 1 11
Im trul Ion claims that the logic of events
lorccu t he Philippine upou lift, and w
wouldn't let iro. 1 always thought it
customary, when one has a hot conl In
his hand, to let It (Iron troiiinll.v. If we
don't let tbe I'hilippeu drop, it Is quite
apparent that we snail nave to tnacu
the native self government by military
' Klandlng armies are th curse of
JCuropcim countries. They produce no
wnalih, but they add to the burden of tho
wealth-producers that In, the furiners,
worklngmen, artisans, mechanic ure
the ones Interested In this questiou.
They form a majority of the republican
party. 1 think that the history of the
next two years will show that they are
not charmed with tbe idea of taking
these different island Into our nation,
The ertllh'tnl aetiment for expansion
started iu Washington and ha Iwen
hilped along by every federal Office
holder and military appolutuennd every
administration newspufier In the laud,
It will soon rech;lt limit. When it
has spent itself the solid shuns of t lis (Mio
pia who make lib the majority of the re
publican party will bo right 011 tbl ques
tion as on an oilier,
"1 hav 110 hesitation In saying that
tbe leadership of th republican party I
now within control of the bond holders.
Tbl doe not mean that the republican
party la tbe party of the monopolists,
by any mean, It simply mean that
the course of the party! dictated too
much by commercial greed, by men like
your Ohio boss, who rules from Cleve
land, wielding a scepter which doe not
belong to the republican party. It I
foreign to ll history and to Its prjn
clphis, I hop yon will tear that aeepter
from bis grasp aud dash It to piece
here In Toledo to-morrow.
"Trust corporation and money mast
not rule oar parry. It wa created a
a party of the entlr people, It was
stfbli In Lincoln' time. Put it I lip
ping away from ito original principle.
It leadership I largely in the band of
corporal wealth.
'I do not condemn corporation and
rich men, bat I would keep tbma within
their proper sphere. Tbe republican
party i not their property, to dm as
they see tit. Money getlln I not th
olealmin life. It bould not to the
principal object. It I not aafe to en
trust the government of th country to
the Influence ol Wall street, Tbl is tb
common statement, I know, but It bv
a serious meaning.
"1 do not say these thing to excite a
popular clamor against wealth. Tbe
owner of larg amount of property are
entitled to their possesions. The law
of tb land protect them and rightly,
too. Hut I do say that they have no
right to rule politics. It I an Illegal
use of their wealth. They ought not to
be permitted to guide the republican
party aud to make it a party of com
mercial greed.
"The majority of tbe party Is not with
them. It is the duty ot the narty to
sud thetu to ths rear. It will do so an
iens they do something for American
humanity and quit using the govern
ment for seltlHh commercial purposes.
"Talk like this will be met with cries of
'treiwou to the party' from the bond
holders who now lead the party aud
from their aguut and their subnidisd
press. 1 rare nothing for that. The
icreat majority of republicans, the farm
ers, mechanics, clerks buiuen men aud
all men of brains and common senae,
endorse such sentiments. They are the
voter. They are the ou who are suf
fering from the evil t mi-is of these great
combine and iuonoHtlits.
"I could rtqieat tltfure and facts show
ing how sll lines ol luduelry r beiati
eorubiiird with enormoue capital. Hut
you are already familiar with them. II
you know bow iheaa trnxts were organ
ism! you would sew what iiusnllllea ot
inflated values aet Into them, n ater is
In all of I hem, Tli' will pruva that
they rsnnot do a prttlltnhle tiualuessand
pay dividends ou much water, Its-
null) A 1 -sit m and a diaireas lar beyond
anything ikal tki eounlry ha titer ea
"Of sou ran you will to told that three
are only lha raviua (4 a erauk aud aa
agnail. UutifsuheW la K'hI chhu.
tMtav, The fueunal Hiar t4 ,Nw
link aad viae here are making I became
pmtollita. Iliaaul only Ilia Baaanai
dialrea iknl is sere In Mm ; thai U bad
rauuak, bill ll ta la tit r id Ik -
lie ator aiai'liiaea aima war taiiwaal
rkaraclif Ikal le Ito ainal trratas. He
an Inager kava Ike freelma nl iiir.
laaity m etisdscl aa laealal la4
waaa, e rwaatil sea star la Inieti
We sswal to Inula aa. aiakiuew tor
we srval I real, He aiit Imm vat
ataalia a4 la'toiwadaaee Ito euan
id ito siresgik id war asltttaal ka
a lr, will toena Milts la a a'awl
wheel, M a HI toiuiwe warm aad
l salad 1 ililt
Oariwaaa aa enajtsi wal id lkee..t
lraa as t kntii toeuwe a art l Ito
ataikiwy at a iv ladtelrtal sriur
alma. atar a . tr Iht fl ta al
at Ito told id itotr asaetal iir,
kal MlrautoM a4 tot w4 smir taw
am gaartak aadet aa h tttaduHtiwas
Wkatvvtf ausaea t4 I'tae'aa's 9 ts tr
Hfian'tiHutlMiltottae IhI eiaa4stt
ewaf a4 4i fta Ikal I Ikal Ike
M party M Ik ttaly -ftfty wkwk k
w latlloft la ll Ikal I adr Ik tn .
trtd tJ tka tresis, Ik bant r sttrpMr
al'agale, Nlaa4pltr pwpw Ua.
Mr, Klwood introduced a resolution
ia tbe bouse llm other dey which iu
substance declared that the people of
the United State should return to the
fundamental law of the land and got a
government by the consent of the peo
ple and every republican voted against
iTT'Tbo resolution wan as follow:
Whereas, The spirit of the consti
tution of the United BtaU give to the
people a system of government by aud '
with, the consent of the governed, and
whereas representative government ha
proved unsatisfactory iu many respects.
He it resolved, that It Is the judgment
of this house tbutaspedy return should
Im muda to the bash) principles us is
clearly defined by the fundamental law
of the land, by the Inauguration of a
syntern that will enable the people to ex
press at all time their will upon all Im
portant measure of legislation.
The lleiubllsa ?r Conslsntly Denies
in KillUirlals lb reels la Their
Mew Column,
.The embalmed huef fake ha played
out la tbe investigation, and w shall
probably hear no more of it after tb al
most oniversal testimony from every
section of tbe army tbat th refrigerated
beef wa good, even better In tho
warm climate than any beef slaughtered
In camp could b made in the absence ol
Ice bom Stat Journal.
At th conclusion of General Mile' tes
timony, Monday, be submitted tb fol
lowing Ktatement and which i only a
mull part of tb evidence be ba 00 tbe
ubjecti '
Out of about one hundred Important
letter received at army headquarter,
mainly from volunteer officer and pri
vate men.
Eighteen refer to tb meat a "em-
Five refer to tbe meat "Injected."
Three think it wa "poisonous."
On think it w "inoculatod."
Nine think preservatives were nsed.
Ten think tb meat was "chemically
Fifty-three think tbe meat issued wa
in "a elate of decomposition," rotten,
putrid, offensive, and tainted.
Hrfveral think it wa covered with
mould, colored or badly decomposed.
Mix think tb can of meat buret or
rwenfy nlne think that tb slcknes In
tb command wa caused by tbe as ol
this meat.
Fifty-three say it wfts devoid of tute.
nauseating, unfit for use.
Condemned or thrown overboard:
Four case from th Alamo.
Company K, Herenty-tirat New York,
condemned 200 case ol roast meat aa
"unfit to eat."
Kiaht thousand pound were con
demned on the Yosemite,
rour thousand poundsjwere con
demned on the Chester, "
Inspector Colonel J. Hamilton Lewi
condemned 10,000 pounds.
Tbe Dakota Jlnrallet has this astound
fug statement: "In Kansas tb populists
talk of joining th socialist and in Ne
braska there I no populist organiza
tion," Tbatiajuet what might be ex
pected from socialist who ha been
biding In the populist party. Tbe pop
ulUt crgauisuUuu waa never a perfect
In the state of Nebraska as It I today.
All the stats otllcer are populist except
one. Tbe sooner the Iluralist quit play,
ing tbat it I populietthe better it will
be for It and the populist party,
lioauelly la hi lat par head an
article with the above word and then
an on to say;
"W bar nol cm patriotic member of
the Iwupte'a pal I J W hers we should lave
oae Miudml.
"The whoU world twmi to be plotting
and ruiiepiriog in overthrow reform.
"tot u stead together, aad to pa
Ileal and kalkt with eaak oltor. tola
rret-rvetiur eowjballveaeea lor Ik mat.
aia eaeiar .
"whenever w divide or quarrel, we
Straus I ta the plaaderer til atask tad.
line p lee nap sd all ttiov to-
geiker, lt a kave taMeH
Jaelftsii lougk gut Ik Udepee.
ileal wieb In say that oar . ioft
wetly lgllgprlly ir4 t4 waadets
le4 amaad ia Ike wtkterfteea al Ito ul
toil tt W kartoa Itarker, There I wacli
vieaa Kir hi waadvrisga, la Ike
erefctae v td Ike oi l workraa l foua
iWfSnllke pulwl arty wku ka
lna lraale-1 ii aa badly, AHvf ft
wkdeetiairealiMa will lewr Ikal Ilk)
aaa toller a4 mU to te4 by Ito
lia aa l la4, Ikaa to to gtttsg all Ito
koanre asd ntltel to Ik repeal
fatM ttaaSetiSaet aaA la Haw n
JsMv llff, M, Marsh
la Ik hwa to-4ay IMeatt Ulrw.
4aw4 a toil to atonlaUly yvktkli
aak uiakleg a4 fMl Ula ll fry
vid.t t- r Jail aad ft la at
It.isaj tor k afewse aa taialatwai