March 2, 1899 THE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT. 1 Clippings. f IT WON'T PAT. We bold that the Inlands can never yield enough, in commerce, glory or ralne of any kind, to pay for dnsolatlu one American borne, for robbing one American mother ol ber eon. Minaen Courier. WILDMANOWNSUP. Mr. Wildman does not disavow the re sponsibility for sending Aguinaldo to Manila, and he etill believe that Agul naldo ROM sincre and boneHt and il the American army had not Ignored and humiliated him be would etill be a val uable and tractadle force entirely ub iiervfent to American wishe. Chicago Record. Dr. Bnll'i Cough Nrrnp banishes At once all forme of throat discuses, and al ways effHCt a permanent cure. This wonderful remedy bat cured thousand of sufferers from bronchitis, bonraenees and other bronchial trouble. YAH, YAn, HEEF, BEEFI Boston, Mane., Feb. lO'-Seeretary A1 er wan jeered and binned along the ent ire twomilea of the rout of the presiden tial proceHHioa In this city thia morning. Calls for "Three choer for Alger" were reenouddd to with"Yah, Yah, btef, beefl" and a roar of blsses at time altnoat deafening. AsHOciated 1'reae. Jf GOVERNMENT OWNERSHIP. f Occasional inquiries come to the Con titution aato whether government own ership of railroad I feasible. One such Inquiry baa just been received iroin a geiHieinan in Aiittiiiu mm uv companies the (juration with a request for information a to whether such own ership has ever been tried, It i singu lar that a question of tbi sort should ever be asked in the state of Georgia la the light of the fact that for over half a century we have onraelves owned one of the most important railroad line in the anion. In connection with the opera tion of the Western and Atlantic rail road, to which reference ia made, all those problema which are so freely asked about government ownership baa been A 1 . a I A. I At - t 11 - m na. a n i ssi van n wwttm nar.r f iiu i tiiu MOV OUU lltTPUl a m WIV HI nv yn,v im ownership by the state government baa no more interfered with the politica of the state than doea the ownership of Goatal facilities affect the politic of the blted Mtate. The road ba at all nesa principles, declaring dividend, eat isfylog the demands of tbe public along its own line, meetinir the reaulremeuts of connecting lines and in every way doing its work as easily a any road which is under private management. Tbe constitution might go one step further, and say that owing to tbe atate'a ownership of the Western and Atlantioroad no lortupe has ever been lost tbrongb tbe deterioration of its stock and no manipulator has ever been able to sell it out in a night, bringing about, panio and confusion. Tbua out of government ownerablp we have bad a railroad fully equipped and operated, acceptable to the people, performing Its duties as a public carries and all of tbi free from the entangling development of those whose only purpose is to kite railroad properties and to ruin one set of men concerned In their ownerahip, for tbe benefit of another and different aet. Atlanta (Ua.) Constitution. YYC OtLL lltttO ton sweat's torn iioa. Wi pm freight. ApplM to 4 ft, Cherry, f ta I .. lit: Krewtone Pearti, H Con tord Qrapee, ft per IM. l.0 Kss. Moltwrrr, 111 Slack Loeost. s.h, sod Om HeJethMp. 0a J us I'M. .laasea Marsarjr, ea:l, Jesses, Men. SOME DAY. Nebraska will have a constitutional convention some day, and the despised democrat and pops will control that cenvention. In that day Omaha will want mountains to fall upon bur fool liusluee Men' association aud bar committees, for then Indeed will tbe retnembraoce of them be greviou unto her. I'lattsmoutb Journal. H0CKLEH3 STATESMAN. . "In Kansas," observe the Oswogo Palladium, "a member of tbe lulslature who introduce a bill regulating railroad charge f held up a a sockless populist, who wears boot that are greased at home, while the man In the New York State Assembly who Introduces a bill to reduce the railroad fare from three to two cents a mile is hailed as a public buuefactorl" Republican, (N. Y.) PIOUS ROCK FELLER. And st ill pious old John I). Rockefeller, president of tbe Standard Oil company and Squire, it secretary, are in con tempt of tbe auprerne conrt of Ohio; and still they owe a million dollars flue to the atate, imposed by that tribunal of justice; and still tbe attorney general of Ohio pleads for an order of commit ment for tboae distinguished citizen; and still the supreme court, content with the reputation of being a sort of cuspidors cleaner for that great business corporation, refused to Issue the order; and still we are told that millionaires and corporation are good citizens, necessary and benevolent, who develop the country; and still tbe fool-killer and dame justice tranquilly sleep. BBS" PERILS OF THE GRIP And the Fatal Folly of Hit-or-Miss Doc toring by Use of Patent Medicines. V ' 1 ' 1 Hill- lISJ PATENT W-ALLS OF THE GRIT r1 Are In Its Prostrating After KflViets and the Tralu ol Herlous Maladies It Knurs Hilars. The epidemic of la grippe, now reigning and raging In Omaha, Is In some features worxe thsn a plugus of yellow fever or cholera. Those fierce and frightful mala- " dies do their work IMS Alter Tbe of death suddenly Movm to Get nd there's an end. Well, Ing. Thosa who don't die get well. With the grip It's different It leaven the convalescent sufferer with the seed of death remaining In the system, with , Its Awful Uerm I'oIiubs left sllve In hfs Wood, In his lungs, In hli slnmach, In his kidneys with the chance of his dying of the new ailment sis month tr a year after his false and counterfeit f'overy from the grip. Their C'se Invariably Dangerous and Against Common Hens. When any person uses a patent cure-all as a means of self-doctoring for any par tlctilar disease lu fcrlppe, catarrh, lung trouble, for Instances-he assumes the risk of firing at random through his whole body to take the chances of hitting the dl waned spot. lie ie ftlmply (Joins It Blindfolded. Taking Medicine Blindfold from an Imaginary Doctor He Is taking modU cine from an I m- aglnary doctor who never saw him nor ever heard of him. He Is driving at his heart when the disease Is In his bowels or driving at his limits when the disease Is In his liver. Whether he commits suicide or not, he commits a blunder and a folly and goes sgalnst common sense at his own rink and his own expense. V i t ' f TM tWe 1net w 14 4 1 1 Ym .n!! (r UxmhI. TVs m IM if I I'rt itr kn,vkl i t it mist I an, ftrt I tat vi aM mt tM a--l. ,,Hr- li.t itlaAI il a 1 1 1 Ui laii ist U M"'' I Hl mm lis aeesttts r t 4li t xiiliWut, inh lev .sWutsevtu ruti Ul ls al 4tl s4Siai, tfieiaj i. lit mM till MUX file lir rNiU'MV i Mint II Dr. sa.ssra will reil tamn stle ster r I4 attieal alike, rr lrel Meal hr m IsmUI THE BEST INHALER taaleUae4vie,t laeateaf waUaail atli ea aet iwtea a 4t aeaeiissllf thesaais treiisil !, oiaia laaa lailoasaelhes tee wm lasf viett las , TAKEN BY MAIL. telle to He, ? will a ay teiam aaall al ! hm aa las traatisttal a le ra ). at i wltsMea Ulaah ea aiaee laieeaaitat litevelar. tf rle le idea l4f , A4rpt4 leal laeuiaM All, l aallll M, V, Mt MU., I'wtaae, UNDER THE TRUSTS. 'ROM THE CRADLE TO THE GRAVE , WE ARE RULED BY THEM. When We Get t'p la the Morning and When We LI Down at Nlgal. the Trast Collects Toll from Us Tases What W Umt, Drink aad Wear. On the question of trust a brief con lidcrution of the figure they cnt in sup plying tbe ordinary necessities i quite astonishing The average citizen i aid ing a trnst when he raise a spoon to bis mouth at tbe brcakfust table He put on trnst underwear and hosiery when be get np in tbe morning, for the American Knit Good cum puny is $30, 000, 000 corporation tbitt practicully control the trade His shoes are made expensive because tbe 123,000.000 United Stute Leather company con trol the leather market. lie jiuts fl00, 000,000 trust coal into bis furnace and strike an fll.000.0U0 trnst match to light the gu furnished by tbe gaa trusts. ' If be eat a cracker he pay tribute to the National Biscuit company, wboso inpitalizution amount to f5A.000.000 The price of bis sugar is controlled by the Bngur trnst, and if he prefer beet sugar, the American Beet Hugar Refin ing company, JiiMt organized and capi talized at $'20,000,000, control it price. If be prefer glucose or corn siiK'ir he has to pay tbe price set by a $40,000,000 trnst If he enjoys a sirloin steuk be has to pay tribute to the dress ed beef combination, capitalized at $50,000,000 Tbe wall paperjie looks nt comes from tbe National Wall i'aper company, a $30,000,000 trnst. Tbe rock suit pool control the price of the salt be put on bis potatoes This pool is capi talized at $5,000,000 His morning pa per ia made more expensive because of $55,000,000 trust in print paper. Ua cannot eat a broiled wbitefish without helping A pay tbe dividends on $10, 0f0. ooo worth of stock of th American Fisheries company He can drink coffee whose value is fixed by two combines, and in some cities the milk he pour into it is handled by a trust. and if he takes an "eye opener" in tbo morning the price of tbe whisky is de termined by two trusts, while bis beer t noon is probably manufactured by a beer trnst Tbe tillers by which tbe prohibitionii.t seek to keep microbe out of bis drinking water are made by $2,000,000 trust. Hi overshoe are made a luxnry by the rubber trnst, and if bis wife wear ribbon be mnst help pay dividenus on the $18,000,000 capital of the ribbon manufacturer' trust If be wear a celluloid collar, be pay trib ute to an $4,000,000 trnst. and a linen collar helps tbo $ 1 0, 500. 000 sturch trnst Even porcelain teeth are mannfac tured under an ironclad price agree ment, kept np by tbe American Trade association, which is another name for the dental supplies trust Theater are under tbecontiol of combines, and the price of cloth and clothe is controlled by trade agreement that in many in stance amount almost to a trnst Snuff, thread, rabber goods, tinware, pottery, telephones, floor and soda wa ter are all controlled by trusts capital ized at from $500,000 to many millions And there is no respite left for a man even when be is dead, for the ice trnnt will have its plethoric dividends, aud it would be next to impossible for bis relatives to buy him a casket without consulting the price list of the burial casket trnst, whose capital is $15,000. 000, and varions stone and granite com bines get a good profit for allowing the poor man to have tbe spot marked of bis lust resting place. This investigation could be carried on almost indetinitely From the cradle to the grave capitalistic combinations of one kiad or another levy tribute from the people, who have no other choice than to yield whatever is demanded On the other hand, tbe combines tlx wage and therefore the consuming power of a large portion of the people It wonld appear from this that the trnst are d'jemed to failure, becanse if they don't pay high wages aud continue raising them consumption will grad oally lessen in proportion to the in crease of production lint when we re 11x0 that labor constantly produces new wealth, tlist tbe profit eating mid die men are being wll out. that the farmers are entirely unprotected aud flwH-ed by th trnst aud that foreign markets are being runqnorml fur the purpose of unloading tbeir surplus prist DiU it will be seen that the trust tan not Nswibly fail until I hey have at tout plishml their UilnsioU, when III t irllise.. world shall be accepted sutUlutu Cleveland Uiiisea Haal lb lie (a lie. Orosvtuor e a defender of lh diuiuittrstioa aud iptuu In hi ipevtn lb oilier day la VahltigtoU lis aid "la Hi Inters! tif coumirnisl law. eipatt'lua it jatltUM ,u onl; wonld adviaat4lhMiamitiai Vtu Kiev but Cuba and the I'htlipplue lauds a will g aufai a la adrt Maf aa4 wasa Caiaa Udivldst! p." Wa wvald tile Im laiair vl Mr (irusvtki Ikw all lata Is la U di II will cvftalnly xi a waW M nf aiay lutairy ia IH Ua k ai liaea ftisl of all If wre giwg nli Ik viiiel tuasiaea we waal In build a keV aa Vig aa Ua im u 4 M Taalaa4 t w ataf l la Itvmt te alia 4aal tsil If i taaluihgau iaiaa. It will lskrat Wal vxi.wod el luUVd aia la Ika ! hi aikr Dta aa iiwjf will K,jir .! tvl el slalutel Wf aad 'atui rtlie M iaw last i a a.l a a Iklaaa Ki U taken lata wasl4iallu Mpala Ua tike walftlaraa la lae alley Taeteara Maaala, IMtuaay. !? tad alalia Kt el aihsf asttuas U4iB f fvwlW4 fur 'ImaMMfwtaUsMi" la taa eial lipaaafet U a w as at M l el wa IMfaarfi Uaafit Wtakl The Rush for Gold. . III. I front Timet, , , Tb. rush of I bring tar ling -',,,, llm. when lh.7 I Diners " faced the lerro ..iiod ihs continent or i.,,,,,. to . . . dcMsri on im j--,v --.. rU Jlllin .w i flAi. un n tiiwi. r,,nHsni !"- r-. telFA Skilled Urg. S ll"u'7. .1 the survivor. "., of tnaliim. BU"" insliom "" wITerer Modern Science rvecognizes RHEUMATISM as a- disease of the Blood. There is & popukr idea th&t this disewe caused by exposure toxoid, and that some localities Ate infected with it more th&n others. Such conditions frequently promote .the development of the disease, but from the f&ct th&t this Ailment runs in certain f&mit. it is shown to be hereditary, and corsequently a. disease of the blood. 1 External applications, therefore, may afford temporary relief, but to curt the disease it is necessary to treat it through the blood. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills le People go directly to the scat of the dis- DUYtfvind Arid pnYtthinri the hlnod hv l imin.t. poisonous elements and renewing health-giving forces. i a a i ki w aa at- w iis oeen .l .mii ana I near- i iiniarvisw .. ..ju. a a "i nsu -1 J a. - .f tl.U I unercri" i it in w -i . i... frsl I i Portu-niiwr. Bun - , lvninr...nv tUctl 'T fnrsonisl in... liUl nl f UKl no"l". I sis I'eopi. :: ... llama' Ha ;:, i w. eaw" I n v-. . .111. 1 bri(n ui - 1..,. botH e r k(i.. 1 i,a is' Msrcn, ,ori, ana n. r - -., . I ''lil.liikltlsiM'.r;...! . .rn m l" I anr w"' DiMlt." v iwUiuR tor" 1V AOA "uv" " .u.l uTui..dt Ar .rMurt Bje.tlill !SmiE -"at W '"' .ant W -t lht blood J Tht fttnuln, are never aU looae by the doicn but Mvyy in p.cKege like this. Price fifty cents per box. At all drugfivts ot sent patpald. by th Dt. William Medicine Company, StHtntttady,N.Y. , Reforai Partf Will Oraanlse. Ciscikiuti, Feb. 28. A national or ganlzation of the Union Ueform party will ba rniule at the national confer anceof the amalgamated element here on Wednesday and Thursday of thia week. tkcretary Jf. A. Neff, of the Ohio committee, says there will be over a thousand delegate present from the different states, representing Hilver liepubl leans, Populist, Social ist Labor party, Liberty party and others, especially those favoring di rect legislation. Any person com mitted to tbe referendum principle of direct legislation will be admitted to the national conference. Admiral Cervera Wept ' Madrid, Feb. 28. The committee oi .he senate for the verification of ere dentlala baa examined Admiral Cer vera, who ha contended that he waa entitled to ait in the senate, inasmuch aa criminal proceedings had not been taken against him. The admiral de clared that If the loss of his squadron were a crime, it must be attributed to the government which sent him toth Antilles against his will. He told tha committee that ha wept on receiving congratulations upon hi safe arrival at hsntUgo da Cuba, for h had for aeen disaster. I'rajrluf (. Klpllaf, Louisvii.i.k, Ky., Feb. SiAt the t-egular aervicea of th liroadway lisp till church, on of the largest ehurche to Louisville, the pastor, tha Her. Mr. Carter Helm Jones, asked all th con gregetlou to Join him la a prayer fur the recovery of Kudyard Kipling, Im mediately following the prayer Kip ling "Kecesslonaf waa euug aa I usl pastta latmlgtaaM. Nsw Yohk, Ivk Thirty fpaa Ard arrived on Ih Canard liner I'm Wl. Must of tha twea are laborer, and are able li read and write, Alt of theoi ar gulag direct to dlflWeet Hilaiaf tuwat la la West They were ald for laesilKiWa ly tha Imml graal ofrka, to determine whether taey Nat her ta Murk aadsr eua traui The latiulfraal authfilla ty tkal ftlaea tk lt l the war witk aipaia W IkMiuitfrstiua frm thai aoaatr j ka laert l per eeat. Wave ls a4r la . CaM4, KeVx, Fa J aaaday. t4 Ik Ilia la th eily'a kUUtff. tha as ! 4 kratatla!ly seated. Tki li l ml si a ! Iwlasea serial a fsstUa awMiUeat ia tUy a it air. aiaa tenia 44a leaMk U tartan. Miek,, IsK li-fck 4v. Jwka K Yertta, Sltkoa f tk CatkulU tlltssMa ! Kaiat He. liarta, died Sera aaddsaly at krt faUara, Vfaagkt mm if 1 rip. NOTABLE EVENT AT HAVANA, Ore Beeanet al whleh Generals Ilroobe and Ie pek. IUvaka, Feb. 28. The banquet at tha Taeon theater fiaturdav tranln. proved a brilliant successful affair, Governor General lirooke and Major uenerai i.o spoae. iuuuns generally regard the occurrences at ttie function as the most promising ausruries of Cuban independence since ! the peace protocol was signed. t Tha thea tor was . crowded to I M I - iAt . . . ovcruowing wun speciaiors ana more than 200 covers were laid for tha banqueters. Itesidca tha gov ernor general and General Lee the company Included Malur Ueaei kl Lud low, General Chaffee, tha governor general'a chif-of-staff; the staffs of Generate Lee and Ludlow, and other army and navy ofiiucra, together with many prominent citizens and Havana officials. General Andrade aat on the right of General Gomel and Mayor La coat on hla left Itoth tbe American generala repeated former statements of th military ad ministration, chiefly along th line of asauranc that the United States in tended to establish a stable govern ment in the island and then to deliver It to the Cubans themselves. These assurances were vociferously ap plauded. General Gomoa himself did not apeak, owing to the hoarseness from whleh he la Buffering. General An drade aipressed thanks 00 his behalf, adding in hla nam what the banquet had duue much to bring the Cuba a and American eleiuente to a clear under standing and to deflu th position, work and alma of Ih Unltad Htatss military administration ia Cuba. General Gomes, wholeuiuett ia need of rest, said to a frlead: 'Thia popa larlly i killing nia." HELD UP KOHLSAAT'S NAME. aeaale Masea Will UeaM ta Jesse's t'MliaIM ai Ike aeaal. WsMiauto, let itla HeaaU soot ml l lee m Jtdivlary putpa4 a ttoa apwa tha autalnatloa of C V Koklsaat la be I ailed Mates ladga of ta awrlkera dlstrlst ml lUlaota, la ardee ta fit ieaatar Masoa, waa ob p4M4ewalra.atlv, aa pHrtaaily ta -e(re a alateataat for Ih eutawtit tea. Tha owatttlee deelded la reeuoH mi IWa eaalrsaalUia af W, H. iHf Mdgaftka aualBj Jualeial irtalk N4 iaea ki r Mess Waaatsafv, U ha arVaU teller raeeatly ra.4 frwaa aa affioet I tk arwy est viag I lria Uea a. fiaia taat aay tf the AatarWaaa waa wal their la peutl, Bad lag Pporualttea Lsr rua labia taw alMianiat ara la a dspUrakl aoadl Uow aad witkoat ta t retari Personally Conducted .Excur sions to (rjHMfi Laav Chicago very Tkorsday via Cola rado Hpring and Bosnia Root ta 8m Francisco and Loa Angela. Sootbern Boata leave Chicago every Tuesday via Kanaaa City, fori Worth aad El Paso to Loa Angelas. Tbea exonraioa Car ara attached to Fast Passenger Train, and their pop alarity la vidno that w o8r tka beat. Aeeompaoy the axeorslon aad aav nionsy, for tb low! rata tickt ara available ia tbsea PULLMAN TOUA. 1ST CARS. For fall deeeriptioa of tbi aervio aad th be neat given Ita patron, aea your local ticket agent or address John Sebastian, 0. PfX, Oi ago, III. Faisi n. Diasaa, C, P. A T. A. lltk O tlta.liteoola.Nak, SWIFTEST IIACISO EAST AND WEST. If you would travel rapidly and with com fori and esse, plea not that tka Aortnwesiera una ana it connection prt'Vtde tka fsateat service to eastern rltiea, and many hour tka fastest to western poinl niut bcktw, in liaf fslo, 33 kouri New York, 41 hour! IWiaUtn. Si ItmlMt. Ill Mali Lake lit Haa Franclaru, 63; Portland, to, hy ht save yourself weary hour of Ira sling by gelling ties! via th North. wstrni A. It. llskllng, T A., IIT ftoiitk Tealk alreel. Tka fUwk Ulaad tdaytaaT esMrda ara Ik alkkcat H kaadled. pak will ba aea I by avail aa raeelpt at 11 eaau. Moay arder or draft for M real ar earn la atatapa wlU ar Mr ika. Tkey will b aaai fry aa preaa, ekergea prepaid. Aiklreaa, jn? Kiiirruyl O. P. A., t.wgA Kuek Uha4 A IaHla y. tMBf gnrxiyr tiMn kyku m.vuk. t'Miinita lug January lh tha Graal li.s k lassial'a -t'ka.W Ftyvr." Imv. Ing IJaeUM at lihl a W. lUUr, wUl ataka iMerlbtta at I" wnk new fast iraiaa ta Mai Uk llty ami ftwlkiwl, IM. arftWa? t iwirtkwvat IHHtAa IVtaal pidaia tklr. I sea ill) kara ulikr aesl eat ilea tkaw kefiir, tHUjr aavewl kar tw ISa-tfend, Drfua rrwa) liask smwt TklaJt 4 Ik