u The Wealth and Lincoln Independent Consolidated. VOL. X. 4 LINCOLN, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, MARCH 2, 1899. NO. 42. if n MISS GOFF'S PLAN, Iadorsod by Maay Corranpondaafci ud dis cussed Id all ot ths WnImb Mtstet Cdltor Independent: I have read witb moe h Interest, tbe plan suggested by Kllen M. Goff, In the issue of February 2. I supposed your Invitation to discuss the plan, or if pos Ible Imnrpvs it by amendment, or eome new and better method, would be more liberally compiled with, but perhaps tbe brethren bare atoned to ask who 1 this this Ellen Goff? This should make do material difference, as the beet idea's we have in government, originated in tbe thinking of fertile mind's of women, it is a notable foot they have always been foremost in every rood word and work Tbe Goff plan is tbe beet, so far pro posed, it carries a two ioia purpose, first It will friv to tbe people their prl - mary lesson in "direct legislation" and let them in a practical way decide for themselves the merit or demerit ot "In itiatlve referendum", Second, it provides that the three ail ver parties may unite on a platform of principles, that in 1800 they can sup port to a man. andsotstooln the cam palgn as they did in 'DO quibble over details. t . . Let us start right, t$on go ahead, but we most not be too exultlnt of success, Neither should we unU est! mete the work before as. The silverWties have in a measure got to resurrswt the time time honored principle of Avwricaa bl UMWtmWWUBf VHOV Umm VVVU VHWVSSWU i was George Washington down to William McKinley, for tbe goldbng exposition MaliaitM ttskS has Kaam ii II if i i SSSj 1 il f fStt now frequently ten na in a maoxer so ainoers and solemn, tbat silver ta dead and will never acain be a national issue. Then in tbe nam of our great pcillo debt whv Is it: they have been so cruel '. as to reorganise their forces to do bat tie against s principle that naa joineu the rrert silver maioritv. Abl friends. 'Eternal vigilano is the prioe of liberty." Why sit ws here idle. W. T. MotiuiitB. Chairman, Furnas County Pop. Cen. Com Tbe question of who Miss Goff is, as Mr. McGuire remarks is not material. It is not her personality tbat is under diicusion, but a plan of getting together to flgbt plutocracy tbat she first sug gested. However tbe Independent bas no objection to telling its readers who tm Ami'rtntiaA nnmamrnnAan i liiaa Goff first became known to tbe reform' ers in Buffalo and adjoining counties s yvibou iub auiuuce movemens - pisywi v Nucha part in arousing tbe common f I . wl III . A I Jt people to make an effort to save their homes. She was but a young girl then, but she made many speeches, organised the women, got them to take an active part in tbe Alliance, got up little social affairs to raise money and help the fight along. Then she came to Lincoln, at tended the University, graduated at tbe bead of the law class and receiv d an un solicited letter from the bead of tbat de department declaring ber to be tbe most efficient student in it. Her plan ot get ting together has been received with fa vor in the populist press not only In this state, but also in Wyoming, Kansas, Washington and other states. A good many letters have been received at this office concerning Miss Goff e plan, some of which were printed last week. The Independent is an open forum for any one else who has any thing to say on tbe subject. WHAT THEY WILL DO ConWmplrttng tbe Grastett Orline In the Whole Htetory of the World. 11 is auoui time tua t some one capa- bleof leadership took h old of matters and directed the attention away from little side issues, official sea dais and petty quarrels nod to the real situa tion. Tbe rspublican congress bas be fore it a bill which it Intend to put In shape so tbat it can be passed at the aest eeosloa without loss of time, by the slils of whMi the crime ot73 will ink Into insignificance. It that McKIn-ley-Gage moaey bill eaa be enacted Into law there ia no hope for five generatlone to eome lor aay relief from the prevent rale of trusts and the basks. Il will es tablish a moaeyed arUtoerery with aa army asd a aavy so powerful that there Ul be little hope of esesps, Mas may flint but they Will esly lk to ds. tu tied' sake let as drop this bill patty qaahbliag aad try to briag atteetioa to the esiawitWs that Ises as aad from wkka there la aa except by Is. taat astioa. We ante bad eaosgb id psesat fvhH Taepewplearetlmlof it. Ut as take thoas tkiag Uat aUl save tae soaiataa pMks ruw ibstres tka gtasee at the Missis eeaiatary al the M thai v0i eeraly s al Ike Mil sssOoa slusgns aeWss tmnJU lera Umm atlNittMS) triM kmm buU, mkw abte Walters aad oftWtei KeJtiu aavtaf Ueessslvea aad I lots eMMrva ktm a 4ua wvea taaa the eMldiai t lie fast ' irli Il 3&,-a as a aiiav al kaUmik. wiaitra ll.44,alT. aad iS fc rmateal In reOwis lata t. It rr---ses tkUoniiaa l .l.l i KfvaUslMK aataaatiaf Im ' 846,081,016, and tbe treasury iiotes aed under tbe law of 1890, being 198,849,280, and the 'notes of national Danks, amounting to 9885,430,985. These sums added together amount to $1,317,855,628, every dollar of which is payable in silver or gold at the pleasure of the government By this bill every dollar is payable only in goldsilver no longer being a legal tender in .the pay muni oi aeois. 4 , 8. Tbe first section of this bill repeats the declaration tbat tbe gold dollar is tbe only money standard of value. 4 This Uage-McKlnley bill, in the second section, provides that all public debts and alt outstanding obligations, as well as those incurred hereafter, shall be payable in void coin only, and tbe seotion provides that all private debts shall be paid in gold coin, the avowed purpose boing to entirely demonetize silver and drive it into companionship wun me oaser meiais. . 5. All the outetand nor standard silver dollars amounting to about 500,0O0,. 000, must be redeemed In gold. The silver certificates mult be paid In gold when they have found their, way into the federal treasury, . Tbe only legal tender permitted by this bill is gold coin. 6. To obtain the money with which to maintain the so Id standard and re deem tbe greenbacks, treasury, notes, silver certificates, silver, coin and . bask notes, la ease of a failure ot a bank to redeem it circulation, the secretary 'of tbe treasury shall sell the gold bonds of ine government to mans irood inetr ob- litrn.tJi.na. . .(. 1 'i ' V Tbat means that those who have cor- nered gold will receive interest on 1, 800,000,000 which they do not now re ceive. It means not only an awful :' in crease In taxation to pay interest 'on thau vast amount which will be the first result ot the passage of this bill, but up on more thin double of tbat, for tbe bankers wS issue their "promises to pay" in untold amounts and receive in terest on them also, Ths people of this country would better wake up. NEBRASKA'S DEAD, Tbs Ooveremont Will Send Their Bodies Bsck From Honolnlo end Manila. The Nebraska soldiers reported by General Otis as having died from wounds received in action, have been identified' from the muster rolls in the adjutant genral's office, aa follows; iSdward D. Day, company A, fork; age 20, farmer; guardian, A. J. Day, York. 1 John S. Ally, company D, Lincoln; age 28, tinner; guardian, S. D. Ally, Madery, Cel. Warren II. Oook, company P. Oma. na; age 25, clerk; single; guardian, Mrs. Anne Bones, Forest City, la. According to a letter received by, Adjutant General Barry the remains of Nebraska soldiers that ore buried at Honolulu will be returned to the United States for burial without coat to relatives or friends. The letter in. diicaitea tbat the same will be done with tbe bodies of soldiers buried at Manila, The letter received by Ad. jutant General Barry was written Feb. mary 7, by George Huhlen, major and chier quartermaster United States volunteers and lieutenant colonel in charge of tbe quartermaster's depot at Honolulu. It containea a request for the names of Nebraska soldiers buried at Honolulu, Tne letter says: "Arrangeraenits have been made by the quartermaster's department no disinter the remains of all deceased officers aud soldiers of the United States army and volunteers buried here, and to send them, enclosed in scaled caskets, to the place of real, dence of the parents or otfter relatives or the deceased. This will be done by tbe government without cost to the relatives or friends of the deceased. "Skilled persons, under wliose super. vision Hits work will be done, are now on the way to Manila, ami when they have completed their work there they will come to Honolulu anal pre pa re for shipment the remains or all deceased officers and soldiers who are btirtad here. Tbe time of their arrival at Honolulu Is not definitely known, but wilt probably be during the month of May or June, isaa, "Il is desired that aecurste Infor. tnstktu in reerd to the name ami plsre ot reoidenee of the relatives of every dreensed flWr end suklier v. ha U buried here may be fumUhed to Urutriuuit ColoiM-i (War ". l4ng, upo! quarleruiSMtrr, Ksu Knwlw tat., sad a bo tn me hrrw, m that es. kets esn m nwmtljr atsfketl ami id. ilrooaed bffure they leavs llimulaltt. AdltMaal (ieiMrrs) lUrry has fr. warded the nsmvs of ths (olios laf sal, tilers f the llrrt Neissks wst lie turi is isthu eentetery al Itusululsi II, t, ilt, wmny 11 died J'ise tl burial la kt Na I. JmUms tl. Miller, eMiay II) dlel (WHwUr to; tMtriod la lH 11. (iesrn W, NvtoMs, ewy ni die.1 (ks4r St b(i4 is U l. Is rvrstd la s UU nreabf the ftrsMwsl epinprUiait ht att I 4 (tie ssitoosJ fvuml, siw Alles has srtties IS AdjvHst tlesoral tVsrry SS fIUMt f tH e.w uf la all ts esy fitt. mj th NkUunsl fused, as eoyeUlty Ike - ms erst Urslia vefsnsais. Vsm mi as aswt4 last I wil ts4 wy se a4 vws is aay smmsuts thai ui adas lie tsteeNrfa ssr Uvs h kae Ahmi ma mk ersdit las tis NeVessk la tha war wita tto.i a. HOT CORNELL BUT Having: Evidence in Their Hands to Settle the Whole Ques- . . tfon. They '1 No Insurance I Company Ever ,f Proof But Dees Not It Is perhaps only right to open this article on tbe investigation of the audi' tor's office with tbe remark tbat prob ably ninety-nine out of every hundred populists in the state of . Nebraska will vote for William- Jennings . Bryan for president at the next election regardless of what ticket or tickets be runs upon. ,Nex in order is t-he statement that if the populist par ty is t be held respoiH sibte for the adminlstraUoo of tbe stats it should appoint men who are In fay sympatiy .with the principles . of the party as pressed in lt national and stoats platTJrma, and who have shown their sympitiy by aotlve work and sacrifices to mental n those principles. If tbe leadin J , democratic paper of tbe state Is to oontlaue , its assaults upon the populists aa iti did 00 Iloloomb's first. administration aod pow tpoa the auditor's, offlos i the sooner the populist party ct loose fro such allies the mors rotas, it will be fcbUto cast for reform. , A ;, i In order that the readers of t&e Inde pendent may understand the whc!a bus iness and have the lair upon wbloh thav eaa form their own tMiniOna It will be necessary o give a revW-af O law governing tb'a auditor's ot, the rdles and practice of tbat office un&r tba law. and tbe reasons for them. ,' In tbe first place, of all tbe blook suck ing corporations with which this nation bas been cursed, tbe . great insurance oompanies are the worst The gold standard and falllpg prices have given them an opportunity to fleeoe the people out of mSlllabs and they bav inado tbe most of their opportunities. Men driven to despair by tbe shrinkage of values, tbe loss of business and of property have sought refuge from pauperization in their old age and deetitutlon for the ones that they loved by investing in in surance. Millions upon minions nave been piled up in the vaults of these com paniee, much of it by the lapse of poli cies, where men, because of the bard times, were nnable to keep up their pay meats and alt that they had paid was taken by the companies for which tbey returned nothing. The millions that some of tbeee companies have accumulated is so great in amount that no mind can comprehend it, and it bas for the most part, been wrung from tbe poor and families in distress. Many a poor wife has scrimped and saved and halt starved herself and children so that she could be able to make the regular tribute to tbeee great corporations, but at last tbe day came when the greatest sacrifice no mora could be paid and all of ber savings have gone for nothing.! ; Ro great bas this drain upon ths peo ple become tbat every state of ths union has taken action to remedy the evll.jln surance companies havs been made to pay for Menses for tbe privilege of gatb erlug tbe wagts of tbe poor and the men In distress, jvho loving their families, sought ln'hat way "to providefor them,' The profits were so great tbat many scoundrels organised companies with do capital, for tbs sipress purpose of collecting premiums having bo Idea of ver paving a lose. Tbs states have pa! various laws, la Nebraska thsrs is law preveatlug theas eompaaWs from doing bualuese without alieaaes, There Is one providing for eismlaers a ho shall go to ths hadarlers ot the eompaaWs aad eiantlae tbolr books aad seeousts l Iks parptHM of lading oal whether the eoaipsaWs are reliable aad eaa be fort! to pay their loases. All laesUt have simitar lass. Aa as eosataat eaail id stsklftg ansa eisail eat lose Im)uss la a pmlbltts thai al ways casrgva kkaa petwa fur Its smkaes, will bs rvsiestUevd Ital see l Iksst was ewtplued by the last WgWIsI are aad aha after statist aa agretssfal la writ lag Is wok fur awwtsis essi pee dsy, at Uf sards laalllsUd evil aad eiaissnl tsesl l dvUsrs a day, Tla at abt what las ehargs. Tw etisipsaiwi sualrthatad tsasee sasss lalke Math llaesaeampaitfa read. They did it ss aad ahos t. Tly krvsghtMsry Masses that taf eusld Is tsar ( their fvlmf vIm to Isrss Ikest Is twls M ths fvld slaad ard. AU Um lasts aes svil hsswa aad aoieVaiMl, Ills fees sip ted last ra Mwa psaert tisM rasa U Mum e4 Iks laesraaea tastpaaisa. Iwai4N RFP. COM. CAUGHT Suppress It Held Up and Fisher has the Give It Publicity. Uielr duty, according to their Ideas of political warfare, to do so. Hut why should a democratic paper tbat sup ported Dry an fly to tbe defense of these corporations that fought Bryan with all the power of their great wealth, appeal to the sympathies of the public in their behalf and falsely claim tbat a populis omolal had been "holding them up?" l ine misdoings for which the World Herald calls upon a populist office bolder to resign wore not crimes committed by him, but by democrats whom be was forced to appoint because of our alliance with the democratic party In the state, and after a combination bad been formed tbat seemed to imperil tbs inter ests of reform in tbe state. The World- Herald knowing tbeee facts, instsad of denouncing tbe democrats who bad caused tbe trouble jumped onto tbe man Who was gnllty of receiving letters writ ten to him by them and nothing else and demands bis resignation. Does any one believe that if tbe auditor bad been democrat, ' that tbs World-Herald would bave written tbe tirade tbat ap peared in that paper last Friday? Not very much. Then tbe charges in tbs World-Herald uat Insurance companies have been held up has not one scintilla of truth in ii There bas been no insurance com fanyjiold up. Even tbe Insurance com (inies themselves, one and all deny tbat fiey bave been. Not a nartlcla of evl 1 nee baa been Introduced to show that tjbey bave been. Tbe republican com rVttee bas failed to find any evidence of Uat kind. Tba charges made for examl nations during Mr, Cornell's term of office have been from one-fourth to one half what tbe Insurance companies bavs bad to pay heretofore and.are now pay mg to tbe examiners ot other states. Just tba other day an examiner from the state of Illinois appeared in Omaha, examined a company located there, charged f 700,00 and was paid his fee and not a word said about it. Wby did not tbs World-Herald get after that ex aminer for "holding up" a Nebraska company? Wby is it that its sympa thies are only for these great bloodsuck ing concerns in tbe east, who can pay their officers a hundred thousand dol lars a year and .then have hundreds of thousands to contribute to a fund to down Bryan? wbatbas been proved against Cor. nell? It la proved beyond contradiction tbat be appointed two democrats as In surance exarainors. Tbey started out on a trip. Tbey wrote him three letters. In ons of them, the charge for examina tions was called "holding up." In an other letter they said that if they suc ceeded In collecting a certain amount tbey would make the auditor a preseat. In the next letter tbey said tbey did not succeed la collecting the bill and t here fore cboutd rot make tbs present. Those were private letters and wore glvea to 'a committee of bis political onerali-s by th auditor iiiuiMir. The claim is mads that that Isfvld-ow upon which tbs auditor has shown himself guilty and that he ought to bs Impeached orriga. All thevldenoe so far shows that ths audi tor never received a oval from the ei aailaera or any other wrongful so arcs. No attempt has Uwa made toskow that the auditor has ever euibeuled a seat. atbptftced a rat or rsneived a real ibal heassaot eatltUdto, It Is said that he should havs laitsedistely dwrnUawf the Iso examiners akea he rweived I Mir krttevs. list thM appuJat were aol me of his osa party. Tier re reprsMialaUves of the d4snrslk parly, I la the sitdat of a esstMia the audi tor had dwharsHI Iss aVatoerals who sere oaty guilty of wrttisg iwk Wltsra Ikaes wsaM have Us a bigg rtis ikaa skos ke diet harfd a prvkifetlwalel who s s 1 silly si btasg a Ikwsss taaa is suivest tsrss uoiay, Ilea Ike eusds id Ike asdtlo ste tkle laveeligattvs) baa shusa aay svl Wtt'i4gUl? II fN sal gae)tkesi alt Iks Netted Ji tkfflaa, whkb was las saly thing tal ikey we eslilMI la, hstaetsrssdsvsr Is Ikes) klaptate leltsr bawl ea4 at) his rttate tetteea Is etsdiaaj swats (essi his wits, II as aa4 aailblaf l eaassai weaWI he kve daas Ikal? Wsstd aaa ks U4 I gaUI s4 Mdlag as tsesrsaes suaipaaNi sdkasMlaWS4 wllk dshssesl men have eonductod himself in that way? No honest man in th state wil say so. Tbsunjustness of th charge of tbs World-Herald excite comment even among the auditor's political anemias. Th State Journal of February 27th has this criticism of the World-Herald's foolish attack. It says: "Th World-Herald calls upon Audi tor Cornell to return. Although ths edi tor believes tbat tbe auditor has violated no law, tbe paper calls unon!hIm to re sign or submit to the indignity of being Impeached. Dut if Mr. Cornell has frac tured no statute, bow can impeachment proceedings be sustained? As usual, the World -Herald is substituting- hysteria lor legal knowledge and horse sense." Tbe republican committee Is not dis posed to be just. Its time is not spent in trying to arrivs at tbe truth, but in trying to make political capital and in the effort of soms lacking country law yers to show off their smartness. In stead of trying to find out whether tbe insurance companies' bave been "held up," tbey sit ber and ask such ques tions of the examiners as. "Did von have a hot time??. "Did too drink good whiskey?" etc., etc, Meantime they are u ppresslng the real evidence in th eaa. Tbat tbey were at that kind of dirty work was found out in th following ways Th cbargs was that tbe auditor and his examiners war "holding up" tbs in surance companies. The commits ap pointed by Governor Poyoter started A. A . S .a .a to nng out wnciner that nbarg was true or not. Tbey went at it in a way tbat would find out. They did not out a witness on th stand and question him ur on uuur wneiner :n naa a "hot time," or ask him what kind of wbisksy bs drank. Tbey requested th secretary 01 state, Mr. l'orter. to write to all in suranco companies doing buslnsss in Ne braska and ask them if tbey bad been "held up." In answering these letters many of tbe companies sent a copy of a letter that they bod written to Mr, Fisher, saying that be had written to them and their reply to blm covered th case. This showed tbat th republican committee bad th only reliable evidence in th case and after obtaining un doubted proof tbat no company"bad been "held up," tbat tbat committee bad refused to submit th evidenoeto the public. There Is republican fairness and boo ty! Spending night after niaht at great cost to the state ask Inr foolish and irrelevant questions, hlrlnar stenog raphers to writ tbem down.typewriters to transcribe tbem. and all h Hm. having ths evidence in their own bands that would settle the whole question. It would be a michtv mod thw u some of ths farmers of ibis state could drop in on that committee and listen for an hour to these country Jackleg lawyers while they try to exhibit their MTUM-t.neM at the cost of tha tux w vie sraie, wnue at tne same time tbev ere aunnreaainir videnwi-a. Aim renutable trick thai would 1IW r ery one of them fa any decent court in civiuzauon. In answering Sec re tar v Porter, ev ery insurance company denies tbat it nas oeen neiu tin. and but two 00m. p nun or Having been overcharged by any examiner sent out by Mr. Corn ell. Very many have aaJd in reply to In. quirlea that tbs oharges were less than usual. Ths Independent cannot nrlot sll of these letters for want of space. retracts ironi soma of them are aa follows: The Kunerlntendent of tbe Brother hood of America, writes! The ex. am I nation mads by Fred A. Archard limtrr suttiorltv of John V. Corn-1 1. Htste Auditor of Xebrsaka. was satis. factory to us. Ws found Mr, Archard rentlfnian In every reeneot, and rea. nnable in all bis dents imIs upon us. Ilia htrM vtmrm mt .lAnulf, an.l wers Wrwer than they tniebt bavs been. aeoortllng to ths previous etstemen received by our prealdeat on that suh. lect, Yours resiwlfully, 1 a. c inxitrrr, ttunertBlewlettt. Ttia arlar of Ka KatUtiual hun . - eil uf Knights and I tulles of rWsial'.y, sf Tiwks, Kas., writest Ths KaighU sul Indira ot rWeurlty was etaiidaed bv tlirertius of the auditor of the stsls la IVcemWr, ltT, Th eamlaa. tloi wss iN4foh and fvss resatHMb'a tMiuir SlT lW. a Uaa aunt tha.H tk ui eieiy he ever mU far aa etaiutastioa, ours rvapwtiuu.v, NstwrMil "Wretsry. Tbs roiled Htstss rVMlty aad fiuarantM r.imtMn v at IWltimora. ! the follusts letter Wag a sopy uf tbs MVer wrlttes a Mr, Itsnor f tbs Immm. asd waa U a MnwU.f tf IK4 SuHaftMitleSI tuksMwletl? th resell sf tm (ih .. t K. Slk lul ralAii wm ma lha ssiurs ssd (! st Iks sslnsllsss f ts gasMUl swMtbUas wf tkM swot. petty, asd by las sxdivwr st ebrak , sm4 is reply ensU beg is say thai Ike . . .... . . . . . . . . . . vMnaa ti mm eMtiBay mmm Ux bv ths rifewHs sf las as. rtise sf vnuLf atsis s Urvk IVvh fwr sssst Bj iss was erfv w Thai tea sxt sate !as!ad4 sasrfs tof k . k .. . L . . . .1.1 examination, but also traveling expen. sea, and to our opinion tbds is a larger sum than we should be required to pay. The examination was made very critically and thoroughly, every Item of our assets being checked and verl. fled by ths securities held i til All M session, The gentlemen who mads this exnminaxuni irom your suite, wers no. lit. COUrteOUS. and e-avs tin nan mm inm complaint Yours very truly, , SECKBTABY, The National Union of ToUrfn. ft . writes 1 I would alait tli-f. m about May 6th, 1808, 0. W. Palm, a representative of Jolvn F, Cornell, an. ditor of Nebraska, mads bis appear, ance at tnv ofllce in Toledo, n . trnt stated that be had been sent here to make on examination of ths affairs of our society, Such examination was made by Mr, Palm and wwa sutisfsct. ory so fur aa w were comcerned ind presume it wo to th auditor. A bill of exnenae amount no- tn tni.RO it th expense of attending this examination was presenter oy u. w. I'alm and I have bis receipt In tnv offlcs for ths amount. I did not refer ths matter of charges to tbe auditor, assuming that us jiua omy mnat sucn charges as bs Was entitled to Under the reniutramanife of your state Jaw. Fraternally yours, J. W, MYBJtEB, ' Secretary National Union,, The Amerioan. ItniuHrur mnA TV,,- Co. of Baltimore, writes: Ws beg to state tbat this company was examined once last year, by Mr. 0. W. Palm, as. alstani insuranes eommbudonii. Thm treatment received from Mr. Palm was courteous and ws believe thai bis ex. a mi nation was thorough atul emrmtal. Tbs fee exacted for ths examination was wot erhorMtant. and ws did. not consider It necessary ia nmnvt h mstter to th auditor for adjudication. Our correspondence with ths insuroncs uepsrunent nas always been pleasant and satisfactory and ws bavs no mm plaint to make. Very truly yours, PARE A. MACBETH, , ' Superintendent, Th Svea Assurance o. ot Near York city, writes: Th examination of our company mads by tbs auditor's reprv sentatlves, M. Palm and Mr. Gillan was entirely satisfactory and ths charge for th same were in our Judgment, reasonable, and not ons cent too large, Tbs examinations anivn rA n 11a 4a be thorough and pains taking and ws " Buaoiuieiy no cause lor aiaaeus. faction, W bavs sent no letter op let ters to Benrcani4Aila ffl.h.. ... wvHcr uicinucr 01 ne legislature eon. vcrmng inie matter. As ws toko for granted that your purpose is to bring out ths truth la ths matter ws trust that we may bs pardoned for referring 4S St a...l.11 Al M 1 Mt . "' w yuum.auvn in tne nrst column of page 2 of ths Omaha Daily Bee of ths 14th lust, in which it is alleged tbat Mr. Palm demanded the state agency for Nebraska of four of our corapan. ies. Mr. Palm never Ama aa thing and ths subject of his horing ths state agencies of any of our oompaa. ""w meaiionec y him. Very .rti I sr emiiMa sr . WEED & KENEDY, 1 Managers. In a letter to f vi.t..- .u. ..ui uja aevre. tary of the Fidelity and Causality Co. - Of W Va.1. ,It 1 - , , . " nave no 00m. plaints to make about examinations by your inaurance department, havlnc been courteouely treated. The Mutual Life Assurance Co. of Worcester, Mass., writes to Mr. Fisher SS follows: An TAmlnu,tn. J. - -"lftw. UIMig during the last year, I think in April. Tne chnree made t n. fm i mi The exanni nation was made with coorl teousy and fairness, I think witb on. tire exactness by ths gentleman who reprrseniea ui department. A. O. BULLOCK, President The Northwestern Tnrlnn of ir.n. Marenco. Ia.. wrltM! V Vnallfsl nit complaint whatever on the account ot charges mad for examination of our society by Mr. I'alm, Mr. Palm charred S38.03. wh!.,h aa consider exorbitant at the time. P. M. ROWLANDS, Tlia Hartford Firs writes! Wm beg to esy that ths usual ire taken by the suditor of Ne bnuka In mmd of this eomnsov Ku k. . euet by th departmerrt of most of ths ' in w nieo ws do bnslness. l C, ItOYCR, , . Beervtary, The tioval Leemi nf r,i..- -dL. Our aaaooktkMi was exaintne by O, W. I'atitH ataiul Uis Its or Ith of J mis, Tbs examliwr ni,i ...... r ftv dsya amt tns.1 a thorough St. auuiuiiHia, now ver, tas prks was whal vre thourhl was evtnlaianl, but wss lata) without ant nunii., TK anwrnnt il I was IIU.DO, s s m think that the ehsrgrs nuuts r twk tsnklimtkMMi ars etveaaWi n, ihers buuhl bs aiHtts legi'lstlos enaeted v aiuvsd tbs sank. Yours rvaiwwlfuit. t llAUt.M K I'lPftM, Huptsins rh ribs, Ths llretiisas litsursws la at Smm Jftrr, willesi Tss siamlMsUtm at our e4iHsay sts.ts by Iks tMaurss ttrrHMKt sf year easts, wss sella. ftMt4ry us and It sm1 ta bs la tketw. swl ik sir eksnree wers rssssa. skis, Ywurs rv irsiy. IHMKL M. W'NltAJI, rwMftt, Ths tkvtitkse4rsj Mstwst Ufs As. vta tsUas st Wwm, writest Mr. Area, rt. as rvpresvalstlvs 4 fast iWpsrt, ,hii uf Iks M.k westers, 6ka eras stttkfaotMrsHry dssts, s far ss w at