The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, February 16, 1899, Page 4, Image 4

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Feb. 16, 1899.
2? Nebraska Jnbtpmbcnt
if TBI
blipiqdiqt Publishing So.
At 1110 M stmt,
Um MMaJatlas to, mss alt
frafta, MMf ereer. U ear able ta
rai uiDirMiMT roi, oo.
Wantrik Tba Independent knows of a
person wbo wishes to bo,r a flcolumn
quarto press and ft folder, lit would
figure on ft whole plant. Addree bos Jfl,
Independent 1'ub. Co,
Tb Cincinnati Enquirer should get ftO
editorial writer wbo at least known the
most common economic form and bow
to dm them, It Miill keeps talking about
"Intrinsic vuliifl,"
Tom Johnson has announced tbat be
will take up the fight where Henry
George left It off, Tbat riles the goldbug
press, and they hate begun their old
plan made and provided for such canoe,
They dou't try todlsprovs the sound
ness of Totu'e principles but the my be
it a thlttf.
McKlnley fights the Filipinos and then
ays: "Ses what a groat and brave
president I am," lint be I afraid to
fight the Standard Oil trust, Kvery
time be tbloke of euob a thing ale knees
knock together and tbs cold sweut start
oot on hi face, When McKlnley attacks
a trust than we will begin to think tbat
be la entitled to be called brare,
Already th gentlemen at Washington
whose doty it is to look after the reve
nues and are beginning to look around
for new subjects of tasation. Thetre.
meodous deficits etagger them, The In
dependent suggests tbat a stamp tax be
put upon railroad passenger tickets with
tbs proviso tbat tbe road shall supply
the stamps themselves and not charge
them to tbe passenger,
It Is not a dollai wbicb Is good In
Kurope tbat we want, but one wbicb
will boy one boebel of wheat or two
bushels of corn In Nebraska, Then if we
bave thirty dollars of taies to pay,
tbiny bushels of wheat or sixty buebels
of corn will pay them, and not sixty
bushels of wheat and 120 bushels of corn
as oow, Tbat Is tbe kind of a dollar we
want In Nebraska.
It appears from Mural Halstead's
writings and other documentary evi
dence tbat Agancillo came to this coun
try at tbe request of Oeueral Merrlt
when be was the commander of our
forces at Maullo. This being the faot,
the imperiallets who are now engaged In
calling bim vile names are out of order
and should take their seats and keep
Mr. Farwell, of Chicago, has a good
deal to say about confiscation. Any
thing that will lessen tbe Income of tbe
millionaires be calls congscatlon. Hut
who are tbs confines, torn? la It not
these same millionaires, whose millions
show how much they have confiscated of
the product of other men's laborsT Tbey
bave been eonflecating tbs whole Inereaee
of wealth for the lost twenty years.
Tbe deficit of 1113,000,000 announced
by the secretary of the treasury needs
serious revising la several points. One
item in the correction ehould lis a reduc
tion In the reonipts of tbs govern meat
of 04.751,333. That amount was paid
Into tbs treasury durlug the year to buy
Union I'st'lflo and Kausas Paul no rail,
roads. Tbat amount should be added
to the deficit of wsr tai4 and (Hngley
President Harper, of lbs KorkeMler
platoeratio ualveret'y of Chleatfn, la a
peavh tbs other tight said tbe r bur is
loelag Us bold on tbs peupl. The kind
of rbareb be rapfxeaU aw doubt la, bat
oataide the rests of lbs btabopa lb
the 110,000 preaeher and palam like
thareh tdtBrea Ike teaehlaga of I'D Hat
are labia a dep bold paun tbs people
all tbe too Train a navaf die."
Hjfpurrtej rs It day aa4 disappear
Ta rt bav bas awn-ad td
lag la tbs rJil id tbs eurpufai to
pretty prucsplty wkeaevee it was a
aary lu reli l true etUdte-ea to
l tbatlaasj war ari'tgalad llr aV
asaads ia tb people, by waaie la
wmiIom a davtarteg lata avalil
ttoaal. Tk ftvmm b bavuat tw
tow to tbs r?wb4taaa d kaeaaa aad
tby iav tavatd a na adt way,
Tassr atlMtaef fae aaaalM alt tbe
la we nsjsawl tf was aaiun l tba tejt
lata by atrvfce td bk a wtthuut
Cturj It Us tMStt t gl a sbaass) at
o. tU tsyatrHsaaa ara MaM4
I tii taw way, ll saasra tbe laaa
VrzSJz tzi H k tftar.
Tha aaturaalia of extravagance, mili-
tarylem and greed for conquest which
bos held sway at Washington for the
lost six months is beginning to alarm
even some of the republicans. A warn
ing cry has gone forth from several of
them during the lost week, cniei oi
which was from Mr. Cannon, chairman
of tbe appropriation committee of the
boune. He mads a statement on me
floor of the house very similar to what
has been said a great many times of late
in the iKtiKi'BNDKNT. in regard to tns
enormous deficit, notwithstanding the
Innruneed tarlfs under the Dlngley bill
and the heavy war tuxes Imposed, Mr.
Cannon made a ceneral statement. The
secretary of tbe treasury In October last,
Mr. Cannon said, had estimated the de-
flmennv of the revenues for the fiscal
year ending July 1,1800, tobe112,.
000,000, or a monthly average offO,.
833,000. In hie judgment In the light of
the receipts and expenditure for the months thus estimated, the
deficiency was much too low. The actual
deficiency op to Feb. 1, 18U0, was
161,000. an average of f I l,U07,ooo a
month. At title rate the deficiency for
the fiscal year would be 1160,000,000.
Hut this would not Inolodsthsf '20,000,.
000 provided by the bill to sarry out
the provisions of the I'orls treaty, I lie
cash balnnse In tbs treasury Feb. 1, In.
eluding the 1100,000,000 gold reserve,
was 1274,000,000, Two hundred mil
lion of tbat bad been put Into the rev-
enuesby the war han.
It will be seen that Mr. Cannon ac
knowledges a deficit, Including ths 30,.
000,000 to be paid to Hpaln,of $170,-
000,000, Hut be does not take into ac
count a great many Items which all
taken together will foot up mors than
ao.000,000 mors. In the treaty with
Hpaln we agreed to pay all the claims of
American cltltens against that govern
nient for false imprisonment and loss of
property during the last Cuban war,
More than 9100,000,000 of sucb claims
bave already been filed and no one be
lieve that we will get off with a pay
ment of less than 130,000,000, The in
crease of appropriations for tbe en
larged army and navy and public build-
Inge will add several millions more.
It will be seen that when tbs Indkpkn
rbnt some time ago announced tbat tbe
deficiency would be 200,000,000, It
was rather below than above, Tbls is a
terrible contingency to face sucb a con
tingency as this government never faced
before. Tbe enormous expense of trans
porting troops and carrying on a war
7,000 miles from boms, tbs 910,000,000
that Is to be appropriated for tbe census,
the maintaining of troops in Cuba and
VorJ.o Illco, the building of twelve new
warship and other increased expendi
ture make a dark outlook for the future.
Without doubt, taxation will have to be
enormously increased and mors bonds
Tbls stats of affair has been brought
about bv tbe wild excesses of men wbo
went wild over tbe thounht of conquest
and wbo have been allowed to have
their wav by a president wbo is merely
putty In tbs bands ol trust magnate
and military martinets.
There doe not seem to bean Imperial
let among the common soldier over in
Manila. Tbs editor of tbe Indkpenuknt
bns seen a number of letters from them
in wbicb tbey spoke their minds freely,
not for publication, but to their neareet
friends. He has also made it point to
read the scores of letters that have been
printed In the weekly papers tbat come
to tbls office. In not a singls case has
aprivats soldier advocated tbs reten
tlou of tbs phillppinee. ' They all with
out exception, want to corns boms.
Tbs Importance of these letter are
very great for tbe beat young manhood
ofNebraaka eullsted when the call to
help ths suffwrlugCubaua was first made,
Mauy of tbe men tire college atudents,
manv more are from our beet fainlliea
and all of them are well educated. Tbey
are there, they have seen the country
and tbe people, they understand the sit
nation better than any oua at bonis,
aud uot ous of tbeut Is au ImperlatUt a
far a beard from.
A lut ol old coggers, nt tbs military
age, with Tom Majors at their bead tik
it Upon theuierlvM to telegraph the prtrs-
kleattba offer of another regiment id
cavalry I rum Nebraska to fight tbs
Filipinos as uua as tbey heard of tbe
bwt battle at Maaila. rrobaWy not
oas ol tbeut eould pae aa examiaatioa
(of esterase lata tbs army. Hat tbey
did not rprsat tbs people id Nebreba,
Tbey would be willing tu go as t Itinera,
bat wbea tbey eoats tu t tbs privates,
tbey woald lad tbat the salbaiasai tbat
Mure tbar IN tbs reals ab tbs
tar km Cubans, will U satimly
Utile-, when tb utWt ol Ike sat la
tb tmt 4 a ("opts wb-iaatf waat
f M an tariMatt
mieaf thsataia ttvte id tlslatp
Ulisi eaesss tu bs la a lair way id aa
euMdtbwat, Tbey waat psW atlaa
tluadraaa away lrat dMeit aflar
aa tbey a autre tratly 4at tb guM
elaadar4 a tba eetiM ptdtof d tbe
Asttto pa4a. Atteattwa taatirasa
d trwa) la tba l'bdl(ple, t tbe
raatyaa la Mawna. t tba trouble it Ca
bs aad t tbs ssaaaajesssat wf alalea la
fttt Hwk Tb MWrswl 4 tbawa k4wa
mm kea. aealleeed att ares tba iasa d
tba aattb, ae U attaaiM t. Tbey
occupy mot of the tiro of the aenators
and representatives. They ars the only
things diecuseed at cabinet meetings aa
far as the public knows. Meantime tbe
interests of American citizens, seventy
millions In number, Is confided to Mark
Ilanna, Steve Elklns, Allison, and Al
drioh. The tolling mouses who havo
made this country great receive little or
no attention. Tbe affairs of the half
savage Fillpeno is of far more import
ance and occupies far mors of the time
of tbe authorities than that of tbs Amer
ican people, 1 bey are left to be devoured
by trusts and consumed by corporate
wealth, while the national authorities
undertake tbs establishment of stable
governments In the islands of the south
seas. That is just the condition of af
fairs that the trusts and bank magnates
deeired. Ws want new men iu power at
Washingtonmen who are patriotic
enough to look first after the Interests
of their own people and after that Is
attended to, if tbey bavs tims to spare,
they may go to setting up stable gov
ernments for tbe Latin and Malay racer
"If any provide not for bia own, and
especially those ol his own bouse, be
hath denied tbe faith aud Is worse than
an Infidel."
If it hoe corns to a point where a polit
ical party can openly repudiate the plat
form upon which it was eleoted, then
representative government i a total
failure, Until within the lust year no
ucoeHful political party ever dared to
go contrary to tbe plainly expressed
principles upon which It obtained office.
I'artles have heretofore put up platforms
that could bear more than ons interpre
tation aud , then took either one or the
other of the Interpretations for a basis
of action, but never until tbls adminis
tration did a party, successful at the
polls, inaugurate and enforce policies in
direct contradiction to tbe principles ex
pressed In Its platform, This tbe repub
lican party baa done. In their platform
they say; "From tbs hour of achieving
their own independence, the people of
the United States bave regarded with
sympathy tbe struggles of other Ameri
can people to free themselves," How
does that correspond with tbe doctrines
of conquest wbicb tbe administration
b a entered upon?
Tbe platform pledged the adnjluUura-
tion to promote International bimetal
lism. When it wa seen tbat it wa po-
sible, ths ttdmlnlstratirn defeated it.
Tbs president time aud again declared
from bis front porch tbat bewasop
poaed to tbe destruction of any of our
money. Now bs advocates tb retire
ment of the greenbrcks. Tbe repudia
tion of a party platform and tbe inau
guration of a different policy is repudia
tion in its most criminal form. It Is far
more crimiual than the repudiation of a
debt. Tbe greatest repudlators in ths
history of tbs world are McKlnley, his
cabinet, and the Isaders of the republi
can party,
The rooet disgraceful thing ever said
about a Nebraska or any other soldier
appeared in the State Journal lust Mon
day. It charged that tbe noble boys,
sons of Christian fathers and mother,
who bave gone from our college and
ecbooUattbe call of tbe country are
ahooting down Filipinos with the same
enjoyment and wt that they would
shoot rabbits. Have theee men whom
we know are among the beat of tbe clti
senehlp of ths stats becoms such horri
ble bruits in tbe few months since they
left us that they take delight in the mif
ferlng and death of human beinga? Tbe
Hpaulah bave been charged with brutal
cbaraeteriatic of that kind but this is
ths firet time tbat such a charge has
ever been mads ugaluet Americana, Tha
Independent proteet w itn all ths vigor
of wbicb It la capable ngalust such a
slander. Iat it is thought that ths
State Journal Is misrepresent!, ths
exact word that It used era hers re
printed Tbs Iodeiendnt would like to
bear from s of the patriotic cltlxens
of this stats what they think ol ucb an
outrageous alander of Nbrka eoldler.
Tbsartlel mu Is found in ths third
column ou ths sdltorUI peg of the
Stats Journal ol Feb. 1.1, l-HUVI, and Is
as follow:
"Uetmrwl Oils intends to niaks a tbor.
ouab Job ol the pftciflowtlon of tbs Maud
ol turns Utorw be pauar lor a reat,
t'ampaiauiaa: la ttls aeaaoa ol tba .vmr
la not dutiful t aad bia m are enjoying
tbs bast as enuebasillt wr a rabbit
1HK rt t'tm iAtiv f lit MtM,
II aay oas stops ta tbs atad pursuit ol
lbs dollar loagsaoagb to tbiak lr five
atiautsa apon tb ubjet bs wjll bs
aatnaUhad at tbs way tba platorrwiie
t-hv evert bavs lurMkea tb tewebiag ol
Cbrtat. Carts! aayai HWu saltt
tbal ars rb,M Tb tbsnh syi is a
ibeairabla tbtag tu l rkn," t bitat aajei
"Yea rasswt set IKeJ aad atawaiua M
Taavkwrvh says by bf adiiaao lu
lull MIoaaKip ol aaarara, aad sito lww
; HtU Y ywa ea, It ts v ry oa.v,
ittva Mud ua Maadayt aad 4 sa wawltb
ua ! day. t artat sayai Tueuiv
yuar eVbtura, Tb tbarsb aay. "Ilab
tbass balufw tbs saar t aad atak tbeia
ty iy ertk" NulttsaUtk way,
Tessas) nut wii abf tb H"
rait sbsftlt aad tbe twbisfa H brtat
luaeb b alUr, Oaa 4 lb da.v
aautbse Wrntsy 0l arias a4 kau
IbaM sbsetbaa lata spilaMa. Taawatld
aaaiia bia tasstai,
"A great many long and learned
speeches bave been made in the senate
and bouse in regard to the constitution
ality ol a colonial policy. One set of
constitutional lawyers claim that If the
Philippine Inlands are annexed tbat they
become thereby as much a part of tbs
United States as any otbsr part and
that tbe bill of rights trial by jury, free
commerce, representative government
and all other guarantees of equality be
fore tbe law will apply to them. The
other set say that tbe conquered terri
tory will bave no constitutional rights
whatever, and can be governed by con
gress In any way tbat that body sees fit.
This latter Is ths Imperialistic view. Out
even tbey will hardly contend tbat we
muMt annex the Philippines whether we
want to or not. Certainly under tbe
constitution we have a right to say we
don't want them. That Is tbe question.
Without doubt there Is a very large ma
jority of ths citizens of this country who
are opposed to annexation on any terms.
If the Filipinos would give us a hundred
million to take tbem aud set uo a gov
ernment for them, wo would refuse the
oiler. We don't want to go into the
buslueM of setting up governments In
the Philippines or anywhere else. We
have enough to do to run our own gov
ernment, We haven't made a very good
job even of that of late years, We bave
hardly begun tbe development of this
vat (Jomalu that is already ours. It
us linprovs our own country aud give it
good government. That Is our "duty,"
The Independent is a populist pupcr.
It supports tbe populist platform every
plank of it, but it utterly refuse to ad
vocate theorlo not contained In that
platform and especially theories that
are at variance with It, It seems to be
tbe Idea of a very few men In Nebraska
that If a populist paper refuse to at
tack the party and some of its leading
members every once in a while and re
fuses to advocate theories never endorsed
In any pppullst convention, tbat it Is
not a populist paper. Tbat Is In accord
ance wlt'i the vagaries which theee men
advance, The free coinage of silver bos
been a plank In the populist platform
ever since it was organized. It bas been
unanimously endorsed at every national
and state convention that the party
ever held. Mo bas the government Iseus
of full legal tender money, tbe public
ownership of railroad and ".municipal
franchises, postal savings banks and
during tbe last four years the initiative
and referendum. These are the things
tbat tbe Independent stands for. It will
continue to stand for them. These Ideas
are having a continuous growth, In the
near futpre tbey will become tbe policies
of this government. After tbey are
adopted then tbs party will take up
other beneficial remedies. Hut thess
things are fundamental. Tbey are what
constitute populism. Tbe Independent
advocates them all. It is a populist
The Deacon Light of South Dakota,
after quoting tbe editorial in the Inde.
peudent calling attention to Mis Golf's
letter say:
"Hlrnnira thAtauuh nonuliat ffualon)
paper as tne Indejiendent are always
urging the "getting tonether" on Bry
an' plan of free coinage and redeem
able government paper currency."
Now Ham. von know better than that
and you should apologize for writing
sucb atuff. Tbe very editorial yon quote
refers to tbat "rdeiiiabla lu Cola" bul-
ne. Tbi paper ha never printed a
Itn that could be tortured Into favoring
such a system. Ths editor of tbs Inde
pendent bas advocated full legal tender
paper money for twenty-fivs years, of
which fact Ham Kautiman Is well In
formed. Hs probably bad ths mully.
grump when bs wrot tbat article and
II he don't do so anv mors ws will for
give blm. Kut rally bs ought to apolo
Hsnna' aubaldy sobeino wsa turned
Insid out in rongrea tb other day,
Ths iitsgnlfltMut proportions of ths pro
poaed theft Is la arcordaae with Hen
na's previous career. Tba Internal ion tl
Navigation rompsny, which Is llanos,
would retlv fr.T.OOO.OOO of tb ubal
diaa wbbb tbabill provide, Tbat would
twluapay fora'l thsshlpe tbat Ilanna
would build. II ansa did not maks a
84b! to at latu tbs aeaats lor aotblng.
Me of bia skaraetev go thr lor oas
pitrptM osly to get sperial J HvtWua
aad sabaidlae, MeKlaley will t turned
to tad by blai la tbla grab or llaaaa
will draw ibat MO,0Oo mortgage on
bias, aad the where would tb greaiaat
pratdat sis Idasida b?
I'AViM rNKAsas,
Wba tbe dH rtof aad boad Ua
eta fret slarlsd at tu atak lb'f M
avafpaya aure tribal lMpOal,
iaaarvalivaaJ tblakiag piat-l
wilb leaf 14 tha Irat billkHi ddlw sua
geaaa, Tb r;aWIaa Wadera rid will
tba sate li pfcri "TbU k a bttltua 44
lav uaty,M aad tbat aa ail eAet
M tb aalbtaklas) dapae abuskai
lb majority wf tb tvyaWiteaa vvtae.
Tis tail wMr wUI baa Mm aad a
bah) sue aad tba it aflat thai, II
ljvriliea ktUwlbagwvaaaal 4
Isy, will be a ta btllum etiagraaa, M
tbat atil ks awaary lo tb fafaWhsaa
had ta du tu bold tb aia al
tbe maesea of Ignorance tbat constitutes
the moat of their party, when national
taxatioa begin to grind tbe very live
out of tbem will be to say: "Oh! this is
a two billion dollar country" and their
duoea will toil and sweat and nav over
J . - -
their bard earning and meekly reply:
"Oh! yes, this la a two billion dollar
Mr. Morton In tbe last Issue of bis
paper makes tbe following statement in
reviewing a railroad article in the Po
litical Science quarterly. He says: "Mr.
Dixoo proceeds in order and logically ta
bor that tbs farmers, under the circum
stances described, bave been easily per
suaded to believe tbat, the railroads
have been roeponslble for poor crops,
lack of rain and all other misfortune."
Mr, Morton must be at least par
tially Insane when he make in perfect
earnetn such a statement a that.
Any man who would state as a fact
that ths farmers of Nebraoka bavs been
persuaded to believe tbat railroads are
responsible for the lack of rain, poor
crop and all other misfortunes, even
death and sickness, is certainly not of
sound mind. The friends of Mr, Morton
have looked upon bis vagarfe a dimply
abberntlons of a mind that was at other
times sound, but to write out such a
statement as tbat, have it set up In
type, r;d the proof and send It out to
the public, is proof that the man has
lost his balance altogether. If any ons
visits an Insane asylum he will find that
nearly evwry patient there I sane on
some subjects. Some of tbem are sane
on all subjects except one or two, When
those are mentioned they go absolutely
wild. That seems to be ths case with
Mr, Morton, His worst delusion seem
tobe railroad and farmer, Poor Mr.
The Independent for several weeks
past has been culling attention to tbe
enormous taxation that will bavo to be
imposed upon tbe American people If
this saturnalia at Washington Is not
checked. The Silver Knight bos the fol.
lowing to say on tbs same subject:
"among tbe items of expenditure ws
find the secretary's estimate for cost of
military establishment put down at
1250,000,000, tbe cost or naval estab
lishment 950,000,000, and for pensions
9141,000.000; making tbe total expen
ditures of the government for the year
for war purposes aud pensions foot up
9451,000,000. Would it not be well for
the taxpayers of ths country to repre
their excitement over tbs lata war and
CMlmly survey theeituation in which we
find ourselves and take our bearings,
and ascertain whither we are drifting."
If tbe present program of imperialism
(carried out tbe United State will
soon be tbe most bsavily taxed nation
on the face of tbe earth. Is It not time
to call a bait?
Tbe republicans In tbe Nebraska bouse
the other day presented a resolution
which ended up with the declaration
tbat McKlnley was the greatest pre!,
dent since Lincoln. Welt be could be
tbat and not so very great after all, but
wherein does McKlnley' greatness con
sist? An old republican was asked to
stats what single great thing McKlnley
bad done, what speech he bad delivered
that would live In history liks soms of
Lincoln's sfieecbes, what race bad bo set
free, what policy be bad Inaugurated
taat would benefit tbe people and for
which be would be remembered long
after he was dead? The old man
scratched his bead and finally replied
tbat be knew tbat McKlnley was a great
man or the republicans would never
bavs elected blm president.
The Lyons Mirror, a republican paper
says: Tbe American people want argu
ment and now let tbe republican editor
get at it and endeavor to prove tbat tbs
single gold standard Is a success aud
that bimetallism would be afallur.'
Urother Warner will wait a long while
before be see tb republican paper
making an argument. They bavs not
been trained In that school. All of their
training bas been in the ue ol epithets
and ereonnl abas ol publio men with
whom they dlaagraad. la tbat kind of
writing they eau beat a pop or a demo
crat every time. Hut argument! Ob! aa
Tbey don't know even bow to try.
A great mauy thoughtful aisa begla to
bell v tbat there I a seeral treaty or
aadsrataadiag between tba MvKialey
adutialalratloa aad l.ord Malabury to
ths t fleet tbat tb felted State ehall
bold lbs rhUlppinee aad eelabtiah tbs
oa door policy au Ibal Ksalaad may
HtoaopoliM tbs trade, Fug land bas not
peat oaa dollar tt get aa vpa door la
tbs Philippine, We bave pld all tb
toeia al Ppealstf tha door, boih la sioa
y aad praelou livvs, aad Faglaad la lu
nota la aad rs lb reward. ,Nu wow
def tba tvaglteh aomataretal elaas bt
tfasmty IrWadly, Fader wb eirsam
lass Ibey eoald t wall bs albafwlaa.
,otaUbaladt tb Vanats W fp
tared Iroat M(Mla, tbs eowaitttee al lb
bea baa rdvad tu baild lwti
warehtpa, aoaliaaj o 9'.MV tu
IIOtlMMi.tMMlMeb, A isad S aro vd
iMi,iMMi , asavy a b aa nsvat
dtaasjsd wf Vaddiaf. aw war T.oOO
U trwaa bwaaa, a detail ed ftaarly l
haedead aitUua-la tba vaaall al tb
prwthw vl laiwtlaliMi to t awiatba.
What II will b at tba ead at a sa aa
taaaeaa wU,
The Independeht bad intended to
make no comment on the dismissal of
Mr. Licbty from the Auditor's office
further than appears in tbe short note
in tbe new of tbe week eleewhere. But
Mr. Licbty bas seen fit to rush to tbe
Journal and the Dee with a long state
ment, which in tbs minds of all decent
men convicts himself of worse crimes
than be brings against tbe man wbo ap
pointed blm to office, As stated in the
new note, tbe question of pannes bad
nothing to do with Mr. Llcbty's dismis
sal. He was discharged for not perform
ing tbe duties of tbe office according to
the rules of the office and as the law re
quires, In proof of this there is plenty of
documentary evidence on file in tbe
Auditor's office. The following letter
shows bow Mr. Licbty took upon him
self to sign tbe Auditor's name to iilegul
and criminating documents.
February 10, 1800.
Dear Sir; As per request of your re-"
cent letter I herewith baud you license
for the current year, It you bave not
remitted ten dollars to the state treas
ury to pay your annual license fee picas
do so without delay. It Is more con
venient for me to speak about it In tbla
way than to go and look at the book
and see if the money has arrived.
I notice in your report that your
aseets are a little over a hundred dollars
and your liabilities a little over three
hundred dollars. These are not large
liabilltie of course, but all the same it
makes your company appear insolvent.
It seems to me you might recall your
report and list iu your assets, printed
blanks, olUce furniture and asNeeeuieuts
due iu the next few months or something
of the kind that might make the matter
look solvent. Under no circumstances
ebould a fluuticlul corporation put out a
statement showing liabilities in excess
of tbe assetts.
Very truly,
Joiiir P, CoiiNKLi,Auditor of State,
Per SiM'i, Liciity, Ins. Deputy.
An illegal license was enclosed and
sent to tbe manager of this Insurance
company also signed by the Auditor and
sent out of the office without filing a copy
and without the knowledge of tbe Audi
tor, Mr. Licbty knew tbat tbe law required
that tbe license fee should be paid in
advance. He knew that it wa Illegal to
Unuea license to a company that wa
Insolvent. Notwithstanding all this, be
Issues a license to such a company and
signs tbe Auditor's name as deputy, and
sends It away without tbs knowledge of
tbe Auditor and without making a
proper record as required by the rules of
tbe office. Tbe auditor got tbe letter
back after being informed of tbe very
crooked proceeding by writing to tbe
postofflce authorities before tbe insol
vent company got hold of it.
Here was an insolvent company. Mr.
Licbty' sworn duty uas to refuse it a
liseuce, but instead of tbat, he writes to
the manager telling bim to list bia'
blank and due not yet paid In, "or
something of the kind," a assets. For
conduct such as this Mr. Licbty was dis
charged and it is good and aufflclent
cause for bis dismissal.
Tbe man whodid thistbing has played
"the holier than thou" part aud is still
trying to play it. In thirty years tbat
this writer has had experience with pub
lie men, be bos never known a man wbo
fried to play tbat part but ended in the
aame way.
Mr, Cornell invite the fulleet Investi
gation of bis office. He did so during
the campaign and still does so. There
is not a publio office In tbe United Statea
where every clerk in it is as much at tbe
service of any one seeking Information
as the auditor's ofilce at the etats capitoi
of Nebraska. If any man thinks there is
anything wrong there, he is invited to
come and look the matter up.
And old friend and co-worker for many
years, oaks tbe editor of tbe Independent
to tell what this tremendous Increass la
ths organisation of truats meuns and
what will bs the end of it all. What will
be the end no man can Udl, but the pres
ent activity In tbat line can b eaaily ex
plained. It seems tbat w bavs raised In
the laat lew years an enormous number
ollutnbs who are jut standing around
ask lug soin ous tu abear tbem a la I loo
ley, ol London, Fngland. Ths truats
tbat ars now forming ara nothing mors
thaa what la called la Fngland "(united
liability eouipauiea," Tbsy ars organ
lied lor tbs purpoae ol shearing the
lambs, aad tbe latube ara romlng right
aloag, Iyia4 down and ayiag: "PImm
gt out your shar and go to work."
Tab lb Mtar milk traet a it lad,
atribad la tb papaea, U orgaaisat)
with 9lo,tMKi,(iua canHal. Every maa
Ovollon Node
Alea Maa) Oraat Difficulty With Her
Heart -Haw Curatf,
NMy aeu badaswullaa b sad
alea baart trowel. Altai I aa Waat Mart U
as wwsld Naalb u bard euwUI hm
beard alt aval tb tom. Sh fUt
waaa las e wm kf
Wllbwwt 8wtl4 t,eait. lie tlwb
at badly btaalad, Ut Istbet leletet
tbal att ! IUmI pat Ilia,
aad bas aauwtall builUa, waau
lb was saead, sad that b baaa au ra
lata at bar ltaMu.M Maa. Van 4
Tax, K-i tb sViWu, UaU.
tOood'c CS
It Us Nat -la M Iks ta f taa tM rwUk.
aai Sf kg aiMH. atlMa,