The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, February 09, 1899, Page 4, Image 4

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Feb. Q, 1899.
S Nebraska Jnbtpcnbent
t nil
kdipsijdsrit Publijhiijg Go.
At 1110 X Itwst,
$1.00 per Year in advance.
AMmm a aatlMtls to, as nek alt
at? eraer. U., parable to
Ltfooui, Ira.
Altgeld bas started a week! paper in
Chloago called the Municipal Ownership
DnlletlD. It already baa 00,000 clrou
Oar household economist baa a very
valuable article oo the care of lampe In
thla ieeue. Every housekeeper should
read It.
If it ia a buoffltto tbe .people of this
country to annex Porto Illco and the
Sandwich Inland eo that we may bare
free trade with them, why wouldn't free
trade be a benefit without annexation?
Tbat ia something tbat no pop can And
out. '
There ahould be a reapportion men t In
Nebraska, but this republican appor
tionment based on tb census of 1800
would do practical 'y no good, as
glance at tbs districts provided In tbe
bill will show, It is simply a fraud.
There is a democratic editor in this
state tbat week after week transfers edl
toriala from tbs columns of tbs Indb
pbndbmt to bis own oolumns without
any credit whatever. It is pleasing to
see good sound economics published in
dyed-in-tbe-wool democratic journal.
When he advances a little further in pop
literature be will learn to give credit.
Tbs Journal says tbat "no little
American believes tbat tbs people can be
trusted for a moment out of bis sight."
No Swell Head American believes that
tbs people can be trusted while tbey are
in sight, so tbey want a big standing
army to "baud tbe a retches to order"
a Bobby Burns would say. If tbe peo
ple can be trusted what Is the use of a
standing army of 100,000 at a oost of
1,000 annually for each soldier?
Matter for tbe Independent was held
back this week trying to so sift out tbe
lias In tbs press dispatches tbat the truth
might be approximately reached. The
result was that soma plated matter was
need on the inside. Upon examination
It was found to be matter that first ap
peared In the Indkpkndknt and bad
been fixed over and credited by the plate
house to another paper. The readers of
this paper will have the pleasure of read
ing it a second time, although not In as
good shape as when it flrst apDeared.
Governor Plngree auks: "Shall we be
satisfied with tbe statement of econo
mists and courts that ther ie no rem
edy for this state of thing?" No econo
mist ever said there was no remedy for
this state of things. Tbey all foretold
this state of things and tbey have been
pointing out tbe remedy jear after year
and Governor Plngres baa never paid
tbe slightest attention to them. If be
will read Wolowski ' prophesy be will be
ashamed tbat be ever asked such a ques
tion. As for the courts, they bavs al
ways been tbe tools of plutocracy in
every age of tbe world.
Tbs secretary of the treasury says in
bis laat report tbat: public Mt
shows tbat at the clue of bualues Jan-
vary 31, 1800, tbe debt, lee eaab la the
treasury amounted to 91,1S2,(I34,?S0
as laereaee f or t be m t b of 23,4 1 H4 fl."
It will be seen tbat while we are lucre
lag the army and navy and setting np
stable governments fur tbe Latin and
Malay race, we are Increasing our na
tional dtbt at IB rate uf more than
three quarter uf a million a day, not-
wilhataadieg tbat wear paying heavier
tax thaatver Ufwra, Have IB Asw
lea "Kpl vose mad Its. t ha deir of
eoaqaeat? Thia biaea l beyuad tbe
epar of party poilii, It la a qaestiua
of t-taat. Khali tftia sallow dnr?
It the pab to had Itowaal to I tear
lag of aopalwwt a dlflliM
wwtM so ettatt et . tUaatue Alto
t tsaeeatiawate f tbe party ahv
be lalradaawd, long Mm tbe bvgtaaiag
ef la war, a r4tiu ta reeo;! tbe
CbBm ttabit, aad t Us favoritieat
bow a ta liaia, With easel right
graaUj t IB, IB Cabaae Boid
bat Ml ta tbt Mt tbair !
falai. It that Ia4 Wms a
wJ4 be sua alt IB aatsagto
ale lbaltr' aa vy ba4
laewaateg fcaWJ debt, lav rvaaiag arataa
bad aavta. teMa4 ika tall aad
rap-at l tattea wlBtiB .a arat
Ibat tie tawab at IB Wave! f wall
I raw pat la tvi"ida "l ul Ita.
Tfcal b ta prwl Bfr a.
A good deal bas been said in tbs news
papers about "the sober second thought
of the American people." It Is certaluly
.ha fkot WirHnt t.honffht should be
VI UO lunu svasoev cr
m.nffoaiin(F Uautir if wa are to av any
UiOUiivnvius) w " "
n tha thln that we hold dear. The
statement of tbe treasury department
... i...a tha.t the deficit for the
month of January was $0,347,840.
Thadnflntt for ths last seven month
notwithstanding the war taxes imposed
at tha laat session of congress, amounts
i so'i HA7 Oft 2. Tha army bill
vuiii v , . . .
which baa Just pasHed tbe bonne Increas
ing the regular army to 100,000 will
swell our expenditures, according to the
mot conservative estimate, not lees
fh.nt7.MKm.000 annually. Tbat will
make oue annual deficit, under tbe pres
ent rate of taxation, 1182,867,082, and
h rnlt tnimt be on annual increase
tbe bsue of bonds of nearly 1200,000,000
or a verv ureat Increase In taxation.
The war with Snaln and tbe Invasion
the Philippine islands will add at least
815.000,000 annually to tne pension
roll, which Is already swelled to enor
mons proportions, being about 145
000.000 annually. If tuat maner
taken Into consideration It will be seen
tbat tbs annual deficit under tbe present
nt. nf tn i at Ion will be mor tuan
Shall we go on Indefinitely issuing
more bonds and add continually to the
untaxed millionaire, for bonds are not
taxable, and under tbe supreme court
decision tbe income of bondholders can
not be taxed, or shall ws double our
nramn t haaw national taxation? II
there Is any "sober" thought to be In
dulged In by ths American people, it
seems that ths tims bas arrived for it
to show Itself upon publio affairs.
Never since the foundations 01 this
government were laid bas Its existence
been so threatened a it Is now. Tbs
dark davs of 1801 were not so dark to
those who Indulge In "sober second
thnuirhfa" as are tbe present. An at
tempt to double present taxation tor
tbe suDDort of increased armies and
navies and the conquest of tbs Islands of
the sea. will produce a revolt In every
section of the country, especially If tbe
great corporations liks tbs telegrapn
monopoly and the express companies
are to bs exempted as tbey are now
Tbe Issn of bonds would probably carry
ths mattsr along without a revolt for a
few years, but ths day of reconlng would
. . I. L.- 1..
De sure to corns at iaai, u umj i m
bloodshed and ruin.
The very same processes are being put
In force here tbat produced tnefrencn
revolution. Enormous taxation of the
common people and tbe exemption of
the rich. The bond-holders have been
made exempt by tb supreme court In
come decision. Tb corporations are
exempt by tbs enactments of congress
and tbs whole cost of tbe support of tbs
armies, navies aud tbe expenses of con
auest is out noon tb shoulders of ths
poor and tb middle class, under which
process there will soon be no middle
Coon what meat have our Caesars fed
that tbev have grown so reckless Will
the American neODle take the sober sec
ond thought before it is everlastingly
too later
Tbe real governing power in every
country on earth is the force of publio
opiuioo. It follows that the poaer tbat
moulds and forms publio opinion is the
r al power. Mora and more every year
public opinion is moulded and formed by
the newepaper press and tbe magasines.
Ths editorial of the newepaper baa lost
tbe Influence it bad in tbe days of Hor
ace Greely, but wbat bas been lost there
bas been more than regained ia the news
columns. Tbs people rely upon tbe
news columns for tbs facts upon which
they form their opiuions. When every
fact is distorted and twisted to suit tbe
views, and propagate tbe Idea of tbe
capitalistic class, when thousands of
things ar published as well ancertatned
facts, which ar not facta at all but
killlully concocted falsehoods published
for tbs express purpoas of deceiving tbe
people and reusing tbem to form and
hold wrong opinlous, it is not to be
wondered at thai men go to tbe poll
aud vote against tbetr own Interests by
the tbouaada.
It 1 probable tbat a very large major
ity of tb farmers and wa earatra wbn
have voted for lb gold standard, II
tbey kaaw only tbe facta Ibat ar a
atatter of pbll record, Iblaga tbat are
to b luual ia pa bile dta-naata, aad
about a bwb there ran be Bo dibt at
all-ll tbey kaa even tbat warh, tbey
would last a ally rv vera tMf actional
tbe pull.. Taey ar kept la btaorase ol
these tale: by a wall Mated foeepiravy
that be atrefft eoatM of nearly all lb
rat daillea aad povalar wisgs ia aad
iadirartly id all dally papwra Ibntsgb
tseir kr4 faliasea nana it Kir tb nee.
Tha Aauiat4 ma U tb greatest
powaf aletdad tf Jatiaf ary.
Wltauat t aid uf bta ajaaey la tb
lomattoa at pablt pteUa, plajoav y
ewal l But rwatrol this gmtwr aawat Btv a
eisgl year, Wbila tha pial tort.
pw4aU of tb g aid Bag bat
at la da bar, tt bas Haa
bat sajall stall la lb taBaae-
etvlaad by lb iawiet4 Pfaa la IB
torwaltaa d wrMm BaHiat iiaHa, tut
l $m ial vaf daUy papefla tb
'sited Btaie tt day la lb yar
ailb It taebNNl sad B.tareeata
Uaa, aad 4aa lata lb aetllw, Btar
they ar as dependent upon it for news
aa are tbe dailies. The Farmers Alliance
waa quick to seethe power of this con
cern and by great sacrifices they estab
lished a weekly press. Through tbe aid
ol a few farmers and the bimetallic
league, a newspaper man was kept in
Washington for two years, furnishing
the news to a great many weeklies but
more fully to one, from which the others
copied. Since that, tbe reform papers
have been entirely dependent upon the
Associated Press, with wbat little of tbe
truth tbev can set from occasional cor
respondents who are men who bave no
training for the business.
Tbe one great need of the reform f oroes
Is a trained newspaper man in Washing
ton one'who knows how to get the
news. Such a man to be of much use
must know the department, must know
tbe leading men of all parties and they
must know him and have confidence in
his integrity. More could be done In
tbat way to form a correct public opln
Ion and influence voters than in any
other way. If It Is done, the farmers
will bave to take hold of it and do it-
Tbev are the only ones who bave done
anything practical In politics in the last
ten years.
Tbe Associated Press and tbe special
correspondents of the great goldbug
dailies are becoming publio nuisances
There can be no reliance at all placed
npon tbe printed news that tbey furnish
the publio. Tbe matter that has ap
peared during tbs last few weeks concern
ing General Gomec is but a fair sample
of their work. At first in great flaring
headlines it was announced tbat Gen
eral Gome i was sulking la his tent medl
tating trouble for everybody because be
waa not invited to be present upon tbe
occasion of the surrender by the Spao'
lards. It was said In those dispatches
tbat Gomes demanded tbat be should
march at the bead of his troops Into
Havana, all military honors should be
paid him and then some days afterward
ther appeared In the "graveyard" of
tbe daily papers bidden out of sight as
much aa possible, a modest proclama
tion signed by General Gomes disclaim
ing all denir to participate in tbe cere
monies of evacuation saying tbat be
thought It would bs very bad policy for
him to do so, as tbe excitement of the'
occasion and bad feeling between the
Spaniards and Cubans might result in
disturbances tbat would bave a bad ef
fect and which should be avoided If pos
In a day or two after this, these same
goldbug papers burst out with tbe
severest denunciations of tbe general,
declaring tbat he was nothing but a
freebooter and mercenary, Tbat be bad
refused to fight In tbe first place until be
was paid EiO.OOO In advance, which
money had been collected from tbe poor
Cubanjclgar makers and oth r laborers
who bad been asseesed so ranch a week
to maintain tbe insurgsnts.
Tbs next thing that appeared waa a
a story tbat General Gomes was de
manding $00,000,000 as tbe price tbat
would induce blm to order the disband
meut of the Cuban army, tbat be
wanted tbe money paid to himself, and
be would divide it as it suited him
among tbe Cubao colonels, who would
keep the main part of wbat was turned
over to tbem and the privates would
get little or nothing
Now it appears that upon a representa
tive of the president being sent to hira.he
made no demands whatever, but said
tbat tbs Cuban army which had fought
so bravely and against such great odds
for three years ought to be paid so that
tbey could disband and go to their
homes. The f 3,000,000 which bad been
designated, be thought was too small,
but be made no other objection. When
tbe dieburaement of ths money wae dis
ooseed, he absolutely refused to handle
cent of the money and asked that it be
sent to General Brook and diabursed by
him through tb medium of American
and Cuban Mows acting in cotjuncU
Tbs "news" concerning General Gomel
la a fair sample of all tb new furnlahed
by tb great dallie and th Aaaoclated
Pre. No on raa plac th least r II-
sure upon It. It la mainly tnanufaelarml
ta tb ottle and sent osl in thelutereat
of tbe corporations, tbs banks and Im
perial km. Pat this is tbs only eouiv ol
laformation tbat tb great ma a of tb
A mar leas poW have, II v tb mao!
It tbey Irau their bold Bpoa tb Votrrs.
It I lb moat powerful eagia id op-
peeaaioa tkat lb devil r lava led.
The Morm aatioaal eoatatltt aBoald
atakeiQj altat to turaUh th peo
ple, al Waal tbat part ol than aba rad
rWurnt patter, wltb tb . It ta lb
vry aaal taveetawet Ibat aa b lead
aleaatpalaa fsade. Tb editn of th
lBsrsBisT bas been laeiatlag pa It
lor th laa lea year,
fttimia cotoav.
tUakta Mtay I a eoepuralam kwatad
u lpUltelW ll. tBur Ira
J vaf I aiag tbaa Bay wt bef baataaa aa
tart la tb laiiad Hiatea. I vfy
saaatb all I fwi ua at a I bay
i.VaHOil worth al stork abk give e
euloay a u4 eapttalwiK bast. It bas
Ma taaaagav aad ta wada.tiaf a pay
lag baataaaa, Nm bat pataua of aaj
aarael aad atll Mawnj ta-laatial
babtt ar admitted la It ataatWab-a.
W ailete-a aatk arvl tkr id
Ury ad tsaai aettv,
tbs colony even under ordinary manage
ment ought to succeed. But all tbis is
not socialism by any means. Let there
be thrust into the colony its percapita
share of criminals, old, Infirm, shiftless
and lazy, that would burden any nation
attempting to adopt socialism and tbe
outlook of tbe colony would be imme
diately changed. As long as tbey cao
pick out tbe best in the whole country
and associate tbem together under tbe
capitalistic system of tbe payment ol
8500.00 in advance, tbey bave a chance
to succeed. Tbe only difference between
Ruekinand any other corporation
tbat all tbe members share equally
tbe profits of tbe concern, regardless
the producing capacity or ability of the
members. Tbe man whose labor bring
a profit of ten dollars a day gets no
more than one who makes fifty cents a
day. That is a muttir of mutual agree-
ment. But tbe man who bas not
f 000 00, and there are many millions of
them in tbis plutocratic ridden country
bas no chance at Raskin.
The boom In stocks last week reminds
one of the celebrated South Sea bubble
or the way tbe Dutch got rich speculat
ing in tulips. Here is a railroad for ex
ample whose stocks are on tbe market
Tbe total value of tbem Is say, 10,000,
000. Not a mile of additional road is
built. No rolling stock or additional
equipment is bought. Tbe property is
lust the same before tbe rise as liter-
ward. Vet that stock rises on Wall
street f 2.000,000 in three days. The
country a f 2,000,000 richer say the
goldbug economist. Look bow we are
prospering! Now tbe fact is tbat there
is not a dollars worth more of wealth In
the country than there was before. If
there Is any difference tbe Dutch were
the most reasonable when tbey went
crazy over tbe speculation in tulips. If
speculator paid 110,000 for a new tulip,
there was certainly a new flower. There
was tbat much to show, but for the f 2,-
000,000 rise In stock, there ia nothing at
all to show. We may be able to prosper
on gambling, but if ws do, it will be tbe
flrst time in history tbat a nation ever
The trials of an editor of a weekly
paper who wishes to furnish tbe truth
about current events is indescribable.
He searches through unnumbered
columns of dispatches In tbe great dail
ies, columns of lies, oolumns of rumors,
columns of pure fakes and tries to sift
out what appears to be the truth. Then
be condenses it and prepares It for pub
licatlon. About tbe time it gets to tbs
printer's bands, be finds out tbat it Is
not tbe truth at all and all bis work
goes for nothing. The editor of a weekly
paper cannot write an opinion or com
ment on anything tbe first part of tbe
week, for be will be sur to And before
ths week closes tbat tbe supposed facta
upon wnicn ne based nls remarks were
not facta at all, but were only tb opln
ions or imaginings of soms gold bug re
porter written for tbe express purpose ol
deceiving tbe public. Universal and nn
ending lying baa become tbe settled pol
Icy of tnoee wbo have the news monop
oly. No one can believe anything be
sees in tbe Associated Prets dispatches.
It may be true but the chanres ars ten
to one tbat it is not. Tbe usefulness of
tbe public press as a means of informa
tion to tbe people bas been almost com'
pletely destroyed. If something Is not
done to stop this universal and everlast
ing lying in the public press, it will not
take a prophet to tell to tell tbe fate of
tbis nation. There is aa old book which
says "all liars shall have their part in
tbe lake that burneth with fire and
brimstone." Tbey say tbat tbis book
is out of date and bas no authority , but
tbat is only another lie.
The trnsts bave monopolised about
everything on the face ofth earth ex
ceptair and water and now they ar
after th water. In a publio documeut
recently issued it la remarked that the
knowledge aud skill required to distrib
ul th water I soon acquired, but tbe
working out of social and indurtrial in
stitutions wbk'b will plac tbe river
which govern th va'u of vry farm
they furtllii under eoui form of publte
control which will saeur their ut distri
bution and prevent tSeir becoming th
autdct of emulation or corporal mob
opnly l proving h tb wlr state,
a It baa la every Irrigatvd land olt
eauagb to bav a blatitry, to b th a
duriug aad Important pfubUm tor farm-
er tuMilv, aad lbo oa wbk-b th
reward of tbetr ladqatry aad lb value
of tbetr Urate allliuaMy depaad.
Tbe bottom ul thla autaopitliMliwa ol
wale lath gidd ataadard a it la id
all lb other. 11 b volant ulawtbey
b larraaead aatil !' aa gel h
aM pr tbey did batae silver aaa d
atoetrt4 aa4 a l of IB r.
bavksbaraad, aad tb tarsaev aU U
MI tali term! atrariaa
atlbuat loading laeaMalva atdlhar
thttdrva all tbeai tor g.,IMa a
THatk Maraaaltt Mlal la
arae oattat bad aaH a-taBta IB
Bwt ta J if IBtftt iBaa II bad ta
Jry I h . tBMt M B Ik
etHMaay. luarBlp a Bmm-mm
iiUfir. aal lie baaia id IB vvj
Bt 'K that II aview la lb la
etg ph a rh atlti at a ea'a
aW rxMi, Iroai wbwB l-i aBlaia IWir la
Let tha People Mka a Protest A galaat the
Bacrifioe of Men lo Tropical Jungles.
it seems tnat we are launched upon
another war which will be longer and
more costly than tbe one we bave bad
with Spain. The bitterness of it, when
we think of our dead and our wounded
is, that neither our honor or onr inter
est demanded it. Tbe situation was
tbis: The Filipinos announced that
tbey wanted independence, that they
would sacrifice every thing for It, but
independence they would have if tbey
must fight to obtain it. The ad minis
tration refused to announce any policy
at all. Me Kin ley would not say wbetht r
It wan Lis Intention to annex the islands,
to bold them under a military govern
ment, allow them any sort of self gov
ernment or intimate la any way what
tbe intentions of tbis govern men were in
regird to them. Even tbe wisest states
men In McKiuley's own party could not
form an opinion in regard to tbe inien
tions of tbe administration toward tbe
Filipinos. Is it to be wondered at that
these people wbo bave for three hundred
years suffered all kinds of torture from
foreign domination should conclude
that they were to be transferred from
tbe denomination of one foreign gov
ernment to another, bought and sold
like slaves In the market and then taxed
and goveroen in the same way as of old?
Having come to this conclusion and
being determined to fight for indepen
dence if they could obtain it iu no other
way, it was only tbe part ol good gen
eralship on their part to bngin tbe war
before reinforcements which tbey knew
were on tbe way could arrive. Senator
Mi-Euery in casting his vote for tbe
treaty announced tbat be bad tbe most
positive asu ranee from the administra
tion that it was the intention of tbe ad
ministration to withdraw from the Phil
ippines aa soon as a stable government
was established. If McKinley had made
a publio and official statement of that
fact, ther would baue been no battle in
the Philippines and mothers would not
now bs monrning for their dead all over
this land.
Tbe killed according to the latest re
ports at this writing is forty. Of these
four were men of th First Nebraska.
There is no rejoicing over this victory
any where. Tbere were no flags run out
of tbe windows, no public meetings were
beld, no bands appeared npon tbe
streets. While all are proud of tbe noble
courage of our brave young soldiers,
men's faces do not light up with the joy
of victory as tbey did when our boys
were driving tbe Spaniards ont of Cuba.
A sadness and gloom seems to pervade
tbe whole community. Even the radi
cal imperialists cannot rejoice. Some
men go so far aa to express their pity
for tbe ineuagents. One man said:
"Just think of it Men lined np fighting
lor independence wltn bow and arrows
as is told in one of tbe dispatches and
our boys forced to mow tbem down with
Gatlin guns and Krag-Gorgeson rifles.
Tbere is no glory in tbat kind of fight
ing." Tbere is a long list of wonnded. Their
friends at home begin to wonder wbat
will happen to them when tbe sickly,
rainy season sets in at Manila. It wil
oh out a lew weeks until It will come
Tnen moo began to enquire why all
tbis sacrifice of dead and wounded? Wby
this enormous cost of carrying on a war
seven tboueand miles from the bane of
supplies? The imperialists replies: "Tbe
Filpins are unfit for self government
They bave begua tbe flgbc and now we
mnst conquer them. We cannot now
retire wltb honor until we bave subjected
Tbe staid substantial citizen asks:
"How much honer will there be In reduc
ing a lot Malaya, Negritor, and two or
three hundred thousand of more civil
ised people wbo seems to be tbelr lead
ers to subj ction, who are fighting for
ludepeudenc just a our forefathers
fought? There U no doubt tbat lath
udw can whip them. Wben by tbe
aacrinc of thousand of our young men
and at at a coat ol million upon nill
ions, wb cb our people must dig In lb
miuee, toil in tb sua and work for gn-
erationa to pay, what service will w
bav reader! to mankind tbat will r
numeral uor mankind at large for
sueb trentndona aaeritleea? Will wabav
a I fenced tba cauasmf humanity aitber
ber or la lb Pnibppiuaa?" To such
qeiiAt aa the th Imperialiat make
BO rply.
.Noiambalaading tb heavy wartai
tl bav bva Impoaed, IB rerala-'y
of th treasury y that thee a ill baa
i-Bei la tb reveaaa for tbi;rol
over USl.tMHl,0MK If w a'tarrry
it a war T.imhI aula front oar aearaai
Kw of eapplie, lb Ml will b wasy
ties antra, bi.a I th ey lab
r iUnI? Will ther b B 1st gstbarar, a
Htur lloar eats, staadag at IB
door id every be? Knelt w ga a
aeitf boad aad ssaklag lotiisg slave
of Ihvyvaaratlaa taaiaM aft a? W
lebertted frowt aar lata a Uo
aad ( repaBb. Mbalt a Wa la uar
hiiJf rpbb Brll I loraii
ear,Brdd atlB aa taor atwas -eai
11, a great tadt4 amy, paBii aVBt
Va large a ta saak ol lb tot le
ai.ilia.? la Ibat? Wi l
al t ttaiag rlk fra t ia.Uad
d hvta t-4 ?
fkBaltllBMipia-Me Iaau.l4 id
etl gtri, wd IB kiln; ola
few thousand of their best men, for ft ia
tbey who will do the fighting, make
them capable? Will the establishment of
a foreign army in their midst have a
tendency to inspire their minds with
noble thoughts and brighten their intel
lect? Are men civilized and educated by
The treaty of peace has been ratified
by jat one majority. Bryan's advice
should bave been taken and tbe treaty
ratified a month ago. A few gold bug
democrats who will retire to private life
on the 4tb of March, opposed this policy
and kept It banging in ibe senate, which
with the relusal of McKinley to announce
a policy bas resulted in tbis bloodshed.
Ia the opinion of this writer there will
be a general revolt in tbe United States
agaiust imperialism. If not we may
prepare for a long and desolating war in
tbe jungles of the tropics, out of whlob
will come neither glory for profit or tb
American people.
An act passed under Edward VI pro
vided tbat any one refusing to work at
tbelprices fixed should be adjudged a
vagabond and branded with tbe letter
V, then if be ran away be was to be
branded wluh tbe letter Sand bead
judged a slave for life, and if be still re
sisted be was to be bung. Workmen
wbo tried to unite were guilty of con
spiracy. Tbe capitalist class fulled then
and they will fail now, notwithstanding
tbe Inderal judges are making law very
similar to these statutes of Edward VL
The Injunction and tbe black list are of
tbe same character. Just as soon a
organized labor learns tbat tba trusts.
corporations and combines can be
Knocked clear out of tbe box by getting
bold of tbe volume of money out tbey
will go.
Hews ofthe Week.
Addison G, Foster, goldbug, was elect
ed United States senator from Washing
Tbe republicans of tbe national boos
of representatives beld a caucaa tb
other nightand resolved that tbey wonld
attempt no financial legislation tbia
tbis term, but tbey appointed a com
mittee of eleven gold bngs to fix op a
measure to be ready for tb beginning of
next term.
That Imperialistic lie about General
Gomes demanding $60,000,000 from tbe
United states is in all tbe weeklies.
Tbe weeklies are not to blame however.
for tbey all bave to rely upon tbe Asso
ciated Press for their news. How many
of them will correct it? If they don't
then tbey will be to blame.
Governor Poynter npon tbe petition
of tbe discharged soldiers of the Nebras
ka bas asked tbe antoorities to remove
Col. Stotsenberg.
It is said tbat tbe great trunk linea
running east from Chicago bave been
constantly reducing tbe rates on corn
and wheat lately. Tbat is tbe result of
opening a port on tbe gulf and th
building of a north and south road from
Port Arthur to Kansas City. The re
sult Is just what the farmers of Nebras.
ka said it would be.
Tbe Miesissippi Valey Democrat I out
strong for tbe government ownership of
railroals. It makes the soul of an 2 old
pop feel good to see bow fast these dem
ocrats are learning. Pretty soon, if
tbey keep on at tbe present rate, tbey
will be more radical than tbe wild eyed
and wooly pops.
Congressman Decker, a democrat, said
in the bouae tbe other day tbat It mat
ters ran oa tbe way they bave been go
ing, that the lower bouae would soon
be filled with populist. Light is begin
Ing to dawn on tbs democratic mind.
TbeTorrens system of land transfer
bus been put in fore iu Chicago. If tb
N'ehraeka legislature would turn It at
tention to practical ligielation Instead
ol waatiug their time over rival republi
can candidal tor th senate, thsy
might earn their salaries.
Miles bas a big job oa bands, lis baa
tba great American beat trust to flM It.
II keep oalteratlug aud rltraliag
hi -barge. Two ul tb graat dalllea
arani Inehaad lo publish lb tart about
theeaa. From Iba evldean that baa
It I Cass I Ka Well it W Keaw
Hill t IB Cn'til N
sty I P'Ut Hiia.
TB Impuruae at Niatulatalni gaud
wealth la ily alfa.uuU, sa4 M to
really a elmi-la itiali.r if lahaantf-
tat View tit IB avail UUius raqairad.
la paftavt BaallB IM B prvMtpUy
Ifwet rawd. Ta tUd at tfd la
airy aaai tahwwat ta IB uaa, aervaa,
eW aad !"" a Bah B4 IB,
TtMlrat areal It M id BUB,
IBarttut, Is par IWB Uvwl, f 4i
tBBrw4f ra a lltaata
tafprlU sad a I Baa It I IB
It w Bauwl !. Ilaadraas at a...U
BMaliv4 wilttMty a a atal4 Bate
Baa ta tBekr Bad IBaf at Ubaa
lloua't BratHlla. It to t4 wa
a fatally awahpia By teee.t.
II uulL llltt B ' Mlt B taa
INXMI t I IIISaaM4taiAtjttk,