The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, February 02, 1899, Page 6, Image 6

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    Fee. 2, iSgg,
.Dotof H.a.Btewert Arto Make
irRnrki Concerning II.
Editor Independents
Recent aventa bate brought the "free
pane" question my much to the front,
aod I fully aa.reelth Brother Burroae
that It fa the tnoet potent Inetrument of
corruption which hoe ever entered the
arena of American politic. Nor do I
write to apologlni for, nor to justify it
nee by our state official), but to cull at.
tention to a fact in the change of condl.
tione, which make it poscihle for a
populist legislator orexecutive officer to
nee a railroad pee without in any way
impairing bin obligation to the people.
For when any Inatltut ion bn been re
moved beyond the cos of their author.
Ity they can nolnnirer bo held respousl
hl for it Hctliine or be considered a lao-
tor lu the let or hindrance of it policy,
An ha b-en wild, no fur a state poll
tic wa concerned "reduction of rate
wa the question upon which we organ
ised year atto. The legislature of 1891
wa elected upon that Issue and they
(rare un a maximum rate law which wa
killed by the veto of one man eon ted In
the governor' chair by llli-gal and fraud
ulent votes. Hut railroad rate etlll re.
mained an Issue In hgislntlve election,
And th legislature of l)!J again at
tempted to ext-ruls li-glslativesupervie-ion
of ratee. And while It Is true that
the roeds met ue In thse conteete with
all their force and power, anil we ae
now that they were only skirmishing
while we were fighting n for life. Their
outpoetewere only engeged, and the
pnssugeof House Holl No. , only
caused them to uniiiiflc their reserve
and fall buck upon them, ami our work
wan nwept from the field, and the rate
qneetloii taken entirely from the field
of legislative and executive politic and
authority. The federal court, the re
aerve force of corporate despotism, the
Mamalukee of the itivieihle empire tin
covered their mailed hand and dealt the
people a blow which timet ehow the
thoughtful American citizen that the
first coueul hae already beeoineemperor,
although the crown In etlll out of sight,
With true Napoleonic craft tbeee court
told the representatives of the people
that they might monkey with thf rate
question if they wanted amusement.
The sovereignty of the people I dead.
A government by, for and of the npls,
if it ever existed here, I a thing of the
tuiet. Hilt we do noteeem to eompre
end the eigiiiflt'unce of the ecene which
pa before onr eye. We have received
notice from the imjierial power that
popular control ha ceased, but we "elt
laughing and aeklng question In the
forum." We am nee oureelve with the
empty forma of a republic, and quarrel
among oureeive over question the
final eettlement of which ha long eince
'been removed beyond our reach or au
thority, "free pa" "free coinage," "ex
panaion and a dox?n other incidental
queatlona aerve to keep u thinking that
we are factor In the government, while
the imperial . mandate of the federal
oonrtia rammed down onr patriotic
throat with tneflag-ataff of "old glory,"
A little Scrap with Spain, questionable
aa to ita neoeeeltv and conduct, la eelted
upon to abeorb pnblio attention. More
beroea bve been made out of that af
fair than the great atrutigle of the re
public tarnish, while the con tern pora-
aeoua nnanoiai action 01 ine govern
ment gives the lie to th (ilea of human
Ity. to free the tax-ridden Cubane. we
aell Into bondage ten of tbouaanda of
onr own people. Starvation and Danx
ruulov had drawn the line on Spanleh
oowerto Day intereat. The American
peasantry la etll' a fruitful field. The
Invincible empire laya aaida their garlic
ecented blood-atained and worthlea
Bpanleb-Cubnn bonda and buy a Inatead
a few hundred mllllona criep new lien on
American labor (all for humanity) to be
redeemed In coin. A centraltiing tax i
levied on the neeoiutitlea ol life and bual
neea activity, and the reulta turned
over to the imperial power, (the aaao
elated bank.) Kxitlng political partiea
would now weicume e tiivernlou oupuUr
enough to allow them to embalm the
mone.v aiieetlon and lay It away. Let
a not aaeiet In furnishing thia divrreinn
by quarreling over lnolltl queetione
which th federal court will et tie. Let
them I But let na rally In aolid phnleux
for the Una. aeeault on the oilldei ol Iin
perial power.
II. U. Ktrwart.
Crawford, Neb.
A Llawla ArtUtkM Mad It raw all
Over the Vattad atate.
Idle Parker, tha head olthe art de
partment of tha Nebraska enlveralty, in
her waaderiuga hapaed In lawrence,
K ansae. Sheas la search ofsahjrfts
to illustrate and ah saw the olddatvb
windmill that adorns on of th hill iu
th vWnlty, She immediately recitg
alasd ita art value aad weal to work
ad mad a plot re of It. A tine etching
wa mad front he drawing and many
eupW av twa eoiJ, Now tha
Mparwhavw Use aptha matter and
sum plete htatitrte are blng wrtltea ol
the old wlaJmilU It ha had a very n
aaaatM hllry. live U www (4 Ut
Upp4 frwa oa uf th U4 dailie
lkaly Imira wtadatiU la Ih i'slil
It w haul atr ikaa thirty fear m
aad H slid aiaada, tsl ka Wi uai
eeva l r. lk mmt
traotara st a Us-iwail, aud air Iks
thai II t aa atHt kH hi
taktroat, It darts tlae tt lu
Meitt that tjvaatritl ru lata !.
raetaM te tta aad hUl Ik !
Ukakuaata. Tk ssilt auwei tr
! iMNarteg ate (!. A pa
paarrui rd awl ti Ik fcdi e aka-k
it t4 want, aad, ati ahwwita
4Vtlaa tkatwtrw awekia a it,
Uy set Ira It it, aad Ik w4 aUf
Mil (vt Ml lttlt
r'?,- vi
. rm k
1 - . M. tMnTltl
ihV ajpaajsaj Wai Mi
rl irnHNlA To xehf tor raafc
Btdwell'a frail larm, UrgMl 1 0HJoriil
la Beoremrnto valley where aJrrletfoB le
needed! wlihln a mU from ood 4
railroad depot, end near the atr a vera
Uri. fruit eolony. Climate e $ooA aa aavla
th.staM. and w.ier the baal latha eute. Ceej
ever 9J ,O0O; etoer and title perl. Ynu
th" jear. Orchard la food eoatOB. bavj
IB bJea well ar4 tor. I bousbl ead ahiaMd
tbU propertf for my furore homeJbut a
iSmrrallr prevenu n.eln. the prop;
ran be divided. Adrtrene pr. T. M. Trial!,
0 St., Unoolo. Nehraeka.
waano more. Itwaa Immediately re
built, aaya the St. Louie Olobe-Demo-
"juiyl, 180.1, tha foundation of the
old Dutch windmill waa laid. A. Palm
and 0. 11. Wilder were the promotera of
the venture. Fourteen ekllled mechan
ic were brought over from Sweden by
Mr, Palm to work on it. It wa nearly
completed when Q'lunrlll made hi awful
attack upon the city ol Lawreuce. The
framework of the structure wa entirely
destroyed. But oon afterward the
work of rebuilding wo begun. It waa
flnlened In May, lbfll. , ,
It is an oectagon-ehaped frame build
ing, four stories In height, and the stone
baeemeutba walla alx feet thick. The
whole top cap Is pivoted and turna the
thirt v-foot arm In intuition to catch the
wind. The mill wa provided with four
mill stones two for.wheat and two for
corn. The capacity of it waa twenty
bushel daily each of Hour ana meai.
The cost of the mill wa 5,000. With
the wind blowing at the rat of twenty
five mile an hour It wa estimated that
the mill would develop eighty horse
;ower. In the earlier day the wino:
ilew much steadier and with greater
velocity than since the country hue been
settled. . ..
In 1805 ft largo plow shop was built
adjoining the mill. The "Lawrence
I'low company" was ine name oi ui
concern, rower was transmuted to
shop from the mill by the shafting and
eight grindstone were run. For twenty
one years the old mill ran steadily.
Finally It was decided to cease opera
tions there, as the wind waa too vari
able and the apparatus too old-fashioned.
Since 1X85 there has been no
work done there. At present the build
ing is In a good state preservation, but
the machinery I out of shape, The
covering of the four sale baa rotted off,
and all that now remain I the historic
old structure, a point of Interest which
every citizen of Lawrence I proud to
ehow to bis frh nd.
Recently a hospital association of
Lawrence has purchased the property,
and the ground will be beautified and
the old mill kept In shape as an historic
relic. Near to it will lie built a large hos
pital, and It I thought that the old llol
I an dUli wind motor will be a cheering
sight to the patient who happen to be
at the hospital. 1 lie old mm na ueeu
the scene of many college fraternity
Initiation, and some of the colored peo
ple living In Ita vicinity declare Mat it
a haunted.
Editor Indepandenti
lbav read with Intereat tha discus-
alon in recent iaanea of your paper be
tween tb editor and varloua corre
apondenta of the likeneaa or nnlikeneaa
ol Socialism to Populism, and especial
ly the letter of Anguat Storme in your
laat laaue, and your anawer tnereto.
My intereat In tha aubjeot impels me
to take a band In tb discussion.
I am not a aooiallat aa tba word baa
long been used, but I am a firm believer
in Populistio Socialism. Wbat 1 mean
bv thia I thiuk will appear by my com-
tueuta, to follow, on Mr, Storm's letter
and your answer.
Aa I read Mr. Storm's letter, be does
not condemn the use ol Improved ma-
eblnery under all circumstances, but be
oondemna it under tue present commit!
tive, monopolietio ayatem. He apeak
of the "introduction of labor displac
ing machinery with ita deadly result un
der capitalism. Upon tbi point, bow
vr, be doea not elaborate, and I am
at a toes to know lut what use he would
make of improved machinery, and, if he
would have the world una it, how he
equitably and juetly distribute tbs euor-
tuuus benefits to now from It legit hunt
use. Will be, or some othor aocialist,
pleas tell ua?
I'll Populist view of tha question Is
that under present oonditioua the use of
improved uiacbiuery aids, tost ere, and
eaiitblishe inouopolietl combination
which are used to increase the wealth of
the wealthy by levying an unjust profit
upon Ihe productive labor 01 the multi
tudes. would destroy these or tun
ing monopolies by nationaliiing certain
tuJUHtrns, liegtutiiiig with the trimnir
tatlon busituss, which Is naturally mo
This, 1 would say to Mr. Storm, Is the
Pupuiistie form ol co-uperaiioii. It is
tbeformol ro-otierailon mtt practl
cable now and ni)w likely lobe ai tamed
by political wrgaatiatios.
By niesu ol it w would destrtiy that
lorui ul oo-oiraiiou which rrewtv
trust aad combiar ur tb beueB tt a
lew i lor Mr. Storm ia rurreet when he
ai that th only aity lor rapitsl tin
iWr lb praMl oiutitiva yiiti 'lw
in tHt-ttperwiioa by th furiualion ol
tru un
livery UwkeortHratiua U a co opr
ati eirs, and I know Iroat fwara of
(malum i(rwww aad vtMarvailua
that tb eurpufat et-trative e.
wraa are foraenl lavuM tkkllliu aad
erwakutg flet t.1 enmttitkta, Tb sg
SimatH vf allai la tkae-lat
tttfcHruaibiaetl ladividaaUi kir iair
waiitai kalt. aut ualf t iataM lu
.tvtiwt-liab. liui aaaaily d" atwmu-
'ik ( Ikiws ltgtvtk xtrtM Ik
ewatbialag aa advaaUs that lh?
wake a gteal prat. It et Ikl pnlt
iay ae ailf. rwtmrateiy lhjr eeaul
Mk It Iweaaa ! aV-rwt tMititaa.
ti ei44tM thy da atak mvfcif
h rdiMrts1 ! M I hwfcn4 ,
k.y tkrwtti4 tta a4
trt-lu. iitif mmi laleHM ra.
Tk lat la her a w w a!
ltk Ik saatti: MatU vuitalitt
eaefMPI f 111. I fcW, alrtMtJj aKki
. k a 1 lowe, Ita la, btaea
h fit tt M4 aad tMiia t
utr ail l4 ! all baiiKl f
Isks all ii Wialairwa aad
all tal -! wad Ik .
adwiawtraltus. kd Ik tl K
IkfUMsh aaikmal iwikHi 11 as
rlaiamale4af aNlka tkt M lb
kt Mir tr AI L
" Tkia la Ik Imkmm dttlel tttta
w.atk twww vt Itidav la
I ha S.iu,iail mn llf I
When thev do. tba nee of improved ma
chioerj will became highly benifioent and
the multitude will be bleaaed by it, in
atead of cursed aa while it ia in monop
olietio bande.
Beaide tbia question tha free coinage of
sliver ainka out of eight To be aure, let
our prevent induatrial ayatem continue
a It I and we snail neea me tree coinage
of silver to palliate the evil eomewtmt.
But give ua national co-oietratlon tothe
extent demanded by the Populieta and
the free ooinage ol eitver wouia D 01
little advantage.
Co-operation that ahaii meet me gh
maude of ail the people fully and relieve
them from the cruebing of limited co
operation by trust, combines and cor
porations, la to peuccompiieueu turougu
1 be nation, state and municipalities.
Mavor Quiucy of Boston, a eciou ol
the purest patrioian stock of Puritanic
blue-bloods, is giving u a sample now
of this kind of Populistio co-operation.
Kvery city that acquires ita munlsipal
utilities furnishes further illustration ol
the policy. Some call this policy Social-
I .1 f . I. - L 1 Jklu Id i.a M'i
IMIIO. U 1110 limi HtlUIHJ luin IB i um
In this sense, Is the public achool and
iM)stotHce. So will be government own
ership of railroads, telegraphs, tele.
phones, inventions, coai lanos, eavinfi
banks and other Hues of Industry which
are clearly monopolistic in private
bauds. After these are acquired by
government what will follow no men
can foresee, possibly government own
ership of all manufacturing plants, then
of all tiieana of distribution; and then
what? No man can foresee the end.
ICvoltitlon. not revolution. I In the
air. The new government to be evolved
out of present condition will be chiefly
Industrial. It will be a protector of the
weak, not a guardian of the strong.
Prokuctiou wili not be diminiehed un
der It, but distribution will be eqnallxod.
w. V, IIAN0,
Kearney Neb.
Will Mr. Hand please tell n bow it Is
that In all the history of the world that
Id seasons when price are atuble or are
rising the distribution of property is nl'
ways more general, and In season when
price ure falling the tendencies are al
ways to concentrate iu a few and etill
fewer bands. What I wanted ia the
equitable distribution of property,
Kvery economist in the world, or who
has written eince the days of Aristotle,
claim that property can be distributed
by controlling the quantity of money.
It I to distribute these danerouely
great fortune equitably among the
whole people to enable the producer to
thereafter keep what he produces that
the control of the volume of money is
sought. Every trust would disappear
within five years upon a rising market.
The only practical way of killing trusts
is to get control of tba volume of mon
ey. It ia not competition that make
trusts. It ia falling price. Under the
old common law all monopolies, such a
hotel, bridge, and highways, were un
der oontrol 0 tba government, adminis
tered through tba courta. Prices were
fixed by law. Tbeconrta having become
corrupt, and the people having failed to
reform them; we auffer In consequent.
The control of tba volume of money -the
free coinage of ailver and issue of
money I tha all-important thing.
Br. BulPi Cough Nyrnp prevent
pneumonia or Inflaiuation of the lung.
This celebrated remedy will cure a cough
or cold promptly. It I the best medi
cine for all kind of lung trouble and
coata but 25 cent a bottle.
Motor 'Da Company.
Peoria, 111., Jan. 31. A company
ha been organized to run a line oi
motor-bussea in opposition to th
atreet car line. The 'bussea are rubber-tired
vehlclea carrying twenty
rnlllua Dun a (La Dvavuu Lllit.
The republic has been the beacon light
of the world for more than a century.
It has not onlv lifted thu booeM of all
men, but by Its example it has tnined
uieiaceot nearly all nation toward
liberty. Since the Brut reading of th
IM-Iuration of Independence over Ml
constitutions that were Repnl'lirsn in
form have leen adotited. Mt of them
periidied, but they will rise again. Now
it , 1 at
tue lonuuuiioii are is-ing pniieii rrom
under our own institutions. The verv
altar of liberty are belug betrayed !;.
in luetl set Ui gnsrtl thent, JnllU I
Df.AUy. Rervosi. ft aula aad
ehroaia diasa, laia U atrest, IJaeola,
Nebraska ttlaaka aad testimonial
1,000 RutsUll
ppi.ll tit
i - it
t raaaloa fasts l
MulUrry. Jl.
ai tra 1 1 i t. -
IlklHtK V A Sot' f
mm nv tun la.uJi
'CwMpfeM raUl.M Ira
am- run e.
M'h-o ST.
Janwa, J ',
Lawyer mil buiineis men
who are particular about the
arpcararcn o( their itationery
ihould leave their order loi
that cbt of printing at the
IsutfKNDKNT. l)oubt it, try it
TW lUwk lai4 I.' y tHf eaeil) art
Ik aikkeat )a hwL,, 4 has
I, a wi.l b mwI by buaii aw rl
wf IS rt. My fN-dr w draft M
W at v MM ia aiao wiu sr
hwr ek. They will k mm, I y
prasax ekarsr rwvaM, AtMrw,
JOHN HKllMrriAM, U. f. A
CtratTM, IWiea Ulaad A My,
grit k or tivk i;m:k vvdk.
tHumwlj JMurv lhj IK tirwsl
t4 k IJwmI'v "tuhwMla lit. Iat
imt U4i at a r iv tw iUi't, wtd
wwk rtitMtkMa at 1 uWmmI. (flir
wtB) m foal tri t Mirk ak liif
ml Strtbl. (wvMk, arttttn al
aurthweut IWitWs lMt 4aia Iklf.
lets till hMra ttntrksf tsml ewtllel
tr,sn r Kf.v. th)ty htmr
t.t Wked. IWf, fom I letvla
www, llna 7 IV.
A Utmrnrnwrn That Wanld Make of Oaf
Army at Politician' Plana Tr.
Human nature ia bo constituted that
men would generally rather do right
than wrong. They do not persist in do
ing evil and unpopular things for tba
niera love of niinchief. When therefore
wa find representatives in coiigrees
panning each a meusure aa tha Hull
army bill after it nature bus been
thoroughly exposed, there is no occanion
towanto time in wondering at their
unaccountable perversity. All we have
to do is to find out what there is in it
To make that discovery we do not
have to go very fur.
The bill provides for 070 new officers
of the Una Aa it docs not enlarge the
Militury academy or make any other
provision for confining the now appoint
went to trained men all these positions
will bo the spoils of politician.
It provides for 603 new staff officers.
In the judge advocate general', snb-
liNtetice and pay departments and the
signal corps appointments from the vol
unteer service or from civil life may be
niudu to the grude of major and in tho
qijurtcrniuHtcr's department to the
grade of captain.
In view of the fact that every officer
is eutitlod to be retired at the age of 04
on three-quarter pay the bill a orig
inally drawn provided that no outsider
ihould lie appointed to the grade of cap
tain aftor reaching the ago of 80 or to
that of major after reaching that of 89.
Mr. Hiill's foirmiittce subsequently ex
tended this limit in all ciiMc to CO and
added tho qualification thnt it should
not apply at all to persons who had
crved in the civil war or in the late
war with Hpain.
Under this urrnugciiient any congress
man or any friend or retainer of a con-
greiouiMii who wore a uniform for a
week in wur, whether at the front or at
a desk in Wu-diiiigtou, may bo appoint
ed a major at tt:i, jumping over the
head of men who have dovctod their
live to military work, and immediate
ly after le retired 011 a salary of 11.870
a year for life with nothing to do.
Ik there not enotigh in all this to ex
plain why the Hull hill shonld have a
certain utiiouutof strength in congress!
It id deliberately framed to buy off op
position ly holding out the prospect of
olllt ial plums for persons with political
If it hud been meant to stand on it
merits, it would have required these
soft staff positions to be filled by the
promotion of deserving ofllcers of tho
line instead of throwing them open to
incompetent end sniMirumirTatcd civil
ians. It would have made provision for
the efficient training of all the ofllcers
needed, and it would have limited any
unavoidable appointments from civil
life to the lowest gradi.
Mr. Ilnll has pleased the politician.
Dut what alwmt the people?
He proposes to saddle tha nation with
an army twice as large aa it needs, bad
ly organized, inefficiently officered and
with no provision for reserves available
in time of war. For this force he ask
na to pay the cost of the army of one of
the great military powers of Europe.
We shall not do it. The American
people are still in possession of their
sense if some statesmen are not. New
York JonrnaL
Titer Hid Free.
Senator Chandler, whose love for the
Boston and Maine railroad is exactly
opposite to the love which Damon bore
Pythias, hue scored a point agninst
that road by securing the publication
of the names of all the persons to whom
free passes have been granted. Mr.
Chandler started the trouble by making
a formal complaint aguinet the road
lust Hammer end compelled the inter
state commerce commission to bring his
charges to a trial. At this hearing the
railroad company submitted a list of
the person to whom passes had been
issued, bnt tho list remained buried in
the archives of the commission nntil
Senator Chandler scenred the passage
of a resolution directing that it be sent
to the senate. So now the list apmar
in public document Na 63.
It i a list occupying page after page
of small type, and Mr. Chandler's heart
I donbtles happy because among tin
beneficiaries of the railroad's courtesy
are the governor of New Hampshire and
nearly all other official of the state,
while the railroad rominiioner,
only of New llnttimhire bnt of all Ihe
Other New r'niclutid states, are equally
Wfll provided. TticinemU rsof the rail
road rtdiiiuittee if the MaaHuehtiitt-tb-legWUtiir
are all provided with an
anal, while th-rk of t-orisirHlions, bo
e ket-iM-rs and all sort and rouditioii
of men are alwi to tw found in th 111
Waxbingbm l't.
Mlk fvrjarora,
Th ttflU-laU of tint Isi depstliui'ttt
ar rtiv lt th tpittiuti of
"swrrttig oft. other Im calU-d Ihe
"iftui prm-e-t," by which hundred
of milium of U-IUr' worth tf prrnl
rrily pr Uxlt it terly.
Thw NVi tl-l -l't.iu-l drttutlw in
f4Miatl U a Im ll tiulb.U Ctt.luiiis
hv n'tiiii- p la Ihe Ut d trtnH bt.
fciitlHtt.t )srsftr jrar. atid How tbi y
r r-stiUd a nhl aul Utfl by .m
ut lh .ni taU
Thl lb Uw ptt ritvl huw p t a
taiva I Wll a it-1 'lill I
tivUt.-t ihrtbU t-f iiiimt rjr ar
If ,NW tk Waailhlval tltUW Ai
uiiir a loii..l i ib nuil i p..tu
i4 lk 0tliM hi l4 Ute abd aw
kkU eta 111
T lb ittf "WMMltuJ tdt" UtM
Jwrtly aa-l fitly Wvl4 I 4iiy a,M
IM rvtMMi l pijty. Nw Ywh
I aa Iwa
r l lai whal lb WM k
airvtf U talaltUl r4iUt art
Ihiah t4 i4m Uv af HI Jf
a tvaott. Iallti4 lh taut air
ealia4 h mum f4 tan
4v butt pin. glt fluw ht'
ntf tl II aa t lltlak aajlhlM U
Uiwt llt.w IUm IV IVtlH
Tit Bis Trust Spider Asked
Frighten tha Telephone- Trust.
John Rockefeller, giant of finance,
ablest and biggexr of all American trust
epiders, listen to jur wail.
In the name of that divine (Baptist)
providence which yon so often qnote,
we ask yonr help.
The other trusts are big, bnt they
shiver and shake before yon. Yoa are
small and thin and full of indigestion
and remorse, Yonr health is bud, yonr
life ia bitter -but how yon are feared I
No cobra gliding throngh the gruse stir
np inch panic among timid Hindoos a
your f ainteet ungry ruHlle creates among
tho other trust animals.
Kassell Huge said long ago, "Western
Union would drop B0 points and Wull
atreet wonld be seared to death if John
Rockefeller should merely announce hi
intention of going into telcgruph con
etruction." Rockefeller, boss of tho trust spidcni,
do u 0110 favor.
Frighten the thieving, incompetent,
swindling telephone trust.
Do this, and we shall bo gratefnl, and
we shall sincerely pray that yon bo ad
mitted to heaven, there to endure for
ever and ever tho numeless horror of not
having even a million to your name.
Tho telephone service is not to be de
spised by even a billionaire. It possi
bilities in such bunds a yours are un
limited, In tliut monopoly alone yoa
can make another billion. Make it as
you have made your Btandard Oil bil
lion, and we shall bless yoa. Tuke the
wires and take the tolls, Cut give ns
telephone service iustcud of slow tor
ture. Yon are wise enough to know that
the way to get a billion out of Ameri
cans is to get a little out of every
American. You don't put kerosene oil
beyond tho reach of the crowd. Yon
will follow the same system in yonr
telephone dcl if yon decide to swallow
that minor monopoly,
Do swallow it, wo beg and implore
you. We have no hopu in tho legisla
ture, none iu our bitter protest; bnt
there is mneh hope in yon. Unlike the
legislature, yon cannot ho bribed. Yonr
price is too lii:h, and there is fear in
yonr name. The luws, tho lawmaker
and even the thieves of monopoly know
enough to fear you.
Help us. Our only hope is in yon.
Help ns, and we'll pray for yon hard.
Praying is uhout nil that tho common,
low down Americuti citizen can now do
for himself without interfering with
any trnMt, We'll pray for you 80,000.
000 strong. New York Evening Jour-
HiMerniiient Ownership.
In Switzerland the government oper
ates the railway and diligence lines
and has a telegraph system with more
mile of wire iu proportion to the pop
ulation than any other country on
earth. For a telegram within Hwitzer
land there is a first charge, or govern
ment tax, of SO centime (6 cents) and
centimes (one-half cent) a word.
Ten word cost 11 cents, bnt 20 words
cost only 16 cents. The maximum
charge for an 11 pound package by par
cel poet ia 8 cent.
Ar Wii I mTmmmy Proprietor Auburn
Grower of general Nursery Stock Apples, Peaches, Pears,
Plums, Strawberries and other small fruits. Can ship on
both 13. & M. and Mo. Pacific railroads. Write for prices or
call at Nursery Headquarters, Auburn, Nemaha Co., Nebr.
you want one of our "Three S'es":j
CU A U America's Greatest Piano, the
0 1 1 A T T greatest In the world.
QPHAPPPB Very fin a:03 ton qu
1 1 A r I C l lity, beautiful case designs.
CUM I CD good Piano at a price that
OlllulaUl will come within your reach
Soli on easy terms
at cash prices by the
priprvni ;ur
( m-
p . -if
II . V .1
I II 1 w t
' . ' Jnat a Trifle.
The coal barons are about to raise
the price of coal 50 cent a ton. Do yon
know what that means ior mew
means over $2,000,000 additional profit
In 1890 there were 4,000,000 tons of
hard coal consumed in thia country.
More ia required now. When coal goce
up $1. It meuna that the barons are
skinning more cream off the aociul
milkpun, that they will tuck a cool
$4,000,000 in their broad waistcoat
pocketa. But don't let this diBturb you.
Social Democratic Herald.
Th Heir to Mllllona and th Thou
sand ol llnniirf and Itaarsed.
Side by side the New York Evening
Journul of recent dato printa a minute
description of the late Vandorbilt ball
and an interview with the Hon. Joaepb
H. Choate, who has just been appoint
ed minister to Great Britain by the-
present prosperity puffing administra
tion. Tho .Vandorbilt display was in
bonor of one of tlieir schoolboys, who
ia heir to $50,000,000, and the mansion
ihono in all its lavish magnificence.
'The gncsts trod upon carpota that
have felt thu feet of oriental royalty;
they dined oil plate that might have
come from he wedding chest of a
princess with n fairy godmother j they
looked npon paintings tho least of
which represented more thun a poor
man earns in a lifetime of labor." The 1
gowns were the finest creations of the
best milliners, the diamonds and jowelV,
were the richest in the land. It was a i I
luxurious display in honor of a boy J '
who did nothing but Inherit $50,000,
000. "There is something wrong in onr
ociul system," wtye the Hon, Joseph
II. Choate, corporation lawyer and pol
itician, likewise president of tho New
York Statu Charities Aid asstxiiation,
"when 88,000 children in the state of
Now York have to Imj supported year
after year by public charity."
Something wrong when one child In
herits $50,000,000 and 88,000 children
inherit breathing space in poorhousee?! There's nothing wrong I Now
adaya children aro all born "free and
equal," and especially since the grand
old Republican party (of plutocrat and
voting slaves) has been guarding tho
liberties of tho people and doling ont
even handed justice for many yeare. If
there In) 83,800 children in New York
whose self respect is killed, whose very
live are mined by the bitter bread of
charity, that one plutocratic puppy
may bo crowned an industrial king end
that he may revel in luxnriona splendor
while his blood stained dollars increase
a hundredfold it proves that the profit
system Is the best that could be devised
by satan for the government of the
imps in hades. Cleveland Citizen.
Ouraa on 111 Wy to Antsrloa.
Paris, Jan. 31. Carol ua Duran, tha
painter, Bailed for tho United Stataa
on La Champagne Saturday, II will
remain in America three month. M, J
Duran visited America last winter to
paint tha portrait of Mr. John Jacob
To purchase
a piano and wish
to get the best val
ue for your money
Lincoln Steel Range
. .).aifuar ibmr ail d lamilf Warratd (Ka
noi tv tiM.tlea' va d, W mm Is rrv tt
a.,14 ntlWd patval WUI t, a ita tvj htf
ilk ntMtu asd alwt, ahaili aiaka II iatitMMMbla li
mnw, iMfirt a & urnellva.
pali aad draia, mil tkM Inmawl,
, ,m mmj mim m Wl IM (! f
liiwn. VladotHt hii,r, t,l4 u nM,)!,
Uaar U lh la ,saf m aar H
It ttf aVt ul saadla km h
miataia. Aril lo aal
a til Kvvt ay w U bay wa
raahi na.
Buckstall Drci, Mfg. Ca. !
i.ixtm.M,cit uKm
'kirai n K. ,fM. '
f tuaHato (irtwra,
aad 1. 1 ! C tMta ttl jMt.In. m4
lattttMiad t war ltasa. r-iM mm
leata a giva ll-M aad Htaaai
1 '