The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, January 26, 1899, Page 2, Image 2

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    'Jan. 26, 1899
Secretary Alger to Have a Commis
sion to Assist Him,
It Consists of Itoliart P. Kennedy of
Ohio, Curtli Gould of MeMaohasetU
nd Charles W. Wilkin of Michigan -To
Deal With franchises.
Wasiiinotow, Jan. 24. The secre
tary of war lias completed the organ
isation of a colonial commission, to
undertake the administration here In
Washington, of all matters of detail
respecting tlio government of the ter
ritories acquired during the war or oc
cupied by tlie United (State forces The
personnel of the commission will be
Robert I'. Kennedy of liellefontnine,
O,, Curtis (J ui Id of Massachusetts and
Charles W. Wilkins of Grand Rapid,
Mieh., Up to this point the Secretory
and the assistant secretary have un
dertaken to deal with tlie administra
tion of Insular affairs, but the ques
tions Involved have become so numer
ous and complicated that it has been
found absolutely necessary to cull for
assistance. T ho commission will deal
with tlie bestowal of franchises and
eoiiccstlons.the distribution of moneys
to be spent In publio improvements
and with all of the troublesome issues
that have ariion and are likely to
arise in Cuba, Porto Ulcoaud the Phil
A College I'roreuor draw Impatient and
Left tha Vht In !' a r Outre,
Nkw Oiu.kaks, La., Jan, 21 The
Iter, ir. Edward II. Jiudd, wlu was
thought to have been lost on the Paul
Jones, Is alive, The vessel was de
tained in Pa a 1'Outre so long by
foggy weather that Mr, Jiudd grew
impatient and left the party, return
ing here. Mr, Hud 1 was a professor
of Latin and Greek at tlie HI,. Mary
seminary at Ktioxville, 111., where the
three young women were his pupils.
Mr. Jones, the owner of the yacht,
lias carefully examined all the wreck
age found and has come to the con
clusion that the explosion theory it
There Is only one theory that offer
even a grain of hop to the friend of
the passengers on board the yacht, and
that is, tbey escaped in one of the
yawls and were picked up by some ves
sel bound for Europe, This theory,
however, I in the nature of a straw
grasped by a drowning man, for the
Paul Jones nnlcs driven far out of her
course, was never anywhere near th
path of th ocean liner.
ftepressatatlv Clarke's Dill Woald Bat
the Mormon Boborts from Con rat.
Wasiiisotow, Jan. U. Representa
tive Clark of Iowa Introduced a
bill to-day providing that no po
lygamlst shall be a ' Senator or
Representative. It provides that "no
parson living In or practicing polyg
amy shall be eligible to be a member
of either house of Congress, nor shall
suoh person be permitted to hold a seat
therein." It 1 further provided that
tha evidence of polygamy shall be of
whatever natur that establishes the
fact Another provision make the
act take immediate effect
The bill 1 the outcome of the elec
tion of llrio-hain Roberts of Utah to
the House of Representatives, lie is
a Mormon and ha thieo wlvo.
The Supreme Court Berognlaae the Maw
Attorney Uenerat as Appellee,
Wasiiisoto, Jan. 24. The United
States supremo court to-day granted
th motion made last Monday to sub
stitute A. A. Uodard, the new attor
ney general of Kansas for L. C Doyle,
former attorney general of that state,
a appellee in th stock yard case.
Th cas wss continued, and by an
agreement of counsel It will go over
until th next term of court. The de
cision wa announced by Chief Justice
Ki-Attorney General Hoyl Insisted
that th cas should abU, on the con
tention that he was sole appellee, and
and that th new attorney general,
Mr. ChHlard, should not le given
standing before th court llsd his
flaw been takn th stst of Kansas
would hav technically won th est
HttHKnoLM. Jan. tt, Although the
health of King (War continue to In
prove, hit physicians hv ordered hint
ta tab a eo tip'.el ml Therefor,
th king ha entrusted th govern
meat, provisionally, ta Crown Prla
Gastaf, and gun to Hal lojV Hades,
tleei f Kaatt' Aff,
T. PsrsMsiaj, Jsn. It Th milt
tart element is oppuainf th r't
Aisarutsutaat prvHitiaa. It I said
that it was a reijust he (euert Km
vopatkta fi tHur twinay t Uereae
th pa of ltwi and t a-vr
dew gun that trot eausel KMrtt
MeWula and M. HvWUl tk
salaUtet) t h tbrtu ! wker th
eWtaaad m! th war deprtaet wtnU
ua aa4 brwueht th aJvaatsga tl
darWAMt furwibly tot th
ft eHtea lb Me I fw
MtvtattA, Uv, Jan. HMeule
it liwl J It tWIUr, Un
Mftef iatr, sat rv th laetraa
tuah tavaitsl with fefereae u k
t4' v4 Awf U .diai U tub)
that It U tH eWtlU nf th dtafta.
asaaiaf 1l taitaat U laavaf th
Wd4 fefvi thty ar d.slrvjral th
faatt ha Us i) ut fp
arthf hHti4 W14 traft4jV
The Mlafourl Ainenibljr'e Country Mow
bars to Iteornaulsa,
Jeffkbhox Citv, Mo., Jan. 24. The
Farmers' club, which played an Impor
tant part in the legislation of ti,o ses
sion of JMi7, will bo reorganized this
week Fitzerald of (Jctitry, who was
president of the club I wo years ao,
lias announced that be will call a
meeting about the niidd e of the week
to organtao and prepare for regular
meetings of the club.
"Uncle Dave" Fitzgerald, the club's
president, says he did not call a meet
ing before tlie housu completed its or
ganization because ho did not want
the club to hav any haul In con
trolling the organisation of the house.
Yet be doej not dny that In a way It
was Instrumental in electing VV, J,
Ward, speaker. Ward's candidacy for
speaker was making slow progress
until a half dozen of the strongest
members of the old club joined bis
standard, Then tha whole house, ex
cept the Filipinos, stampeded to him.
Ward evidently recognized the club
as having a very large part in hi elec
tion, In making up bis committees
ho gave twenty-three chairmanships
to members who were bore In J8i7, Of
these five committees were of such
character that It was almost abso
lutely necessary that the chairman
should be a lawyer and Ward appoint
ed lawyers, Jiut he found chairman
ships for sixteen members of the Fann
ers' club, Their share of chairman
ships was quite out of proportion with
their members in the membership of
the House. They were given a decided
advantage, too, In the importance of
their committees,
The Train ltol,l,r In Court for the
Muaonib Itobliery.
MAXuriKi.n, Mo Jan, , U. Sheriff
C'antrell of Wright county went to
Springfield lust night and brought
down thl morning J. C, Wright, alia
Kennady, to stand hi preliminary
hearing for robbing th Kansas City,
Fort Scott & Memphis passenger train
at Macomb, The case wa called up
at 10 o'clock before Justice IP, M, Kitt
rnll, Th state I represented by
Attorneys It. L, Ooode, T. P. Mo
Oregor, W, J. Orr, the prosecuting
attorney, II. II. Hall, and F. M. Mans
field. The defense I represented by
C. E. Ululr of Kansas City, T. J. Do
lancy, T. II. Mustek and L. 0. Nleder.
After the case had been called, the
defendant' attorney Immediately
took a change of venue and the case
was sent to Justice T, P. Patterson of
this plaoe, and it will ootne up for trial
before hi in at 1 0 clock to-day,
Death of General Fatrid a, a Veurae el
Two Coofllots, Baportod la Illinois,
BrcAMoiiK, 111,, Jan, JL General
Frederick W. Patrldgo died yesterday.
aged 75 years. General Patridge wa
In both th Mexican and th Civil
war. 11 wa sent on a secret mis
sion by President Polk to Mexico,
where h wa captured a a spy and
Imprisoned in Han Juan d'Ulloo. In
the Civil war ho wa commissioned
captain of Company F, Thirteenth
Illinois, by Governor Yate and wa
rapidly promoted for bravery. For
valor at the battle of Missionary Rldg
ho wa breveted brigadier general. In
iMi he wa appointed by President U.
8. Urant as United State consul gen
oral to llangkok, Slam, whore hr
served eight years.
barvad Twelve Yaars for AUe(ad Com
pllolty In a Drnamlte riot
Dublin, Jan. 24. John Daly, th
Irish political prisoner, has been elect
ed mayor of Limerick by a unanimous
vote under the Irish local government
law. Ho was released from Portland
prison in 1890 after having been sen
tenced to penal servitude for life In
1434 for complicity in an alleged plot
to blow up tho House of Common
while in session, by throwing dyna
mite bomb from th strangers' gal
lery. Daly cam to America on a lootur
tour shortly after hi release from
Portland prlaoa. He charged th
Hritish government with causing
political prisoners to' loae their mind
from Inhuman treatment.
" 1 t
Oppose a Madwrtlo.
Kama Cur, Mo,, Jan. ?4 Rail
road employes In Ksnsa City do not
want farea reduced to I cents per mil.
They ar afraid It would hav a ten
dency to reduc their wage propor
tlonately, and to a man they ar op
pttaed to that rut th meeting of rail
road men to the number of 900 In
hwope' hall yesterday afternoon wa
unanimou in opiolng any reduetluit
In fares at th present time. He pre-
aeatsttve wer there (rout th Urdap
of UUwr Ctutduvtura. UrothrbiM4
of !ocouhII tlngtneera, lirwlhfbftt
of Uwtintollv i ire turn, llrutkarbumt
of KaiUay Trainmen, ttrdar of lUlk
war Telegrapher, agent, statist wea
and othtra, Hat hot raaulutiuas
gainst th frve tne,nr wr
prepared, a-luj.t4 4 srdrl seat W
Jetferaua City to I r4 hfur th
general MbJy at th rUt bJtts
hi toowsnt
A r lb twealtot Mfs4
lt (, J at. It Hava tewnh'a
delay el the arrival vf pM ! la
Twentieth L'aile-l Ulo Ufaatry ax at
Its way frurt Vt LastvMemtth t
Xlaa Is. th two uaal thl
wy at i svit rr' t ti Ut Ut
night iWf steNreestrediyiiU'r
trvod bt M4 what Wet ,4
with a VwMtaw r4 fcf t t
tl.sf' AM ef.
Vf ttxo,m, J HTha V
dutfl 0avW4 CWtMsel Kf Urtfta,
trt I UI Nst 4kMBter
ger4 1 tm Mg4.r rJ l ttaj.
May Revise the Clayton Treaty
That the Canal May Be Built,
llrftUli Hiate.mnn Ntld to Favor I),ln
Any thin t to fCiicunraxa the Construc
tion of Ilia NlntraKi Waterway by
tha Ainorlein (iovernuioiit.
London, Jau. Si, The Nicaragua
canal rjitcMloii has been taken up by
recretary Hay and Lord Salisbury In
A practical, rather than a contro
versial, spirit. It is not probable tliat
either of these statesmen Is anxious to
attempt to unravel tha tangled skein
of diplomacy willi which the Clayton-
liulwer treaty hns been enmeshed In
tho course of fifty years. They will
prefer to make a fresh start in a spirit
of mutual accommodation and good
feeling, The pruclical business now
In hand Is that of adapting tho Clay-ton-lltilwer
treaty to new conditions.
The relative interests of the two
countries, both In the construction
and in the control of the inter-occania
waterway have changed materially
since tho Clayton-liulwer treaty was
negotiated fifty years ago, Thl Is a
point which Kngllsli statesmen of tho
highest rank frankly concede, Since
Ifl&O the Suez canal lias been oncn and
It I practically under Kugllsh con
trol, H provides direct communica
tion with India and Australia and is
th chief link In tho chain of Imperial
possessions dependent upon sea power,
Influential Lnglishmen do not hesi
tate to say that from a strictly
lirltlsh or imperial point of
view the projected Nicaragua
canal I less important now than It
waslnlS.V), Knglattd' interest in it
is mainly commercial, since it will
supply a shorter and more direct com
munication with China and the west
coast of North and South America.
On the other band, the truth Is recog
nized in England that America' in
terest in the Nicaragua canal hav
materially increased since tho negoti
ation of the Clayton-Hut wer treaty.
It I now essential as a military work
for uniting th Atlantic, Uulf and Pa
cific coast and for concentrating th
naval forces. A a power with posses
sions in the East and West Indies, It
will bo an essential link in th Ameri
can imperial system as the Suet canal
is in the lirltlsh empire.
English statesmen frankly conced
that if th American government sup
plies th capital required for th en
terprise, the treaty of 1850 ought, in
justice, to bo revised so a to allow
th United States to control It own
work. Under th CI ay ton-Ilul wer con
vention th Americans would b de
barred from landing even a corporal'
guard of marine for tho proteotion of
It property at either end of th canal.
Th attltud of the Hritish govern
ment when properly approached and
asked to revise th treaty of 1850 in a
spirit of accommodation and comity
may be forecasted with confidence.
That government has no dealre to ob
struct the construction of the Nicar
agua canal. It want to have th
canal completed and opened as speed
ily as possible in the Interest of the
world's commerce. It prefers to hav
the United State government under
take tho work because thl I tha only
method of economical construction by
which the cost can be kept down and
low tolls secured.
The Panama enterprise has warned
lirltlsh ministers that a private com
pany cannot undertake so great a
work without a vast Increase of finan
cial outlay. They are convinced that
the success of tho Nicaragua canal a
an engineering and flnaucial undertak
ing will be Impracticable under the
management of a private company,
wherea with the credit of tho United
States government behind It, the bonds
will be floated almvo par and the en
terprise will be released from tho bur
dens of high rates of interest On this
account th lirltlsh government will
readily consent to alter the treaty so
as to allow tho United State to con
struct th eanal and to be reapouslbi
for Its regulation and control.
The London H illy News says editor
ially to-day 1 "The Clayton-Hulwer
treaty la a singular document eigne I
by a weak American admlulstratlon
In peculiar rlrcumdtaneea, and for
l,ord Salisbury to Insist upon it un
conditional obaervanud now would be
neither gracious nor wise."
Waeb a rat lt.hl4 Thai Iba tipaaUki
Mas Ha fualpufted la ll,
WAsiiisntu, Jan. Ct lafxrmstioa
receive! by th state department iudi
ttht th Pari eiUUn may
kit, after all, t held In lJ, but
CMte4 of neoesaity until it, at
sat. From th report t haa. In
IHst deHirtutnt It appear tast th
mvik of preparation vf th grven.l
and bttildtngs rv4a!it f f the eihitl
lion I fat fetin4 what It shinid U at
thl Hut if th eipaUh. t u b
held ! I ear.
S-Mlabaff's Ueew Ba) Ha
htfaet . l, J - I be
atn Nstumsl lnh whwn l,a,t tin
thftMt tbtvWr l, feaunw t hwsiaaa t
dy With hm4H Mtunef ta vr
4MUif l fell With Interest There.
M bt selMeel, but tlpialts S
eewdej th Witblr)) thrv l w.
lUew aw M at Stab, I f
tMAMtn, I T. Jan It R.hUr
ttt4 th stw vt tV K Mtldut 4
b Muhtj fbt I'ew in th
f with tlinaiMh at Mbit th
eoataats, UHtlMg ti bet( tbwn
M l dllais.
Legal Al rltar for Woo.
Washington, Jan. 24. Henry M,
tloyt, assistant United States attorney
general, has been ordered by the de
partment of justice to go to Santiago
and advise with General Wood on
legal questions which may arise in tho
administration of that department,
and to represent tho legal department
of the United Slates there.
Clark Aluoonilt With T.OOO,
Font Woktii, Tex., Jan, 24,It now
develop that .Ed Lewis, the First
National bank clerk at Howie, Tex.,
who recently absconded, took with
him 87,000. A reward of 1,100 has been
offered by the bank for hi capture,
also 10 per cent of what money may
be recovered, There is no clue to
Lewi' whereabouts,
flanty of Mniia la Cabs.
Havana, Jan, 24. All the expense
of the island for January, provincial
and municipal, will b met out of tho
customs receipts. There will be no
attempt to collect other taxes to meet
tho first month's pay roll. It Is pos
sible that tho expense for February
will be provided for in th sain way,
JTemoes Hessian f I)eaL
St. Pktjchsmuho, Jan. 24. General
Michael Annenkoff, th distinguished
Husslan engineer who constructed th
trans-Caspian railway, 1 dead.
Independent Sewing Machine Indorsed By
All Who Use It.
r-raoma tlmi the Ishki'Icndknt ba been offering to It reader a sewing ma
clone u a vere aulMcriprion to th paper for ill), 00. Th machine I war
rained nrpf-cla in every particular. All who Lav purchased these machine mr
phM'd with thMii.
A lady in this city during ;to parch&a a machine culled at tb Inocpcnuemi
offW and Hiked for th name and Addrojw of partie wbo bad purcuua
fiou-him-. She staled that sli wished to writ to thin and learn if th machine
s "finctly a ndrertifd," She was given tb paini and oddnof thirty
persons from abicb th selected seven, to bom h wroUa Utter similar to tb
following; 1
LINCOLN, NEB., March 1, 1908.
Ma. S, WALroHD, festit, Neb.i
hm.t Sir 1 hear that vou bav reoMvd on of tb "Independent" sewing tnty
chines, ndvertlseti in th Nkmuamka Irokpicnvbnt. A I am thinking of purchasing
onw of tiieH machine I writ to you fur information eonceruiug it. liow doe ii
compare with the Singer, White, Wheelw and aucb machines: I th wood wort
iiHsOy finished; I it supplied with full t of attach meuU; I it nigh Arm And drop
nNvl; I It nsy running and of simple mechanism; I th macbln all that u
churned for It in th advertisement, and la ther any additional sipens to tbt
rnHpt of it not outlined In th advertisement of tb machine? Will yon be kind
enough to answer thee qnestion and giv in your opinion of tb wacblneT Ai
xarly reply will greatly oblige, Beistfully,
ETTA BAFFKB, 825 North 18tb St
Tb replie wblcb b reeivd to tb mvm lttr war a followw
VE8TA. NEB,, March 3, 1808.
In reply will ay that tb naefain referred to, la ail that tb advertisement
guarantee. Finely flaibd, and la all rpeU complete. Yon ar aaf la buying
't. Your,
DATEV, NEB., March 8, 1808.
Ktta HArrcn, Lincoln, Neb.i
In answer to your letter w rolvd last vning eonoemlng tb"Indepradnt"
wing machine, I can ay I ilk tb macbln vary much. It doe good work. 1
have bad my tnachin tbre week and Ilk It better all th tlm. On of oni
neighbor bad a Singer and last fall got an "Independent." She say tbey work
great deitl tb aiii. My mother also baa a 185 Singer and we bav compared
ih attachment and And mine quai to bora and also a full set Tb woodwork I
nicely fliilshed. It I high-arm and asy running. 1 tbink it la all that i claimed
for it In the advertisement. Ther I no additional eipeus to tb receipt of it I
bop yon will be a well pleased with tb macbln a I am. Your' truly,
M 118. A. L. SCOTT.
OAK, NEB., MARCH 6, 1808.
Miss F.tta Savpkk, Lincoln, Neb.:
In rvtfard to your letter of March 1st,
ifHTiiwu in tne lhoki-esukht. neare pneoiiy satiHumi, 11 lias mil set 01 au
aehmcnts, and la bigh arm. It la noiaeleoa, light running and a perfect machine
Tlie woodwork is highly polished. It will coin pure with any other machine I knot
I The machine is nil the advertisement claims, and more. There in no addi
tional tpeiiM to th receipt of tb maohiu. Your respectfully,
DA VET NEB., March 4, 1808.
Mhs Etta Savvcm, Lincoln, Neb.i
lieitr MtidMiu: Your letter nwelved, and in regard to th "Independent" ewlni
insifiiim will say it I something like the New Home machine. It Is a very good
n-y riiiiing machine. dH spleudld work and bos a (ull set of attuchineut-vry
ihnig litt i hwhIihI In that lin. Tb wood-work Is nicely flnihed, 1 belie v it it
i nd as any high priced machine. It I high arms but uo drop bend; and then
i-n't any more viis'U to it only what I mentioned In th advertisement, so it Is
not eipt-UKivit, and la a very good machine. W bav bad our eight or dIm
month and are greatly pinAeu witn It. I bav don a great deal of tewing on it
I hav had two machine txdor this on, both sipena.v one, but nniiher of then
tun aa nay a this ona.nor tbey didn't look any better to look at, a this on lookt
very nice. I dou't think there I any fault whatever to be found with this macbio
I niii sure yon till b wall eatiefled ith It If you get on, It 1 as good a any ma
I'liute on omo get. Well, I tbiuk I bav answered all your questions, and said all
I im to. Smceraiy our,
LEBANON, NEIL. March 8, lb8.
Mi Ctta Hrr. Lhtcola, Nb,i
kr Mrt lmu-I alii say la regard to th macbln that w bav, that it w
oii.pirie iu every reefatt. it U all it I rial mad to be; it i aieely Buiahwli tb wimm
sink taunt. I ! not think It arrweaary to aaawrr all th qu,-tion you kavt
,, lr a thltik II a grand niarbiu for th iiiou-y-IO Bu liviaht paid. No
lra rhrg In au nay, think If to purrhaa on of tbvw ma'lilua) you wii
mMi Im 4. need with it Keepwifuily your,
MltiiCA. AD4M&
(J1LTXKII, SIK March ft, 1N0I,
vtia Ktta Hn. I.lsela, NVh.)
lsr M mIhui-Vur Wlt.r uf Mart reeoivetl, and la reply will , kat wa
sate bad tao at. ki only a h k. iMd very hill wing iia it. Met I la
t serf hM fussing aud at apta-arlag nsflnaa. Th tmlt niacbiM I tout
ia.en It iih a tb Siager, "lateat luirove.," Th ,mm work I a akJ
NaaVd a t td lb, lb sawta kind d mm. I bav tb hgkt mlor, lu
,urka'atit, i gtmeral. Is a Wmpia, and la ta rel mora so baa thai of tb
sin, Vrki tnoitaly MHMub) advaatag ta Ibat tb Slag t tb trw
s. . ( tk "lad-iwttdeat" baa ant Miedwht" ha a ku arm lb msm m
ia as I a tall l l aMavbawat, eieopt sii bo.a: 4 hea.laaiota eta
Mittib alla smay Kkb t lb eilr There b addliMaJ mm aa r
eei I id ih at) Tbey aewd a f ttaate d warraal l b tea !'.
1a, I Ittak It t a't that tkey elaiw It ta !. Asd 1 mm 4 lb npism thai
1 He "is h aaW-t,M Mb etwt ar wkwh all WMsefcia should bava, w It taat a
h- aa t da as imol wutb a tb na'hta wkkh I l .M.par4 It ailb, who
Mtl ta 44tah la Arva, Neb Yow raaUU,
r4:K.nfY,NK, llarvb ft, U
Miss t,TV Rsff a. IJaaada, Nekl
s tla.Uav-ltvliag tu ta'iai'fof tk tl tast terdia tKlad
,.tftlM Hew l Via. kiaa, wtlf ayl It a.nwira r U.aUi auk lb Mf
kwk ebaat kMsstW4 lb "tasst, 1 tb tasUvli .ka4, II
aeriwt,4 with ahi!et ! eltarkaeale ibiibarwl de.p ktj aaie !.
iriui My ti ran, a4 bt ail tbn.ivtl tb ifrktaf iiwt hi
It laevw I addittoaai ipsaMM to i rt it, tft wbal la Ia4ieauj la
IMadvMthwaW Vy
I t e ae4 fVwia UaeblM f UI 14 "Tb la.terda bibta"
bvtwf la aey e,tta. It' abargala. He ad w tswiaea ge
Ilug Theft of Hank Motes.
London, Jan. 25. Hank note to th
value of 00,610 have mysteriously dis
appeared from Parr' bank in Barthol
omew lane, London. It is supposed
that they have been stoleu.
Cooling I'Unt for Manila.
Chicago, Jan, 25. Colonel Leo,
chief quartermaster of tho department
of the lakes, has Invited proposal for
the erection of a large refrigerating
plant at Manila for tho use of the com
missary department of the United
States In tho Philippines.
Maryvllle I'lmieer It Dead.
Majiyviixk, Mo., Jan. 23, John
Church, a pioneer and respected cltl
Ken of Northwest Missouri, died at hll
botrie in this city lust night of rheum'
atisin. He was 70 vuurs old.
I ,fton a warning that the liver I
torpid or limi t I ve. More serious
troubles may follow, l''or a prompt,
eillulmit cure of Headache and ull
liver troubles, take
Hootl'o Pillo
While they rouse the liver, restore
full, rcKulur action of th bowels,
they do not icrlpn or pain, do not
Irritate or Inthtme the internal organs,
but have a positive tonic effect, 2ftc,
at all driiKhlsts or by mall of
C, 1. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mas.
I wonld any that the macbln I Just aJ
I AMIm to"
main uiiibc o
Lincoln, Neb.
Nervous, Chrnnl and
frlvste JJlsense.
Anprlvstedlresw snddls
orders of men. Treatment
by nmllieoiiulintliiirrae.
vpiillm cured for life.
Aliform or femsle wjsk
i,, aud Ulnowes of Wo
min, iBCtricitVMwJiilu
... 1 a .1 tn ntffi nil cBvet cnrADia
eklnsnd klcliM dlwasej. lt Msa on N KM
Kmleelone, IIV'V'iTl1 'Vera K S
nl 1 I'lUii. I kIii u und Hi'i'lul Liters, ui"h'
a,!,!" lrlil,t IlleVU ' r I vaPKTe'lA
DATA 1(11 II, KHK-IlM A I lM, liVafKI
oraVI'HIIJS wecMiiiotcttre.
Stricture & GiefitSi KVn""
ruttl!.g C.'.i-KHfcK. Twatment by mall
Cslh or sdilrws with Stamp I Jdaill 0ulC6
Ta Rnirlno h. RnnrlfiR. I 1 OUS O ST.
Notice to Farmers
and Stock Feeders.
Bny your cattle and sheep at tb tonl
yards, West Lincoln and av freight
and other txpense. Hav yonr sheen
dlppod. We guarante to our srab, w
do tb work for on eent pur head. W
ar buying HAY, HTRA W AND OR A I J
G. H. Geoghegan,
Gen., Hgt; West Lincoln. Neb.
lliailvl MoriKMHeSale.
II It known Hint j virtu uf s I'tialM morv
ftiu IikHhi die nl Jnty Wuh, A, l, 1S, ssd
duly flli'il In h i 0l"e ol (Ii (ninny dark ul
iHti'M'iiiiiitv, Ni,inlie, nn Ihn Oil iKjr of As
eii'l, Jms, , i'0id I; C, W. Tirnsa lo Mlrhole
A Hln-iiril Cumiient, eoriiorsllon, to eeeiire
lbKmvnint ol $M 10 unit mum wblcb tbrele
sow due lb an in ol Hi' IW, lii-leult tinvlnv bees
liiil Hi lli pioiiinil. llimenf ami so suit or
otlir i,riiwliiiK at lw Imrlna twu inmltaUd
to rm'iieer the nine or en iisrt llir'7, ther
forelbnve tku asd shall sell tbe lollowln
iriirljf thnreln ilmirrlbeil, to will Ose M It-bole
A sprJ A Comiisnr Orsln Sisrsror, wlib
M Ini-li crlliiiier, Complcto Hliop Mo, sleo
one Ws-liliiKios drain WlKbr, romplete. at
iiulilln aui'tion, nt tbe wsrebitiine of Hie Unrola
Trnnfr Company at Sib sud O, streets Is tbe
rliy uf l lui'iiln, (,an'aeter rouuty os tbe 4ib
dar of yebresry, 1MW, at I o'clock p. a. of est
11 R. E, OlsMcotk, asent for tee bsruose of
tbli sale.
UsUd January , 1M,
If you art going to tba old country
or intend to bring friend from there
to tbls country, please call on me for
figure, information, etc.
C. T. A. Northwestern line.
Motive of Incorporation
Hottr Is berehy stItko tbut tbe ssderelirse
bsve saaofHated tnainaelve togi t bar aa a cor
poration for tbe tTaneacUo of tbe bnslseai
SeMnafter samed,
let, Tb same of said corporation Is th Hat
lam bank.
liid, Tb prloafpsl ptsre of trsnaantlag tbe
bnaliieae of snld eorporailos Is ilullam, Utscse
ter eonnt r, Mal,rska.
(rd. The gBr.n list ore of th baelseas to lie
trsoaseted bj eslii eorporatloa Is egeaereJ
bmi kins' bselBeae,
4lb, Tbe euiosot of tbe ssthorlsad capital
Stork of said eoriMirstlnB le 10,000 all of ablvk
lelo be fully paid op before coin men Inn bsalnre
Bib. The enelenre of eaid eorporntioa ehall
bKta on the let day of lieoxmber Isus, asd sbsll
eon tip a for Xt years thereafter.
Si b. Tbe blshmt sinnoot of lttdebtdneea t
whli b salil eorporatlos eball at see t me esb
Jct luwlf In ailillilos to UepiMlte, Ii LSnU.
Tth. The affaire of the eorporatloa are to be
eonuni'ta'l tiy a board of rllnietora, a prei ldeat
ami rotary, and ui h other odttwra aa mai b
proeloHl by the bv-ixa.
liaud ibiH zixttlny ol Nnvemlwr, lia.
Tb Way ta ft t Callferala.
I In a tourist aleeping car personally
conducted via tb Burlington rout.
You don't change car. You uakefaat
time. You t tb flnest aoanery on tb
Your ear I not o extenalvely flnlh4
nor so tine to look at a a palao lepr
but It I Just a clean, lust as comforV
able, lust a good to rid In. And nearly
$20 cheaper.
Tb Durlington icursion av Lin
coln every Thursday at 010 p. in. reach
ing San Francisco Sunday aud Loa An.
gale Monday. Porter with each car.
Excursion manager with aoh party.
For foldor giving Inll information call
at 0. A M. depot or city tlckat office
eorusr 10th and 0 atreet.
O. W Ponnitx
Tic Lincoln Tannery. 3D 0 Street
reoeivwt all biuds ol Hide and Fur to
tau into leather, Kobe, and Bug.
Itob liutal. Hid Tanned on haras.
Highest prio paid lor IIuImi.
Bath House and Sanitaituro
Cmi ltb M It,
Opa st All Huura Day mm! Mlfst
All Forme ol Hatha.
lof.lth, Russian, Bonjjn, Elictrli,
Vtta laiai SltaatWs t Is rtJMa 0
leeaiai wsms iwasear Iks estae,
tMsiiSM, am. a sst
Mh4 Utat.l kMH ViMe aa tau
tSa f t-'4
IS4 rtH,uta. Wli.tatM tmZ
ale V ! ta at t
l)rt. Mi XI, Ii J, t), llvvrvlt,