HOLCOMBONHAILKOADS Continued from first pae,) f th. constitution of the United 'While rate for the transportation of iMTHoiM and property within the limit of a utate are primarily for its determination, the question whether they are so unreoiially low a 10 deprive the carrier of it property ujh imut Much eoiiiiM'imiitlon m the titutlon renulrca. mid. therefore, without the proees of law, cannot 1 no conclusively determined by the legislature of the state or by regula tion adopted under It authority, that the matter may not become tlie sub ject of Judicial Inquiry. in th discussion of thin question ill tilntntlff Mho railroad) contended that, a railroad comjwny la entitled to exact smdi charges for transportation nit will enable It at all time, Tiot only 10 pfiy oiierntliig exix'tiaes, but also to meet tlie in teres 1. rrK"inj '" mum oil its outstanding- obligations, ..nil UinHtv a dividend uiion all it MiMki flin! that to wrolilblt it from maintaining rates or charges for tat Ion adeuualfl to all these end will dejirlve it of its property without duo process of law, and deny to it the equal protection of the lawn, Thin contention wan th subject of elalwrote discussion, and, as It Iwors upon each ease In its important as pect, it ahould not tie passed with' out examination. In our oolnlon the broad proamnion advanced by counsel involve some niUeoneeplloii of the re lation bet wwii Ihe public and u rail road corporation, H I unsound in that it practically exclude from con sideration the fair value of the prop erty used, omit altogether any con slderatlon of the right of the public to Jib exempt from iinreaaonuble ex action, and muses the IntcreHl of the corporation maintaining a public hit-away the wile teat in determining whether the rale established by or for it are mien a may be rightfully preacrlbed a ttctween it and the pun. lie. "A railroad la a public highway and none the lea an because conatructed and maintained Hiroiigh the agency of ft corporation deriving it existence and power from the state, Hueli a eor'Hrratlon I created for piddle pur tioses. It performs ft function of the state, It authority to exercise the right of eminent domain and charge toll waa given primarily for the bene tit of the public, it la, therefore, un der ("overtime nfc control, xubjeet, of course, to the conatltutlonal guarantee for 1he protection of It projierty, It cannot, therefore, m admitted that A railroad corporation, maintaining a highway under the authority of the state, may flu It rate with view solely to it own Interest and Ignore the right of the public, Jfnt the right of the public would l g nored if rate for the transportation of jwrson or property on a railroad are exacted without reference to the fair value of the property uaed for the publlo or the fair value of tho er vice rendered, but In order almply that the eorjioratlnni tuny meet oper ating expenses, pay the Interest on it obligation and declare a dividend to atockhohler. If a railroad corpora tion ha Iwtnded it property for an mount that exceed It fair value, or If It capitalization i largely fictitious, it may not Impose upon the publlo the burden of such increased rate a may be required for the purpose of real izing profit tion ucli excessive val uation or fictitious capitalization' and the apiwrent value of the property and francbUea ued by the coror tlon, aa represented by its atocka, bond and olillgatlon i not alone to be considered when determining the rale that may be reasonably charged. "The utmost that any corporation 0eratlng a public hlghwHy can right fully demand at the hand of Die ! Islnture, when exerting It grneral iiower I Hint it receive what, under all the circumstances, la auch coin pen sat.on for the nae of it properly a wilt lie jiiat both to it and the public. We bold, however, that tlie laud o( all calculation a to the reasonable ne of rate to tie charged by a cor poration maintaining a highway un der legislative wind ion, must be the fair value of Hie proHrty lielug lined by It for the convenience of the pub lic, and in order to neeertnln that val ue, the original coat of construction, the amount expended In per manent linorovement, the amount and market value of IU I Hind ml toek, the present aa com (wired with the orliflnul coat of con at ruction, the tirolMitde earning cs- isteity of Hie prowrty under part leu litr rate innrllMd by statute ami the mm required to meet oHraiinj .pne are all matter for eoimlder- tioii ami are 1o lie gun audi wenrni uiMir lie Juat ami iIkIiI In em ! eui We do lMt eay Hint there may not be other matter 1o le reiranletl in e'4 mnilnir the value of the proiierty What the comiMttty U entllli.l to lt I a fnlr return tinn the value of thai v. lil. h it riiii'lov tr the iMitille (Hnt vruieitce. On the other hand, what the public U entitled to demaiul U that no more Im ttaete from It f ir the mm of a public titan a than the Mrv Ice rtMidrrrd by It art reMMMibly worth," iVnin the fire-oiif U I quite elear that the leirtaUture ht the wiwrr. Iif direct It- il.-1 Ion or uiuler l'irUbitli ti eitctueiil, la ttve auituoilv for Ih reeaoiHtbU rtrdUH (( tadway Nit. I ohrf r-.rimln of a puldte char ete In the winlirr of chare;' for rrhe reiwleretl the !(' ttiuWf th Irani hi franled them ! eotidui'l the lot ! toe whlcti 1 he erHtriton m rrtel. 'the eoMtntUu pr ttl that reilre-U Im thi ataie putdle hH-l il ahall be five to all it-o foe the triwttttioM at Iheir 1-pf-nM-a ami .ro H v iNroi utt i1,r am t r-ittiiin a imv pre wtlt-tl tr law, aiM that the IhtiU ttire HMf from tint la Hum mm la Miahlthter rviMUI omiiimmhi rwlea f eii foe the trKiott It m et l-awwftirv' anit frelht I hi itiTeteot iind h Ihi lle. It U ! boiiilxl tKet th l(ftUlMi hi 4 U It erH t tu' a tMMHt MtMt ili-tl'Hl'wlWni aiwt iottiiMR. la all rimr of en, yfili m4 talinatit eniule In Ih'a tAt, Thai Ih pubttti met rlhirtiiir deMMHtl ttli rietWH, fi- h WrUlW, tHOH Mill UitratloH, ttt how two! in . IhU aulht-tlM a 4i hire the jr Ihu itaM ,.,, iha tetrlidature there may re 1 ilmibtle ia ft diiTerenee of opln tiou. It appear to mo that the leffiaia ninv vt-rv nrooerly take action upon tbf aubject, and f reajH-ctfolly .mrireat the wiadom and Jimtlce ol niodifvlntf and re-enactln(f the preaent maximum freight rate law, to the end ii.nf. thn oblectlona now exUlinir to it- enforcement may te obviated and Ihti within the limit of the dcclalon of tn fonrt. the ncoiile may i" forded the relief from unjuat exaction I.. Hhi flin riri-M of frclullt rule in whleh tliev ore reuMonably entitled, H I true that it may i year lie fore uch a law could lie enforced, bccaime of II ligation which may follirw it en (ictmcnt, and yet we can hope to 11c coinnllali iiolhlrur lu till reaped 1111 lc we pcraevere, end iiiHjlred by luiidiible dealre of dealini JiiHtly with twilli the people and the corinnutloii. we outfit not to neaiuiia or nnii- uohi equal and exact juaiica anaii oe ea fubllahed and dlHcriiiilnatloii and un iut cluii'Kca lie made more obnoxlou if not Imiioaaible, under the law. In thin connection 1 bcir to requed your attention to the Biiiiual report of Hie ixinrd of accrcliirle of the atuie board of trunaportatlon, which 1 re plete with much mauuciive ami vm liable Information regarding the aub leet, in manv iHirtlcular. : 'J'he law of thl wtate rctfulutitig rharge by railroad nod oilier cor- poratlon are found In the maximum freight rate net which ha been, de cided Invalid, and the oct providing' for the creation of ft te bonrd of IraimiiorfBlloii imd dcfinlnir i' dullc, power, authority, ttc. With the max imum freight rate act Inoia-nitlve, whatever protection and relief which the people may have from unjuat I'harifc and dlcrimIunllon miiat come through the lairl of tranaportutlon, I am aware that the operation of thl law through that Iniurd or It aeerc tarlea, ha not been entirely aatlafiMS lory to the public at large, I fliu and have Ih'cii of the opinion that an elective rnllrond commlaalori i mucli to be preferred. J hl, however, 1 tin attainable until the aupreme Jaw if the atnte i emended, and thl, per Imp, cannot bo done for aevcr'il year, in tne meaiMiimn ine peopie are entitled to the beat protection the leglalature may lawfully extend to them, To rciieiil all law and leave the oeoide wholly t the mercy of corporate greed and aubject to unjuat dlacrlmiimtlon would not, in my Judg- meut, beat aulaierve the Intereat of the people The law, In my Judgment, 1 wie, It 1 con tern pin led by the conaf Motion and hfiN been the incnn of aavlng much to Ihe people which would other wlac have la-en loat 10 iiieiu. 1 neir mav lie room for crltlciam a 1o the operation or ndmlnlatralloii of tlie law, but I fall to perceive wneicin tne law Itaelf can lie condemned a unjuat ,;jr unwlae in any of it provlxlonx, With out tld law or aome other law to take It place, the iieople would le en tirely without that egllative control which the conatltutlon lm wnuuy pro- vldcd and which it eaw.dally enjoined 11011 the legjHlature a a duly to up dy . It la true, oouoiie, inai mere ex Ul In ninny locnlltlc of the atate thoae who are opfKHod to regulation of oriioration n all cliaracter, ami mat the eor?ratlou 1hemndve would of fif no obection Ut the repeal of ill law prov(dlng for their control. Hut IM'onle generally, wno, ny actual ex perience have felt the injustice of wrongful exaction ami 11 lucrum tui tion by coriHratloii tNM4elng un limited iKiwer, except aa controlled by atatute, feel tlie neceaaity of aome auch l-rovlalon if law, recognize. It luetlce and la-ncfteence to all and rightly de mand that tlim protection lie. not ta ken from them HTOCK YAKD8 KiC(iULATiOXH. The luat leglalature iiaaaed an let to regulate certain tock yard by do- luring them public market anil de fining the tin tie of the peraon or ht aon oerating the aame and regulat ing nil chargea thereof and providing peualtle for the violation thereof. Ihe union mock yam or houtn Omaha, a eorixtratlon aubjeet to the IH'ovIhIoii of till act, had itaelf, or, M-rliam, more accurately peaking. It managing olilelal. wno were crea ture of itk own making, enjoined from putting In force the rate of charge aa therein provlib'd, and the caae Neem to be traveling the tame road u the maximum freight rate caae, except moving by alower atage. if tiiat were poHii)ie. , numorouM, ir 1101 unit- roua, incident iraiumriug in tne pro reding of thl raae I worthy of note. If I am corrretly Informed, after Ihe tlockholilrr had applied for an In junction reatrnlnlng the managing of ficer from putting In force the rate of charge provhieii oy tanne ami from lowering the rate men prevail ing, and the court liad granted the in junction, the KaiiiM City lock yard company reiiueeii their rte to con- form to tne requirement 01 an act pi.i.rd by Ihe Kan b-gUUture r.d uohehl by the court of that atate, I he inlunetlou waa tiouiuiem spiuieo for and granted upon the lhwry that bimiiie with itront at the rule pro vided by tatute, but Ihe law of rout- ititlou provetl more effective than the ltul and roo.iirlled the owr lu- of rate at the Huulh Umaha Ih h lard. Thl iieerHatei another ! plication In Ihe court to be ertuttted In rpiiuee in rait v-nicn iney inem rite tid dee 1 4 red would bung ruin n.l baiikroptt-v. liellef wa graeloua- ly extended by the court ami Ihe rate rre reduced that the averaite ehatirr are tot Itlirher hn allowed by ihe ai t la eoMtrory, llower, what the eiititiiy doe volmiUhly it U n ltllh that the telaiture (hall tt MtuM reipdr It In da, and the ! adit need tut, the ui gett iMluelidm teem Ut I litili. In the maximum lilhl tat enwNk The h'I h a rUht l ! Ihe mm petdy trt, II th act la tptettioit I twit vlj I w on hi lo M-fttalit a teMtl.l0 lttt Mh'ttln It I tMve'ite. lht the UyuUlure aiV ttily Ih dfet ami lit tutiatd !- at 'Ut hut mv t tit ih pi iu It trotlioit frMt aajuat 'tm IIOIl lit V IO I ri"l'UII- iIHH., Whtl I h Mid tdlt I he tleUv in the fll lulivHoH tf Ihe tttaxb in it ut fieltfht tt tM apidiM with equal f trt-e lt Ihe littllo vf the ttoed til rautMtn am, I eu r-t the irtiitielv t t ilH oa Ihe Mtrl ef the h-tUlalait tr. in? the adiaeeemeat ami immkI tie l-tmlf ilo tif raae f Ihi eharectee, It e wt Ih t!l ate lit be iwulld THE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT. and their operation auaptuidedby the extraordinary writ of injunction, a proceeding in itaelf of doubtful pro priety, certainly the atate may rlgttt fully ineiat that the litigation, ahull bo expedited and involve no unneueaaary cleluy. GREAT MONEY POWER, (Continued From Fifth Page.) Walker, the above mined defendant. (Hlgucd) W. W. rax ton, Jr., $8.65. r-i-irt." Coiiimlatiloner Dundy euy auy the rcuaon the liail wn returned wa tje cuuae the grand jury found no indict ment, t The final chapter in thl hlatory .a given In the following Aaaociitted Tie dleputeh from Cheyenne, Wyoming, doled duuniiry 21, Jsu.'it "'i'he ciiae agulnat the twenty-three txkmcn from Cbeyeoine, Wyoming, hiot eprlug tuiul killed the rutichiru'n, Ohoinpion ami Kay, wua djmlcd Juat evening, it being lui Molble to arc 11 re a jury. One thou Miud n nd Nlxty-lilue talesmen have been examined and no jury accurcd. 'J'he alicrlff ninde return luat evening that he wu uiuiblu to aecure more laleaineii, I'l'oaecutlng Attorney Hen nelt then miked the court to enter a nolle proxae in the- cuae, which wn flone, There j great rejoicing uuiong Ihe Mock men and their fiimillc over the reaiilt." 'J'h'j hmiiU'uiile intinddenlt of tlie aeo elation In 11 recent number of hla eru dite nod en untie fumlfy journal in quired with llneirwy Wiiut ktiwl of am Imal the money power wuwlutlicr quadruped, aaurlau or reptile und de- Clui'inl lliut in ft rrttulonee of aome alxty year on thla jdunet lie had never wen the creature or even it track on ihe Mtindatoiie, f do not know but our honored prcaidcut may hold the Mime opinion reapectlng Ihe aluve power another animal which (whether myth or not) bold aome place in the hmtory und II I rii lure of our native hind. There I difference of eyealghb I freely grant. Home of u can only ace the behemoth when he cut Hie graaa on tint family Jiiwn, white to aome, like John, on the Inland of 1'atmoa, or the other John in the Hedronl J11IJ, J.ug laml, It ia given to ace the puxaioua, the Imtea, the jealouaie, the ambiUona,' and the evil that throng about our live from the blrlh bed to the pillow of prairie and that mark tins end - In the form of bcaxf uuil living crea ture. I do not think that I belong to the claa of luaplred vlKioiiUt auch u theae, but, If ever my mind doubted Ihi exIateiK-c of a real, living, organized money iiower in Auu'rlca, the memory of tlie aeeuea here recorded, tlie inter view with the trapper in the tdiudron JaJJ of their almple, algnlilcunt xtory -th luirinng rmm and the murd ered ranchmen on Powder riverthe march of the military to the murdi-r- iV reecue, the breaking of the JJotig- Iiim mill -the am-clal train 4he array of legal talent and (hilled State mar- nhala- und finally the photogratih in- lelibly printed on my brain of two in- iiiM-ent men (known to every one to be Much) marched in chain through the atrcettt of my own town and born away to defeat the end of Juatice by the hlgheat Hiwcr of that govenrnment framed by our fat here i aecure lili- erty and equality among nieu that would alienee tlie doubt. Wiieu wealth can coiumarid not only nil the triumph of modern learning and Invention, the rallwnya, the tele graph, the telephone, ami the legal fraternity, but beyond that when it an .move the army of the United KUitea and the very machinery of the Jnltcd htntea courtanot to puiiiali line, but to atenl witneaaea that inur- er may go unpuidalu-dwdien it doe Mit-ee thing openJy in the foot of the 111r1 li'iin H-ople It will require more ten (hat the niugulany gifted pen of our iirealilcut to convince aome or ua that the money tiovver ia nothing more t lift r t a Mili t ti'itl Mr. Ilarrla, the gob lin of home (rnrruloua Sairy (iiinip. In llerndotf life of Lincoln (vol. 1, 117) la told the atory of the tbiltMiut- mun a viMt to .ev orieaioun Jaiii. 'or the flrat time In hi life he aw ini'ii and women ehaiued together and noli) from the auction block, Itiln;- Ing together hi tUta he Mild to John lliinka, "If ever I get a chance I'll hit that thing (tlie idave uower) ami I'd hit It bard." There are Home Nehru kana who expn-NM-d the Name Meutl nient to each other aa they witnenKed ihe clininetl proeew.lou hurried down the atreet of the mt-trnpolU of nortli wealern Nebrnaka thai Mav morning of 1SH3. Hardy's Column. I'iiv aa You Agree Peer Garden and ihe Mldttay-Next It. publican Can ilidate Gritty Hollo- Hlnndlitg Arid)- ItuilriHid I har(fi Our New l-egUlature, ll la all ijlit tu pay the nugar U-rl U.i.litt, but hi the repubbi-aim who uni-rril tlie tmoiitt nuiKe Ihe h-ty to I "it l. the bijou) Ice eousUleil In oh. li.'rtlh.g he at.t i tu pat, (he tirw ttrt are anaittait Uxliujr utie loduatry to keep auuther, I wiiukl imy tht4fe IhiIIUIV, IlKt, IllOllvh lh 0ll- Ml.lf lor li-ao harm 11m 11 Hi fox All Ihe ?itt ilinifrra, tfmiiivr and cat e ttoiitf h uf linh are Uniti.t t another exHM.iil.Ht inl imiI.) tl.ir tf four tooi. he ioiditf tire and liuiuomMt wilt I i.l,u.. Hi lrhMhrhrd UI bU. art It l. t not avail Ma,-U that by tl (vl lt toHrllutit front tt nUl or go r tl lior u(. It oli o.tV t if UoKftior Um- trtt tf .NV Ytl ttuuld I" the reioiblt t-and lUt foe prrai.lent lit tf-A II I. Ih ht of lb rutatoH kHide more lata &l'tUIf . 1 Wt-ta ll k.ti ihoiwit Mi hmb 1 1 r-4iir i rt hi rti.i litimtd wh timttahm. A wtr ua the natitta t ttt the UUml toth Kntn a ttiitt aol hi i4rty n( Ih If It lk ry Htwt4 a thvagtk ih I'mWh ami the 'h.tiir-Ut- vtie imioiuI tt hate I ttty If kt ht M Htfht tHttte foe II. .t r-i h4 Urtt fHei )t hy Ihe I'hitit4ii4 tho ihl tt kst Ihe mhm haiial tlie Oubaws get. If liberty ia good one place, it i equally good in the other. We rather admire tlie grit of the na tive of Iloilo ialand. They have driv en the Spaniard oil the island without any help from ua and act up a-overn-ment of their own, a little republic aimilar to that of cevcrnl of the other Philippine inland and now refuae to 1m)w to tlie mandate of McKlnley. Our war ahlpa are in their Jiarbor threaten ing to bombard their city if they do not aurrender, In turn they threaten to drench their city with keroacne, lire It and flee to the mountains before they will aurrender. They have ev eral thousand aoldlera well armed with Spanlah gun tuken from Hpanlah aold ier. Kxpunaion by force givea the lie to American profreaalon. Thi admin latratlon will die a four-year-old if ex pnmdon i flltcmptetl by force. What do we want with a atanding army of one hundred thouaand? It ia not to defend ouraclve againet a for eign foe. After thla thut ha got to be done entirely with the navy. Are we going to conquer other nation and place our aoldlcr over them to keep fliion muter ? Have we got to keep the (,'ubana and I'hillppine under with an American army? Khame and a, dl gruce to our ihig to hint auch a thing. And yet that 1 ine purport o. Klnley'a aou'tlwrni Kpccchea. Kvery American aoldier annum ne wllhdniwn, within a y''"". executing enough to , pio fi.t ci tiling tUitloni wfliic'ln we aUioulil hold ca ft war tndcninity. No, it U not tlmt we need auch ani army to d feil ouwjvc agalntVt the forelgre foca but it ia t protex-t tlie millionaire, c iijxrutbHi and truuta at liome. It i tlie tt-nuiJon icople that, tiii unw h -Hot wl g"ang are afretidi or. we reao about the "power" of Burojie, We iiitve power more iKnlenit, ' They (wit tic policy of Wurope while IrwU, ci4 iorat.lon erwl tlhe liquor ti.inlc twl t'hl governaiiemt around their fingfer oa etielly aa ft boy wind u blade of grow annind' hi finger. 'J'he blood thicker are alwaya txigelh er, solid, In tlhe big party, they are today, while the liidiwtmloiu tJimnion Mopl are divided. We Imve got to get, together or erl1i. WJiot can we iio w'licin ft aold'ier i ttlaliont-tl at ev er iUiw, not to protedt you or your home but to enforce unjuat luw made by the few awl for The few. The impreIon hna generally pre-valh-d that government railrocida car ry freight and juiwaengcra clieaper limn corporation raid, Tli'l I ft miaiUike, It k ft fuot, however, tihat iiitc have la-en- retHuejed by govern ment taking contml, but after the red notion', rale a re t,IU higher than In thl ooii'mtry. We take h rcporta made to coiugroH by Mie iuteratate eommen-e eonnmiawioni a rcILfible, i ; 1 1 gin nd diM-a iw-t ow n her nml but cxerelaeit govern nieirt tsontrol, Ger many and France own and ojwrate alwut iiO er centt f tlhelr dootl. The average jmengcr rate per mile In Kngland i 'Ay.t mill, In Germany it I 23 1-S mi!!, while in Hie United Htnte it ia only 21 1-S mill. There ia about the ttanwi ili (Terence In freight ratee. The average rate per Urn, per mile, in Kngliand i 28 milut, In Ger many it ia 10 4-10 niillia, in France it I 22 in 1 1 la, while in tlie United Sltitea it I a little lea than 10 in ill. There l thb advantage gained from govern ment road, uill the prolltw go to alt tlie people, while. 1n thla country we make millionaire with it. It it said und doubtless Is true flint the elieap et luilroud ra le In the world fat chaigi-d lie t ween New York and Chi cago. The puicliaaing power of money haa iiicreiiHcd ao thut a Ihouannd dollar Kiilar.v will buy ua good a living today aa fifteen hundred would ten year ago. We will aee how many iikcIi-hm waitcra are hung on to the legiHlntiire for pay. Another SIranK Thin;. It ia strange that paper and politi cian who pretend to believe thut onr government I nut competent to acocnx- fullyown and npcrato railroad at borne deem it competent to construct and operate the Nicaragua canal. The only reason for tin I the fuut that the inoueyed intend of thi country are more directly concerned lu operation the railroad aud robbing the people; hence Influence the politician aud the pre In their iuteient The money re quired In couiitrucllug tba KloaraKua canal would couHtruct and equip a doa ble track railroad from the I'aciflo to the Atlantic, which, if ruu hy the gov ernment In the intercut of Ihe people, would be tuauv lime over more advan tageous to the ptopla than would the ) ctnal if II touhl be m initrui tud lor the tuut cuutemieii and wouiu be an 11s rmiuKlnri claim f . r It, whb h I very doubtful. Tulare (lb I.) News. tlie Leal Traal. VY at oriiaiiUiiitf the Ctdcradu Hun- hlne and Fr Air Irutl (lliullnl). W wul Ih i pi lo buy Ih stork. W oiuli a the slot a will te worth liar juit as SkN ti a w can purchata Ih Incoiuiujf It'iiiaUlur lo pa a i ll) fjlv iui( our coiupiiby iht vlui u ul uuahiu aud liU air, st b gitUiurvt In ih pl h israiiivd like btium lu 1-tHipl ho iln.. ia I " lu in whole tank Mud t via all lb WSUI When ear rti.tiy I tu Us t"l u I veijlHaty t itii a iMvtrr, all lhl ill l-me l.i ilu will U to to tMeml aud pal eut hamlt la i tody's HHkrti and lake eel dkI tll at ttdlU Itf ttHSrtd. 1 hn l no lo 7 In It. I lil otite. Kill Mnl I'fvlga' Waly. aail4 kg tats. AiHoidtfi ttt the I ttava IUviw nt Rvl ttt itadis atiMle ef Ihe awl w-thl. prtMufi.lly end! srui. aaiuUt I.IW.WA la wsHltu thtrt ) Wt istaiHi4 41,1)0,000- lite ft Mill Ui lit Mtiltuty fte Is hsatt lj II !, In Italy, it In A at Itta, IS la tiMHiaay a4 II In lit Kf vty Ilia insle adali l attldttt la Katvr-r- As4 lhe parasila. tvul lea tt4 Uhif hi. ate ktalaltul fcr the siwiait. tl4 M Ihe tetuflt id laptlali- lls4 l ilts, STATE LEGISLATURE, (Continued From Seventh Fag-) Tueiday, Janaar 10. The hou.se was called to order thia morning shortly af ler 10 o'clock. Hcnjumin of Hitchcock arose after ournul reading, and slated he had lecn incorrectly reported as having voted nay on tne uimsteud resolution when he voted aye. The Journal was found to be correct. Taylor of Custer wanted a committee of five to investigate and report on the advisability of diapctislug with the ofllce of oil inspector and railroad commissioners. Tubled on motion of Pollard of Cass, who said bills cover tng these measures would find con sideration with proper committees, Thompson of Merrick introduced a resolution that BOO copies of rules be printed for use of members, Kcfcrred to comtnitte on printing, Eastman of Custer wanted to have defined the duties of the committee on other institutions, lie served as chairman two years ago, but declared all matters pertaining to tnauugement of eleemosynary institutions are re ferred to committee on insane hospitals and the committee on other asylums finds itself with no duties to perform, Among bills introduced aud read first time are; 11. R. M, hy M"mlner To call a convention to rrvlnocon-lltulliiii, B. H. Mi, by KttNtmua To provide for snhmls- slim of constliuilnoal umnudaieats to vols of the pffnjile. IX It 70, by Kvau-fo create and maintain roanrvs and giiaisnte fund for protection of daiiofiltom la bunk. It. ft, 71 to Hi, by Tno Corr-ciInK sud smnnillDtf Compiled Statute, II. H. IW, by Weaver Frovldlns punlaliment for uergoos makliig loud and undo uoincs st tilnlit, II. ll, W) by flhlttonilon of Gaits, by rcjue Prorlilliiir for a docme of divorce on ground of Inniinlty, II. B. Jos. by Flynn- Vat the bnimllnif of ponl- loniuirr iiiaui) soon ua provKiins penaitios for violation thtiroof, II. K. Kw, by Klyiin-Kor hoard of arbitration and defining uutlc and powers of sum, In the afternoon after econd read lng of bills, the sneaker called for the special order of the day. Lane of Lan caster, moved that in the report of the committee on rules the added portion of rule S4, over which a disagreement occurred Monday, bo stricken out of the report, Tins was done. Representative House, Fisher and Morun were appointed to consult with a like committee, from the senate on rules of Joint sessions. Weilneaday, January 11, The house convened at 10 o'clock. Iloll call showed Kastcrling, Tanner und Woodford absent on account of sickness. Heading of journal was dis pensed with. Jlurn of Lancaster offered a resolu tion placing ofllcurs and employes of house under direction of chief clerk, explaining his reason for o doing by saying many did not know what their duties were aud that they ought to be placed under some one who could tell them. Allen 0. Flaber introduced the fol lowing resolution In regard to Colonel Ktotscnburg's removal: Whereas, There is common report coming from the sons of Nebraska parents serving their country in Ma nila, Philippine, of unjust and unsol diery treatment of the men in the First Nebraska regiment by Colonel Mtotsenburg, and Whereaa, These charges have been officially filed with the secretary of war and Whereas, The humble private vol unteer soldier whether at home or ten thousand miles away is entitled to the full protection of every right; there fore Resolved, That our senators and representatives in congress be request ed to urge the honorable secretary of war to detach Colonel Ktotsenburgfrom the First Nebraska United States vol untcers, and return birn to duty la the regular army. Resolved, That upon the return of the First Nebraska regiment to Amer ica where testimony can be heard that these chargea so univeraally lielleved by the friends of the men of this regi ment should be fully Investigated and such punishment intlicted as the case, if proven, deserves. Kesolved further, that the aucretary of war be also requested to hear and determine all charges now on file in the ofllce of the adjutant general of the army against olllcera for violation of army regulations toward volun teer soidlers from the state of Nebras ka, Resolved, That a copy of these reso lutions shall be transmitted to the secretary of war at once. The resolution were made a special order for Thursday at ll o'clock. Among the bills Introduced were; II. Ittailo l, bv flsrhwin Amandins se thin ot Compiled Staluia II. It. 1 to, by lirt.- Prohibiting killing of will trU and a wall lor B jraam II. H. Ill la 134, by Uii-Am. iidin Cmpl!4 SlMMO-i. II. K. in. sy Pellsrd-T provid s truant t 11 u. mi, t-otaia.l - For uiuif u u- itvonua, bl Of tS Slilail prlnlln lr.la eouarll ul I. turnailnaal t) )wtihtt-al uaio ua alaia prlnlln. II. K IW.br Wratt-Ta eiHialtliit amiaalna tetoM at gaaaral attmtum a anatlaiueaiMif and pratldlag alty luf tailvr t du au. Ullla to the autuber of 171 have Wen IntrtHtuoed. tttams-r ot them purpoatnf ehangM la (s--sOe4 statutes, repasl inifobaol!, unooottitaOeosl, sadu Irs seetlon. rly,Jeairg I. After prlluilirie la Ih aU Ihi utorutiig, hiitor ,Vv of Ihiug- lata-ktd for a vtittttttittv o tttvati vale the Ud of the state trvaaurer, It wt e? r wmler the ret. I Crow of Ikiug-U tutru-iuiied a jolat reaoltttlott for aa atiieHiluient la eett I ion an, article XV, tf the slate t-oit-ttilulloa U prwvhle that ettHer braault f the lgtltr way prtnoas stueud hi alt la ih lltutuMt, sad If a a to hy lhr iltbt fl the wimWrt hr are ta) he patdithad aa4 tulanl tMt at tit natal lill.n. If Ihti ! wttte thsM ee awaadtueat thy shsll V- teled irtly. I ambia tt lv4bo.ia et iVhla Ion iiM et eaae tMtttvtiiitMS vr 4ra4 ertat4 for tf aietaWte A li-t et rv party f lite eaeale f-rdarvd ttiade u tttetUttl vt tlal.iattaa tf lUif. , t A h'it rseulathMi wm lalrvdiK-al a loitla the CullMt eetewilataet 14 ealarff the paevte el the laursUVe ni euatiialaaUMa. Ihe UU hf the teteMUIitHtel et slate ttMal ht-w tl lllait w4 tt-l the e4 ttase, Att elite laUilma4 tssret gV. f M St rsitw4-.rsitsitt is Mfaii fj taS& seta j-s . t Jan. 12 1899 lntur fldoTTty member holding 5Tae dt trust in itate, county or city oak-en, or In soy company or corporation. ... v- 8. F. 19. by Prout by request-To permit a dt- V vorce on account of Insanity after Ova years conflnement ta an tnaana snylum, provtdad that turb Irmanltv bat not been brouirht oa by the fault or mhioonduot of tb party seelt tnjf a dlvorca. . , S F.2r, by Talbot Relating to school text book for 111a In the public school of the atate of Nebraaka; provhllng for tuita tuit formlty and niuilmiim nhnr for laid book creating s commlinlon to salsct tba same, and making aa appropriation for carrying out the proration thereof. Adjourned, Wednesday, Jaouary 11.- The senate was called to order at 10 o'clock. Prout of Gage moved that reading ot the journal be dispensed with, but withdrew motion to allow Fowler to Introduce this resolution: "That the Journal bo so correct ed that all bills read yesterday be shown as read for the first time and that the reference of bills from No. 1 to 0 inclusive be strick en from the record." This carried by a viva voce vote and a little later Prout renewed his mo tion and the reading of the journal was discontinued, Currleof Custer asked unanimous oonsent to substitute a bill for one be had introduced. Talbot of Lancaster , moved that substitute be reported by committee instead of the original bill. it waa decided to introduce tne sub stitute as an original bill, being a bill In riMA.I.lii 4tm t Oan.l ,in.,A , lit. high schools of non-resident pupils. -senator urow of Douglas, by unani mous content, offered the resolution asking for Colonel (Htotzenburg's re . 1 .. .. ..t 1 .111. f i I Kf 1 ' luvrui at uoiouet 01 vim eirnt ni-oriiaw ka at Manila. The summary of the" raaolntirin will Tia fonnrl in t.lifl houaa proceeding. The rule were sus pended and the resolutions were adopted by viva voce vote, Hall of Msdison voting no. The resolution referring the ques tion of the legality of Treasurer Me icrve's bond to the judiciary commit tee was adopted. Files to the number 47 were intro duced, nearly all of them alining to correct the Compiled rltatutes of 1607. Une afternoon session of trie senate lasted but half an hour. Legislative manuals of 1S09 were ordered, five bill were Introduced and the senate adjourned. Monlelpal Grants, At a recent gcrndou of the National Municipal league at Indianapolis Mr. Charles Itichurdsou read a paper on "Municipal Franchises" that attracted attention, lie said in parti "I feci coDstralnel to announce my- tolf as buing unalterably opponcd to any grant of municipal franchiog for any ntirnnaA whutnvne. and 1 tuba thia final. r - - - - " ' ----- -- r - - tion as a matter of principle. I main tain that the idea of grunting fran chises to private individuals or corpora tions to minister td a city in social, nectHiltlo is as wrong in icieDtlflo the ory as it In mlschiovoag and destructive of what is best in municipal life in practice. The whole idea of granting special privileges to a few people to make profit off all the rest of the peo ple is undemocratic, and consequently is oppoted to aud stands in the way of progrcs toward tbo realization of cor loftiest and best ideal, the equality of all men before the law." DR. McCREW ta TBS OSLg PKO IALI81 WBO TSKATt ALL Private Diseases Waataaa) aai Stair- at MEN ONLV 9) Year Exparlene 10 VaartU Omaha, nook frea, Con-nlt tloaFra. Bo(TM.o 14th and FtnuuB BU OMAHA. IN Kit, mmmw it tba Head, Nme, Throat, f.ung. Fret, Deaf iihix, Ii (lrti ami Aalhina, Mrdlclne and IVnatiuantONLY S3.00a MONTH. GHROtJIG Vorrnua aud H-'U1 HlHoaaaa ef MEN and WO.tlKS. imnM of tha K.ya, Ear, Luna Klilurya, n rt.iMi-r, SMn, iilood, HhaumatialU aud t'iiriT Our f4llltla lor traatlng all foriui of 1 hrmilo inaaa ara ununiiuHi ana our reuiaikabia auiKuae baa nvr batu sur p4Kll. Low Fee Systom Thi if.pularlly of our small rhargas for traat niut la fully linmoiiairaiail by Ilia graat nuui Knra making daily ain'iuauoo fur ear traat UIUk Homo Troatmcnt ! . una Traattiii-lil by Mall I avarythln f.Ml lilllil la iitMMrvHi it,, n.i t-a-ra, ii.aiai r ,w ctl for tiy 11111111 lliauttt. 1'. u. Uus StHtOt Trto Draper Mettloal Inatltute. II. K. t M. Iih btala tta., Ottah. " WE MANUFACTURE Cerriaga, I'haatons, and Wataa atf all kink -.til oa habUr Tepa, Caae itvaa, aud Parka, hoiMale or retati I'at oa Uublf Tirae asd earraat evety st, I'aiallsg aad riria aol tiaallo.1 1 the at. ft aatrs m haaiaaaa la Uaettla, ana rkiei Teata sir, eort-t 14 atn-tt, J. M. CAMP aVp On W J. MCDONALD. HOT KiotnT-M-aci SPRINGS ARK. SpccUltlcit D!ooJ Diseases. HluunutUin GvfipcnJnca Solicited,