The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, January 12, 1899, Page 5, Image 5

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    Jan. 12,1899,
v x
X IAMS' HORSE SHOW at he Omaha
r superintendent and all on the
A Horn on grounds. More bin ck
X U null i,..m.,l 1 una ....... .1
, ",. Minn.. iiuiniK, j,Vini nniini i wo-i i -iir-oinn mm ion iniee.yeiir- k.
old-, either): more state nrlst'i winner, exposition wlnnersiit lendimr V
111., In., NmI). and Bt. Uoul fairs
the United Htntee, weight 5,0()f)
. k!l!l?J!E"!fi 1 39ft flfl for mMn Greatest Horse Exhibit at the Y
CElVED.lDl .O&U.UU Omaha F.xr.A&ltlnn.
Q Iaiim "Hin Ton" and "Jaque Cour," largest and tnoitt noted Kindlon A
Sin United HMfpM, lut fr.o winner at HI., Ii,, Nub. and Ht, Lnul f.ilrs, A
Were not Shown lor ribborjg at Exposition, lam always 1m a beru JT
lull of Million grubber. Iiun and bin horso uro mascot to people
A who do business with him, .
Iftrttfl f J.i M tin uiiLititrlitn In n.iniiliu anttifwv lrifu,.is.w ul nl!nm - m,,.,.....,!., m (r
lams ha o salesman In country selling Inferior stallion to companies at
four price, Have half this money by going direct to Iain' burn nml
buy a winner he guarantee to show you mnr stallion than all
other Importer in Nebraska good guarantees and lam pnylrlglif.
Tim to responsible pnrtie. Qne law, 1100 lb. Black Spanish Jack
-Price $400, worth $1,000. On U. P. and B. & M. I'y.
would bo coutostcd, but when the IckIh
latnrn assembled they could only muster
eight vote in the whole body favorable
to such a proceeding no they dropped It
a if It were a hot poker, Tim tnnn the
republican wanted to Meat In place of
(lovcruor L"d Ih a defaulter and will
have to account to tbe courtH, The
way ol republican in Kuuth Dakota
are very much the same dm la Nebraska.
Tho (linpitclieu Huy t liiit when (lenernl
Miller arrived at Hollo h found that
after the Kpaulnli bad departed the In
habitatit bad net up a cotnplt govern
merit that met with thn enllrM approval
of all the forolgn resident. The custom
boDHi', pout ollleeand other (lepiirtuienl
wore working xirioot lily. There wnn no
loot inix nor any attempt to loot. In
their communication wltb I lie A inert
can forces they denied that 1 hey were
a miparate republic and refimed to do
anything without order from Aguinal'
do. It uppeur from then report that
the eervlw of Mark Manna and Mr
Kin toy are not necewary In this cuh to
enable the people to et up a govern
ment. Judge Grimertion of Kchuyhtr wa ap
pointed by Oov. I'oynter to (III the va
cancy In the Kixth judicial diMtrict
canned by the death of Judge Mure hall.
The Rick report of the Flrt Ni branka
in Manila are made out monthly, but It
take about eight week to get them
here after they are made out. The bint
one received was dated September DO,
When flon. Wood etarted to Wanhipg
ton from Santiago to protent iigaiiiMt
the traimfer of the money coming into
that city from cuNtom to Havana, the
whole population turned out and
marched with him from the palace to
the wharf, cluering with all their might
thi whol way. General Wood in realiz
ing the truth of IlryanV Htatement that
"tho gratitude of a people I better thuu
a jowoled Hword."
DiHpntche from Havana euy that
Gen, Gomes will never dixband hi army
until hi Koldier have been paid, and
that he will lend hi force back into (he
hill and tight if the American policy U
not changed. Iuieriiili-iii 1 a rockey
road to travel,
The admluiiitratiiin 1m hurrying rein
forcement with all etd townrd the
Philippine. Four ur war hi,w and
two ndilitiotuil r'niiiu nt Imv I it
ordered I lure. J)ver thing point to
ward I'ucle Ham Imvlngn big job oil
Alerieni ie till rampant at Waeliing
toa. lUtvntly nom lriui- ordered
home Ironi I'm to IUhi er luii l d on
the froety lirv nl V KiiKlauddrd
In the ighlt troi'ltel iltitli lug, while
the trooi iu (Mba w-re Kired u intti h
under a t'ilmg eun li li i la gernieal
lit .ly l.r a. nu l ilr ludtt crtia
iga is Nurlh iki.
Uot, llotlt rri4 J" to
hrt ot .Mia uRmki! lyr-iom-nn-lJn.
b4 luU4t'l M.rMe tkel
woaias uRrs t1 ! td la (l-ii
i4NVoik, I'p -? tif l
fc od Hi t fc HHiat j ( t U ul.
A !; Wtl k4 It a U tf tk
rU'tv iU tfca kwa ( the !' h-rf
! i4. Mi..tUrf 1S J
BtviM sow id trfel ikiee ti'
U mi trr K4.).Ht tk Ioh
MtmttH sw fits rtst
tHtal irarMV, Tfce SrdlH kMe
I rt k,trvd si ! S
St Ikrw, l,n tar tlt l
iU.n at- 9tM4 sd
! aViV. t r,iin.l U himk-k
.VsM vl Ts It.l 'l
smw, tie m r ! s.i.,.f "
Black Pur
cherons, Belgians,
Clydes &
Exposition hud nil th p-opli j'i'k''
run to sen t.h minim. 1
Htallioiis thiiri all exhibitors; more A
4..... 1 v
- rind tbe largest Stallion uud Mum In A
pound. T
Tluiti tlietlmn that AltolJ bit the
nuil on die bead.
Mr. Waller necm to have been the
moMt completely Hold out politician Hint
ever appeared in Lincoln. Alt; r ill the
row he made uinl the promicen he fn
cured lor going Into the which am!
"making it iimuiliiiou," he did not grt
a thing, lie I the chairman of no com
mittoe and the few thut. be in on, lie
line up In the rear with thn populiet
TIioiiihou in uit fool certain thut be doe
not need him:
Quite a little hi iihiiIIoii whn prodiicei
In the nenate at Wu"hiiigtoii the other
day, Huuator Caffery wii reading from
a book when Hcnator Hpooner aroH and
aMked, "VVhab book l the senator rend
Ing from?" Kmintor Cnffery replied
"Thl I the constitution of the United
Htst.ii." U seem that the Imperialist
have o completely abandoned all faith
in the u I Ion that they don't know
It when they bear it read.
In one ot the dlnpntcbet from Cuba the
clergy in that IhIuihI I epoken of a
"ward of the government." Ttinthta
queer Htate of affair,
The r 'publican In the lower lioue of
Uih legllature etarted out to adopt a
Reed rule, but they ran egaiiMt a wing.
Ilefore uch a coume of procedure can be
adopted by any legislature every man in
lavor ot it miiHC prociuiro iinnceii a cur
dog, who I willing to com and g) at
the whlHtli of the xpeaker, There wore
few republican who had not. been trained
down to that point aud they kickod.
AM about the city, country, priee of
properly, hind, renouieen, cllmafe.where
when aud what to Invent in. rortnii"
can beinHdo lnr.i qiiliklyon Ninall in
ViMtmeiiiM. AddreH with 25 cenln in
stamp, The American Kealty Co., Ha
vana, Cuba.
The democrat or populit memlMrof
the legUlature, who Vote for a republi
can forUuixd SUH Mouator, no matter
whom they mar be, will be look ) upon
with auHplcl in. In the battle of reform,
there can be no cuiiroMiiMo with the
enemy, 1 lie tun l mut lie carried ou
until the ho' ol plutocracy urrendr
llrilnulu the Year
With ptre, rich, healthy blond, which
tuny b hail by taking Hood hiru
panda, you will not need lo darat
ttt.k ol I'liriiii.onia, bronehni, (ever,
Colli ur the uri. A lew bolll. .( thu
km at ii'inc niiU moon purim r, iitsea
now, will be your tt i'Mi'tninuuiiii
eriig tiumora, ImiIU, ruplion, that
IimI I elleg and rloii iHiie, Hi w hu h
A wk Mini ib liibtatvd trui U mjiw
eilly bb'e lu early eprmg. Il'iml'
Sanep'triHa eradicate Iriiia IhehliMid
eertifult tiat, ti'iiea nml eirw.gili
en ll.e moinarh.rurra iIm ii4, rti urn
IU,m,e.tar,bwMlry a dawn I riu I j
or proniote-i iy inipure or di'ieiel
Tb arentarf id tea savy tU ios.
Jrr Ikst i want Anierkaa
tars, t'ssr will isml.
It ai l m Hsf b.r rosgrwa to ssak
j r,.i.u.a lor tl.-.r a'Ulmst Ik it
II U tl teci" ibviu. Usbwdaa'vat
b i-m a erkat tearing, Mtde4
St A. iwai.4, as I isii Iwmv tk
ttri iMllWa ol SV t ll4lea Ur uii, Sua a rarv w
UU twrl t' I a raebot -ro-tl
aa isf reus f at t, lae tha ttd
.H4a iassl iSaat tar ot
WtlkSls Itkl h M. I 'kt IS l.i(J
ot IoiiM a laU a I tia Af.
raa in-eki a 1 1 takaear vl
li.d U )! from (Sat lima isr
.H U ,LI ol ' Iiia .mIi'm
'lroi ktM vatt I atresia s
ti 1 etr.
Congress Always has du Appre
ciation of the Power of Cor
porate Wealth.
Denounce! the Sources of Munici
pal Corruption-In Lino with
Oov poynter,
Own tli liMllroHil.
"When tl'tf preout oongre, thn very
embodiment of patrloliem, wapreiur'
Ing u revenue bill to pny the cxpeiifc of
fie war with Hpafn for the liberating
aud upliftiugof IheojipreNNed uml down
tioddeii of Cuba, It too, exhibited a due
appreciation of corporate weal Hi when It
exempted from taxation the tclcgrnpli
monopoly, Thl corporation, that re
celved millions of dollar In IncroaNoi!
eiirnlng by reiion of the war that whm
being weged lu the Internet of humanity,
wti leit exempt ironi faxiitlou, nowitti
standing other corporation through-
out Uih enimlrv. nututilv Imiikimr lnll
tiitloii, ninny of whicli had a revenue
e tn m p mi every draft thry iNxiied, The
lolegreph monopoly pa,ye no tax on It
cupltnl, and l even i xempt'-d from pur
ting tamf on mcMHoge uod by iteelf
in It own DtieineM. J lie name lull pro
vlded for a tax of 10 cent a pound on
tea und the ordinary mcofiaiilo earning
ft) a week line paid more on hi lea
alone lu a Mingle week toward brluurlng
thiewarfor Immunity to a suctieeeful
termination thuu the great telegruph
"Still they en y there I no corruption
in congree, becaiiNe eonie of our stale
men wtio helped to trama tin revenue
bill claim thut they are not rich, but
that they could have been, bad they
bei ririlxhoiiMut, It eeem to ma, how
ever, that It make no difference to the
people of Ibmetate wliolhemuch leila
tlou wa brought about by the tine of
frank s or favor, by the uxeof cah in
hand paid or by rcaeon ol the lack (d
inli llitfcnce on the part of the frauierof
the bill. The i fleet I the Name, aud the
people uner the arne."
In epenklng of tho granting of muulcl
put francbU Governor I'lngreeNnye;.
"The argu men t In furor of municipal
ownership are too many to be stated
bore In detail, but it lew may be briefly
stated: (l)Jhe taking out or the con
trol ol the council of a matter which ha
always, In large cilice, been the most
fruitful source of municipal corruption,
(K) J lie tetiduney of a public plant to
itive the greatest consideration to the
live and comfort of iassenger. ())
1 he tendency of such a system, to con
Hue the trucks to as few street a pos
sible, HiHteaii oi, tut in the irniichis eye
tern, to cover n many n possible. (If
The reduction of fare to a low a point
a I consistent with the cost ol main
G iv. I'ingree, afr preenting a brief
argument to justify the recoinmendu
tlon, ays:
"I must earnestly recommend that
thl legislature inaugurate a policy
looking lo the ultimate purchase by the
state ot a'l the railroad within It bin
it; Law equalizing taxation and reg
ulatiug rate of lare only reach Hie
symptoms. They do not reach tin root
of the disease, which I private owner
ship of public franchises. The only way
to permanently cure such evil I to
eradicate the cause by the state bhmuiii-
Ing the owneiNhlo and control of all
franchises ol a public nature."
All this Is in line with the meeeuire of
Gov. I'oynter to tho Nebraska legiebt
cure, lu speuklog of the railroad ouee-
tlon Gov, I'o.tuter aid:
"I ho varied Interest ol the several
statt iu the union are too closely linked
in the bond of commercial union for the
stales indeMindently to prorly adjust
t tie gn at queetion arleii.ic Irom trans
pnrtation and inter-communleatioii
among the people. The iihiIkiihI irov-
ernmint Itself inust own and ooeraie
the hluhwny of transoortatlon and Hie
electric means ol coinmunicatiou. a It
now doe ih great miIhI system, In the
interest of all Hie ciHxena olour great
common country, '
1U4 I
(Continue! from page 1.)
the only one Hint innild lie cimH-lled
t trll in n court of Just lew the wtorv
f ibe tnigeity at the wlitiiry ranch on
owner risr. I he murderer were
iiilllioimlrea. The nnwUUnir wllneM
were iinwipliUtliiilml Irsi'isrs, It wii
lniHilUe that tbey lie g,t out of the
, loery .Isl.le kii-inr st Ihiuiibu
wss eiitriiktetl with tb Job, He gullied
MCiess to the wilites prisoner, told
they would survly In- kllb-il If they
liiyeil lit Wyoming to lei;fy, nnd if
'.ry worn, go wiui i,iui imy Umm.1,1
. " i" ' s"n'i
i lit. v.uiuiy aiiii fill tnv
nibt f Ma 3d." !.', Hie j,i .i.
ih H. in xnue my trilou y Ihw
two i ioiir siwl the lieryinii
liiiilitel llilro twift tmrar ami iy
rtdiHir all ItU'bi nsthe.1 Hie ,rl.i,ml,
1 1 in- the ncl ili. Itiry h the
rlklmru train f.r l tf"t.t, wti.-ix
lh eilr.l l.i Uetrxl Itie H. A VI,
Imiii si. ifvl toil ot the e .nii
III. 'Ibrv Sri lti)rd Si Irawf.dd,
ItuMrtrr. I t,l M.iri ih, wloi:
S ol m U li'ism l.ui the Uioniiiig
lli.Hllir kttir Kuil lo bold Ihrlll MH-
Id o'ln . i fitoM ll.rre wtiitld air tie.
S.iitivittHig b..t i l dt'iie ipiU klf or
. 1 , 1 .,4 1 1 1
Ih Wfct.l pltH '! atliolhiu would I
fad- Ib't'tmi. were i U
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa j
f si I'unim 1 woits
1 tvi: ihi.laks to vol?
i w 1 1 (mi ta-a k-r o r i, .
.a't4iSiM wa l .t'aaa.--. or M t Ml n
wrettaal In a Hra, t !- I -I t
.b II, I wall Ml KMNH UHr.M K
sipiatui, M 11 t , ,tsol, Nt.
toniey Doiizelinna of Clieycmie, coun
sel for the big cnttlemeot. retaing U.
H. Jenckea and W, II. Weaover, two
of the rnoat prominent attorneys in
northwestern Xebnikka, and Instruc
tion wnt them to prevent the return
of the witnessea to Wyoming in, nny
poHhilie way,
Following these instruction the Ne
brnska lawyer sccuml a writ of ha
beas corpus from B. M. linllnrd, conn
ty Judge of Dawes county, paid twenty-live
dollars for a sim-cIiiI train from
Clin droit to Crawford, brought .the
t wo wltnesse io Cbiidron and lodged
them In Hie county Jail, where the
writer of thl article first met Ihcm
and learned from their own lip the
story of the murder at K. C. ranch
and the subsequent vicissitude f,hcy
bad undergone. Hnlh of them were
singularly slmplc-in.liided, child-like
jaTsons, with very little education, All
their lives had been spent on secluded
frontier fiirins or In trapping, They
seemed with the swift succes
sion of event Hint bad befallen them,
from the' burning of the. K, (!, ranch,
through Him siege of T. A. ranch, tin
capture by the soldiers, the Oouglit
tan, I lie night ami arrest, They sin
ccrcly believed their live were In great
peril and only wished to get away
from all the contending partle and
r-l ii in to Ihe quiet pursuit of tho ben
vcr ii mi iiniNkrut, I lie old man was
past sixty and remarked to me that It
"wasn't a fur while he hud to live no.
bow," but be would like to save the
boywho we just twenty -nny more
trouble, i
it wn 1'Viday when the prisoner
were Drought to t'hadroii, The couti
ty Judge coiitliiiied the hearing of their
ease over to Monday, Home of the Wy
oinliig niilhoiftle bud arrived and both
pni'llcs struggling for the Mssessiou
of the prisoners placed a guard to
wulch the jail end sec Hint lhey were
not ttpirlU'd awny
Km unlay night Deputy United
Stales Marshall Uoiillnger arrived In
Cliiiilroii. le stayed around the lixlr
and JijkI conference Willi the Doug
la llveryiiiaii and the altoniey Inter.
ested in getting Ihe prisoucra awny
who were now relnroiced Dy the arri
val of a coiide of Wyoming lawyers,
Monday morning Deputy Marshal Hop
linger went before United Htate Com
missioner 1, A, Dori'lngtoa ami swore
out a warrant for the two trupuer
charging them with selling liquor M
Indians, No one but those, in charge
or that sloe of the case knew of Mil
The hearing of the habea coriiu case
Wins set for fen o'clock, Jleforc thl
time the court room wa crowded, Itu
mor had gone out that Hie Umiled
Slates miiishall would attempt to scl.e
the witnesses and curry tlicm olT and
iiiuuy of (he small stock men living
around dun Iron bad count In some if
them armed fo witness the proceed
The trapper were brought Into
court and sealed together.-. Marshal
llopHuger immediately look a chair
next lo theifijoii fhu rlirht and the
Doujj-lu liveryman the one on tlu left,
Ancr coiiiiMiH mi txn n sidi niut mods
their argument on the legal question
involved which wa whether the nrl.
oner were lawfully held by (instable
Morrison and should bo returned to
the Wyoming authorities'tile honor
able county court relieved Itself of a
very largo section of plug tobacco and
began slowly to deliver hi opinion,
After reviewing flie caae tbe court ald
"I therefore find flint fhese men, are
held without legal authority and"
here the court baikcd significantly at
aiiirsmii iiopiinger and uttcrml the
word quickly "Dlscbmrge the prison
Instantly the deputy marshal sprang
to ins icet, placed a hand on each of
the frapjH'r and exclaimed, "You are
my prisoner." At the sinne time
Sheriff James C. Dahlinun, now one of
the state- board of trnrisiMM-tat on.
placed bis band iisiii them and pro
duced a warrant nay In "These men
Is-loiig to me." Daliiimitt ropreia'nted
the Wyoming authoiiUe and hi pa-
iH-ra were ilmlgnnsl to return the
wllnesHf to iHiuglii. There waa in
IriiKC excitement in the room, A bun-
dred men sprang upon chair and U-
lues and rormed a circle In whose cen
ter were the two trappers, tbe den-
uty United Hlotc iiwiikIioI and the
Jiebmwka siherilT. Kveryone looked for
a fight and there wu not rniicti doubl
on which sldo the irreat inalor tv
stiHid. Tbe deputy iiuu'mIiiiI bad pro
duced a bundle of glittering steel as
lie sMike and with the old of the livery
man and another osslwlaiit proceeded
to liii in It-ii IT and leg aliai-hle tbe two
innocent objii-U of all thl contention,
I Mlinll never forget the niipullliiir. ter-
ror-strlekeii bsik lu tbe eye of old
trapper Junes as the lunui ciilT and
leg-irons were fiuti ne.l on hi limbs
nod be lookiil around him at that cir
cle of Intent face,
Meawblle tin opistKing iitu.ih.ii,
came forward - with tho prule-wortliy
Miiibilloit of their cl,i lo pteteut .ill
c.MilUcU except HiiMe which intuited
the m.i ii, i,( of fees, Afier a prt.-
toiieil eoiifereiiee it wu aiiieouit-eil
that SherltT liuhlmiin relliiuibii h
Ihiiii to the men, Ihe r-aoii given at
Hie lime wu thl the W)oiiiing t.
Ihi l iliea eouhl not pill lip ii 'atimielit
U ti.i i o it I . lo protect the lu-iitT from
i. ,1,1k ),,, rndeuiori'd lo hold
Ihe piiMiM'ia mid Uvimim I licit,
by liitvUiutl In orTiiial litlg
leoi TlM-re wMi i- I t. k of "flawo
eial giiiiriiiilee mi Hi, ejllle bacon'
iile of the cne, I h,e it from the
;w of llnioe wloi know tht th ,
"it of otie li i.ti..! ami twenty lite
llHOlkund t 'I In i w made by ll,l
i.te ff Ibe isixt niti the eottiiiy;
l- "litre S) lMil le -tl s II w4
jlit .imI, N-'i.f of I hi loniir y t rtcr
t - i I l at k or Hmutiii. d ft.r, f ir
. m bsrn ut llm trtri. i-..nul
I'ldife id swr t'.oiel Write Hit lilt
iltr tlile .f a--'li.ln-r Soih, ifjHi, Ui
In. i. it Itigrittly r utli,-, all iha
t tiU lii hi nflu-e an I iionhete iit tin-in
U lWt Irotv .f tl.ia imistmat
t'tu ou ,,r h n 1 11 a r.-a ie,
... ' . , , . . ' '
"il or ititv hnlir. o. Ittfiilt tit
' .
l,i'ar wa ina-le, i.r U bi tw any
lc.i,l In l'i Mt of I tut I it 1 1
vol pi. eww f.r whu a a few
"i'! i-iiemt eotnl etiMnitHicr l
t bttltoii i,f Ike awarn to .
1 rani tanow-i in ihUeae,
Ike Hi.iiiiittl 11 taa smiih-hh s lit
i Iimwi that KS.eiitf ltMttiV
t ihH for Ike il.iu. i t i tiuiajtit
he t i. ifd "MH b-ity
Mir, l.i, may ttmtigh , rrtt an I
k'"et Itirin at a I4.i I if4U wa H y
t'd Hulk, ib. ww Iks lot I.I of he
in high grade Suits, Overcoats anil Ul
sters at greatly reduced prices, Our
lines are especially strong in the Letter
grades. The additional 10 per cent off
our closing out prices places these splen
did garments within the reach of every
body. Huy for next season as well as
this.' It will pay you.
All our $15,00 Suits in fine worsteds,
velour cassimeres, blue and black serges,
up-to-date styles, well made; closing out
pr, $9,8;, additional 10 per cent off, $8.85
$12.00 Suits at $7.85 now 7.05
10 00 oil its at 5.95
8.00 Suits at 4.95
0.00 suits at 3.95
All our $15.60 Overcoats in fine patent
beaver, meltons, kerseys; all shades, well
made, very dressy; closing out price $10
additional jo per cent oil..., $ 9,00
ia.00 Overcoats at $7.00 now. . . , 6.30
0.00 wvercoais at
$ 6.50 Overcoats at
$15.00 Ulsters at 10.00 now , $9.00
12.00 Ulsters at 7.35 now. 6.60
8.00 Ulsters at 4.85 now 4 35
5.00 Ulsters at 2.95 now 2.65
Closing out all Hats, Caps and Furnish
ings at 20 per ct. off our already low prices,
$1.25 heavy fleeced underwear per suit 7SC " " " 55c
25c Scotch caps at ', , 15c
25c heavy wool Mitts at 15c
20c extra wool Hose at ... , 10c
Cherry Tree, I'lurn Tree. Appla Tree, Grape Vines, Fruit Plant
of ail kinds, bhade Tree, llos., Evergreen, etc., that are
YOUNGERS & CO.. Geneva. Neb.
street toward the depot. That Mjv
lay picture In mountain Nebraska
two IniuM-ent unoffiMidl nir li-fliuiHPa
with glittering steel shack leu on their
wrist and ankles, the deputy United
States marshal with hi assistant hur
rying them along, the auccessuf attor
ney for the millionaire murderer ac.
eoinpniiylng uml tbe Indignant, Irresj-
une crowd flint To owed nit..i ni
never Ihi effaced from mv mind. !t
luster scarcely longer 4lm n- It might lie
photngniplHHl. A they hurried to
ward the ileMt the piirisme of their
ImMc flushed Into our iiiiihU. A Inin
or the sti-eei corner court ritual the
Hah. I here MihkJ h hiwcIiiI train
headed isiM. with hot hising Men in
hlowinif off fitini the enirine. The
United Stale inarsbala, the hiwyers,
tlm ttupper. ami (he circuit court
commlMiioiter looried on lNird. Two
boria shriek from Ihw hs'omntlv
ami the trail wa moving. He for half
the folUiwing crowd reached Ibe pint
fin 111 (t 1 1,1. 1 IUapwsret Iwyoml the
hills of the Itordeaiiv valley,
Two hundred and eighty d.dhtr wa
the pi ii-w Hii. for I he the arrvicw of Hie
IhI train, ran Inimtre,! mile
eat to Italy, a btilo station In th
ery iviiiep of the (Wry
county -nid hills, There II bsll.d u,
after t trgratf.iit eomniiiimal Ion wllH
tbeyriiiiw and Ouiaba the Iir1v v M
..if. In a trw luiiiri th Mr k.u.,.l
from the east by U ptit liUtel hi.t
M,' .. K. Ji kxvH ami M. M M
lU k, of whom srw How re...t. l.U
..f iiwola Tto-V bad Irfl irni- iil '
lkt nu.riiii.g with laalriielions fieiii
(he I nil.., Male liiitrliatt' oftttW l
(Dnaba Iti f-i Hi and .-vttf
ihe tisplra. tin Ihtlr W Up Ilia
I lkborH alley they bad Wen .ilel
V t. Irfrwt U Ibat W.tily tri.Hiisr !
kl frrlet In wis lk a it. I eri
rr, to tt tl t'.aly hi iut a,
l IHUii If wewdrd.
Ihe pi i. wont not wHh .ite. Jtwia Willtwiw !rf s.1 Cwi,tnwi,
ntil ami ntvtt, w.iw .rmHle. l. , " M !at "a -ea, ;tl, Iw-fra I
tie down on thw oVpol H ...r i., Urp",,, H"1" tw " ! waiiw ra
while ikw rr.1 r.f th pn, (.,..-. ihi,",,u"' rt'd t f m it-
liuiw with iitW m.i i tit ermwlof the I"' Wl '' ! de,
sit U."i,d ti.a k , l ihv i.v...i I
tl fir teit.
Ikw elo Hily airiiw.1 la Ounl i
t I i . to, the neyl diy, l,y were
let st thw d.'ja.t by Mt.onwy I'lank
Uti't nil, aim w trim l Ih
Nrt.rwasa awoalw, wKl Iwwl twww rw-
aierd by l w t hriri ne imMSw Ikiio.
4 85 now. . , ,
3.90 now
They were driven at nm-e to the fel
crol building, to the nice of K, 8. Dun
dy Jr., son of United Htate District
Judge Dundy, ami himself circuit
court commissioner, Here they were
arraigned on the charge of selling
liquor to Indian. They waived exam,
fnatlon or nomebody waived it for
tbein. Their own personal recognis
ance In two hundred dollar and two
hundred dollar caali bail wa required
for their npH-arance to answer the
charge. V. A. I'll x ton, Jr., aim ot tb
well known Omaha cattle magnate, de
jsisited Ihe two hundrwl dolUra ..!
Olid the prisoner aigued the ierMaial
rvtMignittiiew. inev were then taken
down twn, treatrd to super, ahsve
and fialr cut, ibelr rough frontier trap,
wr eostumea replaced with new suit of
Hoi hew, ami then drUrn to the Ml
ouil 1'aeitlo iiiitht f rwlis Jit ehargw -f
a man diicle to Ink Ihem to HI
Hits I far I hv been able to
aiitheiitieally truce their story .1 sin
Informetl by those In a oaiUort t
know that they were to bw rUrii $.r.
tssj each ami from Ml. liola wt-rw In
lwt sent l. Mt-vl.ti, lint my Informant
w uimMw to m.v poaltively that this
ws ilonw. At any rate thw two tru-
rr Witiirir tllpierwt from lli
plain of Wyominif and th prairie .1
Nebrwkka-iieirr, I rruine, l.. rw-
,wr. Hiw itus ililllgeiil weart h pm
lay art fiiea in mi vluw of their ultl-
liiatw fjle or resent whereabout.
If trcttrd In ihw Oituih fnleral
tttitbllhg ullusi the following upon
I'altttl Kialr t omuiiaatoiier
D'Hittj. jr,' tbakel. IS. Iirl , log,
"thw lei ld Sl.ile lU-ntmnin
.ti.i,, an, WUtiitit Wlkr, n,i.i
b-pt.f o liMbaita, warrant ltt .
Is.frlngton at t balftH, S lat'i.'. iat.
Valtt Irttirtfd rtr. no K ilk, nun
I . .... ...
fti4iia ytr Ida ,m.t Kitia
aiu.rt.. y uni i h laslerf of a
...wl le'l(-t.i.imw Wild ?tSI tk "
1V ff, ' I'LTllf-t Itf i, 4
lt fl., t wiled at.lM. t .ititHlaln
re, fi.lrH, Iwll d?Jtalwt fir ajijiwar.
a. w -f I'rMjawt) Ji.wr ad Wllltai
it i i.l.e'wd t-il I ikH g
... -n