THE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT. Jan. 12, 1899. Nebraska Jnbepcnbcnt THU WtALTH UAXMKS n4 LINCOLN INDKrSNDtNT, PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY Indipindsijt Publihiijg Go. Al U30 M Itraet, LINCOLN, - NEBRASKA. TILEPHONI 638. $1.00 per Year in advance. A r AMmm all slcatloM to, sa il. M ttm$. at., t V LtSOOLS, . pi.- Tim,.. TribuiiH of Norfolk got out a splendid edition a "A Happy Now Year" number. Nothing twd to It bn ever been published I" any Interior town In tli west before, Tb Ikkki-bnoknt send congratulation. Tti flmt two step In th establish ment of a numunltnrlnn government In Hawaii have been taken, wo have sent them a ship loud of bW and abolished their saving bank. Hurrah for Imper ialism! It's a big success, The editor of Nebraska republican weeklies senn to be very short on ideas. A glance at their tutorial columns allow that It usually tut Ins than half n column to print nil that they can think up lu a whole week. "Homo odd hilt a baby on outdoor step and humanity demand that we provide for it" say the Imperialist. II that In trim, did humanity demand that w should hunt up the crliiilnul parent and reward him wit$!i0,000,0007 . Jf you pick up a piece of coal along the track, you ar a thief and go to uil, but Ifyouatwil a whole railroad system, locomotives, Jruek, bridges, shop ond depots, you are n Napoleon of finance and go to eongrcs or I ho adnata. The director of th mint announcs that Ilia gold oulputforthayeur la $05,. 7811,070. That bus added to th circu lation during t ha year mora money than wa put out under lboratloii of the Sherman act. Providence and Colorado seem determined to beat the goldbug at their own game. Tb only thing erioualy troubling tbl nation la r-o trouble. The Swell Head A merlonn think that we bavu't enough of that and propose to add to it by annexing balf a down othtir race harder of almllatlon than those that wa already bava within our border. Tla Bffull Head are groat fellow. Editor Cbapolle evldeutly twdleve that whan a pop writer la forced to go after a republican nlandrrer that it ia not good policy to lot up aa long aa there ia a square of hide left on him. It wilt take ten yaara of akin grafting to make W, N, lockr, adltor of the Anliland (Juz -tte, pnseu table. We bound t ao-nothlng of Spuln and paid 120,000,000 for it. What waa it? It begins to look aa If wa had purchased tba right to carry on a war with the Filipino. Koine mamls-r of congress ought to make a motion that Hpaiu Iw forced to deliver tha gooda Mora the 120,000,000 la paid, Tbia editor may ba unduly auaplcloiia, but it look tobiinu though the Hut falo Tiniea la going over to the goldbug and will advocate the noiuinatioiiof lloawell I', Flow r for reldeut in the next democrat ii patlouttl oonventlon. The only hope for Uryan and bla atrong eataupportia the populUt parly. Th gold bug CTiiiorruU bava not giveu u tha light againat him by any mean, Th" IshM'KM'KST bea nerived from a corporation, wlica principal place of buini aa ia in Omabi, which proHNaa to rua oim ei rt of how there during tba nut aiiiitiner, a lrj amount of ad fartiaii g ah'ib it want lnerll frrae Th naniger ol that thlntt baa mort vbak taa a b'aM looiikev. ThlM lKHit.kT i'l adv'rii H at h ir HO cent an In iaj' lartta, and it a lrg aum' -r rw ord r I at a Um-. a id' count wdllui4 tu proioriH'H ti. c. Taa itilrtnalli ol tba rontitu tloa tri.iU'a 'Noit'.tr Uvry lawl itUr rf ii a, a M'b. twt bir iraetwM la p4rty baa twaa d i'i K'kMiM1, klt tet ailb la taal' nl i r ear pUc aub U t.i ttii ! hiu.. Tfca aaaa fraw II - d Itial Htr ol ami la tb W l ai l-viag Um t VwluaUry aiouS Hat tb'j aw aubt ty U ai uf th I ait-i Hiata aad lm -.a-l- VK.ea wf tbroww wtta ib ihImmi Iw itM, (M wUl av U I atbrf lUk i , (UrrJHi r ,, Tba t bk'ai IliawiJ laalll" ! I ,l to tba ril4piat4 a an, ll U.ta la t)tpl lrwtt I br 1 t ImmII l.lla 4a from a J lira iw Maw il, j HUME Or TUB rHIKNDLEia. Th morn one thinka of that borne of thfl friondlaaa part of the campaign, made by tha republican, tha more die reputable doea every one appear that had anything to do with it. Governor Crounae was the beat man tue repuon. can ever elected governor, No charge ofdlahoneaty waa ever made againat l.lm l,v anv one. The following ia what be aald about that matter In one of bia tiiAmiiidtM to the leKialature. "In the report of the commiaaioner 01 rmhllfi land and building, attention ia itd to tha foci that the board of pur- chaae ond auppliea and o! public lano nnl biiildliiirn. adooted certain ruioa dealgnaU'd to apjily to the tualm- iriifiMiictioiu of all inatltution witn which the.? have to deal. While the head of all fimtltutioua, except the hnmafor tha friend leaa, complied readily with the regulation, that Inatltution rebelled and brought the matter before ih.nriiirta. The law governing that In atltution I very Imperfect. Itahould be amended ao that it management would be brought In harmony with the nthera. The atata aunplle nearly all the mean for it euppori and there ia do reaaon why it abould not be Hold in enual rcaooiiHiblllty with the other." It la proven by a republican governor that tha manager of that Inatltution havealwaya been rebel to the elate, Thev never were th dlalntoreatod pa triot that they tried to make them, aelvea out to be during the campaign. In the next campaign they will try aomo thing Juat n dlareputable. A I way keep on guard. ItOIIIIINO 1 1IK CUHAM. Mo Kinley and bl Swelled Mead are continually talking about "duty," If thl government ba an imperative duty to (e rform, it la to aee that the Cuban aoldlera who have been Hunting for lib erty for the luat three year are paid. To go Into that lalimd and take charge of lie Immenae revenue and not pay the aoldlera Ja nothing abort of robbery. They have fought ng'ilnet overwhelming odd on brave a fight aa I poeaible for men, They have atiffered hunger and gone naked. Now for tbl government to come In nod take the revenue of the whole country without paying them for their eervlcca ao that they can go buck to their farm and go to work, I ua men 11 an act aa waa ever performed by Spain. The ewaeuce of Imperinliam ia robbery, Wa aie aoolng it practiced every day, but thl robbery of the Cuban Noldiera la the very meaneat of all rob berlea, Here I one writer who protect, W gave the Spaniard 120,000,000 and rob the Cuban aoldlera. It la in famoua, fcUFKKNTITION. When an imperlaliat want to be ea peclally forceful he talk about the "au peralitiotia" of the Filipeno or tbe Cubuna, It ia very much to be doubted whether they are any more auperatitioua than thepeopleof thlecountry, Tbeaeer of apirita, tha teller 'of furl line, the bealera by fiiltb, And follower in every cluea of thl country, A high cleaa meg aJno jiiNt at hand ba an udvertlNement of a fortune teller. If there were no dupe to be found among the reader of thtttcoally publication, tint fakir would notapeud hi money advertiairg iu it. Take up any daily paper and look at the advertining that nppeul wholly to aiiratition for pntroii'ign and one would alrnoKt conclude tliut half the population ur oa auH-ratilloua aa were our greut, great, great grundmothera who lived in coiiMtant fear of thewitcbee. The only clua of our entire population that acein to be fn'Huriilly free from it, a tha intelligent farming popnltttiou. IIMIHI IIKIOMK. The private owuxrship of city fruu rhiaea threatens not only tha Integrity of oily council but the court aa wt II. ltiHut Investigation In Chiengo have develop the fact that Yorker and other street car maauuto nut only bribed IcgUlator and tlieCliiciuo Alder men, but that Ihey have ucifully worked for yraia a ejetem of Jury brib. Ing that haa Imou a p. rfect sua-. They ran their cira ludinvt violation of law, killed hundroda of ople aui e cured rienipliou hum da, uegca by tlx Inn lheurie tluoutfh lh aid t f tha bailiff of the courla. It la becoming mora and mora apptuul ivery day Ibat lb brtvata ownership of any ItanchUtHi U elowly Uttdrmltilug lha very found tioneid vfnniut, li-Ulurt-s, rity couaeiUaiid rourla arat-onatanlly d-lniii-iol tythaa4nl ol ths oaitM tf tbeailratbUwi and thr Uaowayld atop tha cwiucri' pt la (ska away alt uietUu for sueli work by tba PmI.i oii.rbiiuf rri publia Uiily, TK m pahut yarty baa tl.masd.d Irom thM -iy lgt o lug l it orgui' lln, kiiy Mk b adnpt4or tba aoictaiuvat w ill bmimi bmy wimU-l at k ti'rtaptUia tkat It will tad iaaaanai or iba'tata ia k ! I." lillkK t IMItr Mill It .tea t bU 'ta a4 Ut aty bat gu ts U'1 1 tail, How aaaa ibk aa aaa aatMta'a Ua aMiaawia na that aiai ara aiii.iu taal l Mak art ptifctv l U)v4 UMiipr- bao. T e ra u ivrf grvat W trM atuue Ik a 1 wo ta Ulb a.aaira4 Iks-r '. trytara ! it by pallia r Hi)4wlkilaMW m Ik f il rada. t brt taa la aj avallb wlkaat ataaarv It a nan' mustcoDPume bia own producta only, poverty will eoon cover toe race 01 tne earth. Juataa facility is given every man who ia expert ia bia own line 01 work to exchaoge with others who are equally expert in other lines, will wealth increase. Any hindrance to exchange of product reduces by juat that much the creation of weulth. Iiutiti juat that nolicy that France and Unrroany are trying to adopt. To prevent exchange between those countries and this the German aay that our moat product re full of dieeaae germ and prohibit tbeir Importation, France is following, the same policy. Their leading men have simply goue tariff mad, LOW Kit CAIIKAHKS. Thcro ia growing up among heavy tax payer a demand for the public owner- elilii of municipal franchise. They do mand In it the hope that it will result in transferring some of their taxea to the ahouldera of those who ride ou the atreet cure. They know that If the city owua the line a heavy revenue could by that mean be secured to the city even after Nome reduction In 'be fare. Iy mak ing that revenue a public fund, it would by that much reduce tho tax levy. By that arrangement tbe rich would es cape much of taxation and it would bo transferred to those who paid Jure for riding on the atreet car. Nothing could bo more inequitable than such a ay atom a that. Topuliat demand the public ownership of the street car lines, but they also demand that the fure shall be reduced to the point that will pay operating expenses and keeping the cur and truck In good repair. AMERICAN ailll'l INO, It look aa though aome of the popu list papers are being taken iu with the Mark Huuuu printed matter that is sent to them concerning American shipping. Once America was well in the front in the number of ships that salted the seu( but a decline aet in, Why did American ahlppirig decline? There I but one reason for it. It wa the tariff aystem that wa Introduced during the war and which ha been pursued ever since. Ship could be built so much clieujier In Fnglnnd that we could not compete with her for the ocean carrying trade and she got It nearly all. Ameiicune were forbidden to buy ships abroad. American register were denied them, The result of this foolish policy, which waa to favor a few politician who owned some ship yards, wa ta drive American capital into investment In foreign owned ahlos, and today ships owned by Americana are sailing the sen by corc under foreigu flags. This echeme Introduced into Congress by Mark Hanua to vote large subsidies to ahlp owner ia a ateal of the biggeat kind. What ia wanted i a law that will prevent the steel trust from forcing American ehip huildera to pay them more for their atee) and iron than they ae the aame for to England. In other words, aboliab the tariff on steel and Iron. The National Himetallist remarka that: "All the bunking schemes put forth by the so-called sound money men contem plate the securing of the bank notes by tho government. It seem 1 hat, accord ing to their ideas, a bank note secured by the government is perfectly safe, while a note issued by the government ia unsafe ami unsound. In other words, the government is a good surety, but not a good principal." Now the reason why the government note is not just aa "sound" when the government is tbe Issuer and the princi pal in tha trananct Ion a when It goea aecurity for aome bank that issuea it, 1 one of thosa thing tliut no pop hna ever been utile to And our. The republican editors keep tha reason for It to them-i-lve and wou't tell anybody, lent! of all will they lull a pop. In that matter they ara very alflU and unkind. lo they want ua to pay them for that In form V Ion? All right. The Imih-kn-hkst will eutcrlhe a dollar for the pur poas of ruining a fund tobuy that reaon. A-nd In jour ub-rlptiona. Th c!ll"na of different tithe bava various trtn batata which thryr fiiH to alter or tbaego, In a loan r 1'atrrhea I, HiNitlaiid, nil tha male InhaM tanta go out to a p"n I outs yr ml, big and bttbt, Htnd Iba wbola day play, leg allb bttla sail ota, Tbriliea of l.ltieoln, H. A. bava a atill atran-rr babit. Vh-n-v,.r I hay fefiur a aid walk, tbry c arvlalty civar lbs whols aur fac with ttrave) and aaad a4 tl it ra mala thrta antil il ia around mio dual by Ika bat t4 tb p r by 4 blow away by h ia4, A tf tk-y have oaeaairwi4 thagraVrl aa I n-a lowr Iba pavtuira, tksy a i', ymlr aoctr. euniataacM, a!Uiw to ta naova4 i rapt by Iba wM, Maa id tba aH Ht lairiUlia a.tlsra ara i4 Ifcal ln pMa waiM ti W hum Mryaa bfra tk,r alr4 ttje tbe n ih, 1 rf is ai a i t ifata tall. IVpaitnt h'tai 'alr, bn. aiev aatiaaat ba Mat m. Tay a-ak tbtr oaa woada ia Wi tli.aa. .ua bKra try nmara4 rroat tba Military It'!), ary op'al r la tk aisle 4Woaa44 ifHkluw, It la opHM ta awry ta'ip!a by akwb (bay (4 tbatt Hvt. TUATitUSSIAN LOAN. The gold bug fakers who run the great dailies got op a story that Russian agent were in this couutry negotiating a 150,000,000 loan. Then they weDt into hysterics on that proposition and declared that we were no longer a debtor nation but were lending money to all the world. Even some of tbe magazines took up the cry and began shoutiug for imperialism and the gold standard louder than ever. The whole thing was a lie made out of whole cloth. There wa no Russian agent In tbe United Stutes soliciting u loan. The Russian financial minister ha given out a state ment that RusMja is not solicitiug a loan In tho United States or In any other couutry and does not want to borrow money at all. That statement will not pruvent the republican papers from con tinuing to announce that tbe United Slate has suddenly become the creditor nation, although last week It was the greatest di btor In the world, and that the gold standard did It. Tho aiseruble mass of Ignorance that makes up by far the greater portion of its voter will be liove every word of It. FOK ANNEXATION, The populists say to tho imperialist who claim that Jefferson was ono of their kind, if they will show up a country like the one that Jefferson annexed we will all go in for annexation. It must be in tho temperate tone, rich In gold, silver, opper, coal and nil other sort of miner als, It must not be practically unin habited and the land of greut fertility, ao that our sons can emigrate there and build up freo home for thomolve Hud their children, It must not bo thous finds of miles away across tho setis but loin our own territory, so that us it In crease In population new slates can be added to our glourlou union. That Is the kind of annexation that Jefferson favored and we are all for it now Just us the lovers of liberty were for it In the day of tho fathers, The utter uelcsucs of the Associated I'ress us a purveyor of news we demon strated again lust week. All the people of the whole northwest was anxious to leiirn what wusdoueatthatextruseMHion of the Kansas legislature, but the Asso ciated IVess has been as mum asun oyster and sent us nothing. However we may all feel pretty sure that there wus nothing done which Murk Ilanna can use to injure the populist purty, for in that cane he would have bud columns of stuff sent to dailies all over the United State. It is about time we hud another chap ter of political economy of that peculiar kind dispensed by tho Chicago University through I'rof. Laurence Laughlin. The last chapter was on the propriety of turning over the control of tbe volume of paper money to a syndicate of bank ers. Now that tbe whole American peo pie have rat down upon It, regardless of party or previous condition of servitude, we should have another chapter of the plutocratic, gold bug political economy, juat to keep up our interest in the thing. Tho Iniiepknuknt wants Father Sny der to come to Lincoln right away and hold a continuation. It wunt to find out what Is the proper thing to any when the type setters will make you say things you never thought of, and insist that the unme of the chairmen of tbe populist state committee is "G ffeu" and not "(iafllu'' as they did Inst week. Father Snyder write about the best Kn- glish of anybody in Nebrsska and he could certainly tell exactly what words should be ned on such occasious. "Hardy's Column" will be found on tbe eighth puge this week by thosa who muy look for it here. I NO MORE FREE PASSES. Kditor Independent: Tln re la a ruy of hop and no faint ray either. It conies from our honored chief executive of thla great atate. It is cur rently reported that Governor former and bia prtvat eecr. tary llou. Frd JhscII, Hr r turiiimr all In tMM-a aent I hem wlih th nuts. Thsv In-it on buy ing tickste, and kesitiug fc-e ol this very Mitut influence whk'ti delsala ba'aU llnii and regulation, and niiik a pluut rortxtrati'in inula of Mcral pidtf-a ' Tha fc-trleM ou'"'k-o reformer, Jdk( K.tar Howard ol I'rtpiHI.ia. la In lit cliy 1 10 wsrk, and rumor a,a h ba rilienali'lt. rotgrwHt r-0 liirf to bl utmr, fcC" b'wruUig ! tha acien of (livruir I'ointer n4 bia aiiHuiv I hi U m e't 1 1 ue lor all poimli.ia wad ailvt-a rpubli?aea to ! hir baad td this blitfhiiua cutM, and bvup la thvir piatlorut pruVMioaa. 11 kops oa ad lawtr . Ills touhoaa s InutkHixi --U Mlau, lo h rlvl al RitMN dolUra a aoik i a milakia tha ulll.vf. ! t.HMai niOBtk nM Irw ia tailmaaa. Pal II wot a ! btkua. JiatsM la a1! will y vt 1 1 ikUaoaairr, Ik rb, lkasaUra-4 aad Ika Uditralial, b aoa. ptM la l hi ! kM k J got, MM a, Ika wf a4 Ik kaatl.., Veij riMlfutlv, .1. KUfl, I jA' N.K, J 4 , tim, If kt a a turn .v la tkta pe bab ama Wt II b avrtit, AU ! p wast ta aVst si't ta I tow alkai wia It t tk lot ear tbat lb "txa b all bara Iara44 Itattbay ar lu iy n lai4. Is wot ray bk ewtatiftKm ta News of the Week. Scheme and schemers in the legisla tureImperialism a hard road to travel Trouble in the Philippines Gomez threaten to fight if tbe Ameri can policy is not chauged Wants bis soldier paid Gen. Wood and Gen. Henry have no trouble A grateful people Meiklejohn'a last fib. The first offlclal nctof Governor Poyn terwas to remove Mr. Hoxie7 superin tendent of the reform school at Kearney, and the appointment of Mr. Sprecker, who until recently wa editor of the Schuyler Quill to succeed him. There seems to have been some disagreement between the superintendent and some of the employee that lend up to the change. Mr. Hoxie ha occupied the position for only two year. General Henry Is keeping up his record lu I'orto Klco as a reformer and civilizer of the first quality. He ha called a con vention of the Porto llicans to deliber ate upon the affairs of the island and specified that it shall be composed equally of member of both parties. There are two partle there, oue callod liberal and the other radical. After this convention be propose to have an elec tion and allow every man to vote who can read and write or who pay taxes, Henry fa on the right truck. Mr. Meiklejolin bus been caught fib bing nguin. It wus stated lost week by Moiklejohu that the First regiment was to be sent home immediately. Governor Holcomb telegraphed to Washington to find out the truth about the matter and the Adjutant-General answered that the volunteer regiments In the Philippines would be sent back after troops arrived there to take their place In the order in which they arrived in tho Islands. The First regiment i sixth In that list. Hut little information is given out et Washington about the trouble that huvoarlseu In the Philippines, Every thing goi to show however that mat ter grow worse instead of better, The Philippine will not turn over the sov ereignity to the United State and Aguinuldo refuses to give up the 10,000 Spanish prisoner which ho holds, A good dsul of excitement was occasioned by the disappearance of Agulnoldo. The American commander hud no knowledge of his whereabouts. Tho first that was benrd from him, he turned up at Iloilo, the city that was recently surrendered to the Insurgent by the Spanish. The natives are going ahead perfecting their government declare that they are for in dependence. Imperialism is beginning to be a hard road to travel. 2 Oue of the first things that tho re pub lican caucus did was tfo resolve that they would create a new committee, em ploy another clerk aud Investigate pop nlist deficiencies. That is about the amillestkind of politics that grown men ever engaged in. There are always more or less deficiencies the Inst legis lature had to provide for $0:1,125.00 of republican deficiency, aud th re was no aurplu iu any of the appropriations to offset it. It was nearly a $ 100,000 clean cut deficiency. There will be about 115,000 of deficiencies in some of the funds, but there will be a surplus iu sev eral others. In the penitentiary fund aloue there will ba n surplus twice as big as all tha deficiencei. Tho fact is, that taking all the appropriations made, there will be a lure surplus instead of a deficiency. What the republicans prob ably intend to do is to count the beet euKur bounty, wolf sculps and all such things as delli ieiieieH nnd make a pre text for a buse for lie to bo used during the next campaign. It is the same old gang in th legislature and t bey are schemers from way buck. Parties who have long resided in Liu- coin and who have attended many re ceptions of Incoming govsruore and atata oflkvra y that titers wue a larr attendance at tha reception uiveu to (1 ivernor IVynN r lut Thursday niht thtii al any pr, vlous one in tba whole hiatory of the tat. The capltol filled and tha crowd aurg4 b'lik aud forth lor at-wral hour. Aitvrding to Iba MVhinatoQ corn point. 1, L of I hit grrat ttailea o much Of Iba lima ol Iba ea In lie 1 1 t"Q with ntttlete ri,rvroag t'uha, I'orto Itiio an4 lb I'bd t lio Ikal lbs aftiiraot thl nation id 7iHiin,iioi ,! popta bava 1 1 1 uka a Imek al alula Ika pmddeitt an I hleliul devoid their atwaiioa la Ika tblrrvoa of mar coin. LI VKtpir, Tba tU'Ule a! aaaa l we- pi.l ro la out and tkry tU aom vrv airaee tW, Tba -r vmm tka S mi,ta . laH-a utm utt'M aaaa 1 iba 1 lulosalk) i", oa4lkaik ikrp ba4,aa U rmr (4 l i Ika aUI ia U rndrtukla, l apj'a Ikal if-4 tk ifl tsars l"1 rslV-l bat 'ta laUi k4k. ! 1, batiaa; a eWar- iJ lll,oi ait.a aa l . k' il M.V JM,lssv laktpt. U Iba k ,l alMil ka , a4ia I rk ka bra..w tn foaaol UIa llaatlll Taat t k f tneriU aa kaa. II al l saM oat ihu., a-a Im w-rk wov Ika balla k kitij.4a anil tk.aa. Wt !kal 'flag. His only desire la to convert the I heathen and he thinks that the demo cratic party ought to devote itsell to missionary work aud drop free silver and 16 to 1.' It appears to an outsider that if Tammany wants to go into mis eionary work it could find a field with uncounted numbers of heathen right in New York city. : When tbe republican got to scrapping among themselvee, they employ the aame kind of tactic that they do in a campaign against tho populist. False hood, bribery and Intimidation are their chief weapons. They don't know bow to fight in any other way. The atmos phere around the Lindcll I still blue with oaths, aud they are saying just a mean thing about one another a they did about the populist during tho cam paign. Meserve has given a bond with a guar antee company instead of rue signed by personal bondsmen. That is tbe right thing to do. When a state treasurer has to go over the state hunting up bondsmen who will qualify In whole, up to one million dollur, it put him In a reryembarrasslng position. If he goo to the bank they will expect favor in return. Thl bond will cost mesorve $800 per year. ' The legislature should ' puss a law requiting t il treasurer to Hit up a ("guarantee bond and appro priate money to pay the cost of it. Ne braska has had enough of Individual bondsmen anyhow. Tho'old line Insurance companies seem to be In It us fur as tho organization of the house is concerned. Two of the men on the insuruuee committee have a record tliut runs away back a fighter ugainst the home mutual and aa tha piiunt tools of the foreign corporation who'have taken so mniiy million out of thisjstute in premium that they have never returned. It' oil right. That is whatStho people voted for when they re turned a republican legislature. What they voted for they ought to get. Clark, the speaker of the house, I going to adopt tbe torn Heed pla n and hnvea committee on rules that I ul woja iu session and can report a new rule any time even in the middle of a speech by which ho propose to com mand the situation at any and all times. Under that plun, discussion Is Impossi ble, and what the speaker want is done. The rest of the legislature might as well go home and attend to feeding the lire stock. We have three race in this country the white man, tho Negro and the Indian. There i an official report on file in tha archives at Washington giving Uk ex penses of the wars with the Indiana It shows that it ho cost this government over $1,000,000 to kill an Indian every time we have tried It. Wa have about 8,000,000 colored people and they have cost us more than a million a piece in wars and appropriations for their de f mse. In the Philippine there are U0 different races. They will cost us five million a piece before we get rid of them. It appears tliut there are to be some exceptions to Gov. Poynter' rule aguinstithlrd tenner. General Harry who hue been adjutant general for two terms.huB been appointed fortbird term. General Hurry seems to be exception ally qualified for t he office. Hi work in mobilizing the three Xebruska regiments in the Spanish war showed bitn to bo tho right man iu tho right pluce. There will be uo kicking about tin appointment. The ThompHonites are schemers who know Low to scheme to some purpose. Their scheijH to get the organisation of both houxes iu their own baud worked hka chunn. Now they have another that la worth two of that. It appear ing thnt there aere two or three men who, though republican, could not be forced or coaxed to vote for Thomson, they have mo set up tha committee to which will bo reh rred Iba contested cb c tiiiua that they are aura of kicking out enouh populmt to increnas their ma jority lbra or four. Fvery man Ihu dimttd will U t Tbnihaon nutn, and it av-u ihra or four reU-l, Thomson will haveanounh without tbein, There la uoi bin on eari it pi , to a republican Bcheuwr a bn b baa la a ttvll trained. Tba gold bitapr. baa 1-h filled with arliiUd.eUriiiK ihnt l,u t-lM iioaof lli(.plu g ivrraor in South lukoi Faith in Hood's Th Grtai Carta by Mao4'a tarta parilla Ara Indeed Martaua. My bu.kM ..r- ,, wis aiMSiaab trouble k. t4 t tu i .i Ua n mtk. Ha a uv-i t wr jaiaj isiia . ti to t0 kt.i l,t..tlf, llataak4a larufuivu ksmnw Wt IUa ( ,.trUui aaa4 Ikl auJ ka kat M a Naboa wilktl !.,, Mi hula kt-y.hM, baa ka laklim wrMi,af Ota aa4 II ba t blw kwdl ttetei, Wabavafiaat n ia na.M 4i,i.im4 xi ta. i It, J ' aK W Jmtmt w., tWfcMt4 k. tW aara la t Um) i bavaaaa LMlood'G 2X h ika ki . k tvi ika iu ft kkwi rtiit