The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, January 12, 1899, Page 3, Image 3

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    Jan. 12, 1899.
Bloody Baptism of Fire on the
March to Santiago.
Wheeler's Squadrone I.rd hy War
Veterane 'HilnKlllli(b war Jam
med With Troopa Orilrre, Order,
All Along; tli LIm-Oooluee Under
(Copyright, MS, by tho Author.
NE of the stories
floating around
di virion head
quarters ii thut
soon after noon
on July 1, when
tho buttle was
heavy at Han
Juan ridge, but
there was some
tiling of a lull at
Kl Canoy, Gen
eral Hbufter'a aid
wont to Law ton
with a vorbul or
dor to abandon
tho attack there
and go forward to
El (Juncy road
height at orfinlJjr Intended. Home
audi order was sent. Tim story goes ou
to sity that Lawton told the aid ho must
fetch it in writing; that ho went to
army headquarters, got it lit writing
and returned with it to Law ton. At
that hour Chaffee's wen who charging
forward, and Luwton pointed to them,
ay lug to tho aid, "If too lata " The
aid insisted, Raying, "I!ut I iniiKt de
liver it." "All right," said Law ton,
"Yon will have to deliver it on tho
firing line." As that wan Impossible,
tho cburgo went through,
(icncnil Chaff ca, when pressed for hid
view about Luwton in the 121 Cuney
business, simply said, "Luwton in a
Lawton started from I'l Cuney for
the position on the Kl Cuney road
height about dark on tho evening ot
July 1 At that hour tho divisions of
Wheeler and Kent were busily digging
trenches on tho captured crest of Huu
Juun ridge. Tho story of Lnwton's fur
ther adventures in getting into tiie poi
tion assigned him will be taken up after
a description of the tattle of Wheeler
and Kent on tho American left. The
whole illustrates the adage, universally
applicable in war, about the best laid
plan going "aft ogley." In point ot
fact, LI Cuney fell about a day behind
time, and that throw the buttle of the
Han Juan ridge a day ahead of time a
As the cavalry division wan the next
in order after Lawton, from right to
left, when the urmy faced Santiago,
and wa the first to score a success on
the Ban Juan height, it story should
next be told.
In the inarch down from El Poso to
the crowing of the Han Juan, the brigade
I of General burimor, then commanded by
jiouteuaut Colonel Henry Carroll of
.10 fcixtn cavalry, had the lead. At
that time Bumner wus in temporary
oommaud of tho division, The strength
of Carroll'! brigade that day in the
fighting line waa about 000. The Ninth
cavalry, colored, under Lieutenant Colo
nel J. M. Hamilton, ou the right of the
brigade, had but one squadron in the
fight. It waa commanded by Major A.
D. Dim in I ck. The Third cavalry win
led by Major II. W. Wessels, ton of
Major General Wessels, diHtinguiHhed
in tho civil wur. The First squadron
was commanded by Major Henry Jack
son and tho becoud by Charles Morton.
The fciixth cavalry, bumuer's own regi
ment, was led by Major T. C. Lcbo.
With tho tixeeptlou of Wessels, all
squadron and regimental oflloois, like
tho division und brigade leaders, were
war tried veteran. Hamilton had
served in the Thirty-third New York,
Limwiek iu the Fifth New York cav
alry, Jackmu in the regular cavalry and
Morton in tho Twenty-fifth Missouri as
a boy, afterward polishing off at Went
Point. I-eLo served through the war in
the First Pennsylvania cavalry. All
these, "ftloers are bom soldiers, not car
pet knights.
The brlgudu lust uiuuy men while
lying along the road before the advance
began, Grimes' battery having opened
on the Spanish works about 1:60 iu tho
morning, drawing tire of shell and
shrspiiel, siuiie of which fell hort of
the target on l.l 1W hill and droped
amung the troops liutug the toad to the
fmnt. At the very bcgluuing there was
a delay at the rtoaaiug of the creek
and liver Thecsvslry was on the right
of tin rwJ. and the men T tiial they
croaaed the AMuadores several time, and
thai, tut lulling I ho ran Juan, they wad
d stream sii lime Mere they vera
liuad up in the biurgs, In tuu places
tha ban Jimu km up l lb waUl, and
atilh.r p tuts lu water was d u
and tha current tu strong thai . ma i f
the nmu bad la t aiu-t t m
The 'I bird cavalry, wbu.ii ws i tha
rtuhl f K ni's Infantry, hl tivattly
tu what l a4tivitus tailed "Ilia
i!hly AiiW," Ulwtvii Ilia tiaaiua
and the run Juui, nriaif tha
nf IU ir4u4 This ly IU ali
i dWM l lite luetuuf el HaulUgti
SMffltetS a "llvll's i'lMoelHa " 1 lie
AiM iu4U I m I al t'aiMH MUak ta
I be TUti'4 Miif, i'a Uitt W. A Uld
4 Trtxt ft 'h ItHtwMS kf taa l'ia
aa t Uf lit, aiila a Uaig as la kls
fvrbe,t, wMttt was feitea aim al lies
! ty a e4 sbiaHtt A t-Milk
b Hint al U(itM' UMHr ts M
vt tu uu i-f I r I el this rgt
smmI VV ba ilia IffoU vaata u fa
tag Ik ir4W, Was hlu4, and Ike
raHMui i k eitioit kttsdiwf la
IM lay if Ike hu4. 1h ms kHtkla
Glket, 4-SS aw4 Ml tbolU k
ol tka it IM kaaa ia lril i4
Na4 lrut Ika Mbli I its aud
t el laal ss a riaaas ab lfiai ta.
The first order beard In this brigade
came from Major Weasels to bis own
regiment. It was, "Tho Third is order
ed to go through this brush)" Immedi
ately Major Jackson's squadron deploy
ed as skirmishers and attempted to nd
vflneo. Morton's squadron deployed 200
yards in tiie rear as support. Major
Weasels observed, "I don't see how wo
can do it, but we will if we can."
Plunging into tho brush, the men found
that it was only a hedge on the border
of an open field. When the skirmishers
got through, they called out that there
was cavalry moving across the front.
That mude it necessary to draw the line
Through the openings in the trees,
Captain Morton and others saw the left
of the Han Juan iutreuohments and
Hpaniardswitb guns at hand 000 or 700
yards away, looking at the American
linn, At this time the dynamite and the
Ilotehkiss guns in rear of the brigade
opened fire on the Bpanlards. The dyna
mite gun was choked with tho first car
tridge, and tho cavalry men say that the
Hotchkiss gun wus silenced by the
Spaniards, who then turned their rifles
and sbrupne) upo;i the cavalrymen. In
this plight the cavalry remained an
hour and a half, subjected to constant
Volley firing and to shrapnel. The oil!
cers of tho brigade estimated that tho
cavalry divixion suffered from 76 to 90
per cent of its casualties around that
crossing. Dead and wounded were
brought there through ranks of men,
only a few of whom bad been under fire
before. Hays Captain Morton, a veteran
of !! battles, "It was enough to rattle
tho bravest, but not an officer or soldier
left tho position, except to help tho
To some old soldiers it may seem
strange tlmt at Huhtiago fighting men
left the ranks to help the wounded, But
that is uoaording to the new order of
things. Kvery man has a first aid pack
age in his kit, and it is part of his duty
to apply it when u comrade is stricken
down, If it had not been for this, tho
mortality at Bunthigo would have been
terrible. The first aid burnluge stops
the flow of blood und keeps the wound
clean, also giving the patient relief and
hope, which conduce to recovery. Iu
general, officers criticized I he "shame
ful neglect of wounded" at Huntiago,
The next order to this brigade was
brought by aids who came to Major
Wessels and told bim that the brigade
was to advance, They could give no
definite instructions. Wessels said thut
bo wus not in command of the brigade,
but that Colonel Carroll was und was
somewhere ou the ground. The aids
discussed among themselves what was
to be douo, und finally agreed that the
brigade hud on order to udvance.
The cavulry troops spoken of before
as1 being in front of Carroll's brigade
evidently belonged to Wood's brigade.
In attempting to move out of the range
of the Hpaniurds' missiles and also to
find clear ground to form in the differ
ent regiments got out of line, a matter
which caused some confusion to the bri
gade commanders. It was this state of
things which led to tho assertion that
the general officers were weak at Han
Juan ridge. The fact is thut the ground
was unsuitable for forming und charg
ing in brigade columns. The regiments
kept well together until they started to
go up the hill, when some commands
deflected to the right or to the left, ac
cording as they saw favorable ground
or a Hpauish position to strike at.
Ueueral Humm rsa.vs that the cavalry
division was ordered to take position iu
tho road near the crossing of Han J nan;
that ho formed his line, and, being fired
upon, said to a representative of Gen
eral Bhafter who was present: "We
cannot stay here without heavy loss.
We mint go back or go forward." Tho
general added significantly, "Forward
we went I"
There was no lack of fearless and
capuble men to carry orders to tho com
mands tbrougli fire and Mood. Colonel
J. 11. Durst, the udjutant general of the
cavalry division, was seen ull along the
line ull day, and the sumo of Captain
R. L. Howze of Humner's MalT, who
was on horseback uutil tho hill was
After tiie aids had settled it that
Carroll's brigade was tu go forward
Major Wessels ordered his suooud
squadron to go forward, supKrtcd by
the first, and to move at once. Captain
Morton says that the majors did not
take time to puss tha orders along to
the companies, but shouted out tho
command Forward!" Then the lino
pluugtd into an almost impenetrable
kt i oi t k u stilt .
()tvtm m kUw - TV ltMi'OM, ike Ue
tu4lf II IS fc " Still. ' SHI S I
I,. t Tho " lrn . k lia lit
I k. kiuw 4 ll . ms I ii i
II HIlU f I ( l.-IHt. lt 14
iit Ike lw- t.i(4 luiu t ktl.
ee U 1,14 )! mi Ike M k )
ihrral Asm lii try lhl
Ihef H lis i la tit et Tha llue
ktlt U tblMUttS, Hi I tl Via . n
i4t Ud I nub was lull t l In- i il
kffreM Ibel lb kll.ll ia!i;, I he
Ntala aa4 Ika Ibiitl. and k ,
thWrs Irem Ww4 tittfl wia a. I
a-miuf al lb mm tat.
Vwi4 tltged UteaullMa ftad kd
si-eiWais all liaM. whuli iaai I
Wdd kM l I'ldtf la l t Ika l if
. ika laiaiiy tiivliU-M tails t-itUum
su t saMtat tali aa ika valatigt.4
ad Mf sivis 4 Pi Jaaa lida,
I fck4a 1. Kit aia
Kent's Soldiers In Front of the
Uenxr Atluc-k Ordered on the Man
Juan airoiiKhuld l'atnl DHar at
thet'orda llnwklite, Whh ThoIUu
Iroenta, Opened (he llullle (uoloeaa
of (lie Slh llt-KiJlnr.
ICopyrljfht, ISiS, by tho Author.
ENT'S infantry
got tho bloodiest
end of it in the
encounter with
smokeless now-
d e r , blind
trenches and
Mansers on Han
its bivouac near
JAVA Pomo, but after
a short march
hud to give tho
cavulry the right
of way, This re
sulted in bring
ing the leading regiments abreast of the
Tenth and First cuvalry, the reur of
Wheeler's division. W'lieii General Kent
was afked ut Montauk to tell of the
storming of Kan Jnun heights, he said,
" We were ordered to tuke the heights,
and we took them," In mo saying tho
general plunged into the thick of tho
buttle of words which has been stirred
up over this vi ry point of ordcts. Yet
he paid a high tribute to the lino offi
cers und men. lie said thut it was a
soldiers' fight. R'gliiietitul command
ers did nobly, but, owing to the ground,
could not see their full communds.
Company officers hud to uct, and did,
with good effect.
Kent's story is thut at 7 o'clock on
the morning of July 1 lie went to tho
bill where Grimes' battery wus in posi
tion before Grimes njened fire, and
there Colonel MtClernund, representing
General rihufter, pointed out a green
hill in the distance us Kent's objective,
on the left, he being instructed to keep
his right ou the main road leading to
Santiago, The green knoll is on tho
same rhlgo as the Hau Juun blockhouse,
some hundred yards south of that point,
which is near the roud, and thereforo
tho objective of Kent's right flank.
Kent had already sent Hawkins' bri
gade forward, and shortly after Grimes'
buttery opened, which wus before 8
o'clock, he rode ou und came up with
Hawkins and his leuding regiment, the
Sixth infantry. At thut point he wus
ordered to give the cavulry tho right of
way, which caused a delay of his ad
vunee 40 minutes. During that delay
Hawkins and Kent went to the front
under the flro of sharpshooters and
crossed tho main ford of Hau Juun riv
er, already reached by tho advance
guard of the cavulry division, the Ninth
regiment. They looked through the
fringe of trees and saw the enemy's po
sition. Hawkins thought ho could torn
the enemy's right ut Han Juan, but
Kent did not agree with him and de
cided to put two brigades into column
for direct attack. Going backward to
hurry his troops, he met them just as
they cumo under a heavy fire not only
from tho front, but from tho dense
thicket on tho banks und from sharp
shooters iu trees in the rear of the mov
ing troops.
The balloon wus abreust of the heud
of his division, and shrapnel aimed at
it fell among his men. The observers in
the balloon pointed out to Kent u trail
parallel with the road on its left. The
Sixth and Sixteenth regiments were al
ready in the road, past the forks of the
trail, and Keut went baek and directed
the Seventy-first regiment into the trail,
to lie followed by Wikoff'a brigade, in
support of Hawkins. Tho Seventy-first
became a stumbling block Iu tho way of
Wikoff's udvuneo, and it was noon
when the head of Wikoff's brigade
rem lied the fording place.
When the Hixtb regiment reached
the ford, Hawkins was there and said
to 'Colonel Kgbert, its commauder,
"HoiiiHwhal beyond here you emi get
an enfilade lira on those wot Its, aud
Lii uteuuiit Grd will show you where
tu go Iu. " Thi works on Still Juan
heights were within viw. Marching to
the f ron i the Sixth formed on tha left
of the Sixth cavalry behind the (ring
of lieie,. directly opposite hau Juan
bliH khuusti. Coloiit I l!gb rt iNiki-d ovi r
the ground Iu his from, and, finding
that the cavalry picket were Imiug fired
uiu ly r.iiimr. Iu the liouws in
iron i, will out four eouiuii as klr
UiMieis tore t-ii tore the lri4r, Thnea
com an he tin w a heavy fire from the
rptiUlt front This halt was luada U
la ten Iha Aju4il( it and SU Jueit
hiving a UlUiioiiil iheMtUrutb
eoiuliijf l i hi iii ji rl. (Aden! Fgtwrt
or brid his r ginuol forward ia line of
ball la. Tismtiiig a st4lubld, the hull)
ntubltr4 a liy Miol tt- aud
iiudi iktviwih luting tha high tanks el
tha run Juan lln Taking tVtu4iiy
K 1 ii'iaiu Kiiiiioii, with hi in, k
luh in 1 ungd lulu lb 1 1 m, tsbkti
w waul ilirt, .t,t, and ty i4i I tin
kti U Uiik bud a l 'l I4)U Iu ka
Ut f and Ho iti. I y t4iUd Ite It ii.-
Al a ;) al in mi the ti l -utd Ibe fr el
I be It a i mi III l d ib on a I lie l.ahk
wli Ika tirM a4 tUiult4 p b
i l ttwtle el le krink Ika kbdiisivmla,
ail titum la a kail al Ika wit lm.
tlal4t Ukiult, wild il .f lie mi
li.Kib inUwliy sl-i ifa4 ami limd
vpal ll Ivitea nU IhafUtlt ul
Im mi. Iht line at il ihr iIm wa a
)t itu nl Ik liu im r4ii Juan, t
KvltK" kill. kit k Iketaialif attit 1
wt4 4ii id. as M4 m lb ll ail i In.
Tfc ivIkI tka uttii!t rtKiibl
.t e.i duiaar ksid ka kin a. im
lit I ft aud r,
i-ll laUH Ik4 lit teaiiMtMl al
fjye tfrO wC "'ttftod very early
1 1 Ckfi" ,n 11,0 ulor"J,1K
MM re
the road an hour, partially carrying
out Hawkins' orders to enfilade the
enemy. His men were somewhat shel
tered hy a hedge and a roadNide ditch,
but fioni tiieir position could only ob
tain an oblique fire ugainst the hill. In
order to get a more effective fire tho
colonel decided to tuke his regiment
across the road into tho high grass and
weeds beyond. A Cuban negro, who
proved to be one of the heroes of Hau
Juan heights, cut several openings in
the fences with a machete. Through
those openings the regiment advanced,
and, lying down in the tall grass,' open
ed a steady flro ou the enemy's works,
both by file and volley.
"Suddenly," snys Oiloni'l Eulwrt, "the
lUs;kliouH Mint trtinc'lme hurst out with enn
n snd niUHkittry, sad the wlmlo flro of the
hill was diivelupeu en my rcuhiitmt at short
miik". Itiire wan tu he Morn tho value of dU
cilpllno. Our Una was torn with tliot and
slmll i men were fullliiK cvury where. Ciipliiln
Walker, rotiitnamlliiK the riiiiit -iitr com
pany, and his lli'iilriiunt, Clrowi; ('iipliiln Tor
ruy, coiiiinsiKlltitf the left ct'iiti-r iioiiipniiy,
snd lila lluutmiuiil, 1'urdy; ..leiiitnnnt Tur
imin ot Conipsny V and oita quurtor of my
men were down in tun minutes from the lima
tha heavy lira of the Himnlnril commimand.
Yet mi one blenched, and nil ki'pt stmiillly fir
Iiik, without any thought ot stopiilnii until tha
ardor should noma, This It now lievinua my
reluetnnt duty toslvo, J saw Unit I ho force
on tlm hill, In its Intrenched Monition, waa en
tirely too etronii for mine, and thut If ws re
niulni'd unolher ten mlnutia the reslmtint
would lm Uitstroyed. 1 thitroforo, with my ad
iutiuit, LUmti'iiunt llennott, wulktid uIoiik Hi
Iliiuiind cBiitliiiii'd the pompuny eommiiiMlKr
to move by tlm flunk ciiilntly but rapidly to
the road okiiIii, which was dona In i'iirlliiiit
order, eiirrylntf our dead and wounded alonu
With us. Ah won as we had bestowed tlm
In anfoty undor llm ovi'rliaiiliif hunk of the
river we resumed tlia lire from tiie roud,"
In this plain languago a soldier tells
the story of the first encounter with the
Spaniards at San Juun blockhouse, Tho
range was less than 000 yards, The Sixth
lost the highest percentage of any regi
ment at Santiago, und the greater part
of it wus incurred iu this attempt to
reduce tho Hpunish fire by answer in
kind. Colonel Kgbert, and Captain W.
II. IL Crowell, commanding one bat
talion, were, war veterans, Kgbert of
tlio regular service und Crowell of the
First Ohio, light artillery.
With tho Sixteenth a support the
Sixth held on. The Cuban negro drifted
over to the Sixteenth, thinking perhaps
thut it wus about to leud a fresh attack.
Wikoff, with the Ninth, Thirteenth
und Twenty-fourth regulars, was then
passing the Sun Juun ut the trull ford
and pioving thut "Hell's Crossing" de
serves its ghastly namo, The cavalry at
this hour, stU buck behind the fringe
of trees, thought thut the infantry had
been repulsed in an attack on the block
house. Pel hups others took the sume
view of it, for soon after thut tho sick
i und pain racked leader on Kl Poso bill
'sent urgent orders to Lawton to leave
I Kl Cuney and move to his position as
planned on El Caney roud heights,
north of Hun Juun ridge. Twice Sliuf tor
sent this order, proof thut in spite of
bodily torture the bruin hud a full grasp
of the situation at the front. Luwton,
striking on the flunk of Hun Joun ridge
soon ufter midday, might huvo made
tho buttle a masterpiece,
Meunwhilo the artillery bud not been
idle in its efforts to help Kent aud Sum
ner reduce the Sun Jnun stronghold.
Grimes' buttery hud a perfect view of
the blockhouse at 2,000 yurdsaud struck
it at the third shot, say ut 8 o'clock.
The Spaniards replied, and at the
fourth shot killed two gunners and
wounded four at one piece. Shaffer's
adjutunt general, Colonel MoClernond,
staid with tho battery und directed Its
firing. He had a telephono wire to
headquarters. Grimes once caught tight
of the flush of a Spanish gun and, with
thut sole guidance, the Spanish using
( smokeless powder, pounded away for
threo hours with intervals, The black
powder of his own gnus hung like a
cloud about them, muking a perfect
target for tho Spanish artillerists. Some
of their fire wus from butteries in their
second lino, neur the city. Tho balloon
truilcd along his linn of fire and stopiied
action for a time. Another rifle battery,
nndor Captain Parkhurst, got into posi
tion neur Grimes, ready to unite its fire
with his at tho supreme moment.
, Parker, whose troubles in lauding the
Gatllng outfit have been mentioned,
found his way to the front blocked by a
stationary volunteer rcKimout, which,
j after owning ranks for the guiis, cheer
ed wildly and drew a fresh shower of
Mausers aud shrapnel Al last he reach
J': i&f'? ! t't,
If i.lklw i IlklMl
1 1 hn Jb4u rim la ltc i t ( to
Ilia altitt traialtf .-U. ft, aud fttM
iu. , Uiir. !4iN bi auutt it lb tbfc
I- lb 11 It iikli . aliwbitl
"t.till Mill " Aiikuliuiv l-v Krait
but llUstt, atothi Cliil I'vaiexM,
n' ua iIowh ih hait Ju4M lv;ie4
ttkii. aid WlV it .i link f . lb
i" kut li ia lie )fi, tiMKliiig ka
l it laitl 4. H'Ukln' al Ik m i
ii 1 1, .) m ilila, Ihti, stiia ti
'it iHittttUO, aU tt 1,CH iua,
siaidwiik K lag Jim u.a till aad
.41 bill, at ut t I Uiil,4i ky k
in g b i in 1 1 i iM,u I. sinf.) la lihl
111 kieitl it i taaktikj UlalHakt
I I I ly i. aliti l.iu M lb la
tibials Au.iu-.ii atuia
t tomtit I. K il M lav
A Perfect Machine at a
$19.50 K
m;i"'"''" !l J
Why pay three times us much in order to sctii' a popular name? Wlmn you
buy soiiki much I nes you pay 75 per cent for the tiauie nml 2't (sir cent for the ma
chine. We sell you a Hewing Machine that will an w, mid charge you nothing for
I lis im mo, If you do not like (lis name "Independent," paint red over It and call
tha uiuchiun what you will. We are doing tha ad vertialng, and it does not coat us
much. We buy tlm innoliliisa direct from one of the largest uiaijufucturers In tha
world at rACTonv cost, and w o(fr them to our subscribers at an xtwptionullr
low price, n ml all we want In addition is One Huherlbnr. Our "IndHiidi'Ufc''
Much Ins Is a thoroughly flrst-clus Putnlly Hewing Machine, and is retailed under
its original narna at ffift.OO. Our urrnngeiiiHiits with the manufacturers will not
allow us to use their UMine, but Instead wa call it "Independent,"
Awarded the Medal Premium at tlm World's Colombian Eiposltlon at
ibicngo in inn.
EVERT MAOniNE WARRANTED. A written warranty accompanies
each Machine. All parts are iutrrchniiKciible, and we can supply dupli
cates at uny time. ICncli part ol the Mielilne ia fitted with such exact
ness that no trouble can arise with any part, as new pieces can ba
supplied with tha assurance of ft perfect fit.
Our "IadeMndiiDt" Is a strictly high-grade Hewing Machine, and finished
throughout In the bust possible manner, It posec all modern Improve
ments, and its incditiuioul construction issueh that iu it amcombined simplicity
with great strength, thus Insuring ease of running, durability, mid making; il
impossible for the Machine to be put out of order. It sews fust and muse a
perlcct stitch with all kinds of thread and all classes of mnteriul. Aiwa mad
lor use aud unrivaled for sjswd, durability aud quality of work.
Notice the following points of superiority.
Tiik IIkao awing on patent socket hinges, and is firmly held down
by a thumb screw. It is strong, substantial, neat und handsome iu
design, aud beautifully ornaiiiHiited In gold. The bed flute hue
rounded corners aud is inlaid or counteraunk, making It flush with
Ilia top ol the table. IIioiikst Arm The space under the arm ie6!
inches high and 0 Inehee long. This will admit the largest akirts,
even qmlts. It is HKhF-TiiiiKAntxa Titer are absolutely no boles
to put the thread through except the eve of the needle. Tiik Shut-
TI.K Is cylinder, ntn on the ul, entirely self-threading, sa-y to put
In or tniie out; bobbin holds a large amount of thread. TiiicStiti h
ItKOUI.ATOH la on Hie bed of the Machine, beneath the bobbin wiuder,
und bus a scale allowing the number of stitches to the Inch, cau let
chniiwd from 8 to .'12 at itches to the inch. Tiik Fbku ia double and
exti-ud on both sides of the needle; never fulls to take lh goods
through; never stop at seams; movement Is iioaitive; no seringa to
break and get out ol order; eaii be ruied and lowered nt will,
A i tom a no ItoMiu.f WmiMt An arranirenient for tilling the bobbin
automatically and peifi-ctly smooth without holding Hi thread.
The .Mnthhie doe not ruu while windiuir the bobbin. I.iuiit Hum
MMiThe Machine iaeai-y to run, die not fiitigti lh operator,
imiki little noise and sews rnpldly. Tim Htiuii is a double-lock
stitch, tl. fliiieon both side, will not ravel, und can b elmngsd
without stopping the M icliinn. Tiik Tkhiom ia a flat spring teuaiou
mid will admit thicttd troin M n I.MI spool cut ton wiiiioui ehanvins,
Neeer gel out of order, 'lusj Nml,K is a strnlglit, self-e ling
needle, on one aide, and eauuol U put Iu wrong. Nkkoi.k IUu
is rouud, mad id ram-hrdeud eleel, with nil cup at boltom to
prevent nil Iroiu geltina on lh aoo.t. Aiumt Aiu.e Ik a kimih All
UarliiK arenii hardeiiml steel aud raa I easily adjusted with a
ai h w.lnver. All ht motion ana b taken up, and Hi VUel.ine will
bil a III 1 1 ma, ATTAceviict re Km Ii Machine I fumUhed w ith III
following eetol beat lel allai'hmeui r us. k: Oh Puot Hammer
I eller, on Paehag of Needle, eix llobbiua, one Wrench, on Krew
liriver, uii Mhntile Screw I'rifer, i peewM-r Po"l, ia lull and
II.Hik, ou Oil ta Qlied with ml, m tiaugi, ou (King Xtm, na
tj u ier, and ou luatrai'tiou tUmk,
v. atnci.oo xvtvcjxTirMia roil
lltar-oa n..nta"
. . k. . b .
itieiMii iHiiei.ul km ef b a) ou.
attxilll Oar "lMttfttt" Hem lug Mat ala aa a rM
tttiMMt slietiUtelf ft ultHMil r. al lwburao aatMvlbM
al f I (tu a k).
Ttlllllt-it ltttttiiM wiaa: Maeklaa f.tltH vask
aai a f y.i alii, itWr al I tKl
I KMUHT I' UI-MI Kiai kiakir4 dim l trum li.i? al (kiera. I'reiaSl
ki iep.4 l.i av wi la lb l'ifieJ aiaie a rtir. cr
I-tuki la U aekialna, t Mufa, Neva la. Ira , I olor bi, , W
Jaktv I lak, U.tua4. I i.Na aad W tMig, i k k ! a atil irea
an lgkl tkai( I r 1 1 ihi ailjiltataak
'Yta4 itkiaa' Hawk! a ill u4i tto .Utay k pMl Ut akwk k kftekia
U t )m k -pi l, 4 ll a Hi (t.l..lh. Ike twf U to Ii ! Ia UiV eloit
i al a well at pimi.inV a l lrtw, aad Wlk Maekia aad H aid U
('fuiupisy !.
Mr Uas attv (Viksaa t Arrlt n trtiawifa vw
Lincoln, Nobr.iska.
Popular Price.
stewiag Mai Km aa a 4i rlkil
... ...