The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, January 12, 1899, Page 2, Image 2

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an. 12, 1899
The President of a Part of tht
Court of Appeals Is Out
Whoa Charges of Conspiracy to Eson
erate Dryfos Wars Ignored by the
MlnUUr, do Waaorepalre Raelgnad A
Cabin! Crlel Possible.
Paris, Jan. Ji M. Quesnay da
Iteaurepalre, president of the civil seo
tlon of the court of cassation, has re
signed bis position in consequence of
the refusal of the minister of justice
to take an action on his report of al
leged flagrant Irregularities committed
by the criminal sectlou of the oourt of
cassation in the Dreyfus case. The
minister of justice is believed to have
taken into consideration the character
of Judge de Iieauropalre in refusing to
grant his request. The Judge's record
is not of the best) he was implicated
in the Panama scandals.
In a long document he virtually
protests against what he suggests is a
conspiracy on the part of tho court of
cassation to exonerate Dreyfus. But
lie practically admits his partiality by
declaring that his resignation was
intended to avenge the army and its
generals for the suifurings they have
had to endure in silence.
The resignation on the eve of the
meeting of the national legislature,
which reassembled to-day, gives rise
to the inference that tho criminal
court of appeal is far nearer to the
rendering of judgment in the Dreyfus
ase than most people believe, and that,
having failed to induce the minister of
Justice to order au investigation which
would discredit the supreme criminal
tribunal of Franoe, he is anxious,
with the object of averting a decision
favorable to Dreyfus, to provoke a
ministerial defeat and a political
crisis in the chamber to-day, where
M. Lasles, one of the most fiery mem
bers of the anti-Dreyfus party, after
numerous consultations with lleaure
pal re, is to Interrogate the minister of
justice on the subject of the charges
brought by Beaurepaire against the
criminal court of appeal, and, if neces
sary, tc invite a vote of censure and
of want of confidence to be brought
against the cabinet.
Two Japanese tailors Ilaroad to Death
as a Reeull of Tbalr Dravarjr.
Bbatti.e, Wash., Jan. 11. News by
steamer from Japan says that the sec
ond class Japanese cruiser Kalmon
Kan has reached Amoy a partial wreck
as the result of a fire that broke out
during a storm at , Several of tho
' crew of the cruiser were burned to
death any many others injured. The
Kalmon Kan was a wooden vessel of
the old style and had on board a nam
ber of soldiers . besides her regular
crew. When a few days out and in the
midst of a gale fire was found in one
of the bunkers.
The Japanese crew behaved with
great bravery and streams of water
were soon playing on the flames. At
this juncture an acoident to the ma
chinery made it necessary for some one
to go down the alley. It was a case of
almost sure death. Two men volun
teered to go down. Dcfore they got to
the machinery In need of repair the
smoke overcame them. o one would
go in after them and the fire soon con
sumed their bodies. The engines were
kept running or the vessel would
surely have foundered. The vessel !
repairing at Amoy. "- ,y
A Naw York Hair Droesav Rooolvod Cboo
olalo Drops Containing Areeolo.
Nkw Yohk, Jan. 11. Another bos
of poisoned candy has been sent
through the malls. Marie Appell, who
supports herself by working as a hair
dreascr among Harlem families, spent
the whole of Haturday night in agony,
fighting off death, after eating one
chocolate drop out of a box that had
Wen sent to her, ostensibly as a New
Year's gift.
Hasty analysis by a druggist shows
the candy waa htavlly Impregnated
with arseuhx
I'voaMoot Aaslf M A. (V Marti to Tteaa
to Ihm4 the Troaefeeaoe) MtaWiee,
WaSHixerua, Jan. II The lrb
daut sent the nominations to the
Nruato to-day t
1 bar lean fa Towaf of iVaa.ylve-
ale, iu atialater to Aaatrla-Hungary,
la b ambassador to liuatla.
Addtsoa C Harris 4 lediana tu be
tulatater ta Aaatrla-ltuagery.
To be brigadier general! (VWmel
Juha lb Caallewaa, first
ulaater lafaalryi IVUil 1 bows
II Harbor, lirt Nw Yvt wleataat
A IUMte4 AeeMooi fcaa tooaatl tMaeH
taalf ta Ifca !
Outsit, Jta t. frog ht tiala was
wob4 early lal wt eat ol
t txitiwl Hiwff e4 tkioe hot kUI4,
Tbs o are t ibttnblv
tsa4 Meaaolt ta a M4 WW,
at tati.i. Jaw. It klra,
tife VluVe fcia4 4e-l la
kof rum at ! Kvlai par,
ill k4 a.Mi4 Heolf. lira Me
Waa fa t I Ms ly a fast waoss
of Irvaa ttread KaftUa, lltaK, waorw
kar ewbal I a ..iu!moI blaM
to a. Ilir lei bo Is Je4( Ml, well
aaa it I'tab
A Hold Mn'a Joke That Will
4rd In the Kopremo Court.
An interesting uud in a certain senso
amusiuH cukb growing out of the In' t
presidential cuinpiin has Just been d?
oided by the Ouklnnd county circuit
oourt, hat an appeal doubtless will be
taken to the Michigan supreme court
and probably from there to tho federal
supreme court. It Is the enseof Stephen
Baldwin versus Fred A. Bitkor. Both
nurtiui to the suit rettfrle in Detroit.
Baldwin is a caplraliHt of great wealth,
end Buker is acknowledged to be the
leading oomitilntioiml lawyer of Miehl
gun. During the hint campaign I3uker
was cbulriiiiiu of the Democratic Mule
central committee uud in thut capin Hy
wrote u great many Hrticlus in favor of
free silver, It happened that about tli;il
time liulilwin purchased a furm In Up
land county 011 which Buker held 11
mnrtgugu for PDO. This morfgitKe Ml
due a year m t wbloii time H04 wi.s
dun, princlpiil and interest. MInnriil it
Baker's warm advocacy of stiver, Jiiu i
win mm u lit to piny u joke on him uml
at great inconvenience to lilniHclf t int
ed 11(14 silver dollars over to his rrtriit-
or's olllce uud plunked tueui down In
liquidation of the mortgage. Bttltr
turned the tublis on his debtor by rc
fuMlii to uciupt the silver, uml, us
Baldwin refused to subNtitiiteany oluer
kind of money, foreclosure procuedinus
were liiktltoted, iiulilwln in turn tiled
a bill in ciiumery anKing i;mi me mori-
gugo be dlHehHrKd, inumnuch as be had
tendered linker (be amount due.
In reply to tills bill Buker filed a
voluminous answer, in whioh he went
into the coinage laws exhaustively. In
this iiiiriwcr Li Ki t up that lu June,
18!)4, nil contractu then in force were
payable, in silver dollars. By act of
congress 011 Feb. 12, J 8711, the staiidunl
silver dollar was omitted from coinao
and from the leul tender laws, and it
was provided that the standard gold
dollar "chonlrl be the unit of value."
The act of Feb. iH, 1878, Jtuown as the
Bland-Allison act, was punsed over the
veto of I'mldciit Jlaye, and the pur
chasing limine of the aut remained in
force until Aag.,111, 18110, when it win
uppluiiti d by I be purchasing cluiise ( f
the act of July 14, 181)0, known asth.i
tihermnii silver law, wbieli remained in
force until it wus repeuled on Nov, 1,
At the time the Blund-Allisoii net
Was piifsed the couiiiierciul value of the
silver dollar was H3 cents. When tin
dered the l!0i silver dollars by Baldwin
in payment of the mortguge, the gob!
value of tilrtr wus fj W .' 2 cents for inch
dollar, milking Buldwlu's tender worth
oil this bacis i.uly 10:1, 80.
"While noneding to congress," said
Mr. liuker in his answer, "tbo power to
change the standurd of value of pay
Dieuts as fur as future contracts are con
cerned, deft ndaiit ileuit s thut congn ss
hud power win ro one of the precioui
metals has fiillt n in value as compHrni
with the other to purchaso such depie
elated and depreciating metal at the
market value uud to coin it uud issue It
as of fall value and retain the seignkr
nge as to niucu net profit or gaiu to (be
pockets or 1 offers of the government,
susbtuiitiully it not precisely as the
kings and primes of a former age wire
wont to do win u tiny were guilty of a
debasement of the eoiniine.
"The defendant submits that, inas
much as the iilund-Alllsoii act did not
open the mints to tbo unlimited coinage
of fiber 011 uu equity with gold, as huil
been the eoutinuons policy of the gov
eminent from 17112 to 187U, coukum
thereby treated xilvcr as a (list red itetl
or debiiNed n.etul and avowed its pur
posi) ty continue so t" treat it, and that
Upou the fiii'tJ Kt nith in this auswt r
in reuurd to tbe d uric la t ion in the gold
price of fiiur at t ho time Mtid act wns
pased lbs i rnvif ii ti making silver dot
lars t'oiued troin tiiver purchased under
Miidm t iiual ti udi r without limit cs
to amount wtreiuul are iiucoiistltutionul
and void uudir the constitution uud tha
valid nets of rnuurt. Silver dollar
are a h-nitl tender only for payment not
exceeding 10. Defendum sulmits
therefote, that the tender so made t
him by the t omliiiiiuiil was not in llu
law to reouirn hnu to tllscnarge iam
Tim decision of Cileuit Jud hmilli
s to the t ftVit ttmt the tcuder of tU
si her in 1 in iil i. the inortnHO whs
uood. wild in (rdiiigly ordered the
inert tiaft l isr'i 11 1 gi (I s slil. As l ot!
imrlie l ilxtrlMiiltrd to lisvo ll'l
qtiolioll tiled ilelllliUly, there I It
douM that It ettlilUMliy Will Dlnl II
WMV liilhe l,' tilled Mnlv ti reinciuil
liislug'tlal to I'bleag
I Mi- tlw of It.
The tUadlty Mafliu. we are lm t
itely inform. d dm Nw ioih.
goluH b r af i 1 1 ll.e "abroad," wbbl
iuomu I'l He Aiivlouiaul.' tt I'1
tity I i,t I'iUsiii, Tbl tlsmli.isL'
faonly. bih K .itixl t it a girl lu Ml
It. I. a, and t -w twoata I boy Wl, l
tho I ll i f I'tatia, S(tu.,l ,NV
Vitk at Mvtl J ateUt
laluiix oU ll.rt Hos dt, ilk thai .1
Wltiiaut A.K 1. .mliaw t ai
li la sa t -i,iia, la d.tll IniMt Aw
kau i.iiM.ii aad will le il i
lUiaUtid and pm U.ii I. Nw fal lh
Abkt Am.ti an aili4K.o t t lt to
lt I'uUid Mat. im Will dl
ttllUlw lU lU.IUf Malllitsa Kl l
a "ri4 A.'ttie." Il i'0 id I
IS)'4llMhl to ,1 I V 1 10 ataal UlH
lb laal aalal uet ai4 las l . 1
Ifco tiblll . M I t lt t Im if M-l
Ul( K.,ty am btio In la n b
Hy Ibat M IUms asnt at !
bm m b lull. At4l) Iko I'bii.d
Nlte Ifgiw t. fl tbo dial f ot,
M.t alt(4 If II NiHo Uu'll. ld.'
lit) bld "," Vl.tkatl lUlsbl,
ta Iwoaabiat t oolo),
Tbate tt to4bt 4iMM anHbl
Miiiay Mt bib4 l Jvw U
It k. Ml. I kit tat. VI bal IM
Llt Kt It a,t ta f IM
f Hit U.k.llbiSol.osl t
MvUl AkMtL
The Oft Suspected Train Robber
Once More in Hands of Police,
Confaaalons of Thrao Man Cndar Arrest
t Mansflald, Mo., Namad lllra a tha
Organiser and I-eader A tROO Reward
foand lllra In a Ilarber Shop.
Kansas City, Mo., Jan. ll.Jaek
Kennedy, often suspected of train rob
bery and twice tried for that offense,
and now under indictment for the
murder of a woman, I in custody in
this city for the train robbery on the
Memphis railway on the night of Jan
uary 3, near Macomb, Mo., in which
the express eoinnanv admits a loss of
(1,000. The otllecrs say they
Kennedy this time beyond all doubt.
Five men are now under arrest at Mans
field, Mo., for the robbery", ami tho
olllcers say three of these liavo con
fessed, and In their confession have
told that Kennedy was the organizer
and tho leader of tho robbery. Ono
of these men Is fou Nye, a farmer
near Macomb, who was formerly
a flagman for the Metropolitan Htreet
Hallway company at Twelfth street
and T roost avenue In this city. Nu
says, according to tho olllcers, that
Kennedy broached the robbery to him
when he (Nye), after losing his place
with the Metropolitan, wus loullng
around tho county Jail, where his
brollier-ln-law is a deputy in the
county marshal's office. Another of
the men under arrest he Is known as
Boll Jennings is believed by the olll
cers to bo the mysterious Evans. It
will be remembered that W, VV. I.owo
told in hi confession of the robbery oi
the Missouri 1'acliJu at Leeds, that
Kvans was implicated in this robbery
with Jesse James and the others.
Last night a circular was gotten out
by the i'inkertoii detective agency, of
faring a reward of 8'."0 for the arrest
and detention of Kennedy. Shortly
before 10 o'clock this morning Ken
uedy was arrested in u barber shop
while being shaved. Tho barber noti
fied the police and claims the reward.
Kennedy was taken to the I'mkerton
headquarters and put in the "sweat
box," What the detectives found out
from him is not known.
A singular thing about tiie train
robberies in this vicinity Is that In
variably thny occur Just after John
Kennedy is released from Jail. 1 he
Leeds robbery Is the last Instance be
fore the Mueouib holdup, and the re
markably lax surveillance under
which the Kennedy house was
(or rather was not) put that
night enabled Kennedy to prove
a fairly respectable alibi. ilut
soon after his bondsmen gave him up,
he is indicted, it will be remembered
for the Schumacher murder, and he
went back tu Jail. There he stayed
until after the November election, but
on December l judge ftcarrin re
leased htm on ball signed by Kennedy's
father and Allen of Independence. It
was Scarrltt, too, who released Ken
nedy before election for the Schu
macher murder indictment, after
Judgo Wofford had refused bond for
Kennedy had not been seen here
until to-day since the day of the Ma
comb holdup, though his friends as
sert, as usual, thst he has a cast Iron
alibi ready and can account for every
minute of his time about the day o(
tho robbery. 1 hey even went so far
yeslertluy as to offer proofs that it was
impossible for him to have been at Ma
comb at the time of the robbery.
There Is little doubt that tha Will
lam Jennings who Is under arrest lu
Mansfield for tho Memphis robbery,
who was tho mysterious Evans of the
Ijceds hold-up, Is tho nutorlntis Hill
Uyan, who was one of the most des
perate members of the Jamas gang of
tralu and bank robWr. Chief llu ye
saw Jenulugs In Munafield ami salil
"I had not seen Hill Ryan for six
teen yrnrs and am not positive Jen
nings la Uyan, but I Wlieve he U."
A dispatch from Manalleld say: J.
II. Schumacher, superintendent of the
llnUerton detective agency at Kama
City, had one of bis chief men and
Chief Hayes of Kansa City come hero
to Identify Jennings, and they Ideitll-
tted bint at Hill Kyau, tin niau nho
went by tho nauio of Kvans lu the
UhhW hold-up at Kana City,
IU1I Itysn'a brother. Audy Uyan, U
In the Jail in this city, under indict
ment Ur holding up tho Missouri IV
eillti train at l-ed UhJMe Jan,,
Jr., Char la, Caleb btooe, W, W.
4te and Maoa.
.too of Ibo t ( M II. .a ataot.
Hiim, Nab., Jam- li f.ur .11 U
have r-ultH trout the r-cWillho
I m.itt l".. tW Uro4 al Suut'l, )v
terday, t-HtfUwr KU Wwr dl4
dttrUa IKt attraua. the ,.ttf uf
tbo rwa4 give sp'aaalUnt f Ibo
40 wf tho ivb It ta U that
mio uf tbo vftaMMvora l Was)
bk.e f I Ha M
. U, e4 rr
e4ae, lutH
k,ot. tw a h
.! Ij t rtil tM v w
kmat, Mtl4 rst,iil4la. I aro .b
.Nt fur If tatbl lb
.a bo tbnSlMMriMol. ale
fthax at tl SaJMNiH 4 b al
4 C, I lU- A t Ivoall, Maaa,
PAI'EU FOR SALE A fuaion paper
in good locality; only two fusion pn
pers in the oountyj 1,000 subscriber;
good plant. For sale cheap. Inquire
of Independent.
Flrst-clawi job printer, populist in
politics, who desires to secure a half
interest in a good paying etblihed
Caper, can learn of such an opening
y addressing "X. X.," care Independ
ent. The Independent knows of a good,
reliable printer who wan to a aituation
011 a paper that can pay $50 per month
for his services. lie bus ten years ex
perlence, mnrrUid, sober and induvl
trlons. Address M, curt Independent,
To tall for Maolla Mast loodaf.
ST. Louis, Mo., Jan, 11. The
Twelfth United States Infantry, now
stationed at Jefferson barracks, near
this city, is under orders to sail for
Manila on the ISth inst, It will prob-
u'y r wuv Nw York.
Had f.lvad Almost m tantorjr.
Suki.iiina, Mo., Jan. 11. Charles
Kevin, the oldest man in Shelby
county, died yesterday at Lakenan,
Ave miles east of here. Ho was born
in Kentucky December 10, J800, and
came to Missouri before the war,
ehronio dissases, laid 0 street, Lincoln,
Nebraska, Blanks and testimonial
All Who
for some time the Ihdbpbnocnt baa been offering to Its readers a sewing ma
dim and a year's subscription to the paper for $10.60. Tbe machine Is war
rniiU'd flrst-cluN in every particular. All wbo bare purchased these machines an
pleased with them.
A lady Id this city deslrlngjto purchase a machine called at tbe Inbipxndihi
Mm and 'asked for tbe names and addressee of parties wbo bad purchased
nni liines. She stated that she wished to writ to then and learn if the macbint
ms "exactly as advertised." Bhe was given tbe names and addresses of tbirt;
1 arsons from which she selected seven, to bom she wrote a letter similar to tb
LINCOLN, NEB, March 1, 1808. '
Via. 8. Walfokd, Vesta, Neb.s
Dear Sir I bear tbat yon bare received one of tbe "Independent" sewing ma
i hmes, advertised in tbe Nedbahka Imdependbst. As I am thinking of purchasing
tu of these machines I write to you for Information concerning it. How doea It
eompare with the Singer, Wblte, Wheeler and such machines: la tbe wood-work
nicnly finished; is it supplied with full set of attach men ts; is it high arm and drop
Ufad; is It easy running and of simple mechanism; ia the machine all tbat M
iiiiiind for It in the advertisement, and ia there any additional expense to tbt
receipt of it not outlined In tbe advertisement of tbe machine? Will yoa be kind
enough to answer these questions and give me your opinion of tbe machine? Aj
-erly reply will greatly oblige. Beepectfnlly,
ETTA SaFFER, 835 North 16tb 81
Tbe replies wbieb she received to tbe seven letters were aa followat
VESTA, NEB., March J, 1808.
In reply will aay that tbe machine referred to, ia all that tba advertisement
guarauteee. Finely finished, and In ail respects complete. You art safe la buy! of
it. Yours,
OATEY, NEB.. March 1, 1808.
Etta 8irriR, Lincoln, Neb.i
In answer to voor letter we received last evening concerning tbe "Independent
wiug machine, I can aay I like tbe machine rery much. It does good work. )
have had my machine three weeks and like It better all the time. One of our
neighbors bad a Singer and last fall got an "Independent." She says tbey work
great deal tbe same. My mother also has a $65 Singer and we bare compared
the attachments and find mine equal to here and also a full set Tbe woodwork m
nicely finished. It is high-arm and easy running. I think it is all tbat is claimed
(or it in the advertisement. There is no additional extiense to tbe receipt of it, 1
hoiw you wilt be as well pleased with tbe machine as I am. Your's truly,
MU9. a. Li, PLUI I.
OAK, NEB., MARCH 6, 1808.
Vies Etta rUr ran, Lincoln, Neb.j
In regard to your letter of March 1st, I would say that the machine la Just a
iHMcrilied in tbe Inokpenoknt. Wears perfectly satisfied. It has lull set of at
achmenls, aud is high arm. It Is noiselesa, light running and a perfect machine
The woodwork is highly polished. It will compare with any other machine I kno
ol. The machine is all the advertisement claims, and more. There In no add!
tlouul expense to the receipt of tbe machine. Yours respectfully,
DA VET NED., March, 1808.
Mihs Etta Sapfeb, Lincoln, Neb.t
lH.r Madam: Your letter received, and la regard to the "Independent sewing
niMflhlao Kill say it is something like the New Home machine. It Is a very good
-uy rnnuig machiue, does spleudid work aud has a full eel of attach men Uevry
thing thai is needed in that line. The wood-work Is nlcoly flushed. I believe it W
a Kood as any high priced machine. It Is high arms but no drop bead; and then
t-u't any mora expeaae to It only what is mentioned in lb adveriieeiueot, so it it
not expensive, and la a vary good machine. We bavo bad ours eigbt or bin
months and are greatly ploaaed with It. I have done a groat d-al of sowing on IV
I have had two tnaeliler before this one, both eipun,ve oneo, but neither of tb.-a
ruuaseusyae this oue.nor they didn't look any better to look at, as this one looki
very nice, I don't thluk there io any fault whatever to be lound with thia machine
I urn sure you aill bo wall eatiafled oitb it II yoa got on. It ia as good aa auy iu
rhina you can get, Well, 1 think I have answemi all your questions, aud said ail
I need to. Bmceraly our.
Mie Frr f trriia, Llneola, Nb,l
ik... n.i...,l mtii u ta roirnrd
ronipMe ia evv y raopoeti It la all it la rUtiuied to bn it ta awaly wnU.hod; loo w,km
imb to oak, I do not thins it aaeeoaary to ano.f an m mhiiiu
easatl, lor wo thluk It a trnud marhiao I. the Htoiey-IW.6(-lraiuht po4.
. ira ebararo ia asf way, 1 tklak II ton pwrehaao one ol taoe aaiuo foil wi
.eraly be pfc-aead with 11 U,miUU,, ft
UlLTXm, NKI Mareh ft, tt.
Ua t . ll., I ImmIb NeK.)
Ih'mt Mado-Yoa Wtwr of Marb
k-.. k.l ik. kuuiiliska siaaka.
il a t I'aalfwaalsg aad boat
. 1. ..k ... ,k. s..j 'U Ll
latahr.) aa tb (I tbo H.slr. the earn, tied tt I lave tbo t.gbt It
ntoi ba.a'aia. la U ae eiwiK a4 la e.euo rtt a tba tkal wl lb.
M.aa-f. Vbitlbooly p.oa.bU adfaaiaga Is tbat tbo Ulsgaf ka tbe 4e..
b- I aa l Ibo - laitoiwaJoai kaa sob. -a4-i-a Wal" ka kWik awt Ibe oasso ea
lb. aad a full a t wl nnshw.aie, otapt ebbiag aa. tMMiw
Ut,t.Mt ana.boaw.1, akwb Tbfa la aMitb.aoJ eti-o-o a ro
.. .....k. tk.. a.l a avt iiSaaklo ut oarraall !r law Intra
IL" . . T. .
1 -, I fblMb It "O b'l lat taaj wmm
it. au L . . . a..ak a sattb Iv a svos. ta
U,4 a4 4 a WHk4 w.wl aa Ik w.ahio akkb I -l paf4 U w.tb, wl-ol
woai4etlMUaoaM rr,.N.b twart r-apaajtUlly,
rAWNKM ltY, Viae.. I, law
Mw7Mkl,t itwa. b,wt U. 1.1 batwrd M l
aatalM rVwio- Vloxkiao, I Will Mil II ouoai-airao f lavwl,( oitb
KS V .. kaww J. wJLUoaJ ... "Wat.- l b. w.h1 w.k b, ab.l it.
. ..iJ...k . . altaabusehlOi U klob OfM. wra eO 0IMA .,
"iwWwawi xu wdalreal a Ibo Ufsrssbasv j
!, i J k. a- a44ikej msosvw ba ike rlpl ol iS etfl H
tk a4moaol. ttvy
yea aa! a ftawtef MaeWwe fwt l l4 "T lwVaa4osj MoMaeM eaH
off la ttwrf wattsmlmr It's a Ureal. a4etwowt bM
Gardner poltahea Off tba Irlabman With
Left Hand Swing-.
'NkwYobk, Jan. IL The fight be
tween Oscar Gardner, the Omaha Kid,
and Dave Sullivan of Ireland, ended
disastrously for the latter in the sev
enteenth round before the Lenox Ath
letic Club last night. Sullivan seemed
full of fight when the seventeenth
round opened and went right to his
man. In a clinch the legs of both box
ers became entangled and Sullivan
fell to the floor, The. moment he got
up Gardner planted two fearful right
hand swings on Dave's head, and put
the Irishman down and out with a
wild left hand swing which landed
flush on Sullivan's mouth. All three
of the blows were delivered within ten
seconds, and the last one sent Sullivan
into the land of nod for the first tlmf
in his ring career.
Wire rmdiint I'rloa lo Hp.
Ct.KVKt.AMD, Ohio, Jan. 11. As a re
sult of the completion of the so-called
"wire combine" an advance of S3 per
ton for wire and wire nails was an
nounced here to-day.
Mrs, Vanderbllt's Slater faal
Nkw Youk, Jan. 11. Edith Olive
Owynne Gill, wife of William Fearing
Oili, and a sister of Mrs. Cornelius
Vanderbiit, died yesterday in l'aris,
where she had lived during the last
few years. She wus a daughter of
Abraham 10. Ovnne of Cincinnati,
Machine Indorsed By
Use It.
LEBANON, NEIL, March 8, 1W8.
to I ho aiarhlue that we have. I bat II
I rva., a4 la roply will , Ikat w,
tHJ VofV hllht OrOlOaT wilb It. ll I B
aft-erti snaeklao. Tke naly wtwebtee I
lim.hil,t " Tbo WimmI out to SVS abwlj
.... I .-. .J iba ....i.i.,. thai
n . -" " - - , - -
batb ail luoi-blM sbowUl feato, o n tovat a.
Jolt M (wHwiM
mm j
Main Office TiV
Lincoln, Neb.
Nerrou, thronl mot
Private i)los.
A11prlvstdlsss snddls
ordtr. of man. Treatment
by mall 1 cuiisatlstlon rroo.
avphllis cured far llf.
All furm nf fml WMfc
ties suit Disease of Wv
,li meu.
Knsliles m to (ruriit,i to f ore all r eorsblo
of th nosa, throai. enast, jUiiili, lir. bliKid,
skin Slid kidney dlsae'; V" Mssbnod, Nhtlit
Kinlsl.n, lllrcla. Vrlla. aonnrrhBS,
Ulset, I'lls. Htlsiid K'-rtsI tJIm, l)LIta
snd flrhilif M l'ZutVZiA
oraVfUIL.IM waermiotcsr.
Stricture &Giefit!
cutting. Ceiisulttttlon HI
Cull, tit Mililrim. with
Cnrailst Homo ny new
metluxl without pais or
It. Consultation ritSK. Trstmi "7 "'
t : . . . a 1 it
Csll, or lilr with stump I Man OfllCQ
Dm. Rn!ir1p,H h, Snarles,
lOilS O ST,
A Devoted Wife
Like to see ber husband arrayed In Im
maculate linen. We can elts many ease
of where wives Insist on sending their
linen to our laundry, and ladles, as well
as men ars s;ood judges of bow laundry
work should be dons, flaw edg-s re
moved. Call op pbons 579. TUB BEST
Notice to Farmers
and Stock Feeders.
But yonr eattle and sheenat tbs stoel
yards, West Lincoln and savs freight
and other eipenses. llavs yonr sbeep
dipped. We guarantee to cure scab, we
do tbs work for one eent per head. We
t baying UAT, HTKAW ANU uhaij
G. H. Geoghegan,
Gen., Mrr., Wet Lincoln, Neb.
Moilc ollooorporatloa.
Motlna la hervbr s-lvaa that tba asdaralsnad
bav aasodaiad tbcmaelvaa tesi-thar aa aeor-
poratlunlor ttie tranasctloa of tba boslsaao
benlnafiar named.
1st. Ttie nuuia of said eorporsiion is id nai
ls in bank. . .
2nd, 'l b prlnelpal ptsra of transacting tbo
baalnee of sold corporation Is ttallam, Lascas
lereoautr, Nebtaka.
Srd. Tbe genertl uatora of th boalnaa to bo
tranaaeted ! said eorporatlos Is aaeseral
bankliiK liBlsaa. t , M
4th. Tbe amuent of tba authorised eaplial
stink of said corporal loo la 15,000. allot wbleb
I lo uelnliy pais op ntoraoinmen iniiuaaini'pa.
61 h. The esl.launa of aald oorporatlon ehall
beKln on the lat day of llemrnber lbtM, snd shall
euntlnoelor ii yeara tneiwaltar.
in. I n Blsneet amount oi ipoihuo-i
wbli-b all corporation ahall at any t-meaob-
iirt, uaeir in atnniion io uepoeiia, ia o,ihiu.
I Vtl. Tha fft.ipa I ha ,irnipkfcl,.n are ia bo
eondurte'l hy a board of dlreotorn, a president
and e-r'tary. and ani-h other olllcers a may b
provldd by th by-laaa.
DataU this 21l Oay ol sowipdw, inm.
Tba Way to o to California.
la In a tourist sleeping car personally
conducted via tbe Burlington route.
You don't change care. You make lost
time. You see tbe fluent scenery on the
ionrcarisnotso eitensiveiy nnisneo
nor no fine to look at as a palace sleeper
but it Is Just as clean, just as comfort
able, lust as good to ride in. And nearly
$20 chi-aier.
Tbe HurliriKton eicursions -save Lin
coln every Thursday at 010 p. m. reach
ing Knn Francisco nunday and iah An
geles Monday. Porter with each car.
Kicursion manager with eacn party.
For folder giving fnll Information rail
at It. A M. depot or city ticket offlc
corner 10th and 0 street.
tj. W UOHfltXL
(X I Te As
The Lincoln Tinoerv. 3f3 0 Street
receivae all kinds ol llidoo and furs to
Ian Into Leather, Itotioo, ana Huge,
Holsta iiuml. Ilidee Tanned on sharoa,
Uigbeot price paid lw
ur.iti in'i.s.
Bath House and Sanitarium
t-j si f li na t 1 1 rail
f .r. Htb I II .
tpen at All i.tira iHt.t and Nlgat
All t erm f Hatha,
!i!aUI, Ruuln, Renin, tlictftc.
tub laoalal bl0tae to tbe 1eWos at
atarai Mom waeoi I bat aa
SbaooisHwa. . S-o-4 oaao Wta
mm. i..4 ala. t0 a4 VWal
wei tMolo imhjm
aa Ujt at t lo lil t
otwwise .. a.. a, t to t a. ,
baas4 bt H t )'
Urt. M.H.AJ.O. llvfrvll,
b)M r.o
III Wi.,V iff ! U