The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, January 05, 1899, Page 4, Image 4

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Jan. 5, 1899.
Sf Nebraska 3nbepcnbcn
if m
IcdipiijdBijt Publijhiijg Go
At UM M Itrnt,
$1,00 per Year in Advancb.
Ami M MwaaalMttMM U, W mH an
Vafl. ar if. t. par! I
, iMMI, lit,
When Bryan wa asked to go to Cuba
to act m tioltoeman be rclgiied. That
wo oot what b enlisted for.
This nation, in all It past hlstory.ha
oerer recognised th right of conquest
Bball w declar for tbat prlnolpl now?
W cannot bar th glory of bumaoi-
tarlaDism and at tbs nam tlri cling to
tb bas prls of conquest and plunder
of helpless people,
Senator Btewarl announsn that b
baa cold tb Kllrer Knight Watchman.
If say tbat It pasae Into lb band of
"thorn who will carry it forward on tb
line to which I bar always adhered,"
If aome of the democratic paper tbat
art to fond of saying Iiryan received
6,600,000 "democratic" votee will Juet
drop "democratic" out of tbat sentence,
it will Increase tbolr reputation an truth
toller. ; .
Dewey mad a tat g order on Wash.
ington laat week, II toad out and for
warded a requisition for a statesman,
McKlnley was forced to cable In reply
tbat the administration bad nothing of
tb kind on band.
11 courtesy the cltlwma of Omaha
bar beretufor been called "Oiiiahane,"
Bine they prlt In fanning their eipo
altlon another year against tb protet
of tb whole state, they ar by common
consent called "Omohoge,"
Tb spirit of Imperialism wa nam o
well ei pressed a by M urat Halstead:
"A merlca with the arehlpelngo of Asia
under her feet." What would the men
wbo laid tb foundation of tbi gown
men t bar thought of a nentlment Ilk
, tbatT .. -
1 1 i iinr r rr-Wii ! 11111 inM-i :
Let tb populist paper do justice to
rry man. General Mile does not faror
tb IncreoM of tb ttandlng army to
100,000 men. Ill Mtlmat 100,000.
It la McKlnley wbo want 100.000 regu
lar to flgbt the battle of thupltul
let agaiaat organised labor.
There are a few Mad Mulahs roaring
orer the plain of Nebraska, Tbey are
Junta mad aa those wbo have beu
troubling the English on the bead water
of the Nile. Thou in Nebraska Imagine
they are the special messengers of Uod
sent to ar the populist party.
All the law and all the conetitutiona
that can be made will briug no relief un
til we have the right kind of men to en
force them. What thl elate needs more
than anything els U men men who will
stand for the right, who cannot be
bought, wbo cannot be deceived. Tbe
prayer should go up from every farmer's
borne: "(live us more men." We have
bt'0 eureed with thinge.
ilorat lluletead seems to be preparing
blmeelf to take a poeition a ft proleeeor
of doginatio theology in loine ewctarlan
college. In the prelace to hi book
about the rbllipplues recently leeued be
saye: lt was foreordalued since the!
gluulog, when (hid rrentwl the earth,
that we, tb powMM)r of thl lniril
A murine n loue, ehoulj be tb great
Akiatle power." Ilalelead iiiuat have
bwaoowry tatimate term with the
Creator to be able to anuuunea iu emh
and aetalini niaaarr wbat wa "or
daluix!" eo long ago. Ilalelead Is a
aepar maa and It ( ralhr strange
that b did aot give th laiervlew be-
tevea kltil aad the fieator la full.
Wkevrr U rvpebiiraa WJr waat
toiUrtoNt lei Ikrjr prist It la the
Utale Jouraal aad tha It gu na aed
ta forever, de day tt toag asa It
slated that the Mipubel wit4enie
ti Ike h-gMalara eith iMi,tMai Wrt
rkaW. The Ite mm oslragswae that
It had lata It bk Ik Mil dejr,
lad, uawef, atwiwelieh all thai wm
talaW4 by erUM It goteg. fht
Mutry rvpubbeaa lieie ar sill) repeat
legit, ll ! the Hualoa I'hk.l
"Yfc po(Mrtatt slale i.lfllle aku
bt tW lit Mta I he ! Hle
wetf a4 rWoeee Uiv teetpetaa ttt, are
hew Kv4fie Ut gil v t
fee !! aek lf i.tHl ykUmt U
Ue leteug aax lil Iktslele leU
t !."
Th rtseaiede 4 thee are iktieg bke
veje Ta dt ft weklf r'wblft a
reptira aa aahNiU4 awoaal ol ly
A populist member of the legislature
fetilnir thla editor of eom of the
doing of tb republican in the recent
PAmnalirn out In hi county. II said
ther rao their whol campaign on He,
They declared that o much money had
been received for taiee on amount 01 tn
McKlnley prosperity that Mesarve, bo
ld paying off a mall part of tb aiate
debt, had hundred of thousands 01 uoi
lar deposited in bank on which b wa
drawing lutereet for hi own beneut
The dunlud that tb einenae of the
atat had been cut down and declared
that all th intltution were being run
In the moat Mtravagant way. In fact
be dldu't bellcr that they could tell tb
truth If they tried.
The Ikwki'Knokkt sdltor inslstsd tbat
he wa mlMtaken. but h (Dilated that
tbey bad lied ao long and ao peraltentl,r
that It wa Impoaelble for them to M
the truth. Haws then taken Into the
Llndell hotel and told to lisUo. A little
group of republican near th door were
discussing Thomaon. Tbey all declared
tbat TboniHon wa nothing but a money
aeeker, robbing th peopl with bla ga
and electric light franchlae and utterly
unfit to occupy any office of truat what
rer, aud to aeplr to tb United Btate
senate was an Insult to tb whoi aiate.
Another little group wa declaring tbat
Webater'waa nothing but a wblte-reated
dude, wbo bad 00 trior Idea of what th
oeool of thla atat wanted than tb
man In th moon. Ilealde tbat he bad
greatly damaged th party Jo tb state
by declaring that tbecbeaper wheat was,
tb better it wa for tb people of thl
state. Another group declared that
toaewater wa ft dlagrac to th state,
For tb laat thirty your til principle
business bad been to alander and rilify
erery man In th state wbo would not
submit to bla dictation that If he were
elected senator, no man In tb whole
party would b saf from bl reoom.
Judg Field wo denounced by another
group a too small a man to fill th
Mm, 11 bad allowed llryan to defeat
fill In a district where ther was 8,000
republican majority and if he were sent
to Washington, field would b tbe
smallest toad In tb puddle, th atate
would bar no Influence and nobody
could get anything. Tbe other candi
date wore walked about In th sam
W'bi'ii the old pop got outside again,
be wa asked what b thought about
tb ability of th republican to tell th
truth when tbey wanted to. If replied;
"lglvltup. I waa miataken, I see
that when a republican really tries he
can tell tb truth in ren more rigorous
angung than tb areragepop. Krery
on of tbein wer telling tbe truth, th
whole truth and nothing but tb truth."
Tb editor of the Dakota Ituraliet
says; "Tb nkwmska inokpempknt
say In commenting on recent editorial
in tb Ilaralist tbat "ther is not a so
cialiet plank In tb populiet platform
and never bas been." I'robably tbs
editor of the Inoki'kndknt would not
now a "socialiet plank" if be met It In
th road."
In that item shines forth the true
spirit of soclalimri. Wherever thl
writer ha met them, tbat is the way
they talk. Irt a dozim ol tbetn get to
wither in diecueeion and it will not be
many minute until the will be de
nouncing each o t her a t ral tore, bri be
taker and paid tool of the cttpitaliet.
The editor ol tbe Inoki'Knuknt may not
know what euclulUm la, but be has read
over three hundrml volume of their
Mtandard literature from Curl Man
down to the drivel of the preeent day
(H'laliit of New York. He take and
renil sis eoi'ialintlo piqx.r, iiidudlng
the Dakota Hurnliet. II be can believe
a hat theee eodalUt writers say, then It
is true that there I not a soulnliet plunk
In the Kptillt platform.
The very bnan of smilaliem I th des
truction of the private ownerehip ol
property. It I voiced in their platform
la the following word: "We dxiunud
the public (or rollwllvel ownerehip of
all lb mean of production aud dUtri
btitlon," 1'hat Is nut poiiilieni, I't-pu
Item demand the public uMrhlu of
publie ulililii. It diem not demand
that evutral governumnt ehall uuihr
tak to manage all th Urnie, iuauute
lure all th uh)I and thread, k all
th meal ol TO.tMNI.IMHI o opl, l'o.
aliam dMni aot Iwieti that ther ehould
befteealral government that ehall ay
tu oa aiaai fa bla k boot, to aaotber
yoa make a!!, ti aaoiher, yoa U a
iraidnt ol a etillvgw. The diRvreaee
blwa HtpalWa and tUlUe la wider
thaa the. Theetlitorid th sm
rtsnkf la a poplUt, aot einielul,
uavntiuH iuNMMtku.
A meat belWIia imm4 by Ike labor
bareaa at Waehiugtua state that the
awttuat ol gold brought tt wl the
kUis.ljkealu daileg th ! year
wa abtml l,tHN),IHHVaad hieiHi
ol Ike gnld emker bad aetweet! la
:ta,iHMi,iHKi, As bKg a th ipl la
Ut thai a sxset kav a allk e
rMry,tfcl l at Metgaua,
Th atom lka XMl,lMHI ki have
l t the Kld) k etiatd bate, adr
i iMUMtaabl euaoeji slte, Ka a
lagndia th realivft u real lil
Thuseaade id thMw aigofoe wealth
hnhw let eW4 at the bolloie) uf
Irueta tiwra r lbit boaea bleaeh a the
arena gUwer. The oaiy gtM4 thai
tbat tbey bar added a very little to
th money In circulation and by tbat
much bare stopped tbe ruinous fall in
prleen. But the sam reault would bare
come from tbe ieeue of the same amount
of legal tender greenback. Cud any
sane man doubt It? W bar broken up
famlHe. we bare sundered tbe most sa
cred ties and sent some of tbe beet blood
of th nation to die in tbo froien waete
of the far north to obtain a metal to
uee a money, when erery function that
it performs could as well or better be
performed by another substance that
costs nothing. Tb bleaching bone of
ten thousand men testify to our devo
tion to barbarlem.
About two years ago a dlatlngulsbcd
unirerslty professor wa delivering
lecture In which lie frequently used tbe
word "aoclttllam." One In tb audience
at laat aroe and nuked the profeaNor to
define aocialiam ao tbat th audience
would know what be waa talking about.
The profeesor beeitated for moment
and then aald: "I see tb difficulty which
baa arisen In tb gentleman' mind. It
1 on tbat baa often troubled me. Tbe
truth la, we need a new word In the ling'
lleb language to deecribe a new syetew
tbat ha corn Into etfeteue within tb
lut few year. Tb ownerehip of a pub
lie fraud) I by a city where tb employ
Is hired and paid a salary, wbo Is free to
quit at any time and to spend bis money
as b may see fit, I not lb system ad
rocated by Carl Marx or any rccogulznd
socialistic authority, f or want 01 a
word 1 bar called it socialism, I ao
oept tb impllnd criticism a being jut
and well merited. Hut what word shall
I use?"
It wa afterwards suggested to th
professor that he cull thl new system
"popullem." It f a new syatemand it
baa grown ft great deal faster than tbe
populiet party baa grown. It la per r ad
n n every section of the land and bas a
strong footbold in erery nation on the
face of th earth. Th ownerehip of
public utilities by th state is the very
eeeence.of populism. Hut that I unot ti
er syetem altogether Irom the ownership
of "all tb means of production and dis
tribution" advocated by tbe social labor
party and all tb standard social l tic
writers. It is so different that th two
ar essentially antagonistic, Tn old
socialism Is sometime called "collect Ire
Ism," If they would adopt that term
and stick to It, then a populist might be
siciised if he said be waa a socialist.
Now be put himself ontsld th party
by so declaring.
Two lioston magazine wer great
surprise thi month. They wem to
ar changed lds, Th Atlantio
Monthly, which bas been th organ of
all that was conservative bound to th
policies of government, that bar con
centrated most of tb wealth of tb
United Rtatee in th band of tb men
wbo reeid along the shore of tbe Hud-
eon, w'tb ncattering colonise all through
New Kngland lu It leading article
give tbe first full literary expression to
the principle of tbe populiet party.
Tbe author is perfectly unconscious, of
the fact,' and never Intended to give tx-pn-eeion
to populism, which only goes
to make hi writing more effective, II
some one should go into tbe ofllce of the
proprietor aud tell them that article
was populism pure and un defile J, ther
would not beliure it, so little doe the
euet know what those principle are.
Oath oilier hand, the Arena under
it new mnuagf metit seem lost to us,
there is not au article lu It that bas the
right ring to it, while erery where there
are elgus tbat it is going orer to tbe
enemy. It bas made a consolidation
with all th crank magutinee of the
country aud hereafter it will be bur-
ned, more than ever, with the fad
ml fancies of the spiritualist, theoeo-
plilHls, telepathiete, iiiliul eurer aud
faith curer. laom place It U out
sHiku for the gold etauderd, a for In
stance ou page OUT where thl pukeage
occur: "The fluauriul lruii(leof the
autuma of lMOU aud ti rlvtory for
houest money wa a victory lor the
whole pvople. The eniie that won, the
honor that wa prMrved, and the eon
Menu that wa rud lnuaaaa
tiou throughout U world bloug la all
th pMiole," TbeArvaa will nvr lack fund hereafter, lor it ha gou orer
to the eide that ha plenty ol mouey o
upHirt all lie x-ti. ick Put reform
era will have au further use for it,
At Ihe laet aieelleg 0! the eirftiliv
lal onaill It wa rlv4 lali.
gia Ike sxil eHipiga right so, Th
elal head aarler will (mi kepi ope
aa4 Mr. tbltra will b la thartte. All
Hipaleil wdl be givea ft hearty wIon
at lb room la the Uanola holnl, tir
laialUia will be talea up IwanHlUlely
a4 td-ttl atade Id raUe eawilga
14 thai alii saable a la mk a l
itheiaitM to 14 on I aha are
ptipwllela, ahu taa b ll4 ftHa M
aMielaavw at ftaf liw a4 knaiela-
diRrt a4 ft) bwdiise all. Th
ire ol liUily I elevaal hjile, We
ataet Svf W p bat beep tnrerev al IV
Wt the waa ft Natti whaaillWav
baa4 el'hlfea a4 Urn lb 4sgf
ol faiths stiaa4aMtphi kUeoasiry,
a4 m bo k tt aabM la lb waa
aha palWally, Jt alwr f wok
4ttdeM laMeeerr tkM bUrtM
The judicial Is one of the three depart
ments of our government, and if the
gorercment falls in any one of it de
partment it fails in all. During tbe lant
few year many thoughtful men hare
bad fear that tbo very foundation of
liberty were being slowly undermined by
decisions of tbe courts, Tbey have taken
away from congrea tb right of taxa
tion in Its most important form, they
bar taken away tb right of leglla-
turn to control tb public highways,
they bur nullified the moat Important
provisions of tb stat constitutions
where tb constitution bar by express
prorisioo granted tbe right tocontro
railway charges. Tbey bar declared It
impossibl for th public to protect
Itself against tb most outrugeou rob
bery by corporations, and granted to
these corporation greater power to op
press than wo srer exercised by a feudal
lord of tb middle ages.
Here is a list of tbe corporations, se
curities and mile 01 street rauwuylu
rolred In Chicago' present flgbt:
IIom'I. N'oi'ba.
ciiiifo m,r Jt.,,l i.oiu.Mio iia.iKw.wx)
HM 7
'lii"imo ltc, i.m ueo
Nor til Clili'Otfr, y, 7,i w
0iln Ave II.,,., 7nxie
Huliiirlnii Uy..,,,, J,M),iMj
Niii iIi Obln, Klva,,, U t),im
t'nmmet KiMtrle.. t.m.wa
S,9 O.IHH)
WW 0011
in mi
ill) 0(1
Ml 110
17 OH
Clilit(i OoniirMl,,, 1,1
1 1110 mm N, nil ..... HUM')
Cliimici) K, T. On... l.WiUwo
(Jiuero ml I'rorlno l.iiiH.fKio
SuutUCbliiHau,,,,, IM,UX)
Tottia fio,4ui,ioo f IUI40
With tb right of way coaling them
nothing, every man know that tbecap
Utilisation of a tract railway for orer
0,000ft mile and tb collection of
fare to pay interest on such capitalisa
tion fs nothing but robbery, It I forc
ing the public who patronise thsroad
to pay lutereet on money tbat was never
ri vested. It I tb levying of a tax 00 a
part of the people of Chicago wbo ar
least able to pay It, equlrolent to the
Interest of r,0,000,000. In other words
the people ar ' robbed at the rata of
1450,000 annually. Th court abso
lutely refua to protect th people from
this robbery, and make themselves par
tlcep crimluia with tb robbers,
I' rom thl form of robbery the people
must lie relieved. The American people
will yet find aome peaceable and orderly
way In which It can be done, Erery
truat and almost every railway Is en
gaged In this sort of robbery. To rob
under the decision of our courts, it I
only necessary to form a corporation,
issue bond and stock to twice tb
amount of tb money In rested, then
transfer tbe bond and stock to the
band of third parties and a permanent
taxing power fs conferred on tb rob
bers tbat goea on a long a tb gor
ernment shall exist. Nothing I more
opposed to justice, to tbs genius of ou'
form of government or to the bee ti ate
est of society, than th principles win
bar been laid down and enforced by
our modern courts. There must be a
way and the pnoplo will discover It,
whereby these robberies can be pre
Krery man wbo attended tbe banquet
given by tbe Nebraska Traveling Man'
club to Mr, Iiryan wa greatly impreeeed
with the power and force ofeuch and
every one of the apeec-he that were made
on that occasion. Notwithatanding
Mr. Dryan'a great reputation aa an
orator and the expectation based upon
It, every man who was there, though be
bad beard bim often was astoniehed,
Mr. Iiryan never before spoke with the
force, power and eurneMtnees that he
epoke that night. It Is no uso to try to
quote sentence or to try to deecribe
It I all iudeecribable. Krery sentence
sank into tbe heart of the listeners, It
wa a plea for gorerument by the con
eentof th governed. When he aald
that he bad protested against the en
forcing of alieu lawe upon thi country
in IHOQ.he asked with a seriousness that
produced a solemn effect: "How could
I meet my God If I should now advocate
the enforcing of alien laws upon the
helplee iteople of th Orient?" Th
member of th reform fore wre never
more full of boe or more ready to light
aud eacriflue (or their principle than
ther are todny,
Mt-Ktntey eay that wberewr th flag
goes, there It must tay. That I, th
tUg stand lor potion!, la the better
day of th republio More th money
power debauched th publi by th pur-
rbaa ol th pre, w ware accustomed
loeav that our gloriou 0g aUtod (or
hbfty a4 equably, Hut eo dha4
ha tb following of lb republlcaa parly
Imwoni, II klrKleley should ay that tb
Hg toi4 for dua4r aad robbry,vry
nee ol thM would dmelar that It 414.
The at awi ol hi"" a4 -r4w
last bas a4etnhW4 dr th le4rhip
ol Mark Haas U dagf la the whole
Mock ef Ik draift ia -f r
i iisM Imiw th ssarriag ol Ik 4afc
tmot willUiMiri la lofl eaaat,
bt4 a4 dakea. la evvtf SwrH ar
liaga hr i ellM ft Ur aaioail id
aoiay auoa th biretga aarriag. Th
wait Mil I lhal Maay miHMa w dol
lar Mal be aal rrf year la Varoi
lpMrt lhe lul4 gvalWatva. Ih4
w la oar yoath ii In a th
dy aha h4r4 tl IkvMiMad (4
AaeNeraae nil4 t lurv i od true
Motaisg aalll amht laswpiMitt t Wir4
a4 4ki4 'glaa4, lraaa,a4 ltr
maT Wlw im liaow, Tl t
ruaeeee that form the republican party
brag about. Those m anion, burled by
th guiding hand of Mark Ilanna
against tbe fundamental principle of
our government a laid down by Wash
Ington, Jefferson and Lincoln, are
menace to clviliintlon.
father Huyder complain that the
type setters played smash with his ar
ticle by setting up "never" for "nor?.
Futher Snyder ehould brush op on his
theology. In tbe oonon he will find it
wrlttrn tbat typea ar "totally de-
prared" and that tbey were tbe origina!
cause 01 "original sin." Tb only way
an editor keep eune i by a Arm adher
nc to th doctrlno of "foreordinatlon."
What I to ba will be, and there la no use
kicking. '
All tbe talk about the bullion value of
silver by tb goldites I mere hypooricy
They don't care any more for the ralde
of th bullion in the dollar than do the
populist. If they did, they wonld har
demonetised gold instead of silver In
iota, ror At that time silver was at a
premium orsr gold. Th claim tbat
they ar opposed to silver because the
rulue of the bullion la th dollar I only
fifty cents, Is mer rot with which they
hope to deceive the people, What tbey
ar concerned about I the purchasing
power of the dollar. That I tbe only In
tercet they have In th dollar, If tbey
can beep that purchasing power arow
Ing, they know tbat tbey will soon own
tb whol world.
When tb question of rate I before
the court, th magnate will appear in
all their glory and swear that tbelr
roads ar worth a hundred thousand
thousand dollar a mil and that rate
made on any valuation less than that
would be confiscation. Thenlhe court
gravely announce.' "That I all true,"
and tlx the rutee accordingly. When
tbe question of taxation Is before the
courts, theee same magnates just a
cheerfully swear that their road ar
worth almost nothing at all and that
to tax them would be confiscation.
Then tb court grarely announce,
"that is all true," and the magnate go
Away with a rery bfgh opinion of the
saactity o tbe courts. And tbe pop
says: "There U something about these
court tbat no fellow can find out,"
Th condition surrounding this na
tion at tb present time seem to be such
a to force the United State govern
nient! to adopt one of the principle ot
popullem. Th Nicaragua canal I a re.
ceenliy, not for tb expansion of com
merce only, but for tb defense of tb na
Ion. lb common sens of tbe
American people will yet force th gor
eminent to build and own It. When it
does, tbat will be a tremendous ad ranee
of populist principle. Tb theory of
tbe public ownership of publio utilitfca
will then bar national sanction and
by natural evolution will grow until
tb publio highways, tb telegraph and
telephones will all become publio prop
erty. If It were not for adopting repub
lican logic, we should say that It was
"manifest destiny," or "tbe evident will
of providence."
Mark Hat na made more use ot the
uewepaper In hi campaign than any
national chairman ever did before. Tbe
result was so eatlsfuctory that in the
iropogation of his plan to subsidiHe
American ship hei working the news
paper fluid with more rigor than erer
More. Rvery editorial room I flooded
with article ''printed ou one side only,"
ready for insertion. Home of them are
very amusing. Mark is engaged la
twisting tbe tail of tbe British lion with
rery great vigor just ot present. Hie
horror at Dritieh greed I terrible. Hut
It wou't do Mark. You can't tool popu
late that way, Take your tariff Irom
Inn and steel ami wll them to American
ship builder at the earn price you aell
them to Itussia aud Kngland and the
hip will be built all right without any
Wear told that the whit slave of
olden time Used to get together and
boast of th wealth ot their matter and
veadiputovr It until they earn lo
blows, W look with pity or routeiiipl
upon them and deaouaoe theni tor not
Hunting lor their Itlwrly, that ie,
umIi, bat ot lat year w bav
rhng4, Now we oft hear p Mir, Ig-
aorasl, parllii-btiadHl rfpablieas
ahoutiag aloud Ik prabM ol Imv party
bwatte aader it guidaae auadrwl ol
aiiUioaalr kav ba prodaewd whit
hold IUomI a4 Wa id Ihoueaad
ol haaia bieg laaa U'luslrUI Uvry
rrul a4 opi t a ever w
kaoaalalh dtysot the Itomaa
perwf, Ni f ol iv4 tvetlreed
IkeaewJv. Ik Ia4wtrl eUveatd
I hi later rvpabtw evr tbiaia lkir lr
4.iw, It MMl b aMwgkl t be !
by IkoM ah ar al Wt partially fa,
Th star t4 Ik reptiUwaa parly ki
bol 11I their wrviiad will r4f
vaM. Tky. bk l tvi4wl4.
ill fl hi to ikeir Mtr,
Mlla tfwthl taa
th BMabitl eiiti el Ik me
tsilwstt at Kim, IumiUimL b
khM Ik tliy I !! lb 11 tatla
sm la u aa4. th lw a fccf-aa
IS auavMiaeita) at Itw aytl la 14
Tbe men who are bo loud of saying
that "the government ehould do noth
ing which any other agency can do aa
well," ehould take time to complete the
sentence and not cut it off just there.
Tbe remainder of it 1 of much more im
portance. It is: "Anything that the
government can do better than any
other agency should always and every
where be done by the government." Th
traneportation of the whole nation
could be much better done by the gov
ernment thau by any other agency and
bould ba immediately taken in control.
So with tb service rendered by tbe tel
ephone and telegraphs, the express bus
iness and tb building of tbe Nicaragua
canal. Tbe difference between populism
and aocialiam is that populists would
bare tbe government own and control
all those things tbat it can manage
better than private parties and private
ownership of all those things that can
beat be managed by private parties,
while socialise would bare erery thing
owned and managed by a central gor-ernmont.
Teachers' State Meeting Eonsaa
Tops, Home Morttratres. Banauet.
Assee and Tax Notes and Mortgagee
New Democracy Another Credit
Birenguiening Act.
Tt is bond for the trencral interest
and advancement 0 education, tbat
the State Teachers' asao iatlon, la an-1
ntial meeting, nominate and elect their''
officer In own meetlnar. Itetter adont
tbe old New York plun. Hear all the
nom I nations and then vote, and the
one having the largest number of
votes on the second ballot to bo de
clared elected. Teacher and preach
er are fast becoming politician anl
wire puiiera.
We think the Kansas none cut a doir
Into when they called an extra eee-
slou of their leglelature after being
licked at the ballot txx. The people
and not party should bo the motive
power. The people will not go back
on a party as long as the party acta
for the people, but when the lenders
act for their own pocket they ought
to be turned down, Kansas and Ne
bmska ore on the hiifh road to rood
government as long as a few hundred
votes will change party control.
w w
The law passed two veers aero cut
ting off all deficiency judgment after
a mortgage sale has been made ia an
advunce law in tbe right direction.
One more low in tbe aome direction is
needed: that of exemDtinfir homes
from mortgage as well oa from Judg
ment. Mortgages on homes ought not
to ue legal, nor should they be al
lowed oa record. Let na have more
free homes. A sale on mortgage is
oa bad as sale on judgment.
We attended the travellna- men'
banquet becauee Uryan wa to be the
king of the feaet. When two hundred
and fifty men jump ud and yell at
the mention of his name it is well to
conclude that Hryaniem to not dead
solenoid v eet and decorated w th
flowers, Tbe viands were the moat
nalatabla found helwopn iha irv-Mina
Nothing stronger than coffee and ci
gars were served. No one present will
ueetlon the strength of the cigars.
e felt like a smoked ham for two
through till i o'clock, because the
bet of tbe food wa the laat of the
fcaet, Bryan's speech. We saw no
Igna of the "lockjaw" or "mllitarr
stmt" and to all appearance in action
and word he la the same warm friend
of the common people. No wonder the
corporatione, truRt and millionaires
turn a cold shoulder on hira; he ia not
of them or for them. The same east
ern fellow ridiculed Lincoln and yet
many common people Joined with them
a they do now ngnlnet Brvan. There
1 more patriotism today in Nebraska
than iu New York and more intelli
gence, hellish snobbery rule the
east. They are able to put on style
by dictating all our law in their own
n tercet to our lose.
We believe that all the nronertv.
farms, notes and mortgage on which
profit, income or intercut is derived
in the Mate of Nebrneka should be
taxed equally, accordina to eelllnir
slue, for the eupiiort of state govern
ment. No matter if the owner of a
farm or mortgage live In another
state, the property should lie tnxed
here where profit 1 derived." We
ought to have a law iquifiug the
nmii r m vrrrj iium mm rTcry mort
gage to file a list of hi crwliu with
the ttMeor for taxation end all each
obligation nt r tiled should be-
come no ii collcctnblft bv law. it
would not lie r pot fwto to rrqnlre
ell inch blig;kHi now nntntiimllnj
t Ih by Ihw flM dsv of nmt
April. be a I'nltMl Hutr la
now making all eovh written obliga
tion void ii n III th United Httr u
he brn. paiil and a etantit U attachtxl
a riUleiu of pevmeiil, N matter it
lh owner of a Nvbraaka farm or the
owuer ot a Nebramka nutrtgg dw
mf tm In another tle, he eboitkl
be meile lu first iy hrrw tut
Food Cauccd Pain
Caiarth af lha Itemach Cwrwal ky
Hxl'i tartaaarUlft,
M wa Uka W kot a yf tj)ta
MUll a vl th lwHt -a. Al Daw I k
a a !. t.b 4 t ether
!! evxM H nI, ly ut r4 mm
treitt I matting 4a
n tl I h4 U v Mf frto4
4 a i U ll4 miuu. 1
4k44Mi4suualtMtit, Th
Wtt;tM yt4iM4 it e4,
ally I ! 4 4 Miia
rlt4. 1 It alt t IIm4
Uk lliaf U (Mwimta, HmUi
!Wkltl4, Mm. IWmutWt
Uccd'o Garccparllla
w-W f 4I ItiSlMft.
UM I M Mft
te, f k tM,
ne Iruw tkiir Rls a4 sVath la
lor oar ehiljwa,
a4 Ik iktsga thai Igawfaal
Mm I lh lerea faar, !
Mood i IMIU