The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, December 29, 1898, Page 2, Image 2

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An Attack of Grippe Expected to
Prove Fatal to the Aged Man,
Vb Vermont Senator Dm Served la tha
Upper IIoim Mora The Thirty Taan
Ula Terr tba Loosest la tha Sen
ate's History.
WismttOTo, Dea 28. Senator Mor
rill of Vermont U ill with an Attack of
la grippe complicated with lung and
heart trouble and hie death, it ie laid,
la a matter of only a ahort time. Dr.
Van Rensealoer oays he cannot lire till
morning, The aenator la 68 years of
age and owing to the weakness conse
quent on hta groat age cannot abake
off the attack.
' The aenator has boon for aomo years
the patriarch of the Suuate, ana hat
held a warm place in the affections of
hie associate lie wa re-elected in
18D8 for a fifth consecutive term, which
will not expire until March 8, 1903. It
baa been hie custom for several yeara
paat to make one formal addreaa each
year on aome toplo of lire Interest to
tha benate, and this haa
been llatened to to with mark
ed attention by hi colleagues,
who hare regarded theae apoeohea aa
remarkable in view of the age of their
author. The laat address waa dollv
red a week or more before the Christ
maa holiday adjournment, the subject
being the need of a building for the
nee of the United States supreme
court and other oourta. Ita deliver
anoe showed few eigne of leeiened vi
tality and at ita conclusion tha honor
waa dona tha aenator of an unanlmoua
passage of the resolution on whioh he
Senator Morrill waa born in Straf
ford, Vt In early life he waa a mar
hant and later a farmer. He was
elected to the House of Representa
tive in tha Thirty-fourth Congress
and for four succeeding terms. Then
be waa transferred to the Senate aa a
Union Republican, taking hie aeat
Maroh 4, 1807. Hlnoe that time his ear
vice baa been continuous and he hae
tha record of the longest unbroken
term of serrloe In the history of the
Senate. Ha haa taken an important
part in the legislature of the last
thirty yeara, especially on oommerolal
and flnanolal queatlons, his position
aa chairman of the finance committee
girlng him a leading part in all
measures relating to the tariff, bank
ing or currency.
A 111,000 Pan From Thirty Cattleman
Wo Shot a Harder "la Self Defease.
. Cbadbom, Neb., Dec 28. Aa a se
quel to the court scene at Hot Springs,
8. D., last week, in whioh thirty-two
cattlemen ware acquitted of the ouarge
of killing John V. Kkman, a sheep
herder, in Vail Rlrer county, 8. D.,
last August, a oaralcada composed of
the exonerated cattlemen rode np to
the little eabln occupied by the desti
tute family of the dead man. The
leader knocked at the door and Mrs.
Kkman responded. Her faoe grew
pale and ahe trembled.
'Mrs. Ekman," said the loader, "we
have some to make you a little Christ
maa present, We shot your husband,
but it waa In aalf defens. We know
yon are without funds. Wo would
gladly raster you your husband, but
that Is Impossible, so we do the neit
best thief glfe you the means to sup
port yourself and children. If you
need more eall on us," and he handed
hat a bag contenting II, 000 n fold,
Tha plainsman raised their hate,
mouated their horses and rode away,
A He le U Assetta.
til Fhssuscu, l t. Among to
paaaeaftre on the steamer thlaa,
which art! ted from the Orient last
tight war the tlraad luW Cyril of
lUttl aad hi aides, Meuteesnt CW
Bad UenUitBM (was. The grand, wh U of t war, Is
his way la Ml. t'vterst rg , hsrtag
hearty evwpietad a tour l the world,
H-has a e at .,
4Mivas, hU. IW .trflr
rvht4t,f U IWarr Weasel dry
fvHt St. Ut lUt l . and
eh atffrvgstla ? vU, Th f
d ws Wwtt 4 v dyasesll 4
Ctvs) a siHMt l rrret w
the Th ra4iader wo U
I '4 dtjIUi
" vtfth ttitfMt teae
Caw, t. f i-IK tMMertl
Cu;reiw. tl. !, evel
atsle sad U1 la-li Wader a4
Vtl w, A I'rye hi4 a meet
teg her ir;e wUl
telKt M Uil, Na.
tins. Par, In- t V4tlwa ttm
lM(tMf tHst te f !
thr t tos .. 4 melt Vif
Wt t lite s tiy sr )
either tUe, im ve , Ut Hearty
hU the if ! sal JU war t W
U4 t I Usv-UV
A Virginia Aodlenee Beeeote Praise of
th Metro Soldiers.
Riobmowd, Va., Deo. 29, Mason
Mitchell, th actor who left tha stage
to enlist with Roosevelt's "Rough
Riders," and who was wounded in
front of El Caney during th battl at
that place, lectured here to an audi
ence which packed the Academy of
Music to its doors yesterday after
noon. He told dramatically of how
American soldier boys defeated the
Spaniards, and then paused to pay
tribute to the gallantry and brarery
of th Tenth caralry, the negro reg
ulars, who went to the assistance of
the Seventy-first New York regiment.
Mltcholl was cheered loudly during
his lecture until he spoke of the
negroes, and then ho brought down a
volley of hisses upon his head, From
all parts of the building came cries of
'Tut him outl" and "Htop html" and
hisses drowned tha voice of the speaker.
Mitchell rebuked his audience, but
to no purpose. A well known man,
who served in the lata war botwoen
the atates, arose in the audience and
proposed three cheers for the United
(Hates soldiers. Ha gave them almost
by himself, and resumed his scat,
while the hisses were continued,
Mitchell had to ring down the curtain
and retire from the stage.
One Ms Protects the Spenlsrd on One
of the Philippine Islands.
Manila, Due. 28.A steamer whioh
has arrived here from Sarnar reports
that the Tagals insurgents have been
in possession of Kalbaon since Decern
berll, Business there is said to bo
entirely suspended and all th Span
tarda of th vicinity bar Bought ref
uge in the house of a Mr, Scott, an
American, The insurgents threatened
to attack the refugees, but refrained
from doing so because it was reported
American soldiers were on thulr way
there, Una Spaniard, however, waa
shot and another was rescued by Scott,
who roue fifteen miles and demanded
th man's release in the face of an
armed mob of Tagals who have boon
looting the Vlsayas stores and houses,
the leadora of the Insurgent being
unable to control them. All the efforts
made to induce the Visayas to Join in
the revolution have been fruitless.
Only the President's Order Saved Ipslo
tha Caroline Islands.
WAniiOToif,l)ec 2c Had th war
with Spain lasted a ahort time longer
it ia probable that the United State
flag would now bo floating over th
Carotin islands, as th nuvy, from th
time of Rear Admiral Dewey'a victory,
was anxious to take this group. Th
Islands would probably have boon
taken anyhow, bnt Secretary Long, by
direction of the l'rcsldent, cabled Rear
Admiral Dewey forbidding their cap
Officers of the navy atlll hop that
some way may be found of acquiring
thee islands. It is believed Spain
would aell them for a reasonable com
pensatlon. They do not want any other
nation to obtain the power to estab
lish coaling atations and naval baser
Poralga Works Par Chicago.
CmoAoo, Deo. 28. Two new steel
plants, one at South Chicago for th
manufacture of steel shells and projeo
tiles by a new process, and the other
at Kensington for the production of
patent hollow steel car axles, will
shortly be built by a syndicate of Eu
ropeans represented by Carl and
Adolph Mannesman, In connection
with th Federal Steel company la
couth Chicago and the rullman com
pany In Kensington.
Pined for liar Wild Shooting-.
Nbw Yohk, lV'o, 2s. A dispatch to
th New York Herald from I'arla saysi
Mm I aulmler haa been acquitted of
the criminal charge of having wound
ed M. Olivier, a business officer of th
newspaper La Lantern, but haa bn
rondeuiued to pay 8 1,000 damage on
th civil charge of th material la
Jury sustained by M. Olivier.
Seasta Prjpo's tll't ! Hospital
Lawisros, Me., rw, :. Mrs, W. IL
Whit haa rae!v4 a telegram front
her father, hanalor I'rye, at Washing
ton, directing her to preeeut li.000 to
th Central tlslu tleneral hospital,
Lawlitoa, as "peso offering and
Christmas gift," Ira Memory of tinatlr
Fry, hie daughter.
f htlelv ' f rwhw ialivrvlty,
IUli, Kan., !. II IVesldeat
Kuril has ril4 a handsaw
Christmas gift fr tutor university,
ll was a prase! of KIVl from Jadg
Naisw l l tfcwegi, for a w
library building I meiwury of hi
wife, wh dle-l a fw asr staes.
PsasUy ItoaUe te V stall
Uasssrisits M, tv t -William
hhavr, frur Using fvr ml!
wt f , shtt hJs wit fve time)
vetrday osormag eVvat ',
th ! Will Mrw fttt.1 tl
the shot hltsvsalf, djtag Usually,
family ttvWe t h4 a th
As f rlaae
Terse, has., w t-4 ef
tmm Is th asasa tf t ltru.ltU f
a tut U tH rvfttlstUf th
euSMsty petal. g t Jta .! a,
A Vs. lay I a' pope and e lfchUj
Paper bar W aviaffieg th
ewairsttt fur eiHif h Th
M ha WtMHi r Siv I isr lee
t Stja It v''a4tllt Mfh
S)te4 tail fitta wnaly eutk4
kwer tte mf u 4UM j th
Mt wgall IM fr ut dJf,
! 4-t lha f ,ke rst Vs W tbt
IselUll vt twiaw,
Bays II Does Wot Commit! This Cover
seat to Expansion.
Wasuimotoit, Doc. 88. Senator Fry
talked yesterday with respect to the
conditions attending and resulting
from the peace negotiations.
With respect to the frequently re
peated statement that the sentiment
of the powers, with the exception of
England, was opposed to tha United
States, and looked with hlsfavor upon
th attitude of this government in
dealing with Spain, Senator Frye said)
"I saw no evidence of such senti
ment existing outside of France, and
in France that sentiment appoarod to
be oon fined to the press, which does
not reflect the sentiment of the nation
nor the people generally,"
"Do you think there will be any
restoration of cordial relations be
tween Spain and th United States?"
"I think that very soon after th
ratification of the peace treaty, and
th restoration of diplomatic rela
tions, there will be no Ullllculty about
negotiating commercial treaties and a
treaty for th release of prisoners, and
such other matters directed toward
the perfect restoration of friendly re
latione between the two governments."
"What has been published with re
spcot to th treaty of peace teems to
indicate, does it not, that this govern
ment is not committed by these nego
tiations with respect to the future dis
position of the territory, the Spanish
sovereignty over which has been re
linquished?" "It Indicates very strongly that this
government is not committed In any
way whatever with respect to th dis
position and government of these
islands. If we are insane enough to
do so, w might give thorn all back to
Spain after th rati flea t Ion of th
treaty. If w were fools, we mlffht
divide them up among the other for
eign powers. The whole matter is left
In the hands of Congress. Congress can
make any disposition of the Islands It
sees fit. The ratification of the treaty
will not la any way curtail any privi
leges of ours In this direction,"
To fame's Ktarnsl Camp,
Naw York, Deo 21, Arrangement!
were completed yesterday for disinter
ring th bodies of the soldiers who
were burled ia the improvised ceme
tery at Camp Wikotf, Long Island.
Lieutenant William F. Chaso of the
Sixth artillery will supervise the
work. Forty coffins were shipped to
Montauk, It was at first thought th
bodies would b removed to th Na
tional cemetery at Washington, but
they will be burled In the military
grounds In Cypress Hills cemetery in
East New York. At the head of each
grave at Montauk Point was placed a
bottle In which was a sealed slip of
paper, with th name, rank, company,
regiment and ail particulars obtain
able concerning the dead Ily 'this
means there will be no trouble Identi
fying the bodies. There are about OO
dead buried in the cemetery at Mon
tauk, and It will probably take until
' th middle of January to complete thr
work of removal.
Tombstone as Olfh
Crattanoooa, Tenn., Dea 28.-
Grimm llros., saloonkeepers, received
a tombstone as a Christmas gift. Th
donor waa Mra. A. E. Riden, a widow.
Her husband ixul been a confirmed
drunkard and shortly before his death
Mrs. Rlden warned the saloonkeepers
that If they sold him whisky she would
prosecute them. On the day Rlden
died it was alleged that he bought
whisky at Grimm's. Mrs, Riden en
tered ault and obtained a Judgment
for 13,500, but up to this time boa
boon unable to collect the money,
North Dakota lilvoros Laare.
Dumarcx, N. D., Deo. 21 Among
th measures whleh will coin before
th North Dakota legislature during
its session will be one providing for a
more stringent divorce law., A lartr
I element of the people are ashamed of
th record gained by tha slat on ae
count of the laxity of th present law
on this subject, and are analous to
shut oft the excursions hither of mat
rlmonlal mlsflla.
To Btady Pa la Mia as a Mleste PUI4
( uioo. Ism tl-lilshop William
E. MoLaren of th dloees of ChleagM
will aeoept th mission to IVrla Uleo
to lavtlgal th Held ther for th
promotion of th KplstHip! ehureh In
terval, II wo ehoseii by th Epis
copal conlerette In Washington, II
wilt start b(tr lh wluter Is over
and on his return will give a report e
whUh th poliey uf th hrh will h
tal4a I a Arlaas
Vt JoBr, tSKk It lhamas Rlh
ard f It'ikk hpitnts, iVtvloss oh
IV, aa laiusta vt sista Unstt osylam
N I, hsg4 himsolf I Kt u
th lustilellau, sud s dead wh
th atleadaal fattad hla Ulehard
sm maa44 I tuiaisyt aseap
th lgttao ut th stteadsais aa4
maa hi way UU eioaat,
it h4 aaeralol a sWI 'ls ( rwp
whlah h Ma4 W ehh hlmaalt t
MsstU Haas vaa lha HMe.
MtBit4 I, HrUlmo was
gshil fttwrv4 wwt.j th A (
ah With ipavUl rltg r
I ' hy tH Trutaslsnts and talhMlit
eUae, Thrtxt f th twlrada
4 l'BBltsU ivtftMeaU sr
sJ4ta4 tr t h Ul lUiftsef th
! furvsa, I slkr MvhlUU prseh4
JaearMMMit h tai-f.4 rt)t,
thah Ik lutttl Ht llht MM, H
w-t h I, as t aHhU.Uop ft VleaH
. rs'w4 h'S sIvh th ally was
'awj44 lth 1 1. !"., holiday tah
A BUlls Dellara Placed In Combl
tlon line th Adverse Decision.
BmcIIsb and Amarloaa Cormorants
BrlT Philips)!.
It is announced that foor of th lead
ing shipbuilding ooncerns in tbs country
bars formed a combination in anticipa
tion of the new policy of tbs govern
ment to acquire more territory, wbicb
will require a great navy to defend.
The companies wbiob are to form the
new com bin are tbs Union Iron works
of Ban Francisco, which bnilt tbe Ore
gon 1 the I3utb Shipbuilding works of
Hatb, Me, 1 tbe Newport News company
of Newport News, Va., and tbe Lewis
Nixon oompuuy of Ell.ubetbport, N. J.
All of thene conoerns have many gov
ernment contract on baud and are bid
ders for mors. With tbe Cramps of
Philadelphia In the combination, tbey
would dictate whatever terms tbey
oboso to tbe government as long as it
adheres to tbs policy of building all of
Its warships la tliu of peucs in Ameri
can yards,
From Birmingham, England, comes
report tbut the great financiers of
Wall itroot, New York, and Lombard
street, London, are secretly forming a
trait lo proouro the flunneial and com
mercial control of the Philippine islands
as soon as the United Btutos moke an
"open door" of (bum to tba commerce
of tbe world.
This syndicate of rich men of New
York and London proposes to step inside
and olose tba door sguintt all bnt their
own peoplo. It is probable that this
very promising trust is not confined to
New York and Loudon alone, bnt that
its representatives may bs found in
Tha Hlrmingham Post, wbiob says its
antbority is of the best, does not partio
olurlze on this point, and it does not
glvs names, wbleb would bar greatly
aided in finding the men who are taking
such quick advantage of tbe country's
colonial expansion. Like all projectors
of such combinations, tbe founders of
tbe Philippine trust abhor publicity,
fioblnd the dummy incorporators used
by tbe new silver piste trust to aoqnire
corporate rights under the lows of New
Jersey are all the great silver plate
manufacturing oompauiesof tbs United
States, j
These concerns have been arranging
their combination siuoe last Jnne, and
tbe detuils were only completed a few
days ago, when tbe articles of incorpo
ration were filed in Trenton, tb bora
of trusts.
Tbe capital of tbs concern will bs
aO.OOO.OOO, of wbiob $9,000,000 Will
be preferred stock. Tb trust will Issue
4,C00,000 bonds. The following com
panies will be in tb combination;
Tbe Muriduu lirltanuia company, tbe
Merldun Silver Piute company, Man
ning, IJowmau & Co., tbe Wilcox Sil
ver Plate company, the Watrous Manu
facturing company, the Norwich Cut
lery company, tb William Rogers
Manufacturing company, tb Holmes ft
Edwards Silver oompany, tbe Standard
Silver company, tbe Manhattan Silver
oompany, the JJarbonr Silver Plate oom
pany, Rogers & llros. and Rogers &
Despite the various storios circulated
In Wall street to the effect that the
negotiations looking to tbe formatiou of
a steel rail pool bad been abandoned,
it is now authoritatively announced in
Wall street that the pool has been
formed and that all tb great steel in
terests of tha country, including the
Fodoral Steol company, tbe Carnegio
company and tb Tennessee Coal and
Iron company, will hereafter work in
barninuy, will agree to maintain rates
at 9'iQ iustead of $18 a ton and will not
invade raob other's torritory.
Tbe coufereures of tb steel interests
bad been goiug on for several weeks in
Wall street aud elsewhere wbon It was
semiofficially auuoum-ed that tbey had
been abandoned. Federal Steel securi
ties fell several puiuls, and somebody
made a fortune.
The sardine Interests are getting clos
er together. While there are no real
American sardlues, there Is a very
toothsome Yankee flih which masquer
ades sucressfully as a sardine, ami now
ther is a plan on foot, backed by eoui
nterptleiiig Englishmen wllh a capital
of $3,000,000, la combine all th pUut
that -k th a railed American sar
dine tuto on great trust.
Sevenleeu of tb principal peanut con
eel us tn in couuiry bev oa-raedtaa
cotufcln or ctmsulidsilon. Thei ar
about 80 rlesulug houses f peanut
The hautll up which Is valtl at
a Wat $4,iKMVooe year, Tbey tpreet
an lAvealuivut of 81,t)oiU00. ll is
tbioush lbpouliuIUM uf !UeeleMitt
house ltM th atltiuj I will h mad ll
bsti.lU the n harMr, maintain
ft toe ihI 1 tswul tslaua oiupliltoii.
Ua 1 f id t loan tag bo i la
Virstu, ., ud on t.f tiiem, lle. si
0tiibftl l, baudU aUut wu f uiih tf
th ctvp. T etMMwtn r U it, lui
as 4 tbrw vtbsis U 1 situs psrts 4 the
lb Us) Li roull.Uli-s) Is 4 a
Bsi4 fa W -l i4 lb dtisll ht
twa) BHSMS!, S4 BtulhlMg ll left
th whlvh I4 e aiavMiUg
M lh pUu at tb ll MMHt
l iuUtiy a 11 i vf tht whi ar
satiieg t 14 the immIi si taktag
Ml I eivhsnfe, lh fveu4i.tal4
etM)Hy will ia U1 wuthivg
!( ty the i 1 1 tb jmi.
It t th ttka.UI4-t.t wll Sat
4 ) lhl stuilUl dasl hS Voj
atiuiMt4 I U ChlM tUI
Vih'tti a vi tutwily .sl la ait
II dsUUft, 1 ts It rials htt.s.lait
t Dittt:l a sit U kiki f
M I I'Ust, ta Is lbs ht .
B Inxlist l kstut lf tat tvn ru
tiMvttll t.h uui t tttKstu
u4 It I itw it-i u tlk will
il l h out, Ult W lUtsKh.
Plaekaa Both iUes.
A tobacco manufacturing establish
ment In Toledo has goneontof business,
and qnite a number of people have been
thrown ont of work. Tbe owners state
that tbey were nnsble to compete with
tbs tobacco trust. At tbe same time a
report comes from Cincinnati to tbe
effect that the tobacco planters of Ken
tucky are being squeezed and are forced
to accept lower prices for their products,
and throats are made of beginning pro
ceedings todinrupt the big combine. No
doubt the tobacoo trout is enjoying the
highest kind of prosperity, and its lit
tle weukly competitors and its working
people, including the pluuters, are very
foolish in not being on tbe inside.
Clevelund Citizen.
j Ono Dodo
5 Tolls the story, Wbon your head ,
J aches, and you feel bilious, count!-1
rptttwl, and out of tunu, with your I '
m stomach sour and no appetite, Justi
uuy a pacaugo 01
Hood'o Pillo
1 And take a doso, from 1 to 4 pills. J
You will Iim mip(trln,,il nf. lu.w nimllv W
they will do their work, cure your tj
noaowine ana Diuousnnss, rouse 1110 m
liver and nmko yon fiul happy attain. 2
'Mi cents, bold by all medicine dealers. 4
or any other ladles who wish to work
working for us In spars time at bom
on our cloths. W offer you a good
chance to make plenty of spending
money easily, In lelsor bours. Bend
13o for cloth and full directions for
work, and commence atonoe. Cloth
sent any where. Address
Wlnooshal Co., (1S3 II,) Boston, Moss,
Sff. Depot,
We Are Ready Now
to fill your bin for tbe holiday sea
son with Genuine Walnut Ulock or
some other trood kind of ooal.
Winter is not lingering In tbe lap
of fall, but Is with us now and to
Give Santa Claua a warm retention
by using Borne of our Superior Kinds
01 coal in your grat or beater.
Prlees low.
Centerville Block Coal Co..
119 South 12th St
Tard Tbone 382. Phono 807.
(or bronchitis and grippe. It bas stood
the test and is nositlvolv a reliable rem
edy. Life is too short to experiment
with new so-oalled "sure cures. Bull's
Uougn Hyrop cost but 25 cts.
Tha Jolly Irishman Makea Marry em
New Year's Day,
The celebration of New Year's Is a
most important festival everywhere in
Ireland, but perhaps nowhere more so
than in Kerry. There it is tbe day of
fairs and stoepleohuaes lazy, knowing
looking donkeys being tbe prlnoipal
participants in the latter and it is the
day on wbicb the itinerant fakir bases
all bis hopes of selling lead for silver
and washed copper for "pure 18 carat
At 0 o'clock on New Year's eve the
saucepans and "piggina" in the littl
thatched cottage are reflecting their
gala day polish and the holly anil laurel
and ivy on the window sills sre doing
their best to uutsbiue tbs sprigs of mis
tletoe tbut brighten the old kitchen cell
ing. Wax randies of all siies and colors
(havlug atift sod of turf far caudle
stiuks) adorn the upM-r windows of lb
bouse aud libl th way of th traveler
along lb "boreeu" or through th
tUOUUtaiU luttluMolu. fltlilif of twwou
are art slili I tick lie chickens ("poor
eralburs") bav Iheir bead Uktuoff;
br.l griddl cukes aud round oven
cake are bake. I ovtr th warm turf fir
with surprising tspidiiy, aud rhiltlrvn
ar r at stouiug uUitta fur lb New
Yeat'e rake,
Thy have j rvtiy custom In Kerry
In fftuuYtia wuh this. If a member
Of h fatuity ha died or bs lulgreUHt
tu Aweri tr lb eoknit, a ck t
mod aud suiupthl with th nuto!
th hU! 1UV
Midnight um U clebrt4 la th
ouiatry 1 1 t- Is, sod antorpiolarM
He'll I baldly b lbs
whew htW4 tf euulf me and
WottM, i4 In I heir Ulghlaal Bttdgsy
Sal, mak their waval. itg lb rvl,
, m fix . hu in d-ttkr rati itf
t4 tu (he kitgrats)huh Bi lb
fclld tf lt y Kcity ht.
Atl'l IW4 lb .i.hlpis
HVll aud Shig th h I thelf
butt b 9 sit4 New Yshi's eul a4
kwat !Mtta.4 dfituia. A I bey gi
MiMtai i IN Hir kkt k at th d..
m h wav. SfHAiMtugt "Ut m l
t ' sl.t tti Ut )"
Th vf lt bi gt p n4 give
thUi-r "dtvMp th itl,a ' 94
ho I tf gt tuttk a4 "bl.Ur
iska," st4 t y lie h (.si. aul
they gl lo lit it it , het mm la
ia (ahiwt 11 1 0 Meet
ati!ns r I' lt ttliHii. il hlut
sslf au I hi ts if at ttUi'4 hV and
Itothntii I U lhl Ha lt t- hglh
ttl attt ii fstwtiy I hi4 a I
la hlllar I s I'llUlhlg lIS-
Dec. 29, 1898
Main Office
Lincoln, Neb.
Nervous, Ch route and
frlvst Ulasases,
AH private disss snd ills,
ordure of men. Trsstmunt
by mail ; couseltstlun 'ree,
hvphllis cared for life,
All forms nf femsle wesk
ness sud Diseases of Wo
men. '
Ensblei u to gusrsntee to cere llceearsb1
-of the none, throiit. chest, sUiinsnh, liver, blond,
skin snd kliltiejr dlseuiu. l;ot Msuhood, NjKht
KmlMlons, llvdroeele, Vsrlwieele, Oonorrhus,
tilset, Piles, Klutuls sud Hw tal U leers, UlslwUi
and HrlKht's Dlncn-u, I OO. OO for ess of
CAT All ft H , It U it I) M ATI M, DKSfKl'BIA
or SVFHILIS w a uot csr.
Mf ClUlB & UlBBl mnthod without psln or
catting. I
wonsuiisuon m n
KICK. Trestiiiout by null
Call, or address with stump.
Main Oftce
Drs. Searles & Searles,
10SS O ST,
A Devoted Wife
Like to see her bnsband arrayed In Im
maculate linen. We can clt many cases
of wher wives insist on sending tbelr
linen to our laundry, and ladles, as well
as men are good judges of bow laundry
work should be don. Raw edges re
moved. Call np pbon 579. THE BEST
Carriages, Phaetons, and Wagons of
all kinds: put on Koober Top, Cush
ions, and Backs, wholesal or retalL
Put on Rubber Tires and warrant
every set Painting and repairing
not excelled In tbe west. 30 years in
business In Lincoln. 801-805 Booth
Tenth street, corner M streets.
Notice to Farmers
and Stock Feeders.
Bay yonr oattle and sheep at the stock
yards, Weet Lincoln and ear freight
and other expen, Bar your ebep
dipped. We guarantee to rare scab, w
do tb work for on cent por head. W
ar buying HAY, 8TRAW AND GRAIN
G. H. Geoghegan,
Geo., Mgr.. West Lincoln. Neb,
Low rate on our personally conducted
excursions. Leave Omaha every Friday
via toioraao springs ana Boenlo Rout.
These Excursion Cars ar attached to
Fast Paanger Trains, and their popu
larity la evldeno that we offer the beat.
Writ for handaom (Itinerary which
filve full Information and naw map.aent
re. For complete Inlormation, rata
and berth reservation, sea your local
ticket agent or address E. E. UacLEOD,
A. (1. P. A., Topeka, Kanaa.
JOHN HKHA8TUN, U.l'.A., Chleago
Th Wajr to a I Cellfaral.
Is In a tourist aUaulai mtfwiMMiiiJI
entlillirtml vlA tha svinta.
Ton don't ehftug ear. You make lost f
laat A
ti, i
-- 9 V , U WW HVHff VSI
Tour ear la aot ao aiUnslv.! tsUt
or t 0o to look at a a pJa ltM. .
pa m ui aa eian. iui aa orafurt
able, lust a good to rid ia, Aad a-arly
ju ehewr,
Th llurllnatoa eiearalona sin f Ik.
r'ia every Therlr at 0 10 p. m. reaeh
ia psm r roet-Mi ruauay aa lu Aa
rie Moa.lay. Porter ith eh vr,
lenrsto tuaaager with h pr4y,
r'o hdder aiviug full luforiMsiiu rJ
at H, A M. dHii or oily uiil vfoe
tvraar lutk aad 0 slraet.
11. w rosssu,
i P. T. A.
Tkais(ola Taaisrv. Ill o 9trt
raeeita ail klsds ol lUkts sd Far t
la talt (, ItittM, 4 ha-.
Hite . lli.l lss4 skMas,
lltgses prw pM lor ll"t-a.
est raltaaa
la f Mudera tadsslrial svt
wke stasl Mpbyr Hfm f u
livelihood l sssay fsajltl BS WtmM
hav uiilii4 lh aut p'Uit4
f a B ll let well and w hen Hrr
M IH ! ladastiia Mr a siasl
r4, that e utaa knh a t
Wi4S I mi 1 1 that lMJi-4 s
bis I U- s It h wt h non.iuuot
t su.Kh, lh tkawtf f th tl hyt , ,
SI'S Hsk UsiUlUly IHiMtn 1 t4aiy i
eraiaa.t. Ill 4 hsw Wlus Ih
M MH hlsstf laJssttls bf haw "
l.i, Mm tr the tr al urviy
Etthli Mtiatetl It mm
at I t tiit h )- bmJ rftiM
w lh ttrs I Mi -e ti ) (MMat,
It. iMh eVttteal