The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, December 22, 1898, Page 6, Image 6

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Dec. 22, 18
A Great, OalUat Flera, WHh Top
Bool an Mlvblf 1'aok-ClirlalmM
CiiIom Of the Flbrl4 - lr-
Hani Rapport Ii the nam of the
Bants Clam of Saxony given by the
imple, piona peasantry. "Hum Bap
port will Mxive tonight!" the children
of Saxony cry all along the dear, dark
ening twilight of GhrlMtmaaeve, ai they
flatten their little Saxon nonet aguinut
the oottago window panea, peering out
along the winter roarla for "our Hani
Support." "Ham Boppert iaooraiug
tonigbtr'aay the rimple heuited grown
np folk to one another, a people who
bare one evening in the winter twilight
of their bard, atorn livea when it will
be all glow and glamour and frotb of
liana Rapport cornea from RuhhIb,
from ita alien t niyitorlea of atoppe
and of inowi. Cut be ia not a
Slav. Hum Buppert ia not the tra
ditional Hunt Cluua of tlio Teuton
land a jolly old man with curly beurd
end winking nulla, "Hani Jtuppnrt ii
tall, brawny, peuxnut looking fel
low," lay the good Saxony folk with
eullimo enruuktuoM ai if they bad aeon
blm, Ham Buppert hniinuKcloiruintod
from thair own brave life of gray toil.
Hum Buppert walka all the way from
afar, from the Ailutlo Auaiiland and, at
very atop he tukci toward the Oauonana
chain, at every itrido up and up, atill
np the ledgea of ita rock and bluff and
brae, arrow it brawling etreunii, now
down on the other aide of ita atom
boulder ibodowed in the ator calm, at
very pace punt the Bunlun village
twinkling through the night mlita like
pnrkloti itruok off from the czar crown
way off there above the Neva, aa be
footi it grandly tbla great, grand, gal
lant Hum Buppert bia top boot! that
at the beginning of tbe long Ghriatniaa
march reached only below the kneo,
grow taller and taller, atill bigber un
til when lie beara the Rbein-itroui mur
mur and the golden voice above the
Lorelei rock, and at laat at the gatoa of
Berlin aeea tbe mighty gleam of tbe
army of the vatirlund, the Hum R up
per I ich liooti are up to the lolm. cnlrui
aler faiblou, accordion wrinkled and
mirror in their mighty poliib tbe very
"Sword of My llluNtrlou Grandfa
ther!" And Hani Buppert itanda a
grenadier, one of tbe reared bodyguard
around an emperor, itauda with itur on
broait and double bended eagle on hel
met, itaudi a mighty gboxt to deal
death to the foe of viitcrlund until
next Ghriitinui.
On bii back, through all bia long
trudge tonight, Hum Buppert carriaa
bia pack. It ii a puck of good tblnge.
Thon bait no Cbriitmai tree within
that mighty bundle, Ham I The poowint
children have made tbe tree all ready
for Ham in the diligent purohaie from
their little Haxnu pfennige on tbe mar
ket day. Hum Buppert brings the gar
ment! for tbe Chrlitmai tree. Here in
bii pack ii the Cbriit child'a hair, tbe
gold and ailver filigree which liana
will twiit acrona the brancbea with bii
own brawny hnndi. Here are the can
dice, the ChriM child'a eyei, and the
toyi and the gift, "the bloiedngi that
drop from tbo haudi of Baby Jeaua,"
And now the proocwdou forma at 8
o'clock on Cbrlitiuai eve to go to aee
what Hnm Buppert baa brought to the
little family. Tbe procewdon begiua
with grandfather mid grandmother, on
whom luuiucd and yellowed oheeka
gliitem the gentle tear of age. Then
follow the father and the uiolbor and
the auwedded nuclei and auuti, and
now tbe children, according to ago and
aize, who are awed in anticipation of
"our Ham Buppert" 011 the other aide
of that door toward which the procee
aion Ii now moving. They aUud up ou
tiptoe and peer behind futher'a itnlwart
frame, rebuked by daamutterchen, with
a aulid Haxuu cuff on the unwilling ear.
"Ach, niutterehen, it'a belliguNachtl"
pleadi tbe father, and mother moder
ate. Hera are tbe ai-rvuntaof the house
hold, wearing their good (Jurlntiua
larch of cheek apron attffucae. How It
tandi out In Ita buckram beauty I If It
were powible which the dear Herr
Uardeiier of ua all furfeud the apple
cheekiof the good Iioum girl glow with
inure fruity gliitfu aa the giuea down
upou tbe rpheriu cirvuiufi-reiice of
larch. The tKiuaeiiteld'a untie Ii laun
dered, too, ami It never leavvi ber lipe
until that luyiteriuui d off inure ia
opened by graudlalher'a tremtditig old
baud, and w etuue dim tu the I'hrt!
bum prwwaaUm ha atrut h the iwmI,
reeouaut, prulnugtug rhorda of tbe Uh
r, and tbe hyiuu tee on "pure
concert" alowg tbe whole of tbe tutuae
'1 hoajl 1
At Chrlatmaa play and make good ehMr,
tfor Chrtatmaa cumtia but once a yer.
Ha merry all, he marry all I 1
With holly draaa the featlve hall;
Prepura the ori, (he fount, t.'ia hall
To welcome merry eiirlaiiritta.
-W. It. Bpenoer.
It la tha Chrlaima tlmm
And up and down 'twlxt haavan and
In tha alorloua trinf and aolomn mirth,
Tha ahlnlng angnl climb.
-D. M, Mulock,
Tha time draw n-ar tha birth of Chrlati
Tha moon I hid; lha nlxht la atill;
Tha ChrhHtniia helix from hill to hill
Anawar " h othor In tha mint.
Ilaap on mora wood I tha wind la dull,
Hut lt It whlntht aa It will
We'll keep on I'hrlatm marry allll.
-Mir Wultor Moott.
Thla la tha tlma whnn tha very old man
Leap liiwM to tha day of youth;
Whnn hrow and y wear no dlnaulaa,
Hut fluxh und glmim wlih truth,
Oh, than la tha lima whim Him noiil exult
And anemia rlifht hnevenwurd turning;
Whan w lova and II'hm the hand wa
When tha ChrlatmH log I hurnlngl
Wt apaak of a mrry hrlMlitma
And mnny hupny Nw Vmir,
Hut anch In hla hmirt la thlnklrif
Of thoaa that are not hnra,
Thy who do (hlr nonla no wrona,
Hut knp at fvn tha fait It of morn,
8I111 II dully h-r tlm nu"l wmii,
"Tod-iy tha Vrlw of lana la hornl"
-Junifn ItiiMMfll Lowull.
llor (ha Koldlrr lloya OUhralad
l)urlK H aiallva,
The Army of the I'otoniuo, under
General Ueorxe R M(;i(llitn, wui
camped about Washington from Auguat,
1H01, to March, tVJ, and moHt of It iu
Virginia aa fur down the I'otomno a
Alexandria, na fur up a Cliuln bridge
aud aa fur nut toward (ienerol Beaure
gard and ll teniiclouN Amerlciina a
Mumon'a bill. Kurlyin Deceuilr word
came to the aoldicrN thut rallroud and
ex proni oompniiiea wonld carry free
puckagca liiti'iiili d for (JhrlNtmua proa
eut und diunem for tbe aoldlcri.
That year there wiu a C'briNtmui din
ner for every men. From the rich
home of tbe lurge citii i bad come the
beitt in the market. From (cm of thou
land of furma bud come tbe ddiutieit
diNhea that iiiotln-ra, witca, aiiten,
daughter and aweetheitrta could pre
pare. On Chrlatma, INOil, fbo army waa
ihivcrfng along tbo riven Buppuhun
nock and I(iiiiduu, and aa far out ai Uul
peper Court Houkc. It waa too cold, and
the men were too poorly boutted to en
joy tbe day. It wit not a holiday to
many a day of misery, lmtead. That
waa tbe coldest Cliriatmaa tbe aontb
bud aecn for fiO yuan, nod It bua not
aeen one liko it alnce.
Cbrlitmui (llnimra were theordorof
tbe day in lHill, The urioy wa itrung
along Ixdiiiid fortiflcutiona from Rich
mond to be low Vdlow Home, on tbe
Weldon railroad, a diHtanoe of nearly
40 milei. The limitary and Cbrlitian
oommiNiiomliitd arranged to eupply tbe
army with a Chrinttnu dinner. Few
men were overlooked. Kzccpt that iu
1801, it wa the butipieat Ghrintmai for
the Union ui iny tdnce the trouble begun.
There were many aigim thut tbe next
Chrintnm would le enjoyed at borne,
and ao it wu by all who eHcupcd the
hot timea from March 8tt to the evening
of April H, after Crnut und Lee met at
Appomattox. Milwaukee SeuttneL
Chrlalmna Tnhla Prt'oratlon,
Avery pretty decoration for the table
at tbe Cbriatmua dinner In atiuy Cbriht-
maa tree. Candied fruit and gilded
aud ailvered wttlnut inuku it bright
aud 8aouublu, whi lo a little froatiug
with the powdxr tbnt conic for I hit pur
potto mukea it a Uuuliful object under
tbe glitter of tbe lightti. Tbe tiee will
be trimmed nod prupured for you by
any florift aud ahould Ui plunted In a
fuuey low vae or dixb. 1 be )iictureiHtie
dwarf evcrgrt-cti thut come from Japuu
are moot t (Tcctivo when uh iu ibia
way, aud yi t they are am b ciwtly treu
urti that few who own thi in are will
ing to make tuide dMHratioiia of theui.
i'hiludelpbia l(lmr.
Tbe fidlitge of a ChrlMimta tree maf
be brmhed here ami there with uiut'l
lage and thru aprinklnl with common
aalt aud a very p)atug h auli ia ob
taltnL A r liy draiw ry for tbe tree la
wade by tutting lung ttrlpa, klmut four
Imhf wide, t liaaue H'r, then ent
tiug It cl. ly. aiily, but not eutiiely,
ara lha width, making frltig. If
tbe alrlHi im ittiiiipwied and held over
bol tme, lha IriugiHl rdgva will ruit
and Uk iukie muueiitl.iiuiaba
A taiarsaatloH to tbe Boya For Ckrlat
maa Cclcbratloaa.
Why couldn't our boya get np aome
holiday pleyi aimilor to tbe immemo
rial "Father Cbriatmai" play, In wbiob
tbe lad of Merrie England have to
much fun? Tbe origin of thla play ii
loit in antiquity, but it doala with
knigbta and their adventurea, certain
of which challenge and flgbt tbe fol
lower of Father Cbrlitmaa, and ere in
turn routed, till Father Chriatmaa and
the Black Knight cope In mortal com
bat, tbe latter, of courne, being wonted.
The boy are drcod in fantaitlo
atylo, with tal) paper cop on and pa
per fringe urouud their juoketa, wear
ing mufki to conceul their identity.
They are called the "mammon," and
go from borne to borne of their friend,
invariably receiving kind welcome
and a little treat at the end of the per
formance. They aim) tuko np a penny
collection, und eveiyhody baa a penny
for the mummenwho afford aomacb
In our early blntory there ia abun
dant icope for tbe youthful playwright,
aud the object of their performance in
holiday week might be aomo churlty In
wbich boy are the beuoficiurioa, aucii
aa a trout of "goodie" to new
boy or bootblack, to get euppliea for
alck boy or tbe like.
Tbe Indian in our early biatory 1 aa
good u the knight element for a atir
ring pluy for mummer Mauoit
and hi tribe, in war pulnt, feather and
blanket, 011 the one ld, and on the
other tbo prim I'oritun, In broud
brimmed but and abort brecche,
Or the i'ocuhoiitu and I'owbatan
drama, with John Hmitb, tbe hero, and
band of cavalier to muke it lively.
Tiie boy of , IIomIoii Common aud the
red coated liritlaher wa an et )ode to
tmplre their fraternity of today, and it
would be great fun for our laddlui iu
Gbriatmu week to drc up and illua
tiute the valor of their auocNtoia, aa
tbeir !2iglih ooiimIiim annually com
memorate aome otherwise forgotten
achievement of feudal day, Phila
delphia Record.
A Tnrkey'a I.amaiit,
Ah, dlailnctly I romnmbur
It wn only hint Novumlwr
That thry elumi'd mu throiiKh tha back
And ucrimn tha old burn floor!
Valient ly and well 1 fonaht tna
Till at Imxi tha vllluln euuxtit ma
And prueocded then to trot ma
To 1 ho an healdn tha door;
But, aahamed, thy let ma aro, for
I wa tiomm arid nolhltia mora
kin and hone auul nothing- mora,'
Now, 1 aaa It la Pewmlwr,
And no douht thy will dlninemher
Ma, for my ffittwr frlenda
llava tfonn to thut oilier ahore;
I've grown pula from apprahanalon,
For of Into Noma markud attuntlon
Make ma think It a their Intnntlon
To cut off .ny h-aa and aarve me
Aa a readhlrd from the atora
Juat a raadhlrd, nothing moral
4'hle.aKO Inter Ucean.
Bon Hard Lark flanklaa' Tree We
"Speakin of Cbriatmai tree," laid
Cyclone Murphy aa he muffed a caudle
on tbe topmoMt twig of tbe Keno Uulch
Sunduy acbtxjl tree with bia truty rix
abooter and then nipped remonatrance
In the bud by getting tbe drop on tbe
Sunday achool luperinteudeut, "re
mind me (if a galoot named Hiird Luok
HankiiiN, wbo lived np on Tenderfoot
ridge and who waa the blggevt kiukor
that ever kicked. Tbia yore Hard Luck
Ilunklu lived in a cabin ou top of tbe
ridge and p'teuded ex bow be waa a
miner, but be didn't never loom to mine
anything and wa glnerully regarded en
feller without viibie meaui of up
port. Some folk aaid be wui a road
agent and otben opined ez bow boi
toalla might be the mine be waa
work In.
"Tbo only thing Kcno Gulch ever
really kuowed him to be doin waa put
tin np a powerful kick about one tbiog
r another. He alien bad aome bard
lack atory to tell, and 1 that wa why
folk culled him Hard Lack Haukin.
"There waxn't a decent lookln tree
on top of the bull ridge except one, and
that tree wu a mighty bandome pine
thut atood right in front of Huid Luck
Hunklm' almnty, 'She'a my old Cbrlt
mu tree,' Huuklua would growl every
tlmoC'lirlHlmii come around, 'but, (leru
ber ole bide, Suuty Claw don't never
bung notbiu ou ber for me.'
"That wa jo' Ilurd tmck'a peky
and onury way alien klckin about
omethiii and thut bundnomo tree nev
er buvln anything bungin on it for blra
aeemed to rile blm Specially every year.
'What' the ne bavin a blame Cbrlnt
mu tree that never don't have notbiu
bangln 011 to it?' he'd growl. 'Have a
durn god notion to cat ber down I'
"Tbia went on year after year, and
the boy kep' a-wonderiu and a-won-derin
bow Hard Luck got a livin. One
CbriMtmc eve they found out, and it
put an end to Hard Lack'i quarrel with
Li big pine ChrUtmu tree.
"Fer the very tint ChriMtraa aence
Hard Luck bud been livin in Kcno there
waa lometbia bungin on bia CbrUtmaa
"What was it?" repeated Cyclone
Murphy aa be muffed another candle.
"Why, It wu old Hard Luck Ilunkina
blaaelf , and be waa klckin ez mual,
and klckin with both feet." Selected.
Oatarle Ool4 Strike.
WnvirBO, Man., Dea SO. Bat Port
age, Ont,, la wild with ezoltement over
marveloua atrike made in tbe Mikado
gold mine. The ore fllla a elope forty
feet high and two and one-third feet
wide, and the richest ore ia worth, on
a conservative eatlraate, from 133,000
to 3S,000 a ton in free milling gold.
A nawipaper ia a Beeeaalty.
New Lincoln Steel Range
m4 pi e yew deew wile aad family Warranted ta
anoet pertaet eooking atove made, we aee toe Tory baa
oM roileal patent lereied iteai, aad line every Baam
witk aeneatoe aad eteL wkiek makea it tapoaeibtete
attire to yoar loot. Thay are kamdaome, attraetiva,
ap-to-date ia pattern aad deaiga, raU akmel trimmed.
win oora a ay xina m nwL vhi uun a lit
tune. Made oa honor, aobj oa merit. Thbi
ia why we eall them the "ne oa aa.arrm
If row dealer doaa aot handle them a
makea a great mletake. Writ t aa aa4
e arill provide a way for yon to bay one at
a reaanBabte priee.
Buckstaff Bros. Mf. Co
Patrontae home ladoatry made hi Mebraa
ka. We refer yoa toStoto Offleara. Baaka
aad Expreaa Compaaiea of Uaeoia, aaai
tbooaanda uing our Raagea, Upeeial oa
taatioa givaa Hotel aad Reataora'at Oatlm
V mnrunni ti ornnun i-ritin riTAnr
xncnnuLMd dlluhu nmu oiunt,
OOO P HtrcoU North of Po to 111 00
Iargeat itock of Naw and Second Hand Store and Range and Furni
ture, Tinware, Queeaaware, Cuttlery, Trunka, and Teleacopea, at loweat
prloea. Uaa light room In which to ahow good, with 1,000 feet addi
tional floor apace recently added. TELEPHONE 738.
gg -WM- M
IF YOU . . .
To purchase
a piano and with
to get the beat val
ue (or your money
you want one of our Three S'es"'j..f
QHAWAmrka' Greatest Piano, the
OH ATT greatest in the world.
QHII I PR A rood Piano at a price that
OllllrfltatEH will come within your reach
Sold 00 easy terms
at cash prices by tbe
rilTTUCi'c Dunn rn uosootinm
QF1PH A I f-T 0f Beautiful, Useful and Interesting Goods
OULfll ii LUI suitable for Christmas Presents.
Special low pricea.
!10 dosen Meu'e Merino Bbirta aud f 17 a
Drawer, reg. 25e, anle price 1 I V
20 do. Men'a Kimitary Shirta andQQ a
Drawen, reg. 40c, aale pr. each..fii9v
17 dox. Mun'a elaatic rlbhad Hhlrta
and Drawer, regular 75o, aula CAa
price , OUw
24 dozen Men'a Natural Wool
Hhlrta and Drawer, ri'gulur 75c, C Q a
aale price, euch UuU
10 dozen Men'a Natural Wool
Hhirtaaud Drawer, line, regu- Q(Za
lar 1.00, eulo price, eucb.........0wu
10 doan Men'a lt Auatrallan
Wotd ShlrU and Drawer, tf f C
reg. 11.40, aale price, each . . If 1 1 V
1CTH OFF on chlldren'e & II. all
l Wool Veata and I'onta.
20 ideeaa Vieugua cloth, rvtf.Q fl
ular 10c, aale prioe, a yardO 1 6v
12 plerae novelty yarn Fanclea,
and Hroc4liMi gtMida, 1 ftc val- f a
ua, eale prkw, a yard ia4iettiti m m
9 plaoae Wod Hiiitinga aad Nov
Itiae, regular fl(k aale prkw, a f Aa
y ard.M. 1 9U
UpUoM Novelty Vrtm (lood. QCa
regular olio, eale prtoe, a yard...O wU
7 piaree No ally Draea (JikmI, JRa
ragular Que, aale pri, ayard..i9U
40 All Wwil llaariaita, 40 lack,
a, wide, blocka aad tulura, aie Of) a
a yard
OOaiWntaa Kitk flalaM llaariaV-
ta,4t la. ctda, la blaaka aa4 JOaa
euiora, aale pr, a ar4
l, n ttknwar pniutduth, black,
AO la. wide, aale prtea, a AC
T.Vi Ndk Warn (ibirie. AO la, fiff
id, aW Hn, a yard....
100 Uaat'e MrkialialM, J A
UtH ptl HMMt
VtH) tlaal'e Uatkiattek, AA
ate rea,Hm
fT.lMI tbHlt', Ct (1(1
ale p
A leu ge aaatwlwwal at muay MViag
Wave, i egW aa4 tVatde Hkale,4ar
tkle aale ae aal give w a daaMaat wf
1 0 ra I
4' , iy.v
Nothing la more welcome and appro
priate than euch art idea ae
Gloves and Mittens,
Skirts and Skirting,
Table Linens,
Bed Spreads,
Toilet Sets,
Smoking Sets,
Jewelry Cases,
Pocket Knives,
Finger Rings,
Sleeve Buttons,
Watch Chains,
Collar Buttons,
Scarf Pins,
Ear Drops,
Napkin Rings,
Nutt and
Mixed Candy, per pound, 20c, 12o, C
80 and tfv
Good Apple $3.50 aud $-1.70 per barrel
There lan't much dlffarenoe In the looka
of good Klioea and bad Kbore whan
yon ae tbem in the tor. Hut tbare
ia a real lot of difference when yon
come to put thaw to the teat ol hard
We have a aka line of Iafaat'e
Holt Hole Hhoae Iu varioua roi. CA.
or, per pair aoeto JUU
Mia' Kid Ilottoa aad Ue,
t(M'k aad patant tip, cola
HVa.rgularl.Sl4,aale A
priov, Mr alr...,.M..M.M......I 1 A A
Udw' Kid Pultua aad t,
itM-k aad paUmttinstnelaWvl,
2iT, rulw J,50, eale CO 1 K
priee, wr pir,...-..... ...k6 A w
Udi-a' lae VH Wi l, tura aad
alio, vary ak, T, ia- rl e
Ur 13.00, aale prWw, r palrtA,U9
All oar Hoy' (.are Khuea, ra
t SJlKi, Ml yru r C AC
Mlf W w
Uaa'e Sae Turdovaa t.aee aa4 lifdale atvle,au
Mwr, T.IO.iImmiu at ft 10 Af
tkte waah, pr pair ' W v V w lay
WleKku-,W!ii.rTe lu
tall, gaauiao Kaatfarwa, !
4 attagraao, rmalar fn
1 &. !iai tbta mn nn
lf HkUMHMIHtMfttiMti
llt1 AtaikMi rvUf lis OR a
)t iMlHMMHtl444tlHIMtHt V W V
lAdtae ltabbar, rular te So, OR a
HNf wMeMi ef V W
kiaa'a tlahbera, brkna , OR a
r pwr, V aa4 Www
UieaM' ttaebere, IS I, f pair.., ISO
FRED SQWimCs BRO., "'fa,0'0'
f W
1 a
V jl