The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, December 22, 1898, Page 2, Image 2

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DCC. 22, 1898
EDS Of I I18I11
The State's Educational Institu
tion Requires Some Improvements.
Board ol Regents Suggest! That
One Should Be Built Im
mediately, The Ixmrd of regent of tin iUU
university concluded a three day
slon of their annual meeting y eater
day evoiidng. Jf th 'board considered
oikly lilt present wed of the atal
university ftnd had 110 eonalderatloiia
for txfononiy, they would ask for $25B,
000, All of wlildh could m immediately
HDD I(m1 advantageously. J(ut ft pro
traded .lon,diirlng which th need
and rqulri-iin'inl, the muHltudinou
JntcrmU of tliu Miri euucaiuoiuu
hint were glvrn the cUmeet elmly, th
ixwrd will o to the Jegialatum with
wbmt thry 'believe In a wont mtmrva.
live r-4iiMt in addition to lb regular
ule 1111 lal pnroprlu Hon.
The iiieuiUr of the Ismrd, TboiiMi
Jlawlliigs of Wakefield, Oli,irlo Wes
ton, Jlny Hprlngsi Jf. J Oould, Ogalul
liii K, Vw Foml, Kearney) Oeorge
Y, Kenower, W tenor and ih yr
dent ef tlio board, 0. JI. Morrill of Lin
coln, were All prent.
Tlio ftrt business w to audilt all
Mil, and them preliminary to molting
11 i tlio an Mini I budget for .e Incoming
legislature the condition of the uni
versity were studied through the to
rt irom the head of the various
ilfjxt rtiiK'n In.
The revel) U formally opened the
new foundry, the first piece cent being
the letter V, of j.
A comwJtlea from tlie Jluydon art
club, tNmalaUng of Dr. Jowry, Mr.
llarwood end Mr, THlles, reueted
that the regent talk ovr the art hull
and ik the legislature for a email
Tim most of one day wu apeiiit by
the board in lienilng the report from
eollege and eil, and those reorle
will Im 1 winded in the report to the
governor end IrgMnlurv,
The following BpHlntiiiei,ite were
miid! A. J., 1'iirne, returned from the
army, assistant In the lr jhi rtniiMi t of
oology ; N, (!, end L. K. Abbott, theme
rwuleia, ileHirtiiwiit of KnglisJi; V
II Initio, lierdNiiuin, depiirtineiit animal
cultures A. A. Hunter, aaalstfliit in
plant lieu Mine Mory J.. Fossler, as
sistant in lfKiiliiu'iit of ehemlatry,
suceeeds A. ('. I'urmelee, eellod U
The following reslgiinllons were ne
crptedi V, l, Walker, Prof, I'erey
Twenty-live dolhire wn dwoit4xi to
ndvertlaitifr In the forbhoomtnf fcom
broro. A front door wne ordered to
be uuule la the Y. M. C. A. room.
The board extended a vole of Hinnke
to the etnte romiuliiHlon, to HiiM'iin
1iiiUnt JiH'kMou, to the Hill Huston
rtMid and to l'realdent MorrllJ for eonr
U'xUn and exulittuiu'e rendwd the
tit ate In th (sliicutionel exhibit.
A h 11 lulled dollar ontii billed by
Mr. Morrill wn Judh'loiiMly exH'ii(lil
lit the HIK'tloll of tllH TrilllK-MlMHiHMi(I)l
csikltlon elTtHMa and resulted In 11c.
eruintr to the, lnte l,:i71 woilli .f
vuuliible. thlnn,
The -! 11 m ni wiim irrnniteil peruiixHloii
to deposit the rx Hxit Lom uririui In the
fT iiuiAMi uitt when It Im iih'Imij(m1, That
! the only bulMinjr hiifre eiiontfli to
eonuilu it.
Kx-'linnvrllor Cenlleltl, now if the
Ohio tat unlverelty, hea eondltloiml
ly iitH'e'ideil the lnvttloi to m elmrter
(ley onvtor,
I'liniH-rllor Maclrf-mi rini,lelt the re
ult of Ii.Im vixlt to Wuwhinirtoiv to
the MffHciilturAt exMriiiient atntton,
Mcckison of Ohio
Has Been Greatly Benefited by
CaeerMsmee K Mm-IiIwin ef llhhs wrltce
the ful tutting iMIrr Im lr, lUrliueM.
Dr. ,V, li, fiittnuiH Wumiui, 0,
1k uiHik;1 luivo tiM'd at vi rat Ut
tloHuf IVru n utid fi t l irrtwity Uiu
Utvd thereby, 1 Uv U'n alllltted
with eeterik llw Im4 end Inln
iHurF4 tti U'lUw ihel it'uiu.vrd
w tt V-rn ii will fully er.IU0
UUtMMtt wf tMMy -rV kUadiMjf.
Ttw etuiKml rvvir . rHdotw
tftetiH like IliU b , lUrtmeM t
free! elrH rv m.hI, mmv i
WyvMHl meiUni, Vti i.f fHHiHrm-
iter j where are retHeUitif the Hrit vt
IV fe ftndarewklileUtgtfef j-e-Wm
Im iImI? JtJUwM Uh h a wvrtat.
lUulal ear ht vatanlk U kUU
faw AH ImtiWUaell v-r
ill 4ett fce a Ire IVr ea
tfJ e?f
where lie aeoured important on-
alone. . .
Ait the iiffirttjon of tai United
Btatea adjutairt (neral, a report waa
made of tb ualveniiiy coianouuon
In nu.n in iti laU wr. The eohool
mn.k tint in the coumtry la the pro-
jiortlon of nen Anuiateu.
jihe free aiieiMiftinie 'iiig-n ih:h" i "
will 1e re-eotel, but peiulln ilmt,
the rcift'iita will try to cloee up any
Kup between tilie Mtfh tioola and the
'iii fjttlmaiMl Income from all uni
vemlty fitnule la $214,376. The Jejrlaliu
ture will 'be aekea vo appropnave i-me
for aUirle and ware;
Thr-fljrht mill tax. $120,375,
Ilntereat on lutuU mu1 aixl aoW,
J rite real on Tiermaiieiit fouda invent-
wl. $13,000.
Unireimlty current receipt, ;sd,ouo.
Morrill fund from United Hta-U-a,
Kxperlmeat atatlon, $30,(K)0.
Tolui, $320,175.
TWa luclude other item than lite
The reifente k In add'ltloa to the
rejrulnr oppropi lotliriv th au'in. of $t7,
in, wlikfli la ttiinwll u iwH!itii-ry
for the uoriiKil iiw.'reae in the d
mouida of the pu4llo on the tiniveralty.
The atote Jaw. library i over-crowded
with the unlverHlty law atudenta,
and for thla renwon a Uvw brwry will
le put In at the univeraity, An a)
proprlmtloii of $9,000 la aeked for new
book a.
For the eeliool of fine arte $3,000 la
iittked, To aiippWineiit the Ualtcd
KUite (feohvhial aurvey, $1,000.
The bolanleal aemlniir 1i exjeiwied
of ita own fund $1,030 for the publl.
eiUlon of iiMful 'boUHihaiA treatlaea
whleli are of rewignlwili vaii, $5,000
Kr aiinma will lie kd tf aid thla
For dulry and farm wdiool, $0,000.
For tfomUniiatloa of farnwr'a in arti
ste, the aaiiio aa Jflat year, $3,000,
For alwUMyfc Jalwr, $3,000.
The ateaiu tuiinela, ,i IxmI nhnpe,
lire roHlntf out. Their rwMnifru.'tion
la eked at $0,&00.
After cona-lderlriir tiia varloue re
(iilreiiii!iiil for HTiiiaiwiit Improve
iiieiita, Uhe redrenta deeldiMl thut the
iniwt elTli'lemt and' winaervatlve ap
propilttilon that could lie inado would
lie for an annex to the preeent jryin
nuliim building. Thl will wiat $30,
000. Jt I explained, thut thla appropria
tion would K farther in relieving the
preaent crowded Condition, tham any.
Ill liiX Unit roil Id lie decldwl upon.
The onnex wllllnt put on the went, aide
of the biilldlriK, will lmve two IIixm-,
will uimwer for the imrjwme of a wo
men' (ryiiinaeJinn, (now tlio one jryni
ihimIiiiu In uaed by botihi aenea), will
iiiiike an auditorium with a 1,600 aeiit
Injr enpiM'lty on owaalon wlieu need
el (now only 600 atudent can rather
in on Ume) r-ttn be uaed for com
iiie'iiceim'n't exerclm-a, will enable en
Inrveiiient of the old building to ue
iHiimiuNbite the irrowlmr law mcIkmiI.
and other advantage will reniiU from
thla Imjiroveinent.
For further Improvement $30,000
more I naked. Tide w.. rover two
new boiler for Jieatinir purpoaea, the
prenent atatii with only one 1 a
meiHK'e to the roiitiuued keeping of
arhool diirlnjf ld weather. It will
put up a new amoke Muck, and otiher
needed improvement.
The rcireiita. after a lonir (IIwiikhIoii.
derided to lay a plan Ix'fore the lerla.
la tn re for the raliiir of a rrirulnr rev
enue aulTielent to meet all the require
ment 10 line eaMbiiminien'i or an ihi
iii'utloitiil ltlmiit (oiniiieimurate with
a Krowiuir atate. The plun ronalHt In
putting a flve-alxtriMitha tiilli levy on
the ifciieral aaaeeaiiH'nt ih1 L of tlhe
Ktate, to run for live year. If thl
inert with favor all jM-rnwinrnt Im
provement can le eeeured' without
the x-rll approprlatlona xkei for,
Tli'U 'i.luii Ik tuiitl to 1 worklnir no-
riwoifully 111 I owe, Ohio and Mluineao-
Dr. Aley, Nervous, female and
ehrouio diMMeH, liil 0 atreet, l.lunoln,
Nebraaka, Blank and teatimoDlala
Uauortl VhalTee eeit Llenlenaal Hotwee
KaatM Clly't Qmu,
KAaa Citt, Ma, Dee. 80. Two
fiiea who wou diitinutloa in the war
with tipaln are the jiiettU of Kanta
City to-day. They are Lleuteuant
IUohinond J'earaou llubton, U. K N.,
who aank the atoaiaithlp .Merrlmao at
the mouth of Kantlatro harUr under
the gun of the HpeuUh fort, and
Major Oeneral Adaa 1L ChaffeM, who
Iet to ioiory the Third brlirad of
Untied Mtate regular In the bloody
aauU on iU Cauey, Lieutenant Hob
or arrlvad la the city at I o'elork
fnia nUtwiro over the Kant F
railway, la the private ear of I'reaU
dent Ulpley of that road. Lleulenant
llubaoa wa aiHoiuaaU4 to Kana
t'Ur by (lardiner Uihrop, ehalrm au
of the uUrtalatoDHl eoiainlttee of the
t iHnwerelal elab, aud a rel number
I apetalor, women a well a atea,
were at the Tweaty -aeeo4 atreet d
Ht to receive Die at aero,
A few minute later Uealeuaat llab
a atepped from the ear U the dpt
pUWixu. At bu a(prMe vheer
rana out fruut aiuta iaa a thouw4
The uraf to tbe Cktea Wutel wa
aa evatioa. The bea wa re alte4
aa4 applaaded all aloeg tb twate,
II bl4 a revpUna fur U4te Hly
froe i t I a vhwa
Majoe tieaeral Adaa ll (baffee
reaee4 Kaaaaa lily at t tt'elovl wvf
tea t'aioa I'aotte railway ttm tae
lUmOty, IU He wm aaet at the
Ualuaj 4put ale by the ba4, eater
tataiaeat aHUt aa4 a (dat f
ttkat4 WMb mMM ila
IVaiama i'HV, I aa, IVa, K !.
m Otihy wa are- t4 br Ue eight
harf4 Uh th iar4e 4 Waayi
iNawhh aa4 Ita ahlldrea, ala week
at the Hiaarthuf tUlMaa aettle
Japan and Russia Said to Need
American Money for War.
THEY WANT $400,000,000.
Fbe Two Ooveroinent Maid to lie Pre
paring for IIMtllltle-What t'hlnafO
aed Mew Turk rinaaelat Man tmf
A beet the lt port.
Waiiinoto!C, Deo. ii'). There are
teera who predict Unite 8am will be
vomo the banker for the world. Two
old world government, Ituala and Ja
pan, bare turned their face to the
United State in aoarch of Joan. llu
la at loimt, ha had aifent aound
American ilnaoalera Thl I the II rut
time foreign nation bare nought to
float groat national loan In America,
and the wlae men think It I the be
ginning of the new era. ,
It may be ald on authority that Ja
pan need the money oatenalbly to motst
a deficit in her revenue produced by
heavy xpendlture for land and ea
armament, and alao to aalt her in
the eatablUhmeut of a national indus
trial bank. That i Japan' official ex
planation of bur neuda, In diplomatic
circle it I nhrewdly auapeoted that Ja
pun I preparing beraelf for an ultl-
mate nlruggle with JIunhI and ha
been hurried by the activity of Uuaala
In borrowing $55,600,000 to replace lier
artillery with rapid-lire gun.
It wa learned at one of the legit'
Hon yesterday that thl loan, recent
ly made in France, I only one-fourth
of what Jtula actually need, and
that Uula ha oome to thl country
for altance becau kite failed to
get all ah wanted from France. It U
preurned that Japan and ltuIa be
twuen them will want $100,000,000.
Ciiioaoo, Deo. 80, Many of Chicago'
banker and financier have been In
terviewed in relation to the reported
application or one of the European
power for a heavy loan in the United
titatea. John J, Mitchell, prealdent of
the JUlnola Truwt and Having bunk,
who ha JiiMt returned from New York,
aald; "Jt I true that Kunla' and
Japan are in communication with lead
lug financier in thl country with a
view to floating loan. Two week
ago I wa communicated with con
earning the project by a peraonof high
authority, and 1 am to hoar from thl
man further. A I Ion ton houao and a
prominent New York bouae have been
conalderlng the matter for two week.
"The IluNNiun loan 1 for the liuaalan
railway, guaranteed by the ltulan
gortrnment, and i aked at H per
cent, jt I not opeclally eurnrialng
tlmt they com to thla eountry, for the
Unltea HtatH I the cheapet money
..... l, u4 I.. . I I.I fT.. .
iu vna wunu at praaent, nun
aluneredit RtamU high and that gov
ernment will probably uti whatever
loan it deire tn America. For a Fu
ropean nation to negotiate a loan in
the United blute 1 a reversal of the
UNuat order of thing and a now and
plcaalng condition of affair."
Nkw Yohk, Ihio. 20 Henry Clewa,
the bunker, aald: "1 think that Mr,
Kckela, who gave out the report, ha
heard of negotiation begun by a for
elgn government, but not an European
goverumeut. I am bound in confidence
not to n.iiu the K"veriiuieut, but I
may eay that a little more than a
month ago I waa aked to make an of
fer aa to tlio tonne on which I would
negotiate a loun of from $10,000,000 to
$'.'0,000,000. I made my offer and hare
not yet received ft reply. New York
1 now the .uiouoy market of the
One Woman Killed. Anal liar I.f fol
Itaad, and llama rirad bf Kultbera.
lliHMinoiiAM, Ala., IH'C '.'0. Tele
graphic advlcea from Hunk, Ala., tell
of a horrible crime at the Meyera plan
tation, near Joule Hmtolllm, eight
mile from Hank. Mr, Ida Me.vr,
a wealthy widow, end her daughter-in-law,
Mr R Meyer, alao a wid
ow, etinducted a ature and It wa
known that they kept a large
amount of iiiiiuey In the dwelling
aero the road from the tore, A
young nmit luiued (Vtik wa employed
to uHrinleiid the farm and be neeu
pied a riHim In the hou. Soma time
between uiUlnlght and day Conk waa
arouaed by a tttd u the ro.uu of the
elder Mr. Meyer, lie prang out of
bed and ran to the door of the room
andtaw Mr. Meyera trugtrli"g with
two atrange men. He runhed to her
aUtatu' and waa kitoiketl aeitaele
wlthaeiuU When he regtlued eu
anlouaiiea be found the houe on
lire and the elder Mr. Meyer ap
parently dead oa the floor, lrr
ytug her from the lire, he went la
aeervh fwe the yuungur Mr Meyer
aud touiid her dead in her rtm her
bralua hariag la beatea ouV lie
reru4 bee UkI Jut time front the
Aauiea II thea raag the Una WU
aad arwuaed the aetghUtra, whoreu
la great auutber, but loo tale U
the houe ur aay f It itnteata It I
Illve4 that the robber otUlued
aUoit Ikfr-M U a
Ut a.aa Wte4 la IM 4
Havana. U r4-faral CUm
railed ajsia Ueaerat tatUaaaa
by pvdatHat jreetaraaj U Vrtaf
to tha latter aatlea tha aatlva
f the Havana taaateipaUty la at
tewfttag U hattlly gwtate darlaf
tha Ut day at Vpaeuh aoatrv) a
newer trt UvoUUf tha etty la na
ladehiedaeaa at etllbe at eVolUra,
taatelteao naaouae4 that a
traet of thi aatara hat be catered
apva 4 that whatever h4 Va4oee
la thl Ila waat he annulled
lajored la aa laltlattaav
MrLWAuacK. Win.. Dea fft Joaepb
0. Hebert, who waa atona time a well-
to-do reaident of Grand Rapid, Win.,
la at St. Jonepb honpital, thl city, and
will be a cripple for Ufa becanneof
the rough handling ha received at tha
initiation ceremonies of a lodge. Two
operation have been performed by
tha aurgeon. They hold out no hope.
Mr, lUbcrt will sue tha lodge.
The Kvae,atlDtf Npanlth Troop W1re4
Upon In the Mulurl of Havana.
Havasa, Deo 80, The Spanlab
evacuation commlaaioner informed
the American commlaaioner laat even
ing that the Havana uburb, Cerro
and Jeu del Monte, had been evac
uated, Tlio Hpanlah troop left Jesus
del Monte at 6 o'clock, immediately
after which American and Cuban flags
were ralacd, crackers fired and the
uautil demoiiNtratlon made by the
large crowd in honor of the event. At
the hour of filing thl dispatch it is re
ported that some of the troops of tha
Cuban general Mario Menocal are en
tering Jcmun del Monte. Probably tha
United Hiatus force will bo sent there
The suburb of Cerro was evacuated
Nuturday, American and Cuban flags
were dlaplayed from the houcn on the
Calada del Cerro and crowds rushed
through the street shouting "Viva
Cuba Libra,"
About 6:30 a crowd of Cubans of the
lower class paaed a barrack of engi
neer on tha Infanta avenue, nhoutlng
"Long live Cuba," and "Death to
Hpuln," and firing shot into tha air in
celebration of the evacuation of Cerro.
The engineer did not fire, but the
guard wa doubled,
The crowd then puaaod on from the
Culzadu eel Monte to the Calzada del
Cerro, stopping the street cars and
compelling passenger to about "Viva
Cuba Libre," Among the domontrat
or were a number of butcher, who
carried pistol and knivea Jose
Ouncedo and hi couln, Thoodoro
lluurtla, who were on the car were
wounded with knlvc. (Janoedo died
yesterday and Iluertl will probably
Later the crowd met some engineer
at the Kqulna de Teju and fired upon
them, seriously wounding ono. The
engineer returned the tiro, wounding
a atreet cur conductor, a civilian, Io
doro lliiieol, and John Leonard, a col
ored man.
The rioting continued, many hot
being fired in front of the Casa do Ho
corro, where the wounded wer a
nlnted, Bpunlsh soldier were ordered to the
"eiie and arrived about 0 o'clock.
Whllo marching through Cerro they
were fired upon by men concealed be
hind pillar. One HpanUh private foil
wounded, and tha battalion fired Into
the air to scare the rioter. On re
suming their march they were again
fired upon and another man wa hit.
The Npanlard then fired and dispersed
the rioters.
Among the wounded was a colored
woman, and It is also reported that
there were several other. The riot
ing caused great alarm in Cerro and
along the Ccl.adu del Monte, where all
bounce have kept cloned doora.
On. Hlllad and a Number ttadly Hurt In
Kallroad Acclilant.
India nai', Ind,, Doc. !!0. A
wrck occurred on the Indiana, De
catur and Western railroad at 2::m
o'clock yesterday morning, fifty-two
miles west of Indianapolis, near (Juion
Htatlon. The Indlanapolla expre left
the track weat of a high trestle, which
waa sixty feet long, with seven
couches off the raila and bumping
along the ties. The trestle is fifty
feet high, and It is considered phenom
enal that tha train waa not
hurled off Into the creek, in which
event the loas of life would have beeii
Th rear ear bad just left thi trestle
when a spreading of the rail ahead of
the baggage car piled the aeven ear
In a heap. The baggage ear and
smoker were ground alinoat Into aplin
tera and all of the car were ladly
wrecked. There were almut fifty pa
aemrera on the train, and uota woman
or child on the lUt. One paaM-tigrr
wu killed aud a number badly hurt.
Oaasral aaaftef lalltaala That We
Hat nhMNldar4 npala't Waa
Navamxaii. tia.. Dee, to. At the
eollatlon of the oftlcer of the Third
Ueorgi regiment to Foatuiaator ilea,
eralhmith aud lb aewapeper eorree
pondeut Oeneral feha'ler had some
interesting thing to nay about Cuba
aud the Cuban
it aeein la me," al4 Oeneral Shat
ter, "that a great anaay persona have
an erroneou lda respiting our rela
tion with th tubaaa A I flow It.
w hta Ukea epla' war apo our
He thall la all probability
hear a guo4 deal autre uf th 'laur
geat," lloe about nelf gvraatt IW th
t'abaatf lieavral rmafter aa aahed,
"nlf gwveraateat,' tha ral r.
pwated. ' thy, tho wpia am a
Mter It for nelf gvveraeaeat thaa gaa
sawder l for helk"
la tha He, Oeaeral hhat.w
wrat et ta tell why th failed Mtalea,
la hi epIaUta, would ba abltgad U re
! la tha Iala4 for noa tin, a4
gvvvra tha territory by nallltary foeea.
r. MU' ( nh H rna I ai rant
naoa, rtary dav . wtaias It a
atarvaloa U la laoahh
otue4 e"4 r u e kHatMaa r
nalbag Hvat a vM ta He bead, Ihruat,
nnt a Uaa, Hd4 H gi f
William Xwnstela Bratally Mavderr
Wife aad Thea Ends HI Owa Life.
j Jaji'IB, Mo., Deo. 20. About noo
yeterday thin oity wu thrown into a
tat of excitement by tha report that
William Lowenstein and wife, raiding
on a farm three mile noutbweat of
town bad been murdered.' Further
development nhow that a non and
blred man doing chore at tha bars
heard three nhotn, and, rushing to tha
bouse, found Mr. Lowenstein and
wifa unconscious and breathing their
last. A shotgun and a largo revolver
lay on the floor. The woman had boon
nhot through the body and tha man
through th head. The woman's hand
wnr bruised and broken, and nhe had
received terrible blow on th head,
showing that nha bad fought desper
ately for ber life. Tho supposition in
that Lowenstein killed her ia a quarrel
and, horror-stricken at tha deed,
placed th gun in hi mouth and ended
hi own life. Ue wan a wealthy Ger
man farmer and wall known, having
redded la thi neighborhood man
year. Four son survive.
Had Mao Dlflloultlss to Overenme la
Kitabllihliif Santiago Dloekade.
Washimqton, Deo. fcO. Tba Navy
department has made publlo a report
from Admiral Hcliley covering that
part of the operations and movements
of th flying squadron from its nail
ing from Key West for Clcnfuegos, up
to but not including the first bom
bardment. It shown that tho commodore was
not at first convinced thutCcrvera was
not in Clonfuego harbor, but that he
sailed for (Santiago aa soon as possible
on receiving new that tha Spaniard
were there. He met with innumerable
delay by the breaking of machinery
in different vessel and lack of fuel,
The coaling of his vessel from collier
wa attended with much difficulty,
owing to the rough eas. He finally
located the enemy aud established tho
blockade as soon as it was possibl for
bim to do so.
Death ef a President's Swantbeart
Washington, Deo. SO. Mr a. Mary
Tutt Throckmorton, who, in her early
life, was a leader in society here, died
last night from the effect of inhaling
illuminating gas, which escaped by ac
cident in her room, Mho wa 88 year
of age. In the beginning of Jackson's
second term a president, Mrs. Throck
morton, then Miss Tutt, made her
debut in the executive mansion. Mar
tin Van Huron was one of the young
girl admirer, and her reported en
gagement to him wa one of tha so
ciety rumors of the capital,
Hodr found In e Clotet
Ciiioaoo, Deo, SO. Michael Erall
Rolllnger, a native of Austria, is under
arrest charged with the murder of his
wlfo, Theresa, The charred body of
Mrs. Rolllnger was found Frlduy night
in a clothe closet of her home, and
her death wu at first supposed to be
tho result of an accident. The police
now claim they have sufllclent evi
dence to prove that Rolllnger strangled
his wife, poured kerosene over the
body and set lire to It. Mrs. Rolllnger
owned some property in Austria and
also carried tf.'00 life insurance.
Hood'o PillG
Arc prepared from Na
ture's mild laxatives, and
while gentle arc reliable
and efficient. They
Roucc tho Liver
Cure Sick Headache, Hil
iousncss, Sour Stomach,
and Constipation. Sold
everywhere, 25c per box.
Prepared by C.I. flood 1 ('o.,Liwcll.M;i.
m man, ho will t.ike onlrt for our
Leghorn Hen l ood, in tluir own town,
V ni.ik-' ilili olti't for a liit lime, In
01. It l'i ' t out I'ikhI inlit iikus erm-Ml
ue. Il iiii-ie;iw yU-ld ! rcg, l""p
l.ial in I l"llh, S-nd Joe. lot a
K!ll l. aiitf l, "d Ugiil U Ae
Otitt'l at DIM c.
',miMi, aiiti a InluraMilua Um. Imh. Mu
rt mlt-Mmmi, waH ,!(. AMwi
UghofaFoodC,( 183 B.)lkalun,Mii.
We Arc Ready How
to til ,. ba b-r Itdiday a
a ana lb ! nla i lw
Stie nf nHn I it. A id vial,
wiaur la am nemc lalaelar
d leil, bat ta uanw a4 In
Uire Heat flaa a ar rriWa
bi i.a a'MM d i-r a(H Kia4
il eal la )or ami ir tr,
CmurtliU (oil (a .
lit 5011 111! II.
- Ma"
W T-wi till
r- iw
lard t'hon i. V m.
Main Office '5V,.
Lincoln, Neb.
Nerroni, Chrnnle and
rrlvt lilseese,
All prlvst I suit ills
orders of nivn, 1'reatinii
lijr insll i comallntlnn rrna.
Kyiitillis eurad for Ufa.
Alffnrnnof fvmsl wrnk
nni aud Disown ef Wo
nivn. ,
Electricity M..'.'L.
Enable! ni to guarantee to car sll mm einble
skin snil fcliliio UlcMeo, Vml Msuhtwd, N ulil
KmlMloiiii, yilrrl, Vrl-iM:el, tienorrliM,
tilwl, 1'llvs. rinulssiiii Hwiitl UlMirs, )llwu.
snd llrlnlit's DIpnsK, 100.00 for eM nf
CAT II II H, ItllKUMA I l-M, lVS'Jtl'SlA
or a V FUILI wa ei nnot csr.
P.!jk.. 0 fl fared it loniehrow
Mr ClU IB &I UlBfil nifUiml wlihoui, pain or
cuUi'ig. C'oirPoTtiitlon irllh,K. Trsutiimut lx mail
Cull, or addrw with Ump I Jjjjjrj OftlCO
Drs. Boarles & Scarles, I ions o mt.
A Devoted Wife
Like to m her bnsband arrajed la im
maculate llnnn, Wa can oita tnanjr case
o( when wive Insist on sanding their
linen to our laundry, and ladle, an wall
a men are good of how laundry
work should b don. Haw enVe re
moved. Call op phonn 679. THE JIKUT
CarriaarM, I'baeton. and Warona of
all kind: put on Knoher Top, Cush
ion, and Hack, wholesal or retail.
Pot on Uuhher Tire and warrant
every net I'alntlng and repairing
not i eel Ind in th went. 20 ream lt
bunlnean In Lincoln. 801-805 Booth
Tenth street, comer M street.
Notice to Farmers
and Stock Feeders.
Buy your cattle and nhaepat tb toe
yard, Weet Llnooln and nam (reihl '
and other zpenee, JJav yoor hp
dipped. W guarantee to cur scab, wa
do th work for on cent per had. Wa
Geo., tot,, West Lincoln, Net.
Low rate on oar personally oondnoted
icuraion. Lear Omaha every Friday
ia Colorado Spring and Hoenio Route,
These Excursion Car ar attached to
Fast raasetiKr Train, and their popu
larity I evidence that we offer tb beet
Write for handsome litinerary which
give lull information and nw map.neot
tree. For complete Information, rate
and berth reservation, aee your local
ticket agent or addreaa K. K. MacLEOU,
A. 0. I'. A., Toka, Kansna.
Tb Way aa ta Calibrate.
la In a tourist aleepluar ear peraonally
eonducted 'Vln tb HnrtinKtoa rout.
You don't chauKvcar. You make laat
time. , You a lb Ouret seeuery on tb
Your ear I not so itiirr,y finished
nor so Dim to look at aa a palae eleeper
bat it la Juat aa rlaan. iuata eoiulort
ahle, luai a good to rid ia, Aud nearly
Tb HurlliiKtoa ieurlon ear (d.
ih.Ib everv Tbured at 0 10 p, m, reach
laa' Han I'raneiaeo Sunday aad U An
vwImi Xlonday, I'orter with each ear,
Kit'uraioa Htannarr with ai-b party.
Fr Mib-r airina; lull Inlorntetioa rail
at l, A M. dMit or eliy tkHi ofltea
roraar luta aad 0 lrt.
O, W Ho au.
f, 1 T. A.
Mae llaf HaMaa.
I'MHImki t'ca Ik. I ika aaii.4
Sat. aaM.ta lt.a W l.,, .....
.u4i.alut Mm i,aiMa,lli d la kawarca
Ul'i aaai4
t ka aaaa aat awrwaitv la Ik Mai.
te aaak
Ik MMtlfMrf aa n.4 u
a, !.
! ., w I..
1 k iiim ik kaMaaa la k
a, al4 wfaebl K aswl
-e sai a Ik , m4 M...I.I
uiiHKiadriii.iaiia ..
a ka M . a ) kM,
. 1.a4 a mh.i-. ai
wMmIhiwIi.Iw, - a.
IkakiakMt sal Utj. .
-i iiwi a h iHka K awwit , ha,
' a-Ma.-e a ka
a4 1
m. la... a ,.- m , -J
ihiaa 1
iae i iui f m a.
Sirs, a
Tat' lineal, TniMttr, Jt 0 ttfNI
rwwaJUiadal Hate 4 tnen
lal., Imiw, H,tx aaA Rm.
lfNehea.1 Y4 ee ak.
UHKearVapaidM MWav,
lUNHf unt il.