1L Lrf Mt On la th World Colaps la Mow Turk City. Jttw York, Dec. 19 The great steel gas tank of the Consolidated Gaa com puny, the largest of ita kind in the world, collapsed at 6:20 o'clock venter day afternoon. It went down with a crash and roar like a great explosion Masonry of granite blocka and bricks to tho height of fifty feet foil liko a child toy house of blocka, and loosen d from bondage 8,000,000 gallon of water, which deluged the street and in a ten-foot tidal wave carried death and destruction through the surround ing neighborhood. It is not known bow many were killed and injured. The dead so fur recovered are: An drew Wendt, workman; liius Ilaum, engineer in adjacent factory; John Gray, 75 years old, watchman, Manhat tan. Four are missing, and twenty-one more or less seriously injured. W, J, Logan of the Logan Iron Work of (ireen i'oint, L. I., the con tractor who was building the tank, arrived on the scene within a few min ute after the collapse and was at once placed under arrest. William II. Itradley, chief engineer of the Consolidated Uas company, and aid to be Jointly responsible for the work with Contractor Logan, was also placed under arrest, They were charged with homicide and their ball was placed at 110,000 each. Turkey tnt Sol. Hum In Culm. Niew Voiik, J)i', liWfhe American soldiers in Cuba and Porto Jtlco will not lack ('liristmim dinner. Colonel C A. Woodruff, assistant commissary of subsistence, wilt forward to thum by the steamer Mississippi, which alls at noou to-day for hunt I ago and I'once, 10,000 pounds of turkey and 2. Oho pounds of cruu hurries, which kould reach them in time for thcli holiday celebrations, The birds will be shipped In cold storage uml will reach the company eooli hi good con dition. Individual boxes will be car ried free on the stuumer Mississippi. The largest and finest collection FIT1RS French Cony Collarettes, blgb storm collars, $1.49 Canadian seal collarettes satin lining high collar, tall trimmings $3.75 Astrakhans and Caoadan seal combination collarettes, long tabs, mar ten tall trim ming, each $5.00 Imitation stone marten collar- ettes.flns plaid or plain taf feta linlug, high collar $7.50 Mnfflonn and Canadian seal combination collarettes, sa- tfrj C A tin lining, high collar ... if I iJU Christmas Ladies' Japan tU kmUtehd band kerehMs, silk mbroidrMd luitialC a vwaesjsjsawejswaMssMaM Fin mail kmtlUbd haadkr-f Aa f bWs, tsabroldured iultlal miU.. I Uw Eltra toe all Uaea kaadkrebMa, fauey at a. mbroidrd 'ueo0(n taliial, each 4 M W V llesMtltched aaadkmhlefs, faaey esrotdfWil eorsers, also laiC m Y!nikru4Wfd kasJkm'kwl at V I 8, lle, lV.d l&e. MUFFLURS Wool mtxetl dark muttler. h trirs and pUu!, each 15c Wool mutllers, assorted stvlci, at ;oc. (kk. and upwanU ti ,...$1.35 White. Black and Colored Brocaded Silk Muitlfrn.at50c.6sc. 75c. $1.00 and upward to $1.13 50 100 lOo Qass drop aliiiNa, fmt lb. 4Mt Caady swim, riairttf kvtmk eauiM "I airy Tatws" kvlda IreAta Skli4 a4 AwMfWaa ata4 Midy.rvMalaf 15 tital. eMesMtHl War Department Ihoh Rations Vktnnf Application Is Mad Wasbihgion, Dec. 14. Since the tessatlon of hostilities this govern ment ha spent about 11,000,000 in feeding the starving Cuban and the work is still goiug on. Besides this, about 6,000,000 ration were left at Santiago after the campaign before that city, but have been used by the American troops and distributed among the Cubans. The distribution of ration 1 now going on wherever American force are found in Cuba, a there i a standing order issued by the secretary of war to dole out the ra tions to Cuban whenever application is mad for them. INSURANCE COMPANIES WIN, Kansas Cltjr arid St. Iouls Are Exempt Worn Anti-Trust Law. JjcrrKiiHofi Crrv, Mo., Dec. 15. Su preme court en banc yesterday, in an opinion by Judge Ilurgess, decided that the anti-t rust law of 1807, which exempts the fire insurance companle doing business in cities of over 100,000 inhabitants in this state from the pro vision of the law, is constitutional. The case decided were that of the attorney general against the Aetna and twenty-three other foreign Insur ance companies and the American Cen tral and the Citlzuns' Insurance com panies of Ht, Louis doing business in Kansas City for writs of ouster for violation of the ' w by having the rate for premium axed by a board of un der rs, T Tesah the I'orfo Jllonn, Hah Juas m 1'oirro Ku.o, Dec 15, The insular cabinet has decided to se cure an elliulent American superin tendent for the 1'orto Jilean school. (ieiierul John Katon, tho well-known educator and formerly United Mutes commissioner of education, has been selected and sent for. of Holiday Goods in Nebraska d at mm aM A a- m .f am A am mm&mWmmmW sample The FOR CHRISTMAS, Fine martin collarettes, brocade satin lining., Fine slectrio seal collarettes, satin lining 17.50 and 10.00 10.00 Qennlne beaver collarettes, plaid taffeta lining, f 25 values, each $20.00 Gray krlmmer collarettes. sold elsewhere at 118. Our (J J J y g MUFFS French coney muffs.. .570 Iialtlo seal muffs, sealaklnjj Asirasnaro muns..wMi wwmvivv Fine Persian lamb . :.r..p:."?.S7.00toS 1 0.00 Genuine beaver muffs, linht or $6.50410.00 "RSL-:? $2.75to$5.00 MiKj::!i $7.00to$8.00 Novelties In rul- :rrJr..:$6.00to$ 10.00 Handkerchiefs and Mufflers. Mull handkhr!hiefs. ricblvA A 25c embroidered each uUaul iquislt line ol all linsn handker- chiefs, embroldorud, bemstltchml and scalloped dosigns, at loc,'J5, 85, 60,75 andfl.MU Italian Swiss hand embroidered handkerchiefs in mjuisite de signs on linen batiste, at fl.35.tf A 11.75, 'JoOU tl4 Large variety ol lace trimmtsi baudkerchk(a, at 6e, 10, !lu,85c, ftOe and upward In j V5. DucheMM Iimmi handkKrchiefa, new patterns. 1 1.8.1 to 9.1. The beet valuse la Utliea all linen bsmatitched handkerchief at 5e, hk lav. lie, '.'iv, 'J5o and up wards Ut r(K, i K.VH II A M K I' UC 1 1 1 E 1H- I'lalu White and liaadaoute colored '50 btirdere, cambrie, sa-..., Japan!! baudkerrhiet, silk m Aa broitk-ml laittaia, tott... AU haa tmbroiiVrd kaadkvruaM nibro)dr4 initial, eitr val C wl.Mts wst m WW Fiaqaiiti, ail ll. kaadess- 250 broidr4 iatial, each Mikada a4 Tulbt tkwJtt mAiM, M)aal la ear AOe tlw A As wiate m .arii4, s Isu aUU Wkaa'e Uun , at tboew Rkt, (ttMeuUt mwI aH ,, J la aat A C Aa eaaJy la tie kuuksi, t la. I'wf tut tm Unmy eVpartsMNit. BrinB thia ad 7ith Jadg Pmbody of St. tools. Presides With Revolver la Bis Hand. St. Louis, Ma, Deo. 15. A riot oc curred in the first district police court yesterday, during which Judge Thomas II Pcabody, on the bench, eat with his revolver in hi hand, while Attorney J. D. Storta, with drawn weapon, de nounced the judge in unmeasured terms because of a decision he declared unfair to hi clients. The attorney was defending fonr women charged with being questionable characters, and the Judge declined to continue their cases for more than one day. This angered Storts, who drew his revolver and launched into lurid denunciation of the judge. The judge drew hi re volver and called for officers to throw the attorney out. The officers re sponded, and after a battle, during which furniture was demolished, the lawyer was placed behind the bar. The trial was taken up and the wo men fined heavily. Last night while Judge Peabody waa about to enter hi home on I'age boulevard, two men, supposed to be friends of Attorney (storts, sprang up on him and began assaulting him with their fists. The judge attempted to defend himself, but was overpow ered. He was being worsted when hi cries attracted a private watchman, who ran to hi rescue and the assail ant disappeared. The judge wa bruised, but not seriously injured. Referring to tho trouble in the court the judge said: "When Storts made that charge at me with his re volver, of course I was prepared for him and I would have fired if it had not been that there were a dozen per sons behind him. I considered that my life was in Jeopardy and I meunt to shoot at the first opportunity." As there is bitter enmity between Attorney Storts and the judge, it 1 feared there may be more serious trouble. 'I'll litfl'BlKVT ) ,VKT 11.00. gathered here from all parts of m am. aa. m m a am am a aaLaamam am, tarn, V iam f A sf jSk J SMvjsVt every ucpdruutui ia xurtucu wuu Child- nM. and hlu at.o-nra muffs M t he with nnrae SI. 3 woo ,n "d$ 1 .50 Grey. "3J r Angora sets, white., 1 CA Angora sets, salmon and grey.iB 1 siJU Novelties In misses sets.electrio seal, genuine cliincLilla.dJ A AA with blue fortals $ I U.UU Imitation stone mnrtln sots.... $4.50 White lamb and angoriatf C 0f sot, with purse ipvandipU The best values In all linen hem stitched handkerchiefs, at 15c, 200, 23 acd upward to 75. CHILDREN'S HANDKERCHIEFS Frettieat stylf an ' designs, at lc, 3o, and 5. Fancy bandkerchiofs, band embroid ered Initial, 3 in a fancy XmaaACft bos for.... bVU hAMKA' MEN'S AND CHILDREN'S SILK 1 1 A M K K I tt' 1 1 1 K I'M Fa ncy embroldrred baukerchiefs.Q Aft In color All whit rabroilriHl silk bandksr chUfs, at K. a.1c, SOeand upward to 9 1. Japanese silk hemstitched handkr enafs aul band mbrold !25an.50O ri na4krenii at-...ssf ami Whit silk bemstitcbiKl baudkwrcbWfs plain and twilled silk. U UiU toSltJi, prk" rang I5e, yile, J "m, 3, 4iKj, 5(n-, 75 aud $l.UO. Black silk hmstuvhl hasdkrvbwfs at 85e, 4K 51 and 75. Bruraded tlk bitadkerebiwl. prtty eul or. ilie, O'si aad upward 0 f to mMtmMHittMtmHiHiMitwMtttMtimtiM a SOo VUra&Btaltuw, dtali. p la... ssUw rWt latpuriwl llU auankauU- Q C m law, pt t Taatus ffitU4 ( ae4 4aMppK fl p ta ta sstM. ACsa pm 4sww A rei,,s, you, or if you ordor by mail pleaoo montion thio papor v n niioiomi! no it unuuL. Dr. Hyde, Ex-Police Surgeon ot Kansas City. Arrested. CHARGED WITH GRAYE ROBBING He Is a Demonstrator of Anatomy at the Dolversltr Medical College Police Bar Negroes Engaged With Him Have Told AIL Kansas Crrr, Deo. 16. Dr. IS. C Ilyde, formerly police surgeon, one of the 'demonstrators of anatomy ' at the University Medical college, was ar rested soon after noon to-day for grave robbing. T. B. Carter, the negro jan itor at the college, was arrested at the same time. The charge agaln.it Ilyde is taking the body of Michael Kelly from its grave at St. Mary' cemetary last fall, but the polloo say they have evidence to convict him with other grave robberies. The police have hinted si fcsslon of Ham McClain, who, with Charles 1'erry, grave of Lenbra Todd in the con ie negro, robbed tho Woodiawn cemetery last Saturday night, that a prominent physician was implicated In the recent grave robberies, and that as soon as tho evidence could be gathered together ho would be ar rested. What with "sweating" and the best elforts of the detective, ilie police have succeeded in accum ulating evidence which they say will disclose au organized gang of irave robbers that have been respon ilble for all the ghoulish work done ia Kansas City for years. Besides the warrant for Dr. Ilydo, others were issued for Charles Perry, Sam McClain mil T. It. Carter, the negro janitor at the University Medical college. Carter was under urrost but was released Monday afternoon. He was let go to illow lilin to lead the pollco to import- the world and priced reasonably 1' rfeA ,44't Wt44AGI 4 0 L juai uwu yo.uh a Christmas Dress Patterns. beautiful assortment ol tbe richest and daintiest novelties in silk and wool, all wool and fine silks, especially pur chased for tbe holiday selling. A more appropriate gilt for wife, mother or sis ter could not be found. Dress patterns in all wool nov elties and Jamestowns, per di mn pattern ..Vfl.ti Dress patterns in storm serge, ah the staple colors, per pat-v l J n tern .. I? I I Dress patterns In silk and wool novelties, Jamestown and all VQ fin wool funcies, per pattern tpO.UU Dress patterns in crepon serge, and all wool cuecks, late coi-ff J fin ore, per pattern ipV.V w Fine Holiday Underwear. Ladies' silk ribbed vests, low neck sleeveless, In cream, , pink ndCA sky, each wUv Ladles' finespun silk vests In pink, sky and cream, neck and arms trimmed with lace at CA 75c, 81.00 aud tfltUU Ladies' Swiss ribbed wool vests low neck, sleeveless, In cream, tiink. blue, black and salmon, bend crocheted neck andtflf CA arms, each $1.00, f 1.25 audi 1 .UU Christmas 9c English walnuts, new, lb 12c llrsiil. Dw, per lb, .120 12c Filbert, aw, per lb tt Jumbo pears, larg, par lb 5o (Woaauts, tack, 5c 10c I'vaunU, lrb roasted, p r qt MilJ ante, laaey, pv lb. Mine sswat. f J fl;t, lb, 81-30 70 280 16o 5o 100 Apple batter, duct wade, lb. Hi Sw4 IUkie;tHvli,lb i w kMulaHs pa. take t'ttetMt, Ik raw.. . ... TabM pwuilMw, a ,H. M9 1.0a 4 4 t'CtV MAILORDERS MOST CAREFULLY LOOKED AFTER Tn?ToTnjerroICne&raveoi juenora Todd, a young uegress, was the inci dent that led to the arrest of Dr. Hyde. Charles Perry and McClain drove to Woodiawn cemetery, Kansas City, Kan., about midnight Saturday and dragged the body of the young negress from it grave. They delivered it to Carter.the negro janitor of the medical college, and were dividing the 20 they received when they were arrested in Flynn's saloon on Independence ave nue. The officers who arrested them supposed they had captured some foot pads, but when McClain broke down and confessed to the grave robbery the police began at once to ferret out the plot, with the result that they now al lege to have the most convincing evi dence against Dr. Hyde and others. BAILEY FIGHTS WHEELER. Declsrei Ha Must Either Resign From the Army or Congress. Washington, Dec. 15. Representa tive Joseph W. Ualley, leader of the minority, has formally and publicly opened his fight on Major General Joe Wheeler of Alabama, one of the heroes of Santiago and a member of the House. Mr. lialley announces that General Wheeler cannot remain in the army and vote and act as a member of Congress. The constitution, says Mr. lialley, clearly prohibits a member of Congress from rccepting any ofllce un der the United States while serving his term, and this being true, General Wheeler must resign from Congress or from the army. KiimU After .Itpmi's Hlil ps. London, Dec. 15, The Tai ls corre spondent of the London Daily News says: "Ily Influencing China to delay the payment of tho war indemnity to Japan, the Russian government will be enabled to acquire aeverul Japanese warships now building abroad, which Japan will be unable to pay for at the Stipulated time," enough to be within reach oi w - - - - Dress patterns flue im ported il luminated and two tone Berg s aud paguin suitings, per 0g AQ 45 novelty dress patterns, reg ular 10 00 and $12.00 val ues, for the Xmas selling, JjQ Ezqnislte line of fine novel tf C A A ties at 110.00, 12.60 andif I U.UU Black dross patterns at fl.47, 12.00, l'J.50, $3.50, 5.00, 1 1) CA $7.00, $9.00 and K 1 fi.UU Black satin Duobesse dress 5 atterns at $0.00, $13.50 tf f Q C A 15.00 and ipIO.UU Peau d Sole dress patterns tf 1 C CA at $18.50 and iplU.JU Armor dress patterns at tf 4 CA $10.50 and ipiY.JU Holiday Hosiery and Garters. Ladies' fine imported real maco ootton hose, velvet nutau, high spliced heel and toe, $1.00 double sole, 11 pairs (or. Ladies' fancy stripe aud plaid tf 1 AA hoec at 25c, 35c, 50o and tp I sUU Indies' black silk plaited hose.d 4 A A a pair 75c asd i)l.UU Pure silk hose, upward from $2.50 $1.85 to Eiquisite line of fancy garters, all th latest novelties and most Hpular colors; prltvd A A from lOo to tpl.UU Groceries. Pi peai hr. ;i-IL. ran, each.... 7C Kgg plum, Jl lb. ran, each... .......lie Campbell' biwfsteak eatui, 1 QOa pt. bottle, cb CCkKt HhradJed wtol wheat bisvult, AA per pkg .. 1 U V 25C Jry wkatliug, 9 pkg lor 9C Quaker Oats, pkg MS ACa Ivory Hoais 4 larg bar ........... fiwV l'airbaak'tloll I'u.t. 1 bar of I'airbask I'aiff tioap r'r It witk vry pkg, r lt 1 JU Our rUbraid "Hatia" Itour, OQa if k 07U 0r.l.bfaW.MVl.l'' takio poike, attraall la tw a AC a gvMhl atk swt, jxf van Park eg Yt, 3c 10c Pvlttsfl, wf III M 4 Ot tbe Head, Nose, Throat. Lungs, Eyes Deaf ness, La Grippe and Asthma, Medicine end TreatmeatONLY $3.00a MONTH. CHRONIC Nervous and Special Diseases ef MEN and WOMEN. Diseases of the Eye, Ear, Lnrurs. Kidneys. Blaoder, Shin, Slood, Rheumatism and Cancer Our facilities lor treating all forms of Chronto Diseases are unlimited and our remarkable success has never been tut passed. Low Fee System The popularity of our small cbarfc-es for treat, meut is fully demonstrated bv the great num bers making dally application for our treat, meut. , Home Treatment Our Home Treatment by Mull 1 everything that could be desired for all caxps. Hook It,. Bend for symptom BlanUs. P. O. Hoi 4'.'.i,or Tho Draper Medical Institute N. E. Cor. ISth DoaRlas Bu., Omsbs, N. b. DR. McGREW IS TBS osur PIOIALIST WHO TBBATS AU, Private Diseases WMkataaiMHrkr.r MEN ONLY W Years Siberian ee. 10 Years ia Omaha. Book Free. Commits- tioulfre. Box7ty,o 14th and P srnam 8ta OMAHA, Men. 8TKA MRIIIPTICKETR "TO" EUROl'B SOLI) STEAMSHIP TICKETS vnnitf rcrmniMfl ftrvr.n ' If you are going to the old country or liiMMiu to unng ineixis irom in ere to this country, please call on me for figures, information, etc. A. S. FIELDING, C. T. A. Northwestern Line. NORTH WESTERN LINE HOLIDAY KATES. i Fare and third for round trip. Tick et sold December 24, 25, 26 and 31, and January 1 and 2. Limit January 4th. Distance limit 200 miles. City of flee 117 South Tenth street. Depot j corner Ninth and S streets. cwrybody. This list is but a Christmas Slippers. Men's black and chocolate slip- m, all styles, upwards iroraffn nil, 1.25 to MfisVV Men's imitation alligator slip pers, black and brown, 65c, QQ Men's plash patent trimmed sllp-rjC pers, a pair 65c and I v V Boys' brown goat slippers at tf AC $1.15 and ipt.fiiV Boys' plush patent trimmed iIIpQRa pers vv Ladies' felt Juliets, fur trimmed, black, red, browu, green andff 1 Cf drab, a pair . ip 1 ivv Ladies' felt slippers, upward $1.50 irom 47c to Ladies') fine party slippers, 1 and 2 strap, patent leatner or kid, regular $3.00 values.tf QO a pair 1 fO Holiday Umbrellas. Ladies' 20-inch colored silk um brellas, finest pearl bandies, gold trimmings, cuse and tfQ CA taasel ..tpO.UU Iloru bandit, sterling trin !r$5.50 mings, ft. 50 and Dresden and natural wood handle, sterling name plate 0 i 17 C $'i 60, $3.00, $1 AO ard....M..i. I 9 Ladiea' black silk, S0-inch nat ural wood, with silver trim. tilings, luncy Uredrn aud pearl handle at $3,50, $5.50 11.00 and. Meu'a UH lm h black silk nm- brtllaa, born handle, with silver mounting, aadtf 4 nB Huesla, at $ J.50, $3.50 aJ..l)i. I 9 Mn's nmbrvlla with Watkr0A A A raMa at$t.uo and .. $w VvV w Ma' 9H-incK Carola silk am. brsllaa, natural woMlkandie terliug triaiaiing at $1.75. $3.00 f J.aJaaa.............. The largest, most complete and Wt aborted stock of Toys and DolU In Nebraska. W8 AkE SOLI LtXCOUt 4QCfTi rOR BL-TTWIWC rATTOUfl AM) ltUCATI0Ns Netratka't Greatest Matt Order Houte, iLincoln