The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, December 15, 1898, Page 4, Image 4

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Dec. 15, 1898
L Nebraska Mrpcnbcnt
, CtmlidHn j
Indipirjdarjt PublUhiijg Go.
At 1190 M ltrt,
$1.00 per Year in Advance.
Atitm all aeaaialnatloa to, a4 mtU alt
trail, BtMf Mim. u. eajrsbl te
linwbt, Mia,
If It I "man Iff t destiny," why don't
f hey show up tli waiilfst7"
, amsatotsgaaraawreiW
Every lima the government Issue
bonds, down goes lb I"!" of wheat,
luok over the record and aa tl thor la
a single exception.
ltlnldthatthe small banker bava
swarmed juto Washington lit such num
Lira that the have killed tbe MoClenry
till. Tba blmetallleU lot them know tba
meaning ofthat bill. Tbey would never
hare found It out otherwise.
Old Ilutterlneanya that tba Maasochu
mitt a fishermen oatob 120,000,000 worth
of ood and "so forth" off tba bank of
Newfoundland every jear. These latter
kind of Ash bavt never yet appeared In
tba western markets, Tba Yankee must
keep them all for their own use,
Tba Assoelolad 1'res la sending out a
lot of political rot about tba Unitad
rltate senate being wife for tha gold
standard until 1007, One third of tba
senate will be elected in two year from
now and If Iba blmelulllo force &ra
strong enough to abet a president, they
will also eh ft a majority of tba adnata.
Two republican United Htutes anno
ore und on governor aland indicted
before tba com te for fclonons offenses,
That docs not Include Mark llinna wbo
nust atnnd a triul before tba senate for
brlle-rjr. Tbepnrfy upholds every ona
of Ibun and not a denunciation In to bo
wu In an; republican jiojht of tba men
among Ihelr lender wbo have become
aofoul tbnttba Krand juries bava bad
to look all i-r them, Orent Ik tba g. o. p,
There la a pop paper printed out In
Custer county tbnt twin turned Itself
wrong altla out and goes out among tbo
people with lla limbics outside, exposed
tr tlia tIow of tba whole community,
When tlm busy exchange editor after
much trouble euirocde lit getting Ita in
aides back where they belong litt
Amis it worth wading. There la another
pop paper published over In Jollet, III,
It comes folded up In three separate
sheets. Jly the time the editorial page
ia found tba searcher ia o out of biiinor
that ha generally won't rtnd It at all,
Aimer to several correspondents
aMt ' a a . ,
maoonru 01 iraiiMptiriimon la com
po (1 of tba following alata ofllora,
oamoly; tba trouNuror, Mr, Mmrv; tba
oomniimtiiiiK-r of publio luuda and build
inga, Mr. Wolfe; tba ancrotnry of atata,
Mr. l'ortori tba auditor, Mr. Cor null; tba
attorney-general, Mr, Hniytha. ThamHk
ratariea of the board ara Mr. J, A. IMgnr.
ton: Mr, O, !., I.awa nud Mr. J, ('. lahU
mau, Thtire ia not now and baa not
barn alnoe May, any Injunction or other
legal ooHtacIa In tha way tapravnut au
order lining hwued tortnluoe treUlit ratea
Id tli la atata,
Thar will ba oo mora to jt ball guinea
Iter the eoclallNta, the truwta and the
corporal loin gt through with ua.
"t'umMtiUoa" ta to ba eliminated front
the field of human wllvltiea. tMcouraa
II It la wrong to rntr lutoamietlti(ia
for prorty, it ia alaowrong to compete
ia a fiwt race or lor a prm at eollega.
The lrutaar doa on competition. It
thluka that if eome other fellow ahoutd
Imild another lineand eouiHita with It
lor a.tnrrN that It would t all
wrong. I ha thing that la wroug ia nut
tHimiwtilloa. la vry la iMtcupatlnaa
hi lare any chaaea for iMtnpMltioa. The
mtiaomliu and et-iahata work
gether la Mh a way a to comiiWtety
deatroy it,
A 'vUli.t 'lUt Up la Houlh laktt
eall the likl aiir aa "elb'Ml iw
itiat t" and lie Iit.r hl
low" wad wwjrw that he t ety ftlth,'
TUa heaaye Trout the rvult ta Ne
tuatka It womUI btfk to an a
though a little arlp fmnt the awiatle
ig')t have brv id iHat.ratU Vaiaa,'
Hall the a.irialMta ta the ttale had
glf thU aaeUtaa It would hate not
ftMiaat4 tualeathvr'a weight' Alt
JI the Wlp thi y trm tS gold hag,
th euuM tHity miI latt abate elate
14! tut. -1he ha talka alniat the aa
mltelte Uake ta the pipeUt UtkMrm,
Thm ia a) a rUltat plank ia the Mp.
altot ptatlty aalfitha ta, TKera
til waa (MipnlMt toateatioa ate la
ItUaoU that otea adopt4 eueh a plaak.
hh'U iMUtjr ol th atata 4M
f4! tJtaa M4 the. It lag aevaa beeg
ttzjti al tiaea.
Bararal gantlameo bare recently ant
article to tba editor of the Ixdkpkkd
knt on eoonomlo queationa lth a re
qurat that ha raad them and point out
tba error If ha ehould find any. To one
of the be aant tba following reply. The
matter being of general liiteraaf, the
letter l publiahod for the Information of
other wbo are asking light upon aome
of tba abatru probhtm of economic-.,
"Your article contain on of tlm Ik at
Btatemimt I aver aaw of the theory ad
?ocatd,:aud which up to JM wa ad-
f ooated by all the atatamM who op.
nrmnil t,ha John Khermiin plan, ft I
known among economlata a the "Auto.
tn&tln Tlieorr." However wbwu tba
ahnro IntiilltMitUiU (!Ontwt Ollt Ofl III
1803 ia the United rHafnaecnttte, the ad
viuiittim of blmatalllam wore fortwd to
abandon It,
"Koonomlet never u the lerma
'bard inonav,' 'aoft money' or VclcntlUc
money,' lor a thing la money or la not
inonev and aov adl'wtlva ftttwhed to
w- . u 9 - v
tba term money ia uprfluou,
"Jtaanin to ma that J I he difficulty
with your article I tba want of a dfb
nit conception of what value I. Tba
claeelcal writer on political economy
define value to be "power la exchange."
That In, anything that cannot be ex;
changed for money or an f commodity
baa no value, Hanator John P. Jonea'
definition la far better la any popular
dlacuaalon of tba money queetlon. He
eny; 'Value I human catimation
placed on dealrable object, tba quantity
of which I limited.' That being the
caaa you will readily urn that labor coat
cannot In any amiee fix value. Of two
piece of calico produced at exactly the
Name labor cot, one may have value
and the othei none at all, for one may
be of audi a horrible color or pattern
that no one dcirea it, Hotb piece muy
be of the aaui utility both would have
the earn amount of wear In them but
ona would have value and tba other
would not, Yon an that neither utility
nor labor coat flxea value. ItUthede
alrabllity of thing and tbo limitation of
quantity that flxea value. Tba moat do.
alrable tbiag on carta would have no
value if the quantity were unlimited.
Take the air we breathe. It lot no value
bucauee the quantity I unlimited. Limit
the quantity and men would give all
they bad for a eupply.
"It follow therefor, that auy law
that will make a thing deeirable, that
wn not before deeirable, will create a
value, Heetbe epeecb of Htmator John
1. Jonea, pngelOJ and page 174 to
H,1 Incliielve, where a great many au
thorise are cited
"Of couree an Irredeemable money
would have no value, ThatbtjuMtn
true of gold however ae of paper money,
A greenback In not valuable becauee the
government at Wuehington will redeem
It, but became any civilized man In any
part of the world wbo ba good for ale
or eervice for hire will redeem It. If a
greenback could only be redeemed at
Washington or at a few buuk counter,
ita value would be greatly reduced. No
man acccpta a green buck bocnuae it la
redeemable at WaHblngton but becauee
it baa power In exchange, that ia, be
know he can exchange ft for anything
that badeelrea that ia for eale or any
aervice that I for hire. In fact, the ex
cbauging one kind ol money for another
la not redemption at all In any eeuee of
the word, for nothing bite been nccom-
plikhed. Neither party baa Inwu beuefited
norbaeloet anything, except the time
apent in the ueeliMt operation.
"Value being human catimation placed
on deeirable object, the quantity of
which ia limited, It cannot by auy con
ceivable proceea ba menaured. In fob
Iowa, therefore, that there la no audi
thing a 'a muaeure of value,' There ie
no place In economic fur euch a term.
Value are etl mated, not menaured.
"In conclttelon let ma aay that money
ia not a auhetance. Uou't be atartled at
the broad atateuient, All the 'real'
thing in tbla world ara not euMauce
they have neither length, breadth nor
thlt kneM. Take the thing we call 'tu
telllgeuce,1 ltranaotb eeenwlth the
eye nor handled with the hand, t'hetiih
ml analyai will bid to dim-over It. The
miero.H mil Rot revml It. Parwia
enj that earth worma, one of th low.
eat ordwraof an I nut I in exiateiiea, bava
latvlllgetttv, and it ia by their tutlliguce
they lite, lllot lateliigeaea out ofei
itn and all Uiaoklnd aad all auimal
UK auul.l diaapprar whhia thirty day.
Yet latelligvtie ia ant a eulMtanew, It
ha ant dimension. Ho da't beatartM
at the MMrttoa that iMoaey, the nrnat
Hirlul ttraaM-at ol nppraaionver
laenl4 by tuee, ia not aubataam.
"tlolj m aul wttikf). tdar ia tut
w.ay. No matri)j eattaiaai I (r
evtttaa baatoary. Alva il.Jiar gold
eii a, ) 4 aay la atoaay, Ntrik it with a
Wg hamuivr au4 thaamavy iagoaa,
bat all the wtatarUl aabataaea hi Wit.
Moevy ta ienuif Ul, i a rtvatiuaof
laa aa4 ita a U wa Lalaa,
ilbaiM M, juha, teaa i, th
I nmmfinl Naibotal baal itl Sew Vk,
than whuwi thtra aettr a atore a,
rata thiakrv or thorough ermuwUI la
Ik l airml hia ttiwoai he
(or the tpttagf toiHiailtaa la tdUl
"IVf halloa la wioaey lavolm aetther
Ik wee ol gold v ul ? aor aay wthr
ttnaaiolily, I will aWftbe
MWtwtowey, t wtt Aay eoaieaieal
abetaaca ol aUiel tk 'laUtaiai' pr-
ertiaa ! aitkribha4 aapar, -reir4 m
defy tba counterfeiter, laaued by tba au
thorlty of tba law of the Unitad Btatee,
and promlelng no redemption whateven
except acceptance for all due to the
United Btatee, and alao made receivable
and payable for all duea and debt, pub
Ho private, within the jurladictloo of the
United Btatee,'
"1 bava do doubt that aome day, per
hao In the dietant future, that that will
be tba kind of money ued by all civil
I red nation, Hut before that day ar.
rive there ar many florae battle to be
fought and much education of the poo
pie to be done I do not expect to live
to ace It. Yet it may coma aooner than
any of u expect."
CVHAtt TAitirrg.
The editor of tba Inoki'KNUknt baa re
ceived a letter from aa old newepaper
acquaintance who In traveling In Cuba
and I'orto ftlno, la hi letter ba ay
"lam atonlhed at th atatement
made In th Aocluted Pre report
that tba tariff have been reduced one
half are wholly falae. Tba occupation
by our force bu rained the tariff abov
the Hpanleb rate and doubled the poet
age and telegraph charge. There baa
been a nominal reduction of the tariff
but dutie rniint now b paid in gold
atandard money iuatead of the all vor
tandard which reaulte In aa actual In
croiua of tb tariff, It aeema to me that
It doc not require very much Intclll
gence to comprehend the fact, that the
change from the allver atandard to th
gold atandard double all kind of taxe
a well aa all debt. The change of the
money ayatema in thnae Inland will
work a greater oppreaion than the
Hpanieh ever Inflicted upon them. The
old Hpanieh tariff were much eaehtr to
pay under the ailver atandard than the
new tariff under the gold atandard
1 he people here arejut finding it out
and there la likely to be trouble."
1 be ANoclated l'ree la I be grcafoet
iiiNtrument aver Invented for keeping the
people of theee United Btate la Igno
rance. If the reform force don't invent
aome way to get the now from Waeh.
ington tbey might aa well quit bueinna
llepubllcan member of the incoming
lcgilature are telling their coiiNtituent
that tbl republican lcjriuture will re-
duiie local freight rate In thl atate, a
thing that the fuion Icgfiduture refuecc
to do, Of courne they will not Inform
them that the luet lcgitlatura waa en
joined by thoaiiprcmecourtof the United
Ktute from reducing rate, and the
average republican voter I o Ignorant
of publio iiffnlr that be dw not know
it. There I not a particle of doubt that
the coming legUluture will reduce rate
on car loud lota and thou the member
will go home aud any: "Look at what
we have done for the farmer of Ne-
braxkal" Tbeu they will go into the
next campaign andeuy; "If you wont
to aupport a party that bring the cor
poration to time, vote the republican
ticket, The pop bragged and bragged
what tbey would do to the corporation
when they got into office and when they
got there they didn't do a thing to
J iiet the minute that a law I paeeed
reducing ratee oa cur load lota that
come luto the atate, the railroad will
bill all the aalt, lumber, agricultural I in
piemen t nud everything elee that come
Into the atata iu car load lot atraight
through from the point where they orlg.
Inate to the point of flual delivery in
tbla etato. That will make It "inter.
tate commerce" aud the ratee ox tub-
Untied by the Nebranka legilature will
not apply to them. It ie a very pretty
(heme and they will work It for all there
U In it.
A alNOl.K TAX T tl.LACY,
Thome 0. Hhermnn, one of the uioat
diatinguiMhed adroeatea of the ebigl
tax eyatem, mini up the theorie of
Henry ileorge Iu the lolluwing word:
The renting valu of land aaide from
that given by any hnproveu enta placed
upon it, la not conferred by the uwner
but by aoctety at lariie, and iH'liig eon
fern d by eoclety rightfully Mong to
the atate, Ami ritfMluiljr belotiKing to
I lie atate It enould tw tekea y the atata,
1'bialatSa lleurf tl.t.rgiaiu
ami Ilia t ut of thiinl tat.
Thtalment that th Value of land
ia coufi rrl by laly la aa ludiapulable
fact ,hit that it ahould U aku by tl
atata doea aot by aay nivau follow,
for the valu uf f vrithing Ie roufvrrvtl
by ait. What value would hoow
or btru or railroad or hora or rattl
hat without aocirty, X hrl of rattle
ia aa Ulaal a Hera tarr vera ao hawaa
Mega woat I hat uo value, bat kt
rloty riHuaolft ta of taouaan.i ol
huaiaa twlug rm to that Ulaed
IWirrouiieg would rikr value wpoa
IheUad ailhuut doabl.bat it w mid
alao make vlaalU Ike eatltat, It tka
value that totoVfrml apoa Ihr laud
wall b lakw by the Uta why aaoaM
aot It valae ol th tattia aUi ba tkn
by the alataT It a-woi to lka w ruw
I Hal there hi laadawvutal Ullarr ia
all tk argMeU id Ik alugU laier la
ao raenBii eg that all v!w ar abk
aft-won) by Hptatuiit wad ut Uad
aloa. It a tuaa bviag aloii ta aa aa
lahaUtad wldreaa4 had a haadiet
plokkh he had ma le by hi oaa
atMtr,thy woal4 have wo value, Ul
M-ity rem aatltoal4 tHtt fala
ra the 4ow Iwlor it aould hi th
laao, Waa4 Mr. ahearwaa tai the
(rfowi hgr their (ail ealoat
There ba been aeveral abarp critl
cim made by correspondent of the In
terview given out by Ooveroor Hoi
comb and Senator Allen after tba elec
tion of 1800. While the editor of tb
Ihobpkndknt la a radical of the radical
and never bad any fear that a popullet
legielature would be too radical, It I but
juet to bring to mind the circumatancea
under which tboae interview were given
to the publio. Tb following la a review
oftheca a it then appeared, taken
from page (4 and 05 of Nebraeka Re
"Immediately upon the result of the
election being knowa aroie au outcry
from the corporation and monopoly
claeae eat and wet that confiscation
and ruin to their I a tercet and to prop
erty InveNtmcnt In general would mark
tbecourmof the new Jeglelatlve body
a oon aa aembled. In aix auoceaelve
oampaigna the republican pre and
party manager bad own the atate
broadcast with aaeertlou that genera
destruction would enue from popullet
poiMcaeioua of tba atata government
that no loan would ba renewed, but im
. Jl .1. . . . . ) a a m
uieuuue payment, uemauuea ol every
debtor la the atate, followed by forecloa
ore and ruin. During theee aameaix
oampaigna republican of Nebraska bad
aiNured the peofile of theeaet that pop.
ulUt auoce la the atata meant repudia
tion of debt, violation of contract and
anarchy. Especially bad the mind ol
Investor of the east been filled with
direst prophecies of what would befall
Nebraska nuder populist control con
flscation, anarchy, repudiation and rula
like a chime of gruesome bells, the
change were rung on theee word to de-
cure republican campaign fund from
frightened Investor and maintain the
bold of the republican party oa the Ne
braska etate treasury.
"When those wbo bad used these col-
bmulcaforsix year a their stock In
trade, round their own party swept out
of the state house, and in Ita stead,
nearly a full roster of populist state
officers, with the legislature populist and
free silver by two-third majority, tbey
were face to face with a great crisi of
their own manufacture. They bad told
the people of tbe east that populist vic
tory iu this state meant ruin to their In
vestment here unless immediately with
drawn. If the eastern I investors took
them ut their word, forced collection
and withdrew loans, tbe result would be
ruin Indeed to many of their own asso
elates and business friends. In this
emergency, leading republican In Ne.
braska fell on their knee before promi
nent populists, praying for certificate
that their own former utterance were
only campaign lies. Their two leading
newspapers, tbe Lincoln Journal and
tbo Omaha Beo, begged from Governor
Holcomb and Senator Allen Interviews
to assure the world that the iucomimr
legislature was composed of remarkably
level-headed and conservative men, thut
"nothing radical would be done," and
that the "obligation of contract would
be held eucred." To these Interview
these republican editor added their own
worn belief that life and property would
tlllbesafoin NViruska notwithstand
ing the politics of the incoming leglala
tureand their own campaign lies."
In his message, President McKinlcy
Itl eetnnated upon the basis of
present reveuue laws that the receipts of
he government lor tiieyenrendinir June
UO. 181)0. will be fS77.874.0O7 and ita
exMnditurea 0H,H74,()47, resulting in a
uencieucy of Jlltf.HW.UOU.
That means a continuation of tbe war
taxes and tbe issue of at least 1()0,-
000,000, more bonds. How do the
American people like the prosp.-ct? The
Dingley bill and the whole legislation of
the republican party we Intended to re.
ult In an euormoua ttnd ermanent
public debt. That I what the republi
can farmers of Nebraska voted for aud
thut la what they wlllget.
Title I OH Ml 11. A So I
The plutocratic pr U alwaye and
verUatingly referring to 'tba lower
cUmmmi," y which. It mean the poor or
tboae of modi-rat tumma. Hut what
would b"tmm ol thl world It it were
not lor I to a nm lowar rlaaaia, q tli
rat place, uUi leuth of all rhantabl
work ia dea by theki. The church
a. 1 1 'honl ara mainly tpiHrld
ythtio. They rraal all the wealth.
hry luruUh nrarly all the oldir,
Neatly all Iba povta, phlliMOhra, trkob
lar aad atUoalUt M,.ng among tkwm.
Would It not m ao4 pia lor tha
ritvr to turn Itoir in.ti huoa around
tka wlkr way 4 rail thani lha higher
rlaaa.- lor a kite, t'oaal.lariug lklr
a'kiavuata ia war, ta wt aal la
Umraisg, It la vi taint V a elaa to wkh k
il ta an honor to Moag. t'oaat this
niat aa oae uf thaw any ko,
VAtu tun rMiua.H
Thastapidiiy ol ti,i vrjt rapaUii-
eaa Vowr Imaaala all Wadrataadig.
ky am o viMaa h. t4 wkat-
vr tka kna Wia4 who at ntevieg
Ike aorid may Uiaa to aay, A h
yta.'aago Joha Hhrata al4 thai th
tariff waa a tai oa Ita brigaer. laa
k every owe o tka hs wr rw
(vatiug It from eua a4 of th voaatry
la lha lhr, llraaaot baal4 that
thy bVv it, lor moat ol thwi ar loo
altpbUwMemtw gtaawtieva aailhlag.
It; t faritf i4 rMtalag, ataew w have
become a great exporting nation, the
foreigner are taxing ua. But It don't
aeem to work any proeperlty for tbem.
virriuBMj wim uer pronioicory laruia,
tnn r.ll A ..1 1
UL I L.. .
aiMH mi lureiKunrt uuiaiua ui uer oor
Aar. I. lnl,. .1 I. l..l...1
.u.. - Pu1.uuwml..uii -
um i'""" "Vina-on aog ana nore mear,
... . .a,, i mnu vu m pr nniv, luw
gold atandard rampant, tba emperor
ruiblng borne to try to save society
- -
from complete collapse and a general
upheaval, don't aeem to prove that tbo
echerae to tax foreigner by mean of
highway Ho ii hk ita,
Hlirb way robber I th nrmmr tIHa htr
wuiob to designate the railroad mag-
nates who run the political machine In
... - .
tbla state. Tbey have captured tbe high-
.... . ..I
wuyaoiiue tate aud aytematicaliy
rob every man who travel over tbein or
blpagoodson their tralna. A farmer
tba other night wa relating how be
bought a eeparator and steam endue
InMussllon, Ohio, and shinned It
Sarpy county, not sixty mile from
vuittiia. ineireignt from Massllon to
to Uouncll Hluff wa 148.00, but from
touncii uiim out to his farm, about
1 ( MM
ona-tweifth of tba distance to Mai.llon
tbe freight waamore than twice a iiiu'!h.
The freight on acurload of salt from
Chicago to Norfolk I $80.00. Itot tho
freight on a carload of alt from CMnnm
to Omaha I only $20.00. Tbat
I tbe way with evervtblna else.
Local freight ratoe la Nebraska are more
than twice a high a tbey are over In
Iowo. In the cuse of tbe shipment of
salt, to Norfolk, tbe rata is almoat
twelve time as high.
Tbe pop secretaries of tbe board of
transportation have not wade any re-
port on this stuto of affair up to tbl
writing. Ilyeand by wa will breed a
man ia Nebraska wbo will have courage
enough to tackle a high way robber, It
takes a good deal more courage than to
fight tbe Hpanleb.
i t, i .. . .. .
tuwiimut umunuT uMij, iiues,wnicn
tins Just come to hand shows that be
tokos exactly tbe same position in nVJT"'?!
toeendlng troop to Cuba to do
garrison duty that the Inoicpicsobnt
has at all times taken, fleneral Mile
I- I f a A tai. f
tUbli I Uiff'CtOil With A mnti irnrrrm
wuiiiu. mu during centuries aiuj lia
IfcaaUII C hl,i.naui.Al 4 La I .... a. 4 t kt
..1 a. J i t . . . '
7" Vi ' y ,r"
or this reason measures were recom-
mended at the outset to safe-guard our
army, esfieciully In advocating the u-e
ofi i largo native force.
. inn Haitian, ra'ii.r and s ckmt
n"""1 ia ft'i'wi wnmi mose reo-
i ..... .... ..
ommendat Ions were made; six months
hence the danger season will beln again,
AUKoruiiiK in uie present outlook. We
...D i. iiiiiiumiu in iromciti Tin. i,r i. , I.. ...i.
..... , .. ... ' ,
.i.-i ..!..!... . .i
. ... , : . i
i un ifiruB4v coKMIiUI spin v nortlDfimiM ollviitu nivm,p. i n .,1 ..,!. II.. .. tin. i.
uuum u-uups oi any nauori in tne worm,
There is uo reason why thousands of
our young men should be sent to Cuba.
i. i.. i . .. .. . .
v is ooue aiier tne most positive pro-
est mmle by the major general com-
manding the army. There should be an
universal protest sent up against it by
every state In the union. Let these im
perialists who are so fond of following
HritiHii precedents follow them In this In
stance. Knirland Karrisons the lauds of
all of ber alien nubjects with native
troops. Why should not the United
Btates do the eanie?
Mark Hanna rounded up the deoosit-
or a the siiv nus buuka in Hum IvIa
during tbe last prudential campalKn.
In one instance a lot of director of these
bankgot together and voted to give
25.000 lo HHnn'a pr..,,n in,i
Tbe depositor are just finding out that
they were boueoed. Tbe rat of Intent
which the depositor have b.n retivi.o,
tlm out of mind has been rut down all
... I
nvp tha I'linntrr nn,l an ...-.,.,,11. I
heavy cut baa bewn made in Nw York
ana rtiiu.i.-ipiuit. ine eavmge bauks
depositor In New lorkCity alone will
.....I... Bt OIWi I.... .. .. .!.!. .1
nmm i.u iimir ocioaiia i
uext year than ths.v did taat. That I
paying pretty dear for the whistle, Any
ami of ineu w ho bad no more sen an I baa
to put their trust In Mark llanuaaud
bond I deserve to be skinned, (timet
tnlliat told thein what would happen
eipiaiue.1 lutneiii Jn.l bow tbeajipra.
-i.. . : . . .1 .kl.. u ...I I i. i
rmiuiK ooiinr oum wore nietr VUIB I
but they woiilil not li-teii, ll.ypra.
terrvd lo put their trut la Mark llauna.
If tleneral tlrawite remain la lha arm
t military gowrnor of lUvana and al
th miik lime a prvaideut ol lha lUrtwr I
aanhalt eiMipaay a-cura the patlng of
slot dtr.ta auk th aialanal tbat
kUeomiMiav alllualt l la l
lie as till a grvat Miaay titkrr Ihiag
tkal ha Ui doaa ualr th Altfvriaa
atsiaiw tkal ha Itwa ia vg at Waah-
at wn i isaw ,
Oa d k goM bug Wahlngtoa vor
raptidal Hik fua at h t'ttia b.
eaaa ikv Im I apa wtaklag frjr
aad b-traiag ttoHia tba drgoa to
ortkr to prupWMt t-m ao that they
tflpvBl tka fwja oail il
th gtwwt yallow rvr ll aboat aai.
ally 4injm waay It?, thluk
that iatlm4 ol prater a4 lsa-aa,
aotk-f a a'aea uwkt to ba lavok4.
t Hit tsllh of that klceasi that aalaral
laa raw ! vada4 ia k 'ta whll wior
f ubewloaa thaa Ik ttentry la whah tkU
orratoa4at bHiaa, aaetaly, tkal wa
eaa hate high prwa aa4 dr aoay at
on at I Ik hm tiwtswr kldUU
tha queatlty thaory ml raoaay.
political COCBtb.
Now that there la no election f mI,.i.4
the court bava concluded to tr ..
I ... . . . "
oi in cases long on docket which It
I.L. 1.1 . . ....
- 1 tnougnt mat OV noldlnar thum
" "
l uoautm some woyoe a beneflt to tb
republican party. The flrat to bed.
I viutfu waa ID IttinOU llOlnu !.
Frlendlosa case that tmnt. ,.......
I such aa Iraoortantnart In than,n.i.
I W w-w VUMIIH '14 II
lit seem that tbe greed for office holding
I aa prominent ainona the Mnni.ii....
women aa among tbe men, for thev w
wuiiog to atarve a few belolesa iAa
women and children for a wbol yaf
the vuln bopo tbat they might ba able to
00,(1 on to a few office and fbev tra.
. . .... '
mm 0Y" taw exhibiting tba half
c,ot,,Bd ,!,,illren for tbe purpose of
""alt a ympothy tbat would enable
4tnm , I. .. I. fll n,l
' OUJ inteaat wa
""P'"0"" ftfter tba election and
tben M''uWlcaD JlsTwag forced to
10 U'"M womn office teekera that
t,,e wa" not a co" of law lo the claim
tal""'? era making. Th whole oer.
forrflttnc w the mot disgraceful thing
",B,",n" u,,l,ur"u ,n pomio tor many
ll. I I ... I .u . A. . , .
up vnai come the over-
of tba disgraceful decision In
0ra'iUtut relieved Hartley' bouds-
'' of all liability. Next was the case
"Kairiat that national bank at Omaha
tnat transferred f 201,000 of money be-
,on,n ta tu " of to llartlcy'a pri-
raw amount without a shadow of law
,0 covr transaction is set for trial.
1 D9 attorney-general wbo baa striven In
r,, bring these cases to trial, now
I "at politics ia out of tba way, hone to
non 'l"ir the dockets of all of tbe old
rof,ublltt thief cases.
Ol TY OWKUsllll'.
Mayor Jones of Toledo, Ohio, was at
tbe national conference held In Indian
apolis a few duy ago which was called
In the Interest of good city government
and got up and fought tbe whole outfit,
Among tbe things be told tbem waa tbe
"I am unable to see why it Is not just
I - - .1.. . -".--j""
i aH rena-jiiuuiH ic uno'TrfiKH to make a
P'anror proviuiug individuals or cor-
letting them collect their pay the old
fashioned method of the tolhate. aa to
K"yt franchise to people to furnish a
wun iignr. rienty of Individuals and
vW,ru.Mi .fall tm IfJUIHJ U Will
him4 tn fnr-r.Uh m ...a, i. i
I urtvi mru t liniai 1... fAI... J i. .. in
I " """'"m !! jt mi j ttiiiTr avf f 1 1 IJ 1
service cheaper than the city can do It
I. V . raw
l"roirn municipal ownership, Tbey
will eree to police our cities: they w'll
nuree to take care of our fir. tl.v ili
uKrea to curry on our schools: to take
care of our tioor as tfmr mwl in An in
r ie out s iroua v ami ,.r..,.i,.i,..
. " ' i""-".."
tney can save money lor the tat imr.
' I urn positive that our municipal
program should speak n t uncertain
one on i d ainn i nt. T .n. I.,.,. .... A
. 1 1
: . -i" "i"" in-
1 ... i.i.iit ui-iniirit m
wrong, and no amount of natchlinr. leir-
ielative or otherwise, can make it right."
A gentleman at Hcotlu, Nebraska, nska
the iNDerBNOKNT to "please publish the
nations that owu their own railroad.
aud give all the particulars." Every
civtiizwi nation on earth eithir nbi-
lutcly controflsor owns their railroad
system iu whole or in part except the
United Btates of America. We come
trailing In the rear of the procession
along with China. Kven Japan owns her
railrouds. While Kngland does not
own ber railroads, they are under the
absolute control ril a department of tba
government. Every other civilized na
tion also make the telegraph and tele.
pll0u" a ,mrt of tl,e l"'H,om Jtem,
lthr ln wbo1" or ,D ,,Hrt- Th c"rl'a-
tf"' thl country, and run it rail-
road and telegraph ytems. Tbe only
olh"r ,,nr11"1 to U ln ,h" "Uul "orl(1 ,"
th Lmpira of China. Tbe etipcrstltloo
M"0""1"" u' lM repuouoan worship of
"i,'rl,"" ' 'll I- ''out on
tk ImvmI with tha f lilting M.....I.I.. .f
- " ' - "-".i. uim.
Labor ( .niimilonr H, J, Kent hae
Iju.t Uniad a very valuable Indue-
I . , I . . . I .... . i .
iriai map oi ins ataia oi anuritna. l ha
product of each county I triutd on
th I ae of the map In tha spm for tha
county, The aurplu produet of ti t
state forth tear 1HU7 ia IU0.7TJ.-
401. 4 J. Th Iowa, state crop aarviea
publlahad thl wi-k put th wholj prt
dm lion ol that atata at JJ5,OO0.tHK).
I..., .
It tliaae two seta Of figure ara fotrevt,
au I thera la no reaw.u to doubt them,
the paopl ol Nebraaka produce wuck
mora wealth r capita lhaa do the wo
p' l'aa. .Nvbrtiakai aot only tk
" "t th usiou, but
! prodiictiv. Nhrak tada
P br bwravil, fh doa'l aa4 ny bm
u 'l ul hr, ..htak la a pop
Was Mover Wo!!
at MaaeTa laraaparilla Nat Clvwn
Mar Pwttnanwnt MaaUh,
w a ii, ar, kty wta,
fttlgklcg baa HW tsi uw t. w
M wtll, k4 t . t'vtii.a a4 a
t4 tktvai tr-at,., I a. iva aa J
VatttMito-t-l t f ltvt a NarwaariHa aa4
h4, l.tail tMa, Kaa
tVtu It "4 tta fill 1 kvpto titwl. 1 ku taalgla tol
ohmIi ai4 at hat a tklMM
lluoo Warailta WlU kn4 vara. Mr
l ll la para, etmptbtt .4 Bn4 f
tra Irottt raiti.w." Ma. .i a a lta
aval, It.. It, a hfc.Hia I'h4.
Hood'o Goronporllla
It tM tt W, Hat Ik Tin rU4 ISnita