The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, December 15, 1898, Page 2, Image 2

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    fl ,,, ,r-- HI .. -If - ' ' ' """ , """" "" ' '"""''i''MIMI.lllWlillWIHlll Mlim Illl.ll , i
A III lUeepllo bf th Beaten rl to
HelU th " l-o Ww."
Montgomery, Aln.. Dec 4 ol W.
J. Jlrynn of the Third Nclmiaka wtw
received yeaterday by -the two Ik"
of the general aaaenibly. He w In
trod iKJtl Vry the preaident of the cn
ate ond declined to dlactia public
qupMilotiM, wylngi I 1
"lleing a oldler, I cannot ajieak to
yon with the freedom of ft civilian. 1
would epeflk, If I epokeat all, ndr
1Iiii1U11mh 4l)t would to unplMMHint
to me, What I would dealre to y to
you a eltlwi I could not wiy to you
A aoldler, 1 win not now dlaciia
theae tiling tlmt at prcacnt enprf
the attention of the '"lre nation,
Neither would 1 care in dlacim thoae
thing we AlmumwA iwo ;ir
but which are not yH In A away to
eternal ret. Neither wM 1 diaciiaa
thoae matter which jdve ,''"u
of the late war a broad field for epws
ulntlon." ' i ' '
There waa eomddenible rutin ilflm
rbiwnnnh. )., !. .--' WlJIUm
J, liryao of the Third Nebniakn regi
ment arrived at Havannnh thl morn
bitf from IHm homo at Mncoln, Wp)
where be baa 1fn n ,,,lr,J' da
leave, Col. J'.ryon w given royal
reeetrtion by bin regiment, which met
him at the railroad dejot and eacorted
him ia camp. ',,,,' 1,10 ,nH f t''
regimen, gave three rouaing cheer
for tbefr commander. Col. JSryn
made fl bWcf (wi-h thanking the oM
ecru end men of the regiment for the
way In whMi they met him nnd
wuri'd tliMii ,1lmt li w (rhid Ut 1)
with thfw iijfHi"' J,',yn m,y U
him i-nflri'ly rvcovprcd from ti i ffi-ft
uf the tfve-r h coulnicti'd at JnvUntm
vllln and Mint the jtnoiHh'n fwt h h'ld
Jme Im-wi vitJ bfiM'delnl to lilm. Jir
iiy he vnm-rin to rPtmilii with lil fd-lm-nt
until H fi muivrvl out,
Ir. luir Coiiirti njrnp U a rttid
old ri'iimdf , umm.I for many ynr and
till In ulla furor. It le without douljt
the loMt niwlloliio for all nilionrr af
fHonM, It a,l way euniM, All druKKte
oil It for ir, cte.
Til PMM)li., Hi JW, (he HlritlU nl
II AU will !! MwtblnK KlM
VVhlriffton, 1W. 2, Kdword llav
din, who win opiiofnlli'd in AukuhI lt
on Iwrnornry conintlNHlwtinr of the Uni
ted HtaU-e to Hiftke on lnvtaU(foUoti
of thfl flnn:lnl condition In the 1'bll
Ipjii !!, b inudo il rciKrt IO the hao
rrtJiry of the trvniuiry, In the eourne
of whlcdi be Miyi: 1
Hilver in the hul of th currciu'y in
the rhlllnoifie IhIiiikI. 'I'hcm I no
(fold in Kfin-ril clroulnUoii and there
hn ton inono fur more tbuii twenty
The qiimtion of the future currency
of the inland U one wlilch in at vital
tin porta nee o nil bimliM men in the
UUinde. The Ix-ot Informed int'ii li
Manila are unoiilmoim In thdr opinion
that under jrtvmmt cwndltiotM Mllrtr
curreiwy In the only one adapted t
th Ulnndit. A frrait dmil of the tride
of the rblllppliiett le wlllt Chlim and
Jajwn, the BUiilffhUi ottlementM, In
dia ami Atietrallft. i
In China, and Jujhki end lit India
the whole trwle on a ailvw IminIn,
though Juimn line odoptwl the goA
tandnrd, liavln, however, on the
bUla of ll eurrrney a jrild dollar
which U, opproxtniately, worth only
80 rent, and lie aim-wy, therefore,
in effect, la on a allver nmn, the name
(rhino, and India. The native of
the riiillppine lalaud are coiieervatlve
to degree lit the matW of their cur
roiicy, uud It would 1m a long ami tedl
oua taak to educate them to A dollar
which would be worth twice that now
in circulation, 1 i
Dr. Aley. Hervoos, female and
ehronio dieeoMNi, la IB 0 trt, Llucolp,
Nabrueko, lilauka and Uetimooial
Authr MagiHeN m Hrlte lulling
CbiiiiIkii KuMtla.
North lAup, Neb., Dec, 4, 180S,
r,(lMr IiuleM'ii(lenti i
I mh by the hint lmnie of your pi-M-r
that you published my letter.
There wum to W auollier olmiiu'le In
the way. That of obtaining the num.
y to jH-rfect the organisation. 8uj
hm that the three nntlonul comuut
teea mud out an order to the stale
fommitteen, and from the etat ( oi li
mit tee to the county comuiilla, and
from the county iM.mmittce to the
towitidllp commit It'i tu Cille-t to
cen In from eum-h member ( the per
ty, What would it mean? It wmili
mean that Valley county would will,
bttrly utt'Hbe 7) to the fund, and
Valley county would ! no imn thitu
the atriatre couuly, Whttt dtra Ml
rent to the inemUr imau'.' It iuen
In the nut plate that man Mint my
it will not know that It l..t left lit
a kl ImmiW tw'e umi tt would I
kiiull an amoiutl, lite net thing, i
mea I hut ,Netu li4 would r t
leat I O.o. mi lowerd tUt fund. And
la the third place it would mean tint
lli teftiiui element tt the I iul
Mute would linti emniira loom-v to
tipMrt Mil eoutui(.witt kimI It4e
elioitKh itnotvy I. M I. the Mt' tttl
llriirr tt the thrw Mitie, N w
ee how nll m thlig tltit U, Ten
cut fiom rm il lurtotirf of th r?,
1 ht mrH tl fotaih t( a Uo.v
el ef whr at 40 eeut wt Intw4
I hit I lor it 10 tke n euu oil Iimiu
oim In.kttfl of whet fmrn each meui'
t tt the prty, tattr tl wlllt lt
tn lle I Ikr money power I tftkiuy
l time that tHMttt root vry bun.
) ef wkt that ton ri.
Muim lht j'wi ta l.tam bittU
ef wUl wt ll It hie 4U vent w
toilol. I'mlit Utlitf viitniiMiieiotKi
tuur whrwl ulimitd btl M tt
Vmdiet. ,NW If oh aril JoUf wltet
h 44 cent r I. the one tha i'
Mint tmltb wt! loitttf )oi tii H
I w ll It ml t ir tniktie tNi
wonhl make !,, onMw l (e
pent make a good iovcatment for any
llarlng man or frroer7
The fanner who Tiiiae one tiiouaaml
biialiela of wheat er yi-ur and ae.ll It
for 40 cent per biiahul I loulng $5tw
per year net lrol. Thl 1 thing
that ahould to done at once in th
party. Ifalee the fund, liver limn
will reaimnd If rightly mroached. 1
mri glad to any that the Nehroaka. in
dependent Jina the goiwl will of th
pwmle, If popullat lind tocn, tAiklng
tofore the election o they are at
trceeiit through the Jndepeiwleflt,
the tat would not have lot Allen.
1 will aend the lndeendent a p
iicr on credit money, which will inter,
eat ft good many reformer, It will
be on hand In the near future,
TAKEN UP-Oii October W, 18Mn
r'l ter, 4 yenr old, left horn broken
off, partly i-ffacaij brand on hdt aide
)n eectioa 14, town 0, range 7, Orant
product, JUiiciwtereoiiiity, '
Yt, M, (JUM Minn,
Cheney, Neb.
vicrouY on dkvkat, t . ;
1'Vl ltor Indcjndcntj
The infln who 1 endowed wlUt high
iinlcllcct and reasoning power, but
mfaiiw hi endowment I a ovd in
the auperlutlve degree. The twin den
til ut of Intellect and rearming pow
eraii Idiot i a fool In the jKmillve
degree, Th ona 1 ft greut UxA, the
other a amall fool. 3Illxry Aim-Urns
the Mtii'iidou folili'M of men In the
pn, In the futur evolution of th
rnco it 1 to be hoped that fool killer
will multiply, and fl a reaidt, tlut
iimiiklnd will '9 JeA of folly it
model, i'rlncljdc r otci'iml, They
are Indealruclllw and unchangeable.
They liave ftlwny exlelcd and tilwuy
will exiat, They are the fountain
aource from which everything pro
ceed, The adinlnJatrtttfon of right,
rluclplc In goveriuiMUit, lu ft country
ike our, would give to every proii
an o(jor,uniy to ue and enjoy all
the wealth he produce, 1cn hi alure
of the coat of an economic admlnlatrO'
tlou. Thl would give general and
permanent jx-oaperity, J'anlc, atrike
and train) would be cllmlniUcd, W
innnhood would to inropcrly appre-ti-atel
ami protected iroui imxlern, ll
ertie, There would aoon to . largerr
per cent of manly men than there now
!, and civilization would he advanced
all along the line, Any eniblo per
ou who i familiur wllli the pub and
(ireaent condition of labor and affair
generally In the United Hlate know
that there I ft "acrew 1ooj" ome
where, The prliiclple comprising the fun
damental law of the hind are all right,
The Mople are rciioiiuhly ecoiwmi
cal and liiduatrlou. The Creator ha
eM((!lally bley our country with
mi turd I rcMourccM which are ccoiid to
none in the world, lie ha uio given
it a dlverelly of healthful cllmaU,
(ileiily of xuiiahliM, mul rain, and our
crop are mniully abundant. Mill the
record for the paet unrter of a, cen
tury bring to view numerous full are,
atrike, I nun, and (Nilna, VV lie ruin
lie the cuime of general depreaaLon of
bualnee, freijuent aliike and period
ical jauiieaV It I Iwcauaa the laiatlc
pilm lplea of our government He dor
mant, while deception and fraud are
being adnilnlatered by thti jHijle'
ervunt7 Wholeaome economlo con
dition cannot to hud, It matter not
how auditory the prlnclide comprlacd
lu a coimtlt ul Ion are, if they are imt
applied In govern nient. A a Ingle gold
atuudurd tlunncliil aywteiii, eatabliahed
ami executed, will fuel-fetter tto p Ma
rat and all future geiieratloiM with ft
couelnntly Incrcaalng, Intereat bear
ing, lllaTty deatroylng debt, and trnna
form thoiiMiiiid of happy home Into
a living (iolgathu. i
That Kiiglund, the leader of the re
punllifiii irty and an limigulticuat
faction of the demwratle party, ore in
fuvor of a aingle gold elnndard can
not be qucwlioncd. Tliey would re
move from the Mithway of 1h weary
lulM.rer ami hi family the only ootln
lu the (li-w-rt of human lilwi-ty, ami
plunge a dagger through the heart of
republlemi iiiMtitutlou. Con there be
no civil menu employed to hiu'klu
theae coimpiratora? -
1 take it that the people of thl
country are not ready uud willing to
eurreuder their right under the con
stitution. The pMircnt tendency to
ward n gold atamlunl in thn recent
election ia attributable to the men.i
emjiloyed to opaiH It, rather thun a
wllllngiieae iimmi the part of the pea
pie to endure It, All Killtlel jmrtle
opMiiel to the gtdd atniulanl, to to
eueeeM.rul lu the future, iiiiimC unite
and Im kmiw n by one mime, adopt one
platform of principle and tight under
one touner. The mime to to lulopted
ia an open question, but it I evident
that no party name now uaed would to
aiail.ihle. The doctrine of the trinity
limy to all right In religion, but It la
not a euecca in ollUe, A triune par
ty will not again Muccced In Nebrak.i,
nor will iletory perch uaui a triune
bauiicr lu the nutlon in Itha),
A. M. lit -MPA.U
Weeping Wntrr, Neb., IKhi. 3, iU.
the late alat election ralahlUhe
a new r .'oil for tepublleau in thl
kUte, Heretofore the republican -r
ty leader hate weier ileuouiirl tha
tvepUm-e of Hliii rilroal hi',
but olay every republieaii oftuul u
implletlly delfid ,t tu ec pt ruil
naol p.i, Ui'die the republHMU elate
rnidirii w emltfit Mguini h
i fill. hrtli !! Irani wheth
er or rrpuldown trirMl noMint whit
they mI. ( whvn they d tutu need tli
till. th I Hue iiivrlely ur th
eii'tbltvn birllnTW will to trow to
Ikvir iwioNilgi idiHltw, ' Inc.
-.tii ut nil ott(Ul irMe will
wot to ralM the lild u puitiy Ihrlr tank, hI iut In pte
tie their dm(ifii prewi Liu if eMliuil
the uU f th rwUrvM laicti ),
- I pillion 'timet,
tr inTtT
I he Vluldle if lb . I tlUi In
MiwMottl rt Wt lit loiHi ote m
th lat r In iin, Hlae th eUetiuii
Uw in that ttl toiporv 4 eon iol
to MMlntetH a l-alty ieo,llio tlo M l
he aioioikew on h mAIoU! It'et, in
tntvre, tly fey -eHm
IA Ten Form ml floertna aail
CoDlrol of th t''Hreaer.
Theoaropalgd of 1898 1 now blatory.
Wbal ara the iMNUea of the future?
A people never atand tlll. rf
An advance iiiunt he made or a retro
grade movement will beln, " - '
Bliall wo ndvonRO or ,
Hball we atari on the biinls track?
Ou all Important qucntlona tboro la
jaro to to divcralty of juilgment aa to
the beat tnethod of procedure, In refer
ence to future pollolen there will to two
Tba conaervatlve ami fearful will
want the itiaue coiillnud to allver or to
the aiue linu aa the cainpaigu of 181X1.
The proKruaMve (dement will imdat
opon an advance of tint 11 una common
lorute with the growth of putllo aeuti'
meat In two yer.
The true atutu of the idtnntlon la
fonud lu the atatiuimit made to the
writer by a dlutiiiuulidied lender in hij
aateru at ate who u I way a followed tha
leadurabip of the Itepublicun party aa
long a it maintained any icinbluMoa of
conaiatiiimy in It cluiiuv of Idnietab
lUm, but in HI"l, when it bolted bod
ily to thn gnldhtiK and mole tha party
name, h went out with Mr, Teller and
it now ttjHIlvur litipublbiiiM of Jurgn In
flounce. Ileaaldi , '
"The dominant politfmil Ickiio I nip
Idly becomluu one of 'mrttiilliaiu' rather
than one of 'himiitulliaiu ' "
Thl a la trim,
The tti romance of tti hunk power in
demoudiiig tlie accrct paaaiiga of the in
famoua Mct'h ary hill will an arouse tlia
ponphi that th mere aiircr qneation
will itppmir a pyuiuy by tlm aido of tlia
glunt quiiHllou of "who ahull laailu and
eoutrol the voluum of all currency
umtul or paper, or both'"
Inatcad of silver being the leading la
oe of thn future, It will ba a mere in
olden t, a aubaidiary kiihjcct in both plat
form utterance and ptihlJa apiiechea,
Th two leading queatiou of the fa
tare will be:
Fimt, Htiull a truly repreaentatlve
form of government lie CKtabliabed and
porpctuMtcd among men by weuu of
the initiative and referemlum?
Heiiond, WIidkImiII Ihmic and control
the currency of tha couutryr
Tbimu two ieeuoM are of audi over
hadowliiu importanee that it In hard to
dmddu which abould take preacdenee,
and both together will he the crownln
iaauea of comiiiK (.impiilgiiH,
The NonuouformiKt will not ahure in
I campaign (but grovel umid the de
CoyiiiK leant f pmt cuiuptiiRiia, but
Will lead out to tlmrilaetiNNioii of higher
Jduala mid bulicr condition for earth'
tolling IIIUNM', . ,
Uo you want an advance along theae
Are yon it liberty loving patriot or a
camp follower?
The goldhufi never alcop.
It la likii a auake ho neither oal to
offer nor eyelid to ulnae.
If you reat con lent or idle for even a
day, It haa gained aoiua advantage over
"The injury of one I the concern of
The man who nk, "Am I my.bnth
r'i keeper'r" aud fail to exert hi in
floence for good I leaving the fertile uil
to be own by gnldhug and barveated
by Jewiah bondholder. 'Omaha Non
oon form Int.
I'ralne for Menator All.
The VV'uhIiI titoti lot contain aome
nloiilatio remark which J. fciterllnu
Morton recently pronounced upon Wll
Ham Vincent Allen, (be I'npuliat ecu
tor from Nebraska, and Aaaiatunt Keo
rotary Meiklejohu deelurei they will be
Indorsed by everybody in that atato.
"Although many of our people differ
very widely in opinion from Beuntor
Allmi," id Mr. Meiklejohn, "they re
puct uud admiro him a a aeiitleimm
and a aintenmun, aud i may nay that he
ii uuivcritiiliy regarded aa one of the
brainieat men in thl country. I huvo
no aympnthy whatever with Senator
Alien' view ou the flmiixdul qurntioii
lu fa:t, 1 thrnk he ia tutirely wrong,
tint 1 n in alwaya willliiK totentifytn
hi utility, huueaty and aincerity of
purrnao and to the labor be haa per
formed nml the aueriuctmhe ha made
la the public nervine, I am aure all the
1'opuliat in our atate and a lame ma
jorlty of the ii nmcrat regant Henator
Allen a the able.t of the f ualuu
lit! aud that they would be ttratiflml by
hi nomination for the preaiduuey."
Waithiiigton Utter
"Th apathy of u oil ctliieua" hn
In ma ik a rado in lutemeiil
(IihhI riti ii ar never apathatlu. Yet
it mu-t I'D a Imitlod that nu n taukad a
lueh In Chilean at molly Licking In
nubile Npiril, and in their tallur lu al
teuding to lb nml dutlra of cilhtrti
all 1 1 may l traied neatly all of I tie
tunumou buw lu iiiuulclp! govern
nie nl r-poilmmu, held ttgthrr ty the
eciuiuuii ii.l or plumb r lu th ihap
tf J"(. or (ontut't, at n ft In
tlou of ity uriianiiaiiou, aud th bttih
Ideal 1 1 pi 'Mi d In lallotiuar futgor
ten lu lb u!i I t cur pi v in tb
tuldle iiianir AhWruun Xlallby nl
Tin ! it Miuiltiiui wt. i Hiuiewher
wbwn U tirttaty of wf aud lt h
IU'I ftiviid at ti.liu In a talliowd
iiMldut piifiir, nIM wild ihI
Intent lit rii ud ilrluk, whll a bail
puudmd aittk "l lift at tee ta
id law in mi4o il i, d
pmlieK iiit toiitrteulM t ftaia tb
tuitiband f.. di oo kMilUh.'Cbt
egi Nw
If II U tu t-m imu fi r the g it.
itiuoia i uimiM tilth
ImuIu tf the f tuuiM, why el4
II kut to u tquiillf nHHt ibtee ta 11
vet the iiiiu uf I'twt mwii
Ike Mine Kitltlif .New, d.4i' ) kl
hivi knl )t. bate eaiwit lata
Uv tug !
, ; WUVi ruaiunwio.
The' nhfon teform party exeoti live
commSttee held, ft.meetixig tt Colum-
hue, 0., November. 80, ftnd atefi were
token to arm a, new. orgamzation.
liclegite front New York, Illinol and
Indiana met with the Ohio men. A
national meeting for next March it in
be callej and It ia hoped that the popu.
Hat, ullver rcpubliwtn ond liberty par
tic cun to consolidated. Ohio popu
liat who have been loud in denunci
ation of fuaion or co-operailon In the
recent iat are identlletl with thl
nluu which 1 undoubtedly a, move in
the right direction. Tha union re
former cnat 11,900 vote In Ohio it
the election, o they will bo entitled
in J 900 to a place on the official bal
lot. ' ' ,
It chard l'earaon llotoon, who 1 a
,miMkl )tiiu u.iii iikw tiinrela iV ru-
uaiiig a. on,OfW ottw from a New York
lecture bureau.
Lrt :)fl,000 by th Woiimii II KIJ1L
New YoiiK, Due. 14. Lieutenant
Vark, who w aentenced to hang be
cauao of complicity in an illegal oper
ation which cuuaed Mia Yate' death,
wae loft 135,000 in her will, The will
la to be eontoated by relative, W'ark'a
friend are preparing a petition for a
Frecleent Aureil 'Ihet Ilatter Ola
la lb lalentl Went ta II Anuoied.
WiayiNOTow, Pou. 14, Maximo and
Angel Cortoa, two Filipino broth
er, called upon the l'reaident yea
terday, They told the l'reaident
in poaltlve language that on the
day the United NUte declared war
again at Kpaln thn ambition of the bet
ter claaa of Filipino had been to be-
ooine cltlr,cn of thl country by the
annexation of (bo ialaud. When
Agulniildoaiilled from Hong Kong to
Manila tlio laat time he wi given
thounaiid of dollar by the Cor tea
brother and other rich Filipino on
the cemlition that ha ahould light for
annexation, 11 promlaed to do this,
and thoae who aupportud Mm are die
appointed at hi cou mo,
When they had concluded their atate
meat the l'reaident aaaurcd them that
the only object of thl government
waa the good of the people of the
Philippine lalanda. Iteauggeated that
th two Filipino write a full atate
ment of their view aud submit It to
the becret.ry of Ktato,
Ij cften a warning that ttm liver I
torpid or Inactive, More aerloit
trouble may follow, J''or a prompt,
niclent cure of lluailwdui and all
liver trouble, take
Nood'o Pillo
While they roua tha liver, renter
full, regular action of the bowel,
they do not grl or pain, do not
Irritate or Inflame the Internal organ,
but have a poaltlv toulo effect, 26c.
at all drtiKKlt or by mall of
O. I. Hood 4 Co., Lowell,
is one of our great specialties.
We have them h Box Calf,
Kangaroo Calf, Oil and Peb
ble Grain and Dongola Kid,
and at all prices.
208 North Tenth Strcet.Llocolo.
We Are Ready Now
to fill your bla tor tk holiday
mi uh lleautu H alnel HiiMkor
or. other goih ktad id eoal,
Vtiir I ani linriktf la Ik Up
of tall, but I with a ana1 aad to
Ibv Hlal1uaarM rreepltea
tv ig ohi ol our (tuiortei Ktal
td eowl I your grate or kvaur.
I'i tea.
CoiirvllU Hoik CeaCCo..
Il So t It I Ilk SI.
Yard I'kttMaiJ. fkoH ,iur.
rarrta, fkaalona, a J Wagoa at
alt '! nt w Mrtor Tat-a, INoUt
Ka aad V. !, akhwJa or retail
la ea Rttf Ttrea a4 aarvaat
very erl, I'aiattet ra'ri
alertiMi.iaaal. fdvearel
to4M ta iJaenta, i)l-U Kaatl
Teat itml, erw M !
J ' , . ' liU "i , - ,
H t N- O T H B8 f A I L CQNtUlT
Main Office VL
Lincoln, Neb. "
Nrvn, 4 hrnnle and
' 1'rlvate lilwae,
weak men;;.;;;
A 1 1 prt vitte d tee and ill
ortlur of mini, Trntiuut
y mull coimuitallim fre,
eiiililli eurrd for III.
All form of femal eii
ii and l)!eM of We
man. , ...
Electricity mS.
Bimlilm a te arrite t ar llrMfprlihj
-of tlie uw, thrum, eiit, fUaaaj'h, )lvr. hUxiU
klatiil klilticy dlwinnc. Uwt MBhiaal, N lil
KmUaliaia, ilyilriKteUi, VririKle, tlumtrrlie,
OIt, I'lle. r tmalaaadHecoil b'loer, JJUImiUi
ami llrlKlit' blwiw, a run of
or af ruii.1 w ci miot cara.
CIaovm 0 pA3nreilt Wittnebjrnnw
oir CIUlC ft U Cril mrthoil wltliout pain or
cettliig. TeiiimatleiT'KfcK. Troaiiuaiit by mall
Call, or ail'lran with tP- Mftill OfllCO
Drii Searlos & Searles, o t,
A Devoted Wife
Like to aee her linbund arrayed In Im
maculftte linen. We can cite many cae
of wbare wive Inalit on wending their
linen to our laundry, and ladle, a well
a men are good judge of how laundry
work abould be done. Haw edgn re
moved. Call op phone 678. THKDKHT
A. It WKlft, ieaa.
cmih mi in its., uncoil
Pea AtMfttSIOt, BMt onto,
Lowest Prices.
Notice to Farmers
and Stock Feeders.
Boy your eattle and beep at the tool
yard, Weet Llnoolo and eave freight
ad other tpenc, lUve yoor abeep
dipped. We guarantee to core aeab, w
do tbe work Tor one cent per had. Wt
are buying HAT, STRAW AMD UBAU
Oeo., MtT; Wt Lincoln. Heft.
Low rate on our peronnlly conducted
ezcuralona. Ieave Unuhu every Friday
la Colorado Bprinu; and Keenio lloute.
Theae ISxeuraion Care are attached to
Fat raeiiKHr Train, and their popu
larity I evidence that we offor the boat
Writ for handaom litlnerary wbloh
give lull Information and new map.aent
tree. For complete Information, rate
and borth reservation, e jour local
ticket agnt or addrea K, K, UacLEOU,
A, 0. I. A., Toiadta, Kanana.
Tb Wr M t California.
la In a tonriat kleeplmr car M.ronally
enndunted via tb Derllntftoa rout.
Yon don't ehanif car. You makelaat
tiiu. You eoa the flueal eoeuery on tb
Your ear te not eo eitenalvely flnlahed
nor o flue la look at a a puluoe aloe per
but II I Juat aa clan. iut a eouilort
able, lut a good to rid lo. And nearly
Jil ebeair,
Th Uurllngton leuralon ave Lin
role rv Tburadey al Oil) p. tn. reaeb
In; Han I'rauciaeo punday and Aa
rule Monday, I'orter with eelt ear,
Kteuralon mauKKer with each party.
For fobter attTtuaT lull Information call
at II. A VI, depot or rlty kkl otlliw
eoruar loth and 0 (trwi.
U. W PoRat.t
U l T. A.
f " " ." . . ' '. '!,... ' . U U.I
Mwi4 lmrKWMe,
Di.i.kMl.t Ut Ik otlWHl
kit- MMlHal I k !? m
.! Kt Ik UWHlHtl Mi !
kil'- ktm-J
lit, tk4aaetl4iwrMllijN lklll.
14 k eri4rl 'v t "IU tk
k.M U M ..H,ailH kt II !, !
! il, lull,
t4 1 k l Ik tlm ! k
(l4 t I4 tfpMllu kf MMfl
kkt k.MMI
Ilk, t ka t Ik tinkMO! i.lil
l mi ,tptn i tt eHwIakhik
W l kl.t' ! kMi-
'k Ik i . M'4 l M k4
k I 4 ! lwaikM a, 4 kt
uoi hw M imi lkli,
tk tk..k-l . I wi UMMmOI
k 4 ..ilua ! ! I mm hI
ht liwl U4ft. Ktlw
ti t m lik w..kt.a ik
H4tt kf 4tM, nUl
4 m.i, 4 . lk fV m ! k
yiH kt IM kt .
lt l l -tW w
wkaoiaw !.
4oM J, Mill
TM'UkdU Tiiitfi, 31) Q StrtM
reia all itU al llbte ad Pe la
tea Utii l-krr, ItoM, aa4 t.
Hob Um. Ilid T4 w kara,
lttatMl4Mtaal4 M H"te
If ever there was a
harmless set of individ
uals who think themselvs
it n fired dynamite and lat
ent ruin, it is some of our
competitors. If ever
there was a shrimp that
fancied itself a whale, or
a jack-o'-lantern confined
in a swamp that fancied
itself a planet with a bil
lion mile orbit, or a Ne
braska zephyr that imag
ined itself a Kansas cy
clone, it is some of those
competitors. '
Therefore whatwonder
is it that when they say a
tiling they think th' world
listens; and when they
do a thin they think the
world stands still to look,
and that when thev suffer
there is a convulsion of
nature. For several days
the papers have been
filled with their wails and
They confess that their
high prices prevented
them from disposing of
their stock, thereby ac
knowledging that they
have been trying to put
the Hop into the other
We are conducting a
bankrupt Shoe Sale
"bearing" the Shoe mar
ketyand our method of
closing out an immense
bankrupt stock at a very
small profit has met witli
the appreciation of the
Room Only
Would have been in or
der at our store last week
were we in the show, bus
iness. Hence the wail of
uui luiiipicmurs, , ouiwc n
care little for .their mud II
-l? iin i a
stinging, wnen we near
a hee honk around the
block we know without
further investigation that
the sound comes from a
would-be competitor. We
do not handle Sooner
ties, Halicon collars, or
liandan-na handkerchiefs
We Sell 1
Slices made of leather,
the best of leather, at
that. No paper soles or
wooden heels, but leather
Shoes to (it all feet, from
the tiniest imfants to the
modern giants.
A workman's Shoes
should be like him, hon
est, square, strong and
solid. We have them in
all shapes and sizes.
Paradoxical as it may
seem, we sell dozens of
customers every day, yet
none are ever "sold.
Like a great landslide
does tliit sale sweep
everything before it, Har
gains that am bargains;
values that will live long
in the mind of the peo
ple, Wc tell you of a few
ant) invite yoti to come
and see the rrt,
J.ailirV St KKfM-i in in
leading makes A to F, II
(icnt'it $5 ami
in 3o different maki; for
$i.fi3 ami I.V50,
Your truly.
Proprietor and Manager H
of lite iMttkrupt Shoe
Sale, lllttO Street,