KJ o , 4- Wealth Makers and Lincoln Independent Consolidated. VOL. X. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15. 1898. NO. it. .m i 0 "i 1 STATE NSTITUTIONS Attorney-General Boyle of Kansas Qlve Hie Vtewe of the Situ ation In Hu State THE SYSTEM NOW IN VOGUE It Makea Politic, Imtebd of Fit neee, theFiret BoquUito ,for Employment. Vnilar Which Myitsm. Every thoughtful member of the lust le(rlhiture whose work brought blm Into contact with the thirteen Ne braska attite irialltjutlona, una every thoughtful state officer who line bad (0 deal with those inslitutlona know hot ft different plum of governing hem ought to be adapted, The pres ent system I one of conflict and chou. Koch institution rune ite own Jobby for appropriation when the leglshi- ture oieota, backed by the boomer of the town in which it i located. It compcled to do eo in order to keep up with the other. Then ench inatltu- tion lia ite own way . of keeping uc- ount and doing buslnea (and tome very remarkable woye of keeping ac count end doing business they were lint disconccrned by tlie Investigating ommlttee.) Tlie appointee hold their place a a reward of political ser vice end afiuation. Tin no not presented men of great jicrsonal abll- ty and fltnes from securing position, ut it doe prevent their retention In ilaoe which they may have consplc- ion talent for Ailing. Then the hold- rs of Miese place ere subject n political mmqmm to lieuvy axe for party purisw ihey arc, in wact, expected to furnish oil to lubrt- te trie party niaehlne. iJemue tin cy are exacted by party h-nder to ert a strong lnnuenoe In the rank d secure delegation favorable to the ministration. In time of political 11 they are expected to put their One resource, both pernonml and ncial, into the breach of party je ilty. One republican head of a e institution in the campaign of 10 pux in aimot ni enure salary at V demand of the party end went out office broken In pocket ae well ae in Mir,, The subordinates of the In tuition followed the fate of their ef end are governed by the same luence. The first concern of every rantlsm, animal or political, is to serve its own existence. Ho long the institutional existence of em yee depend more upon their pollt I exertion than the quality of their vice to the state, so long will poll- I be their chief concern. II mined up, the present system ke politic innteud of fitness the t requisite for employment, ill lty Instead of uniformity of c ints, and scrambling and log-roll- II as a mean of getting both olhce II appropriations. e same system elsewhere lend to same result. Ix-vel-liewlecl men 1 parties reeognl.e the neHl of lin anient. Attorney (ienenil lloyle, tnsas, In a very recent Interview, wth the situation as he lias ob 1 It In his own state, as follows: der the present system of man- 1 i 1 s f lit there Is IkhiikI to to more or I. rutality and Ineompeteney, ao r f what irty Is In power, I have I led the civil service, plan all du- f- eauiMilgn. The state Irmtitu- t' hould le phieel In charge f e nt men, men who have, had e ie In earing for that sort a le that are placed under their t:: The Idea of picking tin a eoun- t' tor and placing hint in charge 0 T Insane asylum I ridiculous. 1 1 the power to manage the Wiinf 1 would Mceure the lt men ible in the country for the place, oiild get a inu'i who litis made the. flily of mental diseanc and insanity J. Jife work. Of course the snlury nf t f itM-r in tfiiilcut would have to lie Vresel over wliat it U now, lu :JmmI nun eoukl not m seetired for I '.ml, hut what U a few dollars to the le of Kainois a etHiiparetl with the ifier esre of the unfortunate of the He. the rluht kind of a man for the I of the state Institution could nut uuimI In Ksniui I woultl go wmim. re els for him. to New York, or it to Merlin, If tmfMsri, Th Idea 10 is re for our tiufriunte in tin I 11111 irr MMait,e, ami to give th on iier trrstmenl lor tlo-ir revoierv, he state U Ui vre ftir thrm at a'l, !iuld fits thrui gMk rsrv. ftr I Imo fouiut the lU ikwI MwHntemleiit I eoukl I wot! kiH eirtlre rhsir of the tiuttitu. 1t Me would be a f ir Iwtlrr Judtf 1 1 kxI aure IttMit Wrd of t htrt- IetMi lie, and hw Would uiH-rlaii. the rt'tU'sl woikhiK of tlte lu itu.u, lie would I reattM fat w k ret""ttton would rent upon n-re. ttal Imi a, rli I JUat UUt kltt'krM Ikiwo ftUul tkog rv ol Hantng th Iiumh im.ie. t f does smm nf tkee gf strap tuunir Horn liw of farina fH' twHel Ail the a mow Is t nm tke lsHM.tr tv thvir brut wkeoetef tk are unruly, iKws a )oitf wka s M lowed a plow all hi life know of treat lug liisiinlty? The attendant ougnt to be jierson who try to find out the eliaracterlstlc of encn tmllent. "The 11 nines ought to come from trainliiir schools and ouirht to under stand the cure of the neonla with whom they have to deaf, it might take some time to bring about such a system, but it I what ought to be done, Then when the institution noe has amid olTicer and emoloyea they should be kept and not turned out to reward political workers." i When tha next legislature meet It will have the example and model of re cent Iowa legislation on this subject Tlie Iowa Ictrislatuo in IMH Missed what is there known ae the "Hoard of Control J!ill," whicli 1 now in effect there, Its chief features tnuy be sum um rlcd as follows: i The govenor apsint three men for six years each wlio must be confirmed by two-lh livls of the ennte, Not wore than two of them shall !eloiig to the same pollllcul party. They are paid v.i.nm) a year vwn una oiiice and travel lug expenses. They sus-rsi'de oil other Ismrd and have full power to manage,, control arid govern all of the state institu tion, except the mt university, All recommendation for apolnitiiieuts snail iwowtiirougiiuiielrliarwl and they shall give all their time, to tlie work of their board. J he head of the Inst) tut Ions shall I mi apftolnfcd by this tioard, comiulsssloned for four years each. The head shall report directly to till board and shall appoint and be held responsible for all sulxmjlnale employes. All account shalt bo kept In one mil for in mumier and all em ployc shall ba graded and paid the same salary Ju all tlie Institutions, There are muiiy other Interestlim feit. tnrc of the new law, but pcrhiis the srrongest or inein is wet ion nn, wiiicn read as follow: Any iiiemlM-r of ofllwr of the bourd of control, or any officer or employe of a state institution subject to this board, who, by solicitation or other wise, exert hi influence dlreetely or indirectly, to l-wliiee oilier officer oi employes of the state to ndoiit his no- II Ileal view or to favor any particu lar person or candidate for olllce, or who shall in any manner contribute money or other thing of vuliie to any person for election purposes, shall be removed from nis office or nomiMou. by tne proper autfioriiies. VUMMi AN8VVKU. Hie republican prese and x)illclnis never cease to poke fun at the topu. list Idea eonccrnlng piijxf money, which the retM, say 1 no money at all. Ivut acifonling to the latest Idea of re publican finance, there is but little difference between the rep. and the pop, -we only difference la thai the republican want the government to quit making money and turn the whole business over to the 1nk, While tha populist want the government alone to Issue the patwr money. But winch la safest of the two the "bank or the government? Bank ere alt the time failing and' will keep on falling until the crack of doom; but the gov ernment has never failed and le not likely to. Hence, which l the best se curity ? But the rep. ay the govern ment will back the, bank and make the money good. In that case Why not the government iasuo it in the first pluce end be done wltb it? Will not some all-fired, smart alock of a gold bug, banker' money advocate In pref- erence to government Issue, please an. swer? Arlor State. HOW TO DO IT. To the mun who has bad no experi ence In making laws It always seem au easy matter no pas a law that will rmi edy au tvil by direct prohibit ion. Hut that Is not the way that titer evil can be reached. Now we have a law posi tively prohibitum truts. what good doi it do? Tli-rs are ov-r 4,000 truts In existr-tica and mora are Mao fonnd everr day. Hut trusts can be abolished by ls without any doubt. A law that would create slowly rising prin sfor alrw years would make trust irupONxihle, If artlea outldH ol a trut could buy and liold uoods at a profit, small eot,ccrua would spring up everywhere. Titers am prohibitive laws airalnt brl. bery ol city officials, Intended to prevent the mi rclis mi nl eltf frniichlwa. Hutch councils are eontsnil.v bribed and sell tlis lierltsae ol tits whH o corMir lions lor so much hoodie. I!u nU that can b topMd by the law not by direct iirohlMtinu "f iiooiiium- tint ii puMie owofrshlp of all public trsneliiars. That ouhl put an end to it in short order. rorMratiou would have no intr r -r In t tie immts-rs ol riry eouueiu slier sunh a w a that eoa on ttis ttat took. TlH-r Is no public evil In tiMeee est c aol Ihi leacliml bv m d eu. Istioit U ibrwlrd la the riiint iiiasl, A') lbs oiirrgv ninl lowr id epit I aaalest Ike pas-as ol bs that tsovd abollah tras, thtt would iirevrst hooddstt, that would rva aar ol th vtla ol which s pubiie rouipliu. roettlV' HtbtlalioH l ut as Ihiimv, sl a protiiliiitve, law lHar tt ww id a foal ol hoMtd at thrve imi or a luhl of Krt a dtiilsr would h twoluMt ls.ffs ll Mm srrtlo W, Ike i-r ol a luh ol t ru v.n It I tird bv mi tlolUr or ! tftvoola b-alol lwval at tr cst. A taa wosKI srat Ike toiums ol itttif le e riaiit.iw kail, would ma! ka a woiiar aa-t m eorriih. lsH oVrssas ouh losr Ida prw id br-ad. T lw(fili ie mi b4 d !(: Ikwl rif' lt(l kr kuaor." W kstVet ska Uid o sol. ska its vr aslf THE TAKIFF ON WOOL The Ohio Sheep Men are Wondering wbr tha Dingier Bill Don't Maka Them all IUoh, WOOL PEIOES KEEP FALLING Tha American Publio la now Clothed In Cotton Tblokly Mixod with Shoddy. ' rrss Nllver (ha llsmsiir. The tariff on wool and woolen good Is quite a puzzle to the Ohio shepherds, The, Hon. William fawrenee, wherwiot a iieiiilx'rs of the house of represent atives, i employed by the Wool (irow er' association to stay in Washington during the session to watch every inovemciit hwklug toward a modifica tion of tariff !utie on the wool indus try, Wngley, chairman of the commit tee of way and mcuna, recognize the Ohio flixikmoster an the highest au thority on the wool question, allow ing Mr. Iamwiwh to revise the wool schedule, Instead of placing it on tluj freo list it was subjected to the high est tax levy ever imposed on this arti cle of prime necessity, and it wis adopted by emigres without amend ment, In pii? of all the effort to check the decline in, the jiuinelx-r of sheep and the Increased duties on wool and woolen fabrics, the price steadily falls. It is not 1mn but domestic competition which la gradually de stroying the Industry. Manufacturer cannot get Iwck for their good the present cost of the row material and the labor exsmded In their conversl'HJ, and the result must 1m disastrous to those who have invested their canital end labor in the wool industry, it I only a question of time when their fae. lories must bo closed, and no tariff legislation can save them fiom failure. I wo of the largest woolen factories have failed recently and other have shut down. Tlie high dutle on wool and if manufactured product are a fraud end failure. When wool was on the free list and the tariff on the man- nfactiirer much lower, all engacred in this Industry was far more projerou tnon now. . We would like to know to what eniiise or cause thJ depression Is t- triirutame. The manufacturer have liccii comis'lled to make such good a consumer were willing and able to buy, Before the common people were poverty stricken a t4n dollar suit of clothes were seldom aae-n. Now four- fifths of the people wear ehoddy, an admixture of woolen rag and cotton, Wry few men have a good broadcloth suit, (lur manufacturers study how they can make cloth cheaply and also to toon rrsiectarie. We siM'iik within Itotimbt when w deliltemtely declare that not orw in twenty-five Jiuve a decent woolen gar ment. Cotton Is only four cent per pound, and It requires nn expert to tell whether your resiiectable coat Is not ion or wool. That reason may ls glv. en for the deresmd condition of trade we rilJirm that the diMfranchlNcment of sliver Is the chief cause of our dllll eultles. We have no reason to exei;t a change until sliver ha been restored to Its place In our flnarx'lal system. In the manufacture of shoddy we can lient the world, tariff or no tariff. We can exjiort ami sell at a profit go id Sunday suits for ten dollars, A ship haul of Australian wool w, lately shipitcd from Jloeton, The Am erican manufacturer finds that cotton, at four cent a pound, with but enough wool to aroiwe a suspicion that the purchaser Is jrettlng a woolen, irar. ment, Is the only way he can keep hi machinery running ami hi hired he:p from Ktarving. if the eron who has Juwt purchUMcd a nve-lollar suit Is uked whv he did not supply himself and family with Ix tter goods, he will, if hoiicut, miv that his wages ha been cut and he wna immiiiHi after having settled with the merchant, lie lunl no silver In his purse. iMtlNti TIIKwIIHH, The Ktate Jonraal'a li mImmiI a popu list iMelt Is lulling In Its work. The re- publlrsn weeklies am printing para graphs like lh folios lug Irom the Htrr Mao: Hun: MTha ttoasled h i irm reonouiv sf-sm In bavs kl I a ibfli'il id altout threo bun ilrwl and flby lltounad dolUr In lh rusalstf rilo-ss ol state titutva and In- titution watch the eomiatf l-Hiwltar ill brlld upoa lo supply, All of th stupid r public a voter la Ik ! IH sima lullv Mu ihs It MawUa t'na Itl'l l Wm NatUf, ,w Vows, Uh- IV IViii.e Immi tiapieim o Hui llviit hi l'r. I, gti II oil o l;it v.'iilr.,! til, , o , ... Ilf iiuiuill le I tu I iii ii- diViduil ripl.uu ,H r.'.VIIT -.1 lit l aU.ut .'i .n i u ., ril. ol UppLv to t. Vjiiue ti l t Hiumm .Irrttai it.i.N, ii,. i h imiv NtH nt I ite ttsrUtitf story of su l gvdpM ef tit IreHth 4 of iVtrM. KniHWriMf tisMNO, us.Ur tit kotoftotu autl rvii.(.ti, M ri K r-ulttU, to 'rvt le)fu ttti lli l'n MONEY OP TUB WORLD. I'e ison Wlio make great pretension to financial wisdom often eak of gokl fl the money of the world, The voluble young squirt who occupies the position of teller in a bank and can count piouey and add a column of fig- urea no heard somebody say that gold I the money of the world, and I rec ognized a tlie universal and only measure of values. He repeat the phrase, with the dignity of a professor of political economy ln a irsUduss university, lie is an object of pity rather than censure, He doesn't know ny better, Usually Jt 1 a waste of time KJ reason with the owl f -opinion, eted worshiper of tha irolden calf, It la Just a unreasonable to claim that all nation and people have a common lunguge a that tlie whole bo man fam ily have the same money, ' rlllvar in much more eiitlUed to be railed the money of tho world than gold', Mnefy per cent of the human race use sliver In making exchange. It I profierly sfyk'd Ihs people' mon ey, ijoia I ttie money of the rich., 'ihe money of tha constitution 1 de ma ruled by the Interest of the eoun try, l.ejt the world provide for it ab ject. We are only iriferestexl In the money of the United Htafe. , ; Tii& 1'itOl'KK THING. l)r, 3,'K. Lamb and P. 11. geheel, sec rctary end1 treasurer of tih fre ll ver executive committee for Maunder county )iav printed and sent out, to every person known to have contribut ed to the campaign' fund, a detailed rejawt of all receipt and expemdlture nmde by the exwuitlve eommHUee dur ing thejlust caniulgn, Showing from wliat sijnrce every cent of the cam paign fund came, and' every expend! ture to the last jsriny, H 1 truly an innovauon In the wuy of running camjialgn, end Is a oonvlndng way of showing that no money wn used for Illegitimate or Improper purpose, cv- erythlng being square and ojren for pubiJa eemtiny, ihe receipt were! Caah on band from hist year $0.00, Contribution from candidate and otber soutx-e, 223,53. Total $230.43, Kxend'lture $lflS,41 (wliich U given In detail) cash on band deposited In Ha under County National Iwnk to tire credit of tlie campaign committee of 1800, $72.02. Usually there I ft deficit, and a lot of unpaid bill. In regard to the atey at home vote, Dv. lMui says: If you ask why 300 sliver rotor in the county stayed at home till year, we rcp'y "l8fc ' f tihese atay at lrrjtrme live In Newnwun poliocoo, Oliap mari and Clreen preclrx-ta; tlnit last year all the candidate, tbelr rul'xtlve and frleJLV lived in ihm county - to awuketv an Interest-, while thl year, they lived out of the countyj then it wa a poraonal, now a political trug- trie, then bondocracy w wn an issue. now It Interest in controlling legislo. tlon exceed that fHt at any time since '73: then we were at tence, now at war, which olstcure ail other ques tions and, until settled must nidi Die administrations then too we bad the magic force of Bryan, New PJra. LKT US OUT TOOKTHBIl. AVe are opoed to tlie Idea now be ing advocated In some quarter, of tha forniution of a new purty, The lead Ing principles of the reform movement lire embraced In the platform of each of the three wings of the reform tri uiiivinite the piillnts.th democratu ami the silver republicans, We do however, advocate the Idea of a closer union of reform force. Tlie three parties so nearly allied In principle and working for the same common end, ought not to find It difficult to ugrec to unification under one banner. Ihe republican txirty of tha United Hiates Is really a minority party. At leu wt twice In the history of the nation its eundidute for the prenidency hn rccehed a majority In the electoral college, while his democratic opnent received a majority of the toptiltr vote, The curdiunl isilicy of the republican party, be It said, Is unity. That lad Icy, Bkltle from Ihe use of money ami other UifiiiiK of ox opt Ion, U the letUMjll ol Its suceeeiies, Miiny limes in the his tory of the race the people bava lost their strutrghj for the right on account of ilivUlous and dlfkorlng in ths rank. As long as the thluirs ar H-rmittrt o exereis their natursl lit-fltteiu-e, the iteople may ret SMttireil nf the ot of their privilege and the de feat of the principle Ihey epoue. I rl ii get logolher, I'lylng the buiiiier of iiitllyall ( form foires arrsied lutrelher bi'iiealh one staiuUrd - let them prored lo tha iHittle around In the mliuls of men 'or the greet crucial trial In HMsl. Victory mint be won ilifii, If notafter that the deluge.- Trenton IsNiiler, SHIPS oloiriTFToHAVANA, aif t t frwlM-HMl In I at Mom. Wmhismio, lse. X l.e llioiit lys. Tv, t allit and Kfviiuu li eu orderwt lo lUvsus. Willi there Is aol l, faiutt ,t sir to eoMvey thri U lh dislwh of IhrMt Wariliip to lUvsn. tl s be td thai when thoy lis with m i, Itsrboe I It y will hot. I tli uwn in p.-r feet ubjvi)lioM, t U urtulv lht the ulfetloii riiiif litou A.ltulrsl fiup Sou, whu U mow U i' h of bv hI.uM of llis, as a ruli uf hu wulortua tU vi uplio Pui.tlsy ti-ght at lit llu UI lugistsrr. IS FOR A NEW PARTY Judge Kevlll Thinks that Tbreo Organization tr two too Many, A NEW DEAL ALL BOUND Discrimination Against Weitorn Nobrk tbo Cauao of Allen Defeat. Units In l'rlnells North Platle, Neb., Deo. 6, MM. Kditor Independents , Much lias been said a to the cause of HcnaUrr Allen's defeat, and the ty at home vote In Nebraska. In luldl flon to the cause which always ojier ale, three principal facia contributed to (be defeat of tha legislative ticket, im1 tha almost defeat of the slate ticket, Ursf, The campaign was waged largely upon the question of sjtolls, and the iwrsonal claim of candidate, (Second. The Issue in which the lopl ere Interested were jmrtlnily alsindotied for issues about whhdt the people have no qua tret, t Third. . 'Hie continued neglect and injustice shown toward westorn Ne braska, We will consider these in the order here named, Ho long as we bnve three partle with three different platfrrms and on set of condldutct. tho citi zen who i not a jsirtlsun for hrve of ofllc will say that we are simply uni ted to secure olls, and not to ad vniica jtrlnclple ami wlwn candidates for re-election confine their statement and sfswlM1 to a isTsonal eulogy or js-rsonal defense ol oflUM career, it lend credence to Uie etsdl theory. Ho long a the. jopulit fuse with tha democrat in the North and the republican in the Honlh, there will never le united notion tiatlonally, und we will never bave onr principle em lasllcd into jialloidl law. The remedy la to unit on principle. H oppose that at our next slat con vention w unite tlie three all ver par tie uon an estimated baie of stretigtb; adopt on plaifortn and nominate a ticket. If we can agree on principles, we. will unite Hwitn well e North; if this 'slate lake the lead other will follow, If we do not uvnlte uion prinolple, then It 1 the duty of tnwh person to remain loyal to the particular party advocating the principle In which be Is-lleves, and if at any time he, in the Interest of one of the other tsirtU'S, oppose the wish of lit own, lie will lose strength in bl own, end the loss of strength by member of a party weaken a party, and the weakening of one of tha three partle pulling to gether, weaken all. Ho long 'i three d iff went parties were contributing to the prosev,tlve majority in the legislature each had a right to assume that it deserving memlK-rs would bave a fighting show for the United Htates senate, ami when It Wen me apparent by the conduct of the campaign that if a majority were attained but one isirty would have a show, the enthusiasm in the other two was thereby materially lessened. As to the secmid tynote, the tnem-lx-rs of the jHrpuIist party have given the financial quetion serious thought. They fully realize that every rule tol erated which ha a tendency to con centrate weul th Into the hand and eonmd of the few by unfair means, Ihreuteii the free Inst It u Hons of our goviirineut. For that reason eve.-y govern nient, For that reason every lirly Is bused upon If elTe-t uxn the finances, its opsmltlon to the concen tration of wealth by smcIm1 privileges. I'opulUts know that In the near future the few then owning the wealth will object to th sverty-strleken masea voting to say when, what for, and bo-v inui-li, their property shall lie taxed, ami a profterty quullncatioi! to vote Mill I iixed. With the realty (sstr ui frtiiiiliinetl, the wealthy class will ob ject to bciiiu txe lo etliM'Ul the children of the HNir, ami Inter on an etlucsliolisl ipiithllistloll Witt In de- itiitiitle'l. Ihe tliitfnim'hlmenl of purl will ilUqmtlif.v for ofliee, ami the MeMlthy will deiiMmi tiisi luiia aim Jury bs seleeletl from their claa, ami thus nits by one th Uttixieti oiN-rti-' of the Ameiteau -ople will f.ole aw ty ami the HMiple will reli then, when they already snow, tltai money mhr eliaM-a, (-homes loske roalt, royal'.V IiihIics kll. Slid Hn liiskra litdil IiImI Ue. KiMiMixg lltat sta ll U th drift, Ihe opulials ttfiv aloiiUlied that Jn-I when th rrpitl.lwniis had tMhen off their iiuuk, ami tlecUre for the ifol.l itinl.ird. Iheiebr stlmllliMg putluii u lriimoti of II irltil.l.ip for mlver Iti fisudtih-rtt, our fitter ahould al'o tlon stlivr su-l bs llietr tvtniSii(H tu. Itrt-iy itin iwi annul i-lnlms of esiolt- dtttes, .-i Ml toil hi iMHitt of ler- l.tiH j, lit i.litilitiiiwiiiot etimli- l of the Wr, sm lb Met lerv bill. I he w.r ws det WmtI ami Justified U-i th ili-lits lid of sua n lug b tl lit ti lt To iMtwr th rttilipimtes t l-i aimin of rtnl alattttitMi tbem o tKrir w Sj fttt WMtli lat h tk lltH U- aluMi ef war. When the rotr tints eoiors ft an U-u hkmi h iut-siil em f the I'hlUpjxn, tk iuUU will probably divide ujKm the ques tion just in proiMirtlon a they believe annexation will concentrate or dis tribute wealth. The war was conducted to glorious victory for American valor, end everr one know that a vast army cannot be equipped in a hurry without aome uu worthy and lnoouicteiit eulwrdlriaU being selected, and the pcopl were not willing to mar a great national victory ba denounolng th dmlnltri. tlon for the betrayal of truat by ouch sulsrrdlnafes, The McClewry bill Is a new phase of a isirt of the flnunclul isaua, it la pnu tlcully a rejatlMon of the national bank act, and will enable a Mvored class to ulmorlt the wealth of the many very rapidly, but the jieople were not familiar with it.' Many regarded it ho a scare-crow set up to oouritr-riast the measure of prais alway due an ad ministration for having taken if coun try through a (langerou pwlod, Oth er regarded It a a ineaiu of tempo rary inflation, and from pressing wants, were willing to accept it as a menu of tcmtorary relief, i The third causa I a potent one. By exumJiiing tha tabulated return of the election it will be discovered that the stay-at-home vol wa in Westorn Nebraska. The First eougrcsalonol district tad d over a thousand trior voles this yeur than it did lnt. The Hecoml district jiolled alsut eight hun dred more this year than last, while fh Hixlh district polled nwwly four thousand less till year than last, '1'lds, the Klfty-foiirtli repri'sentative district, polled nearly twelve hundred votes less Ihi year than laat, Thl. IJie Tlitrf Uth senatorial district, polled, nearly two thoumnd less vite thl year than lat. Dawson and Uncoln counties tire entitled to ft, Stat aeiuv Ur, yet Ihey have thirteen otlasr amiru tie attached to them to glv them One, and Jfciwson and Wncoln oouutk isillcd 1)00 less vote this year thsa fast, Tilucoln county alona 1 entitled to a rneiiilM-r of the legislature, yet it has Tilue other counties attaclicd to it to give it one memlcr, and Jjincoln county (Milled 600 less vote thl year than It did lust, 1 know aome claim it woe ba4 weath er on election day, Instead of a want of enthusiasm which caused tli stay utrhome vole, but It wo lovely weatit er on oonventUm day, yet at tlie ttlx'Ji congressional district convention only sixteen counties out of thirty-four were represented, At the TlnrtleUi senatorial dkwtiict convention omy four cmrntle out of fifteen were rej resrm-ttfd, and at the Fifty-fourth rep resen tative dbrtxiot convention only threw counties out of ten were repre sented. These Maine countiee thai were absent were also abacnt at the poiiuUat state convention. What are Hhm facte a to continued Injluslice awl awgleet ol Weotem Ne braska, Under the eeneu of 1800 Uiat isirtlon of Nebraska wetrt of a center line drawn north and south baa about one-seventh of the population, and t only allowed five members of tho leg lalature out of 100, and is ha five fir counties attached to it from th east half of the state to give It three senators out of thirty -three. The state I thirty-two year aid, and In all that time the west half of the state ha not had a United Htate senator, a congressman, a supreme Judge, a governor, nor any tte offlcsr except the prewent Incumbent, TTca urer Meserve, - In 103, when Allen wa elected to tha United Htatea senate, we hod the ami Thirtieth senatorial district. We also had the Fifty-third, Fifty-fourth, Klfty-ii'inth and Hixth-nrtn repreaenu ntlv8 districts. f we bad them now Henator Alien would be rturned by ex iietlv the same majority be had lo 1803. We had those district in '01 and 'V.i, but not in 'U5, simply because having controlled the legUlature we failed to correct this great Injustice. In UM, when lloleoiob got an overwhelming majority In these same dlotdicte for governor, our candidate for th law making Ixxly nearly all failed, and at the aestdon in IMS Thurston wa elect ed to the I'lillcd Htatessenate, In 1D7 we again had all of then dis tricts localise, the republican In '03 nob only retimed to re-dlatrlct the stste, but In violation of the constitu tion refused to take ths census upon which a priqier reapportionment oonld be boned, but we bt them again thl yeur te'cauit we refused to correct th wrong In 't7. The remedy ami the only safely for the silver force Is to unit on prli el pies, 1st It Is as one fore to insks I hem law, and fairly distribute to id liM-alitle the ofliee secured by aunh uiilou by a proer apsjrtionment ae eonliiig to law. WM. NKVIM.K. MOUK MONKV, I'lgurea ImokhI by lb eontndler ol th currency and dlreeUir of th mini for the fiscal year ctslnt an lufiu of gokl Into Ihi wintry of l-!T,ooo,000, maklMg h piewnl gold fund Iv'.'S.OOO,- t, Tlies figure are of coums more or "iMgdliHl" bul a reim.t aa may ba mtm Hi lMtloi of th urTiilsl whu biwl IUih frtH elb- It.hlog m h fact, tltey wwly show that th ptipuluti clabmiT for more m.tite was and la well fotMHlnl. til tH.ur.s otldvHl tritrity 1 lHtd by Ik mh report. nTV AT IHV1A IUiimstr a Iks "slayl kMiiH i oi hi ths lt r We Hon alwiw It tM rl)af imetwl f ndlU-sl Hliffer rHe, In MiMort ekiue ovr haa itevd tltotiMtxl toter r msJ iod wy frwni Ik dUk '!!'