THE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT. c. 8, 1898 What Jrry Said, j The following lit from ao Interflow ith Jerry 81mpoa tbut appeared In the "The reform force represent that class of people who are preyed upon by or iranliwl wealth. In 1000 there must be U fusion of the element opposed to the ?republleau party. 1 don't think party line were broken by Tuesday' defeat, There may bo a liitle pahlo now, but the n,.. u.ui i.a r..(irinml under the same banner, The democrat lo party will tint absorb the populist. It ljiocsury to have the two orgiinl4tlonleeuue peo ple have political prejudice. Many pop ulist are recently from the repub icon parly, and the old virus M ill ie In their breasts, and while they will vote against the republican party, many will not vote a democratlo ticket. . "Free ellver will be one of the planki ontiilnlng what free silver Implies, the financial question. The same condition that brought It up before will bring It up In 1000 and keep It up till the cond tlou are changed. I believe llryun will t,etli iiotfilnow iu 1000. We will have wore need than ever of a man of Hryu a mold. No man that I know of can unite the opposition to the republican party osoti'lly a Jlryau. lu 1WM 1K?"'V' will (co fusion bigger than It did In 1HW0. The ropiiblicane are welcome to thle vie OI course we wanted to 111 j - . g HEADED FOR SANTIAGO. How Shatter's Columns Closed In on Their Prey. win, but it will be them, no bed of rose for l)r. Ilull'a Cough Hyriip Cure th wont stubborn coughs, cold and lunar ffwot,iou. Even Incipient consumption ban been successfully cured ii.V thle mar velou remedy. Bufferera will obtain re lief after a few do. A fur Klaetlon. TheWymoreun Inet week came out with a pitiful plea for the relief of the ufferlug and starving poor of Wyrnore. The pathos of that article Ie almost ooimhto move a gate poet to tear. The condition of Wyrnore 1 almost us hnA n fluhn. (Ireat Brunei Holy Moses! Tannitloa on usl Oh! Oh! Oh! Kor week and month pat, the Wymorean tiamAimn nntlilnir but talk about pros- fxiritv mid vnod time, all a the result f McKmley' election and the passage ihaOlnirlevbi II. Mo McKlllleV pro parity moan starvation, soup bone and second hand clothing Just what we expected. Hut Instead of donation a tint rmor. we would a (largest an in rae of the tariff dutfe In the Dlugley bill.-Arbor State. LEADEES AND MEN TELL OF IT, The I'lral Plans Wrul ') Sup plies i'oulilii't II Landed Ahead of Cnuinilli Aney Ilnil l l'llit Quirk-Willi Oi Mr In (tlglil, (be j Or Wit, i 'liu-ml' Copyr)tlt. im. Iiy the Author.) IV. a EN. YOUNG'S -' S4vl('lnrv ut Ijtt $Ouusiiuas, June ? 0.1 lin.1 11 .l.mibl tfil I... ........ .1... I IJUI1I1JJM Uli.'H HIH m j Huntings cam- JV -Jpalgn. It showed t HE 1 1 r 1 the army t hut too Spaniard wore not rlNkliiK iicav- Uy iu the dofniifo ut mm tat out mIiIo of tlio city, The Arncrloiin lendra ttllcvcd thiit the Hpan lard were In- tending to nittka Dtubhoru flht, in the vimliuutioii of thi'ir honor, nt the itntm ut tho city, The troop umii rally Khurcd thi view. It liud been intciidud up to Juno 24 (hut iuwtnti' division tukn anfroiiK fiiuidvo tionltlon north of Hibonoy liind- inn, 011 the read (oHuutlitKo, flint KuiV ' under hi Kune arouud headqnurter a to theimpor tanoe )f EI Caiicy. Uouora) Buaftcr aid, "Wo did not wiu to louve it a a aholter for a utroiid tSpanltth outpont ou tho right flunk of our lino," when it ahnuld move forward aRuiiiNt the lilgh ground vwt and nort ln iit-t of BuntitiK". Ucuerut Law tun' dlvUlon wu to con Mtitutu the rllit wln of the hhhuuHIhu force, and I luiimcd fiom bi licinhnnir torn thut liuwtoii wu uuwillintf to hurl hi (IIvIkIoii uKuliiHt tho height uhIkihh1 bin) for cup! me, leuvliiK the tipuulHl) iu inmwUm of El (,'unuy clone iu lil reur. It nhould lo (said, bowover, thatdeii erul Luwtou bidlovcd ho could take EI Cunny in half un hour, and othor gnu cralH, more mpuclully Wheeler and Youug, who had looked tho ground over, Maid about tho name filing. TIicno opinion were biwwl upon information (rained before El Cuuey had buuu re on forced and elrmigthuuwl. Whim Eawtou camu to altuck, it wu another matter. Wheeler uy thut ho UNltcd Hhuftor to let the cuvulry (IIvIhIoii (uko El Cuticy, but Hhaftur mild fhu tank had ulrcady been givcu to Eawtou, and ho could uot olumge it, On the mh and ' 'Mh of June the whole norpa moved forward from the Havllla camp toward rJuutlugo, brliiRlug tip between Ea llwloiida und El 1'ono. i;i l'ono i a narrow clelllo between mouiituiiiN. liefore descending into the defile, the troop obtulued from tho top of tho iiioiiiitttiue ou either aido of tho road gliinpHi3of rluutlugoaud El Caney Willi their ilefeime und of the inouu tuiua mid valley intervening. On tho IJOtli General Mhaftergave out Id order of butlle, which wa to carry tho Hun Joan and El Oaimjr road lielKbt. lu order to bring Huutlego city J mm tho )i)guec to ' . tTi i m ASSOCIATED PRESS, Kdltlng tl Wew KnelilMll tt Ie H Vumttif Work for tiie Mooy lwr The great eomblnatiofi of wealth who evxJc the control of government In order that they may profit tlirougli apeclal privilege conferred by law, long alnce made In their flrt eare to control the ... .1 - . 1 i. public pre 01 me country ana nme aubject to their will theee great avenue (fpubllo Intelligence. Upon thl In a verv lartre meaeiire they rely for the etie coca of their movement. The Aeeoclated Pre conetltutn a huge monopoly for the purpoe of gath ring and dletrlbotingtthe dally new. It ha an eaetern, weetern and southern dlvlMiou headquarter at which are sta tioned euperintendente or cenor, through whoeeband all new item miiHt pae before they are given to the individual newnpaper who are member of the aaeoelation. Now item In mere skeleton, devoid of comment or opinion, would occupy but little apace in a news paper. In euch form they would eonetl tote dull and uninteresting reading for the public generally. Therefore they are seldom eent out in thl form. They are usually embellished with comment and opinion. It ie In editing the new Item that the Associated I'rose and news paper generally get In their deadly work. The reader of the new nncon. clously, by a process of mentnl absorp- Inii. hna his opinion formed for lit in through the editorliil clothinir of the new Items furnished in the puper division ciieiimp west of Eiiwton, whMe , the lowest tho noldiera nuid that tho Wheeler'a division would bold t bo rcuu prejmratlon for inn atiuca wero jar from Klhoiiev back to Ualdueri. tbu from what they liud expected, from keeping up luiideommunleatloii between . what they ahould lntvo beeii, iu order to these two landing. These position, insure success and what they might .... .1 . .. u '1 1 ,1,.M I.. 1,1,(1,1. Wltiiiu easy ruugu 01 inn iihtj huhh, utb wicii inruiiitj vij were to hnva been maintiilned until all lug wharfs uud roada and putting on tho troops, artillery, transportation , wugou fraln. General Bloater suya wugfina ud auimuls, ration and am- frankly that tho preparation wero not munition wuro safely landed and diS'.whut lio dcMred fhem to bo, but tho trihiihtd. annv. com nosed wholly of northern Tho fuHntant t'eneriil of one of the meu. wu lu a hot and sickly climate. division, who wu in a position to know the rainy season wa coming ou, when tho inside of things, told mo at Gamp tho already bud road would bo made Wikoff that I ho affair at La Ouusima worse, a tropical storm due at that time forced tho rapid movement of the army might drive tbeiiuvy a well a too sup forward noon El Gunny and Hun Jouu rdy ship far out to sea, aud it wai ex hill. The capture of that position drew peeled that General i'undo, with 8,000 tho army westward to Havillu, where Hpunlsu troop, would Join the garrison there wero excellent camping ground, in tho city. Under these condition omul wnu. tmirn todenlov the division Hhafter decided to force the buttle at nrul tn receive tho Hnillllurd in Caso of Olice. attack. It wa supposed by many of tbo From that time on until tho begin general oflkere tlmt tho army would sing of the porley over surrender, tho halt iu thut camp for some tlmo in order clement active or threatening, tho im urtlllcrv and nut tho whole netuosity of tho troops, especially when outfit in shape for an attack lu tho di- they come within sight or range of the rectlou of Hantiago, Hpuniard, a well a the restless and In splto of tho effort of tho staff do- unsparing energy of "Peoo Bill" Hhaf- partmonti it wne impossiblo to land and tor, combined to rush tho army forward transport auppliea faster than tbo men at a pace only oompured to thai of a and animal at tbo front consumed them. There wa a luck of steam launches, lighter, scow and wharf. Tho army never bad a three days' supply Of ration ahead. There had been much marching and countermarcnliig to get the troop into position, aud it wu very hot. Holdler had no change of clothing. All they had with them wa a roll containing a blanket, in somu case a shelter tent, fhelraniisand haversack. Perspiration soaked their underclothing a though they bad been in a bath, uud tho fre quent ralu drenched them ou tho out side. Tbo soldier say that while they would not have minded this state of thing ordinarily, yet, following their long voyage, it left no time for recupera tion. Tho extreme beut and the pecullur odor risliiK from tbo soil affected their hurricane. 1 All thl time aud afterward until tbo American flag floated over Hantlugo tho spirit of the soldiers was: "Let u go at them I Let u mt at them!" ThU is not to aoy that there was indecent haste, that tho men were ready to rush head long into disaster. The result shows thut men of all rauka wore prepared to go at the task in the deliberate munner set down for them in their instructions. They never for a momont forgot these Instruction, lino upon lino and precept own precept, aud it wa their coolues and self control which saved tho array from horrible disaster aud gave it a viO' tory when tho turn of a hand might have precipitated defeat, i The Snaniarda eaid that tho Amori cana violated tho rules of warfure by not rotreating after receiving a volley appetites, aud they could not relish tho from tho enemy. Thi method of fight oourso army rations, nor procure uny thing whatsoever lor vurlety. Thoso who had recourse to tho native fruits, especially tho mango, paid dearly for it. I," j The mango is a little larger than a peueb, 11 '" - '!" . I . 1 1 in.- . ..... ltu .....ut in ...iiiiy,. riid. Tbu it wlllle. readily under- sua pi uu !. . - - eloodthat the new distributor i no ' HK imuoi mc pumpsiu, n "' Agency of unequalled powtr In Ihe an apple, thick nud tough. I ho expert wiMlern world. I encedfuhnns wurned Ann rh aiisnguiust fl. .....I .Iim .tr...!...!..!. ! .. j ,1.1... uftifl tlll.V ... Ill 1 lin lliwiirr hjwit uu't m" !... ......... j cmill iumi'', H" i"; , log i not set down in tho American tactic. Ey going ahead in spite of und iu faeo of repeated volley tho well troliiod regular took tho Hpnuiurd by surprise, nuito aa much a tho smoke les powder and deadly accuracy of tho Mauser amazed the Anierlcuus. I En w ton bud about fi.OOO no n for tho attack ou El Cauey nud tbo El Cauey j Iieighta before Huntiugo. Tho iufuntry 1 1. ated monopolies eoutroMhe prltHpul ( tlljmj ti, Kl.ruiM of fever, bnt a they division of Kent nuiubt red about 4,500 mi tropwlltdii newspiiM'r of the eouiitry j W( ru V(,r (, ,JU t),rcut soma 1 men and Whceler'a dismounted cavalry i.od through them control tH A mo- I ,.MW.,.uy (ho voluuteem, could about 2.f00, muklng 7,000 for tho at elated Is aud "PP'"'t Ua nff -re and ' f.,,put,in. I tack 011 Han Juan height. Until column new .Dsors Thev j, , r,d O,- Jt I ( m Jj "'H ' t . "J ?, 'panZo Mtw. MnuM and Mght of the 80th for a forward movo- l I it .m. .....i,mll.t. .kill. IhuvIII. tint riL'itm westward toward meiit. Chaffee' brigade, l.f.OO atreng, I Tl. iI.h LHtniUMir til bll!d IHl 'U ' H,h.H:il'ci n reennoolti-red. Jut bow tis.k the til from 1, Uedoiida north t . ,i . .. .. . . .. .I.. . . .....I. t.i.t. . . .. i u I. ' . . I... .... .1... .(.I.,n M..t :i 1- ll'iiiioW i lillime men inyniir i' umr mu edlllpe'io lliewi rra'tiiiiH'imun'i ti iu w 'm i" "" .," ... j ' . . . - ' i. ... I..... ft ' . . ... . ... ...... 1 at t . . . . It I A ......... a I... . . , nini to Destroy an iim'ii f'j" ' " nivurv, I aKei lou Man onu rs uiei , himmiiihiih, huidi n uy nytu i DieiNiorsmp iiiki hiiuki h,t i" I"' m tit vie ioit grueriii wucllmr Was kiiiuwn ltl.o.11 w lll.l oi inn rn , f . , .. . ft .,1Iirili,, l , JSuil UU. Hllr..r Knight !juun In ighu wero rijMtscd l Hauiti j view and tlr f'm their woik on tbo ii rrl, parlbuUrly thermid and iruil at llto i rnwiiig t tho r-uu Juno river and In triKUihs, Ittuild Kant iixtbliig. The iiwr wertt, I supimwi tnul iu' wa snow it al army bru.l.iu..ii.r. " Th f iM t remain lhal on July 1 tho Uultti liii'dlholrsip found IIk iu m!vi blotk.d In the r I end lulhe Udof the strtam aft nUy light will. I m . . . . . k. . fci I-. uil,,ln r.Lon. y H.u..,. m huadl '"" 7",lr,,' " ""'B tMe.Uwtika the l..u..,,..U kava MegHMr " ma h.imi. a lvabUtfo vrr lU-roiu It '"l ''t ruiu f. imm, tMiR itt.ple and U lr. Ttef mo J lw il unn 1 1 ihiiiiiuU IiIimwU m any rt. 'Uf oi l tiling" lo attrMi nud ! t.itiU l.kidy la li l I ) r.iitH'i rv. nvr H-4 bk dm ikem. liui n i,,,, b.,riugbly ud re m.U ad ' I hi,umMU.I lt4t ill ttfiut lltl,M Mii,MiM i.i lrg camT,a ii.d ii, ilti l .t I u I eu Ix lh l b f it. ! OiHll t ll!trtl ftld lbl the Itglott !f lUif IUetx. lo Niitug W4 iMtuliitd wUU Ww I.i totktug u al TAKEN UP On 0. tuiN.r ad, I'Jl.oae Tl iut, 4 yttr old, Mt bora brt.k' o off, partly ffl.nvd brand oa Ml ! On ph iIoh i, ton 0, rang T, Ormit prtniuet, , r-oinlr. E. 8. t'l'MMIHO, t hny, Nb, ll ! 'I X w r-' 4 vr:i MMi- I" V) Itmt. smihII es,a rasM"! miuiir fvwl S bl.mliMIl I U kotw.f 4likttluavilr an I M nil sti.. lt IH 'Ur l U'l Hulf It M .f'lur MIS4l Jff MMiMSMakly IUIgl. ever stood within touch of our bar gains and disputed their silent plea of economy. We are wide awake to your Interests, for our success depends upon your belief in us. NO CUSTOMER FOR HOLIDAY GIFTS. Nothing is more welcome nnd appropriate than such Qseful and ornamental article a neck ties, handkerchiefs, uftN'iidera mulller, hood, faseliiators, (love and mittens, shawls, skirts, table linens, napkins, towels, bed spreads, pocket books, albums, toilet set, smoker sets, jewulery cases, pocket knives, perfumes, finger ring, sleeve button's, watch chains, collar button, carf pin, ear drop, eto. Come Id and see tbo splend'd array of such thing we have prepared Mr the present Christ ina souson. VVcan pleuo every taste aud suit every purse. WARM FOOTWEAR Ladles' lined and felt slipper fiOo to tl.fiO av pulr. Ladles' lined shoe 11.50 to 14,00 a pair. Men'a snag proof perfection and overs, Meu' celebrated ll'iiilgnn flue over. Men's heavy Arctics that can't be beat. German socks, wood knit and felt boot and legging". Mlssc rubbers, 1 1-3 to S, to pair. close out. Ifioa Mnen' rubber, pointed and broad toes, while they lu, 25o to UQo a pair. Just received, another lot of blanket, bed comforter, flannel skirts, lee wool shawls, cardigan Jackets, flannel shirt and live gee feather. HOSIERY EXTRAS a) dozen Men's merino soamles half hose, double heels und toes, regular I 1 a VI! ,...,., .... ,,.,., t Kiu, sale price, per pair,, IS doxen men' seamles wool half hose,donble he! and and toes, extra flue, worth OA a a." ii, sale price, per pulr.,..,.,...............UU 3"i down men's cotton half hose, black, ten and brown, extra heavy, regular Aa la 1-ae, sale irlce, jatr pair 20 doisen ladles benvy wool hose, black and blue mined, regular 20o, 'tt'MAA price, per pair UNDERWEAR SPECIALS flft doxen men'a gray merino ablrt aud drawer, really worth 25o sal price I fl such.,,.,,..,.. ,.....,.,,., Ill 2B doisen men's gray merino shirts '""IOAa drawers, regular 40c, aal price each,,, 6 V V 20 doxen gent'a natural wool shirt mdOAi drawers, regular fiOc, sal prlite each,U iFU 18 doxen men's natural wool shirt ""dAOi drawer, regular 75c, aal price en:h..,UtfU 20 doxen ladle Hwls vesfj and pant,OC regular ilOc, sale price, each 10 doxen ladles' fine merino vest audi A a pants, regular 50c, sale price, iicli,.1UW J1 doxen ladles' fine natural wool ran dom vests and pants, regular 75o, aalei! O A price, each,,,,, ., ,.. VUv 10 doxnn ladle C. If. vesta and t"tnt,OAfk regular fl.00, sale price, each IIHItllKOlV W W aOfwrcent discount on children's merino vest and pants, age from 1 to 14 years, and children's C, II. vest aud punts, ng from 2 to 10 years, TOYS, CANDIES AND NUTS. We have a large variety of toy, and you will find our price a low aa the lowest. ST - r Kb" Si; Mixed candles at 6c, 8 and 20o a pound. l-flo,12 l-2o, ICo, cDcn cruMinT p. onr. 9210. Street. on. P; 0. I OV1I1T11U1 W UIW11 LINCOLN, NEB. 4;; 12 nonxm 1 llMlthy Olrl. Home statistics ar given out from one of the girl' college In the eaat, where special attention I given to physical traiulag, giving a comparison of the Klrl of 1807 with those of a few year lioiore. The 1807 girl are inch taller, being feet 4 inches on an average; their chest are 3 Inches larger in girth and their waist 2 Inches; their upper arms 1 inches larxer, their lorearm neany inch. A slight Increase I obserbed la the breadth of the shoulders, and their chest are 1 V, Inches deeper. The capac ity of their lung is ten sr cent mor than formerlly, anu tne sireniciu oi wieir hacks 21 ier cent greater. This may lie due lo the exeroi those particular girl tuke In their gymnasium, or on the other hand there may be something In the prevalant beliel that women today are larger and stronger than their moth ers, in uny ense ii promise " their heulth aud happiness, and their t bildreu's. Your UmiKor Now I from ths overworked erudition o! the liver and kidneys which are unable to -ipel Impurities from the blood. I In eitiiHi rlieumatixin. Hood' Harsapa- rillu has levu wonderfully suvsslui In ruriiig tins iliteuw. It neutral)" th" i. i id lu tho blood and wrumiiitly eur.. Him uehe uud pams whietl oth.'r liiedi to rli-VH. Hood's Karsapu rill.. Is the best winter inedieitie bwau'tf it purifies, enriches trnd vilalix- the blood. It gives help Just Whee help I ii. o.hsl, It ton' tlm sioiiiiuh, stiinu bit the liver, aud erou-s and sustuiii ili kidney. It wurd off pneumonia, fevsrs, brouchlti. cold rough and the grip. NEXT TIME! I want yon to go where yon can get Nk, Clean Coal, no soot or dust, nud a.iMMi pounds to the ton at Dicfks lumber & Coal Co., I.I IHKIt ANU Ul Teleibotie: Lumber 11; Coal, 85; City olllce, lao. Clt.v and 'ii'l olllce II () Hf Lincoln tMl All ti ) idlaiu4 rWastor lMr' koUt.1 t. lrv l Wurmalvr, u I WsloV I ttUrlii IHt h wumUI t U I'bilu ilsx a k H -h M. tlnti id IWioa, l'.(Nid' l h lrgatio tlt Mlmt lu eiiUii 1.rvW-tiv Unit, aad wkhk t said l itala lb it eouliilieU 11m rot hin rpi:ald la li. im itxttwl a sUmp! olt ag isi Mt.ll., tHllMllHri nails , ttd ritti w atoarm 't lst y. Kiflv im kasliy riai t)Mtd Im pvwttvt lfua s, s an, l4ik Mi u 1 1 rweu li..'U isti ry. I'mmi (i. i U leiiy tt !)) ute lli' Ultl 1 1 sftr lb ariuy nl H f.. .i4id atta l"t tlu tt. Thl 4 lit tM.rt i IU Uf" I l taking II (imi'i'i t aid ha lun.'d MfA aod. In lvl, ri lu)vl b k v I t ihe Ud l. ttuw i. lt. UtU4 I'm! . gtuutid l lr isp4i I M an alt k. I I tw 11 la IUtfihly MM mi if atH II Hiid)t fif l4iiMtiiM, aud dM l f 4etimtNa i-h it AM Ihe iiti Ui at I ihi liM d d'fw Wrl ItloWH SI b4 l )llltll 1aie itl8i' 4 iplalm I ihujor siitis r a u I. 1,1. tsbila th 1 1 1i4 1 id MiUsaud ,udtiw insiihwl by ltoa Id l lu the iNnriiiMM,i, .Sl U ki ll, k ti.ii 1.1 t'uy to Ugiu tly hi lh unfiling. tba dttUhit i t WWhf and Kut I ki'd ai. og ike iimI l r'l r and i Jms' tint. i)mu' I si loty, wht.hw.s It tti(f4l i( Jen In I at I 1 tv -lll-n in Ih ka)atl.l lw. t aai' guu Ara Hllh." I.i Hung Chung I h'puted to b lh ri. h.t man la th world, hi powsiou Ling tMtiuiated at I.Mmi,(hhi,imiiI Thi Chin Vliwroy, If Ih id a eiiy td ou budrd inJ, every lu. habtuat td hah i''t lilmMlf l'ig a pauir, would Hiak I hut city M'Miiluslir tti it. h.l ritr ta Hi wot! I.ttliiln In Inet II uul'l Im Ih 1 ! e.indiUoii td stwti a ritf wn!. M.Ury, l .r . r isg d. iu, and por iu l .l, In tnoit pnriMm wiib Ih urdiusry ImrrH a eiiy that do not f lioi d a m' tttillaoiitU, but wku k w AIM wait nappy ttom4 i.iiiill I b !., ki ad auibllloa INt I iUUy lt if Iih4 Ulu a lrMJ. r bl. IUr lhr id iMtlrkilMui burn In ry lr4t Ik aation irou mid tak, li-al bntitm hi ifs.l thai abound. Im ntr Iwacutoal boew aa I kov I ar rarval, and mki Ih Urnl la ilH iti 1 1 1 ti y vsiiy duly I. U i nuiutwr vainlii rr I !' l-u tut Atiliy l.i IuIImw up I y an k. I an aida and iik Iran inou iksir lltuutwn luwi nultl It lii(lM wt) ii l I I t navy, lle.M tiaul Huh Jmh lhkk.'U and ui hi. Kl nud W h lf wtre l b Id H In luitm aniMiii nud Ukind Juii flttiiig, an0iiigrhi. IM ih im.i j tw IU flt ivnld iKeldis ' iillill U KllUlk, in e and lmfitlir lnlHI, TM'llKOU TllMrV, 31 J 0 Sirill riM nil kind oi lli - nad I'wra (a inn It. i.i lniKur. li.itMv nnd Una. H lm.. lli h Tnd n hnra. HigWl mm paid lo lll , 1 ' HrAHV IIOI.M. I.liiiu.w, Keb., Aug. 1., 18!iH. A Oi.viiiciiv. Undertakers, City, fh utliiiiieu: Allow me to rifetid lo yoa my heortfult thank lor your work In taking tar of Mr, llaydmi, and of your kindiies to me, I must say that your mode of conducting funeral I of the lnh.t chitracter. Also that Mr. Hay di n' reuiuin were In rinelleut eonditiou and natural, of which a great many Mik lu Ih bigheat term of your abil ity. You curtaiuly are well iti.lil1d In Ih prtifiasion you follow, You will long lie roimtH-rd by in nud luy ehildreu. rilgntNl, Mu. Kiir K, Hit eii. (Mr, llnyden nan wll kaown through, out Ih stats, and hi fuui-rnl wa laru If attudd. Th abitvsWtter I woridy ( entice. TliT nrs lisslwl si aiHriouth Mnth lrl, UuihiIu, IM'tor, DR. O.C.REYNOLDS, SURGEON. Iimn.. IT,1, in. iiirr llfirrttn 'Nfh Ink. I'b'in t.5.1 A tt-.d. linCOIn, ItCU i.ututl tkaaa la ! a r flat , o . .. f ..i .tow Ik .Nw iirk nad lUmlon I ipr-i d ktalkitiaiiu dmll at 10'tM land .f o 1 w., lonty. lHo linm will kif lUdv al M w. and to M u at , a kttd.ire Ik kln-k euadard id Ikrounk Ireta a,l .iMllval uniKtitaal Will I ialU i.iaa.1. a In Ike lat, NiiMa lr mil b khtd im ar Ula. Ualw ak it tka ktWMt. HUi'lT ! i... Im iu'IimI lot na latara date. Uhvi iMMf liiM, Van iraalnad I'avlft Av,,ln Ik UHS lit; 141 wtnj IU Adam itl. f 11 W A Devoted Wife Like to sea her husband arrayed In Im maculate linen. We can cite many ease n where wive Insist on sanding their linen to our laundry, niul laoies. a wen n men are good Judge of bow Iniiudry work should be done. Haw edurt- re moved. Call up phone o7v. lliu. ni'r 1.AU.NDHY. FARMERS' WIVES . a , t i . I or any otlu r ladle who wiaiiiowora CAN EAHN LOTS OF MONEY working fur u In spare time at lion on our elotl.a. W offer yuu a good e hanc to make plenty cd spnilliig ttioiiey easily, lu leisure hour. Head 1'Jn for cloth and full diroetion for work, and iHiuiiiieue atoin. Cloth eitl anywhere. Addre 1VtMfcl fa, t IS I M.I Itaalan, Ma. Ml Ht. Winter Excursion. Haiek yuu na find hlp. U erlppM wiili rksttinuliaui, ftmenn t rd. II Iliad, joe ami rat,aud Ik place Jgol HOT SPRINGS, SOUTH AKOTH. Tl ii U Wa Ikaa yua tm !. k VxihMlrrn Ma" kaa naoMal taeial trutiua evflala day Ikl ni.inik nt CHEAP RATES. Ik :va Howl will rauimn m-m, and tin nad nil lkr huWt nad Uwd'sg kua nNlia4aMid Hl M lattaduriDg Ik wluUr HUCMITHU IUTIX 0lkn . ,..M.,M.MM..M""I J J J2 Nltitil l1tf..iwii.i.m.wMv. I iii ,01444 and krrettudieg Unlm H.MilrMiittlkt polMl in), llluial. lVil.t. rnff nad l. Il aw n..4Vd. lkwv daj li,t,a allow.!, and av agnt f , M, V. Ii. It , f J. H. ilkS Taete U.a. Anaal. lidua, !, wd tti4 sjtttrenlHtani. ... 1 k atl iUl will to Navfwbaf Jd. t