The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, December 08, 1898, Page 6, Image 6

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Dec. 8, 189s
Secretary Gage Exhibits Uncle
Sam's Balance Sheet
SHOWS $38,047,247 DEFICIT,
Renew lilt Itaaomiuflmtatlon fur a lUnk
ffut Currency Hyiitam- Favor Iloun
tins for th Merchant Mrlns Amer
icas Money tor Porto Moo,
Wasjiinotox, Doo. 7. The report of
the sooretary of tlia troiutury to the
speaker of tho house of representa
tives was made publio to-day. In the
report Secretary Oago says:
The revenues of tho government from
all sources for tho lixeal year ended
Juno 30, 1s',l, were:
From IntTiml revenue..,,,, fl7O,M),Al.40
From urollta oil column) L111III00
r 1
ocihmIis, lo 4,7MUOtf.7t
frmii itMtrJc:t of Columbia i,im,'s'.,Vi
I'nmi ftiim-iviitiiUlur. letter put-
entsml limit ,, ,!lw,7ftO,54
From tux oil iiutlumil ImiiUs J.W.i.HW.iM
From sales of iniollo linnU ,'Ui,,v.U
l''roin navy tiuuittouii ami nuvr him-
plmlfiiiiil , Ulfl.WiMl
From inli'"lliiri(Mim. ,,, t,(MI,&bt.V4
k 1 mi noting iuiiu ir rucino rail
ways..,., , ,,,,
Froin sulc of Inillim hvtvU
From iminUmiw, turn, tinea, pmial-
lie, eui, , ,, .,
Fniiii payment of interest by l'u
oliln railways ,
From iiniriltmtiit fund ,,,,
From miliw of suusrmnont prim-
From nVpuslts of nurv'iylnx pulillo
lands ,,, , ,
From Mulillcrs' homo, permanent
funij.,,,. ,, ,
Ij 1,(1 Id till
rroui (iimuiliinw
rm fiitlim of lunils nud liulldlmn,
From sale of oriliism-o material. ,
Frooi reliiilMimemeiit for mmt of
wator supply, Dim, of (MimiMa.
From di'MimlK loiiKoiiimlillu Intuit
From sale of Kansas I'uviila rail
road ,
Front milo of Union Puulila rail-
From postal Hirvloa.,, , ,,,,
VV.Ul ,tll.9
Total rocelpts.,... , . .l)4,a.MI,yM.7
ina cxpenmturc for tho same
period were!
ForthealvllMtaMlahmniit, Inelinl
IriK fornlua Inlercotirsn, pulillo
tiulldhiirs, eollinlltitf tlui revs
lilies, MNtrlct of Columhln. 11 ml
0tiHriiilNrllHiimriiN(iHtnM , ,. M.010,401.76
.-.I i.ii iniiiLury uMt.iO'llNnilie.111,, 10-
eluding- rivers mid uarlNirs, foru,
srwonals, mm tiuast dermises, mill
expanses of Mis upanlNh war..,, 9I.OP1000.S9
For the ouviil enUl.ilHlimniii, In-
ciiiiiiiiKcoiihi.ruciion or now vnn.
wtlx. iiiwhlimry, iirmmiuint,
iilirntiit, linprovoiiiKnlnt. imvy
yurdit, and eiputiHU uf Ilia buna-
INS , W'ir ,...,. f., ;3,08 . W
r r jiiiiiiHi x rvire. ,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,, III Wl.fl )7.7i
For pmiMioin w,it,i;Mi.M
For fiitoront on tlm pulilla dclit, , , IW.- mui .n.'H
f or amiuit y m ponul rcveiiuo.. I i,mh,4u 42
t or ponul wirvlw).. ,, , ,, mi,uii;,oiH.u
Total ip!!i1lLuri .3 J, HHl.;'jl.3ft
Showlntf b dllilt of I !H,0I7,2I7.H
n compitrou witii tun nncitf yfnt w, tlia ro-
wiliw lur imMi iiicrouwid ,vw,mM
In dlHCUuslnir tho question of in
in)( 1,11a Ainorican inercimnt tna
rlno tho aocretary nay: War with
Spain and tho annexation of the Ha
waliiin arclilpolajfo, whluh have
chanifed the political and cotnrnerolal
relation of the United Ntates not only
with Cuha, J'orto Itloo, Hawaii and
the rhlllpplnoo, but aUo with tho con
tlnenta between which and North
America those island are stepping
tones, require the prompt adoption
of an affirmative maritime policy by
nie united Htatea.
It Is not to be expected that tho gov
eminent of Hpaln will long continue
its support of tho mall steanmhlp lines
whiuu have connected Its lout posncs
ions with the rout of the world.
Whether, then, the military occuna
tlon of forinur HpnnUh poitiieslons by
the United (states shall luiul to tliolr
- lnduptndiiK'e or to their control by
this country ultimately, at present it
is clear that American veonuls must be
established in part in the carrying
traue or tlio islands or we must allow
Great Hrltaln, France snd (Jermnny to
nu entirely tna plnus a a carrier
which Spain Is about to vacate.
Great ISrlUlu, Oermany and France
have consistently pursued for years
the policy of contributing liberally
from tho publio funds to establish
steamship lines as a political measure,
regarding such lines as national neces.
si tics rather than as commercial In
nut . .
vestments. Jius country l now so
placed that the same motive must nt
leant be fully considered In dividing
upon our course of action. Kveu if
the motive were absent, tho fuel of
government aid to the foreign lines of
steamnhlps with which American ve
e!.inut eompele cannot be Ignored.
The rVerelsry reetimuiends:
The tblisluuent of a system of
graded Nullities immi the mlltis tmy.
igated liy registered American vesel
while engsged In the foreign carrying
trado as eiimpensstlon fur the training
of seameii avsllabie for the national
The reslrtutUm of the trade between
the United HtsU. lirto Uieo and lis
wail and the euatllng trade of thoe
Islands to visof Amerlean registry,
The suljeet of nnmey In JVrta Uh
I disuMrd at length The tWrtar
saysi Therslsliag varreney f that
Island euHtUi of s.lver istin knuwn
as u and eMtu, The ia Is ot
the weight and ttuvitt tt( the rtnUti
r'lrve uf tl tsk and vrreoad
a Uth rtts ta the n ftsae is
vf the muUiu. IuVmiUo viue,
4HMMrd l the bulil.. sslee f the
AtMrlcsn d.IUf, IsasVll t ta iK
Tho eaUa Is lHh m wesoi, a4 the
mailer s4us oumsUi f pts f
twsatr eittat aa4 futy eealavoe,
tawM Mag the eist MUrtt lit
weight tad lea of tae eesetUta
tUeee f mo a4 mU4 and the
veae wm t wee atu w traae
The iVriki Uw ul War me Ise4
telatUM M m Meg er"her
re4eeiwle lit the yeiWw ewlM, They
er latrtJ4 law the Utsed
y lMstB la l aa4 V fre4
kaag weie uttilttt4 fr Mesteaw
ewtaa, Wivh had previously eustUite4
th ttale MMe se4iNs. The
Veet esttatsU whtslasel la the
volume of thia silver money now circu
lating in Porto Rico at tH million
pesos. The oscilatlon in value as re
lated to gold coin has been constant,
rising and fulling, as directed by the
state of exchanges between Porto Rico
and its foreign markets. It is urinec-
emtury here to point out at any len (rth
the general evil results upon, induhtry
and commerce of a currency medium
o out of harmony with the world'i
money as to induce a widely flnctuat
ingrateof exchange.
It is therefore suggested that at the
proper time, action he taken by Con
gres to assimilate the currency
Porto Rico to that of the Unlte
Mates, so far uud so rapidly as thl
can be done without unduly disturb
ing existing conditions and eontrao
rolatlojs in Porto Rico. This, It 1
believed, cin be accomplished by
malting customs dues in the island
payable in American money, yet re
celving the silver pesos and ccntavo
at a ilxod relation to the dollar, The
limited amount of Porto Ricuu money
would thus find an important avenue
where a uniform value on tho basis
arranged would be realized. This
avenue would probably be broad
enough to give tho assurance needed
to keep the peso and its minor sub
divisions current through the island
at tho custom house valuation. If any
doubt should arise as to tho sufficiency
of such a provision, it could be made
the duty of tho secretary of tlio treus
ury to give American coin in direct
exchange for tlia Porto Rlean coin at
the custom houtj ratio whenever in
his opinion It should be necessary so
to do in order to maintain the ratio
Tho subject of currency and banking
Is treated at length. The Hocrctary
ay! Jo submitting my report, I fuel
It my duty to Impress upon Congress
as best I may, the important subject
or currency and banking reform,
jfti the misfortuuu of evil con ill
t?)ii to produce derangement and
hinder progress, which, if long con
tinned, so accustom the subject of
them to their existence as to create in
him apathetic indilfurence to needful
and healthful reforms, Making pro
gress in spite of all obstuclcs and em
barrassments to commerce und Indus
try, we uscrlbe the advancement to
the causrfs which have really hampered
and disconcerted the forward and up
ward movement,
With a financial system condemned
by tho Judgment of the most expe
rienced and wise, loth at homo and
abroad, its evils Illustrated in daily
business and emphnslzud in recurring
panics, wo fail, with on obtuse timid
ity, to face tho questions which must
be met and rightly solved before In
dustry and commerce can be estab
lished upon enduring conditions of
llio argument atralnst irovernment
issues of paper money as a medium for
commercial exchanges have been fully
made and need not be repeated in de
tail, Its rigidity, Its failure to meet
demands where demand is most urgent,
the dependency of the whole industrial
structure upon the state of the revenue
and publio expenditure these are im
portant links in that chain of argu
ment Tho menace to our domestic
affairs, several times recurring from a
threatened change In the standard
under which they are carried on, and
our foreign trade settled, has been a
companion evil perhaps tho greater
of the two.
The cure for these evils is not diffi
cult to find. It llei within tho easy
range of congressional action. Nor Is
the remedy one to Inflict even tem
porary pains or penalties on tlio body
politic. The healthful, stimulating
effect of right action in those direc
tions would be experienced with the
first son so of assurance that the de
sired end was to be accomplished.
The proposal to suh.tltute bank Is
sues for government notes is opposed
with many honest prejudices and as
sailed by bitter denunciations. The
llrst arise from a failure to comnre
ie nu 1 ue irue philosophy or a paper
currency, and must be patiently can
aidcrcd. The latter obtcure the ques
tlon by reckless statements, charging
that all propositions for currency re
form are bank conspiracies to exploit
he people, deferring to such pit
srnals, an eminent speaker recently
warned his uulnstructod hearers;
These bank will become cormorants
to eat up your suhUnce, control your
politics and warn the political View
of all the communities, Send a tnsu
to Congress to help defeat thl great
evil." Such tirades against resson,
and such appeals to prejudice and Ig
norance, the statesman uiut opihwe
y simple truth. I a system of hank
credit currency la It ability to meet
the varying wants of an tuduslrlous,
commercial people, superior t-i the Is
s of government psper money? If
that quiiitlott be anter4 aMruiallv
r, It may I fiy left to time to
show that the nsture of the banker
liters nt at all frm the general Us
ui wf mi. tt In all other caUla,;, The
itioMrrt for his act tons are the Mine.
It 1 not for the IwnvAt of the banker
or any prtleulr els, that the plea
Vr rurreacy rvfov m it urged) It Is
r4 wt Wha'.f of the hole people,
whi will be the reelpUet wf the Wa
nt thvrol Aa4 It t thl grva4
nsly that that the rUi.a Is etttit!e4 U
In tn Ut rvport I tettur4 (
pestfte iMMmadtita The tee
MMiaJaUu, If adopted aa4 frsss).
Ile4 IM law, wwU la tuy opialua,
be curative f the evil fcrel t tlat4
. la IIms4 till l a4 lost!
are mKled ri4 f saeaivirea l
fjoMM reapeU isxire sritrtta The
lueaaerea thereia propM4 art tae re-
att i careful sladj hy etpert aa4 -
perleaeea Vwit With msm mvhIiAm.
toaa, tU rs4MMahl fruit uf full 41
umUms, lhy uul4, t W.lsve, iu
theewuutry a ued. I ewuMiu4 the
ti Mttuthe early aa4 are set at
tlt uf tvsgrets,
Every department in the store is resplendent with best assortments of useful and ornamental Holiday Wares, gathered
from all parts of the universe and collected here for the approval of the Nebraska public. Every line of merchandise car
ried by a well regulated department store finds room here, and through a wonderful purchasing power we are enabled
to offer values that never fail to appeal to economically inclined people.
It is our determination to thoroughly clear this department before Xmas,and in quoting prices
completely ignored former price and profit. In many cases the sacrifice is great, but we must
purcnasers are uic gamers.
Keri-cy J.ickdts In brown, blue nod black,
tailor fnndo all strop snums In con
trasting colors, regular prlcfdJU AA
f 10,00 to close, I'ucli iplliUv
llnck calerplllur wcavw boueln
Jnckefs oriKiiiul price f 0.00 (fQ HZ
to close ipOif U
Covert jackets In medium tun,
0 largo i ncy but tons, regu
lar juice f7,r0 to closo
flO Inch nstrakhiiu, nnpes, tliibi't
trlMimiiig, regular price f&,00fli Q AH
to close, cncli,
10 Inch
plush capes,
til m mi 11 ir, rcgnlar (JJI7 CA
t!) 00 und flO.OI) values n
f.-Nrl UU
Our Toys and Dolls are of our
Bring this Advertisement with you, or if
Secretary, (Inge, in discusslntr tht
popular loan, paints out
that It was made at a sacrifice of the
15,000,000 bonus that might' have
boon secured had it been sub
mitted to competitive bidding.
Allotments were mndo to
about 326,000. At this time tho hold
ing of 110,000 subscribers, amounting
4 a St qui - i , . ..
v M,iroi,wra, nave passeu into the
ownership of 1,001 persons, flrms and
corporations. The issue of tho loan
vunv 9.,n,v,, m which 803,000 wa
..... 4 At. m rt.. m m .1 1 1 ...
for express charges.
Of the war taxes tho secretary savs!
The estimate of the commissioner of
nternal revenue of SlOd.OOO.Ooo from
this source seems to lm fniriw
ustinen oy the results to the
. . .. j
treasury durlntr the oerlod from
July 1 to tho present time. Ilia
report goes also to show the friction
and embarrtthinent which have arixen
from the need of Interprrtatlnir ob
acuritle in tho set Itself and the ap
plication of such interpretation to
specific cases coming under the samo
general head, yet diirerentiated from
each other by more or less Important
particulars. Many complaints have
arisen from those unreconciled to such
Interpretations or applications, and.
grauioa well bslatuvd relation be
tween revenue ami espenditure, It
might lie we.l to consider the pro
priety or repealing soma of tit
more vexaliuu features of the
act. Lntll mure settled conditions,
however, as to the extraordinary ex.
pvu.niure ior mo army and 4vy sre
resulted, even such repeal cannot
be rtHHituiuvndod by this d.
psrtnient. Mome verbtl amend
inents, Risking more elar the
Intention of tou.. are to be de-
slrvd, and rvpresenUtlou In this dl-
revtloti may be utsde the sublet uf a
separate fomtuuuloattott to tougre
at att early tUy,
kilts t MMor MImh4
Mt saooat. 1. T, Ue, T At Ws.
oner. In the l ultrd Msu rourt, Jute
Fprtngvr MnuitM ribs t htldera,
treaurrtt the trtth utUo, to two
vvara lit the pcaUvuliary and fl.4
Mat lo,0nt,ta Ve psl4 Uck tola
t reek asllwu, Hurr foa and Jsm.a
l-aga alM got ttara. The twt
ease agstust UiUou vteru traasfrr4
ta alMhogre, whlie the eatifa
agalast tinre Dtidhsm wevu de
wls.l All thse pM were IwpIU
ele4 la the frswdalvut ttevk warraat
fursse INmi U t V44h, T
Feat Win m, Teaa. Iw ? -The
farutera' KtUaal euugveM Wau tie
aeawtd mUmi her t-dr with several
uadr4 delef ateu sweseuV After th
a44rsa f wulewssu Vy UeveruM iU
Wrv aav4 wthera, the prvwldeat !
the rvsitfr. ei tlavernue tloar4 ui
VvlMyMwlev 4sltvre4 hit auaaei asV
. .
$ j. j, j,
18 Inch cnisli tilmli capes,
t hi hot trlnirnlng, uucli.,,,,..,
80 Incli plush caries, very rst silk sfal
Halts plash, heaviest satin lining, fine
Martin (ur edge on collar and
down front, regular prlw fj; f e ft A
taO.00, to close, each J 1 j,U U
Ocnulfie Astrakhan fur jack
ets, well ma tched, formerdJO A A A
price 145.00; to close tpji.UU
Our en tire lino of fi n lien rlef In,
nil colors, 1 10.00 and fjtfj Qri
912.00 grades, to close, cucliipUt I
Ilrlllinnflno waists, hmiutlfullytf A TJ C
tucked, all lined, each $U, 1 0
own direct importation, purchased direct from the European
man's profit, which means a wonderful saving to our customers.
Um Whlsl
Yes. Prcwiiliiiif WcKUA.w tr.n
Omaha. He went in hi own private cur I
mrulHhud by tho Pennsylvania rail
road. According to the dinputcbos, "the
company imuud a IiuikIhoiiio itinerary
bearing tiio president'! cout of arm
and including n lurge 111 np showing tho
route of the party going und coming."
tio our president sports a coat of
arms) Ho Kuglish, you know I Next
thiug we kuow he'll be wearing a
crowu nmdo of "McKluley tin" no
Uue whiul Ain't wo puttin on air?
GokIi duru our fool souls I Head us off.
somebody, before wo git to the bresul
Kuiihuu Agitator.
A l''la'nl Auenpy,
The Uuitml state government is bn
lug used us a fiscul agency to supply a
sale lnvcKtmuiit for tho millions of dol
Jura extorted nud to bo extorted from
(oil by usury nud unbridled greed. The
possessors of this wealth liuve su over-
reached themselves in their grasping for
gain that ordinary investment are 110
longer safe uud it Is now determined
that the United Mtatcs turn rent ool
lector, interest earner, dividend maker
nud, under the forms of government nud
by means of thu taxing power, furuMi
It wealthier t ltueu uu iucomu from
the sweat aud toil of her poorer, but ilasmts. Pueblo (Uolo,) He
form Prvss,
rtiur Mil l.r M a-l tVusHl a
I UHt lll.
rirnisurin i, Mo,, Nov. xi. Vtcr
day morning a bloo-ly battle invurrW
on Hull vrvek, In the aouthrrit part ul
thrUtlan ixiunty, tlftven mile south
of CirU, which rn!tc.l In the In
slant d.'iti uf tir,.a hum, and the
ttuundintr f a fourth.
Move lUllyeaii and llul Mesdows,
neighboring fartnr, lu l a prlner
hip fence aUoii wUUdi liter had qn r
re4 for some Hunt, each wue ilsluiUi j
the rUht ko Mve it. lillitvau and
Meadow met at the fvnee, a iiuarrel
folluuetl, thru the dupute eud4 lu
temporary wmv After whde le
lUllyvsu, , and a eu tu-law
viHie up ihr were arm4 with
thtilguu. MvshIou h4 pM'te4
trouble sa t brxutil hi Wlneheslsf
tide alosg Ihe i)Hrret w re
awd. snd the youug Ibllyeau
epeu4 Ire tm with their
hwltfea. Msaduiw retuiae! the Are
hi WluhUr a4 hil'e! kleve
Hillytvau aud til t , tHla au4
Cuter, Tatr, the sou lu law, wa
tSt tuileav. lie wa Wouhl ti tv.rh
u4 ktv! emu Wul tut uut uf kit
Iklfh, Makiw eueew4 uitkuut W
la aarttM far a U kuxian,
TW Uiiraiattt I fmt l,M,
lirllllantliis waists, tuckwl and
kiillo pluited, Mil liurid, each.,
Hamplci dtiils in box or tight fitting jack
etx, fo close at. Umn than
wholesale prices, or u (H fl C AA
suit for )19,UU
Children's eldcrdotvn cloaks, gray,
oiuh ami rcn, iitigora trlm-
fning, sixos 1 to f) years,
I i.w vuiues at...
Children fl.fiO nidcrdown
t cloaks, heavy linliiir, nngora
trimming, each,,, ,..,.,
Chlldrcns Malt on cloth Juket
all colors, cup" collar, ker-dj A OA
scy trim 111 lug, '1.75 Vuluos,ipit) a
you order by mail MENTION THIS PAPER
V mn PUUAI llr nrnnun rrnin . . i
j-nciinuLiii 0 octunu nmu oiuht,
f:iO 1 Htroot, ZVorfh of loMtoflloo
Largest tock of New and 8econd
ture, Tinware, Quoensware, Cutth-ry,
prices. Has light room In which
O tioual floor space recently added.
w 9
you want one of our Three Set":
QHAW America's Greatest Piano, the
Oil A f ? greatest in the world.
9PH A FFFR .Venr fine, rood tone qua
OLilIArrCn Jity,WijdcasedeSins.
Sold on easy terms
at cash prices ty the
HU.KHVrMKult THE llol.llYM
vn MiHitut'ttt iwi int.
Oa IWmUr lit, lid, n and Jaau-
arv 1st ual S I. the .11 Mxiuri rueine uiii
s! la ki l ail (Milsls within 'Joo Uih
at 4a tare hr Ihe row ad trlpulih a
HilsimaiM id fill rats, cmh usiil J sail"
ary4thauu. lKa't lrgt that la
lea truiee suck uuy twleeeu l.iaeola,
a ansae Illy aul lalerwediate imtate
rws ry dar lu the )ar.
r'arlkor iNhirmaiKia at ally lkil
utile. lU-lW tldreet,
' sls a. ii .
, 1 1. I OSSil I.,
as4 T. A.
vY ae tea are lrahsg. dee tuashler-
aluM ehuutd ke aivea ti Ihe aaswaat ol
ik eil la ssaklsf r hers.
I ke I atxa rarle M Ike Iwut Itae au4
aaia Ike tasteet tst k) aaaef knar
tui(l I ale niy, l ertiaad asd tJi
Mai iHiista.
fur (uue labUie, Mdsra, Uleairate4
keuk, puajfklela. uWriptife al tke
terrttwry truttrvMi, tail ua
tt ft. at. ... b
tlea, Agai,
to accomplish this end we have
accomplish our purpose. The
Children's fS.OO
jackets uf ,
clouks uud
Closing out the entire line
of fur collarettes, muffs, chil
dren sets etc, Price and
profit given no consideration.
New silk and satin waists in
the newest styles and color
ings. makers, thus saving the middle
. a j.. 1
Hand Btovoa and Ranges and Furnl- A
Trunks, and Toleores, at lowest X
to show imnds. with 1.000 feet nihil. V
To purchase
a piano and wish
to get the best val
ue for your monev
A good Piano at a price that
will come within your reach
IP U'l' Alii: (J ol Ml
tothel'At lUC (Otrtr
Hoa'l rouiplrle arraugsmeaia ttatil you
ksvssMuriHl Informatiuu Mrsrdmg tht
irui.slty eouduvteil fiurioe toHuu
r'rastino, rft Austvlf end Portias I
Via the I sloa I'aellKv These rearloaa
leave ( liirudo, Miasamlis aud M. I'sul
vry Ttir.Ur, an I ttiMukatvsr lib
dar lu iiUBlly epkoli4 ullwua
Tourist HiMriwrs. illuwiaaled If i'lakk
Hakl. koulvUky eleusji. ucaalw is
Ikraugk Imiui starting ixout lu dwliaa
lioa, I'muipt a4 saiUlaeiury ten mm.
Maay kuire oU r time tkaa aay wlker
For lull parlieelere tall oa or addrut
In H. Kl iMteoa,
hu. geek
ad k
, vsivs vximv
III sell tu.Mi.aiiehaeal
t tHtKAtl.Y ltl.ll t l.ttM4lja.
I ur Htea nf aaK llwli sad osU
kirk iwlslewilll-tttld, ai.pli a 04
Utimlvftltiujilthaaitk,1 J ' 9
kL H. Mloesoa,
. Af