Dec. $, 1898 THE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT. 'itiy than it will be one year from now. Pki. mn fl at wnH naj-lv bare at tbe be- 1 jfkmlng of the year. The nowcU r,.- full eroo and California J, very little for export. If arm" i ......Li .... u. truMt and hold tb?lr wheat and corn, they could aooti get their own price. Hut four or Are mil lion of farmer cannot bold together; hence they niuat pay tariff and trust price for everything" they buy and sell for what the othetf fellow ia will ing to Joy. One million, of wheat growing farmer, by putting- $50 each into a wehat fund, could raise the price to $1 and bold it there. Store house, or granaries, should be built at Dulutb, Chicago, Ht, JOuis, ew Or Wan, Han Franolaco awl in other wheat growing diatrlcts, with a ca-pae-lly of fifty million liiehel. We will aupiKJae these tore Iwuae to coat four million dollar, with the balance of th money fill them with wheat awl keep t!im full a long- ua wheat la below a dollar. When it can. be aold for a dollar, kU aul not buy aiiln until it drop below, Htiould price Mill rang below a dollar, wilh the store houses full, notify all the litem lwrs of the trust to let half their wheat kind rent, for one year, It often, that on crop in two year produce mor wheat than two cropa. America can rule the world on wheat If aha cluiosc. J would like to be a farmer and be able to my to the Iron trust, "You can bae my wheat for ao much, and I will pay you m much for your fence wire and nulls." Territorial expansion and Imjierlttl Wm are the two subject much under MwumAmx at tlia present time. Ter ritorial expansion la w new thlntf wJh tha United Blatea, We have Wngbt end we have conquered terri tory Wore. Florida, Loulaiana, in-i-Judlng the state west of tl Missis aippl, and Aluak were purchased, New Mexico, Arlwna and California were gained by caii'jueat, wblla Texaa, after gaining by conquest her own In dependence, waa annexed free, If Hpeln or Japan ahould organize and adopt a republican form of govern ment and ask to coma In aa atatea, we ought to admit them. It ia the ex tension of our form of government that we aliould dlr wore than the wquialtlon of territory. Tba Monroe doctrine doe not bein In tba right of Isolde to govern themselves.' We liave a right, and It ia our duty, to y to the oppressor, "ftcmove ihy band." We caruwt drop Cuba, l'orto Rico at the 1'bllipplna Wanda aa a dog- would dorp a bone. There 1 th aarna rea aon for freeing- tha J'billlpplne peo ple that tliere ia for freeing- the Cu ban, Humanity doea not atop on Yinm of latitude and longtituda. Tba rlfforie of Karttlag-o and Manila were iwH ordinary vlctoriea, ?fo auch we- ever (falnwl by the boat of opprewdo.i or for tit ajKlla of war. The God -t IxKttle aeeined to bava mn intreatd, J$ut now, that thee pwpl are on our baud what kind of government are we ffolriK- to give them' Or are we going to Jet thn (rovern themaelvea? i it to be Imperialism or democracy? An empire or republic? It ia aaid they ere not capable of aelf-gorerninent, Jut ao they aaid of our father before the revolution. They aaid th aauie iUtntr ot li Meilcune. I'.ut the ac tion of tboae who have releJled ag-alnat the ppreaaion oi njmin jimjicbi ju ilar riNulU. If It i our purpoee to rule tbeae people with en army and navy for the gain we can ffet out -f them, better let cm iwe jou ai once HjhiIm can do that better than we can 1 M Klnl'v' nilminiHtration ireta in to a war with the Cuban or I'hlllp plnf it will aeal the fate of the repub lican party for year. Tlie preauient, in hi meNflge, demand that full faith lw lnt. urtt.h Dim CuImiiim and Jimtlre denianda that the an me faith le ket with the inaurg-enta oi ine oIIim Ulnn1. Tha nativea ohould be eisliated and organized into an army . . m . .. .. . ( 11 . k .. u Tor aeit protection anu vue American aoldler broutrht home within one year from date. No Moro Scrofula Not a Symptom of tho Affliction Since Cured by Hood'a. " When our daughter was tw year old aha broke out ail over her face and bead with ncrof ula aore. Not blng that wa did for her aeemed to do any good. W be came diat-uuraged, but one day aaw Hood' Hraarllla ao highly recom mended that wa decided to try it. The flrat bottle heljied her, and after taking ala bottle ber face waa amooth and w have not ee any algal of acrofula re turning." HiLAi Vmnoot, West 1'ark, New York, Oet only Hood'a heeauae Hood's 8 parllla It th ImwI-Im taut tit (Hi True Iiluitd I'urlAar, fklll aiir aaaaea. IwliiaaUea, IIUVU B I 1113 tMlhNMMaa.aMMUpaUvB. kr rokT or thk conihtiun or THE HALL AM DANK, Al llallatn, la the (late of .Nebraaka, t the eioee of tuilurM iNHVUitwr 1, I.UU kid iluallU . ka kwa a4 . a un IMl'. Rial. t4 l i,iat4 kw ( , ,,,, - ftiu4 tf . ,..., lwaltakt4 .,,,.4 I.MOW it at l.'f M t.f l H n t.t fatal.,.. tiiaiituaa reui tot rM Mt ., mtMM -4 av. M t !.!. , "ZTTZ I t"t, mm atoit t ti i.4 1. tH.ii!" iJSJISi ABOUT CiMPAIGN FUNDS The Slumi and tho Indifferent Voter Control the Election Erery Tim WHAT AN OLD POP SAYS How the Partita Hare Built np tba Sugar Truat and got Their Fund There. Let all Contribute. Keueaaw, Neb., Nov., 20, 1898. Iklltor Independent: In your Imnuo of November, 17th 1898, on the editorial page, there lean edi torial beaded "What Miall we do?" A I read that oditorlul many thought crowded into my mind anil, a th Inuk PENmtkT wiehe to buar from orn old poi and, a I am an old timer, no here it goe. In the flrat place, a we look over th political Mituatlon a it exlate, th jmo pie divided into two political purtli, we hav the bldo bound republiiinn and w bav th hidebound democrat What I niaan by blde-bouod, 1 a peraon that rote bl party ticket traignt, re- gardlea of principle. Tho ar the fellow wbo ar reaponalhl for all th political corruption that baa taken place ia thf country, W will not them in thl article a hide-bound. Then tber i another cloa of voter that may be called the careh-, wbo do not care, and will rote for th party that make the moat nolae and are controlled by ward healer, om of tbem ar in th lurn. Jueae latter ciomw olvouir ar gen erally tbidvoter wbo decide an election or hold th balance of power, aa th hide-bound ar about equally divided W will any for convenience eak that there I four and a half or five million re publican and about that many demo crat. Ho then, it la the alum and th earelna that hold tha balance of power. 1 1 take money to get that balance an! th party that ha the money generally get it, ittukaD army oi orator, ton of newftpaper distributed free, and money to pay for ward healer. It i humiliating to believe, but It ht true, If not 1 wInu to tie corrected. Joe ques tion now I.- "How are thocarele voter and the alum to be reached and to b mad to vote for reform?" The only way to get at Mint would be to take le eon from the two old political purtlo in the pat. Th republican prty wo uccMfol ia 1888, and in 1 810 the republican pataed a terif bill called the MeKlnley bill Th McKluley bill waa everything that the truat and combination of trade could deaire, but Jane 0. iiluln wa aecretary of tate and an enemy to trout. Through hi Influence there waa a rn aeore called "rciprocity"ronnected with that bill in aoine manner either aa a rider or otherwise, and that proved to be a deathly enemy to troat. It I bard for meto endertand wbi that wa paed. l'erhapa th truai did not underatand it or tbought it did not amoant to aoytblag. Itwa a new thing and they probably did aot under- land it. however, it threatened the very exiateoc of troat and almoet deatroyed lb sugar truat and it defeated there- imblicana in 1892. Now remember reciprocity wa a good thing for the common people and it wo ao Injury to truat Trent lea were mad under reciprocity with other nation iiecially with Germany, Our beef aad meaHi were admitted free Into fiermany and tbe Uerman aogar wa admitted free too. We can rtadily aee at a glance, that there wa good for th aogar eonaumera of tba United Htatea, lattice day we need to get 24 lb of ugerfor fl.t0. ItwaaeJao good for tbe farmer. II got an Mbaoeed prlo lor beet ani nog. Jt waa good for tbe people In Germany. They got chaaper meat and beef and a better market foe their aogar, owwoanot that a good thing and a good law for th common people? Wbo waa burt.bytbat law? Iheaugar truat. It only waa Injured. 1 tier aa not a political apeaker or newapaiier, that to my knowledge dared to ay that law wa an injury to th American (teople. What did tb pollti roi part lee do? Th republican party bad mad a miatak by puaeing a law la in ton t of tb iieople. What did tb democrat do then? Tbey weraaiiaply liukled. "Now" aaid tbey, "wa hav tb rnecHie, We bav tb mov on them on th political ebeaaboard" and the tbev aent down oa their etoaittrh In lure th moeoiioliaU and trueta, and tba truata lurnlabed tharn with acamilga fund o large tbat they bad enough to throw io tbe bird. Tbwreeull oflt waa that tha raimbll. raa party waa beaten and tba demo cratic party wa vlMormu with h overwiiaiaiiag ma) irity, l n bid biuad democrat woreaaniila on hi litre Ibat renehed Irom ear to ear, lld h taluk be had done a giMid thlB4 fur bia eoua try? No, that thought aever eat! bia miad. He thuu(ht It wa a good Ibluglor bia parly," wblla tba hil bound republH-aa preieateil a wry aad eiftrane a long aad aour luee, lee democrats party, aa aoo a Itwa In Mie In U;t, priMvedxl to repeal tb uVkittle? bill, tbe ,l thev bad altavked aad rMkmled during tb raiiifelea. but It wa all byptwrny aad deeeti, 'I be real eaeniy wa lllain'a rii'tMMly aad the dmiwrl rall tb whole thiag. fli'Klaley bill, reeipruelty aad all aud Pmh m a "ill. lit Miaay rMt IkiI Ur to lb Mi KiaWy bill. Huw did th ar tratl aa th aw tbNiifale tariff? Why th dmrati untgavalb (uar ttl a Iraetioa over a half a eeat a im'I oa ur, a I that ataae that la uar treat wa gltea lb poa ta lai we II 'J & or Miateaher aiat that aamwal Ihatugar that I bv nar NuniMtee thee are hil litaiiliee l Kea aaw luihl aad that Ih tef treat baatwwa giva lbmr ta tai lb pm tie ! thta loWiMbiu at the rai UT.bti a lr, ur llJ atilll la t UI aiale aaitirdlag u reeahlieaa aalhor Hy, Alitor whaif .Nttlhlag t ba thaa a lot t damngugto omaek era, to tbat they can bold fat office and plue for the space of four years. While tbe republican party met with a defeat lo 1802, tbe republican all along the line began to fakir to .amend tin Ir mistake, hence John John Huerman talk In 1803, (tb wiley old fox very well knew what would take place In 1800) and hence be predicted tbat the republican party would not want for money to carry on th campaign and that th democratic party wontd be short of fund. Remember the change that took place in tbe democratic party in 1805 0, com mencing in '03. Ilryan championing tbe cause of fre silver and reform, suc ceeded In getting a majority at tbe Chi cago convention, and tbeold-tlme chess player and stomach crawler were turned down. Tb young democracy, a represented by ilryan war told by th toniacb-crawler. "Ugbl Whet ere you fellow going to do, you iipetnrle? Tarn us fellow down who havfurnlshed auch an enormous campaign fund In the past and led the party to victory at various times. What ur you going to do when we leave you without a cent of money to carry oil the campaign." Young democracy replies; "Wis ItKLY ON THK JL'HTIOB OF OUECAIJHK AND WH KKLY ON Till' CRKAT COM WON 1'KOI'LH." ,1 thank the young democracy from t he bottom of my benrt for the splendid conmiiwe tiiey bad la themselves and in two people, Iliitv uhrmf Ilia rniuililli'un mi ft v In 1800? They were prof ting themselves hythe mistakes they made la 1800, 'J hey sny to the trusts, corporations and greed: "(Jive us a campaign fund by which w can win and w will glv you everything you want," and it wa con. The tariff tax on suirar wo Moulded aud that i th example all along. The republican said to th trusts: "Th democratic party did well by you Id 1893, and w will do mors than twite as well." 1 hav written tbi to show by what means, as 1 understand it, election bav been carried. Jt I Important lor the r form force to know how campalgu bav been won and lot In tli past, I bav mentioned but very few of th trust. 1 bav not mentioned th money trtint, tb worst of all. Why tha sugar trnstlsa mer pebble In oonipar)oo with tbe enormous mountain of tb money trust. I will propose a plan by which w can raise a campaign fund. Remember though, it take the United effort of four million voter and that I probably easier said than done, Jet us appoint a committee and IH Harvey lie at tb bead of that committee, IM tbat committee furnish a list of good that ar controlled by trust and the amount of protection tbat they ar getting. Tbeu let every free silver democrat,every free silver rspublicen aud every populist do without these iroodsif nosslblsnnd send tb money for campaign purposes, l bis may bo very radical but It is well to think about it. Take Mtiirar, for In stalled, quit usiog sugar in coff" and tea quit eating anything sweet, if we drink our coffee aud tea clear without any sugar, wd would eat more beef steak and potatoes and bread and butter, we would be stronger and healthier, ow suppose my sugar bill in a year is f to. Kuppose by economy I cut it down to f ft that would leave i.ii), Huppose 4,0mj,- 000 others would do th same 'lung, and oil oi u glv )n for campaign pur poses, where would th trusts be at the end of th campaign? "Knot full of boles, dead, never to b resurrected." eon Kimon. FOR A NEW CRUSADE. (Continued from page one.) my, hod ordered it heavy ordnance off the field. I am not antagonizing fusion, but In God' name and for the sake of the long sulTcrlng people of this country, U'X us have a fusion that will fuse. and not leave the best populiet ele ments out of the amalgam. Let us have a national issue with lire enough in it to liquify the metals to be fuaed. bliam battle over mi rill or real bat tie over silver may do to turn the bal knee of power between two ee-.wlnjr old panic in the game of ins and outs but a reform party bidding for popu inr suffrage gainst deeply rooted po litlcul prejudice and rampant corru p tlon mutt have an Issue which appeals more directly to the moral eno and patriotism of the people in order to succeed. i Our orator, our editor and our au thora have loudly Bounded the toe sin of alarm over the corruption of th body politic, and have vied with each other in glowing prophecies of nation al disaster. In our first national pint form we declared our nation "brought to the verge of moral, political and material ruin" through plutocratic pet7emlona of popular government which threatened the very exlelenni of our republic, Under auch eondi I lona our lending laaue ahould b the opening of our leglalatlve mlnta to the free coinage of the will ol the oplc. We hate stirred a lltlo I temeimt. ami try to put It in a free silver tea Mtt, t linve raised a political revolt and armed our people with ia- atiuirra. imagine 1'atruk Henry try ng lo Invoke th genius of American ndeiieiidenc by elaUirate eay and atallktic on tb UrUWb colonial tea trttilcl As a reform party w oiitfHl to put ail luati to lb front which U a legit- mate sequel to our calamity bowls. Him b an lean is direct legislation through th Initiative sim referendum, The iwniil will b ready fr th t ieaiHi In IUoO, It i tha otrlt laatis of th political, U the t,w. e regit remwly fr all tha terrible eHI. sal eveiia, prtet an.l threateuliiir. whii h we a a NtHy aa luudly twwail. t Is an Imu which cut al the vety nit f ll guterniuental aboee and Uy anew lb very fouiMUlUtua of our free leeiituiitiw, (uv istrty baa e. uealed th epl uti nubile outwlbm and slimuUied their interest lu ri" entinenlel affairs. Now U tb I line, twftue plMbs-racy baa fetattet atute !, iuMftiir ANTI-PILL cum uuouiNm Naorieia, M-en ihim. Ias4 is ril rUfc'i. t.U tuea4 at . I-.IM tt It 1 M, Sol t f twee Atl il l. u, !., sa, 4niar 40 1 km t 4 Great Bargains In Ladies Capes WK HAVE OTHER BARGAINS IN CAPES BESIDES THOSE MENTIONED AMOVE. WE HAVE MANY INVITE YOU TO OUR STORE FOR COLD WEATHER DRY GOODS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. j dlen I'l II tie upon the people until all of Jiljerty 1 loat" to "restore tbe gov eminent of the republic to the hand of the plain people with whose class It originated." Nothlngles than this Is what our party pledged itaelf to do In our uret national platform, noui ing lea than this will arouse tbe en tliiislusm of the people and fuse the force of reform. 1'ut tbla great Is sue , on which all re for mer agree and which provide for the honest set tleuient of all their pet theorie by an appeal to the untrammeled will the Miople, to the front Inatead of to the rear or the fusion platform an there wlli be an entbualoem aroused which will lust through all our state eampeigrw, and bring every reiorm voter out of the comilehl on elec tion day. ' W. K. INN ESS. STATE PEN1 Why tha Republicans Don't Like tb way tbat Oeorge Laidlgh Bun tha Fen. NO CELL HOUSE! EOANDALS, Tazeinotnith Enough andStata , Debt la not big Enouih to Salt Republican Farmira. Waal te fav Mers Tata, Tb chaplain id tb eultentiary aay tbat fur tavaty ear bates beta asking lor an appropriation for a dereatrotiiu In wbicb to bold ervle but ao attea tioa baasvertheen aid to bis reuneeta. Ofore.;i.liU tb reeat ardeo.allb tb work of tb eoaviet baa nttd up a riKtiuJIor aorabip aitb bkb tbeelii lata I pethflly satleftVd. Iadeel, b sav It I all tbat I rvqulred, Uat tbe preaelier latbaslal aralldua wa Uidiab aad al party, tletngs Uidiub ba iatrrMltteed ay tew olgnvrraateat aad diatipllnvta tb prieoe a iitwt ibat wltbuut a - riutus,Ubaieat at alt, Ibersbi aleaya (tMttl otder aad prompt tddieae to ad lh rsW. iriilrd v tb dtar. J.wa, burglar aad tuardam brtt lsal, I o tM that III tb att'Ht lbml tdvry -ealtit tbat baa la- vsatlaated It. rYbea tly bent Vf tba tMdj la abba tb rtetifdaf pakbaat btbipMlbtf a bardly bat lave tlwtf tysa. rt iHrl paaMMtat! waay ad. aa ball raa, aa 4blsa allb a buea, aad tt abult fd aid la tMiaal iwtWt diaelilia list tb laa. lowii ar all doea aa tbwrg UtJtgb aad bi party. TENTIARY Tb uut iiaiuiapwrtitH fait,. LotNo.1 Price $2.48 This lot includes all the followingPlush capes, trimmed with Thibet fur, Plush capes, trimmed with jet and braid; collar edged with fur. Astrakhan cloth capes, collar and front trimmed with Thibet fur. Heaver cloth capes, 30 inches long, lined, collar and front trimmed with Thibet fur. Beaver cloth capes, 27 inches long, trimmed wif.h jet and novelty braid, 1 LotNo.2 Price$3.69 This lot includes a the following Good quality plush capes, changeable sil lining, collar and front trimmed with fur. Good quality Astrakhan cloth capes, 27 inches long plaited back, good sateen lining, trimmed with fur. , Double cape of good quality bouclc cloth, trimmed with novelty braid. , Double cape of good quality beaver cloth, upper cape and collar edged with coney fur and trimmed with braid, Lot No. 3 Price $4.89 """" This lot includes all the following Double capes of good quality Astrakhan cloth, collar and upper cape trimmed with Thibet fur. Double cape of heavy kersey cloth, velvet collar. Good quality of plusli cape, trimmed with jet,braid and fur. , ' Double cape of heavy beaver cloth, both upper and lower capes trimmed with fancy braid and fur. Lot No. 4 Price $6.89 Good quality kersey cape, 28 inches long, I2 inch sweep, edged with fur and handsomely trimmed with jet and novelty braid. Good quality Astrakhan cloth cape, 30 inches long, serge lining, collar and front edged with Marten fur, Good quality Lester plush crpc, 24 inches long, high storm collar, serge lining, fur trimmed. Extra quality Astrakhan cloth cape, fancy lining trimmed with fine fur. EXCELLENT VALUES MILLER & PAINE. 000 to puy tb eipense of malntalnluK tba peniliiutlary, and George Leidiaa baa saved out of that amount 14,' 401.00 which will be turned bock into th treasury and can be used for paying off tli state debt mad by tb thieve who for so louif ran thliiK at tb atate bouse, and reduce interest and tase tbat the farmer have to pay. There ba been no "stone plugged to sice," no cell bous contracts, no scandals of any bind connected with the penitentiary slue Ueorg Ifilixb took charge. Hut th farmer of Nebraska don't like Oeorge Jidlgb aud bia way of doing thliiK. They ar so much opposed to it tbat tbey bav sent up a legUlature that Is optioned to In m and bis party and wonla kick him oat of the plao in two minute II they could. Tbey seem to prefer stone plugged to size, Dorguu contracts: cell bouae steals, state debt and heavy taie. That' tb kind of men that a very large lot of Nebraska farmers are, Hut (Jeorg Leldigh don't car. II baa don bia duty. It bits been mor of a sacrifice than emolument for him to stay tber and manag tb penitentiary honestly. Uut if tb peo ple seem to think tbat the pen ahould be run In tb old way, aud th Dorgan gang reinstated, he ba no objection. II baa abown tb people bow tb prison ought to be run and what it ought to cost, liut if they think that, it ought to cost more, that tli old bull rings, dark cells and boe douoli ought to be re-established, th people ar aoverelgo and must be obeyed. For tb last two years the penltenl- tentlary will coat th tai payer 15, 61H.,'W. For tb two year proceeding. Ing tbi Meiinlum it coat them aver HuV 000.00. TheeesHld tai payers immiu to think that the furiner way waa beat aad (leorg lbllgh Is perfectly willing tbat tbey .bull pay 10,000, Inatead of 113, If they prefer to do en. Ilia own private Interval call tiiiu rlsewbere. He baa ao kick to make, (Wing a in be think lliatth ople should aav what tbsy vot for. Tber I on good tblag about tb matter however. Tba Mlow wbo want Ihiraaa eoatraeta, heavy tai aad atate dbta aad wboaeat up a uiajority id lbs preaeat b'gislatar dm't hav th ay almut the mailer. If they did tbry would kaa tietirg IMruh uut ol tb iHiQirol at tit ruiietiry uugbty qutvk. I'baslaU atlwiaiatrittluit Usiitlia th basil of lb party tbat doe aul Iwlivv ia big stat debt, heavy lataiioaaad peaiieatiary a teal. It will rsmaia la tkelrbaail ami tb petuJe at eni elwiua demand tbat w ebskl bav ator taiattoa aad wor talla, the Ual .Ma tH lb ala ikwuetAikt member of th pfaMtit l aitetl "tatea seaat, wm ( asd j by rhikse, l iter fold ataadard ad f urate av a, Vf bit ut t allloraia, Tb al ailvee koiiita by lUr defeat. Iiawalj kuNi I tatw AlWw, d Mtraaka aba ill e eea. ay a rapaaiw, moat l M a guj staadard adVMsat. of oriMtraiHia attoraey at tba 1 bars to trtp.aied lUmmer, (Waa) rtatt at Ml !, Ta teadeae of val tUy l aaf raaaall U mI taa mmwm aaaata, Tb ilea art aslntag aaaiiati tba awt ata Ctvbi4Ka Uaeataafl aVlltaU IN CLOTH JACKLTS. WE m. lie iniiiLri.iiuE,ni uiiilc iia ! the material, and printer! that 1 1 i t .... Know now to use u w it the best result in job printu&j. Xetle of Ineorporatloo, V otic Is bt rab; aivo tbat tbe ssrlsd bav BMoelald tsamanlVM toeotber a s eor- Coratlusfor tlia trasiscUas ut tba bstlsass n,iaafir ssaiad. Int. Tba sani at said torpursllos Is tb Hat. lam baak. td, Tb principal plae of tranaitlD tbe bsaloeM el mid aorporatloa I llallaai, Laaeaa tr eoaatv, Mthraaka. Ird. 1 ha eurl aaturt of tha balaM to be tranatd Ur aaid curporatlos It actaaral bnnklas IiiiIum. tlb. Tha aiuoont of tbt antborlMd eapltal ttwb of aaid eorporatloa U 1,000. allot wblb lllo balnllj paldsp bforacoannaa'aabnlit. tlb. TSlataaut tald oorporutle aball bKla oa tbt Ut day of Dmwnber ISM, aad tball oBtlns lor 16 rri tbmwalUir, tlb. Tbablithmt ainanat of Ud.liUdiMf to blrb aalil corporation ihall at aav tmtaab Ji t ttMir la alilitlua to dtpoiiia. It tl.luo. Ttb. Tha aHalra of lb orporatioa are to be eoaductad tj a board of dlnrotura, a praaldaat and Mk-rvtar, aad taeb otbar oflotra aa aia. n proTldod by tha br-lawt. baud tblt tut day of NvBber. 1WS, UBKHsaii SIPPKH. JOUM 1, MIXEH. i i ' i New organ at very low price. A large stock of second hand and some a little shop worn at your own price. Wa are closing oat busloeew. Violins, guitars, books, string, everything la thsiuuslo lln. all for sal atflrateoet price at Ferguaoa Music Co., 1140 0 treat, Lincoln, 8ATARRI1 Of tb Head. N, Tttroat. I.ungt. f , taf- , 4t iiriM and a.innia. wroii ui" aua ruuaatoNLY $3.00a MONTH. Gtino:::s Meua sad apeelel Ptmama at MKN aad WOMfctf. IHMa f tba tta, far, l.ane. KUIuar. Mkln. HltaM. HbattntallaMl tu t tauwr Our ttutlltlM tve rMtlu all bent i.l t hrottle IHh4 aro uauwli aa air Miaaikabta toxa ba af baaa tr p-.i Low Fco Syct:ni Tb BopHiariif ef ear small rhare rue traaV wut la lullf tfawottatiraiaa bv tba graat t. ba.a tuatius uy a(eaiiua luv ear traas- IMtt l!oir.3 Trc:lw.::.l Out tkoaa TvaalMMttt b WeU I eeatvUlaa tbat ma ba 4miM h Sil IWm t tw eaJ SratptuMt li aaka r U IK Tha Draftee Medical Inetltute, , i. tea, ttk a eVetta ata,,, a noaricv; tea est PIOIAktaT I Mlm, Utt ) Urn a fWr- Ct ttotaaUalVat