The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, December 08, 1898, Page 4, Image 4

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    4i .
Dec. 8, 189
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6 .Nebraska Jn&qmtbn.t
Indtpsijdarjt Publijshiijg Go.
A 1120 M Strut,
$1.00 per Year in Advance.
Aiinrn all MmtlMtiNi to, a isske all
Van, mttmt. t pajrakl
Vested interest forever tnnd In
way of bunion progre.
Attention I culled to on article In an
other column headed, "About Campaign
Fundi." It take an old pop former to
get at tb fundamental principle.
J. Hterllng Morton ha organised a
new party. It lis been named tbs coo.
servativ part. Ho far but on voter
bos Joined It, His nam I J. Hurling
Tb republbien ay tbey ar not (or
fr trad yt, and tb only reason tbat
the are in la for of "tba opn door" In
tha Philippine la becans It I too warm
a sountry to iiIom It.
Tb republican wbo bava so long
praysd; "Obi lot tba kingdom of llauna
some," can now rsjole with exceedingly
great Joy for he baa both bouses of con
grees and tba president.
"In tbat llttl book of Interest table"
aaid Napoleon, "He a great fact con
cealed which threatens to derourtbe
whole world." Honda, Interest, pauper
and roillioaairM. Tbat la tba process,
At a coat of two million dollar or
mora w fred 6,000,000 colored people
after sacrificing ball 1 million lives, Now
McKinley ban bought wrn million more
and paid f 20,000,000 for them. Tbi I
cheap, ! titan f '1.00 a brad.
"Thon sbnlt not steal," wo a plat
form that was roted down wltb an over
whelming majority in Pennsylvania.
Tbe Quaker tat baa repudiated tb ten
commandments and womblpa only tb
blinkd eyed Matt Quay. (II majority
ia bigger than vr. . '.
Old Dutteeliie pot up a big displayed
bead to announce tb fact tbat tba bu
raau of engraving and printing at Wah
Ington saved 148,000 latt year in tb
ont of printing. Hut ih caving of mora
than twin that mncb by tli populist
atat government It call a ibam reform,
Old Hurterins ba a greasy conscience.
Tba national debt wa Increased flfl,
000,000 last montb-a llttlu over ball a
million a day. Tbat I exactly to tb
liking of tb Lank and tha bond holder.
It will not b many month until tbat
other $200,000,000 of boud authorized
by congress will ba on tb markut. It
ttini that nothing will satisfy ths re
publleau crowd but foreign war, mora
taxe and more bond.
Th tariff baron ar Juat now agitat
ing tha revival of American ahlpplng,
bat lntad of advising tbat th tribute
to tb tmil truat paid by mean of the
I'lngley tariff be cut off, they waut a
big ubldy voted by emigre. Nothing
more infamoue could b euggvated, but
thvy hare both houe ol congr aud
tba proaidnnt.
Another ronvlneing proof of tba high
atat that MiKiult-y primrlty ha
reacbwd in Uucola ioontaind in tb
report ol tb atreet eommiMionrr who
aaja that ao many men apply to work
on the atreeta thai "a rgiter I kept ul
thoM who apply 8 ret, eu that thy may
be worked laordr," Now who dar
deny that (he lebereT
A auHrtriber to the laiiaraiitiKNT
wrltia: "U aum ol lb ankle that
have rereally appeared ia your paper
aottld oaly be gottea lata the hand ol
hothwt republirattet who kao aotklag
aUiat the moaey qaaatioa, what a
world ol goo they wuald do," VII e
Ktet da Itke we a4 do ke
loegut tHltkr la th aid Alba reak.
Wheaever we eaw a ral good arttele, a
took the pale to hand It te eome aigh
Im, la tkal we we bail! aa there
(utat pteea aad teade Ike party,
Tae thlag that euuet eiarata the
baakera hntatthey ahdl be lurved to
earu woaey Ulur they taa laa it aad
11 latereat it, , Kveryt eiea he to
da that, tat the baahr lae.t that a
law ehait be paa d aathortiiMg I heat to
aim ply raavlatarw tha ay-a thlag
thai ftaybody elea aiaet be aa l the
aaaltaatiary foe ituiag-aad loan il aal
withoat aver havtag aa4 a fwl ol it.
W a bet a MIW1 bead4 rpablta
wel evet thiak olgraatiagaacb a (lie.
'age to aa oaa,
Tbl nation, in a littl over ft hundred
year, bo grown from a few atruKgllog
criloriie along tb Atlantic aboard to
be tba mlghtit nation on earth. Dur
ing all that time w bar beld U) cer
tain (Id of policy fowahadowed by
w.-t.iBn. Ji.ffraon. and other found
r of tb nation. Now w ar told that
tb tblng ald by tbe men, ana wuicn
wbfalway d-lared to b eternal
trntb. ar not ucb at all, but only pol
icies of government, to be aboliabed or
modified a occasion require. W bav
hald tbat all aovernmenU cVIv tbHr
juat iowr from the eonaent 01 tne gov
orneil waan ternal truth. Now It la
aaid tbat it I not that at all, and w
i,.,.riltU(1 bv Jcffraon wn-n n
wmtm It. but mm only a bit ol aenu
mont thrown Into a puMlo document for
the iiurooM of firing tb Awmrlcfln bart
and keeping up tb courage 0! tbH troop
that were flifbting for lnJtfpnJnw',
For over a hundred year the aenaw
of tb United Htnte ba aaaembl-'O n
tbcftoitolat Waablugton on ibaiMd
day of February and llatenwd to the
farewell aldr of Waablngton ana men
adjourned. Will tbeaenate meet on the
TJd duv of nit February and llateti to
a document that bo been repudiated?
For over a hundred year we buveaa
nembled on tb Fourtb of J uly and beard
read the Declaration of ludependeuce,
Will we, on tb et Fourth of July, um
aemble and lleten to tb roliiig of a
document every Important principal ol
wbleti w bav repudiated?
For a hundred year w bav looked
upon tbeconatitutlona th safeguard
of liberty. Now it ie a worn out oocu
menttobaaetaeid at th wblm of A
warlord at Washington. The I'bilip
plnea ur$ to b annexed aud become a
part of the United Uute. The conti
tutlon provide tbat tb right of tbe
people to bear arm eball not be In-
ringed, but tb war lord at Wnatiing-
ton will wit tbat proviaion aaid a to
tb Fblllpplne, Cuba, aud 1'orto Kino.
Tbcoutltotiou provide tbit no er-
on aball l held to anawer for a capital
or otharwla Infamou orime unlea on
tb presentment of a grand Jury, Tbe
war lord will net that oelde aleo.
Tbe cotiHt I tutlon provide that In all
criminal proeecution tb accuwd eball
enjoy tb right to a pedy trial by Jury.
Tbe war lord will deem that provleion
utterly iiiapfical'le to the iubabitunt of
tbe Philippine and will net It naiie.
Tbe miiiaUtution ea,v that tbe power
not delegitted to the United Ktnle by
tbe coDNtltuHon, nr prohibited by It to
tbe tate ar reeerved to tbe jwojile,
Tbe war lord will pay no attention to
The constitution ay that all peraona
born or naturalized in tb United Ktatea
and subject to tb jurisdiction thereof
ar oiticen of tb United State, and no
tat aball make or enforce any law
which ball abridge tb privilege or lm
rnujiltlii of any citizen of tbe United
Htate nor deprive any peraon of life, lib
erty or property without th due pro
cess of law, nor deny to any person tbe
equal protection of tbe law, Tb war
lord will puy no attention t tbat. II
will eet tip a military government out
aide of the const I tutlon.
Tbe constitution auya the right ol tbe
citizen ol tbe United Mate to rota aball
not be denied or abridged by tha United
Mate or by any state on account of
race, color or pre vioua condi tiou of aer
vltude. Tbat provision will be particu
larly obnoxious to the war lord and be
will simply trample It beneath hi feet.
What will tbe imperialist do on the
next 4tb of July? Will they assemble
aud play tb hypocrite by applauding
the words: "W bold the truth to be
self evident; tbat all men are created
equal; that tbey are endowed by their
Creator with certain unreliable rights;
that to aecur these right government
ar Instituted among men, deriving their
juat powers from the oouaaut ol the gov
eriiwd," or will they omit th reading of
what we once called an Immortal docu
ment? Whatever tb rest ol them do, here la
one citizen who ia going to stand by the
old trutha aud deleud the principle of
government which have made this na
tion tb great and powerful nation it ie
aff.Tmirwm.'JMu mkum
IT atKAk A UHArr.
A llavanna eorrvepoadenl, writing to
the Cnleego lU-eord, eay tbat tb medi.
eal ataO ol th arm; I making arrange
uteut lor thtraJ in bopltl ol 40 t
eat ol lb eatlre lore that I to be eat
to Tuba. Kipaeeiua aad imperialism
may U all right, but whateeaae I tber
la sending our boy to Cuba lo die la
hiwpiuUT Ar w to go bach oa th
wii'dtd knaur id Ihia aatlua, disree
ouravlve Mora th whol world, and
auasi Tuba? It be) iu Imik Very
tawh lik Ula Mart IUa adwteUtrw
tki lataad a da that very thlag.
Thai la a t'abaa araty, U brave,
wait omeered, aad aeeliu-aled. Why not
employ lhal arevy to eaiaUiah ardr
aad aet ap guveraaiaalT That woald
ba ewaMi sea IMhlsg go oa muvh
lof ia lhlia Mtuwed bf tki gut,
e aasNil, w wiit be haviag this eaaia
fabeta araty la ht, W vaa ltl Mr.
MeKtwUy rgh now that It each A Ihiag
a that vevar he will aot gt vuiuat.
it waa A draft aad lath aa apheaval
la Ihiaeoaalry a it ha tot a sia
laal. Th (sNtpi l this iiantr ha
iwv ia keepisg r pU) ward t ih
labaaMilalalHtaJhvldra, Th
theraartth rhillptatfa htehleg a a
. . sia a . . in
will bave to be sent there. Tbat mean
more drafting. W bad better adopt
Kalaer Wllllam'a way and make every
young man aerv three years in
array wbetber he wanta to or not.
seem that Henator Hoar was not
wrong when be declared tbat tb down
fall ol this republic would date from
election of McKinley. Tber 1 on com
fort thl writer did not rota for Mc
Tb gold bug pre Is fond of sayi
that "capital I timid." Now, capital
can neither be timid nor breve. It I
inanimate thing, and ba no emotion
whatever. liut a to capitalists, tbat
A different thing. Tbey are not only
timid, but for tb most part doeplcabl
wward. Tbey tremble and cringe
for flower a ft spaniel lick tbe feet
It master. JJusines men 01 Aiiciaesf
. ....
are for tbe most part coward when con
fronted by a railroad magnate. An e
ample of tbl occurred lost week at Mt
lioul. where tbey aesembled at tbe no
of tb railroad to pus resolutions
against tbe ticket scalpers. Jt woe not
to their Interest to do it At all, but tb
were two cowardly to face tbe displeas
ure of tbe railroad magnate. Tbe
court bar decided time and again that
a railroad ticket I property, and a man
bas a rlubt to transfer it to tbe owner
ship of another party the same Many
fitlmr kiud of orooertv. Jiat 11 in an
burs a ticket and only use a part of it,
tb railroads want to prohibit biro from
selling: tb unused portion so tneycan
sell another and itut tbat mncb clear
gain. It Is not to tb Interest of tner
chant tbat tb road should b
favored, but if a railroad magnate winks
tber will aseembl in A glffy and de
Bounce ticket brokers. Tbey Ar simply
lot of cowards, an tbat I tb truth
about tb matter.
Old Iiutteriiie announce tbat tb com
lug republican legislature will appropri
ate 1125,000 to Oxnard for sugar boun
tie. If tbi legislature represents a
majority of tb people it would b per
fectly right for flovernor 1'oynter to
fgn aucb a bill, but It does not, and
therefor Mr, Oinard will bav to com.
fort himself by repeating tb old phrase:
"Ho near, and yet so far." If a nmjor
ity of tb people bad roted for tb re-ln-
etatementof tbe old order of thing at
tbe statebonee, under those clrcum
stances it would be all right to donate
Mr. Oinard $125,000. What tb people
rote for they ought to bare. Old Hut
tcriu also eay tbat there will be don
clencle to make good to tbe amount of
1180,78.1. To muke out tbat amount It
figures In this Oznard claim and I O,'
000 for wolf sculps tbat every legislat
ure ba refused to pay for tba lost ten
year. Tbat I tb way old Uutterine
grease up thing in adrauce for the
meeting of tb legislature. Without
doubt th old oil room in tbe basement
will be stocked up and ready by tb
time the republican Holon arrive. The
rery idea of tbe return of the good old
day, with Ilrud Slaughter, Tim Hcdg
wick, I'aul Vandervoort, Walt 8eley,
and all tb old gang running tbingsi
make tbe eyee of tbe war horse twinkle
but tbe republican cornbusker who
voted them In will not be her. Tbey
will stay at borne and feed the bog.
Old Dutterlne published a long list one
day of what it said wore deficiencies
which the pop bad made In order to
mak a showing for economy. The
whole thing was such an oatrageous
tringofllea tbat tbe next day it waa
forced to tak It all back, Did it do It
In a atralght forward And honorable
way? Not much, At tbe tall of a long
article under a display bead concerning
a man who bad been pardoned out ol
tb Mnitentiary, it priutej tb follow.
lathe list wf deficiency claim which
Auditor Cornell will lay Mora tb Me.
Intur th amount of such elalina from
the attornrv general 'e offlne and tbe
auditor' oftliw were published incur
reetly, The eluiui Iroio the auditor's
office hi 1 100 lustead of 1 1,000 and th
amount from tbe attorney Kmrl'e
office la I'JIHi lustead of 2.4HM). The
warden ol the iwniteutlarr did hot send
la an estimate lor current eipan for
th bienuiuiit. Auditur Cornell made
out a statement ulhi own la which be
asked over 153,000 lor tbe peaiteu
Now la lb propee time lor a lot ol
pop editor lo put up a big Ire ad lur
th (Mat Journal, advising their read
era lo euberrib lorlteo a logs! tb
" frat Iharapitol. The Isusras
l1 will hat So objeetloa lo the pop
editor waning thai ad, providing lhal
lhy ieeeft "ll-a Irwm Ih eapltol," la
stead ol ' lima Ih vapitol,"
It Is a lateral br a rpbbeaa to ar
rate itiiatwte a blatesll a it U l
broethe, They will lull aboatHiMat.
bl dValley" aad Ih "rpo d pruvl
iWaee'' a II ao aa eue.14 Juabt lhat
Ihry wralhedMeiutli4 that lalui.
atalloa, 1 he tkule ah ul John t.
Wblr al Ibaakg h uihef aight wa
baes-1 hm ta aaaptHia lhal he kat
whallh,,aiaiUtaVUayMof thlf
la was aa l what Ih divta HieMi
ta toward la It, g athef words,
John U HUWf apeetk Ih Atlad d
Utft.aad aa aa kaa a right la dtepste
as poem.. that h lk la hgard o
rumpus. It m 'ia tnai io.uou aoiuiere
One ol tb bill itroDgly championed
by Itepreentatfv Liddell of Douglas
county in the last Nebraska legislature
required all good manufactured by con
vict labor, whether working directly for
tbe state or under contract, to b
stamped "conrlct made." Tb bill failed
to become a law, but evoked a rery
lirely discussion 00 th bouse,
As tb same question, and in fact tb
whole problem of penitentiary manage
ment, will com op before tb next legis
lature, tb recent legislation in New York
state, and tb still more recant decision
of tb New York court of appeal upon
sucb legislation, is of iotereet to Nebras
ka reader,
Tb New York legislature of 1805, in
response to tb general demand of
labor organization for protection from
tbe competition of prison made goods:
passed tb following act:
"Hection 1 . A II ic oo'ls. ware And mer
chandise made by convict labor In any
penitentiary, prison, reiormatory or
other establishment 111 which convict
labor is employed shall, before Muu
solo, or expo wed for sale, be branded
labeled, or murKea a Hereinafter pro
vlded, and shall not be exposed for sale
In any place within this state without
sued brand, label, or mark.
"Hcciiou t. The brand, label or mark
hereby required shall contain at tbe
bead or top thereof tbe word 'convict
mode,1 followed by tb year, aud name
of tlie penitentiary, prison, reformatory
or other establishment In which it wo
made, la plain English lettering, of the
style and alt known as great primer
no hj no condensed capitals, lue brand
or mark shall In all cases, where the no
tur of tb article will permit, be placed
upon tu same, asd only where such
branding or marking ia iwposslbl shall
a label be used, aud wuere a label i need
It shall be In tbe form of a paper tag,
which shall b attached by wire to each
article, where tb nature of thwart Id
will permit, and placed securely upon
tbe box, crate, or other covering in
which sucb itoods. wares, or merchan
dise may be pocked, ehlped, or exposed
for sale. Hold brand, mark, or label
aball be placed upon tbe outside of and
upon the most conspicuous part 01 the
finished article and its box, crate, or
I 0. nection m 01 th penal code is
hereby amended so as to read as follows:
Hectlou H4HU. 1'enalty for dealing in
con vlct-ifittd itoods without labeling,.
A person having in bis possession for
tbe purpose ol sale, or offering lor sale,
any conrlct mad goods, wares or mer-
chondlse hereafter manufactured an
sold, or exposed for sale, iu this state
without tb brand, mark, or label re
qalred by law, or reniore or deface
sucb brand, mark or label, is guilty of a
misdemeanor, punishable by a Hue not
exuding f 1,000 nor less than $100 or
Imprisonment for a terra no exceeding
one yeur nor bs than ten days, or
A man wa arrested and convicted of
violating tbi statute. Ill counsel took
tbe cose before tbe court of appeals, eon
tending that tbe law was u neons titu
tiooal. Tb court's opinion sustain
their claim. In a long written opinion
tb court says:
"Any law which annihilate tb ra'u
of property, restricts it use, or take
awar anv of it essential attribute.
come within the purview of tbi limita
tion upon legislative power, ibe valid'
Id tr ol all such laws is to b tested ny
tbe purpos of their enactment and tbe
practical effect aud operation mat iney
mar have upon property. A law which
Interfere with property by depriving
the owner of the profitable and free use
of it, or hamper him in tbe application
of It for tbe purpose ol trade or com
meroe. or Impose condition upon in
right to bold or ten it, may eerioasiy
m . a .... i
imoalr te value, airulnst which tb eon
titution I a protection. Tbe fact tbat
leitUlatlon hostile to tbe riicbte of prop.
ertr assume th KUis ol a neaitn law
or a labor law win not are it irorn judi
cial crutin. since tb court cannot
permit that to -be don by Indirection
which cannot oe none oirecuj
It would be difficult to give any sat-
Isfactorr reason, leval, moral, or eco.
nomic, why a perou who happens to be
con Hued Iu A prison should not be per
mitted or compelled to earn hi living
or pay hi way instead of becoming a
bureVn upon in puonc. 10 un uwm
ment of hi health aud morals. The
mere fact that be 1 in prison may be
due to uilsfortuue or to hi natural sur
rounding, aud In some case he may be
atlenat morally Innonent. The state
U1BJ Vfl iimi. lur m. " " -
for the relief ol the tainaiing commuo
may certainly, lor hi own benefit, aud
ity, employ him at come useful labor,
and whether lhat labor be ia building
road or making alios, he take tbe
plane ol another. II it be lawful and
rlaht to ao employ him, it la difficult to
tmt why the slat may by letfWiation
depree th valua ol tha product ol hi
labor when ueb proprty ie purchased
In the ordinary four ol commerce py a
dealer therein. Tb elate, wbil permit
tiutilsueh property to com wituin it
jurUdictiou in th regular eour 01
trade, ranaot men im-mir n thi-
host!! legislation without a vUmIhih id
beeoanlitutiouMl guaranties nr in
rotst'doa wf property. Aside r um tbe
HUlir reatrlt'llou of Ih revuula,
liia nienhaat or deaWr n ay buy hi
g'Htd wbsrebeeaa oblala theinlulhe
Ueal advaataae, and auy rsntrtetloa up
ua hi Irertiuiu ol aeiioa I tbi r--t
by etaie law Is, la a brtaa aeuse, am ia
vasioa td hie right ol liberty, since lhat
term eomprshsade the fight ol Ih lud
vblual lo puree aay lawful aalliug.
t tkliik Ida I the alatul l u'-Ht'H
U ia ei.nflM t with iheiaailltloa ol this
aisle, aiae it let. ( wilh the rlht lo
as'lMlr. pess aad dismsa ol priprtf
eaU with IhaliUrty ol Ih ludivUlual to
aara a living bv dealing la is artM
awbrated wilhialh a!- 0 Ih law,
Itmaa aaalhnrtiM iimiiati-a '
1 k. 1,-1. .u. ul !) ittdivl lual to bay and
All so A artK'l, .!- U9
taw ol sepply aad tfVatawd, aad tha W-w
Ulatloa t Wot wuhia Iba ansi ol Ih
miIm power.
Th0lolthl4 leUialta I ill all
fMlrlellvt wgla-allw Agaiaat aoath t-
wade ga4e la Haw I Wl M
,e UI4 4uwa her ar adhti to by
Ib-la la wea statea (aa alt
Mubabbj walaoiw), It will t ta
d ol WgWalUia Aitat ptbaa i"d.
Whlhilh oarla art Ikas '
against tb effort of tb labor organi
zation to supprte competion of con
rict labor wltb free labor, the sentiment
Against competition of tbat kind grows
continually more active and keen in the
public mind-eepecially tbat part of it
outside of tbe immediate effect of tbla
competition. More and more aa tb
workmen in each department of life
learn by tragic experience in their own
live tb disastrous effect of competition
tbat crowd tba laborer away from bis
'bread does tbe sense of sympathy with
other workmen grow strong.
Tbe recent Illinoi case, where negro
laborer from tb south were being
brought in by great coal corporations
to tak tb daily wage from tbe borne
of while workmen, I a strong illustra
tion, Probobljr four-fifths of th people
who live by work wltb their bands ap
prove tb sentiment of the governor of
Illinoi on that occasion. Aud tb
struggle of free labor to prevent compe
tition with convict labor bas probably a
stronger public reutlment back of it
now than ver before, in spite of court
decision, Hooricr or later tb state of
Nebraska will be called upon to manage
the labor of all her convict lustead of
continuing tb present part state part
contract system.
Of tb making of parties under tbe
Australian ballot system there I no
nd, Tb ability that tb agent of tb
money power bus always showed ba
another example in th way tbey uee
mat system iu manufacturing new par
tie to coteh tb voter wbo cannot be
forced to rot their ticket, and thus kill
th effective opposition that would com
from tbem if tbey roted wltb an oppo
sition party tbat bad some bop of suc
cess. Many persons bar been astou'
Islied at the number of partie aad em
blent that bav appeared oa the official
ticket in Colorado, There, the voters
being practically unanimous la opposi
tlon to tbe gold standard, tbe republi
caus bave devoted tbemselve to the
manufacture of new parties by th whole
sale. If funny section tbe republican
thought tbey could prevent two or three
hundred voter from rotlng the fusion
ticket by manufacturing a new party,
tbey were alway willing to pay five
hundred or A thousand dollar to get
enough signer to a petition so tbat
they could be put on tb official ballot.
In every part of tbe United Htate Mark
Hannu I furnishing money to start up
new parties. One that ba bud much
assfntttiiee from him bus polled enough
vote one percent to be put on the
regular tlwket hereafter ia Ohio, Hocial
labor partie, referendum parties, in fact
any sort of a party tbat will keep
voters from rotlng against tbe gold
standard wbo will not rot tbe repnbli
can ticket, can get abundance of help
from tbe enormous fund of tb money
power to get signers on petitions or
money for organization. These sharpers
seem to be able to fool eorn of tb peo
ple all tb time.
Tb vileness of tbe republican cam
paign wa so perfectly awful that a look
at it even from this distance Is enough
to turn one's stomach. Tuke that Home
of tb Frfendlea dodge. If tbe populist
atate officer bad turned over tb money
appropriated for it support to tb per
ons demanding it, it would not bave
been twenty-four bonrs before tbey
would bav been arrested. Even tb
judge wbo tried tb com, after saying
tbat bis sympathies were all wltb th
other side, he being a republican, d
dared tbat there was no shadow of law
under wbicb tb populist atat officers
could be required to pay orer tb money
to the private partie who were so ve
hemently demanding it Every state
officer connected with such a transaction
would bars been arrested lor embezzle
ment, and old Dutterin would bav
beeu tb Drat to demand it,
II any on want to know Juat tb
point that prosperity ba reached In
Lincoln, let him walk along Kleveutb
street aud count the two hundred or
two buudrsd and Ally Id I men who al
ways etand along tb side ol Ibe street
watching tb aspbaltum steam roller a
it prase lb material lor the new pave,
meat. Tb only men at work ar those
wbo are aid by Issuing bonds. After a
while tb bondsand the Iotereet on tbem
will bav to be paid. How much pro,
parity will reeult Irom tbat?
Th republlcaa paper are everywhere
advising lb populiat aad democrat lo
drop silver, Tby assure us that il w
oaly will, Ibat w would hav a much
belter than olrarrylng Ih aH !
lioa, Ol eoare Ihe gold bus ar very
aailouathal weehuald d.ll then la
th nail batll aad ar giving a lhat
adtiiw forth purpose ol eaabtivg a lo
do so, Nod'iubt about that, rerbaps
w way tah Ihatr adv tew aad go lab
arely arWatllU atnaay, Th oaly Ihlag
lhal ha pre v sated Iroat dolag II fc
lure, l that lhr are a lot olgaveta
weal btdoalladiBg which w agreed
la pay la I4 aad Uver ia, ol a4.
4 weight aad Daeaea, Hat why
ida'l pay thaw la Ibtir ait wer
hipped gold avtaUr gad belter After
w had Vaoti4 il? whavavr
wad aa igrwal wilh tha boad bald'
ra lhat wuald sol.
tt. AUr. Ktrvfri. ft Bill a4
hasi diaav Hi O trel, iJaetila,
HsbfaatA. Steal aad UaMwaaiaHj
"Eight year ago" said Wbarton Bar
kr, "tbe peoples party wa formed by
those men wbo aw in tb upremacy of '
tbe democratic and republican partie
nothing but th downtreadln; of th
people," lint where wa Wharton
arker about tbat time? Whooping It
op for tb repablican party and tbe tar
iff barons with ail bis might telling tb
people tbat protective tariff wer tb
al ration of tb world. II atlll think
tbat "those men wbo formed th people
party" are entirely Incompetent to run
It, so b I going to run it for tbem,
Tb latest advice atat tbat tb 1'hll
Ipplnos arson tbe rampoge. They want
to be free and independent and are down
on annexation. It is rery erldenn tbat
these 1'blllpplno are a poor, Ignorant
set, and it is the "manifest destiny" of
this nation to send over there 100,000
of our best young men, and let half of
tbem be billed or die of disease so w can
teach those barbarian what tb"di
vlu purpose" in regard to tbem J.
John L, Webster ba told us very plain,
ly what our destiny and tbe divine pur
pose Is, so that w cannot make tbe ex
cuse that we did notknow, Imperialism
demand tb live of 50,000 of our
young men, Nothing short of that will
satisfy tbl Molock. If th young men
will not offer themselves a sacrifices,
tb gentle-hearted McKinley will kindly
draft tbem,
Tbe following Is tb valuation of prop
erty ia tb city of Omuba for the pur
pose of taxation:
Land , ft 2.271.820
City lot,
1 WM.hiiO
880.W Addition
Kelt line
Telegraph companies.
ruilrnan company
urdinnrr persona! 4,84a,l80-
OutofAlotal of 85,201,03 ol lax
able property all the bunks, all tb rail
road and all tb public corporations
combined pay taxes on only a little over
$ 1 ,000,0001 Horn of tb banks, If tbey
were taxed In the same proportion that
tbe working man is on bis cottage,
would I assessed for more than the
whole pile of tbem.
wesemenf Orrieba Beer Garden
Which Dollar New England bUrrtim
VurtMTh' Truet Expansion and
if I were a republican nrwl voted or
Joe linrtley I would miy not hing about
Meerve s "straw bond," The devil U
wuyu wants church iiieinlxrrs to walk
straight. Kvery man on Mceerve's
bontl I sound except three or our
gold bug end tbey flattened after
signing. We would do away with
bond altogether. It tbe jopJe elect
a t reii surer and be turn out a thief.,
tha people ought to stand it, , Next ,
time tbey will be more likely to le.t
honest oieii, as tbey did after Joe
Hartley showed op.
Next month the republican will be
lli the legiftluUve saddle. Wonder U
they will roll up expense a tber did
when 111 their glory. J'ei'bnp, being
wlilpiH'd two year ego may cool then
off a little. Three waiters or each sen
ator and twenty more to do tbe writ
ing wa once their highest ambition.
Thank fortune there will be a govern
or wbo can veto and there will be no-
chance of passing anything over tt.
01 v us reform and w do not care wbo
brings it, Iteorius are only ra ensured
by leas taxes. (Stick tb office bolder
to tbe letter and spirit of tbe consti
tution and tbe people will aay amen.
A new method of assee-ting city
property should be adopted. It may
be embodied in our new charter, but
better tbat it be mud a atate law.
applying to rJl citle and incorporated
towns, Jlequlre the aor to assess
the lot first, as though it waa vacant.
asseaa what Improvement are on the
lot, building ami whatever of raiue
connected with tbe lot, '
The Omaha beer garden will prob
ably run next year and the year af
ter, If the railroad would give the
same reduction of fare all over the
state, to every place and In every di
rection, w would not rare so iiiuohi
but It is unjust o Ui merebauU la
other parte of tbe atate, tb way rail.
rond were run last season. Th men
wbo bought a round trip ticket t
Omaha ouiild not stop to buy a ctii
of rolTre either going or coining with
out paying full fare after tbat, Kv
ery city and village should boycott
Omaha if Justin cannot be bal any
other way,
Will fbtmurl pay ftrmln In Spanish
dollar or in two hundred cent Am
erlcan dollar? Hllver In Hpaln, I'orto
llieu, Cuh and Ih 1'hlllpplii Island
will buy juat a much pnqierty and
merrbandia aa it ever would. It will
be en of tb curse of cWillMtlo:i,
th gold standard, that w will rsrrv
to thea Islands, Thai wltb Other viril
ized disease go together,
!. It. Thompson and pa Mderw
otigbl o barniotili, Tbey ar duek
of lb aaui tMMul, tUllrua-la Oral and
th peopl afterwards, Tb tnloa !'
ein ha on aeaaler ami lb It, A M .
should bav lb other, A leading re
publlMin Wild aa th other day that
nun but ppa waaUal TWim.,
thereby h(leg to rota tba graad oil
rty, .
It appear New Kegland had A NU
rrwwa weelera bllnaid. II 11 ml rail a f
Urea hat gun out end aowivw of
tela gun i pw'. Sli?aV la Wt
Ih stemplng ground el alt Ih hewn
and yet vastent people thlak w bav
euallauett iMrtM, hlrrd and y
bte, Nabrwaka I fwud awug fur
a anyway,
Farm nUre 1 tvlaiU blgbe1 1