I , THE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT. Dec. 8, 1898 a 1 If ; .'Oil m if f . Principal Part Devoted to a Narra' tlve of the War With Spain, NO STARTLING SUGGESTIONS. Th I'eaee Treat NMII I7iilgnai., the I'rlil(int Iiim Not )lee Ilia !" Biaimnt Colonial roller The lil De yninllim Mttl New 011 Carreney army fa ram J,00. To the rinna'o and lion, of fleiiroOTiitnilvt) NotwIlhatuiHllnif ,ho mVhi'l bunion rmnlnrad B"ry by th. war, our pMonlo rojoloe in Very aatufaotor anil Winllljr iiir'tftlnii degree of rtinrUy, ovldo it-od by tlia btrif t volume tit bulno over raionloil, Kvery mitnufwttiro low been iirml'tialve, attrloultnre till ran I la have ylolilcl ehuinlont yoturn, labor 11 u nam or ircumirv I i)Mir ren-unnm. rev Wilio letflalntlon tdk.iB d tiy tba prnn cohere Imx Incrmiwol tlia truoatiry'e rooetote to tin mount elliniiU)(l by lu emborltio, the lloiinea of lb vovormnerit have lieen rnfully luiinlnlHtmiiul kikI It erwllt wlviuiiwl W W10 rt rank, wIjIIa lu aurroncy Inn tw tnuln tnlMM. at tha world' aluliunt atitfiilnril Mill lory eorvlce burtey b common ftiw nrnl for e rtirhtoou (iiiUMi h ktriii(Uinro4 the Bilor.al enlrll and wirvcil to eoomnt ewro oloey tliua ever tha frntnroul tiorntu tutwowj ovary aeullon Of the ooiintry, A vevlaw of tha relation of the United fUnto 10 other power, alwiiy appropriate, U tlil tnr of nrlmury Imii'rrwiio In view of tha too luaiiLouqiietlon whloh hove urlaen, dermoid liitf la oa iiiniiidua tlia ultimate dotormlauiloa by arm and IiivoIvIiik fnr-rejolilinf eone giienoe which will require the earnest etuta Hon of eoOKre. TIIK WAW Willi In my Inl urmunl inm rrr full oonx'd ertitlio wu vlvitu to tlia riiiitlon of Uw duty tit Urn (fovofniimiit of lln, tlnlutd UtuM lowurd Kpitln wid tlie C'.iium innuiriK'tloo m IkiIiik ly fur (lid tnott l;iirUnf. piohlio with wl.li'li wu eru tlimi eiillud 'imd Ut lnl. Tim Coll lilflnHlriH tlinil ml riiiii';il. itnd tlia po. tlou of tlw vlow lli'inilii prnw(l, Ulxtlo.ed fny wmof Hisaxtreinu tfmWty of tlia ultuu Hon. Tlia rumako thmt rovluwn In dntnl tha ntuta Of KUttlr axlHiltitf In 1'iilm up to tha time of tha dofttruvtlya of Ilia 1M10Uu Wulno, and con- tliiiuw: (Jit th I'th of P'nmrf, limt, oraiurrMl tlia tfiwtrudilon of tli binliiily MhIiio, wlilla rltfbtfully lylrm lu lh hurlior of lluvn oa BiUoloa of IntorniHloiinl oouriiwy and good wliltettroph tlia nunplclou nutura mid horror of whlaliallrroM tlia uuilon's hoiirt pro foumlly. ll I trlkln avldoni-'a of tUu pU nd iurly vood mhim diUiiKuiiiinir our nn llonttl lilmrmU'r lliat thl Hhooklru blow, full Ins upon ffttrmrou paoplo Hlrauriy dimply toui lM'd by praiMidlnii avaiita In Cubit, did not nova tlii'tn to nn limtnnt, d(wpnrat ranolva to lolnralo no loiivir tht Mmum of condition Of dunyar and dlwirdr at our doori tbut mnda tHHMliila ui h dw.'d by homoflver wrought. Vat tha InniluiJt of julli! pravalled, and tlia pm ton anxlounly awaltad tha lkiilt of the Muri'hlnif liivwtlgutlon at one not on foot, 'I lia tlmlliig of tha nitval board of ln oulry emahlmhiid tbut tho origin of tlia eiploa Ion 111 aiurnnl by a milmiarlna mlna, and only balled through liusk of ponltlva tniUmoiiy to III tho raaponiilblllty of It aulliornhlp. All thoM thing turrlixl nonvliitlnn to tho nont thoughtful, ovan Iwfora tho llndlngof tho naval oon rt, that a crll In our rlatlon with tpaia and toward Cuba wua at burnt Ho ttrong wu Hi la bullnf thul It nmnloil but a brlnf eiocu ilvaauggiwtlon to tho mrM to rocolvo Im mwllnta nworto tlmduty of inuklng InKtmit irovllon for tha poiulbla and porhapi uptiodlly trobslilo amnrgoiuiy of wnr. and th ruinnrk bio, alinont unbiuo upoiauiilo wuo praixintad of ununliuou vote of both iioumm on tbavth of March, appruprlutliig a'm.ouo.iloo "for tha national UforMi and for eiuh and ovary pur fMMa coiuiooUxt thnrawllh, to bo eipeuded at tho dlwrelum of tho 1'roitUlciit." Tlmt thl act of provlwlou catna nona too aoon dlnuloited wluin tha upplloutlon of tha fuinU wu undxrtaknn. Uur fori wura pruink'nlly titiilnfoiiilnd. Uur navy nnmlod lurgo provUlon fur Iuirouo4 aininuiilllon and auppllm, and von nunibor. to copo with any middnn atuwk from tho navy of Kpuin, which fomprlood motlnrn voumiU of tlia lilghimt typa of oonlliinntnt pnrfiNalon. Our army also rxiulrd enlurgmnmit of men and munition. Tho dlull of tho hurrlod prupara tlonn for tho draudml onnllugonoy Ik told In tho reiiorli of tha kminilurle of wur and of tho tmvy, and noed not m rHiutaiJ hero. It In uf fli'lrnt to iwy Unit tho oiilliruuk of wur, whun It did imin found our nation not uiiprpurod to liw-t tlm routltvt. Nor wim tlia apprnhnualon ot coining itrlfo tmitiiii'il to our own gouniry. It wan full by tha oMIiieiitnl Hiwti whli'ti mi April lilt, through tlmlr mnlial.in un.l envoy, llrtiHt lo tha KH'utlvn au luprcwluii of ho Hint Ittiiuuiilly and OiMltirulloa mlcht iitiirU Hm noiirmo u till (ovnruiiu'iit uiid n miIo. mi l Hint f'lriintr niirti tltloli would IimiiI to nn ujnmuiiMiL, mlikli, Wlilla Mn'urlng tho Iiiiiliili ii4in of hihhi, would aUSnn all newniiry fii.ir.iniiH. (or tlia rtw uiilUlniii-nv n oritur in 1 uii fit rcNinit!ng to tha prowultH loii, I uU.i li,n.l h ip Hint tha envoy hlax:r"l ih.it inu'Ht I14 )rarvihl In inamu r l.i ti iniimw tlia Jiron!ii oli'llllon Ol iixtnil.ii. lu t'ulu l lnj'irl i.n aud iiifiiii. 'ii to uur liit if, u mid tiMii.iuiil, a wall a i K'klng i, uur Mtnllui nu of hu ttmiitl y 1 an. I, wnil m-t'i". Iittu.g 1 1.0 liiunuiilui iu o. il.i.iiiii'ii'iu. 1 tii.iur of tlm koniiim Bity inf bl Mi l l'i 011 Uiliuif of tint hi,.. 11 ut 4 lht ll ii-iull l"ii.- of HI gitnuuMl for lu iMit, tlmt HiuH'Utiia nouiit t hun lor It ruvt inl mi l lull 1 1.1I, itvui tu fuinil a tluy uf liomnulty liy oittlu4 ltua tlua, II. Iiiii. llnll t'oloiw4toilu lu. U b4 Hi IlKliflMfUliI Mill milui .m l tif Hi h'HM uf a ful lu tlu an-l oWim" tk Uui4tKif duty, iuib.ti a rtlad lo brin aiaoil a mly an Hag ul Hi ( utiit Kuot. SiKuiUtluit hi Ihi uti- ritiHouHt axiivwly aivnu. guimuuat of la, ! oM to tli liii'ii'Mi! fuo. lutUia uf a ll Ml ,in U. Ill t U4 WlliiaVMW to Awl th rni ul ht .Mii rwUt to u iia lu u.i. ll.iv li. uitUiil r'. ll,a wf IM OItaf u lV'...i...iiliaU.a M akat, an tul IM MlirM, rmiin .t Ihvif anu h4 titt ly Mtiitvt ..'ii, tt Wmii a i-lot it. t t'4t in a r -:iit Vtiu a t, by or 'y i-.M',,af !' l a ifb Wii.iv4 "vU lira wrvi 4 tlw Ut lill..ilt 1 1 M it-tlimi u U tr. aiiiif al it iwoi hmi..H at4 J. . tix bum liKM at ti v-MI ! i.ii.k la li k tli ! ' 1 I 'I I ai. 14 ouM al tut M r-i i.l a iH.i44i. ll iff' kuMHt t4 la lk ir-lii'.a wf M a iaiir .tmi. .t ti ho imI a-Wf IM ai.xi-M 'mii ul M uiitMr, lift, hut itH.'il ! HuMt la any U4 wl lt OMxHtmi"! !' M ia UflM bwat. wttka uia l 4 i'ai aa a tw i ,i.w.kt hy in in tt aj hiiaa a MM l la a l MWiil mo at ! It). m4 tt at ii .li ,y aoa u iM iy ar Uium w.i4 W tt fct IKa ' KtvMil f iU4 at If it Hilnh) hi a-aiiiitda with. ia a4tvat. IM um w.4 im r tao 4a 'lb a ! oh h l-i-.. vl lh aivtM la to 4 aiii'i a w itaih iut a4 th ihy, ana th (t.Miil o'nnii"a lull4 I a ilrtly aaHkiy. -..! t la (m a-.! yil'uk aal 4-int al IM an, 4 t4 t" Ilil 4 4ii f il at Ihl la tu. hm 4 y ! 1 v iv. a 11 ax tfclt M,h. 1 1 I 11 ai 4 -jit null la 4,i hi -. I t a4 f Aytt II, I. I aaatwifc liutatlh th fta U la .ia ti kI Iimim w In Cuba, and Ha dbotppolntlng romtptlon by Mpiiln, tna nHurt of tho mtuuHva wu brought to an and. I ulii rovlnir.rl tho altornatlvo floiirMnof imtlon which I had prepurnd, con cluilliig thul tho only una voruoiwnt with Intor uutlonul polluy and cotnpiitlblo with our firm not hltorluul trivllllu'i wa lntorvuntlon aa 0 neutrul to utoptho wnr nnd vbnuk tha hopnlo udrliloo of llfo, fon tli 111h tlmt ronort luvo voit 'hottil (fiiiKtralnt upon both tho purtloi to tlw foiitnHt. a wnU to unfonso a triK'O a to guldo Hie ovouluitl otllftnnnt, Thn Kround Justifying thul Up wro, tho InUtroul of liumuiilty; tlio iliily lo pcoloi't llfouml prop ertyof our elilstona In ('ulia; tho right to nhfuik Injury to our coiiiinnnv mid pwopbi through tho mivuMtuMon of tho IMtuul, and, 111 out Important, tim nmid or rouioving ut omm and forova tho conHtunt inmiiii'o and tho bunion on tullcd upon our govornnifiit by tho uncor tiilntlo and porll of tlm nKiiutloii VMuwod by tho uriMiduruhlo dlnturlmrii'0 In Culm, Tho frowldMit thou rwfnr to til oiomugo to (loinjrim on 'tho '11 Urn oiukiIoii luxt iprlng, and tha puugoof tha ri)olutloudiifnundlng tha wJlhilrawul of Hpuiilnh ovrlgnty from tiiiiu, ana Mntinno! Tha dnmund, nlUoiiigh, a nbuvo nhown, of. fli'liilly maM known to tlii HpunlNhanvoy lioro, wu not ddilviirol ut Millrld, AftT the In ktrmulon rnuohnd (ionorul Woodford on thn morning of April il, but bnfjro bn could pre aunt It, tha HpniilNh tnliilKir of tuto notlflad blru tbut uiwni tha Jrl lnt' opnrovul of tha Joint rimoluiloi tho Mnilrld goviminoiit, 1 giirdlnif tha art a "ootilvuliint to on rvldiin docluratlon of war," bud ordorod It mlnlator In WowhlngiJin to withdraw, tbrobr brouklng oir aipiouiutio reintlon botwoon tba two oun trii', and coiiMiug nil oniclul tioniiiiunb'atlon bntwiwn llinlr rRMpni'llva rnproMiitatlvo, ij'innriil Woodford thorriuiion dnmunilnd bl piMHport and null, mil Mudrld tho ottirio day. Ppuln, hnv ng tlm dun d tho dninnnd of tha tin) mil Kioto and InltluuiI that cnnnlnto form of rupturn of ndutlon whhih atUmiU a atuio of wur, thotnuuiuilva powor auihorl)d by the roNoiution worn at oimo imod by n to mt tha unlurgnd ooutlngi'nny of antuul wur botweria Kpuln and tho Unltod HtitUm. On April lit I tiroululinnd a blockoiloof tho northorn count of t-'iilm, Including port on Maid oonxt bntwnon Curdonu nnd Unlilu llonlu and tho port of C'lnnfungo on tho otith count of Culi and on tho KM t cullod for voluutooru to exovuto tho purpoao of tnoM rdwiiiition, liy my niNiiga of April tba (Uitimnu vim Infonuod of tho ultuullon. nd I rm'oiu MjitB'hnl fonnul doi'lurullon of tho cxIkU-iico of antuto of wurlmtwoon tho Unltod Mtutfl ami Hpulu. Tbo f'oiigro accordingly votod on tho uinn day tho tu t approvod April at. im, nnciuring tba hhIhU'Ih'o of ui h war, from ami lioludlng tho SM dny of April, and ro onniiUid tbo provlKlon of tho riMolutloa of ArirllK', dlriKitlng tlm J'nwlilnrit Ul U0 nil tho mod foru- of tha uullon to curry thut act Into noob TIIK WAII I'fllCI'AltATION. varoountry thu, aruiran inUirvnl of half century of uw with all nation, found ltnolf thgngud la ilmolly conflict with aforolgnouomy, Kvury nnrvo wa utruiuod to moot tho rnnr gunny, Tho ritNponoo to tho liillliil null for liV'W Toluntflor wa limmit and complnto waalotho f'ult of tho Micond cull of May u for 7a.uw additional volunuwn, 'I tui rank of tho rngulur army war liicnciwd to tho lira It provldnd by tho tut of April t'i. Tho on- llnU'd force of tho huvy on tha I.Hh of Augunt. wliwi It raiu'hnd It inuxlmum, nunilmrrvl U,'a iiinii and appronth'oi, (hio bundrod and throo voolwero addnd to tho navy by purvbano, ona wa proMinUid to tho povmmmrit, 0110 lour4 and tho four viMiel of tho International Nuvlgnilonoimpuny-lho Ht. I'aul, Ht, I.oul, Now York and I'lrU-wcro vburuwd, In ad dltloa to thono tbo rovanuo oultor and light bouao tondor wnro turned ovor t ' tha navy do purtrnoiit and bocume toinporurlly purt of tbo auxiliary navy, Tho maximum effoetlvo lighting forna of tbo nvy during tbi war, anparatod Into yliomo, viuaafollowi Four bottloihlpanf tho flrtala, on battlo hlpof tha mwond cla, two armornd orulwini, tlx count ddfanno monitor, ona armored ram, twnlv proU'ctfl I orulxor, throo unprotooUid orulMir, olghteon gunboat, on Uynumlt crulMir, alovnn turpodo boat, fourtoon old vawd of tba old navy, including monitor. Auxiliary nuvyi Auxiliary crulnar, twanty alght convarlad yacht, twnnty-vovan oonvortod tug, nlnouwn (Kinvartad ooillor, four revonuo oultor, four llgbthouM tenilur and nineteen DiUcttllunnou vonwil. MuJh alarm wa fait along our ontlra Atlan tloMiabnard lot om attitok might bo mmlu by tha enomy, Kvury pranuutlon wua takan to prnvont polbla Injury to our groat eltlo ly ing along tho eouKl. Tnmporary gurrlnou woro provldnd. drawn from tho atato mllltla, and liifnniry and light buttnrlo wuro drawn from tha volunteer form About l.iw troop with tliu amploysd. The count algual anrvlco wa rBt ililUhcd for obMirvlng tha approach of an ennmy'a Mhlp to tho count of tho llnltml Stuto and tha tlghthou anrvluo eo-oporatod, will h auublod tha navy depurtmnnt to buvo all por tion of tha At untie couil, from Mulno to Tux a, umlcr obwirvatlon The auxiliary navy waa oroalod under 1T10 authority of I'ongrn and waa om wrml and manned by tho naval mllltla of tha aevarul tuut. Thl orgunlatlon patrolled tha count and porfuruud tho duty uf th tiHHind arm of dcfuriHO. L'mliir tlve direction uf tho chief of englneur, nulmiurlne mine wnr plucod at tha iniHtt ex poiied polnln. IM furo the outbreak of tho war pcraiaiiuiit mining i'IicuhxiiiciiI and cuhlo gal lorlo hu4 ptifii iKiimirucU'd at all linixtrtuni barhor. Mint of the torpxdo niiitm liil wa nt to be found In the itiurkitlaud hud to bo i lull niuliurui'turiHl. t'nili.r ilat of April It illnirli t olh-era were iIIkhM-hI tu take all pri'llmlimry niKiixnrf , abort of the actual attaching of tho IuimIiiI nilm ui tho cul'lo. uiiil on April S'J tele gruphlu onb r wnro Uuil tu plotta tho lowlml uiiotia In p....ll!oii, 'I he ukhi'i guto numW-r of mluc plucmi wa I. M.1 t tho prlni iiHil liiirlior from Milnuto ( iillfornta. I'it'iurulloii wuru alwi 111 1. In for Hm plaiilliie of liilii'-i hi 1-01-uiii miioy hurUir, but owing to the curly Mtruclloii of tlm M.,ui Uli llii'l, 111011 iiiliK' vini 11 not iil'i'il, Tlm iuiiiil iHirp an piuiiiitly inMiil.l nd Krr Im lii d m il he of the ui.l ililiu nil ami luiMirt. unt itiarm ir, It, o'i..il.,im ilurlug tho wnr iMvin 4 I nn 1 liNiil.nl i-iiiiiiKt'timi of tall (HMiMt frtil utloiii. Hie i-i-i.iUilnii.'ii of tiili ihonl and tnlegraphi fucll'lio l.y llm ruiiii at Ma nila, NiiiiliUfcO aod I'firio Kuhi, 'ihero r' c ih.irui u-.l ii inili of linn at ton grnai rni. tliu f villi, UII14 IlilliMiy uioki'iiiriit. fniill Ukmm hiih la a liiniiiwr brrvlfir tihi.il .on lu nuiiury kilniiiiuiiiillou, l ii'i.l Irii ,I.I UlM' .'! rUlillll . Hiullllrilltixl uii.lttr ilieimm ilw t M huia, and Umy n M.111II IIDI14 It iiug mlrlo ii optnintl, I 1'ort.i Him ilile fi'iiiiiiuiii. ;i.iu ai. l.iM4 w er a 0 -...i.iiinu mui.., 1,11 Uif I h-.li,urtfr id Ilia iMiniiiinmllntf ullirl knpt la 4imlii4 I U'l. i.ii.mitf ..iinuitiau 4 II. hi fU Uv ilitui.iH r.uiui4ii.t 1 ua luuy Uif ..n.l lllK uf illiUilui, Ibl-I M plfCl I I Mil 4lra kHfl.Ul ly utntltl ti.! l,l,t uu r ral.h o.t vlil yar uliU!Uiihfuf iuik,ti'iit,aii vouimu HUalivi.n iMitnlitif Ul lKHt au4 lit U0 I .luu.'.l ol in r ua I u ua utn arc ll.-l,i..l Ul, b f III" ! Oi Ihtlu llr m Rm ic l i' Uy t-i... !-. i tli Uii.iiK o iifin. Villi hti ilwi .i.iimii iii.ouri. aiiaia taoaiy ullta vl Id U4i4 tS4-, 1 bid w in ib u talc I'-h ll ii.i.. il Ii (, aa.1 it'4 0'iv.i v..ii.,bHm', 1 aith ik .,iva 0. tt Wlll...i, m. WIIK IklaU i.-w tha f,"M(iia 4i 1114 t) iHikiWM III Ih .( u. k y, h 1 at h.-'4 lr. uf I t m. tha .m I t in. I i axi aM, . ail iu.h Iim Iw.ImI. ily ai. lh k. . k ih h. hk.h t Ih l,ai . lua.t wa ti.w4 la h m1 hy ih artar hx. a! lha Hhi-vti ahitb It wm w4 am f-iiu th-. la th yvykiiu 4 tha ! tnrli-a i a aw! tim. ly ar''" ai tha urtki 11 i hha lit t(va u hi -via. li,h fiM ly now auf wy 1 hi t m,t h.4 la-itHi tu tht viivMkt 4 h a ! kI tha v4tkt l taa aar, th aa. tilvtta ul ih tvtl.l4 tha awaat la tna 1111 .! 4 I .mi 14 hy aMih-iitiM Ma af t'l a.-aily ha ht U 4 I ' hutl4 Wi'lllwa 4 kl hy hti4 aMl miI la y.tt aa I lia t th ataih tyt! I a, tu hli4 a ui-a total! aal I t- y We Ih ut.iliki4 m fy bla4 Ih hU a lu fultt It M ti ti, iim, tfa t-Yi 4ua i lh iii iH.la, k ! .k.thati tiuat Ita lha ta4 4viih thi a a awmt a,siiig and nlgnlflannt rnniH, knowing tho vunt ro aourcc of the nation and tho dwtermlnutlon of tbopa,;pio to uphold thoir nutioir honor, TUB IIAITI.K OP MANILA. It I not within tha province of thl meago to n irrnte tha hUtory of tho oxtruordlnnry wur thut followed the HpniKli doclarullon of April xiMt, out a orint reintui of 11 mora nuilont tea turn I iipnroprlttto. Tbo flrit iiunoiiiiU'r of tbo war In point of dut", took pliusa April 'it, whan adotiMshmcntof the blockMilmg Mtuudron mudo u rccomnlKUiu'i) In force at Mntunu, h Hod the harbor and domoll hi d ivi rul now work In eonntructlon. Thi nt cicui!t;iont wa aVftllniwl to murk lnuiornblo epiwb In murltlmo wnrfuro, Tho I'uclllo float, under C'oinmodoro Oiviruo Downy, bud lulri for homo week at 1 long Kong Upon tho colonial proclamation of noutrnllty lining l-nucd and tbo ouKtomury twonty-foiir hour notlco lolng given, it repaired to Mir buy, noiir long Kong, whenco It proceeded to tho J'hlllpplno lluuil under tolegropb order to ouptur or doiitroy ino lormniaoio Mpunikii noot tlion aonibbia at Manila. At iluybrcuk oh the 11 of Muy, tho Amoilciin force ciitoiivl Miinlln buy and ufura few bourn' oiigagomont, clTocUid the total do tructlon of tho Hpuiilnh limit, connlnlliig of ten wurnhlp and a truniiport, Ixwlilc cnpturlng tho naval atutlon and fort at (Invito, thu ami I hi I ting tbo hpunlnh uuvul power lu tha 1'uclllo oceun and completely coiitrolJing the bay of Manila with tho ability to toko the city at will, Not a llfo wu kmt on our h I p, tho wounded only numbering aoven, whllo not u vonwii wa mutorfully injured, I'or thl gulluut achlovo meut tho t'ongron. upon my rocommnndiklloti, lll.ly bontowad upon tho 11c tor profonmiiit and uimtuntlul reward, Tbo efoct of thl romurkublo victory upm tho nplrltofour people and upon tlm fortune of tho war wu Inntunt, A prontlgo of Invlncl blllty theraby attached to our linn, which con tinued throughout tho ntrugglo, Itnlnforco mnnt wnro hurrlod tu Miiullu undortho om iniind of Major Oiiiiioul Merrltt and firmly otubllho,l wilhlulghtof thecupltul which lay neipMin oofora our gun, im tho Uh day of May tho govorniuciit wa advlned oMteluily of tho victory at Muullu, and at otico li'ulrcd of thooornmundorof ouy fleet what troop would bo required, Tho Inforninlloii w rocelvel on tho bitb day of May and tho llrnt army expedl tlon kullod May 'Mh and arrived at Manila Juno Kith, (nliur exiNlitlou aoon followed. tho total forco ooiiNlntlug of Oil oflloer and 10 - 0.w men, Only reluctancfl to cauno neixllea Ion of llfo and property provonted tho curly ktormfug and cupturoof tho city and thnrewli.il tho ubnoluto military occupancy of tho whole group, Tho tnnurgiint, meuuwhllo, huil rewumnd tho active hontllltle un"iiilnil by tho Uiiconipluted truco of Uocoinuor, lhV7, Their force lnvotod Ma nila from tho northern and eunutru ldo, but wero countruined by A'linlnil lowey and Ua i orul Merrill from Mempilng an onnault It wa fitting thut whatever wa to bo dona In tbo way of doclklve operation In 'hut ouurler nlioiild bo accompllnhed by tbo ttroog arm of tno Linito Mtufi alone, Obeying tho morn pro ceptof war which onjoln ,ho ovorcomiug of thn advocnury and tho oxtlnctlon of bl power wherever unullublo 4 tho apeedy anil aura menu to Win peacOi divided vie Ury wu not permiublo, for o pnrtltlou of tho right and renponnlbiiiUe attending tlia enforeo merit ot Junt ami advuntugeou pttmm eould bo thought of, I'ollowlng tho coming of tho comprnhennlvo hchemo of genorul ulLikck, powerful force wero annum bled at vurlou polmg on our count to 1 11 nolo Culm and 1'orto Idea, Mounwhllo uuvul domotintruilon wero mudo at aovnral oxponed point. Oa Mar 11 tho crulnr Wilmington anil torpivlo bout Wlnnlow wero uunuwonful In an attempt to mlenco tho buUerlii at Cardenu, ngulnnt Mulun.un, Worth Hngloy and four oeumen fall ing. Then grlcvou fotnjltle wero ntriingclr enough among tho very few which occurred during our naval operation In thl extraordin ary conflict, Meanwbllo tho Hpatilnb naval preparation had been punhud with great vigor, A powerful afiuodron under Admiral Cervera, which hmi uoembiod at tha Capo Vorilo Inland bnfor tba outbreak of biMtllitle hud cronnod tho ocean and by lla errutlo movemmyf In tho (urlbboun new dolayed our mllltury oporutlon while bmiug tho purniilt of our fleet. Vut time fear wor foil lent tho Oregon and Marietta, then bearing bomo after tlmlr long voyago from Hun yranoUeo of ovor IA,ix mile, might b kiirprlnod by Admiral Cerveru' fleet, but their fortunata arrival dlnpellod tho apprehenalun nd lent much needed reinforcement, Not until Ad ml ml Cervera took refuge In tli bar borof Mitmlugo do Cuba about May l, wa It practicable to plun a ayntemutlo military at tack upon the Antllleun ponnonnlon of Kpuln, Havcrat ucmoniruilon occurred on the count of Cuba and 1'orto Kloo In preparation for larger event. On May 11 tha North Atlan tic Mquudron Khelled Hun Juan da I'orto Klco, On May DO Commodore Hchley'g mjuailron bom barded tbo fort guurdlug tha mouth of Huntl ago hurbor. Neither utluck bud any material renulh It wa ovldi-nt thut well ordered land pcrutlon woro ludlnpounlbla to achieve de cided advantugo. INKING Of TIIK MKHRIMAC. Die next act in the wur thrilled not alona inn heart of our countrymen, but the world, by It xecplloniil bnrolnirt On tho ulght of Juna I, Mculonuot llobnon. elded by aoven devoted 1liiiiUmr, blocked the narrow outlet from Himtlago harbor by nliiklng tho collier Mnrrl nine In the channel, under a llcrce fire from thn adore butlerle, hud oncuplng with their live an by mlraclo, but fulling Into tha bund of he hpiinlnrd. Ill niont gratifying Incident f tho wur Unit tha bravery of thl little bund f hnriM' wu cordially uppreel itml by the iiiiiilun1n, who ix lit a Hug of truce to notify Admiral Humpaoii of thoir nufely and to com- 1 1 mini t them utmn their during act, They Mere ubkrU',ntly exchanged July 7, Hy June 7, the culling of the lttt Cuban cnble oluted the Inland, Thureufiiir tho Invunlon 11 vli-uruiialy prinectilod. I m June In, limlei heavy proleelliig Illy , a lillllltig furco nf ouo lurtiie from the tiregoii, Mitr'ili bend ami Milken wa eilei'lixl In Uii.iiitiiiiiiiiio buy. abi-ie Ihndbti ll il.'U'i mile .1 lo rntubll-h N IihVhI I alien 'I Ilia )niiori nut anil .eut'iil mi a taken from bio enemy nder vee lighting by tin murine who wer li llr.l f.rn.iuUea lurcca tf tno Culled hlal n 10 laud In t uba, nri in ci in, ok ut i ii N 11 n i, Th iMwItiiiu x.i won wu le-l. ile-ima da 11-r- ii- iii iuin in (IUI.Mkx onr lur.-.. Id June H n.l liu .i.al ..r. em lHii.b ilai.it klruiiiflv Hiram lin.t, (In June ii I lei ! o ul the in- adlag army uiiib r ii iimI Himfinr Iu1ih at ll .I'l'iul, klfiul I'll, fll m lo uf tinl-i. 'Hi t tut a.eoiiilill.lii' l unibir yreal llflii'li lie, bitl lll InulH . 'in .lUlialch, 1111 una l tha ni.,.'iin ui n .ttit inibigu w giia. (m th nth Mi llr.l m iIi, ii m .!. liienl lull iiltfn In lil. li Ik I lint lul "til It tualry and tu I'ne i.lnui.fif ialry tivn- fil Vuoii l.fi 1 la l UtiHf4l Wbtwlar'e ill l.b.u, ('mil lii"l, .mln4 limilly, lyalli Ul, h'W.er,giniii4 aiililn Ui inll.a ol hn aun 'tha .i,i. i,ily inl, ti jui 1 t. iii baiua .k l. uul fura (.t4ilit ii Mini uh I n l 1 1 u 1 and iu J i.a wtra U alirti a i)"'Mia hut a I IM 1 h a-1 atom of Ih ii r -ini,t tha htiytu. iitHi 1 1 tiuiiii, in i.ia a '"i ih"t It. Ott lh 4v ..l.iit4 hi brllllakl k .t. u ka iUil ml til f 1 ha tiuuh nl, atia.,ii j km Ik ha'!" ai'ihy th Aiii 4a -i'iiy a, a.h r k.4 t4 t va,tnt h,kti.a, 14 Ma iha I'.iva h-u ail lh hin-th h m tluut.l, ka l-li li.iia.4l h"l tikh, an I IS Mail 1it. Alatllk ( i, Vli 4 kiMi t ii.l-. t utwa 4nta hum. IM hski.h e.i'tl i4iiiitw aara t.h t-itwivwi, a hit iaa lawn t.. tM t4ii. .rxl U., ttMi au .y lhii IN rey i ht ht kllh-4 4 t4 aik..,!y t., w I Aith Hlt amy th ya !- tit o. a IM wa ai. ktnty lwi4 vt aa aU h.orHttly 4 tMltkts th!MUailt, li .aa k tk4tii4y I It- (itkiakta ktvl k Hni-l httiNk t Iho Uum rn tt, kM nil m.ttitiicailH hea4 lh a'kwinl t4 m alua4ii4 tiiwy, yy ia attia katkl ao, ai.la hltl al. rM la lha ato).iiia ! an4 ik wni.t I.h .1 -in..,., mi.. a al tia.itat. II a. si.l k tktt It k itita ant kky tw al h - It ! MomeUoa h lh anna u..tm.l) i..a, tai k a ft. I at.t tikn.K to all U ih.Mt hiv aa hu h ihrtt tkiu a'4 iua ta a h h" h tit ii.4 in aa aai A RED HOT RADICAL That la W bat Kdgar Howard Ilaolaree II I anil Propima to right It out, Tli Tioir rni)of th attompt of any iok'nmn for tlio fuaion furooe In trankn to loud our organization Into tlioflclij of cmiorvatiin, 'J'liwo la no room for uh lliore, Kwry foot of (hat field in oomiplin am worked b,r rejuilili curig, W ar radlouln'or iiotblnp;. In Mewl of talkloy ultw to H10 ao nillm liunlnoM li)t'reo.( aurl proiiimiuir tlmt wo will never di-ilurot beiii In their polli lion 01 tno iriUMrM'M, rat tier lot u nay to tliciii and nnf It plain: 'We will rldo roiigli-hliod ovory bualneag Intoroat In I bin Dtiita wlionovor tlmt lnt-r!Ht fo yrj plorod or coiniiicbfld In a men nor harm. Inl to tin pulllo wolfuro.' TI10 time for pltt.TlfJtf a-)'ind to tha republlwjn fioiiNor vnllvo llildlo Unit tform ,v. If we. n Ut ionleta. liotHi to bold bettor than a bole ran iiiiaij in tiio (tamo or politlcain ,o braka, wa fiiuat ut the noiiHorvativa atrlnu-a with whlrlithafiowerful coronra. . 1 ...... ..... - . . . ' , . . loin uv ooiiiiu ua, ami iitun our right mum 10 ino pi 11 j n$ rauioal, im on nut mm 10 firat iirinciiiie, ami have aa . ,1...- ..... . . , . 1 -fc, . 1 . 11 1 nor caiiipuiga in iMuoraKn ouch nn isryaii ami MchoiKhaii ifondactod In 1HW). IM uh ta oifiiao boldly to aHah ho Ufa out of overr "IhimIiih loiodiki," which Im fiianntfed to tlio delrlniont of fnariiaNHOM, IMun nay. arid lotuaoa nn our miywn into law a aooo aa w getavhaiKio, that ieli publlo corpora' iIoiinun tha tolearaoh. teffohnno. ok png, railroad ami ntockynrd eoiniiinlaa ara puoiifl ttiinron avory jjour whllo tlipy n-yy unjuar, i;uarKa irom tha puhllo, oowo with tlia cowardly bannor of con- wrrntlafiil I'tt with tha froa flag of rad- imiugrn, I'upiuiou lliijeg. A Wrung JUtion, A nation In both otrongand rich whon, auiofigthalfihahltanta. all who are In diiMtrloua and frugal aro provldnd with fhanoinforta of Ufa aofnnionaurata with f ha Individual afforftf ut forth and hui rlflceo uiuU, A nation abouadlntr In fnlllionalr and jmuper mny mnmmn a v(i aggrfgata of wealth and yet bo ioor indeed, Ku;u 0 nation n not almao- nit weak, and I ranldly aofiroaohlnir oecuy, nn vnr ivnignt, .1 ill tP I 11 v " Monoy I.oaoer 1'lan, At tt fiioolliig of Onaha fn;iiojr loatiara afewdoyg ago a commit too wa up pointed to recommend chnrgog fa the foreclosure law to bo prewntod to tho iwxt logialaturo, and to act In conjunc tion wild tho agent of iaauranca corn panlon. loan ngcnclo, and othora Inter toil in aocurlnif ita adoption, Tho money Jountira know who are their friction and tha mora fact that tha reoub llcana have tha h-glalutura la eonaiuYrad anaalgu of pro-perlty to thr-in, but whather or not It will bo proapcroue for thoao who borrow money la u different thing, He ward Iddepoudont. 1 1m Klt Way, Tha eanleet and Indood tha on) may to chango (ho conetltutlon la to change thoaupremo court. All tha conntltu tlona thin eldo of hadea could not curb a corporation, nyndlcata or trut, mi long aa tha auprwme court U controlled by corporatlong, ayndlcatoa and truoto, Wa play that wa huva coiiMtitutioim and wa hava Indeed toy- railed coriNtitutioiie'. butabovaand beyond thorn latbatni prorria court for It la conatruor of cormti tutlona and can rnnke thorn mean what, ever Itcliooeo, Hon Tweed 01100 aald. 1 don't car who (it urn tho voting mo long aa I do tha counting," and 00 tha cor poration nay "We don't care what In la tha conatitutlon, no long ne wa do tha count ruing." Ivxetor hutorprleo, Ir, Hull Coiigti Mrrup I tho HafcNt and auri Mt euro lor inoaa ouugorou at (ectlon of the lltto one croup, whoop ing-couuii ana nmaoio-coiigii. Abyal- (In n preacrlha If. children like It and doaoN are eiuull. i'rlco 2" ct. No aenator at All, Henator Thurtou In audi to ba In favor of D, Vi. Thompaon, of Lincoln, aa tha Niiccoeiior of Henator Allen. If tha -election In made, an It probably will bo, tho Union 1'nclflc railroad will huva ona acnutnr, tho ll, St M, will have tho other, and the people will hnvo no aemttor all, Tbo M'iiilo ought to hava oiaoily what tho.v voto lor, orul they will probably got It. Con I rul (')ty Democrat , Endorsed by the Governor HU'it Virginia' nhi'J M,tg inflate rtamnnrnd ' a Xa tivn al Catarrh litHifity unit 4' 7tiS, , itm iv ro,i.-i Uiilr Ii'ltt t t oiittnnit.'ei aei lpi am Mil tlnv, D. .V, Ataiia 4 Wa-4 V tya m JirJJ I 1 1 ssy 1 m may UI ll U U i-Hripl N if W. IUiIhimh, 'rvll nt ( tha hi.rcKal ll.'lil. ll UlMlt'll. t W'" lalilial alt. t.lli.ll, Hlllt.illl that,;.., y, V'.ltitttiiti iia nirrikiO'leiH' H IK aul i t i f raUnh! illa. I , lUrl man liact, mm ttn tt r inallod fii kppll ii'-ii All i"tf it i- ll IV ru it a Ak any driifijii fiy fna IV ru im Mm.u fr jwt Mw, A lilt Awkward. Tho Now York World waata to know If It irai't juNtnlittla bit awkward to hava tha wool exchange- of (bat city ciona biialricNM on account of "dopreolon In tha wool bualnoaa" during a MuKlulcy adrniulotrttllon and under a JJingley tariff. Mbake. Wa will contlnua to advocafa what wa oonaMva to bo real domocratlc prlnclolog. and if I ha Hryaii democnicy rnakoMiiN groataairlda toward n la JOOOagit (im in WW), wa mny ahaka batida ncroaa tha lloodychaaifi,-KK)kdalo Moaaongcr. ijo,j i'rogro Mlow, It will bo noma yearn yot beforo any voter can any "I waa bom u oopullxt." r or tnat roagou tna growt h 01 tha turty muat im alow, ua tho auool v of Imloiioii dent, thinking men lo nearly cxhauatod and tha rank and II lo of the old part h I now m ndo uo of men who cannot bo changed from tha party tha wora born lnto,-KanH ('ornmonor, Vluch in Little J epwially truo of lfood J'iil, for hobidt lu ever oonbtiued no grmi ooratlva power In 10 muil npioie, They ai whole inedlclno KloOdll tiw, Klwayn reuty, !- (Pills way omclent, alwuy t lfinib(ryi prevent a cold or fever, enre all liver III, lick healuclio, Juiiiillce, eoMtlputlon, eta, Ita, Tho only i'illi to Uke with Jlood'y aruparl)la, The Opportunity of a Life Time, FOR SALE TWO COFFEE PLANTA TIONS in tha wall known and propcr on colony at Motlaltoy ucu, ttata f 1'uebla, Mailco, On eoiuriata of 200 ooroa, a portion In coffee treoa, noma lira and aimo throf yoore old, Allklnda of troplctl frulta, rubler, codar and roaa wood treee, guinea groao, dwelling houoe and other building, 1'rooort r Incroaa liK In value aa treoa earna Into learlng, etf-aupportlng, Tha other plantation eoutaina 100 acroa with thouaaada of young coffee trei-a, Tha owner having of nor baoinoaa lotoreata to atrana to offere theoo Improved plantation at ucb a low figure (hat they can alrnoat bo porch aaed at the namoprlca that la aakad for vacant, unlmprorod land (a hi r unimproved inrij m thacoiony. I'hacllmatalairifwthonlth. (ul, and a vary doalrabia claaa of woll-to- do Amor lean hava thoir homea and Iilttfltatlona here, Vot anyone wbo la ovklng to vr;nia thoir health, who do- elroa o racapa tha tmfur$ win torn of northorn latitude, and at tha urn time conduct a profltaMo piouoant bual noaa, tbia (a tha apot, Yot partiaulara 4&rim tba owner w, V. Qvhk, 18 Carbojal, Dty of Moiloo, Mexioo The Butcher nd the Cook Are WtJJci In thoir opinion that no matter bow nlco your Thanksgiving turkey In, you can't cook it oat iafact only without oooi) coal. Our eenulne Walnut Block will cook anvthlrt to Queen'i Ta&te. order now anJ. ce ircadv lor ThankSKlvlnir. Ctf.Uf.iatt tiiOCK CUAl CO. UH. irihM. I'hoaalV?. lard 1'boM 8a. EPRESENTATIVE MB t'i i.j.-ul; fin putjlit titlitii, 'llil i pi Li" In iim him lii.i ifi i al. Tlio t'lulnraa. liiiVil'IHiCB, Ku.ilnl'i lUl l l ullOI'lkall lll i i.-i li. I'ulillii witril i nf pinlao from fi'i'll J tMiiiliielit i.nieidl., t (tint ). I i. i mi piihlllvn I li.n. It .Iff-', '1 tni r-ti;fti.lol tvlilt li t.S rat iter It r llioily III' I I I 1 1 ill ituntly MiUlllif I' luell l.f lilltii'lial f..i ' ll t.rv frutif Inif, Ainnhif imiil bttita fnnii f' M-liii lr i 11 Uli-llOi' ll III.' r.iIIi-N III f frn, I lilM I ur Ail.liikoti !( Uiii.t Mrj'lulu, '.'Jin j;un riu r Mim t iuitl .i"S, Vt't Vh., Mtinliti, fkt V i a a.i .1... i'tt ( i t Woot, i t.yli i v -' I tii iM'iiiintii.i' jitur lira Urn V ru na a i a lonto, ( r putoiinii ruro for mtoiiit ! tuvll. nt, It having I mI by a lunula. r .f (.. . ti ImuiMu iu Vt-ry tritlj-, iiov, il. V, .miii, I'atarrH U llt tiattMlltiatts Jii.l it Anii,ii finaly ii fiv from l( ti.i a, ar Ii fi r r H t and nri I nm kUiit, ll ! rliu i,l i I nil ktii'l atv I'ttitlUitMlly in.i.l.i i. Hlii. .t iiil fur fl I.Miximtt.i t f Un' rutiHi kinl Ii4turi'f i atarili liuaiii rl. I aland I t lu in', p r .1 t. ul, h in lialiiif'. t ,1114 l in any i.r,i ltf (hi, Uni, I i, r tlila IIAlliillal ln.i.l.' tl.. id ..l.i. ut.. i.,.u...,rtii. ituuemiH ir i I., , fraud wult, IV ra na I tHa imlllii. Itirt, f, f lalairli kiu tmn'inK it (,t rr It WHIN OTHCWt FAIL CONSULT 11)1 SEARLES & SEARLES Main Office W!t Lincoln, Neb. rcciAi.irr in Karroo, I limnie and J'rlvxle Jlaea, WEAK MEN X A 1 1 prl vulo illte u-e anil d I, iinbir of men. Trcutiiind by mull 1 eontulbitlou f ree, hyiililli i'urd tut life, All form nf fmuBl wi'iih lie and IlmiM of Wo- lllilll, ElectrlcltyM., EiiiiIiIm ui to yiiruta lo cure allcerarbl of the note, tliroil, cheat, abiinui ll, llvnr, iUhA, kluinl klilnxy illeiii, )jit Mubhooii, Night Kmltalona, Jlilrnel0i Varlcocelii, Ooimrrliii, (Jli.til, I'llea, l lMiaioid l("' il t;irer, jilnlmte and llrlclif.' Jllamian, O0 00 for cat of MT4llilif. lillHI Ma TfnM, ItiMl'MU'ntA ar a V I'll 1 14 a w a miot care. Stricture & GleBtMlJ &rX"S tutting, ConnnHiitloa fltKIC, Trutuwnt by uiil Call, or odiirct with ytamp Mfiin tmlftn Dri. Boarlci & Scarlcs, I jsia o or, IJN(!Of.N N lOIIII AHICA. fUDGEH LUMBER C0 A. tt WK1X. Aaaiv. Corner ml Itl ita., LIKCOLU rMM ft. I COAL & LUMBER Fill AMortntot, tut QruU, k-owcai rncci. 44V Notice to Farmers and Stock Feeders. Dny your cattla and hoooat tha tock I yard, Vet Lincoln and aavt freight and other oi ponaaa. Hava your baap dlpMid. Wa guarantaa to cure acab, we do lha work for ona cant rjr hood. W vra buying HAT, HTHAW AND GttAW G. H, Ceoehenn, Gtn.,ngT., Wtit Lincoln, nth. The Itigbt at ta Klondike, Whether vou aolcct tha all wator root by way of fit. M ichoola, or tha overlaod routa via, Dyoa, Hkagway, Cooper rivor. Takn or Htlkluo, you mnat flratt roocb a i'a'ltle port of ambarkatioo. Tha Klo Oranda WaaWn Railway, la commotion with tha V. t, tt. (J or Colo rado Midland It., la tba abort, direct '.,,, m ma nuorn, uiroot " f'l'lf foutat to 8ao Franclaoo, wn aau, j miuran or noaiua, i orougD I'hrotiirh hplng care and free roclfnlng chair core from tlon var to Hun Franoiacoand yonvor to rort and. Choice of throe rootoe through tba Bookie aod tha moet magnlfjtwnt mxmnry la tba world. Wrlta t r. A. Wodhrlgb, 0. V. A., Bait Iak City, for copy of Klondike folder. GREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE Low ratoe on our prnonally conducted xcurniime, Iaava Omaha ovary Friday via Colora.lo Hprlnge and Kconio Itouta. 1'boaa ICicuralon Cure are attached to Ftwt l'uaaenger Train, and thoir popu larity In evldnnco that wo offer tha boNt Write for liandome lltlnerury which glvee full iaforrnatioo and new map.aent free. For complete Information, ratoe and berth reoervutlon, eeo your local ticket agent or addrcae K. K. MocLEOO, A. 0. 1'. A., Topoka, Kunaaa, JtJIl-N nKUAnl ia.i, U.r.A., Chicago The Way to no to California, In In a toiirlt aleeolntt car ieronullf comliictxd via the linr!iiigton route. You don't chungo cure. You make foot time. You the fjuont acouory ou tha glolia. Your car la not o ottenively finlehod nor no ll no to look at un a pulnoo aloopor but it In Jut aa clean. Iut on comfort nbln, luxt a good to ride in. And Hourly JO cllnUKtr. The lturlington oicurelon rfinvo Lin coln every Tliiiratlny at (110 p, in. reach lug Hon rrniiclaco Hiinduy ami Lo An frle Miuiday, I'urtur with ouch car. Iliciiralini manager with each party. I'ur Inl'ler (ilving full lhlnriiiiiiiouct.il at It, tl M, depot or city tli kot ofluw coriior 0th ami 0 trout, II. W Ho-iHri.l. . C. T. T. A, " Certificate ol FuSlication. orraa or Auditor of Public Accounts, jifaff 9ttbrtk. I.liiciilo, ,Nnli Nov. 'A liw. It U irrty coillfli'tl, tlmt the German. .t Fire limirai.ee Company, (if NcV Yofk, Itl the State ot Kpw W.rt la oy.4 auk Ik lu'ae la of lai ! aal I itikdi -m4 U ti ! kaak aa ul I li ik t aiai b- k a I .,, 'Mm lumpaiiy lia a capital of $i,cjo,to. The company ham HurpUii t( $i.8,vv7j.vj6, Wii-y ry ka4 a4 H J al I a 4tia al I kk 4 Ik 4ar 4 , ka.i, .k k it'll If, 'a at l t- ' 4i4 r, a atat ku u u ft, Ua l,t, " " " nc nAiiiiPAnninp fayelaa. llaoMaa, aal Waataaaal all alatlat Mil im MM Tt(-a, tak (aa, aat llaxka, akalraJ in ralait, '! a MeM Twa a wart aal wry at. I'aiaUea aa4 ratrtat kill eiaalM la tba al, ft virJ la Haiaaaa l Uaaii'a, lo Boa Ikialli ttalll trawl, Htut M irle, I. M. CAMP (ttmuniiyti thl'M Mf.i )