The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, December 08, 1898, Image 1

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    mm m jpjm wit , g d u u mi ;
Wealth Makers and Lincoln Independent Consolidated.
NO, 30.
Impanallem will Only Itnka the
Rich, Blcher and Increree
Bnrdena of tba Poor.
farmer and Wf Workara Aak
Qneetione of th Independent
and Wants Aneweri.
M I'eor Mm1 Apply.
Beveral letter have been received ask
ing that tbe iNOBficiiuieNT make
some statement regarding what In meant
by "Imperlallem," One old farmer In
thM northern part of tbe state aeke the
writer to point out what beuoflt It will
be to him and ble neighbor to annex th
I'bllipploe and other Island of the sea.
Tbe latter request le made In tbe right
piritand Investigation made on tbat
line are the only luveetlgatlone that
will result In any (rood to any body. II
it le of benefit to thle farmer and ble
neighbors that we go into tbe annexing
bntlutMN, it will b of bensflt to all other
farmere and mtighbore eni(agd in agri
culture. A working man In Ornaba asks
what le labor to get out of annexation.
Happily tbe Indjcfkndknt le able to
eatlefuctorlly anewer tbeMi quwstlone by
printing tbe statement of llobert W.
Wblnglo, who wae Hawaii Wmmlsaionor
to theOmuba exposition,
, Tbe Hawaiian Islands, be aaya In sub
stance, are no place for a poor man to
go. What I needed there lemon witb
orn capital and experience. Haw labor,
such ft only tbe poor roan bae to offer,
(abundant ana cheap. Mr. Hhlngle
pointed out that many pereone bad
gono to Honolulu elno annexation wltb
entirely falee notion, thinking It to be a
place where it would be eay to earn a
livelihood, Tbey eoon became a charge
nd had to be sent home, Thle class,
Mr. Bh Ingle declare, le not wanted in
Honolulu, What le needed le men witb
capital and managerial ability tod
eelop reeouroee wltb tbe aid of labor al
ready on the fluid.
What le true of tbe Hawaiian Islands
ia tbie respect le true of all the other
newly acquired possessions of tbe nation
Tbey are no place for tbe poor man, wltb
only hie labor to offer. 1'reviouN terri
torial acqulaltlone of the United Htatea
have been veritable El Dorado for tbe
poor man, not only of tbe more thickly
settled portion of thle country but of
i'.urope ae well, Such acquleltiona bare
been of apurvely nettled territory, rich In
natural reeouroee, needing principally
labor for tbelr development. Tbey of
fered encouraging field for the eurplue
laboring population of tbe older por
tion of tbe country. Tbeaurplue labor
ing population of tbe preeent generation
cannot look to the new territorial acqu
itlone, a they did to the old, a a
meane of alleviating their condition. It
(a only capital and the higher grade of
labor that will be welcome Immigrant
In the new posaession.
That being tbe case, it follow that the
annexation of the Philippine and other
eland will bring no benefit to anybody
except thecapltaliata. The whole eobem
i Intended to make tbe rlob, richer and
Increase tbe already too heavy burdena
of the poor. If there le a reader of tbe
Inbkpkndknt who can point to one ben
efit that will come to the farmer or the
wage worker from tbe adoption of tbia
acbeme of Imperialism, be la naked to do
it. In aeking for tbleoorreepontenoe, we
bar the "manlfeat destiny" and "divine
puipoae" postulates. We will, 'not no
capita etatemeut of any man that It
ha been revested to him what the "di
vine purpose" le, nnleee be brliiK a or
tlfloat eitrned by the Creator that that
k nested- baa been Imparted to him,
ttasvv Wrllea a Letter t a asiaier
WMte e Ctalart Her la hmw.
Uresiisburg, I'a, December I. The
following la a letter received from Ad
miral Ihwy by XI re, Nua of Mouut
rieoaaal, whose husband, Jess No,
wh killed la tbe battle of Matata,
July It
OlAVIlilU rUOHHU Manila.
Oelhsr 13, 1191-My Dear Mrs, Noa
1 wUk to express ta you my deckel
sympathy, It must leases, your soe
mm ta ksra tbat your young bualsad
foil flghtleg bravely for hi eouutry,
the noblest death a ats eaa know,
I'ruiM Ihe (Hytuphle I watched the
fight that frtti night and wondered
bw tit it y Americas boms vukt be
ssMtMd by tbe tusrtyrdota amterad
by r hi eoso, and tuy iakjr
weel out to each end evary wit f
Yur Ium Km 1mm a eadder tk the
Mkre ! I ant uaabl t ttre
tKe mti I fe4 tar Tarj rni
U ny ) ta I rv4 U tad t
lae lather wk never aaw kia m!U
mhI th liwa af all tket w Wtt tu tbe
! HiKtr. II le Ward auntetim'vi
la ttW2 but ur tltatvbly laUier,
tt III I alt etle fonUaeea. alwaya dtwa
iklttf fwr Ike Wt, and awtiM (lay fata
. MtuUM' atwt Jiu(litw Ul lt ken
aeer Mela H be farted, Hila tbe
tcndemtt eymjMithy, bidieve nie your
liiccre friend,
(If MoKlnley kww on wrii ma
pn-ecrit niHTluileliio ollcy. there will
Im thouwixle more of Mich ill
over tba land. Mony widow wlil
nuura lor liuelxind, and many moth
em tor on tlwt will .never rerturn.
What will we get for It all? Military
glory I Hut McKlnky know what the
"Divine purpoee" and our "rriaiiJfeet
deatlny" ia and we will all have to
mbiiM, lit eenui to hvve lmjiarUMl
that kfjowlcdge abto to Jehn I.. Web-
Mter, mo Nebrkana have no right to
complain, Ed. Ind.)
TheBaperlaneeef a Hew Verk Vmmuier
owb In the Hank Wood el JorvU.
TJie New York drummer, Ixn with
a gold vpoon ia hi mouth, of coinrae,
w to,lking to half dozen lieUvmlng
(IriiiiiiiMTa, uy the Washington HUir,
"A m&n in our biwlntwa," ho wiut
Miylug, "la, a you all know liable vo
tM'e end har atrunge thing, tuul .ill
of ti have Juwl our eliarc, 'Imtu'm
your bumble aicrvant, for Inwtniice,
Four week ego I wu down in Georgia
in a country where every proejmct
ellvrr and only gold ia vile, and tbe
man I wu ncillng a big bill of good to
wa the Mlx-to-oiu'cat old chap you cvor
m.w, Jnlwd, lie wa m bITocUnJ, in
fwrffMl and inflicted with it that be
even talked ellvor in hi elwp, and
gave away the beat coon (leg he ever
owned U-cauws It wu yellow and he
lidU'd the color no. JJut to the atory.
The day I epcnit with him there wa a
funeral at the meeting bouao near
the atore, the chief actor in it being
one of the prominent elulzcnjt of the
county, My friend aaked nie to go
with film, a there would be intermitt
ing exercUe in the aliape of brief
funeral addrceem ctting forth the do-
cmimmI' virtue by otlwir prominent
cltlena who hod been hi friend, A
he wu to be one, of courac, I prompt
ly accepted the invitation, and we
were thre on time, Everything went
off beautifully, and tliere waen't a
dry rye in the bouee, until my friend
aroee to offer hi remark. There
woan't a peraon in the congregation
more deetly moved titan be woe, and
a he wo quite a capable man I flxed
myaelf to hear tlie beet epeech of tbe
"If aroae lowly and looked over
the people gathered about him with
wvMtkig eye), I
" 'Dear friend and fellow traveler
to that bourne whence none return,'
he ji1d with a sniffle, 'Inoamuch
Drother Jack man ha Jut apoken i
our kite lamented friend and fellow
citizen a now upon tbe etreete of tue
golden oity, I UiliUc it i only fitting
for me to aay that tdio crime of '73'
"Wliat elae he inJjrbt have eala no
body know, but at tbe ame time an
iiiipulae moved tbe man on the other
Mo of him and the man at hi back
to MlmuHaueouely grab for him, and
iy noine mean they got turn hood id
the other way, and hi remark were
fully a appropriate a any othee."
In Judge Holme court lout Thur-
day evening the qucetion of allowing
bill of $6,500 to J. E. Hill, receiver of
the Iilncoln Saving bank, which clott
ed it door about three years ago, wa
under conadderatlon. Much, Critlclwin
wa made on Mr. lilll'a manageamut
In settling the affair of the wrecked
bank. Attorney Munger, for eome de.
pottlbora, criticlaed tho receiver re
iwrt a being too indefinite and alto
gether unLntelliblhle, and that hi aer
vice had been of very little value. Mr,
Wbeeler, member of the court com
mittee, woe oppoeed to allowing any
uch eum, wa In favor of allowing
only what the eerrlce proved to be
worth. Mr. Dam, aitoUieol tne com
mlttee, mode quite a general ami ae
ver eriticiain on lleceiver lUH'a man
age-men U
Dr. hlug, one oi tne uviowiiora, oy
ptriikliiun of the court, proceeded
witn ke4n avarpej to umwer aua ex
poMe the conplraey through wbksh
lllll nwaIvmI kla aimalntmoikt. ami nro-
tMttMl arainiil the I mi rain lit of that or
any other aura fur hi aorvUr. oUUni-
lug 13 mt he baa remieml not, but
on the coutrary, had been an iuipedl-
mrut awmnng in me way oi m(te
uxnA of the bank' affair. He alo
prteut atrong evldetwe of 11 ill'
iMHiiuitetemy out! aaked for hi remov
nl Mm. K1iii. amilhaP ilriMait4ir. ltd-
hMed ber huatMad in an appeal to the
HHirt Imi o Htucn iur roiwhi, ivir
thtw of her , im1 alao of the orr
elaaa wtto laid bwn rubbed o f I heir
hard erud fh. Hhe haudled the uf.
tWr of the twitk, Atturitey ItMwta
aud liwlr lllll, without gluvea, rail
Ing thing by their rUpUt tutiiie
nry wuh to the aaiifntu it all
prMM euepUng Kill aiut 'llilmtla,
J ml Ui4i4ia ut4i(tt In-, ami
Mr. King In h tbey had aU ikI
gM ta hat grHtl thru an ip.
H.Muutiy taaay It. T44 Mr, II til tht
ai iKti amoual ae he UUmI wwuid
be ais.wwt ami that hie reigMtWN
MtmtUI Iw very acceptable,
A Im
the rveoMtateadalioa tdUMal JaMM
,tattirvl, iiHiHiaiae id radruad.
tkal Ike ,avNMitt balM a datW
Irerh U td rallrtiad riw Kaaawi (Hit
u IUa lHl Cal,. will o he eerrt
tt H eoaraes bat llakeeaahal rapid
trtl f ivraaial rki to walla
aaatg all td ti. It la eae wl
tkewle Im talkie aatr,ta
duairtol Nadv,
It Order tba Secretarial to Malta
a Report on Local Freight
Nothing Now in tbe Way to Pre
vent a Beduotionof Ex
tortlooata Obargoa,
Want Moinethlng Uone,
The following resolution wo unatil
inoimly wlopted at a meeting oi the
tat board of tranportation and
hnnded U the mvreiaritm, but up -o
the hour of going to pre the ecre.
tarle bod inude tie rejKirt.
Whereo, The bjard of tranort4
railroad commnie in tne maximum
freight rate cams to ImprojHjrly em
body in the decree of the United
Slate circuit court for Ncbraeka In
Nilr cue two prohibition totally for
eign to the question preacntcd to the
court or dccialon, vlsti Flrat, a pro
hibition whereby thl booird avnkl tlie
ktgialature of the wtate, waai for.
bidden to reduce any om local freight
rato fixed in the maximum freight
rt to tlie rate fixed in the maximum
freight rate law, even though the re
duction of euoh rate would not unreao
onably affect the earning of the rail
road companie, and aecond, a prohioi
lion whereby thl board and the IcgU.
latlon were prdblbited from reducing
the local freight rate below the rate
charged by the railroad companies in
1H04, thua, in effect, depriving the
atate of all power to regulate
freight rate while ald decree re
miilncil unmodified.
Where, In May laat the upivme
court of tbe United State on the ap
plication of Attorney General Binyth,
truck out of eald decree the two pri
hi hi lion aforcauid and thu r-iorw
lo thin board and to the legislature
the power to regulate freight rate.
Wheree, .Thi board immediately
after it wae relieved of the aback lea
Impoeed upon it by it predecceaor
frceeded to inquire into the reawon
ablene of the local freight rate
charged and to that end called upon
tlie railroad compande of the atate for
information with reapect to the cot
of construction, preeent value of the
rond, expense of operation, earning,
etc., etc., all of which neceaaarlly in
volved a great deal of time in iirepar.i
tlon, Now, therefore be it
Itcaolved, That the accretarlce be
and they are hereby instructed to vig
orously proaccute the investigation
heretofore commenced and report to
thi lord at the earlleat poaaible
date the reault of the Investigation.
And be it further
lUwolved. That the eald ecretarle
le and they are hereby instructed to
report to thl board on Mouday, the
5th inat.. whether the local rates on
grain to Omaha are unreasonable n
compared with tlie through rate to
Chicago on tbe ame commodity!
whether the local rate on cattle to
Bouth Omaha are unreasonable a
compared with the through rate there
on to Chicago; whetflier the rate from
Omaha to point in tbe atate are rea
aonable aa compared with tbe rat
from Council Bluff to the nvi point,
and whether any city or town in the
atate 1 being unluetly dlscriiiuiisteii
aFAIU llasle Httae Keloraa
OflJa lletaar Vr4 ta k Hsdlesl.
VaUux I ndejieiMlent i Yea, '"the cam
Nlgn of 1000 i now on," and your ug
geUonM Uit it be a conn t lgn of edu
cation i einmlnetiily curmt. Hut It
In my belief that while th rank and
file are taking leaMias tbat they ebould
lm giving Mini leMMtn along tlie line
of official jHvldty. for liuUnoe, tlut
a brilie Is a bribe wltether taken by
Mcrt oftlcal or a republican, That
official ecouomy by irofesHl smsm'Rv
h tr Nrttvrra caivwtt in tne leset sx
puug lb crime of bribe taking, Thai
when prufrased refiruira htrr the
landerd of rf'nu to a Mr atrautbi
fu the offices aa hss brM the esas in
ma Miuutle ta th atte, an h aril
dy ought to be atul wtil tie rrputtlsuM
tv m intsiltgvHt HiUtia, That nftloul
dsiausahip slit im W tt'lsraUat by
thiat who h uughl freotUiut
Mih party tyrant by aimulvinf lleg
isiu ta itid party luavhlnaa.
'lb writer ! wtih eiuphaaiv
t to MkiMing from au ankle by (apt,
Ahby Is the WurM Urk ul th
M tUMkithat has Itesa Nttel foaled
la enteMuU ami HMt(MSls, Aai
hlrMt dirair u placst th 4uttMrs
ey h Urea shusw, The aaaurauea
M4Milv glv thrtMtgh Mvpsrad le
tew ihat Vahln rs4kl wumVI te
tl. ma' titsv k alll tu the resist
aUhty of B'ir bslera Is the eyas f
the cqutMMi, bt it iUI t nu
gvim wtsriur Imi iat 14 tit ri
ami won th battle in the assured
lelief that many tiling radical would
follow." I .
Mr. Aohby probably thought it in
expedient to tell mors of tlie facts.
Hut expediency wlien dcall ng with those
who betray the people is a something
the writer never learned. If the act
of official will not bear th open day
light, then the X ray aliould be turned
on. The people had labored for and
voted that many things radical be
done, lteason, Jtietlc and ifrht de
manded that corporate greed be
curlied. After six year of labor and
Mierlflue, 1x year of bue, levuni
and vituperation, the people as tliey
tiuMight, bad gotten poiawsaion of th
law-making power, honestly bellev
ing that aoma of WieLr burdens would
be lightened, aoms of tbelr grlerancea
mlrcwted, but m consoling procla
mation that "nothing radical would be
done" was about all they got,
1 apeak from the record when I lay
tjJmt it was like pulling bene' teeth to
get any meusur of relief from corpo
ral ojiprea1on through, th last leg!
Idiurc, Th fact t th freight rat
law being held up by the court might
be made a pretext, but a valid reason
never for the failure to enact much
needed Icgialation. There must have
Ix'eu Nome cause for thl other than
fear of being "too radical." It was th
breaking of faith with th people that
mad Benator Allen' defeat possible.
Had not tlie re-electing of that great
triinii been at take,many of the renotn
iiiatcd lcglwlative candidate would
liav been burled beyond boiw at vr
hearing th faintest toot of Oabrier
horn, ,
Many of Wis people became di
heartened, their old tint seal and en
thulani had gone, and enough of
them vtuyed in th cornfield to liar
vet the beautiful crop Hanna gav
Uicm to nuike possible the retirement
from the United Btatcs aenate one of
the ablest and most) feorles cbam
piona of tbe rights of the maaees that
ever entered that body of able men.
The responsibility of thl great col
amity to the natlcn ehould be laccd
where it belong. Tlie laviidi vm of
money no doubt had aomething to do
witb it, but all know that only a very
mall per cent of the farmer vote I
purchasable, It was not that thl vot
wu purchased, but was disgusted with
nomination for th ieglMlatur two
year ago by the aly and to moat of
the people unen hand of paid cor
poration capper, who again carne be
foie th conventions under the plea
of tlie custom to give two term.
Far iHie benJH of thooe who question
tit prcMtlge of the corporation, I
wilt aay that In Furnas county a
change of corporation attorney 1
made whenever the control of th
county pnc from one party to an
other. When th republican were th
dominant party, tlie attorney wa a
republican. When the populista came
Into power tlie republican attorney
wa transferred to a republican coun
ty, and a pop appointed. Now whom
we understand what I the chief du
ties of Much attorneys their political
manipulations, etc. the hand of Jacob
1 made plai n.
Not an Abitraot Conception but a
Combination of tba flhrewd
eit Minda on Eartb
Khali I'iury Cease
Mr, R. Penton bos a pewerful arti
cle In tbe Silver Knjght. He start
out with a quotation from Ixrd Ba
con. Hut It ehould be understood that
when Iord Haoon need tbe word
"usury" he meant what we now mean
when we aay "Interest." Every acbol
ar knowa tlut the old KoglUh word
"uaury" meant hire for money, In
later year it came to mean xoesslve
or unjust charges for the uas of mon
ey, Many ok! words have changed
tbelr meaning, aotus of them taking
on an opposite meaning, aa for in
atsitc the word "prevenV which,
when th lUbls wa drat trsmtlated,
meant to aiat or go before, rkim
laorsona will have to settle with ML
t'eter fur th retention of th word
uaury la th revUed verakm of tbe
lUbla which was tsaued only a few
year ago. Let the fullowing aetlole
h ral not only th nuotsUoa farn
Un Itscon but alt of II with th un
derstso'Unfr that "usury" atesns aay
payment for th uas of money, eithr
gvrat or amatl
t'aury ia th Kstal juwerful facte
la th ruin of nations Ue I ,
Mioy I power, wwr la Us ttual
ewneest rated and UMt aubtly appll
raldy fno. It I ths lever of tha I vslv of Ih tuetdtselstu t.f riv.
Iliaallost and lit "moitey qusathts"
the iaaue furtu it aattleuMMtt will
aha and nuitnd all other taaues -f
Mir itstksuU ast apratsal btusnaa
lies ssta her Is A amies h( m
Mwk "What hsU lt aa Awwrt
doltarf a "Wha hU etstmd Ih
Ameetoms duller f I SI he wwdo,
"WtH hi the iviev4gs wt(l, aland
by aiMl alk,w that 'leva' to ha pWd
by atrsiei' brtUiln la ths hsmla f
a piievlv fs'iiat ai lrvsawslUls fur
eisa uaury ajiulUslei r sill ,tou sol
rather nln Ut 'iU' Is )ur u
lisar, Im m wtMketl a a puUiietv
iMKel MiblU awlity by thise Mi
neera of your soclologlo machinery,
over wliout you have at lraat a par
tial control through the pre and bal
lot box?" Till ia th hearts core of
American politic now) and th iasue
1 about to b forced.
With an in f) nit Mtlenc and an In
finite skill th hereditary captain of
the eosrnopolltan army of uaury have
Imposed their financial domination
upon tlie nation of th world, until
of ths clvlllxed government titers re
ineaiii but three which ar not com
pletely conquered lluiav, France,
and, Kiipremely, these United State of
America. For nearly a hundred wear
th head center of a mighty cmiaplrv
cy for the commercial domination of
til whole world has sapped, mined
and exploded one by one ths social
and political aclMiooda of notion after
nation by nieans of on ootiaistsni and
nerslMtont acheine, Th bug bait and
lethargio aelf-ceutrcd commerc of th
Hujstlon empire, ttiough they hove
mad the field the gombeen mans
par ad la and its pcol a benumbed
care, wherein tba gluttonou mag-
Jots of uaury have filthy burrow,
eve hitherto baffled th th Intrigue
of the great pollthxU money king,
liy a gotdu as forseeing a even that
of th ubliia Nathan and m aeli will
which scorns th financial ophiMtriie
of the agent of the epochal Hebrew,
Napoleon eetbllahed for France tlut
automatic and aidf-centered ytm
of national finance which, though
now Momowhat shaken, auntains her
at 111 In commeroial and political inde
tmndctice. In thi great empire tf
Iioiu ruled commonwealth the army
of th cosmopolitan gold conspiracy
occupies nearly every commercial,
financial and political fortressi yet
still, because the business sens
of tli great common people is ag
gressively awake and alive (to a very
considerable degree at least) to th
terrific changes which the "firm e
tablishment" of the so-called "geld
atandnrd" would effect In th eocliU
and political condition of themselve
and their children, we yet can be eald
to be free from actual subjection to
the He mi tic Manhedrim, and may vet,
In the near future, too, turn the table
on the conspirator,
Iet im, then, all of u who are not
usurers or th spiritless galley slave
of tbe money power educate each
other upon this most Intimately prac
tical quest Urn, and so hold up each
one otlhet-s hands In the struggle now
on to resist the troltromly proposed
trunafer of our call 11 existing sovereign
power to control our national mone
tary system into the band of a for
eign combination, who would by their
control of it etralgiitiway proceed to
wipe out of existence every purely
American banking institution would
once more double our national debt
upon our backa, and would reduce in
short order the selling figures of ev
ery bit of real property throughout
the country to tbe half or lee its pres
ent attenuated market price.
And there Idee bid below the thin
sophistries of the McCleary bill a still
deeper pitfall, a gulph in which Uni
ted States nationality would go down
to devastation. Do not for a moment
forget from now onward through ev.
ery phase of this batUe, that the
"money power" is not an abstract con
ception, but la a personal combination
of a number of the most ahrewd and
indominabl minds on earth, working
out a prearranged plan of world-wide
domination in most faithful and in
flexible concert! a combination mode
permanent by hereditary succession,
and the solidarity bf a racial purpose.
To it discriminate .territorial bound
are but as tbe different paddocks of
the cattle man; and tbe several people
who choose to "nationalixa" them
selves therein are but a so many
herds of stock to tie put to (iront
Even If th lying figment they csil
the "gold standard" system, were in
Itself the Itest monetary system, yet
yet would not Its adoption by Ameri
ca lu the control of the world usur
ers ring tie of ieraonul liewflt to
Americana Individually or to ths Uni
ted Hiates In it world struggle for
iwtional wealth and Miwer hcsua
the "homestead" of thi cosmopolitan
farm la the city of I,iUm In tbe home
paddock of Knglandi and if the Uni
ted Htate should, tinder the cum of
mI, finally and bind lug ly shoe kel hr
jieopl slid Institution with the pre
scription of Uat ssUililo Juggle, h
will no longer iws ess a national mon
etary system, but will as a air let po
litical fact, b aubjecl to th demand
ami requirement sf th financial eyv
lent of the llritlah empire, which ,'a
run almil'tuily (tests India) by (and
for th wider Milicl of) th tkild
HHidiedrint, wboas pismuIu cprrsUoiie
roll JuggernsuMik over the mere Jo
ci intrreata of any gten section it
lsTllMy ih- eongaries vt th ephMtd
hum mi, cal 1 1.
lint if, aa the iiiiIcium t.f Ih (fin
ing irlh grapple, lite AmerUsit e.
pis ahoitld rnn ia Uia cnplisls and
tutuie their eUtiug imKmohI iiM.ita
lary lo Its tslgtiksl coital i lu-
tttMtal Julliiria, that fuitiiaa eau Im
(iwari, sa lbs wlh franklin intend'
ed tl slHMikl lie, au a la supply thl
itaiitxt stih pWnsry toiuui of Uu
"AntrricsH" nwawy, smuimI, sls an.
rkvatk., aiul, ) sit, ul a hi
Itiiuoukly atslti ,alia," sim My
hxug basiMl! and uiarll. s ssw
i Un foe huiwaM atasettwHi uimn the
ImU uf a iihss Jiwt ayststs tr ollU
rl mssiHiy tksa Ih world hsa ever
iuIim-,1 U svaletH Sheila "wauty"
hall era- Hi A ml aitv place aiiMxig
Ih "baint inlerasl4 CI th emlsg
I'Mietl Ntala of lawries ast !
L t ui Beecna tbt Tampla of Liberty
From tba Folttloal
A Moral Foroa of loblima Oovraxt
and Unoompromlalai
niev Th free lllver,
F-dltor Independentl :
' A one in th rank who Im both
felt and deplored the gradual ebb of
that enthusiasm which characterised
the early campaigns of our party, I
wa glad to notice by reading tlie ar-'
tlclca of W, II. Ashby, J, Burrows and
your own editorials in your issue of
November 17th that some, at least,
of tbe influential members of our par
ty bad read aright tbe lessons of the
late campaign and instead of attrib
uting Hi falling off in our vote to ex
travagant causes, ae ie tbe almost in
variable custom, have had the cour
age to frankly admit, tih failure of oar
own method to arouse the enthusi
asm of our party,
Ae w olaim to be distinctively "the
peoples party," I thlsk it would not
be amis, In the quite interim between
the lost and th coming compel -71a,
to bav an expression of opinion from
those member of the rank and file
who, ihotigh not politician in th
commoner acceptation of the term, '
may reasonably be supposed to bav
some idea of the cause of their own
lock of enthusiasm. I think yeu strike
the noil on the head In the very first
sentence of your editorUd "A Grave
Mistake," vizi "The great mis toks of
till reform pre ie tbe tendency to
adopt the campaign method o long
In vegue in the politic of tbe coun
try," but I think yon ought to have
coupled tlbe party kadere witSi tbe
press in th iiiddment, aa roost of our
editor take their cue . from nst
In charge of our campaign, FwCer
on you eayi "The reform enovemenl
ie a purely intellectual force" moA fa
"practically avlentlfio."
In its inception it waa more than
thai. It wa a great moral revolt from
tbe corrupt and cold-bloody machine
methods of the old parties which are
fast undermining the very foundation
of our free institution. It woe a new
crusade to rescue the holy temple of
our liberties from th hand of th .
Saracens of political Infidelity. In
spired by th Deue vult tbavt rote
from tlie hearts of the reformers, our
early leader entered upon it with, all
ths frvered real of th heroes of the
old crusades.
What populist can ever forget that
greet swelling tide of moral nthuai-'
asm which swept through the Omaha
convention on the reading of our first
national declaration. What wae it In
that grand document which stirred to
its depths the heart of every delegate
and sent them back to their several
states to the very storm centers of.
political energy and enthusiasm? It
wo the moral fore In its sublime
courage and unooro promising thor.
oughnesa, from the beginning of tbe
preamble, with its terrible summary
of governmental abuses down to the
lust resolution.
Under th pell of that powerful
manifesto, discord could not breath.
It concentrated in on mighty utter
ance tlie Mlitilcal wrong em rights
of all. It thrilled through the party
press and our editors wrote as men
inspired. It breathed life into the dry
lane of men who had been politically
dead for a quartsT of a century. It
oMited the eye of men born politi
cally blind. It put "small politic''
and "MckHbok patriotism" to shame,
It was pre-eminently the jieiiples plat
form and not a alngl plank affair to
accommodate th politicians. The
rauk and file of our party hailed It
a new declaration of Incdpoiuleuce and
rallied around H with that whole
hearted enthualasm without which no
re fur 1 u movetitenl ca ever auweed.
A blow struck at that dewlarathMt,
iMiwvver covertly aimed, was a blow
at tba heart of th party. Buoh a blow
struck by soui of our lender
under th pa'lo( pla of "practhl
Kllllcs,M Hut four abort year efta
thai memorable seen at Omaha that
liitiiHSisJ dtwumenl, which brested th
breath of llf Into th people' lisle
lMuleut ny and mad It a living
axil, was put la "abeyance" to fei(.
tut fuahHt with a party not yet awak.
sued to Uts Isrrild eundtllwa whltt
rtutti II dec larai loos, I he laf
tf one parly, In totally U which w
war enrolled, aud whsh had v
ered with ghiry la our first hsnss
lakttis, huM down is favor of a free
silver esital, Need ws huh, farther
Kr th reus of ih hk at putstllvl
valhtaaiaMS Is aaba)Mst esaHklg4T
l wa as tf th etmUsestat etsigrsoa
had put Ih devhwelUis of IimJmimI,
enee la "sis; sees" after the are set
II f 1 he rvsliiloN aad wtstiwesd the
war o the alngl Usue of ewhMlsJ
latatloH. t ws aa If an tftia
army, staking a Wrilds aVewisj
trslket beftw Iks elthlrla of ths
(IVsUawed vai page -)