The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, December 01, 1898, Image 1

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Wealth Makers and Lincoln Independent Consolidated.
NO, 29.
rz xx xx r
I ft S J , W AX A Ai
auy -i i r-.x v ai a ta. t r i r. a ia y i i
, .XL-
Thar Muit be Action Taken by ell
tho National CommitUea
In Conjunction,
Tbo Way Fundi r Ha od "
Opprowlvo ftnd Wron
' ' , , la JMnclpla.
An AM Itlr,
Notii Lout,'b.. Nor., Si, 1808.
Editor Independent
1 wte iu your loet laaue of tb IkPKI'KN'
IKNT an editorial untitled "what ahull
we do." Iain glad that the iNmcpKNO.
KN'fbtwcomo to the curiHi(in that It
take money to run a campaign, About
lour or fi v year ngo I got up a plan lu
Valley county to rutwe money for a cam
paign, The plan wan Ilk tbl. I tried
to get the general committeemen in eocii
townahlpto aollclttue township and
rain fifty cant from each member, but
my plan fulled. Bo It I evhhmt to me
that there in no use for any one member
of th party or any one newspaper to
try to devlae plan to ralae money for a
aarnpalgn. W muat organize ouraelvea
In audi n way that wacun reach the
Tory rank and file of the party. If we
darlaa a plan letit benatlonal. Nebraska
cannot elect a president, neither can all
oftbowtarn atate together, Ho Ifwa
organic w muat do It nationally, If
tbo Nkkuanka JnijkI'KIWKXT cure to
mnk a national organization, coll to.
author a conference of audi man a VV, V,
Allen, Henry M. Teller, Htcwart, Hibloy.
Wand, Towne, Weaver, Jlolcomb and
the free silver men of congre nud other
prominent reformer and davlsa away
to rulae money to carry on a campaign,
and form a perfect organization. Tula
could only be dona by coiinaelina; those
rnaa to begin with and work It op lu that
way. Now I am going to tall you what
my theory of the next national cam
nalgnabould be, Call tbla conf.rnco,
mlV'r m OUv vunnuivniiuu nu mr mivii,
aitnoint a commit tea of about twenty of
lbs lwti ampaigmra w bafa and lt
thorn jwrfeet a theory for tbo next cam
paign, Thl will inakfl It national and
wa will all b working at tha Maine point,
Tliero la no uwa for n to all kirk on at
a tima. Our work mut 1 on ona point
and all toget her or wa Mball never win.
Now h to tlie money. How can wa ralne
itl It can only b done through th
preMontorguuizution of tha tbrea reform
partlen. I Ait till conniiittee of twenty
direct that tha aum of fifty cent bo ub
acrlbed by each meml)r of tha thn
parlieii. und that thla bo perfectnd
through tha national committee to the
atata committoea and from the Mtata
commltteeM to the county and towimhlp
cominltteea. Hupjiot that .very mem
ber of tha three purlieu would give fifty
cent am for a national campaign.
Till would make an cuormouN amount
and would not be felt. And if it were at
tempted In tbla way, It could eanlly bo
Now another thing, tha antlonnl com
mittr nhould know jut bow many men
thoy have lu the Uuited State to depctnd
upon, and that ehould Imi known the
flrHt thing. lt (bene twenty men direct
that through the committee, national,
tate, county and towneliip, a poll of
tha voter be taken and revised every
three month. The towiiHhlp co in in It
tee khall report to the oounty commit,
tee, and ehnll give the name of every re
former and every man' name ahull have
a numlwr. Knelt towuehip commltte
mau ehall have a lint of tboM rtformer
sod the county committniiian uliall have
alike it of all the townehlp of the
county, Jn tbla quarterly report to the
foiinly coiiiniitli-e, If every reformer U
numbered on the lint, nil the commit tu
muli will have to do I to report a man
by number if he move out of the town
hip, and if a man move into t he town
tup, all the commit twmuii will have to
do i to add to the bet, nud In hi quar
terly rejiort eeud the nam and number
ta the oounty committee, The town
hip committeeman ehould give lheroa
dition of the townahlu In hi report to
tti county committee, Thi mum thing
In turn enould be done by the rounljr
eommittee ta the elate eommittee, and
the etate eniiiuilt te to the national rtmt.
ml t tee, When thi le done It would I
ny to h h every reformer for a mall
amount (d moiHy to carry oa a national
rampalga and It would I done through
the commit und ewb-etiunittteee
With the gretiMt
Another proportion. We have too
jtueh leading matter. There le eo nine
tit It ht prttle pav but little attention
ta It. Our Mtirm lit are read but a
lilt Wand thr le ao way f ettiiig
pie la read (hem baar. The rpuhiienn
ora bate given llttia a bluk eye. We
Kittit ttave Miuialbing diffrul, and
iKmirtbtng thai I gonuiae. l I hie
eoniatitt id twraay ma formulate a
boot im the eelt ntM t luoury, Waat
l U the book eoatluT
I tret, the boot, kelleoalaia a treatle
a theeteae) tt a (wrluel itiim. It
ball be made aa lla ae mae.LI,
that the etiMtmoa waa ran kU-rlail
It, The lllulitloh la It ehall le lakpa
Irtiia hUtitrv et thai It raeaot t eellid
thvorvlkenl, thai U, like t.ould I dne
a far aa kepraeikabl. The bimk tumid
pnl tw Imi btag, 1 1 It ehiiald be Wegtky
fenaga lu wmwi the d plainly.
lttietL Tee h ehould tla a
treat e aa the tatara l the taoary e
bnva at preent, and enow it Imperfec
tion, and then the money we have nt
preeent and Ita Imperfeotlon ehould be
contracted with a perfect monev,
Kvery word of thla bonk ehould Im
gone over wit h all care that no mletake
may occur. It ehould be worded lu ucb
a way that ita meaning could not be
ambiguous, and every principle of the
money ((iieel ioii ehould be plainly proven,
,aetofall t'i reform paper of the
country ehould be orgnnlaed. They
ehould direct all their energy on certain
tinea, and thi book ehould be thor
oughly advertlwd by them, and ita prin
ciple defended when attacked by tb re.
publluaiia. A email amount of epnen In
every reform paper ehould be devoted to
ad vert le the book,
Now Miippoae the foregoing tbeoriea to
put Into practice, What would bathe
firet action of tha republican? They
would attack the book the Bret thing.
What would be the coiiHeqimnce? It
would bring the principle of the book
directly before the rending ntibllo, and
the more they would atirittha woreeit
would be for them,
1 meant to have euld tbnt the firet
treat I wi of the book ehouid ehow bow
tbo volume of money In circulation af
fee l a price and commerci,
I do not write thi to be publlelied.
What we do In tblellne ehould be kept
from the public. Waitkm Jonaaoa.
(The above la publlelied bucuuM It la
eubetintlally the plan of Coin Harvey
which It fa evident that Mr. Johnaon hnn
noteonu, and I aogood a etatement
that not only the committee, i,ut every
worker In the party ehould have the
benefit of It, The clllleully in the plan
that preeeuta Itaeif to thla writer la that
it aeema tooonUuuplute no organization
firet of the whole country, and after
that the collection of fund from the
member of the party. The perfecting
of an organization will coet an Immenmi
en in. How I that to bo done? The
publication of the book la a eplemlld
Idea. If any one ele ha a better plan,
the iNOKi'KMiKNT will be glad to print
It, Hend It aloiig.-Ko InoKi'tcNoeN'r.)
ICeoent event In North Carolina ar
too glaring violation of fundamental
principle of Amorlcnn government to be
ignored or paNod with a caaual criti
cism. Bundry person acting "without any
authority of law or of ruaeon have over,
thrown existing local government,
driven the former official from their
office, banished memcroue person both
white and oolored from the' nouk try on
pain of death and killed and wounded
many people In the execution of thoeo
peculiar proceeaea.
The excuse and justification of these
act I that the white people of North
Carolina will not put up with "nigger
government". Whlta peoiile who act
with the negroc are classed aa a part of
"nigger government". The expressed
determinat ion I that there shall be a
white man' government In the south
and the great bulk of white public opin
ion appcura to be decidedly In favor of
resorting to any kind of revolutionary
or evon.bloody methods in order to en
force the idea that white men only slmll
exercise practical right. J ending clergy
men lu Wilmington and other North
(tiroll n a cities bave publicly given
thank from their puliilta for the result
acbeived there through blood and vio
lence. '
The starting point of the preuut
trouble wa In 181)1 when the v.hlte re
volt ngalnet the old corporation gold
standard democracy organized a the
populist party grew strong euough by
combining with the re.nnaut of the re
publican parly to drive the old ring
from tower, to send Murlon llutler to
the Culled States senate and to beulu a
new practical era iu tha old north stale.
In 1HU0 the combined populist arid re
publican force won another vlctorly
electing astute tli krt composed partly
of republican and partly of populist.
Tim republic!! party lu a large part of
North Carolina le torn posed chlellyol
neKroe. A a natural result of I be populist-republican
victory u good many
negroes have Imu given lt.v ollleee,
been placed upon the pollee force, elo.
ifiib' thi l'reideut Mi Klnley ha
rnn.ltin number of negroe poetmoetera
throughout the elate.
The old democratic machine he raised
the old war cry of "nigger rule" a n
menu of reinstating Itself in power.
The great majority of white people In
the cotiiitle Mhur there I a large black
population have JoiimmI In the move,
nieut aud a a result negro suffrage and
popular goveramwnl I practically at aa
end In enetorn North Carollua.
Tha aituatioa I glvmi Just aa II k It
I a HCiilir elate id affaire lor frm
America. Itl prai'tleally guvernmeut
by lore and difrathl'aieut of lb
tulored population, More than that it
U bamshuiwut lor the while meu who art
with the negroM la politU',
lr. Peine Inn bought out the clothing
lore ol I'alue and Waril, Llneoin. tl
le now eellfd the I alae tlutbing lloua,
, diMolutioa aale U aw b"leg mad
w i t h d iMiHtu a t id Iroia 1 o to S I M.r eea t.
The iameid the etora tueaaa It le a re
liable place ta trail
Tk rvatu el IMttelaa,
Tha tendency td aviuta HeU la en
vpablla t aaiul Ihe awtatuvte) exipU.
The Ilea a galitlug aoaliidl Ihe poet
at 4lti4e4, fci tlivartttf Altaeli
Maetila Ivatal pariora. lf J, K. Me
Nat. eoreer IHN aad trta tVelk
Itinctrd wllhl aia. tbii I eiUege,
erowa and tnd a ull. l-u
otteetafVM and u, loard-atal
ami wulfc daae nakltt Ja kmo
Thoroughly Anafyiod by tboNtw
York Sun and Shown up ft
Yaur An, .
Lot aa Hava Mori a r Xiauad by tha
OoTornmont and ft Full Legal
Mtei1 by UieoldT'fiiUi,
"(The ollowliiff article wn rmdvad
and went to the coinjwmlug room, aonm
time ago, vvlierc, by aome jnlaclmiu'a,
It tfot lost in tha ah nine , The fight
itiuda giilmit these ruble of tha bunk
er which t ha jxipulUt piii'ty bua iiihiIm
ever elnce lla oipmilntilou will ba kpl
up, for tbn plmi iliyi. tha bunker bnvu
alwnya In mind J to mm tlialr prom.
Iwa to jmy und linen get jlnwet, on
1 bciii, la eucli n wwy way of making
money that tlwy will never willingly
givo It up, It will forever bit bobbing
tip fa noma form.)
Tli era wua liitrofiuccd In congreaa nt
Hie Itiet sckwIoii and likely to pnsa ut
tho next a bill, Jiotlee roll No, lW,l,
which coulaln iiicuaiirca which our re
piibllciiu coiig'reaeiomil ciiiulliliile
ehould ha (ixlicii If they Inteud to up
port, It wa Iwocd by Hm rrpuhllani
oiVlmiUo-a a "(Jloiopromiaa Currency
lU-hmn bill." ,
'J'bo New Vorlt Htm, altboiigtt rfiiuih
llcnn, jit April lust euld of I Ms bill;
'"i'lie coininllten proioe to add lo
our already aufllclcuMy dive raided ef
rency a new verity, u 1h calbwt 'na
tional rewrve noUi,' Tboea voUm are
to be leaned to tlia banha, dollar for
dollar, In exchange for legal tndr
iiolee, to ba clcponllcd by 1 h bank In
the trciiKtiry, and pnyincnt of tlicm in
gold its to ba aaaiiifioa by tha bnnka re
ceiving ifhem. A coiiijiciiaatlon- for
tha eervli'n tliua naumed tha bun It
n-re to bfl allowed to lasiia their owt
an amount equal to tha amount of la
gill teudwr tiolea they dcjmalt, Tha
biinha are also to be allowed U) Issue
note up to the par of tbo, government
Ixiiid tiepoklled ii a security Nr them,
but iijMHi such IsHiica iu execs of Oil
per cent of their capital they are to
pay a tax of 8 per cent, and iim an
cxt'ce of 80 iH-e cent a tax of 0 pr
"For tha redemption of tha pree
ent legal tender note all tbfl cnhli In
Ilia irenury In itxceaa of r.O.oiKl.OO'l,
It la set flslda ne a redemption fundi
and tha notea redeemed from it r to
be cancelled, , ' '
"To Kecure the redemption la trnld of
the notea naauiiicd by them, n well
a for those, directly Issued by them,
tha bunk arc to provide a gold fund,
consisting of 6 )er cent of the entire
clrciibillou of each leiuk. Such nre
some of the provision of thi 111' i
otber are ciiiinlly obnox loua, Tlii
Sua conniieutlng ou th alM,v provi.
iotiM nyi
"Tho niemtal culibra and cqiilpiiient
of 1ho 'oiicK'tor of thi achemo are
beat exbtbltvl by tha following Inno
cent renin rki"
COVKHIUJ IIY (JOI.I) In tliHrenaury,
a loan by tho Imiik to tho iroverie
men I.. Tbls limn I mndo without In
threat and without any comiMMienUon
to the I mi nh KXCICIT WHAT 1H AF
l'tlKIMCI) Til CM by the jeiwer to la
aim blinking currency which l grant
ed in ether eeetion of the bill. THKIHi
IS Ml I'lIDI'IT w return lo lb., buul.
lu thus currying tha tiaUon'a debt, end
they ore required by tha bill to 44
etiine the entire nbllvtillon a oiiiiih'n
utloii for the fruiicliUi uud piwU
Ion granted the iiutlouut Imnklng cor.
pom i Ions,"
Wl'l our render plea notice tha
tine llnllei) lined of the good Imuker
lu the bill, l'lrst they nuike a loan
to the government, without lnl-rei,
note exception, "KXCCI'T WHAT IS
N( ( CliltKM V." There I nu profit
or return to the Imuk In thu carry
ing the nation' dibl, Juet think of
It) the bank burning luoiiey l the
friivrrnuieut wtlbout Interest and cat.
rln(f the nnllou' debt from puiti bv
! loyalty, Surely the inilhmlum lot
'I be Sun In eommeutiug on the
eliove rlui "CwHuiili-iitig that tbe
uk ai ! receive le for every
(toiler of legal tender Hole
Y them hew legal tender lot, wbla't
tjiry eeu lend out on utimt, tbey rM
mt W lutld to mle a hail - the go,
rniinnill , and liei tbry ire. In ad
dition, to Im allowed to Issue upon llu
tn'iult, of their own el aloiut,
llo ir own ttoita Ht an eqn amount,
bl h tbey een alMi rnd on Interest,
the i,.M4 niiun thry ar gt f
ibrlr ( Ue would eH'nt t I pretty
roimoittfW fattber exhibit
tbrlr liuHH-env of prtul iMiwrl te
In thi" Ihe tHttitt aayei "In
iiuiMe ed t Itcel of the proMMTl bill
I iti throw Ua tee uai'onal tak
tl i.ili bbnla f fledtnf rM
tt eot- of tbe eo.iniry, 1 1ll KIP IM
mi Ht r or thuu Amt.irv to
Ini TttlJ If U t renhe by Uw, Thy
b Ihe power ki regulate Ihe rati
wltttlw tka tMtirvw ItmMa luatketl au
by ecommilo law In audi a manner an
to attract gohj to tha ooiintry by UK
ay1!!!! projHmi'd by yur aommltU1
provldin an rney and ndeqiiBt metli.
(i oif outaiMno oocij foii kk-
The Sun nyi "Ilegglng tho com
mittee' pardon, (here I grave doubt
of the nblllly of tha bnukK to find gold
for the iwil of the country,
They bave depositor to pny, a well
ii Jiola bolder, and four lime wlti
lu eleven year, tbey have defaulted
in their obligation U their deposi
Olf ClIICUI.ATJON which tbey can
product ilraw gold to thla country,
Tbnt result cen im e(Tcc(vl only by a
con traction of rilaonunta, and our rend
er I'D n judge whether emeb ciMitrm;
ll(wt following a withdrawal of gold
froirt the Imok would not rxpoae flm
j'oiinlry 1 the alarm and convuleloiia
wlilch Imve elU'iided the irold export
of (be hist five yenr, It la mora Mo,
ly tliiit fb btink, would In fum of
run on them enspeiid piiyincnt lit gold,
ii tbey hava heretofore ftiiaocudcd
peviiie-iit In legal tender,"
fit conalderailoii' of l ho a!ve and
ol.lmr currency bill a obnoxloua now
In4ing Jo nongrcea, wa urga our
IllOUglilJIll rcpilllleilll frl.iml U) llilnU
over these measure before voting. Jf
Ihey will not llateu to th wiiriilug of
Hliiine and other lata alateemen of
tlicll' party, Jet them listen, to JcltVr
mhi Just a hundred year ago when thu
siiiiie Imnk poww wn in the bind, He
wrote lo Jume Mudiwoi! Iluisi
"Vou will ace further that wa are
eomiijclcly aiuldled and inblled, and
the iuuk I ao firmly loount'd ou us
that we muat go whenever they guide,"
J ii cli win bucked the hunk olf tha buck
of ilia country juat thirty-two year
f lor.
liven Hamilton, tha great Anonlcnii
plutocrat, and moniin-bUl, nld, und
euld oyIlyi
"Crt Aiiierlciuia dlailaln to Iw luafrii
ineH of liuroM-an great iicaa, Jt
tliefJiJrNen eleli-e, leiund together III
aldct and Indlaaolublo union, concur
in arci'Mng one great Aiiierlcan, y-
li-ui aiiHrlJt' to tho control or Iruna
Atlanlia force or influence, and abln
lo dlefata the term between the old
and the new world."
Ift tha pwipln of tbo United Stnte
esbiblleh a monetary ayatein of their
own; ci'i'lainly 70,000,000 of frew peo
ple able to "illelale THIS TICfiMH
MNANCJAr, of thi country with all
traua-Atluullc or Atluutlo nalilon, im In flniiitchil unit tcra aloud by a
strict coriatiMicllou of the conafltiibidii,
seOllon 8, article B, which rend a plain
der tha McCleery bill farewell to (arw
er of congictia to regulata tha value of
money tliafc aacmlly delegated right
will become the prerogative of th Am
I'lcnn bniiht'i', Ib'tler far return to
pure .TackaoiibiiiJain and ndopt the
first plank la the Independent plat
form a n guide In flnaimlal matter!
"We demand a NATIONAL AtONICY,
without tha Intervention of bank of
Issue, Ui be a full legal tender for all
debta, publlo and private,"
Rubtv I'otlUe.
We are aorry that Mr, IX'inmon I so
ore over the recent election, but he
should not allow hlmscll to get too
badly worked up over what the paper
suid about him during tha campaign,
For leveral year ha bua been, you might
ay, cbhd editorial writer on the Itepob.
lie, During that time that paper, a
well aa nearly every other g, o, p, organ
In the etnte, hue oharocUuUed T, II.
Tibbie, of Lincoln, and formerly of Hun
croft, aa "Hack Tibblna," "Squaw man
Tibbie," and In short, everything mean
and contemptible possible baa been enld
ol him, on nccouut of hi being married
to tha bright and Intellectual Prlght
Kyea, a member of tha Omaha tribe,
Some of the Brtlrlr originated lu the
Itepubtlc, other were copied In that
paper, yet at no time baa Joha 8. lui
uion made tha crntcb of hi pea or
raised hie voice agint Ida co-worker'
method ol rampMiguing In Ihe Tibhln
case, It come with poor grace now, lor
hliu to throw tip hi hands, elide In be
kind aeeeond part v aud oa his bo tiled
tip aralh ou the Time editor, Durina
theautpatga Mr. I amnion wa treated
vry liberally by tin par and It ed
itor, ladted, oai pretty giant republi
can thought we were t io easy. W e die
tilt to i'ek haishly ol a lat opxuieat
bo defeated, bul we do dislike to
.-aiiiau f it til Ihlti4 a woman a a
shield. It U cowardly Pender Time.
lira, J, K !miaoa baa ruhe4 lata
nrutt and ldr. aa opa biter lo
lloa, Mark W, Murray, whom ! vig
orously apbrald tMui kU Irlend
HMWtloaed Ihe Incl thai Mr, lmuiou U
a aw tuaadaritta the retal earn
laia, Sheuidy provtbalhe l noo k
auuearasliive oa Ihe oil ol hr ree
teaa 'iriMklry,i'lhtaWate4 witol
T, II. TibbWa, aha b ar related
the oettud lut Ikal ae kf M at
kr kusbaad by publiiu, bnif
t ktonUl,
lli it4 drutr tore bal aol Ike big
(rteee. Itoj'a PHi aad Plwte. Hci.
mui.U. lof . liilll. Ill IWf fuMMSL.
totUl albaw, table, I krwtata
aid, A lre aorlMMit, lay atl
be told, rre will )! I heat,
Th Republican Organliod, Want
After tho Indlfl'irtfnt und
Pop did hot.
Wonderful Thing at Kcnow and
How ft Lady Fought tha
lUform Tlokot,
l!n'l Deererl llsr.l ahslli,
Kcneaiiw, Neb., Novcmlwr 87, J89S,
IWIUm? )mlepuden.ti Tho writer of
tbla article believe Hint tha ad I tor of
tin Nebimeka Independent and W, If,
Aahby of Hcafdca r inislahcn aa to
tha cauae why tha republican gained
In 'Mil slnle at tha lata election, I rc
iwmber tha liilervlewa of tha trform
efala ofllccuw-rkict two year ago us
tbey were publlahcd at that tlma, aa
Mr, Aahby I pleaawl lo call them "pry
pnrwl Jii!lrvlew," A for myself I
tutiver thought anything about them; 1
thought it a matter for jMillcy eakn,
Mif Iliiifc tha icpiiblicfta orgwn hud
Inada an atbumpt to make tha publid
believe tbnt If tha reform force were
aucccaaful, they would destroy tlij
mllroada, atop tha aar from running:
iwmi im peoimi won hi oti jn a wnoiu
ii MJ .1... ,.,.... .... 1 , , A -
iiji, mi iim rrioriu oinixn iiiiitMHii-ij 10
Inform tha publlo that they dldu't In
temi to atiip ilia eiwa, by aayiiqf, "Wa
are rwH rodw'iil,"
'ilia real cauaa of tha rrpuhUaaa
gala 1 aim exolain. it Unk idaoo in
ihi buwimhip, and aa 1 know ilia note
jus, a they are, und taking thi towu
slilo n an examida would, iwhuiM
glva ti ait hie aa to th condition all
over tho atat. lu JHW tha reform
force wero very actlva lu thla town
ship, Tbey organized aome three or
tour liioniji before iha election, Tiny
went u-f tor the doubtful votor ami tht
cnrclce, and tha fellow around ur
fence, Mfid tbey keot lb tin untJl af
ter election and tha result wua a grual
guilt, '
In J HOT the reform force remained
IniieliKj until election day, but ou cjrc
tlon dny they got a great jiiov o.l
Ihcmacfve ii nd the n-pubUcan were
aiiathelie, 'Jim result was'lbat in tfri7
they lid tha an me aa in 1HU0. Hut In
1M iha rcpubllcana wera very aofJva
ami tliey orgunlxea In tui towualitp
aoiiia time ' before th aleolioo. Un
known to ua they went afl4r tha care
leM, tha indifferent, ilia fnlkiwa that
do not care nint h which wiiy they rota
aud tho rewult of It wn that they got
aome or toem ami wa urn not owcovr
it until on clei-tloa day, tlien whan It
wua too lat, the refwm force went
to work, brought tip tha rear, and put
uji a aoii'i ironv wiiu aoma i.
Ho then, througli tha all II hunt th
rcpubllcana gained lit thla towiuihlp,
end what took place in thla towuahii)
tuny lai an caplanntlon of what took
pla all over tho atoitc.Of emirae they
may have mada eonie mietake, and the
manager of tho camailgn bIno. That
la to lie exjiectcil, been use tliero la no
on who I erfcct. A for ua, w had
t-tter leave the crlticlaiiv to the rcpu'i
llcana, A to tha Inactivity of tha
form forx'ca It I to be cxiH'ctcd, It 1
all voluntary work and from pura pa
trlotlam, coiuinlng time ami money,
How dilTereut it la with tha ngenta of
greed I 'ihey aim ply work for pay.
, lu Uil township there I aouicthlng
r)m that wo have which I aomewlmt
biugbnblei I do not tbJuk that there
I another cnao lika it in thu whole
Hint of Nebraska. There 1 a lad
here who preside over a column l).
voled to Woman Suffrage and Temper
mice," In tbo local JKiper, the Citizen,
'J im reform legislator rleeletl from this
eiumly two year tttfa did aoiiilbln,r
terrlbla, I tin not kmw what it wn
and I do not enre, but the fun wn
Ihi imagined tbnt Uia va cur
rylntr on a trruu-iidou camiuilgit
eiiiinat the reform candidate of this
tHiiiuly and of couree, afu-r tb elec
tion tha stamp of triumph U on tier
face, Yea, It I In her walk, Undoubt
edly If any one ehould take th trou
ble lo rnumiit in in or our local
jMier, 1h CltUen, afier the election,
be would find tit th Woman Suffraira
Column, aome whole, where tbl bidv
In aome myntrilou manner, played
th moat lmMi"tant pall, If not tha
whole lull, la defeating th reform
candidate of tbl county,
1'ii.ioubtrdiy tnla holy woui'i bke m
e that th I idle hould all Vol or
thai they khonld bv the prlvlleg.
I'n.kiubiwlly kfi wotk for it with all
her mlu ht and for tb cause of temiiwr
awe, ilul flier I another thing lb,il
he value toot bl,'bly than th aunv,
lid thai U that all tlxw Hopl
i d th Womun Suffrage ad Tein
raiiee olumu in tb hl pap"?
boubl Iblnk of hr a a highly edu
mtts lady, I l-llet b l nwie n
lou f.r thai than ivlhliff eb. I
Used t.i try In r4 tl Ciduum "D
ii,l to Woman' Kiirfiaf au.1 Tern-prr!!.-.
bi tlm bul I
a f,V tMc h,ihmi, fnuml w.nil la
il thnl I dUl l moliowUn-l I I Ld Wot
know whether they n tiwmaa or
Tieiu h, bul t einuHel Welwier' V-k-tiooeryi
t Komd theiw to im Nib'i
wmK d dl th Hinlig, "H to
my dHl II eMilil Woildna but
dry rot, Yea, w hat womltirttd
tbliiaa al Keoraaw. Wa hava ue p,
bill'! mevttuir. 1 aw rde l h
thn to., for, aa tl appa in m, teat
tb reform lajwtwr, reform writen
and reform pre hava a different idea
than I have of tha rcpubllcana to thla
It ana-ara to me that an ordinary
republican 1 believed to be, by reform.
ere, a perwoH that doe not kmw a
honest difference of opinion. Tbl i
a ad julataka, Tliare 1 a fellow that
come here to aoeiik for th republi
can, Ida name la Andrew, ric-republl
can congmMimnu from tha Fifth CI
trlat. Ha iN,ka hra aoino few year
ago,' The hist Unto 1. heard hliu r.mitt
...... .....-.! 4 t I
wn oon eiicr ji niui mm in a trip
lliroiigh the Jlo!ky MountAlna,
Well, Afr, Andrewa, iu hie apeeeh, e
plaliwd how money waa found in, tha
mine, and tho variouw change of
nu lling, coining not money, Ut, 11
ex hi id led a pice of gold ora and a
piece of silver on, 1 auiiiHiaa that tha
deacrlplbn h gave of ci uslilug, ainelt-
ing, coiniug ami tlmllng m way 1no ,
th lanka' viiiilla, wa correct., An '
drewa knew to a dead certainty Juat
exactly what the pop wanted, and
whut tlmt want iiicunt, So Andrew
pat after them a a republican aiul
kiKH'ka t hem out of tha l)OJt, Andrewa'
o h wa vry dnceirUva. and in tha
main It wua alauduia falMeluMM, Naar
ly overy republican knew it, and An
drew knew It, Much peclie are in
tended to caUh the aluma, th care
loaa and tha Indlircrout, and nea.riy
every repiiblloaii knew that, With a
republican tha and juatifierl th manna,
Vc, tint campaign tbmioW of rapuo- : ..
llouu are Ilea and falhood, and I
want to tell you right hare, th major.
Hy of republican In tha atata of Ne
braska know It, I do not hava to go
out of Kencaw townahlp to find a
hide-hound republican that know I h'U
the republican party la Nebraska etol
every dollar in eight that they could
get Juld of Hartley a victim, ami it
waa ued for campaign purjioaea.
You aee, in th later yeara It begtti
to be dcaperat with tha republkan
In thla jtata, All the thing are all
right with th republican, If ha uan
only beat tha mbterabla democrat and
popa. So th republican ail la hi
seat and chaara, "Oh that will oafah "
that fellow over there, eattdi aom laa
Informed pcraon. that will fix him to '
vot Ui republican ticket," and
afatniia hla fet and clap hi hand,
and be la tickled, "Ob' any tha ta
publlcon, "Andrew 1 a vol maker
and a great, amort man," Th repub
lican any, "Unim to tha grammar
ml the Kngllh language that man
can oomina'ud," So th republican
pat him on the back and awrar by An
drews, "great, good, amort man." '
Andrew used to preach at thla plana
and aoma of tha brethren of hi ohuron
ara ao much Irritated that they a.i
they apcalad ft good preaohcr to make
a isor jxilltlclao, i
it haa beau reported thai Andrew
aald when ha cam to th Fifth eon
grewalonal (HatrJot during the cam.,
im-lgn tliat be waa after 11 1), Buthar
land'v ecu In, , .
I do not hardly believe that Andrew
aald that. It muat hava been etartcd
by noma nilchivoiui eron. Wa uaed
to think that in tha peraon of Andrew
there wn o'niethliig locking, but can
not lie I lev that he la ao big a fool a
to innke iich a ataitement aa that. If
he did the little preacher muat hava
gone ewuy from the Fifth eoug-realo'U
al dlalrict feeling awfully bad, for ba
failed to calp H, I), Sutherland.
Yc, gentlemen of reform, lt the
Irldo-lMiund artlan alone; do not gat
Jt into your mlnd that you can con
vert him. The fellow remind me at
a forest that year and yeara ago woe
truck by a cyclone. The young tree
would twlt In a terrible abojie, but
kept on growing, but terribly crooke.
ami deforinol. They have their
growth now, btrge, crooked and de
formed, ami of oourae nrooke and Je
formed i tha htt atyle. Cam you
brnlghten that tree ? Yea. liy build
llf nil iritwa iaiuii nnii nu uania
around it, and applying jaiwerful ma
cbitMtry auch a hydra ,illo rem, iwik
acrewa, eto. .Ye, you have atralght
eniHl it now, The tree i straight. Ilul
what do you have? A broken tree,
broken up In abort piece, and the
tree I dead. .
You get afler a republican, apply
IHiwcrful mnchliiery by cxpbilnlng tlia
money trust nud It operation ami
bow ii n enhanced value of a dollar
steul from the asr ami gtvea to tha
rli b, nud what an enormous calamity
that he Wn to the common tseople of
our country, and that be 1 reeponai-
PI for that and I helping tltuaa eu-M'.
moii trust aiol I wilting t aril hi
country and kind Juat for tha aatl
factum of eying that "he wa abl to
Iwnt the niliM-rttld deiiioerat and
Phi.m Follow him around, apply the
riMtrmou luacbiiiery until h la tail
out on the cooling Uatrd. lla U alleut
now, Ilia hamu lay wherever you put
t bem. He haa eoppera on hi eyv
Slleite five roiiseiil. Now, do Vi.
think yon bv mad a pop owl of thi
rrpublieanT 1 tell youl Not IU a
gou to th Und of fir ami brim
tone, , '
Yee, we hav had etm peaetleal at
trieiiee, Our We I ibr ielgtNr I
republican aiul iher Jut a lem'
twtMvcn u, 11 uvr a hi akle
of the feiMM and I on mine, eml we ar
bavliMf II over in fnOie. I app!i4
imrrful itiaehluerr ami Biaaly got hint
down tiutil he Ma Unit til el i(
th khiwt, but h waa tit a lnible Rt,
It M nol rewlr I rri aufh II
rhange. K t fol In Ihluklef th il
Ur irr and a I wa not lreitng in
pr drill null Mr, 1 W n on hl.
o, of our h rt well and l IUI
rtike aiul deformed rrioibla-aa, h4
U th MvaMlio th devil gtHif ft
nI rrttily iml when thi republic
undertake In tht eooetry he
will m met with a very warm tween
I ton, t
nt taking mw toh e-aKMS pr
(It, an oilier tie.
" t