The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, November 24, 1898, Image 8

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Nov. 4, 1898
MSflaat Be Oaa Thla. aeBatlaar
Are To Lit if Tblak.
Now (bat Edition bn Invented a talk
tog machine I am hoping, b will Invent
thinking niaobia. Tbr it notning
needed more If b can do that, and in
vent on that will think right, it will
fc a booa to tba human raco. Tha graat
majority of Mankind don't do their own
Ibioklug. They allow aom on to think
for ibam. It ) ao inncfi easier to gal
thought secondhand. It don't coat
000b to get tba kind of tboogbt fold io
tba market and It woold ba all right
with Ibt boyer If tba article wai genu
itia, but tba wills, tha colleges, suhools,
newspapers, pulpit and print tbat grind
ot thought for tbe masses deel Inspurl
ana thoogbu, on political economy at
Everybody ought to do tbtlr own
iBlukiug, provided they think right, If
man ia too lazy to think or incapable
of thinking right, then it would La at)
Inestimable, boon to nave machine
tbat did think right for him, '
Hvr tbat tba world If etraffgling to .
gat tip on to tha bigbtr plan ofiuotill I
ty, equality and Joitict; now that it If
trying to throw cfl it old, Wornout
blldbood, bovbood garmtuft, aud put
ou a inauuood suit trying to git out of I
tha trota fore element of barbarism
Into tha realm of lor aud universal
brotherhood, it I to unfortunate, inch
a calamity o tba whoJ human rat,
tbat tha presa, lb great elty daliiet and
lb croat college, ecbools uud unlversl
ti, act a brak to bold back tba
train. It if tba blind leading tba blind
Tb masse art id thlr baud, a tb
lay lo tb potter. .
They poor Out stream of tboogbt 04
Clitinal economy tbat I por coont-ir
t. Tbey Uacb rror for truth and ila
asiv tb tatesea on vry Una of pc II
41c. and tb on who tria to bold Bp
tb train it dtoooucad a oraxy fauatio.
Thy teacb and th toasaei bJIv
that tba pretent read, obaotlo flat
ft tooUty If tb but and highest tbat
lb world can aver attain. Tbu they
er bolding tb world in tba old rot of
bsrtailara. What lb world oeada now
It a correct moral development. It it
aot Buffering now for want of knowl
edge. It la suffering aud bleeding at ev
ry poi for tb application of justice
f b antlr fabric, every timber la tha
atroetora of civil government, all over
h world la worm eaten with in'oa
' tic.
Tba anlvaraal law of competition, In
which it I every man for himself aud ,
tb devil for oe all. I a mam of moral
aorroption. It la anoial war, Belflsbueen,
aovloouM, aver toe, greed, tbaaa eoa.
Mitnta it aaeaalial element It da
elope all tba bad lo ear naturae. It
geake Itbmaalltaa af aa all. It ia a
aabaol of moral flta and a gotpal of
oral rot. Vat tba world Ullsv la II
and praetiea it aecaeasaf false teaoa
lag. -Rev. a Ogieeky ta Mortaa'a
Cleteraaeeal Jtallwar.
In Belgium tba railwaya operated
aad awnad by tba government bavt re
el oeed fare and freight SO per ceal and
do bled tba wage of tb employee aad
yet pay tba government a profit of 14,
00,000 a year, la Uarmany yoa oaa
travel four mi lee for a cant on tbo gov
arnment road. Wage ar lla per oeut
higher than when tba aama roada were
woed by private corporation, and tbo
roada furniib tbtUerman government
with a revenue of 126,000.000 a veer.
In Mew South Walea tha government
awn and operatee tba railroad, ttreet
tail way, watt rworke, dockt, telegraph
and telepbouea There are 1.17? milea
af railway, all but 84 milea of which la
wood by the colony. In IU94. 17,000,
000 passenger were carried at I H a"
per mile. Tha net profit escoeded $6,
000,000. All government malla and
freigbta ware carried free. No employe
worke over elgbt bonre. Kugiueere re
eiva $S. 80 and laborer SI Uu per day.
In Hungary, where tbe roade are owned
by tba government, you can rid all
mil tie for I cent, aud wage have been
doubled fine tb at.. purchased lb
tcrnda. In France, New Zealand, India
aud many other countries tba flat
own tomo of the railroads, and Hwlt
aeriuud baa just pail th necessary
legislation to acquits all tli railroad
f therouutry.J. UuocU Thompson In
" 1
rastafflea aei Teleareea,
Tb dt fU it In the postal service dur
ing the last fUcaf yrnr wi a little over
11,000,000 bo cartmr A a rule the
people feel more iuttieat In the postof.
Bo than any other branch of the gov
rnuieut, ami veiy tew vera a rep
wh tlr It ia eelf innUiiitng or nl
NVtiat lliey ilveh i an ellU'lvul mtu
at the lat Hnl I ett Tby otjH-t,
aoweer, ta the givruiuriil tl Hug th
aupriillial le pntl f tha ptal luiuee
aud lMilug l i J mule iunuHy the
proOtall n rlli Ut year the WM
rn Ualon Ttlgrpli uiMiuy elere4
aver 14.000.01)0, aiul a thlly that f
tb eaeii wee diiwa Imiu Uuvl rtaw't
i'hmr. tVittfrMeeUMieba twer la
atop t te pleHtltitug tf the goietaiueal
aua the l. and iillt are aow ta
blh huaete with tttel eat la view, la
IM Ibtt yver eeeioft eu! rteaia
tltee at it wiair heat law bill eel tf
aiMHiltletv tf I tef Httleitla
and daaiea l taeif paeeaga Jtarat 4
taa KalgbU vl UM
It will N nw4rle if aa eyaepeaet
I laeay pi lertaet la keaw tbat
a4f Ua rM uklag ejeleta Ida
haakl ai aW la et eeat vm al
aata laieeM la 4hU beatde aavtug a
aafa IttveatHieet I -f i tlt people ttMiey
a thef wae tela ta get tl The ft
ta ti teaea the f iteuieal aa
albwlif wbih fetvea beaka Tha Ir
tea ara aoiieervauia, bwi ivlaet
Tbaf taaioat tha aataia af th e
teat fMaa hrougt I hear jn
aaagvaea er ta aeetteei ar a
Ww4 teaaa ta ap fat aNtlewieai, Tha
laahi ka4 eahefaa'tal taeaau raaa
sjiafa. MaWafcaaalBBaW YttaBBBaV
ajaaajg) rawaVBaBa - waeiaBjwae"eW avvjaaai
ta Fao af Tempararjr Oeeapatlae)
Cuba ty amarUaaa.
Ntw Yohr, Nov. Oenreai Ca-
Asto Oaroia and tha other Cuban 00m-
mUelonera from th Cuban military
aeeernbly at Banta Crus del Hur, who
ar n rout to Waehlngtoo for tba
purpoa of laying before 1'reaident Mo
Kinley a reaolutioa recently adopted
by th aeeernbly ae to tb f atur of tha
leland of Cuba, arrived bar on tha
Ward line ateamer rWuranca.
"I will go to Waahlng-ton in a day
or two, to eee th I'reeldeot, and after
my work In th United Htatca la ao
eompliehed will return to Cuba.
"Tb Cuban bav no other feeling
for th Americana than thoa of friend
kip and gratitude. At for my eel f,
belief In American occupation of Cuba
until order be been restored, I be
Here Id th United Ktate having Cuba,
but not forever, i 'am for frr4 Cuba,
and to ar all other Cubana, There it
no aentlnent on th leland for annex
atlon, All Cubana bar faith In Mr,
MoKlnley, f
The Dlepateb Vrom l'arle Meaday Wat
a fake,
Tain, Nov, J3,--'J'h report tent out
from her yeeterday to th effect that,
on premutation of th UnlUd Htate'
ultlmatuirt demanding tbeolut ci
alon of tb Jtiillppln, tha preeldent
of th Hpaniah pence commlaeion brok
off ptc ncffollatlona, wai a , fake.
I'eac negotiation liav not teen
broken off, and 00 threat bav been
Teatrne Mebele that.
If ami, Nov. S3, General filoa, tha
Spanlah governor of tha Viaaya
(land, cable from Hollo tbat tb re
bellion of th natlv form in th
Mpanlth military eerrlce baa been ub
dued. Nlnety-aevcn rebelt were court
martial'!, of whom twenty-flr war
hot and aiity-nln entncd to iuv
prleonment for Ufa at bard tabor. ,
.Tba Insurrection at Dava ia
Mindanao baa teen tuppreeaad, accord
Ing to General Uloe, and tranquility
prevail in th reat of th lalanda, x
oept Nogroa, ,, .
Itloe aeaerta that tha Hpaniah garri
foa at Hollo made aeveral aortlea, in
fllctinf uloua loeeae upon th rbla.
Ila adAa alao tbat, at Hoho, tha rbel
aoaMa to beaieg tli town.
flllfflaee Want VaMagea, '
titT VakMoiaco, Nov. II. At th
falaoa hotel In thla city ara rerlalverad
a aamber of Very prominent filpplaoa
They oom dliect from th city of Ma
alia and ar an route to Waahlagton,
D. a Th object of th vieil to tha
Ualtad Btate Juet now t ta prate at
larg alalmt for damama hafor tha
Freeldent and cablnak Th damagaa,
th claimant aaaer! wra Incurred
awing to tha recant war with Spain,
aad aa attempt w.H be mad ta abow
that valuable property owned by tha
Filipino wa AVatroyed by th Amor
laaa troop. It ia not definitely kaowa
Jaat how larg an indemnity will ha
aeked for by th Filipino, hut It I ba
Ueved th aggrt-gat clalma will rab
vri buadred tlioueand dollar,
AU Cheeks Mar, It tara4,
WaaniKOTON, Nov. Il.Wlthia th
laat tbrea daya, the department of Jua
tie aad tb internal revenue burea
af th treasury department hav re
calved a very larg-a number af letter
and telegram ioqulrlugaa to tha truth
of th atateinent sent from Columbia,
Ma, to the effect that tb attorney
general had rendered a decialon that
beak check e drawn on funda belonging
to th payee were not subject to stamp
Usee. There la no truth ia thla elate
eoeuk It has been repeatedly held
that all checks on banks for the pay
men! of money are subject to taa Irre
pautiv of any conditions.
I IJIIaakalai liars Agala. '
Pa FMaRcieitn, Nor. tJ. -El-Queen
Mllounkalanl of Hawaii haa arrived
her front Honolulu, Th object of
her visit la ta try to Influence Congress
to allow her to retain possession of tb
erowo lauds, r.i'uod at f3,(MX),ooa
LlllunkaUnl maintains that, despite
the enuesallou of the Hawaiian 1st
ends to tha United Htates, the crown
Unde ar her absolute private prop
ei t.r, and that ths eountry ba no
more ritfht to assume ownership of th
lauds than it has ta UU lb property
of uy privet cltUeu.
Vrllft fu,
Omana, Neb., Nov. I J. James A.
tKiyle of louver eecured a Judgment
by default against JtrnM F, llyau, j
president of the IVtUnd Hold Mining I
eoiuauy, at tounoit Huffs to-day for'
IMT.utiu, The eui le for hmmv uii of .
tertatn sKsrvs of tb company' h W '
ami the divldonds thereon, alleged by.
pUlntllf, who was former treasurer of
lite ewiupany, to hav been withheld 1
from alia l th tiereadaat, who I
presldeat ot lb euwtaey,
Psal Bafltal. Qaartaa
Praisstustn, Mm, NuV, It Jsmss
M. Ktrby, la well kaawa wholeMi
laur dealer au4 aapttalUt at IM
plaea, ta aol(4efeaa thtit aa4. It la
thought, Istally woua4e4 kell
taHtfUII la a alosa quarrel at I
avUaa last teuleg.
Maiiial l ta raa
Nreiarittsi it, tl , Na. II Ooe.
e aor Taaatr ha U4e4 a peoeUaso
Ho piaeiag !' aal r fctattUl taw,
fha auaiMtaadtag oflt t le avdersKl I
tab p.sios) of all area la tat
haada af sataefa eUleea la taa dia
uw. ,r.
At l arte W. I s i Tea , IhraaWotb
era aMe4 tire sSj o Haataea
aaa4 Mtkau4 Haiewlaskt, bllU
hHh lastautlr, Aa .I4 fea4 ta Ma
t waa lb eaaa of th trouble, Th
Umaa wai anvte4 a4 ptaew4u
CvatariwM l tiata.
Tb hero of tba Thanksgiving of thee
modern dtyt of tbit modern end of tb
century I not tbochlvalroutbero of by
gon iime. wun nit nair in a en
and lacaa dangling from bit wrlata, bot
b atand a ttocky Cgura of berculeso
ttraogtb supported on a gridiron pedes
tal and holding aloft a grimy football
la place of tb aword of romanca.
Ilia faca ia masaiv with tba foro of
hi porpoaa. III hair recall tb jagged
ihrada of Japan't royal cbryaantbamua.
HI moaclea ar hardened wilb tb pow
er of iron aad tb atreugtn of hi deter
mioation to do or di. Ill armor it aa
assorted collection of pada And shields,
and, on tb principle tbat it i impose!
bl to get too mocb of a good thing, bit'
appearance on tba field of honor it ttrik
iugly impreetiv and forceful. The foot
ball player ruins tb lund on Thanks-
giving day. Hit vole It loud la tb'
laud, aud bll lopremucfia unrivaled.
JJarjuert ara waved at bm, and cbeert
ara shouted, Uauc proclaim hi vic
tory, aud beauty aitolt bis prowess,' II
la lord of tb day. Chicago Chronic!.
Bhflmt on th slny-at-home voter of
the state who permit led thla defeat.
Had these men iroi to the poll on
eleHlon duy and voted a they should
Henolor Allen would not have bern de
feu led, Hut hi defeat bus taught is
that while tb reform forces of the
state have tbe votea to carry the alat
and legislature ae well, we must not
be too confident, but moke -victory
doubly sure by getting out every vote,
in this manner we can again win two
year hence, when Henator Allen murt
be elected. -Custer vounty Independ
The republican never mad tucli
an effort in Nebraska to win the tu:e
a ot thla election, Tbey bav tramped
over every quarter section and solic
ited votea from everybody and th re
sult shows that all you hav to do is
to ask torn men for their vots and
you get Ibem. Their highest duty and
privilege a Amerleau clilens are vai
ued about aa much aa they would al
old shoe, Tbe reform force now e
that they cannot win without a olir
effort gt every election; that some
voters can be captured by smooth
tongued candidates and voted agaliu't'
tbe principle they advocol,--irt
Democrat, '
.' m 11, mi '
Oaa af the f raableeome Caeeee"
Hna Aaralwat tb Dose,
Lit many . otbara of Cleveland'
cream of lociety, I took my wife to tba
opra booaa two wk ago to enjoy
"Laoia 41 Lammarmoor," grand opera
aaitwaa. Clementina d Vere elctri
ltd tb anditnoa with bar Mbooled aad
tuperb vole. 8h and hr aioelfeat
company earned wall deeerved applaas.
But that la not what I wanted la talk
about I wish to nay eomeibing about
1 my matting wltb Mark Hanua fa tba
lobby of tba opera bona. After tbe flret
aot Mark left bia boi and atepped down
among tba mora common mortals and
finally grasped ma by tba fcaad and
f reetad me warmly.
"Ia aba not magnificent aad worth
tbe priref" b aaid, referring of soars
ta tb prima donna.
I tboogbt It waa, bot regrttd that
oocDparalively ao few could afford to
partake in tbo rare treat, and oonolnded
by eaylug tbat if I bad in charge tb
forms tlon of Industrial oonditioua tbey
would ba aucb aa to enable every one
who oared to listen to inch soul inspir
ing in oslo to do so.
"That' all very well," aaid Markoa
Anreliu. "but how in tb devil ar
yon going to doit? I veutur teray
that all tb millionaire in tb United
States ooold not stand it a weak to sand
every workiugman ta euch place of
amusement." - '
Triumphantly ha looked around and
noticed with deep astlsfactlon tba ap
pioval nodding beads of bia admirer
and aurely thought ha bad m pai
Seeing tbat it would be oseleaa to
delve too deep into tbe labor question, I
almpiy answered 1 "It it strange that
yon ibould reason thus, but It it quite
logioal if I aay to yoa that tbla very
olasa, which you thiuk tha milltotialrea
could not afford to aeud to plaoea of
amusements for one week, can, howev
er, furnish tha millinnsiro olasa with
palaoes, carriages, blooded ttook, yachts
and European couutt and prinot-s, aud
you will admit especially Ibe latter
come almigl.'.y high, and"
I could rot flu lh my reply, beranee
Markoa Anrellua was Inhumed by the
bead ubr that the diva would be de
lighted to reteive blin. The great tuau
then unceremoniously departed,
A ehatbily dressed Individual who
had luti ued to our couverulbi) wauled
ta know if Ihel well fed geutleutsu waa
a miliiouair. 1 told hliu tbat be we
eoiumouly rated a suuh aud hardly
would dny iAharg himself.
Well," tsld Ibe slrsuger, "1 wa
Very inauh lulerested lu your convert
tiou, Imhuumi ll showed meluwbia
luiserabla coudillui tuo wv ar.
Take iuyel(. ! luiUuia. I bad la save
a month la buy Ibi Mi kl, and olbst
people tpeud utouy iavtshly aud ml'
ltsly by lb ibouaaoda I trelly Ibiuk
we pH( at oaghl ta iliiutuate all
peopUwba hav tutu Ihaa a tulllloii
doilsrt "
ak kins abreplly haw h Ulead
4 la vote hi neat slsvtiw day, Ikit
Wat hit ausaeti
"That It uy owa hatittesa, a4 a
lady eUoald linabl Uul II. Hut, If
u must know, I am a ltpubiien
aad poo4 of It, Yoa kaw hew I wilt
The aitsla tbea to, and w imk
ear it I thlttbleg Ibal lbs i (a aa
aof utwa darkaaaa awoag tb t'uaioa
atsakUh luasl ta Is ujoe4. It Msil
llsaa eoald have heard ay anata
that with last taaa be turaly tl4 al
Weald aMttr hi tUia, "At hud aa w
ba ih I M foiioweit la lb a p.
Ultavualry isa(lraa" Hlwoai4
at laat Ihtt elauf UavtavsasaahiaaUs
likewise the t.atteaua, l.aaHia, Aa
tum-e 4 atheta -Ohati ta ileva
ia4 Uttaaa.
ne Bcqaeatlied ta Fraaca la HU Will tha
Uaty ef Aveugiea Ills Death,
Napoleon baa inma dead for two goner
at lone. In hie will by fovmal words and
solemn injuuctlou b bequeathed to
France the duty of avenging on England
he untimely d atb to which it bad oon
algned him. He might bav saved blm-
eelf tbe trouble. lie boa found avenger
wbom be Utile uspected among tb En
glishmen themselves,
At tb demand of thscredltor class tbe
irold standard eae adopted io Euarland
after the Napolmmaio war iu order
tbat the war dM, a large portion of
which was Incurred lo paper, mluht be
paid in gold, 1 ne rtept okuik Hlterwanls
b,v law made avabie, pound for fniuud,
in gold, t Is obvious that the bond bold
ere of (Jreat Hrlflu mulched the eopl
of that country as at a later
lierloii. the tiublie creditors of the
United Htn'e mulched the eople of this
oooutry, The hiigUxh eople su(iposed
that they bad long elnoe ti'ild the eg.
(enee of the strinrule with Napoleon, lint
by their buihimI luereaH in the value of
the pouud eterliiiH, IliatntrukUle is cost
tig them mora and more as t he ' enrs go
by, Alihougli tha war Is over, so far a
eotioerns dit ruction of men In uniform
and on the bat lie field, yet i heir ri 11 run-
Hon cou tin lies without uniform and
without the formidable formality of
battle Hues, Altbouuh three-fourths of
u century has elapsed siiiotlnt war ter
mliialed, tha conflict still rages, The
bi'H'i that were ixHiied ' to pay the eg,
peimeof those wars nr liiKrenMiiiur in
value at the eame rate at which uold in
(thm, whlnh for the p it twenty yenrs
is at me rat 01 two ami a bail per ceut
T aouutu. Johu I', Jones,
Ttie Siiy it H0hief
Tb republican imilorl'v in Kansas on
the state ticket was 1C,7'I9 at lust re
port. The populists made italiinu th
elite and lost heavily in the country,
lnoinr'iir le what ileteauu Ilia silver
He of Kalians and they bare no ou to
oiama put tbtlisei yea,
Lee Is Elected.
The revised returns from South Da
kota con firm t be election of Lee, I ulon
1st, for governor, br a majority of 4111,
The balance of the stat ticket aud tbo
legislature) republican.
Hepubllcans didn't gain a vote In
I'awnee county thla year, tut about
250 fualonista husked corn and re
malned away from tbe polla, Too ball
do better next time, boyal I'awnee
Comparing the vote of Rounders
county of 1808 wltb tbat of 1807 the
republicans lost six and th populists
tost three hundred and alxteen. Tire
vol of 1808 compared wita that of
two year ago tbe renublicana loat 20
and the pops 408. The atay-at-boine
vote thla yeara aa compared with two
yeara ago la 737, and including th)
I'almrr democratic and th prohibi
tion vote would make th atay-at-home
vote 800 In thla county over th IfliM
vote.-Waboo Wasp (Itep.)
The Butcher aod tbe Cook
Are Wedded
In their opinion that no matter how
niOMVour Ttiaiikt(ivinK turkey ia, you
can's cook it sHiiefHRiorilr without
00011 roL Our genuine Walnut
Block will cook anything to a Queen's
Taste, Order now sol be ready for
1118. KtbHt. I'hsal97.
lard fbeaelsi.
School .
it one? ot our reat ttpv-ci tltir.
Vc have thtm in Hox
Kaniiahui Calf, Oil ami IVU
blc lirain ami OunuU Kid,
ami at all (trier.
101 hottl lath lUMl.llatels.
ts ta Mil
PIO I a. US'
aa ista at
Prints Dlssaisi
Sft tfia li.t ..
W ! ia lu
a-S I iwii,
Ummm. BMaeavra
la sa4 fsetao 1 1
The season's newest and most desirable goods at end-of
the season prices and this right at a time when the goods
are most needed. We do this in order to clear up the stock
before the holidays and mean to close the lines here regard
less of the sacrifice.
Attrakban cloak for children, $5,00 value
Special Offitrlng In Iodic capes, 5.00
Ladle sera, ribbed H 'eci a" cotton
vests ami pants, alia graof, per A c m
garment uJt
Lsdk' all tool rlWi vests and
pants, uatural color, fl.S.3 CPA Afl
quality, xr garment ..... if I iVU
Ladles heavy rllihed, fleC lined
union suns, natural or ecru, J 4a
0 quality, euch tut
Children' fl-ece lined union lulls, A Q a
drop seat.,..,..Av,'.,...
Hoys heavy ribbed gray ahlrta
and dra were mr Kifineut.......,.,
Blankets and com?orts in
all sizes, styles and kinds.
Morse blankets and winter lap
IK'IO P fsltroot. North of Posflofllo
IirrfMt etiM'k of New and Second Hand Rtovee aad Rana: aad Paral
tor, Tinware, Queensware, Co ttlery, Trenk, and Telesnoiiea, at lowest
prior, lias li(iit room ia which to show eoods. with 1,000 feet addi
tional floor apace recently added. TELEPHONE 7 '18.
PorlfylfitT Politics.
One of the resulta in the recent election
in Idaho, was the election ol a great
many women, esteciall.v to tli tiosltion
of auMrlnleiident, of schools. Two
women were elected to the state legisla
tor and tha state sniierlntendeiit of
public Instruction Is a soiniiu. It Is to
U hs-d that tills protends a puriQcu
tlim of polities In Idaho,
mam un ice
O Mi reat,
Lincoln, Neb.
Chronic &
amm Diseases.
I .mi
AM 1'iivnte ll and iioui,rs if
M. n Trent H.ei.t tr nmd, t'on.iitailon
t li KM SYPHILIS cured for life. A
lr ms m KiiwM asie aud lit-
nas of iinn,
lnal.l. u tuar.blv la sit rM r'lls
mi h l-, 0i.l !. ),.. . ill.,, bl.aaL
klhH4 klil'., Sim, .u. M .US' Ml, A lt hi
lw II tk lrl. Huh ,.!
O ri r lUU tlJ H nil I'llvM, IUht
tm Mium iim, a lout oa lut a i
Ihmh, ., Mk,M, ar l.ksi ar-
l -ul ll.
a aiM aotwst r sHI
(WsMUalliiN , f'i-l lt ai l
t l .k .u. I Mm Qjlj
yr. oaancs ocariri,! i u i,
110.10 12010 $20.20
farmere NalUieal Cot.r aad I'aa.
tar.eaa ,teitlisral 'arllaiMt at
l'M orih I'nta,
I ha i'alna i'an Ba Itala L,.. I I, I.
? !.a, u.,arMM at r'nt Worth al
SiVa.l MfMlea, i.a .M.
la iie a 'II Iw . aaa. iHf 4 a
II IMwj.,1. h iL .
amnl M rtara msi III 4ai. KaUta, aa.l IlI.i. ... . . . .
K aa) 11 Wm atreel tst eViea I
K. U. Vt..aa.ia, i,X, stw,
, 4W 1; 1, a.
. ,
CO Ladles Jaeketaranalnor in f O f C" I-"
price from 7 60 to 15 at.. I "4 J f l"
Tailor mode suits rnirlnr In f O Af"P
price from $15 to 2T, at.,,1 "0 J "
Ladles and metis flob.'S.ejteel.
len', Xmasglitsjprioeeffn 7C ($ C AA
ranging upward from If 6 f 9 to tf 1 VslIU '
llii' k lo toshes for Indies and men
piica raugingupft-arrftfiq AA (J A A A
ir jiu ....
wool eiderdowo dressing
Ladles ripple eiderdown wool dresslngj Cfi AC
aucquea, all color and li", each fty 1 sfS V
ldordon clonk, ach
Misses heavy fWc lined ho, Hernia
riorlriye, lih rib, spllned bmnc
and toe, iloubl knee, a pair as UU
Cliildrens flue e 11 sh mere hose,
111 rib, rjouhla knee, spllcedA A A
heel and toe, li pair for, ., m S V V
Ladles heavy doobla fl'i'sd
cotton hose, til spliced I'eelACfV
and toe, double sole, per pair,..aa w I'
Ldl. a flna roslitnera liose, aplicedQ A
heel Mud toe, double sole it pf,.l)fv
Mens fleeced cotton sink blar-k
and tan, double sole, epIieedACA.
beel and toe, a palr.,.,....a JU
! Our new catalogue mailed
free to out-of-town customers.
"The Nebraska Mercantile klatuaf
seems to bethaareat people' laaaraiMte
company. It write carefully, olleeta'
promptly aud pay when Ion oecere.
We ra a only bear words of eomineada
tio for their manBer of dolus; btt'lueee.
They are purely mutial aad eaa ba
tented only by trial."
I a part at Clianr la Time aa VU aat
Coneernlna Huinle.T, No?emfer 15th,
the New York and itoston Ki press will
leave ClnOMiro ilally at 1 (:!.( a, m , la
stead of H:'l.l a. m as tormeriy. Other
trams will leave daily at 'JM P. m. aud
ltt;ft5 p. in., na heretofore, The earn
hlxh standard of ttiroiiuli train aervlrax
ami eicellent eqnlpment will be main
tained, aa In the past, Noritr fare
III oerharued on hnv Iralti, Hates al
s.vs tlis loweat, Hlwpliiir ear span
may lw reserved for a nr Inure data.
I'lileMKO pne Hirer slatlmi, Van llerea
street and I'-ieifln A,,on th U)op-.
i'lty tirket olfliK 111 Adams street.
lawyers and business men
who are particular aUiut the
appearance of their stationery
should leave their order for
that clans of printing at the
.NDtrtNDKNT, UouU it, try it
Viae Mast Ma,TrMt l.ioiaa, t , !
lt uniK.a an. s.ihitia. ,Uni u4
tiMuu.aiQNLY $3.00d MONTH.
Xrn an t S.'ll lwaiw ef atrt e4
W iillt ! . i,m Sua, '. Ian,
K:tH 1 . H, a .m o-i aiai-a
..I tivMt t,iiilira lue l'iii J
IiiIi atM nmm waiiu-i'M ai4
1 i (uu. S'M ks ea
Tow Fco System
Taa sttaaHt slant aall k'as M
0M, t. (mil 4U44mi'iI k !
-s suatiaa 4it ai'Haawa l ear
tSomo Trcclmcnt v
'N t aa 1riaa it a Mil le f
ISi r.iH aas..l,l . t i-a
a.l M aiaiMM ll ss I U K ,M
Tha DraiMi MatMet Inalltui.
I. twA tei a NVas Va,0ea,
hVa4 the saraka t ar, ft WV
i i