The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, November 24, 1898, Image 1

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    v i s ' ' St .
Wealth Makers and Lincoln Independent Consolidated.
NO. 28.
Th Lord Only Knows Wit will
Hppn ifThtf luccwdin
Ptrfaetlng Zt.
Wntn Compfcrad with Powtr to
tUka Wf Daoltrt I'tmco nod
Control all Propartr
win Tiir naeedf
Tbt bank, wlth Ui impudenca d
effronterr of hi sstente majealy, k
ibe Government to transfer tba "'
tgemeol and oonhroi of nntneiea
to banking corporation!!. President
McKlnley nod fctfretary wm
rallied themaeivet to tba oohieaal '
tU of Indorsing the U.nkf scheme,
Thft ftcliemt I'OHlftina t1l HKt MJku
truwt ever devised. Tblrty-eigui un
red banking aeaodatlonn
tannine bow JW"' f'1"..?
kwiied and who bil aopp.y iu lM4i
Congress be Induced to mato 01 ap
prove uob robber nwlittnnf 'rf
Wry Cbsee, who reincluantly oonwetit
C4 to the eatabMim-nt of our na
tional banking eyatem, made proph
ecy that the tin would t'0MS when
there would be lerriult "Wnfitet '
tween the people and tbt banks. With
Dower 10 control tbt financial legiela
iton there will be no t
tborlty they wou-1 exei-dse w wrj
department of government. We have
been wurprlaed tbat tti iwptt In
ii(fftWr wbicb ntwuld be Kid
wben Wit ft- w known In rrd
to b lDfrnou pwKj4tlo b wt
Bte.r1!ld long ' .
tf w lit took in Hi OT(fnlytln
f ut of wiUow-l bk, Mjd
,.tlt H wm Uj wWUke of bl 1
4rrr to b comtmA to t1i f'
bkwojk! . TUj wotiM b b, If
otnWrilntf, t toinUot tb hmtm
wrUw of b ' Wbolo wno;
rould IWk urreiw7.WMM
r irnc, m tbflr mrfert mt rrd
etAtl. Tbff could
nkkc pwMJo wr uM)ynirvr
oldlnf U nlftrw of wr, Tbj m
pclkd Vwwldrwt lliy to
Ul WII by (brMtnlnr to Mil in Wielf
Ireubrtlon f Conwwtloniftod tfl
rtfMMl fcoind t iftwer io of
lt tiord ovfy kntme wblthM" wt
f drifUn iwtkm. !
t'rwrt M.a Oil Trwt, d,uM4h m
they t, tre ' beneltont fneim
fmTmrl with th montj trut w1lfh
prmklDt McKUlty wk vonr to
crewte. '
tke Iemiaj at Webre-he CUfU
mm -A.l" In aef Beeae ef
the Wore, ,
"I ftava never vUlted fit b,iwl ay
him," remarked a traveJUi(f eompwi
ton, m Uie trail rwtibM on toward
L'.l.ruLl CilV.
"Panlon me,M I replted, "There is
-.ut. 4n.LituUoii lu. the Uwlti
14 X - ' "
What U it, Uien?" waa t1.e crurt lie
alate wbooj fr the
Uln.1. at Nebraska City," I lj'nl;,;
ami If you e.wu:d ley it a vialt II
nriulit 1'iova a gl ye-ieiier. a
Ultle old houeeVliUca of pride or
tM-euly, where a few awkard. dean.
dent, onforliinalee, huddled toKfUier,
and aimiMMi uy hwj
vimnIv fIk wliu he a ri.tiie fi nMt iieeullar cl.eriiy. Hueli is II
i.U'lure wl.l-h iwpiiUr Imaifinalb
una urwii "
late ltiUluium
lilia lillhd. NIW CUIlie
Mllh me, ami
Lm,i V.iiiI, will oiteii
One mile
from 1 he ileiiol. in the inhM of a ten
,.f Ihwiim. dide trer
alM Sk I ii i , i I SI ft lntilitirir of rlck and
i.Hir kitMtmi hiuh. and three
(.i erniii Its lower
(.... aiaiea are vutble. It Is waimed
Ihioiiirliiml from II SteSMI li'Allt. SIX
lighted v.Hh gs anU e-tilciiy. Ait
.....L. r. a laniior. and a iviuhl wstrii
f. a If to tuoal sl(tle to tl.U
tMaiillfil homei whCa Mr. J'Hir. Wie
a.toiiu.;i4.el hmiImiii, aeite4 by
t.wm ilttuiffki U. keen Ihe hn
i...t.i ni.i.u fti.iuiiliitf amiNitlily, Mr
ftj.l .i.a I.Aa Ilia retikMMlldiitV o
Im,iiih ii. I imii 1 11 1 Inn aiMsre with
' - I m '
11. a Mi.iUI. ItliMlu'
In ihe siniiIuus spttitmenle, in tle
h:: aid alsliwaj, and erflowlng
mi ihe front sni, sre virfiJ " '
elik, 'Are they hltn.l' WhJ.
Lul M.ev sHi to li a f.fHe Ml
plf tti ei remind Ihem. 'i'hev
are nwl indents enr liiiHatra, bul tn
iiiH-.-lii7, ptitbg, Mid exiikiag
Whs) lake ear of ftm? 11ev
Uiemarlve, f wn, Tte, a t
ll arnmaa. Mr. II. M. II. I. ker
tttotherlf ee un the lii:a si), awl
W tike an eldr staler In the joneg
fc.tirat ami Mra. f, rtes pejlwi
ettet "tNf fiwiev iHrtier," It
U aMi f.f the lute !), Halt the
raith nf rtae sriHtiea nwtiUl m Hee
ert. If le Mrenta f the htinl
eh'k tvi wii!ii iraia hi .1
Him .re, Whire wmllttf Uieiu out
akiiMiixt irnet.
Itofeaau William A. JM. the
principal, Uwg ago utnAti bin mark in
tb educational, polltk-ul and lii(lua
trial world, ind now dw mora orlif
inal tblnklitfr to tlie hour tbtn anv
otbrr man of tiy aquolntau. "VV
Lave a govern mm t of rraaon. by ra
mn and for rvmn't" b fxplalni-d. '11a
boya and iflrla ar allowwf to promen
ade (ojrefher In tli recitation hour,
and friend from Uie city are owaaloii
ally Invltrd In for a olabl, At ill
ani'b tlirnw, tlie etliueiAe of the brat
iKM'Ipfy in olrJ,
The ptipll are alo trained for o
tlve wrvlj In the induatrlal world,
the atete and the church, 'i'here fire
very few rttU-tt but If rude or Im
moral pupil la admitted, he mnm yklde
to the uiward current.
The ahop i furnished with wwwlern
machinery, and under the manage
ment of Mr, Clark Jlrtu-e, who lend
the young mew brerely to face the
qticMlon of bread-winning. Jirooma,
hammocks, flyneta, rua, and mt
treaaea are pt m the market, i'l
ano tuning la alao tauirbt, The tflrl
learn nm'ful handwork, ao long aup
poaed to be InnejMirablfl from the blind,
la uaed only to train awkward Utile
i'rofeaaor Jonea baa (fathered bout
film aa (fraud a act of twu bere aa can
be found in any weatern college. The
muale department la under the direc
tion of Miaa Maria L H, (Elinor, a flne
riollnlat. Mlaa A. C, Adama traina the
volcea, and rSouaeley irlea piano lee
a;na, Tbeaa ladlea received their mil
aical ad neat bi at the ftoaton tkmaer
tory, The are aealated by Miaa Ma
ker and Miaa Tnieadell f tble Ke
braaka fnatltutlon.
There are aeven planoa, an orgtn,
and a well trained rcheatraj and yet
the ppile do learn aometblnsr bealdea
The aebool eomitrlaea ft klnderrar
ten, prealded over by Mlaa Jennie Hol
land of the Iincoln Norme) aeeen In
termedfale (rradea, and a blfh ahol
courae covering four rer. rrofeaaor
William H. Wood and Mra. Wooda, A,
M Iwtb Irom tha Mkblgan unJveral
ty, teach Hit Knjrllab lanf.iafe, liter
atura, fMarapby, and United Bta
blttory. Mbta Xnnla Hldewell, from
itickford Kemlnary, lllinola, teaehea
the reading and wrttiag of ft York
I'ointj alao $hrfnV li)eflaeval fcnd
"iftt Blaiory and Utln. AlpliMa
WeTafftrt, lh. !., of Hyrauae, N, Y.,
teaehca mathematba and other eb
eneea, and Mra, If Ta wart
Ing and ttidnatrial work for tttlrla,
UUm Carrie Jonet la librarian it r9
dra valuable aealaianee to tnt papiia
In their Mat of book or reier..
prfneipal blmaelf cape the elimai wHb
a, dally drill of tcofiowlaa a4 aoofal
acienee. . ' ."
-I ehell (rrrtttaw ntn year,
manlr voutb of Uftean. "And what
next?" l eaked. ,,Tbt aUtt univerac
ty," waa the prowl reply.
.... .... and ell moves wim "r
nreelakm end amootfwee of ehjeV
work. 1lke other state schools, It la
. . a
idenominetlonaJ. Tlie mmw
hnrh and KunritV whool
tlinal. The tmoim a tie no
whatever church and Hunsjr exdiool
ey prefer. Chaia-1 enerdaee are held
ery morning, which the elty pee
rs ara occeaionaily Invited to ea1,
nd tha puplla have prayer mm"n
I tilr own. on the thriatlsn Kndeav-
or plsn, every Katurdsy evening.
With such a iireu i" "
force to execute, and some 01 Jie
t,et talent of Nebraaae to prscm-e .,
i.i. i iiwnine an Kieai btihmh,
lint the aiuiHiprlationa are ituuicqiiei
A,i,iiiuiiil and more mxlern appjr-
I tun la needed In the achoolroome; a
irrmniaium la Inrtlspeneiiiie, 11 ine
V'. - a ltl. it... buMlHlrl
liilii'l are 10 apnr n
...,i if i elila are ever to lie ueeful
at home, they should hsve s kitchen,
In which to learn rtomcaiio eeoii.m.y.
Theae are only the private opinions vi
k . il.. tUmum dHVI
one w no naa rci-nm p.i. ..
aa a r I" Inatlttitlon; out niejr
are b4!l Oft the experience of many
yr"r"' .r .t4 Tl II IHMI'lt
Stl Aitf Hlrileeji,waaiae.
rase, Hef-rms'i. auS ll
uHt4rr ti.
Pierre. H, l , Not. lft -W hile there
hua l.ei.n no itllicl'il returns on any
of ihe three eou.litutluiisl amendments
..led l.H Mt lb UleekethiS, It s geiief.
ally eoiile, tlisl Ibey hsve allearikd.
I'ha liillUtivs nul f lereuiium, a
..l... II..
Hieitaltr ll lS l
amendmriit s paued alike hgUlatlfe
i.u id 1UT, ahh li aasetroiiiiiy -p
at. r .a-eel,U pro-Idea tkat at
.i lima tii'M
five liereeiil id Ike enter
(.1 i,eie,lelie,leien a lnl and I lie .erne
tttlireeelilel III IHe hl'e'SH,
HMvt.all sen I the M, a p 'lt.
itilil A lam W. Hire II t In tetmtte'l
... Ida imii.iw atl IKS iiinie em'"
Mii ima. 1 Its" vi ' i. maila HtaMitalnr m le "gia
Ulare, ah. lae ivear is Kitlled
.. eiM.i.lee' Ike p..ef ua ek
law l tie ihrf provt-hs that
i... ..I Di.Mieil id tk enter id th
late ear Us) psM.d I t Ike Ir.l.laiwe
HiHl I pele. 11 lk d at Ike
Mil . rsl i tt"S belora It I
ih..ifc.-f awealwal a t.i.ld thlea
.... .i.i ..ij i,i is iiasii trMii aw.
.tee a dt-'isurf sftem. ike mmi id
,.al...H l I- ' dl bv the
aiMN l l Ik trftt-UtS'
,tnMmie I teemed eoinea hat Itk tus
t'aeidleaj f . . .........
The nail nt Let a wean mea e"tmei
. . : i ..i,.. .k.i
;:. . aa
Pop Scribes til Ovar tht Btata
Sharpen Tbo!r Ftnelltand
Writa Zt Down,
Ii woi the Stay at Horn Votsr Who
Cttuaed ll tht Troubla nd
Tbay Tail Him to
fthare Urltlelsej,
The nmiiillet ut lb la Cdontjr will lenrn
from fueedny'a rcouir that over conn"
deuce in numbers will not entry an eieiv
lion, Tbeetwy nt bomevoteturma tne
tide of this county lutavor ol K.N,
alb n-lkiMVer City Tlmva. ,
The tionuliafa id Hamilton county
btv demonstrated the fmit, that tbey
cannot be aold, Tbey ere aold out by
hoik oil be no-celled badera but tbey
falb d to deliver the gooda, The men who
toui(kt the ticket under the guieeof poll-
ubeiHahouliJ lelili fcefl ii muy iroiu me
party. Tlie will Iken e-wbere tbey
have belonged all the time iu the rcpub
bean ranka. For rcpubllcaiia who hiive
alayed with their party because tbey
think the party la nkiik, an aopi wm
liN li, reamci. na a believe every man
should aoreblp (lod amordlng to the
Oletatea ol bla own eoiiemenee. ao we oa
lieva ha should vote, Hut when a mini
oreetofmea take advantage of their
poelfioDlna. pari to disrupt If, they
re traitors, and oWve a traltora fate,
oJe distrusted by men of all part lee,
They tiara also learned, what tbey
should have keowo before, tbat a tnau
may bare Influence ao Jong as lie la rigiif,
bnt lose it whea be proves liiuiaelf un-
worth, , , , . ..
Kever In tba bMorr of tha atata have
the republicans made ao deeperate. a
fhibt losiving Nebraska Into line for the
repobliefto domination as In tba lata
camign, r, very ecuenm auown w m-
aortail to. apeaaera were mioriei u u
aeore and a mint oi money eoamuuie
t.y corporal lone and otnere, waa, u
paoded. Buperlor Man.
la tht alactlon two years ago tha pop
ullsts woo without record. Tbisyenr
wlili record aa good as aay party ate
iireaenled to uy people, they '" pw
loasly aeatrMng defeated by flirty
with rstord eorreafioBdlngl ewfrupt,
Now Hie this fact wbktti mafcea the pres
ent political situation tnke naa very
serlona look. It la tanalag thouaauda
of tba best people oftbeetata to nek
each o,uetioute theae! "If ofljelal in
tegrity eouata for not blag la (Kditlce; II
aboneet remn-disof no ?alu toft
irtiny la winning n ebetlon, whftt en
mHiragement have wa to hope for good
government tbrouwb tba ballot? Can
the laaua Mween hooealy and diebon
ealy ever be prevented more clearly to
l. ,,.U ol Niitiraaka than It bus leetn
(taring tbelaat campalgnT-Cedar Itap-
ida Outlook.
Now that election la over and tbinirs
bMvebeen nettled for another year, let
u vet down to buelueae in our atate.
7&0 difli rent paiera,
Tdaenerirello hndera and thouanuda
of the tried and true of the rank and tile
ol the reform forces scarred, iioimeii
ai.l laninl I'unii. out ol Ihe on I lie oi
the ballo'e,' le nrluix the banner ol par-
' a. a in t .a.J
ilel victory, KUetivitie niauuMru,
Tba election la over and Hberumn
eouiilT haa aaaln given a popullat inn
lorltv, Tole eure the iiiHpirltha are
aniHll but ibecHiiHe la due lo Ihe stay ut
liiiina oiioiiliaia ami not lo a rei'iiMlotu
vhIi, aalliii labliluled etatetmntol tbe
vnt aillahow.-lxiupt'lty Tlima Iude-
f'hevenne county ixih d onlf HJi vot.s,
il In nm n stormy day ti any Irom h d a put lu an appvarauiw,
Peoples I'outiinl.
Three loud rhwrs fur Oakland reelitrt
llHMVe I ll lll-tOM M let IIA loal -ifily
ami elainle lte w ettinesall lor Ihe uihm
rH, I he ladi l ih. ivee vial i tmlll
h,r ihe a oik It did ilarlug IharampNitfH
hr lUa ee l tlmwlil'tr of that
p( f, a ti d when it eoaiee lo a haul It.til
Mil ran ennui oh mm in aiaa'i vj j
(tlar Kapids tlalhMik,
There Is iHie Mg huMid by lb Ute
teelN asd Ikal la tSat M biloas
hu have HtUg to beak lain Ihe
timrt hoiiMli-r iiaia, will hnts nei
teal hMilva 11 leatem iihUM-.
U d.He ii.lleiiM ilna" are hlee nuaa
tut la Msece e iitr, 1h repab was
a mime lnai W ahiatloa ad t alilur
ia lit vuie, but p"patMita titiet ta lows
aadetoesto ehml letlie iN.
If raseiii Had I"" lu alWe 1 ta tkM
Ust IS httUM I'tMt, ,
I'.iiml nils iiia matt ha rrdild
tub asviHg sinusal oal is
rei.abt en eaieo bd'ow r that l r
had taiested tst aiaw wu,-oei
" . a.. . - . 11 .
TkeeWrtioa tkbi sr will ieh llv.t
M- Iks .itae M atiewiiag !
i.ii.,a. ike iah'hss la eaifi
ta t t a.i k. i
liMli;. ti7
doubt but that tba majority I t tba
whole of tba nouuty ticket would hiv
been ava flittterlng aa tha ou gained Inst
year, Ueuevft Oal-tte.
. We art going to none tba Philip
pines and (1iHaUanl tha natives,
'i'ha good work haa already com
menced, Milwaukee, ban already ship
lied u, boo hot Mi of beer to thoe
benighted heathens. Aa soon aa their
hernia grow bujipy and their beii'le
become soft under tha benign influ
ence of tbe beer, wa can send them
soma mlaslonarica and lilblca, Kng
bind convene He heathens with rum
and Hfle, but wa will try to aavt oik
heathens with beeriand 111 bice, If
tho brer doesn't work right and they
refuse lo read tha jilule Uien wa too
will have to try the rlfla remedy u
wi did Willi the American Indian, YV;
bad no trouble In convert log them,
but we had to kill them JJretCeiitr;il
Illy Democrat,
Kenntor Chandler of New Hamp
shire writes his home paper, tha Con
cord Monitor and Mta teaman, aud aaes
"lull tor Monitor aud hUiieauiAu:'
The rcjairt of tha director of tut mini
will siiow as to tha worbi's product
for 1M aa followai
t lo W $237,604, Mil)
Hllver Ban,7ao,J00
in lHVd tht product approKJmatet'
(Jold $21,000,0"u
Silver tj(ooo,yoo
'i he coin in existence July 1, JUH,
(lobl 4,0oH,fiOO,OO0
Silver 4W0,M,Wt
Truly, it aeema aa if natura were oft
the aida of tba blmeUlliet at Jfi'( to 1,
l)ra anyone) believe that if tha above
new silver for Itm and IW7, aa well a
tht new gold bad been added U) the
worbl'a money any harm to any hu
man being would nave been douef Un
tht contrary It would bavt benefited
a!l humanity, and tht fiewyer Woois.i
)over would not have failed."
W. K, nllAMULEU. '
Tba rrrtleet reaaon the demo-popu-
fat taiiiv of tbla state have to regret
In tba reeent election iw tba legiebf
ture, whereby Benator AUen wiil lie
replaveed by ft republlcen, Tba is
mfefortune not oul? to tbt atatt, but
to tba country aa wall. Henator Aliea
la undoubtedly Ut greftteav lemacr oi
tbt popullat iart la na tounu-y, out
be haa become out of tie great laaul-
era of tha nation, tod baa stood as (,
bulwark to defend tlie peopM at large
gal net tht oppression of Ut oultw
erata. There la not ft man in Ut en
tire who it ao feared by the corport-
tion a and monopoliate. Taa my
bavecauae to reJolet In hla defeat, lie
will bt replaced by republican pig
my, out wb will tola on an and all
ujecta, not aa bla conscience eiiail dic
tate, but aa tba plutocrats who con
trol tht governments maoiaou ue
Krter. -
Tha atay-et-hoMia vorere bava man-
aired to have Senator Allen rcAinln st
. " - ..A M . .A. Sk a A.
home after tne ui oi next narcn.
Independent Kra.
Wa i-annot too atrongly condemn
thla stav-at-bome iiollcy. No matter
how d aa-uated our voiera may tie, wuu
our country methods, they cannot af
ford to neglect atale and national ta-
auea in which the itrineiplew of our
party are din-cliy at siaae, ijiouku tw
form iirlnclnlea may not seem to lie In'
volved In our preaent country jmlltlca,
-fihelby Hun.
If the renublleana control the legia-
lature Ibey can remed the ahorU'om-lin-a
of the none. t)f eourae they will
alNilUh paaaca, for the burden of their
song during the whole campaign nss
heeii that (lie state omcmie roue in
free transportation. t-enliai Uiy
Whateter nisv lie the theory of ihe
cauae of this apparent change In the
erntimeiit of the voiera or me aism,
Ihe undoubted seret of the whole bu-
Ineaa la. that ixii.tillnta failed to get I-
Ihe Iiolla. Had there laen a lull v-e
imiIIhiI ihe atale ticket would have M
fully aa large a ma am'.? ea n nai
iktiii. and the heiklaluie wouhl have
. . . i i .
l. n coiilrolle.1 by the popullate. This
failute lo ip work mg euougn ii
lute has given the enenuea in ge
. .... I . at. t .....L
firriiment emnroi 'i i"
ng drparlment if the atste govern
..,,..1 ami defeated the Ural rnne.
Ki.ia unaior thai ever hnuoreil Ui
aisle. Th farmers of the etsl fU '
In .y the price whU-k Thomai
I. IT......H aal.1 mil! be l.d for libr
i vi,.hl tleHanee.' and Ihe reanlt
la lhat ta oari warr i r"H"
i. um rhnkr.l. and manv UiMtnir.
ainl who bad kld f'r ltlrr result!.
- 4 Meter louniy iweeon.
.al week's eleillon shows one
iwii tkli-f. fUber sw ple r
l.ln all Inleieat l se.f ..efliien
r lhy are enliivly devoid of sppi-
i,..i rartanla in eftUe. ki taken
..... .., L..l Hjuik bv 't men
i.o.l a Mdlen a fseg as ever lafed
a aisle bowse, f If er a people
m. .iwi.i i.i lt eiatlfied. ewf mH at
. .Lt in I. iHirtt bad evei
i.u in alate a Mime bitlhSNl a I
...uui.atLiM I haw the hsi f.we
Me Nvbis.ks In lbs ! '
i .I. la waa av.tled lut a Ik ftteN-l
nf ihe stsle, aielly, svmI nude,
erdleary tomtlilMMi ewe wwwM sf
iii tne its i i"
ihvlr apptertatlow bjf tbla lumlef ui
aa rleeth. d. and r...n
by ft larger majority than ever tht par
ty which bad been ao true to their
cauae, A Icglalature was up for re
election to flu Uli up tha noble work be-
frun two yen re ago, namely, of clcan
ng up tha balance of republican rot
tenneea and thievery perietrated on
the atatt while In efllce. Henator Will
lam V, Allen, too, the moet renowniid
of them all, waa up for re-election,
and deserved to lie re-elected, for t'O
elate ever sent a mora brilliant sen
ator to Washington than ha, Hut re
gardless of all tbla Interest at make,
the people, the tax taiylng people ot
Nebraska, staved at home on election
day and let the same old rotten gtng
back In agoln, (Wi what gratitude for
eervicee well performed lrMoux Coun
ty Journal.
This defeat la a bint to begin to pre
pare for the presidential campaign !n
INOfl, Jllmctalllmn has lost none of !tn
supporters and this temporary dln
fer came in good time to arouse iimii
und spur them to sense of'duty, We
must liend our energies to Ihe work
of organising the sliver forces, con
ccntrallng the different elements mil
lining them up uudcr one banner, -lllair
Wymora has gone lielldient to lb'
dcmnatlon bow-wows, (lege, count;
voted the Msrk Haana, J, I'lerpoui
Morgan, Wall street and Uothschlld
ticket, by a large majority, Ueurge U
Jones and W. 6. (Jralton, tbe drunken
hum candidate, were elected by a iuri
majority, The major portion of -iui
good, Christian temperance people pre
ferred a whiskey bloat to a Christ inn
gentleman to repreeent them In the
atatt legislature. Well, ever ona to
their taste, aa tbt men aaid when he
kissed bla cow, If Maor Neumann
bad gonet to Barneeloft, Odell and
oilier points, and got on an rip-roaring
old drunk and spewed all over tbe
htevn, bt would doubtleea have Jieen
eleoted by a large majority, Our Cfcria
Man men , and temperanoa people
would bovt tumbled over eaveb other
to see who could get to tbt polbj first
to vote for tbt wtUkey barrela and
siiewlng bloat, but the bad no nse
for an honorable buniawap mao ami
Cbriatian feotleinan Ilk Mejor Ked
Biann or Danial lraann. . Tkt pro
verbial yellrr doff wlUi aa Jo
bia imilT can yet bt elected to oflca
n iM. If ht ba only labeled
vwrmUbwa. ' Xbd et Wt tal
eiuwrga our aeuow sdw ua wnmii ,
1 ueoto our chili rea to U good tit-
; , WelJ, w need Hv-Aroor utnie.
The oScUl rctarna know Uit tbe
repuaillctBt ejected twenty-oa tan
atora and fifty-two representative to
Uiftfeominff legislature, naakuag aeven-
ty-threa vote on joint uaiiot r -
kalty 01 uirtccn. i wa ia "
aide to the tar-at-hocM voter, wuo
railed to do bia duty at Ut potia on
November Waboo Uemocrat.
Did vou atay at home? Then don it
crltidM) any oflclal, state, aount or
precinct, for anyuiiaff we maj ur h,t
not do. Neither the official nor the
res aeMf 1 ints ft T. U under any oblliratioiM
W t a a - w
to tba man wno ooee no
ehtlvt francbla). ficbuyacr yut.
That M lb ftsaerttow Htiimt
Alter It Bad lrtat4 ta Silver
The other day tht readers of the
Chicago Bccord were aetoulalil to m e
t flaring headline In that eper an
nouncing "Neliraeka for gold," J He
seme rtijr had two or three deyn be-
fore given tbe fret) allver majorities
correctly lu Its news column. The
editor of tlie Indeiiendent, ttctef jru,
lot the following letter to tba edl
lor of lhat iieiMT. Aa be haa not the
llghteat bojie that it will bring a eor
m-tlon or even see light of day any
Hi ere rlae, it la pi lu the In.lo
pendent. The letter aa aa loiuiwa;
I. ill ur llilcago iuihmh,
Ih ar Hiri
klanv lliouaand bimrlalllate take
the tliicagu lteeord becaua tbey ili;
It the falieat of tbe gohi ataiulanl
ta re aud ta'cause It advw-wlew muiv
ihings wbb-h Ibey aUo tar, Imagine
our atonl.liuieui, perum me io
bwiding headline In the pjr yeeter
It rrli "Nebreaka for tiol.l,
I kink of lhat after the llerurd ba
given the rwreet leturna eMiwtng a
..akulle for Ihe free sliver low o
U.ul 3 ihsi lu ihe etal In aa oft yea
la there ant falriMrea In thai mtt oi
poiroaUiMT The average majority 1.1
II Ihe fire stiver amii.iie iwai i o
,f the inphf t alaiut I.Ttsi, and It in
hr allier Imvea of Ike stata vouS.
have ole for HflMHnr AlkfM be wmi
hate ta by ee a gi'
ii.aU.ilty. It ta aa aelul rvp.UiUti
uf Ihe stale eotUlMiHm that alw in
remiUheiwi a mkl'y ihe wgi
!.Im.. KrlU4l I. All. ill. l l" el HI
iHOiaiilttlkm iiivhWa lbtil "lb
t-aiakloi shall lr'Wbi by law
m i.tiaHlalnot Ml th iehaNtsalS l
Ike slate in tbe ll aw4 even
leu r Ikereefler, ae.t I
ttgialalnia ahall apiaiiiloa lb seat
Una Sil rr.ireiitaite aeemidlKa1 li
ika kUMilvr f the liibsWlaaia." Ikal
lae teiblWaa Wiuilatarw W.Uu
II..M ..I Ihe ! WlkH repiWM
il.. en It U IkW vbdall-w ef lb 9
illiulhin UmiI ehebkra the tepwaii.'
dil tu defeat Swiisiwe Alkra, WV.U
t Ute vabir vf tba pevpl at ear
nl tdaieiaint
A Cart Load' of Lira Afloat About
tht Eolattont Betwtea Bryan
. tool AHtn. ' ""!
fit wilt Support Bryan ror Frtal
don t if a Cundldfttt t tht ;
Ktst Bltctlon
Will ! lave the State, ,
Wdiexni,Neb.,No. It, I regret that
t aiii compelled to oontradlot certaua
poaMectton lUtetuenta madt In Use
Nbraak repiiblkan preaa and re
peated in tbt etot. I bad hoped thai
after tht election I would bt fret from
mlerrpreweirtatloti frota an sou roe,
I want to contradict att temeni osadt
In Hot dlspat'h from Norfolk, ap
peavriiiff in yesterday's laaoe, to Uea
feet tliavt rt waa my lotentioa to ra
move from ay preteavt boaut and thai
1 had been tenoVre4 Ut powitkm ad
general aoliHtor of aa aaaiera ra44
naui. 'iTie aiateusent it a mart msvttat
of luiagtiMlloo tf U correepoiteWn.
1 have aaid or tfont noUing to Indi
ct tt una truLbfulaieM af sueb aa a
aertion. t do not evea know who Uao
lie mrreaKMidnA ia t that plaoa.
It k an purpoaa tt reta my boast
ait Madleua, where ft bat been for
nearly flftatn year. 1 akall not aeaea
to be a. runtdei of thia atr ia. 1 ltaw
ubt aiata and I la ptopit rod I fuvt
f rbntdajMpa and reiat iotas that I eouid
not Ind U ba any heart to dissolve a
etiaodoa. 1 bavt ati been Umserad
Um aokVdtorabip of ftig raiiread aoav
Cny, aiuoiif4 1 bewt baas offered
tterina; basTiiiat 'sgvaieuM that
wouid take rat otic of )(traaka aod 1
have UsereaWe, deaMnad ttaena, Juat
what a fvturt wtil tea In ft baalaeaf
way eaa aot W aearraataed at ktla
tlaia, bast wU rV brffr tfst oktat at
iy torn la ua aonn to
' tha Mato JoamaJ baa art afoad
report Oat Cat)
adl-Tsitala ratar Taaat ....
otbias vpas wmie to aaat tCaa
Mrtea. ; Tito -rkab bt erkiaaa-Y
faster of ffca tatoagtst Tat pnaaaaj
and pollttoai reiattaat af C alia si Bry-
aa and anyaeU' aart Mas or a yarp
friendly rAaraeter. i raaafaaat ra aoea
oua of tbe giteat Uttoff Aaaertcaa
atateaeaea. I bava aVaired to att biam '
odvaieeed to lata ieasdeftc. 1 bava
not at aoy tiase prttr to, or atatt ba
iasAJoa at fK. Loaia by tat par
ubeA saAloaal cosveaOaa, aa ftnp
talk or ematnuuieaUoa wit kisa a
tbe wubject of bia eaadidac aad this
reiutiiaa) trwa to taia hour. Wtietibar
he wUl be ft eaadidahe In lo0 fct ta nsa
tiuitiMrwtk. it aaa aaver been Use sua-
lect of eoarersataaa or coium a.ja!W
iou between aa. I bavt not, aa tike
Hutte Journal aaya, pledged myalf to
hisn. lit aaa never aejied aaa i
have never volunteered to do eo. but
if he deatrea the now ti tattoo I will da
all 1 can ta secure it for him. What 1
ltd aay ta the reporter of tha Htatt
Journal la thia and nothing more,
lli.t if (ViUjoei Itryaa deaired tba fu-
aion lUHiiinetloa for tha preaidtncy La
lfOO l would atiptiort fciaa. Tbkt M
my piiwiit feeling aad 1 shell not
tamngei. (hir peraoaal and politk'al
frtemlalilrai have never been clouded
by any mbtunderoitaaalliig or Jealouav
iy. inev bava been oi tne woe
pleweant character aad tbey will ra
mala at. There U ao JeaSoualt ia any
milujtr nor In kla aaa believing aa J
do ttiat be kt Uie heart equipped nuta
In publie Hfe Uiday to eduiluieter U
piihlie affair of the government as I
lie.leve itiry eaottid a adiniaiaiered,
I will be for hi ei aa ttiat ground and
1 inejr add that I will be proud alao la
ee Nebraakan chief tuagiairata at
thin nation, 1 have at sucft aiaetu 4
niae;f, I would not fterepl Ike auia.
liMtihin if It weta weauliiHiuaiy tea
tiered toe, have na denlre for ttia
a4ttua. I aW ha eoniented la
puraulng the eea teatar of aiv war
4 rliieen of the ii, t ,JIMf lo ha
tU'm lo a.lviM Ik welfare of our
I'outtiMMtwea.ili. del I akall Mil fa i la
ibi all I ran ta atah eiKwuaifal tba
Uihal intiM-lpka la t.kk kaa
len Jem of t-iilMM tm h, a,M.a
I U.ll give Ihe reuwalulug rr of aa
llfes Very rie. t tulif toure,
nimiki V, AUHX.
AUK A Nil THlKitTttM.
IVwator AHew U bf aatare and lattd
b-etu tialaUg mm )evkipMrt
luielWiiwI eihWte wit a aoMi bla i
Uagvte, SrMih IVntaiwu, evigkl aeteV
l wtealhf, Allen mj k-wa wiik mmi,
I bllr end WwftUl lNiaa IU
Ikaraioft m4 wbik bulb bava .
Ira ekai-r view spue) piilliteai ee
etwMwNile tjiteatiuae, Alkra m !
twea heller a Ida la aipatin bis Iran.
HuhtikM Ibaft lkwtaji baa la illa
eteaie ba beiwaf a prwatlvee awa
M a aatl siivf ftawtket yr,Tto
tHit id? tk wneeft ft tWaa, ftaaaeA
lata fvrttieiiem b ftaanred fvar lra
teat btrr ta IkU slate, Tbt abh4
1 kit lira wtll wt ba rwbbed f. laa
aia W eoeaa la a bsfey tkn4i
VtiMthtft tWiwa