Nov. 17, 189$ COL BRYAN ON THE ELECTION THE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT. KOI III Tbi Peaci Committlsnen Adjourn After 1 Short Cession THEY HAND IN A DOCUMENT, A tmg A te lb Aaterlee Da sae Tfce fpeala-a Would sleeve the Maeeleg mt the fblllpplM CUw to AUrellea, Pii, Nov, IT. Tli meeting to-dny f th Kpanlsh-Amerii'an commission r began at 1:10 clock thl arwrnooo Mi) ended at 1 0 clock, Ibe Npanlsh eomrIsrmer pra td a lofty document In answer to the American argument whlclt wi ubmltted I t week. Jiy mutual eon Mat tlx memorandum of to-day wu banded to th Amerleao without being rend and the meeting adjourned to returdev. The rinanlah commun ication will be translated thl evening nd Ita content will be dlsoussed by the United Mate commissioner to morrow at their usual dull session. Tlit Spaniard in their oommunlca lion reaffirmed the position which they bare assumed airalnst the discussion fear of Hpaln'a I'hlllppln sovereignty. They Insist that the word "ahall de termine the eontroi, disposition and government of the llilllppltiM," in article I of the peao protocol, do out warrant any reference toMpaln'a with drawal from the rhlllpplne cioept on her own term, and therefor the Spaniard propose arbitration on the construction to be placed on the worda "the control, disposition And govern sent." ' YAnnnarnn, Nor. 17. Up to tbla point the discussion at 1'aria having touched on principle, there ha been no attempt to name exact figure in relation to the amount of money that plight be paid to ripaln by the United State on account of the Philippine Such, for Instance waa the statement that the United dtatea would relm burae Spain "for the paclflo eipend itures" made on account of the Mill Ippl ana, tot no one here at the time bad an esact knowledge of what these ei penditure amounted to in the ag- Cregat. Tbla ha been ascertained, nwever, to the satisfaction of the American commissioners, at least, and the will name the exact amount of money that the United Btate ie will log to pay over to Hpain on thia an nuo nt. ...... Vhal U propoaed i a cash payment to ripaln, for the United ritate doe not purpoae to enter into any relation whatever with any of the holder of any of Ue bond issued by Hpaln, not withstanding the effort of aomeof the European power to bring thia reult about A to the amount which will be offered to rJpaln, the ofllclala here a .. . 1. I.. I...f . - I I - are muve, out it. ie iieuevea 10 ue some where between 130,000,000 and Ho,. 00(),ooa Our cotnmlMloner do not look for an unconditional rejection of their of fer, but believe there will be an at tempt upon Pr t Spnlb, commissioner to aucure a liberal in areas of the amount named. The American comml.loner are under In atructlon to inform the Hpaniah com mlloners that there can be no fur ther delay in the final euucluslon of the work of the commission, ao that it U expected a conclusion, one way or the other, will be reached before long to the peace negotiation. THE JULIAN LAW IS VOID, Ve reblie Bala of Cltr rraaeblaee la alls oarl llcrosftcr. Kaksa Citt, Ma, Nov. 17. -The supreme court at Jefferson City to-day declared Invalid and inoperative the Julian public franchise law, The decision wa rendered In the quo warranto cae against the West bide electric railway of Kansas Cltr, wherein the attorney general of the tatc brought mandamus proceeding against the tret ratlrond coinpauy to compel it to alio why It franchise had not W granted under the pro vision of the Julian law, The opln Ion, which waa written by Judge Will lams, deolsrea the law la luortlv because it ia luditldlte and vague la lla provisions. The act of the court In knocking out thl law precludes the aal of atreet railroad, telephone, tele graph and, la faet, all pubile aervic iraaehlae by the etty, fee letl-aUatiBf a Vu. Xamai Citt, Mo., Nov, if. John rryor, partner with 1111 MeCmyla tk aalooa at ftlath and Walnut etreeta, waa Ine4 la) ta hi)Ic evurt thl Mralag, lie waa arreatetl o a beach warraat Ueaed aevera) day go,vkarg tag klart with aaaawltlag lUary Miller, a aegr aa Milter waa trying to vote la te rv Jaeje kotel Uwtk va lee ilea day, VfcW 9mpmt te tWeetve Tbtt Wttae, ftata, Nw, lOa the oeln .f iee birthday aeit ek, the duwager Materia wtll rtv Ibe weaf the difkiaaatle bud la rdaeua ttb a Wek ah wade tt taa rta lleary at fraaala, eBeagae1 Wet4 ! irf Naw Veaa, Ke, It -IV aarvey f W WMt eatian f the pu1hin lNteaagaaa eeaal kaa Wi latahed. Yktaaarvey aKne a ixiUat ! tiMt f U WlWt bl tb IV Ae la the aWialty, The rwkt pu4,twa aear U tlead abelvea lt,laly Imu deep Wake akleg a harWuf ta lb Mat Ward faaalU. A the venal lla will m wttkla a au e tw ( tke Taead a Vtaakwaler t the atari WtU Nfta at laetuaara (at wkWk taU aaa rvaad U bad aatetUif the laewee, Daeleree Thai tbe Wer, aa Met Wlvev, Wae tbe iMae., Neb., Nov. 17. Colonel Yf, J. llryan teat night gave the following interview relative to the late eleetion: "Compared with the election of ll'4, the Republican hav gained In come place and loat In other. It wa not a aweeplng Itepubllcan victory, On the whole, tbe result I not urprllng, when It la remembered that the ad ministration 1 Just concluding auo ceaful war. "While a majority of the aoldler are probably aotl'Republlean, tbe management of the war ha been en tirely in Itepubllcan hand, and the strongest argument used during the campaign waa that a UepublJuaa de feat would discredit the .'realdenl la the eye of foreign nationa, while hie commissioner were engaged ia making a treaty, "Jt waa not a trial upon the Issue now before the people, but a euccess ful plea for a continuance of the case. The people have not accepted the gold standards they have not fallen In lov with the plan to give the bank a mo nopoly o tli issue of paper money) tliey bare not dccldd to retire the greenbacks; they have not surrendered to the trust, "These question wer forced into tli background by the declaration of war, but they must b faced again a soon a peace 1 restored. The Chicago platform present for public consider at ion certain vital, economic questions, That platform ha not been abandoned by tbo who Indorsed it in 1189. It will b reaffirmed in 100 because It give expression to tli hope and aa plratlon of a larg majority of th party. "Whan th Democrats, Populist and fiver Republicans favored Cuban in dependence they understood that war would glv a temporary advantage to th party In power, but tbey were willing to risk defeat In order to aid th people fighting to be free. ".Neither can th election b regard ed a an indorsement of any foreign policy, until a treaty of peace ha been entered into and th term made known, th people cannot pass judg wont upon it. Whether the war will raise any question of sufficient Im portance to turn public attention away from domestla problem remain to be seen," COLORED TROOPS UNRULY, A attempt to Arr.l aoldler &ead te His Uaath. Haxtiaoo, Nov. 17. An Incident oc curred Monday night at ban Lul. about twenty-five mile north of Han tlago, which caused a great deal of 111 feeling among the Cuban and consld erable annoyance among the United Btatea military oClclal here. All th colored regiment ara n camped in th neighborhood of San Luis. They were sent ther virtually to get them out of th way because of the difficulty experienced in managing them. Th colored officers seem to hav little or no control over their inen.and offlcera and private ar often seen drinking together, with arm around each other's neck and behaving in other ways not calculated to inspire respect for the American troops among the Cubans. Th troubl be (fan In an attempt to arrest two aoldler for abusing a Cu ban workman aud stealing hla bog. The outrage waa committed on th Normaa augar plantation. Lieutenant Jose Ferrera, chief of Ueneral Wood' gendarmerie In that section, a Span lard, but a Cuban sympathizer and a man whom Ueneral Wood knew to b able and courageous, attempted to mak th arrests. Th soldiers, who belonged to th Ninth Immune, escaped. Home thirty colored men, wearing the uniform of th United Htstca army, attacked th house where Lieutenant Ferrera waa, and kept up a regular fusllado, killing Lieutenant Ferrera, Antonio Roman, an old man; Kmlllo Hetteran, a boy of 17, and baby, ami wounding several other Two aoldler wer killed in the affray. ' Ueneral Wood left for Ban Luia oa a special train, lie he offered 11,000 reward for th name of th ma who did th shooting. Mar4v al West rtalee, WaeT ll.Aixa. Mo,, Nov. 17. V. U Penland, ex-repreaentatlv of thl county, shot and killed hla brother-la law, James Kelly, la th publl uar yesterday, Th troubl grew out of a divorce suit nw pending be tweea I'enland and hi wife, Kelly' alster. F-soh waa armed with a re volver, IVnlaud elatwa that he shot ta aelf-defease, II 1 ow la th county jell fat II MWM Alk LnNtMta, Njf, IT. Mum, Adeilaa rettl'Meutlal auaouneeaher betrothal to Haron Curdervtrow, a bwedish noble man. The msrrlag will tak plaea aett Fabf try, . faa Ma Bate Ibe f Waimwimi. N, IT. Caplala Me falla, after eiaUlag th Tvreaa, bat wired the asvy dvpaitaieat that la hla Ppinloa it wilt b luipwealU W ft! th skip. Mleaa HetMt f. tafia, Ma, IT -Ml lata Ha Kerens, dsughler f R. (V Iter, aaa, actional Uvpublieaa MiNtltle at a a trwm, aaj Lteuleaaet frank iWaeuMta MeKeaaa, failed Miate areay, aettag eaptala la tba tuUalcve aerviea udf Uvaerai Hufcihe, and ' of tiaeiew )eila MdKeaaa, we, 4aed la weduek at I u'elw. yesterday aherawm. lb wed diag, waiek was tke at bfllUaat lb aeaaua, wat a tewl willtiary atale, . t.leleeat Metfeita, wild tr feui ' roiaa war la fU aalfraa. The Annual Thankskseivine Sale of Linens. Chinaware, Cooking Utensils and Groceries, Began Nov. 17, and Closes Nov. 23d. THESE EVENTS ARE TOO WELL KNOWN TO REQUIRE ANY COMMENTS Thanksgiving Sale; Table Linens. TAIJLE CLOTIIS4'!nch bleached, per yard;. ...... 56-inch all linen unbleached 62-inch all linen unbleached 70-inch all linen unbleached Damask, per yard......,,, 50c 72 inch Union Damask, unbleached, per yard ........... 39c 72-in. extra heavy unbleached 56 inch all linen bleached Damask, per yard. , . 40c 62-Inch all linen bleached Damask, per yard. , oc 68-inch all linen bleached Darnask.....,,,,,.,,,.,, 75c 20-inch Napkins to match, per doz. .. ,. $19 70-inch all linen bleached Damask, per yard. . ........ 69c 21'inch Napkins to match, per doz,.,..,., ,,,,, $2.10 72-inch line bleached Damask, per yard .............. 97c Napkins to match, per doz.,...'. $2.87 All our $1.35 and $1.50 fine 72-inch Damasks go durintr this sale at, per yard,.., NArKINa -22-inch bleached Union Damask Nap- kins, per dozen...,..,....,.,.,...,.,,,,,,,,,, 97c 19-inch all linen bleached Damask , Napkins, per doz . . 07c 22-inch all linen bleached Damask Napkins, per doz,. $1.83 24-inch all linen bleached Damask Napkins, per doz.. $2.73 PATTERN CLOTHS and NAI'KINS-8i4 un ' bleached Pattern Cloths, each &2.2K Napkins to match, per dozen $2,25 8-10 Pattern Cloths, unbleached, each. ,. $2.75 le-itslrt-l r mi.t r tm i r tp THAWKSGIYING SALE; Cooking Utensils. Carvln :i?.!::.!.1..97c to $12 from Christy brad, cuke and kitchen OQa knife, Nr sit...... Hllv White ttKlMl knlvts and fork (ter CQ a aet 01 u kuivee and 0 lorn...,..... v 7 u 35c 19c 5c Covered turkey roaster Tin covered roaster Kheetlron bread pan Crown k Hoeton rnliln seeders, QCa tbeseedur that seed.... ., uvt rb'nsibl food or meat grinder.. $1.25 Chopping knives... 5c Hound Jflly cukepona with remov-QA able bottom ,.01 2C 2c 2C Straight jxlly cuke pans Bcolloped cake pan with tube., Fancy shaped cake cutter Round Angel food pans with tube f Qa and feet 130 LINCOLN, NEH. Matt ItWMer CeraMee. Wasiiimotun, Nov. IT. Th post afftea departmeat bs dlseuvered th esUteaee of a ewmbla of peeultv aiatl oatraei bidder luwklnf ti th ewatrot of th bid and evaslua af th 10 eeal war taa Imposed aa their ena traet Voada. bouie week ago th de partment wa apprwaehed with a view ta asertalatag ll attitude en uH ar faaltatloaa, and prenpt awtlea waa gtvea that It would be rvgsrded a 111 fUliiiata Notwiihsuadleg thia the dp'teet autharllle hav fuaad that a oaildrtl luwWr of the bidder of agval hav gullea Whether, ftwvaed aa arraagemeat ht eala their owa bid aa4 asteetlnf Mtenslhly th Uiwest for tll wlia tti deparlaieat, aptealng th ther and th eavlag th reveaaa aettralaf th gvvrameat fr tha larg auwUr f evutpeUtlv bU aap allied. urt. r.lcQRCVV 1 ta vi PIOIALII1 aa vaatta at Prlviti OIltlHI MMMtMnet MBM ONL P last pit wlHN te fauala Uu f MS. Jh . lth ta rraai lia umama, nan, Sjtjtjijt Speak Union Damask, un ... 2c Damask, per yard oe Damask, per yard,..,,... 43c twilled Damask, per yd.,, 05c ,.$1,19 ...5c Hqoare pi pan , 5c Deep bread pan. ...7c ...7c 19c ...7c Enamel pie pone...,.., Surprise egg beater Dover egtf beater..., Lyon egg beater Crumb tray and scraper Wood spoons......... ,.......3c Stove and ranges no better made. , WE ABB BOLE LLNCOLX AGENTS PON BUTTEItlCK PATTERNS AND PUBLICATIONS. Our new catalogue mailed free to out-of-town customers. Write for it. WHEN ORDERING PLEASE MENTION A Itere la Plsgraee. LaiiaaToa, Ky., Nov. IT. Varoa Waldcek 4 Vlllamll, aa Aastrtaa blemsa and a eaptala af tba Sevvath vulauler Infantry (Imwaaea), Uladla graoe, and ha left far part aekaewa. A few day ago ha waa dieebarged from hla rvglateat for varloa affeaaea, rinoll among which wareflf u pay hla dobla, Vlllamll elalieed U b a etiusln to th lale Kinpreaa af A a Irta, and seat a telegrsntof euadoleae ta K mi pert fraarl Juaeph at the tin of her trsgl death alrtal t 1iM.e ea aih flsie, tYerUg Headav, XovemNr loth, Ike N-w Y'rk and lt"H rlipiosa HI W-al t,l4'ie da'ljf al 1H3U m , la stea l id III. Hi ot jj, tl lt raas Ml leave dailr al V b l. mi. asd tinY.p.M, ae herldnre, the ' hiHeiaadrd nffrtuah tra a evrvie and vieeet ipiuel aul I aala alnd, la Ik past, N. . U aid trharel na aav I Mm. Halt-sat aaia tee towel, W.tu ear imw Mav t revv4 ft l'Me data ran! eer elalioa, Vaa !ara irvelaad I rri Ave, Ik .Hit, til J t" ht '' 1 1 1 Adam 'w, lawyer ftrui builnrtt mm who are pAtticuUr Ktdt tht appearance of ihrlr natlonery muM leivc lheircriler for (hat clan ol printing at tht lhDimidNT, Doubt it, tr It. (or themselves ffjtjtjtjt, Thanksgiving Sale; Chinaware. loo-piccc Dinner Set, English semi-porcelain, brown and blue, per set ......... , $6.75 4-piece glass Tea sets, regular 50c value, this sale, per Kt..., 30c Glass Fruit Dishes, 8-inch, good imitation of cut glass, each............,,,.......,.,,...,.,....,..., 15c Plain blown Table Glasses, per dozen. 60c Glass Creamers and Spooners, each..., ............. , 5c Latest patterns in llaviland China Dinner Sets and odd pieces. The largest and richest showing of real Cut Glass in Lincoln, THANKSGIVING 90c rt 'i A A Our "Satin" flour fxrr nock. Our ''8dk" flour per ack. BOA I'H- Our iM,ratd "velvet' soap 11 rtC bar ior..,.............,........,...,.,..a a V 25c White Rosefan soap 10 bar (or.., AC Diamond Ceoap 10 bnr for, Whit Cloud eoap(flmts) 11 ARn bars mr. ....., ,...,...,.,.,.) vu CANNKI) 0OO0I4 First qualify. 4 iia ctierrie per can........... iw lu-a cnerne per can,..,,..,.,. .aw First quality pear or gig plums I f a per cao ,.,..,,...,.. 1 1 v I rut per A a ,IUU Sib can grated pineapple, can,, AC rt .MUU Rest canned corn, 4 Cttns,.,...,.a5 9t fllbrans Van Car tomato onp f n per can. ,...........,,, ........ ,,,,.,, m A v 81b cone Ilurnham clam chow- ft f a dr, per can L I U 81b cnnsCapId brand bnllndcora A a mr ena. .......................................... iv Anderson concentrated soup per A a can .........,....,....,.,...., aTU Roston baked bean with porkperCA can.. ,...uv Armour' beat potted bam per can... )b run- Columbia river salmon (blood f A a red)iercan IVV . a Alaska olmon,ir can I I'fiU 8c 'I'll Cov oyster (best) per can Raratavla schrlmp , lwv 1 Aa 10c Little neck clams, mr can 1 UU AAa New Btar lobsters, per can Xfj EXTRA SPECIALOne oner our iec uuaniy incw y orK cneese at, perjb, I2c. This is for Wednesday, Nov. 23d, only. SOME VERY PLAIN LANGUAGE, 4aa t'hawlMrUla Vsrf fiHllsll a te Kile talltf, MARCiiMTia, Nov. IT, At tha Na tional Liberal I'ntoiiUta1 aonferene her yesterday, JoiU Cliaiuberlala, aeorelary of atate fur tha elonl, md hi first publl ihmoK sine hi rclara froat lh Untied Malta Mr, Chamberlala, whu wa wnoh ari pllelt oa th subject of Aagtu-freaek) rclatloa thsa any of hi eulieaguea la th eeblaet ha beea, sstd It wa th "hua of ery frlead of i" that h freuvh withdrawal fruia )mIuh) U Indteatlva at their aiveplawea at th prlaelpl at tr(lh eirol of lh valley of th Mis, regarding whisk) ther eaaaal a aay 11ieaalua hiie-ef' - "If better re'.atbia ar ta WiMiW Itthed It will be a4ry f. Vreavh xiUtleit t abaadua Iselie wIumc wl'b ha beea Ut wlarra British ih.lela aailer wber th I'reaek) hat aa laUreai to pto vet I refer selall tti Nwfuadtaa.l, whi, 4itl th faet thai t yieaih !) cry laUreel hav dvHt4 ta a paratively ligalleaat ptat, th 4a aiadatth laai htc awatiaasllf Ufese aad thalr Inleifsreaea Willi th tWfeloputeut el thl euiuay ha a creased. "At tha preaeat aoeAt KewfaaV Ua4 ! aefiaaaly autferlaf Irvea M HERE We leave the prices to SALE; GROCERIES. vsMKmmwm Wlwfttllng,perpkg ,.,., 25c 10c jireamuftt rood, per pug, ...10c 31-2 Khredded wheat biscuit., Farina, per pkg , a Full weliflit oat meal four iktt-AC for.,.......,,.,,,,.,,.,,,,.,,.,,.,..,,,, ., aeUU . ORa ft ywom, a pug ior.,...,.,., auv ' AA NewKngllsh walnut perlb lUC f f7 f Oa 'trK il"ond, xr lb I f I'uO a a New fecon, pr lb. . ,UI l'l(;kls New, soar, medium sl, lo a 't email ml, Ho a jt, New WHJted, Street, lOcaqt; sour laa, sweet, lOcaijt; sour la, ... 18 10 """, '"., mw 'iui., o,,.. .i:.... i.,.ia "mkaTM- ' ' ,,,,(,.....(. .9o . 6o ...9c Jo 14c lie 6c ...8c nam io,.. vawornia nam m Rest breakfast bacon lb orj salt pork, lb , ' ..... . moM BW.M., lb . . ew earl cod fish, boneless, lb v. e.i. i....i-. iu New mine meat, per pkg Rest kettle rendered, ,'llb pall. 21e; Klb 1 01 b lllill. fi.Vt.!2(lll,Art A A pad, i.25; oOibcun , 0&,j) A 2400 matches for 1 UC day only, on Nov. 23d, we will THIS PAPER. loterveDlloa whleh I of no advintag to France allliuugH a arrtou detriment to tha UrltMi aoluny, Jf th Fashoda laeldent only rvea to dlsabus fuf Ign statesmen of th erroneous oa epttoa thatth llrlllsh will yield aay tblag ta preaaura It will be a bleealaf la disgutsa," GATARdtl It Ik lt I N.ise, ItirtMkt l' I.M4. I tl'll'CS '.,! A.tlill,. nil, II. Ml ONLY $3.00n MONTH. Gtmoutc y.rfmn M l ! ul I '! a as Mj.iaHl IHM4MM I't I II, I ., 1 1 Ml.,., II -H,, aIH IlliaO, M'l.l"" . ! I ', u.kf limi tur irvailHs I !.... i. 1 SntitM mM HSUit.uM " jmattsuM in- b af lwa tt low Fca Syctcm Te r.MtaHitel-MriNtlth, M t'a awui 1 tutu J-w4mii. a. us , a - assis au ai.iaM4a u mi tiat H.I l. Homo Trcctnot : i, ( . Tvat, b Mail M ellln kl -mI Maii.l M Slltaa l.s 4i,4 s,mihhh it m.. I a tvi lifi-r ltm OratMif Madal Inatltut. a, I, l, aeu lia.e-.aa, Head the nrM I fearjl1