Wealth Makers and Lincoln Independent Consolidated. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER .,7, 1898. VOL. X. NO. 27. ) THE COW IUOUL Bnallir a Abandon tha Declaration of Independence and Make European Alliance! PROBLEMS OF IMPORTANCE Shall the I'hilipplnea bo Conquered Territory and Gorerned by a Standing ArmyP IlDpnlillfl or Kmplr 7 Editor Independent! The amok of the late battle i clearing away. Ilia dead are being buried, the wounded are binding up their bruise oa best they mny, The battle Itself I a thing of the peat, and take it place la history among Ui host of other tbat hav been lost and won. It ha iU leavon and it will be wl to wilder them. It hoe it evere leeeon for those who by their luck of principle and their email poll tic have nearly lost the atate, and have brought upon it people a calam ity greater than the lot of It vizi the defeat of the great-cat United State acnator the etat ever bad. It ie not my Intention to cotutlder thie subject now, but rather to Invite your attention to the new altuationa that confront the nation, l'roblem of th most vital importance are thrust upon u, and demand utmost imuiedlal solution. The republic aland today at the parting of the . wuya, and It choice of a road will de termine whether it ahall longer re . main a republic whether It ahull car ry forward the banner of freedom to be the beacon of the op-pressed people of the world or whether it shu.. Juielf become an empire, giving up it glori ou mission, and Ma the monarchic of Europe in their unholy stjife for conquest end power. We have conquered almost an em J pi re from Bpulii, The vital question In, whut shall we do with it? I think 1 can detect a growing sentiment .among. the adherent of the national admlhistrutlou In favor of adding then conquered land, especially the I'blllppiwes, to our own territory- making them an integral jiortlon of our country, Till means one of two thing 'either governing them con quered countries outlying colonic eubjugated to our wlif by force of arm or governing tbcm a terrlto- . rles, uud ultimately annexing them to the union aa state. Ia-X um briefly consider these alternative. I except Cuba from thia discussion, been 1 we in the very resolution dot hir ing war a speelllo declaration wan made that we would allow the Cuban to establish a government for them- aclvca, and the tuition. 1 bound in hon or by tlii pledge, Hut it In not ao with i'orto Jiico and the Philippine. To govern these cou n trie a co.onJe or coii(uered countries mean a total abandonment of the Monroe doctrine. It meiina what 1 termed an Anglo American nil In nee. Jn anticipation of ucu action by thl country England baa already tukeu advantage of the Iireetig such an alliance would give icr. It moon our complication In Kuropean iKilitles, and an active par tlclpatlon In Kuropeun diplomacy. It put u cheek-by-Jowl with the effete monarchic of the old world, make u ponr for thrir Integrity, and an in terested party in maintaining the tra ditional Kuropean balance of ower, wiiicii any i,uroman alliance with ui would for the time Wing utterly du et roy, In short, it would sound the death-knell of the republic, and inka (t an empire, with ell the direful eon sequence which that would Imply, Among the would lie the euormou tending army, making an rnormou drain upon tha youth of our land, and changing tii ambit Ion for die 1 1 notion In th walk of life to one for military renown. 1 would 1k our youi-u acroa the aea, to a nilserabl mlaamatle clU tueta, and clothe thousand of our wtvee and aluter and dmiifhtera In tbe fcu of aorrow that know ihi atltvlatlotu 11 would make eoetljr aavy, to be maintained In for elrn aeaa, an atiMilute iieeeanlty, with the came reaulla Wi the youth of the nation. It would make an aayiutn for the p!lrUo), deeaynl ami unaueeetaful at konie, or ntherwlae, and wmihl aen them ahrad a eonatil and imeon aula of the HKVille.1 ereat rrul.!ln. Ut guern and !uler half fUlllyed hut wealthy )-m.)e-n. th eefiene of Fee lithium In India, when the wealthiest nl.e In the wirt. hem utWI to th ywwofer ana of th r" ewhilitv an I a rrH' er Hrtua wHld He repeal.! eur r ..lit Ma ne wiihl letter their lnirue. ton Thl iiture t anty hlf tttawa. I Wat It t the lu.aelnatl.ua I ef veoe teller to M!t la th d.tila. f New let aa Mp thai thl natiua I I a It tile ere vefri h. nm ttudea to rhiH th alle'aatlte ef U aj - of thl raptured. .Watte em. Kir wt tu hmUm ef ataWa, what .Ikmat Whv, ter? fill that re. atiHetl fem the ether ure, t. a.' tilel wwee, XV a thenrelU re II teerv ewe trHlloea Idee ef et't?, rl t all W .H.l.m thai .rv ihtetne, we lee..m fowidl eate.1 la th lite ef ret t Aala, we twuet watatela ktrge lug army and navy, w undertake to protect and govern nn enijlrc at the I In miice of 7,')(M) mile, W must aend aatrapb there with large dUrcretlon nry power, etc, !ut there i another result to our own people which i not lnvolve In the flrt alternative, We mimt ncccNMiirlly and unavoidably nluce the ten or flft4Mii mllliona of thl liulf clvllled Anlutlo population ujmj alMtolute equality with our own peo ple. There can lie no rcxIrlctJon of free emigration or free trade na be tween the atiile or terrltorlea. Tlie-re con le no Chineae exclulon billa aj plled to ieople of our own elate and territoriea, J'he great aklboleth of the republican party I protection, to Am erican labor, Where will be that cry when we open wide our; ooore to horde of AMntlc laborer? W'hc we mix an Inferior grade of anything with a euirt'i'ior ow, we efrlkn a new averngc, The lower grude limy be rilM'd, but the blgher one i hmcrcd, h) we want to lower the grade of Am erican lubor toward that of Asiatic? '1'hflt le juat wlnt we would do in ad dition to all the other evil thing noniwl, If we take thia Ablatio terrl tory into our un'toiii on any term whatever, Now, there in another way a way that will he entirely oormlwivnt with our triuiitiom. our proreeaione an our dewtlny. We win any to thcee Aai atlc who have become oiir ward through the fortune of war, eatab lleh a free conatltutlonal government for your iKfjle in whidi aelf-govern nu-iit nKMieled aner tlie form of tlie Unltel Mtatee ahall form the buae, end you ahall have our moral upxrt, our ail vice, and our armed aaeitance you need It, In the mm of Cuba we ftpeclflcally pllged oureelveeto "Jeuve tne (fovemment am orntrol of th inland to It jx-ople," Tlie eame prin ciple bind u in eplrit with regard to th l'bllipplnift. my to the jieople of thewe ialuurl that the only right to govern I derived from tlie eoneeri't or the governed, and the with cou mire and Tioneaty carry out that prlmiile to II legitimate fulfillment, Thl courne would iiIikhs ii eaully at the bead of the notion of the eortti, f 1th er ancient or iwwlern.and wvniMahnka to the foundation every throne in the world,. It would ear to the nation bere i a rreople that i boneMt and rcnl !, it greotnea. It would any to the throned opnreeeor of dowiHrod den biimanlty, beware! 1 do not diaeiiM tlie detail of three three alternative I merely preaeut the outline or them. They au involve the maintenance of the navy at Ha preHcnt atrenffth, and a eoneiderable Inert-line of our army, Tlie butt In volvew fhe leaet in thl direction, and that only tcmtiornrlly. Tlie time hn come when aemtlmen tmwt rryatallze on thie queatlon when the neoilo muat mK up their mind, end mnke a. choice, J ha chohse, my countrymen, i fnttirlit with the moet mometrom mnae quenee momentwi to the opprcnaed people of the earth, imt more mo mentou atlll to ouraelve. It 1 to be a dholre between rapnclty and greed and thl rat for dominion on one hand and nntlonnl boneaty, integrity and devotion to a (lod-irlven miaalon on tlie other. Which will you ehooae? j. uunuowa. ELECTION ITEMS, Jerry Klmoaon wa defeated In hla dis trict by a plurality of 1,400. Only on populiat ennirreaaman, llidg ley, wa returned in Kanana. Itcpubllean major It lea In Illinois were cut down materially, Jehu .laker WHe lh one iiopullat congreMiniaD elected from that atata. The "rualnnlat" defeat In Waahlnftton ia aaerihHl to th fact that the queatloo id muiilelpal taxation, by local option en distorted by the republican en in iialirnera into aelnuht tax laaue aud a auch waa voted down. Aided by 1 5.000 (Mipuliat votea th dMiioerata ol Ibeaouri eleeed their atata ticket and all but three coniireiiiea. Th imdilhMd-the-roadere, alter iia,vlii eUinted to be th party (atoeh pulled 4..hmi in lh'JI) prottabiy ral leaa than elwbt thuuaand Vole. In tnanv of the doubt'ul eoiiutk th mlUJle-ol th road vote leet4 republican, Onvernor I'inare of Michigan, ah thinh wratchrit by over 4IUHKI reonb Iti'ana, w re-alet'tet) by a majority of ovr 7u,ut". Yna will Bad the date at eklek ynar aulwrrlpthia ttpired marked oa tat Week' Uu of your paper, Takaaolle of It aad if yna are la arrvar jna ekoall luak a iVNte.t at eaee. There waa ttt a aion,diKuaig aud kyMeriiteal rytt (i by aay iWnutdd riaatetk oa earth tkaa kl ! aii b la pMipl ahe are rvatiag th UiM ra td th ka uf Ike Irwauh-ae Iruat ImImv M aad aiolhod, 4t leaae tky hat p''i'a aad aaat tnlieu t hold I ha AMI thiiea eh,dia .iu h et,l lor aithta aak arr it at hr Ike (aaaa ittw-re 1 1 tkoe la thar to ld oltt e, Ta are aiu Iheatal irrtit ttt hut il hIi a lain hie, to ti a 4n4-fct tahifk, M htiioa d, eoaid ' a a aJie "iiiMoa, ttavftvef iMrln gr apiear taf aMattl m atat aoti ad told to tare tka intiaHoa vr tu lfcltl that II Mattll tk aaMMi eiuah l aaaur Ikat Ik feat id 'aatttafoa hate le- fee lot Mkelaat te Iter. DIDT 01 VI Do not aay "Mr Vote li OnJy on land it will Make no Differenca A THOUSAND EVILS LUEK The People of tho State Hate Saan JAocuatcmcd to ice tbo Cacdl datce pay Mo-t of Ezpanaea Kivenaituret a ffeeeult, fi.( . , , . . turn er UIC7 aiJOUW. 00 0 UVW and thorough rgajil.atiou of tlie Kip- uiiiet party in the atate of Nebruaka, l b elat hu been m demorallwd by republican method for thirty year that it lw boevt impoaalbl to com pletely fchetige tlie method to wbich the voter have o long been accuatoui ed, but the time baa arrived wbeu aeriou errort anould h made to fbaiige them. Tle people of thl atate have ftlwoy Umi accuatomed to aee the candidate or oflice pay tlie mala part of tlie xjetie of carrying on a campaign, Tber are a thouaand evila coniw'trted wllii that plan evji Mm .n ,irver do ourea or aqiaratcd from it. The expenditure of a cam paign are of a iMfoeaatty very large, even when the utmoat euotunny 1 ex crclaed. 1'rlntijig, poatoge, ami trav cling expense of aptakei, even when no aaiarie t paid, for tlte three month of campulgn fwt up a large urn, Much xmmmm must be paid or the state turned over permanently to the party that will pay them, and sueu a party would reeoup Haelf ten time over out of tlie oublic revenues. The result of the present system, tM only bu a tendency to liwreua the worst evil of politics, but It 1 a very great Injustice to all parties concern ed. tio man houid le asked to go out and work or tr-iid a atngle day of hi lime without being puld. livery mini who I a member of tli party should bear a just share of the party expen ses, for everyone Is rgualfy Interested. The way it I now a few men have to bear all the ex;iese and many of them can 111 afford to do it, Thl writwr know of one tnnn, who, for eight years, ha contributed between a0 and $.'100 a year ami hn never been a candidate for oflice, if expect no further return than what all citizen will receive from having secured good government, That Is all wromr and ought to le remedied before the next election. A great mny of the most Imnorlant office Co not pay salary enaugh to pay ui eo, ,.j a canvass, xo ;iy nothing of the time tmj.lo.yed In making it. Kuc.li 1 the case with tlie member of th legislature In many district. To can. voe a county a man niiMtt use a team and buggy for at least sixty daya. Us muat pay for bill advertising his meetings, for cards, for hotel and for varlou other expenses, and he must, If elected, spend at least alxty daya at the state house during the legislature. Now her are 120 day of time and all or inese ano other expenses to be paid out of hla aalary of $;iim). AH thia time ror any neneiit Tor hlmaeu more than for the whole nonulatlon. and th re. suit 1 that many of our beat worker nno most elllclent men are thu pro hibited from running for the legist ture. Thl la ell wronir aud It should be remedied. The way to remedy It I to icnen every man wno la a member of the party that It la hla duty to contrib ute eomethlnir toward the nar ex penaea ,nnd that ha cannot be an hon oraule aud respected member of It If lie rail to do It, The atate com mil should start a mevrment Immediately to so reoi-irnul the party In every county that every man who intend o iit In thia reform movement ahall lie asked to contribute eoinetltlmr to warda paylnir th necessary exoenaea pj i ne party. It la th republican eantpalgn fond ahm that enable that party to poll one-half of the votea that It doe hull. ... i ' - I la not dime by direct bribery, a) hough there U much of that, but n waa that efTeetually act iinhi th oie, hey underataud, ami act uih.ii h underalaiidinir. that a very lure nuntoer ot voter use Imt little tiller et In government, They hav no de ehletl eiHitli'tlou of any aort. Th republican . money to hire nmn kt gel th Mm of every voter In th let and to find out just how he ran ( influenced and more money to hire men to see that every voter fa at the Kite that will vole their !ek and In rvery votine prvclnet la the atate. whsl w ha mean to ret th In. illftrreivl Vuler U"t. That make. eilnly la an i(T tear, a tremeiulun illtTereiire, Th is.rHir ili.it furnlh th fund fir lh teioibhrari party la lll in led amotiiH. W hatevar iii u un la h tt tweu la il l the work furi.Ul.rtl, Ikia money la retume.1 t. them many time r In ( hi rKllIIHH. la "htl Ihl "fht w matt hwik mM the are and eat Ihei eueht to , Whli ,Vhrtka la tk tint.! tititiftt ! In th uwloit. till tt I a lael that I her are Hii.ua. ihU .f I It, wka have mi ! tea t f eo.ee meat, aiueh tea ef Ike arleer ef iMkal eroHomy whlrh hi now t-eeoio a IIM, Immo, these hooiatoU ea aly he rt hd hy iee. ial aolieliaihm, May ef Ikem read ui llHle and what they d.i retut are the fUhovkla of lb republleaa tvae, IMPOHTANT If tfiey are Indifferent on eleciieu da) 'he (republican party bn a nlee car-ring- iwidy to eend for them. Th driver end the team,! pahl a goisl whify from momey contrlbutiMl by the railroad vonmiuilina or eawtern trust, I he jioor felkw is given a cigar, treat ed With the greatest respect, taken to fhpoll anil vote to enslave hlwsell and hi children. The populist party baa no wwy to get; it voter to the poll. Many Ihousniul of them, pushed with work and pn-esed for lime, think, "My vole I only one and h will moke n differ ence," and elny nwity, wlior if they were sent for orwl a word or two said lo them they would com and vote, This eorporailion eamjatlgn fund Is an awful thing to fight, j bere ia no way to fight It but to Impress upon every reformer that It I not only but duty to go and vote, but to contribute aomn thing toward the cost of getting the Indifferent Bod careless voter to the poll, Klther give up the fight or fight in a way to win. bciu-ii something inni your enemie. Three time since the Alliance move met t betrnn we have been defeated bv th condniskeT Maying In the corn fields. Titers I not a particle of doubt in me inino" or any well Informed man who I acquainted with th cotidiitlona In ebraka that on a full vote and with an honest count there i over 20, 000 majority for the principle we ad vocate. We do not get them to the polls, The republican get every man. They do It with their campaign fund, They have lh name of every voter In the fate, Thry know hi politic. They know whether be Is indifferent or doubtful. They know whether they will have to send for blm to get blm to vote, AH that bo cost an linmenae a mount of money, Tlie corporation have furnished it and they will get it beck ten time over. On the other hand we have no poll of the state, W did not know who our voter were, only to a limited extent, We bad no fund with which to get thein out. It will do no good to denounee them, a much n they deserve it, We muat take them ns they ere. We must have a fund to rightfully conduct tt campaign. just fund must come from small con- trlbufkm from ench memlier of the party, Iet the atofe committee go to worn at once to see that a new orgnnt ration U made that will secure it. Another factor of very trreat Jmpor taw I the reform press, The party waa first formed and built up by the reform nntm ami me nooks and pamphlets prlwtied and circulated by our peoole. In those day there wa 1)1 tt al ii bout men, rriwiiplc wer discussed almost exclusively. During the last year the reform editor nave heen more inclined to writ about men nd candidate. In so far that fin been done th old enthusiasm for principle bn declined. Our paper should .return to the old policy aud begin Mini In the discussion of funda mental principles, Let the eoitorw write on the same theme that have en Jh ned the people and wvm all the vlctorle of tlie pnat. On the other hand t'he editor should not be expected to liear all the heat and the flcrcenee of the flht alone. Every effort ahould lie mode to ustaln them. They lend a hard and unremun erietlve life at bet, Kvery member of the party ahould make effort to ex tend the circulation of reform paper. I 'very populist should throw all the huslnes jiosaible to them. A well edited reform paper sent to a man for a year will, in nine cae out of ten, moke a permanent convert. There la no way so effective and none cheap er of convincing reasonable men of the eirrrectnesa of otir princlplea. The state committee ahould render every flaslwlanca jioawlbla to the reform pre, Lei the atate committee beirln the enmpmltrn of 1000 on the lines Indtcnt ed and Nebraska will lie certain for 50.000 majority for a Ttryan eleetorlal ticket, and a two-third majority In the legislature, and a mil fre silver, gov ernment money deleiratloa In eon greaa. Up and at It then. Bllver Tlelorlea, Th lluffslo all,y Time call atten tlnn t tb fart that thed mocratie ran dldale for eoinrree In New York aim took a bold eland lor silver ran away ahead of Croker'e candidate for gov rnnrebo ran on a platlorra that Ig ird th money n nest Ion. Itaayai - iiMiiiortn ra nei oi aia neiei. Mackeyand ltmiiaWer erehte., All are well known Hirer ntea, No anp Mieeih rtemoetathi atate eoHventhm ad folio ml ih tradition of tha iriv aal eaiort tb ltiorm of the last aallonnl eoayeatloa, Wkv what would hay law lb reauHl Wkv victory. VoaW what th yault la ihi eonatt ouul hay tweahad tk eia vatios ant ntttrmd tka platform? fwrhaii lii.iHNMulalof bImiuI in Hit) voteta would bay lajl al konia," (Hfik dalatwkia toar aaa- crlplhia viplr, Htarked a thl Um d jmt f,aadilyoa are la arrvar ik a tviiiltiaaee. ivn AmmiiII I aa arihkt t tb I'uriia., Mr. Tkn. eheerwaa, Ik N York lHlsU, aWt k hwi i aevtklf Aaiefha, kHMtarle 'ik U J ni,immi,. 0, a awr of aiirHiliHHi -! ad ikelarv ikai a bat id ta wrtM eontit h . t wki lik nt.i I aver. Hai.i,tteki aad autkf bl 4 ltHi i m.1.. eaM avail wuaiii a r j(V.IMHl,tMM vrh, Hd that Ik mm asMual laeoat Iha tHael bad t Mia esso It h teh haa ll lflit IKHI. 4 robUy ttewMla ILBlKl.tHHi." en IIT OF FOP No Enthusiasm can ba Created lr the Sauka Exoopt by the Ad vocacy of Princlplea. FAULTS OF LAST OAMPAIG Waoan Enthuaa noon by Proof Tbatwa Have Been Honett or ExpooOo ba Uoneat. Vlf lit ea tb el Mam. Tha ollowliif letter, wblob apjiear ed ia the World-Iferuld, la reproduced because ft tell Die truth alout the late campaign, Any man who know anything of men aa they really are, know that no enthusiasm can bo cre ated by an appeal to aeUUhue, The spirit ami teaching of the Great Teacher baa ao worked iteelf Into tlie heart of men during tlie lost eighteen centuric that they, all uiuionaclously, in any public or organized movement will demaud that if they apeud time or money, it must be for aome great principle, some effort to belp and up life mankind. If tbo declared purpose of the war with BjaJn bod been for the purpoee of th agguodleuieut of th nation, for the extending of it ter ritory or for the exteutiou of our com merce, men would have to bava been drafted Into the service to till our ar mies, lint when th object announc ed wa for the freedom of an op pressed people, the auocor of atarving women aud children, the young men ruwlied to take up arme by tit hun dred thousand. The writer of thl ba been inelstkig all the tini thai our editor aiiouid ceea th discus alon of men and candidate and devote tbdr jwe to the discussion of prindple. We can entbu the whole country by a demand for the upbuilding of tb mas of tlie common iieoplc. We can en thus no one by th proof that we have been honest or tlie declaration that we in tend to be honest. Beatrice, Aeb,, Nov. ' 12. Having been much gratified by the energy displayed ujwu the edntorlui page of your paper during the recent cam palgn. 1 wondered at your expression of doubt a to the caus of the fallln off In the fusion vote. I am not Jn the least aurprised at all, except tliat it i no rreaur. The jsmullat jmrty wo tha outcome oi ine promuigauon or certain prin ciplea width are ao far radical that their realization mean the overturn ing of most of the statutory law of iue sinie, Without asserting that the radi cat principles are correct, they are at least tha gonfalon around which these people rallied with an eiithuaiasnt that defied bribery end Intimidation, or the habitual wcojtone of the corpo rations. For the k of thcee prindpl In other camtmlirn they endured rnuoh aim icit their earn ungatnered In tu Held to attend the election and work for tha men who stood for the in from the "oiienltiir to the cloalna of the pells." How different were the Issue rre- wiihii m uie met cammigni . . . , . i wisn to go on record now a strongly a language can expre it that all which Kenntor Allen, Oovern or Holcomb, the stale ofllcer and the last legislature have dun to carry In to acuve operation these principles ao well expresses) In the Omaha platform oi wvi meet mv hearty approval end i aptuaiiu uiem tor n. Jlut a diwiHwli loo ba Xmwu mo id feeted to compromise and temporize. An evident iteaire to placate the phi t.Hiiicy hn been ahowu. Tlie nsau ranee publicly irlven through pre- pared uiierviewa- thai "notlilng radi cal" would Is done may hav added to in reseetatiiiity or our leader In th eye f the corporation, but It did Dot arouse enthusiasm In the breasta of Uume grim warrior who stood In th rauka and won the Utile In th assured belief that many "thlnjra rAdleal" wimhl follow, The issue tendered by th fusion di rectory durinir th late eami-lka wa dreenerat In th extreme, Th istoulist hav never iiromlseil ronety imI eionoiny In lh adminis tration of affair a a l-urn mount I. aue ttiev hav only deelaml for II aa a thing to b e-eetetl a a matter ef eour rmni decent parly, tv have aauraiM thai every parly would l-tla fr,iu puttlnif up their thieve aa randidaie for i.rh.-e. aiu a a rule th M.oiuptUn ha l-t-ea verlllnl. Inalrad of rrferrliiif Inehtentally to th strlhlntf evinstrast lieleeen th riu-liiy d the la-l tepublU-an a Imli" klrtlon a I th honesty iul eennomy ef our and then tittle on hlrH Ih tisioMr of kuHiaa riirhl aiwl urftef Ii ihiwitteinl.lea anl th rl.t-d li rally fnf I Ntr own dlterm th rhaea kav liewt iM'eatlf rut, en bow loattv eeata oe doltsr e.'h elilven ef the stale k l-een av by lh aavtny eetho.t a.t.itted bv Ih fuaUet a ttiidtralr.iM. Al lh ll It waa a rtil appeal l Ik in krtl k l do'Ur leiere! of tb iev, lb yotrt Mlrw ikt If fuba tit DHi.het k wetkl lseUbl he "st t.M Wlirr ef ha If th rebll. ea ahouhl win. ek wa Ih dit (an whbdt tk itil waa fitevkt, lb ftrutee, thu aMt, w at ILIS.V once that he could eave 13 worth otf corn on election day, endure tb re publican stealage of 75 cent a bl stiar of the loss, and atlJl b $2.Zi ahead of the game, A campaign conducted a our haa been thl year, along aiiuple pocket iKHik Hue, will alwnya be won oy the aid that put the blggeat iKM ketbook Into it, On fortunately the wealth of lib world 1 arrayed againet u ami we can opjio to that implement only such wvafion a we have. The one w posse and whlcJi Imm never falh'd In bunmn history when fairly used i eiitihuluin for a right eous cause, Th appeal mode during the Jaie cntnpfllp to the greed of tlie voter wa a fatal mistake. We can never win tb battle on that line nor by th apotheosis of any other member of the irty who chanee to become by th aid of our vote a sen ator or a governor. They tried that exiM'i-lment In Kenu, It I only the battle for principle that touche tlie fieart and act on fir the brain of the com moo that can be won againet plutocracy, ' Jt wa not confidence In th great dp of their leader nor the bop oi saving money that mod the crusader Irresistible, but the burning enUbuat aain to recover tb holy eepulcher. It wa sot admiration for ,Waahlojf ton or the continental congres nor an economlo adrnlnlatration that mad Invincible th warrior of the Ameri can revolution) it wa th immortal principle act forth In the declaration that every man I endowed by the Cre ator with tlie Inalienable right to live Thie I tii ln now presented one more. J'lutocracy ha thrown down tb gauntlet, denying the doo trlne, We must pick H up. When we make Mil fmrue diatinoi end clear we ahaJl win. Tide I the lesson of tb hurt eaov palgn in Nebraska, W. ii. A8HBY. CAMPAIGN FUNDS. Th Moat Imports! part ef the fire Cesal Ntragl AglatiWll Mtrt, i Tber are many reaeone thy a com pkdely new system to rals' eanpalga fund should be adopted. Heretofore elfish iotereflt bare pot op the money for paying the legitimate eipenvee of political campaign. Tbo who thai laroiahed t b money become yery lb I tt ritlal with the politician, rongresttio and other leadare who were aware of tb fact tbat tb money forulshad to Ibelr eHinpafgnecame from certain Mreosa. It ba resulted ia clas leylslatloa, herein these few peoHe reprereofliig clss interest bay proOttdlargely thereby, 5-w Itecently es Governor Altgeldof IHU nol, la a ieech cited Ih fact that tha sapar trust, during tbe lest presiden tial campaign, gave one million dollara to th republican national committee, Tb republican party cam into power aa a result of that election, end at t be first session ol congress that ea then elected the new tariff bill waa prepared. When th schedule wa a r run Bid on atnrnr the republican member oflh cointnltte Mrmltted th officer of the ugnr Uuar, that had contributed the million ol dollara, to writ th tariff achad ii le i elating to togar. , The result waa ihnt ooiiih tltlon by forslanera waa prohibited and the sugar treat lnmiedi otely advanced the price of it product one cent a pound, and on thssale by it ol sugar cleared twenty nullum of dol lars in on year, wbicn waa a prtof dividends for that year of much larger aum. la thl inetanc It will b aea that by having contributed on million of dollara to tb rampalgu th sugar trust a class Interest cleared In ot year a net profit of nineteen million of dollar ou Ii Investment In a politkal esmpaipn. It bad thue bwem an la vest men t wllii enormous moot, ana they will an r'uubt b ripe to eontrlbut gain to ao profitable a eeheiit aa sop. IHirtlnca poliilcsl party that haa lied Itself to the elasa lutit of lb nation. Ida abov la Ih way earn pa hi a fund kav been raised and are now raised la th republican party, Mine tb pOia eta bava coma Into power IB some Of thtatea, Ikey havarelh-d me'sly epB th mvu who beid Ih ifneea to furaisn k auiae aad Ikat kaliuoataa bad. A move bould b wad to remedy It, 1 ha eole a bra Ikey aaderaiaad tbw new movement will Mlauly eom tn Ma support lor Ikervla Ik ant oaly laelr slvstloa. but ahMi tk.tr .f.ret, la no ltar being piaevu ia lb ihob oi siais-isker l Ih riaa lalrresi ef .New York aad inker riitr thai would eiplolt tbete, criaa eme ildr 14 their party. Tk M'pl kuid ra ih party, but av will aalil tkvy pay tk i i rlal ttrias'a Wtyly. n'kea tol. Mryaa wlyitd taaltead k ce jubtb-s HI t'kk agii, kawr4 Ikat k aa ia kattkw ol kntroeftiry aad kla rlnvat iq)i' l kia ton ml aiUstioa, II addml IkakdMat; laloki ivgrvte that a eoa t ( ftliradi lb Awvfit-aa peiplai mrilaa. ly a a -af-hvi-) t' e! II t It i lh law akoaltl akktin lktf .ii.s i ion wt Ik ! a i wr war e... e tvd In a asMiAsk lev bf kaaiaaltj -awsrasah ka 4 avoaalratad Ik aly .t ovaokly aad . a wkhk k vbsliae.1, Wt k kHS t) rtat.li.ki kttrat a wil a la Ih fc'vl dle Ikat ttilfia a Meted tt lb I id Ike I'sttett Hial, aaawly, Ikal enver! dHf tku t oe- aut (row tk erwi-i a4 aava-a, bat Irwut the eoaaeat id tk got td. ,rf v-