Nov. 10, 1898 THE NERBASKA' INDEPENDENT PROPERTY 3I0XEY. IT 18 THE MILL IN WHICH 8HVL0CK I GRINDS THE PEOPLE'S BONE. (rjr n tiraat trim of All fba . Aa-aa tirHlMlt, lb I'nlua'a I fr, I Iba Flarr FuraacaTlia 1I- V Ml ld Of lvlBtf. Political economy ba been called tbe "dldWIUl ideUOO." 1 Webtter uy dismal mean "dark, gloomy, eorrowfel, horrid, melancholy and dire," end of nil tbe aclence that ohblar and writer have undertaken to explain tbi adenceof political econ omy ba been butchered, alangbtered, Mangled and crucified the of tenest and inoet werciicasly, f 1 have failed to flud one writer on thia aobjeet that didn't uudcrtuketoei:- daiu it from tbe atundpoiut tbat inouey a property. A tunu inoy apcud hi life 'lid wreck hi bruiu and write volume nd keep on writing outil tbo crack of doom hum tbi erroneous atoud point and end to dismal failure at laat. Tak Ing it for granted tbat money i" proper ,ty, then it follow logically tbat inter at, usury, bond, debta, apeculiitlou, gambling, "taking op wbat you laid not down," "gathering where you iiev r aowed, " are all right. No wonder it Im dlsnml aelenee, To construct a y ttw of political economy 011 tbat fouudu tion ia an effort to build a puluco com poaed of marble on amid. It ia on effort to abolish moral distinction. It ia an effort to make injustlea Justice, to make wrong right, to make robbery honest, i)I course all aueli effort lull, I A Hula reflection will convince any unprejudiced mind tbut money ia not a material thing at all; tbat it ia Jaw, written, Impressed, atamped or engraved vo any aubs'nnees tbe wattriuj ucd for money only carries tun But or aoverelgu authority into tliw marketaof tb world Labor create or prod ticca all tba wealth, Tbo first price paid for any kind of property fa labor. Tbi design of money, ft true and only jot fuuc tion, ia to tjrpies tba prlca value In ia Uit of art Idea to b bought and aold or changed, Labor fixe tbo price. Mon y nxt'tumm tba prlece, Money hu no more r)bt to fix and regulate pricea tbuu it baa to govern ud regulate th weather, But under our "dark, gloomy, dlra, aorrowful, torrid" evident wow practiced, money price everything. It atauda above all kind of property. U ia reckoned mora valuable than man himself, Indeed it ia our b'laineaa nod, Tba business world ia 60 ft kueea worshiping tbi Mammon god. Created aa it ia to serve and wea or labor, labor ia mode to nerve it It 1$ master, labor i ita aarvant. Tba tnorobant'a acule do not add to tbo value of tba tw or coffee wellid, Tba acalea xprea tlKi wi)lbt. Money baa no liualmtaa nddinif to tbo value of proper 1 ft aboold only cxorena tbo value al lofldv fixed by labor. Tbo balf buabel doea not a4d to tbo quantity, but ex jrreoaea ft. t Tbia proBfrtr Idea ct money la tba fatal fiiUtuko of tbo world, Madu to aarvo labor it becotnea tbo robber of la bor, Tbero fa no dufeuaeof uaury except tbi falao prop;rty idea. Btrlp money of tbia falao quality and it would be barmluia. 1'erverted aa it ia, it ia aink fog every (overuuicnt in tbe world in tbe bottouiloaa pit of bowk debt and uaury, 1'olitical economy wrltera monkey round tbo question and never aco tb curaeof unury, Monoptdiua apring up, truNta, ayndieutea and coiubinea aro formed, labor ia ground down to utarvu tion wagea, wbilo tbo idle bank iu lux ury; all by tbo pervernlon of money. Yet tbo wrltera on political economy aee uotblng wrong with tbo money. Indeed without uu exception they be Leva iu lutorot or uaury. Iu their tut) matlon coin, gold or gold uud ailver, ia tbe only water al tbnt cun be mude in to money. Lven aome reforiuora believe tbat (Jod mado gold and ailver for mon ey. Tbey are called precioua metala, but nacd for money they are almost an uu mitigated curno. It would be a boon be yond couceptlon la value if they wero both, Coin money la tbo money of burbnriNm. It ia tbo pillur 011 wblcU moiiurcby baa alwaya tood, and any nation that oaea ooiu money, gold 1 aud ailver, or eltbur one nlorie, will aooner or later laud in mouarcby. Cola money, metal money, la intercut money, aud any lynlnin of national lUmuee fettered ty luturont will eiulnve Ita cilixtma iuterent will unavoidably ouiueulrale tba wialtU iuto ftw baudai lieuoe It dutruyaeiuullty among Ita tilt Uuij(j beinx) it U lijuompatibla with duinMiracy. Uold and ailver ougbt to be dumoiia tlwd tuiuudlately Itefurtmra abould tuake tbia Iba keyuol It la tbe thing tbat nugbl In be daie above aud U lore uylbluglk. Teat ti tbe voleta tbat lie MM la wm on If uiimw.eaM.ry, but tbut It ia rubbitr Unik at Iba awful liicubua. Tbedebla ou our country are lliiiitd bv tba bei )udgali bo 1 10,000, uun,Ooa Tbe Iu trliauot b'M Ibait il.toO.UUU.UOU Tbia U lb liHtd that labor vat riva, ll la about 1 .10 m r ctti fur every wao, wioiian au tbild In Ilia l'uu4 riif. If title iutf rkl 1 1 3, 4U0.0UO.UUO) waa laid tit due iu til'rr dullara, It would rai It ruut Ibe enrtlt wiee aud a ball way tvuud agalit. Uuk at iba b-f ril U iHlug Tbe rlu. eil 1 1 It), tHMi.oon.ooni tu tlvvr dullai, laid l Us would atouud mule luan n lltuva. Whan tli fn lolWra ibluk yu mi fetf IbladxbU (III la ef mtd ym will have M I a Ik UU Hit evtf Ikiug Um at 11, vm toilvt ih nUute, In tuatlue ibuiMt ixi Uruia, all t t m mm Um m tbe irMidiulll nl i VMMuf uul nur y ve wmkliM I t Hhyb.kl WeNvtrra ir ll.t b l l Tbe tavt la Mr ItbyUk dVl vtaul Iba IM "M IU Im. u la tm tbtldr e ad r-tiu eud all aulu g 'uuaiiuita tttwiar out iWlf llveiH lttlalrad aulll i4 tuuty M I lug M kiiu. Ate Jfn illiu lu lieiMHaM Uui tetie la pv tcrityf Do you toink It rigbt 10 do It? I dou'i Look at tbia horrible Intercut Again, Jonea mecta Mr, Smith on tbe atreeta. lie aaya, "Mr. Bmitb, I bave a tbon aand dollara I don't need. I will loan It to yon for a year, I'm afraid to keep it boot tbe bouao, for fear of being rob bed or murdered, aud I'm afraid to put it in bank for four tbo bank will break," "All rigbt," aayiBujItb, "I'll take it for year, and give you good aecurity nd 10 per cent intercut 011 it." Now even bunded Juctico would do maud tbat Jouea pay Hniltb for kucplug bia money ud riaklng bi life. Tbe world ia completely demoralized nd bewildered on tbia eubjoct. It ia bound baud aud foot aud blindfolded It ia Mamtuoo wonbip, Intercut la tbe eacrillco we aro forced to lay ou tbe altar of our Mammon god. We are not forced to commit any 0'ber elna. We need not drink or gum ble, or break tbe Habbatb, or lie, nor etcal If we don't cboone to do thcue thing, Dut we are forced to pay naury No man can buy or aell anything with out doing it. You may not be iu debt cent, but when you aell anything you bave to compete with tba muu wbo ia forced to aell to pay intercut. No muu can eucceed ia bualDoaf anient ho baa tbe "mark of tbe boUNt" 011 "bit fore bead and iu bia hand." Tbe world ia run by old now aa fur m buxlneni la concerned, Tbe remedy and tbo only remedy la to demonetize ooln, or metul money, gold and ailver, aud nao paper only for mon ey purponoM; Let tbe government licuo grnenbacke, full legnl tender for all debta. We don't need but one kind of money, rJiuce tbe war of tbe rebellion we bave hud not much if any leia tban aeore of different kinda of money. If itwuauot for tbo treachery uud villainy in it, it would be punitive evidence of fuaauity to make audi a medley of money, but there u "methyl In their medium " They had a polar atar they were etecriug their craft to, Tbut wua ibe money of Dual redemption. Hoe? Uaury waa wbat tbey were after. Every kind of money but tbo one "final re demption" money waa to be discounted aomewbero, Wben a man went to pays debt witb any money beaidea the "ilual redemption" money, tbe creditor would demand tbe "final" or "I will lake tbia, but 1 will bave to dlxuount it." Here it whore tbo Intercut come iu, la teroKt la tbo eoul, tbo Ilfo, the alpha and omega, tbe flrnt end tbe luxt tbat lu eplre our national finance and hue been ever alnce the war of tbe rebellion. Whoa tbe rebellion came on eo unex pectedly, there waa no money iu tbo United Utatea treuaury, Tbo government beguu to borrow, and after borrowing bout 1160,000,000 they quit and iNNUOfl trcaNuryuotce called greenback. I uaed to wonder why, after every new Uue of money of any kind, uu iaxue of bonde waa made immediately, for I knew tbey didn't intend to borrow, nor even try to borrow any money. Tbey were looking ahead. They in tended to tarn tbeao dilferent laauoa of paper money Into bond. Tbey aut tbo bond after tbe greenbocke like pack of bound after wolf. Aud by and by tbe bond cuogbt them. Then tbey drove iron rpikea through them, then gather ed them Iuto tbe treaaury at Welling ton and denlroyed them. At flrt tbey burned them. Tbey conatructed a crema tion furnace made of Iron ehaped like hayatunk. It waa 10 to 10 feet in dia meter at tho buae and coito abaped. It bad four or five docra placed ull round it witb lock. Tbey atutioued a (team engine off n littlo distance witb u plpo ruuning under tho crematory bouao to fun tbo lire when ready. Tbey covered the floor with ahuvlng, aud every other or alteruuta day tbey louded a cart or wugou with f 150,000,- 000 of Ibe 'people' money and carted it off to tho cremutory, which waa built ou whut waa called the White lot, north of the treasury a quarter or half a mile. Two or three clerk and a few curlonity aoekera weut with tbe loud of doomed greeubuclu to buru, and aee them go off iu amoko. A door would bo unlocked and one clerk would pick up a puckage and cull off tbe number and denomination, tbeu totta it In ou tbo ahavlng. Tbe other clerk would check off tbe uumbera Wben a part waa dumped into one door tbey moved to another ao aa to dletrlb uto them evenly ou the floor, and wben they lluiabiMl unloading tbo doori were eueorcly locked, matuhea aet lire to tho ahuviuga al each door, a aigual wa glv on to tbo ciiglue to blow, and the ape tator atepiiwl buck aud aaw tbe money that uved tlie Uufou, aud made glad the wivea of millloua of auldleri, go up to beuven iu auioke. Hut the baleful greeitbiM k did not draw iutcrent, Hhylock waa uniting no income from theut aud Ibe baleful thing uiU't buru. How mauy wereburuwl I don't know. Hut by and ly they buili luru vnl aud ground them lulu pulp, IH rhapt aome of tbia wa iiiailu lulu paji r ulu. They albiwtHl aomunf Ibl pulp lobe madu iuto In) .!, dog, doiU, rla Ili much belli r 11 would have Uu tor Ibe world If Ibe enunplralor agalml lb areaiiUrli bad Uu Uviiuud lu ttrid of lh grm ul i k I Tbl iiiir,ioT l Mi v In k na i ro- duetd 10 in a lutfuilun, more mlwiy aud ll iii'f titi lban Ibe war id Ibe vU llmudnt. Aud mil the davllUk woik g nui all i-auwl by our tiop. iiy iHuiHif. Hv. U Dgll,y'a "I'm llllval Mm-iny," Uba lir t aiavavr a4 uei.iil V Immii i, bating lilwraM 4,0od, UOUof U Tiu, we bvtiiik.H ibe abatkln frtm lb I iHiet KiioUimvh aud brttttgbl all Ubitfvia lu tvmimm , but not wmH' k by aUvailug ibe fiuit Um m by tai''illy rtxluilug lb whole v m king niaUlibit k mi 1 1 iiii4 While btlitig w( uu WoCIt demit, weateiMofal l vm b uly I41I Ibal I v oar lubiallua iimuflirf t iIhiu w be tuilviitlUwd a iyUm ! 1 il'ij Ini f rnnx, but U'Uta lb I tiurl, lbN Ineitld iflut u al uliUvtrt -lluiaea Unvli1, OMAHA'S WATERWORKS. A CondllluN That U I'onnd la Mnnf Olbr 411 Ira mad Tunaia, Hero are the imniee of aome of tbo owncra of our wutorwnrk wbo aro now viaitlng our city to examino their profit able poatteatdou ! , Prcildeut Theodore 0. Wooflbtiry of Woodbury Sc Monllon, banker, l'ort land, Me. i Vico i'realdcut Frederick Btrao of J. aud W. ticligman & Co., banker, New York city; Wlntbrop Smith of Wlntbrop ftmitb & Co., bunk er, rhlludeiplilnt William U. Nlchol on, prenldent of the Lund, Title and Truit company, i'hlludelphin; V, M Colaton of Wilnon, Colston & Co,, bank er, Dultlmore; K. Hfeven, accrotary, Every bleMed one of them in a bunker and tbey all come from the largo cltie of tbe eimt. Thee gentlcmeu are like Alexander the Oreat they have captur ed everything iu tight down cut, aud re now hunting for now world to con qaer, Theo men liuvo appropriated one of the mnt important natural munopo lie of our city that Jutly belong to ull our people and aro "flugerlu" the per cent In regulating the amount and kind of water we ahull drink, Tho quality of tho wutcr U poor and the price i euor ttiou. Car drink are not filtered, and every year a fow aand bauki are run through tho distributing pipe, and tbeio I no doubt tbut tho people will have plenty of auud iu their giz zard, If the city owned thla publto utility, the water would bo better, the price would be cheaper, and there would be an immcuiMi aurplua to apply on our municipal iudchteduc. Tbo men wbo gave away tbi fraucbiao to foreign banker ought to bo dumued both here and heieafter. Iu order to ce that thi plant ia ImmetiHely profitable it i only nooewnry to look at tho kind of men tbut own it, K leu banker do not i n gage in petty enterprise, Tbey are not here for fun, They have a good thing, nd they will bold oil to it like grim death, There ia a little towu 111 the in toriorof Nchruxka I hut own It own watcrworke and charge f7.60 for the anmu amount of wutcr that cost a fam ily iu Omaha 610, uud tbo wutcr there cost tbo city much more in proportion than it cost the cuiupuiiy hero, Are tbo people of Omaha not almost tired of giving away men month a splendid for tune to tho owner of it publio utill tie? Omulnt Nonconformist, (lot minimi llunlt. Witb government bunk ill place of our present syntum ot prlvute bank, called "nullonal bunk," the people would auvo nearly all tho interest tbey now aro robbed of iu tbo cy irseof busi ness Tbo comer tbut aro now run 011 money would ho prevented uud no more rot would 1111 tbo dully paper about "ouud money" and tho "duugerona giceubuek," that 0110 "weak point in our finances." Tbe bunker' associa tion, which meet at abort interval be tween to discus money and tell their audience aud the newspaper that a bulf dozen "flnuuciera" with a machine called bunk cun issue fur better and "aounder" paper currency than the gov ernment, would eooii bo a thing of the post, Wo would get rid of the uansratlng rot which t beto gentlemen utter over their wine and cigura, Tho money que tion of tbi conntry will never he set tled until it i taken out of tho bund of these gentlemen who buvo beonmo tbe bunko ateerer of I ho nation, They now have a bill in the house which I tbe grandest ami most anduciou bunko bunk bill ever concocted. It propose to take churgu of the biisinw of tho coun try aud direct everything, both govern ment and people. Tbi bill which the bunker bave foisted on lo tho Uepub licuii party uud mado sponsor for it i tbo most lufuuiou ever devised by the plunderer of modern business, 1, K Ewlug. Watch I'or While lllncblilril. Tho big railroad pool hit been declin ed illegal by thu United Hlate supreme court iu otie bread), and In the next tbe KntiNut City stock yard pool U held to luwful association. Just how the old women lawyer ou the supremo bench can miiko 11 distinction between the two Land cf robber wbo are iudustrlonsly fleecing thu public- ia not very clear, rrobubly, though, aomoof the big mug uatea became tired of (ho ruilruad pool aud untitled tin Ir judgca to dissolve ft "lu Ibe interest of the pttnplo," bul "tbe people" iu thla iuittaucu will be tbe Morgan, andetbllt and (ioubla, wbo will now atari a cutthroat competi tion uud wreck tbe weaker lliiea, iiet tbe umllor capllallst out of busluest. gobble up th ruiued road fur song ml bail "the now priwu-rllv" with glad act lu 1 111, Any obi lime wbtu tin big plutocrat gel the worst of It lu any deal yon will a white blackbird. Clweiund I'llUcu. I'rr in I wuiMmiMIwb, Tb inv irul b Jul biol ni I lug al I'ltl'licrg ud niMikd up lb price i f dove ai d Niigva Tb rwtii jrfitt buinu.iy In i d lib rations, which were wt ul. In Ibe miuu illy at Iba anntti lime I In to an atu ui I al cotifi m tn l tvtccit b gbtDwnian, bul Ibcy i-il tti't to altllUle V.Ub iaib oibrr. riio hiniil4ilurr will iuU Ittlllioit l y llnlr eu vialieit lb WtuktK will l.u litnuMt tbey iiIumi .ieicii4l lUeU will gtlwbal II d xrM. Working )le pit d f li un 4lbr Ibau uulla aud Ui tiid Ibilr um tttnl lMtfiitt raplUliil uiieli Iball iivaie inly Id itirMria n toiuiMUuliiiie iMulidau4 tHiiAUiu4it. Aul lu liot th Mall Mar. ' lluntlittft' (.I4yt.1l Iba idd Mark II) aa gameetrt aaalu lu t'alifi 114I4 Ha ( um lle(Ur IbHaliHilig l iU tta v i f all lb iitiat Mipb ) if kii.owii it'4 alotiitl guvviM r lUllMad Will l dlitfi owl 1 1 1-olUM' aaHl lby t4Miit4ia IU4 iiHit) l lb Mllii. -LWaeiiln lad p udut. ViW inn 1 m WOMEN 'lib- Most women art drudgtt. Some are willing, tome are unwilling, Homo women drudge for tliemaelvoa, noma for tbclr fuinlly, Tbelr routine la end leH 110 mulU r lintv 111 ii..u r,.i limy work. ' 'Mlt 1 1 Women never half lake care of theinw lves. Kurly decay and wrecked live nlMiutid, mainly througli iiefflect, Kvery Wfunuu uliotibl have tho book culled "lleullli uud Ikiaiily," which tbo iV-rti-iia Mcdiclno k,,('ulnniltun, O,, will mull on i-cqucut, It Udl women sonic cny thlnn t; do in proU-ct bcallli, ami nil ahmit tbo virtue ofl'c ru-mi for women' rN-!uliiii ill. Mlna 1'cU-r, Miiu'imtuli, 111., write! "loin jn'i-fccf .ly cured of fcnuilo wenlc ncaa by tuklng re-ru-im and Mim-a-lln. I have gained thlrty-auvi poiuida aliicM 1, begun tuklng re-rii nu, My frlemla aro wondering what tmikea mg look ao bright and heallliy, I would liko to let tho world know whut wonderful medicine ro-rirnu In." Woman' dlneuwa are mainly cnlarrh of tho pelvlo ortfinm, , IV-ru-na drive out every pbuwi of cului-rh, Mr, KllwiWIke, No. 130 Iron Ktrcet, Akron, ),, write! "I would lo,in my grave now If it bud not been for your (IkiI sent, remedy, J'e ru nu, I wan u broken do wu woman, now I am well," x fW. Wmw m "SPARKINC" Sundry Mght ormiy other night, I made mueli mora agreeable on cold nigh' hy having u good, pleasiut fire, You can have a bright, cheerful fir atu small coat if you buve our (ieuulii Walnut block coal. It la blirb grnd ", ond the beat to be secured di CA for I be price,,,. We aell all kinds, however, and ut lowest figure, Try um. CENTERVILIE BLOCK COAL CO. 110 M. 1 fib fit. l'hoDl7. Yard I'Iiod St)2. THE "IND wmv DR. D.C. REYNOLDS, SURGEON, Itoom 17, 18, 10, llnrr lnf,n,, 'Wat, ink. rhonea (,' i una. linCOIfl, IEU , ,1, n WF. MANUFACTURE Cnrrlng'-a, IMmetona, and Wairona ol nil kind; put ou Hubber Top, ('unIi Inna, end Hack, nliolesal or retail, l'ut on Itubtier Tiriia and warrant every act. Tainting and repairing not excelled In th west. 20 veer hi huNliiPH iu Lincoln. 1101 .'Ida Mouth Tautb etreet, corner M aln--t, J. M. CAMP BRIEF PRINTING Lawyer who are particular bout tbi dim id work ran J;et entire atltuctloo by glv ug their work to tbe bna r;l)KT, I'llm-a right. BUSINESS MEN Who want 11 neat end attrac tive not-brad ran got JuH lint I bey ar ItiokliiK (of At tb xiiki'iPi;.T otllca. :::::::::::?:t 3ULPH0-SALINE Bath Houso and Sanitarium .41 -Jr ft Carasf Hik M tta, LINCOLN, NCwrlA&ftA, t)pcn at All Hour Hay nn M j;li I All rriu ol li.itb. Toiilib, Ri'jjln, Renin, lltctilc. tk asMl Hih la 11 ai iubru sut mm um i Wim iaa ) we aiMa, m, 4 a iMa i !! a ! u i.t ant tlwaiHi nii, io iit imiiihi am m ' , Urt. M. Ha AJ.O, rvcrwlt, ti ' t . EWING ...... . . MACHINE k Perfect Machine at a Popular Price. $19.50 WITH ALL ATTACHMENTS, 'WJ1 FREIGHT PREPAID h 1 m 1 If by oar th rat time a mnnh In ordar to eecurejt popular DamT Wsea fC9 toy eotua mnehlnee you pay 76 per eeut lor tba nauie nd 25 per eaot for tbe Da) at sne. Waell you Hewing Machine that will w, and rbarg you notblnf lef tb nm. y too do not like th nam "Indwndeiit," palut rd over it u au the machine what you wilt. W are doing tbe advertising, Mod It dona not eoet a web, We bay tbe ia'liln direct from on ol tb lrget manulacturxr b t world ! raOTOHV cost, ed w oflur thm to our ubaerlber at an eieaptloBt: 1 sow brio, and ell wa want in ddit.lou i One Subscriber. Our "Indpen4amtr Maebiae I thoroughly OreO-claae Family Bowing Macbjoe, nd ll retail! nia IU original nam at 1(10,00. Our rrangamanta with tbe man ulacturere will sf allow ua to uae tbelr name, but intd w call it "Indpndant" HIGH ARM, HIGH GRADE, NOISELESS, LIGHT RUNNING. SELF-THREADING, SEWING MACHINE. Awarded the Medal rrrmlora t tbe World'! Colombian Einetltlei t Chicago la leiiS. EVUni MACHINE WARRANTED. A written wairaaty oeoompajiloi eocb Maeblne. All part r iatrchngftble, nd we can aupply dapIV eat At ny time. Kucb part ol tba Macbine I Btted witb aucb etadw ae that no trouble ean riae witb any part, oa new plaoee M M opplied with tbe Meursoee of perfect lit. Oar "Independent" ia ft etrlctlv blgb-grade Rawing Machine, ted iahkai tbrwoibout in the bet poaaible manuwr. It powmte all modern Improwe BioU,and it mechaniaaleonatruction la aucb that in it reeorabiaad aimpileffif - witb great atruigth, thua InHU'ing eoae ol running, durability, and aakltfl tt ImpoNHlbla for tb Miteliln to tw put out ol order. It eawe lout and raakee perfMCt etitch with all kind ol thraad and all olae ol material. Alway reQ fur ue and unrivaled lor apoed, durability nd quality ol work. Notice the following polnte ol eiiperlorlty. ..... Tim Hkau ewinge ou pntnt eocket hlngo. and la firmly bald dowa by thumb aomw. It ia atrong, aubtautial, neat and baudioma I dtsslun, and Ix-aut dully oruainntd in gobL Th bed flat baa rouudiid coriier and i inlaid or counUmunk, mnklug it flub with the top ol the labia, UioiiesT AnuTb apoca under lha arm ia 1 Inchwa high ajid 0 Incbea long. Thi will admit the laast aklrU, van quilt. It 1 HBLr-THMCADiNO Tber r baolutely no holae to put tb thread through i?pt th ? of th nmdle. Tbb FllOT TLM ie cyhndor, open on tb ml, ntire)y aiill-thivadlng, easy lo pat In or tnk out; bobbin bold a larg amount ol thread. Tui Htitcw Keoclator la on tba bad ol tb Mm: hi no, ben, th tb bobbin wlndar, ad baa acute allowing the numU rol etitcbaa to th Incb, ean be chanted Irom 8 to 83 atitchee to th Inch. Th Feko ia double and iteud 011 both sldisi ol tb neeill; aever laila to tak tbe goode through; uvr atoim at aaama; movaniant ia noaitfve; no anrtnga t brink and g-t out ol order) ean be raised aud lowerod at wllL Automatic TloBBia Wixocn An arrangnnmut lor Ailing the bobbin automatically and perltly etnooth without holding, the thread. Th Miubtns doe not run wbil wiuding lhbubbiu. LiunT lion aixo Th Jlachio I y to run, doaa not fatiu tbe onarator, inMkelittlniiiMiaadawrapldljr. Thi Htitoi ia doubl-lovk tlteb, tb Mm on both lda, will not ravl. and be cbannl without topping th Marbina. Tuu Tinsiom I flataprini Uaaloa and will admit thread from H to 150 ooleotton without rkaiittlng, Kavnr gta out ol order, l ag Nrrw a U a etrMlgbt, lt-itlng mhII, flat on oa (Ida, and cannot ba put la a-runtf. Nir.0l.i Pal tarfund, madeol rase-bard-nad Im-I, with oil rep at bottom U pravaot od Irom on tba foi. A weTai a ll4i-iuAll boarlnff are en bardnntxl t4 and eaa U aaaily adjunUd with crawdrlvar, All bt mnlloa eaa ba taka op, and tb UacblM wig lat Id Um. ArcniaaTe-ICah Machiaa ie Ural-bad with Ue litliowtiig eetol IsMtaiml attaehmante raaa: Oa r'uot llatntnae alUr, one fakatte ol Naadlaa, all llubbina. Wraach, oa ftcrav Iirivar, or rthatilarWrew lrtar, eia I'raaaar FhiI, oaa Hall ea HiHia, oaa OU ( aa flllad with oil, one Uauga, oe Oaug 8r.w, aae (iaitlrr, aad ou latrutio lluuk, jk. iua,oo iwtA.oxxx3Mia ron, OUR OFFERS ri tlir-Oa tailBatatM ftawtwf Mavltlaa a 4 fteliraaaa tadpatat aae ae tf fie I OUl ! -aUsidlH ! Mavaiaa ae Mlam a Haul a a if tV f fsisat M a Clafc af M 1 It oa TUinf-a la4rll, Ml Maeklae fU waagft 4 tlaw af aa IiIshii I aat at 1 1 IH eavl AMTIOUT rA!tu.AllwaklaaaakirH dirat Horn Uior at rkWa. fnagrfl aargaa hl'd f hI ia ! I'ttttad Haiaa wa aUaay, iaa w f a U la w 1 agta.i'a ld.waia Sla. Ie, Idakav Ltaa. MiMiUaa, Arttuaa aad H iww'NI. ab ium atafftl aN tratgkt akair t4 4 (M aJdiiMaaW rraat atdatlag aiakia wll idaaae atala flalalf Ire psHat l akuk tk Halkft la ta ba akiatd, a etll a i lim. K i)- I m b l Im ' akl lag p.nt aa wall ae pvaU8k addraaa, aad bulk liaha a4 fwa.Uy aaV grtaaaie u Oaaaat Ami rus lrnria v INDEPENDENT PUBLISHING CO, Lincoln, Nebraska.