The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, November 10, 1898, Page 2, Image 2

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    Nov. 10. 1898
- Hew thUaall saved rrmr Utoaara'
Com Crop.
Editor Independent:
October UWh the data ot tbo
Lanodatcr county farmer dob dawned
dreary and grew into a drlwle Mtb
tin for gathering drew mm. Only a
few of tho fearlttM arrived. Mr. 1. N.
Ioaard, the pleasant bot wbo live
four mile north of Lincoln, read a loiter
from bl son Hnrprant Hhcrman Leon
ardoftka third Nbraka rt-glinMit In
which bawmd roony good wrnhm to the
club, deploring hie Inability to ba pre-
""Therefore the following r eolation
wr adopted: i . .
Whras Hanrnant Knorman Leonard
voluntarily enlisted a a soldier toau.
lain hi country bonor, leaving friend
and the comfort and pleaeun of fwiiu
life for the danir and unavoidable
hardships of an active army campaign,
MWniym the membera of thi club, bis
friends and nelabuora, young and old
beat th good report ol the record be I
making: We take pt Ide and ph-usure in
vending grtli), laulavliig him vcr
true to the Mug and at andard (but float
over and near Mm. We will pray to
the Ood of justic that hi life tuny be
apared to rmrn to bi friend and re
fair the congratulation aud honor
graciously attended to tba true aud the
Brave. , .,
It waaa veritable 1 ve feast, own the
necretary cam In for a share of good
will. IVy thurikml him for the able
manner In which he reported the fro
MMdiniiMof farroarncluuday at tbecounty
fair, aud alo the diNtribuiion of badge
at the gate, , , ,
If r. !onard raid K,,ol worV"
lortheqawil Ilia foro wa seriously
troablml with chinch bu last summer,
lie went to the Mat form and other
, place for fungus to Infect the bog with
out obtaining it The following day in
looking over hi cornfield he found
awvarsl flocke ol quail picking at bug,
diluting upon the aloek, turning over
leave aud generally clearing thtm. Ho
everybody gel a vole of thank but 1b
qaail, ha got left. The October program
Will be carried over fori be November
meeting of the ' 17tb In whkh Mwdnme
llriatou, Duncan and Hattia Albuno
will tuke part in literary exerclae.
Mr. Lniour In discussiou of weed;
Mr. A. II I'raiu will talk on cleaning
chicken hornet. , w
Milb many thank to Mr. nnd Mr.
Leonard lor I heir hoeplloliiy th club
will meet Willi Ibem eaiu in November,
All member are earneetly requeued to
be prest-iit to eh ot au entire new act of
nfoalaU for the eliMUing year.
II, !oMv, V" I Bokmaij,
i'reldont. Hec.
Dr. Hnll Cough Hr rop biu saved
many alile. ltcaoalway be relied on
tn inm Ilia dnntrerou crouoand whoop-
Ing cough. It give Imniediat relief
ami aiiould be kent In ever borne. It
only coU 25o a bottle.
Tb Elevator Troit.
Kdltor Independent:
I would like a little information in re
gard to lb aland that th II. k M. rail
read official aw fit to tuk with one
of our grain bnyer.
He baa been buying 'and loading bl
car by having tbefarmera scoop the
mln. Or in other word I what we
call a track buyer.
Yesterday a l. & M. ofllolal (or at
Wast representing himself a ucb)cloltn
ing to be a traveling freight aifent
droDiied off and proceeded to tll our
track bnyer how he must buy grain la
order to obtain car.
lt. lie must not pay more for itreio
than the elevators of thi place pay.
Ikung asked why he sny it waa drnwiim;
trade fromotlier town. Hut upon h av.
Ins be Darticularly cautioned him il ho
did pny more for grain thut th eleva
tor would put the price up o liiKb at
thiatilaea thut our truck buyer would
ba nnnble to compete with them.
Thsn h proceeded to tell bow they
would do it; uy they would lower tho
pric at eouio other point and put it
on here. ...
Thi official I lvl Henry and claim to
b travvliutf freight nirent. On, the nn.
limited gitlll The question U are w
farmer to tst at the nit-rey of th eleva
tor riuicT Aud lather no recourse.? I
thi denunciation or what i it.
Tbo Opportunity
of a Life Time,
HONS lu the wull known aod. proer.
owaetdonr at JUtUllojuoa, Btala wl
Tnelila, Mrilco. Ou consist til V'K)
area, a Hrtiou la efl'a trs
a4 eR tbtea year old. All Hod ol
tropica) Irall, rubber, rdsr au4 rsm
joest trr, guluea gr, d filing boaa
a4othe buihliHg, l'iovrty increo.
w In wl a lr ' Into bearing,
ail-awthif, The other plantattoa
eoalaie U cf "h Ihousasd of
yttang t If. a u It owes bavleg
v(W biiH'a latervst to allead to
tara Id Im o.I I'lsBlnt tti at
aatw l Omuiw lhl thry vta ! l
aw ark'4 at tU Halt
askeU Ixh ., Mulnn-ruiwl Ui la
Ik rliey. ! iio's U Bltk
Nl, aal a y liaWe rl i4 wIU
4m aawvsa ba tkrtr bae al
4alattua Bef. f ,
awliag M rwia bltk, wka d
ava ui th str wisUra el
lMla4, a t l th
IIM MtaJart l l4at BimV
Bjms thw I Ik (Mi, 'w (rltUr
UUih.l,Ol d H.IS M.o.
i itm a N.m;
TWa day at ftbn Ut a laf
ajnaa I inmv t a
f aatkla wilkdwt t ! M&tV
m Ua MtM htt lk ."(WW
wilt a4l aMukiea la la Jt
M ) -lif
! W A tv
a a wartaat ir i tuua
Th War K t CallAirola.
I lu a tourist sleeping tar personall,.
....nHiipti.ri via tba llurlitmtoii route.
Ymwinti't chancre car. You inaxe iai
tuiiH, Youeethe Bneet cenery ou the
your car i not o exwmmveiy gunNw
nor ho fine to look at ae a pulace deeper
but it la iut aa clean, iuet aa comfort
able, juat a good to ride in. And nearly
fjo cheaper. , , l
Thu Hurllntrton eicureion leave U0-
coln every Tbuwday at 0:10 p. m. reach
fug Hun Fraijclc Hunday and U)e An
trelea Monday, i'orter with each car.
Kscuraioo manager witn eacu pany.
For folder itiving full jnformation call
at H. & M. depot or city ticket olllce
corner 10th and 0 at reef.
0. W. konmrij,
C. 1'. T. A.
CaUrrb Can be Cured
Hv eradicating from the blood tn cro-
fulou taint which cuuho it. Hood a
Hawaparillacoreacatarrh promptly and
permanently, becauee It turmvMat ma
root of the trouble.
The rich, pure blood wulch it ma ice,
circulating Ibrouitb the pauge ol tha
uiucon membrane, hooiiim ana reouua
the tieu, giving them a tendency to
health intead of dieae,and ultimately
curing the affect ion.
At the ame time Hood wureapariua
trenihen, Invigorate and eiierjiB
the whole eyetem ami make the oenoer-
alcd victim of catarrh led that new life
ha been Imparted.
lt noe dully with enoff. Inlmlanl or
other local application, but take
Hood' Haraittrlll and cure catarrh
absolutely ami enrely by removing lb
cuuhc which produce it.
Manila, Philippine Inland, Oct, 6,
189H; Dmir Friend: Itwuemy Inten
tion to write you a letter in time for the
eteamer which Bailed I wo, or threo day
ago but to tell the real truth I have
been too aick to write. Jluve not felt
like sitting up for a couple of day.
Weather I very hot and had rather
gotten the better of me. Hut thi even
ing I am felling much better end will
write while I may. We received a cable
gram from the governor neklng If we dc
lred to be mnetered out. That aenmed
hkettfooliMb question. No one would
atny here If they were not needed aud
could get away. Wo replied that officer
and men wanted to be mustered out,
contingent of couree upon the fact that
the government aoonnotneea u nerw
longer. When I be government i through
with u hero I am reaoy to icava ano
agree never to return nere 'again ano
that the Benilnientpraeiicoiiy oi every
olfloer and aoldler here. We are not ask
ing to he taken nwoy but wueu we are
UHked if we enjoy staying here we most
emphatically ay no. Do not b wor
ried about my BicKues ior in noi
serious. I have been around every duy
and on duly all the time.
Th picture reached me 0. K, in good
condition. They are splendid picture
particularly so in tblacouutry. Thank.
Ihaveshown them to nearly everyone
aud all agree tbat tba distance adds In
terest. Thi I the most lonesome place
on earth, but I have told you thato
often that it I monotonous by thi lime.
Hut there is nothing better than the old
old story, if 1 waa in Lincoln tonight I
rather think I'd tell it again. It too
long to writ but pleasant to remember.
We have no ladies here, no libraries, no
theatres, no amusement of any kind,
and the icoveruor neks us if we want to
stay here. We want to stay until our
duly is done and not n duy longer,
liiave ahiw view ol trenches etc..
whii-li I uneloxe. 1 received them from a
"Kodak fiend" and cannot get others
liko them. Ilavo them mounted and
dreserve carefully forme. lam trying
to get duplicates. II I can uet dupli
pt von uliiill have a act. Tho picture
iiftlm huilillnir is of a convent thut
stood lu and formed a part of our line of
trimhim while iloinif outpost duty. My
company constructed the breastwork
a front of this imiuiing ano aioiiRinn
eat toward the liencii. ine ounei
bole are evidence that breastwork
were ueedoil In that vicinity at that
time. There are many other vlewe that
I am trying toret. May invest In a
camera myaeii ana nave it snqqwu u
from llonit Konir.
Iteiiieiutsr ma to friend a oe.
ore. 1 Mii'los a little poem 1 discur
Most afliTtionateiv,
Manila, 1 I., (Vtolaf 7, 189H.-lWr
l'rlind:-Your letter of Aug. 3 Is r-
reivvd. It reaihe.1 me Blsiut A i'K
ago, We had had no mail lor alaiut a
mouth end you cu tmauiue tbat wa
were somtwhal ranted with Joy ovrr the
new from rivilltttutM anil mors then
thai ovr th word of klndio-M and
etmpalby Irom Irmnd. W r hat eg
a Bard sea ill it iwi. iiuiain ?
Iisiirwalle and uuheult by, nearly yn
ix-rrvutol lhniea ar uusbl In do
duly, Hsvslta s'rk lor ihr or bur
lays ii bui nfseoniiBu,i mukij.
tii b-tiiua twin r ioniy sun uu ion an
isiit any wri ! , i in
t ht sl a meniUr il mv eonipaey a t w
laia a aad irltl Mm noma m ls
l.iilUi tsat H' ! Jsiiffio. list
itt fvlVt WOftJ M U..MIB ll (!
! iiu hr s I Iihii Koeg and hi
t urUl al llalMlr l.iarnd
h Minal mi iniiir B4wrinw
IBeialhwl I hi lrl'd n Bitot. Hul
iliinssitt Its! kind imh ur Irt rsl aum
lf trra day, I a uf I id las
i'k'ih. VI i knrv4l
Ush st i'lhf l Ik iUuiit lettia
kvvf l'tif istriN'aUf atisBlNta
la lh tts'k'' .Ho It U
, ufcl iNtllnl wtr.
W rwl a raUWgf am Um th gtv-
tmif tutiil tlsl l sklr II W
waKis.llal wtimt w, VI
ikiatt iu inks war la vw-M. Wtlu
itl tkri ttu l a lil BaH w-t.trwtd
bat kMra .Vi w U frr
wri It attB fl ..
bl Ik lVa itt a I aa m4 r l
I tml IBa danet lW lkattlr
wsia ia Ik I kil I', Th sk4i
uia aoaur ata tVlfUi ib
Uttly k ff lewi Irota w iitw
Mih-rsukl tnlar, hr is aoHi
lttrwra ibiI4 bhisI tB
liira l ie aUi - l aiks
DO .
dier do
1 euppi
capture of
fought duriu
It would be
detailed de. c
it to ay th
and compuny
buttle a any
or com-
pany here.
men because t
and more cure
a many
r mauuged
ia thecon-
struct ioti of defense!
ie brimring
on of a battle, Jo
(I attack on
cut entered
tho city the Nebraska
alontr the beach wading
ouiih water
most of the distance abou
mile and a
hull tlimuah water more
bau wuUt
deep. Itwa lheHrt regiment In the
city aod waa preceded by inly one com
pany, of the 18th United Htate Infan
try. Through the i.res report the
reo-l mcut ha not had the credit It I en
til led to. It performed every duty
asked and never vacated u position as
signed it. V
Judging from newspaper report Hie
2d Nebraska I probably mustered out
ofthaaervlca without having aeni auy
active duty. Itemembor tne kindly to
all tho "old soldiers" and tell them we
are coming bye and bye and that it Is
notour fault thut we are not on the
wav at this time.
Your letter which you sent to Hong
Kong reached mo as early and direct a4
any. I notice that the paper advise
sending the other route but f hey reach
here one route a quick a the other.
You can feel reassuredly sure that if you
put a letter in the poalolflce tbat la
about a mouth or two month it will
reach here, and you may be certain that
it ha the most cheering ff en c at Ibis
end of the world w lien it finally reaches
here. Try It often, I have not had my
plclur fakeu since leaving Lincoln i x
cept in an oecosionn! snap shot by eome
Koduker. I have been trying to gel
soma picture of the trenches and ear
scenes hut have not been very success
ful, I Intend to keep up the effort. 1
shall try and make a sufficient collec
tion to enable me to explain to my
friends some of the plea are (?) of this
little joint half way round the world mid
buck again with the sport of aoldiering
for reereation. That' a pleasant woy
to look ut it isn't II?
T'ia bngld ha )mtr Bounded and 1
must find au endiiur. Wishing you
health and pleasure nnd that I may rt-
turu and nee you before long I am
Yours sincerely,
i F. 1). Km Kit
The Independent office has
the material, and printers that
know how to use it, to give
the best result in job printing.
Qlrt's DlMdlng Corp Iloover4 After
Carooaul t C'laelonatl.
CiwciSMATt, Ohio, Nov. . At I
o'clock yesterday morning, It Wood
row, a prominent statlonor, liurrluuly
umraonod Dr. F. IJrunalng to flat No.
7, In the Alta building. The doctor
waa shown tho dead body of a young
woman in a bathtub full of water. Dr.
llrunnina aald it was a case- of death
from drowning. It bis boen aacer
talnod that tho girl' name was Nannie
Everslolgh, formerly of Ironton, Ohio.
She and Mrs. Josla Gerrold, a widow,
came there together Saturday night,
They became companions for tho night
of lloyd Wosscl and Frank H. Wood
row, respectively. Miss Kverslolgh
and lloyd Wcssel bad been living
together at 13'J West Seventh street
for a year under tho name of lloyd
Oarilcld and Nannio Garfield. Mrs.
(lerrold Is well connected here. It was
Intended to bo a secret meeting In Mr,
Wood row's flat, with no thought of
tragedy and exposure. lloyd Wqsse
is the son of a highly respeeted busl
ness man In this city, and Mr. Wood
row lamuy couneeiton aro ot ino
highest res(Helabllity.
Isone of tno throe survivor can or
will (rive any account of Miss Ever
alolirh' lcavliajt the bud and iroing to
the bathroom. Mr. Wood row nmdo
tbo discovery when he went to tak
bis morning bath. This all three of
the parties admit. The police lielieve
"much of the night was spent tn drink
ing wina and that few If any ot the
four were in a condition to know what
they wero doing. ltoth young men
ara under parole arrest and survell
lance, pending an esamlnatlou to
rrrtaln the causa of the bruise on tho
dead girl'a temple. Nona of the sur
vivor have mad any attempt to eon
ivsl the fact or to escape, though they
left no stone uuturuvd to prrrt at pub
licity. The present opluion i that It
I a raw of suicide or acvldentaJ
llu rf tMlma
lUvtn. Nov. I J, UtaUUeHan
t T. Mewart, at Iscliud to tha quarter
mister' detmrtniHt, have 1hu strlek-
ra with yvlWiw fwr, Thy luva beea
mvupylnf aparlHtvuU at lh Hot
rsj, IJkiintng ttttMHi of tuhtnel
ilium, he hU f (Mrl'rutter,whi
la sulTxrlng from yellow ftr. Hoik
mm-a wire ratof. thi, aa
Jvr lh ofdvr f Hr, lw U til Vedsila
lvr hiiUl la h tfUIa f ,
lain and other .hyl,is lk IM1
'mJ I tafvelsd, aad tkvre will rub
hly W sUMtlHsl BiHtaf lh .Vawrt
fW ftKMVt Bill IB llt t)MIUW
know a,
wa HJ t Ut
Ktm Ctlf, Ma, l as
Irttaf Iti lv a lUrUtUa Uft It
ktueU k ta ae Jsaa. I W fesdy I
gu laj, Ikl Vvur, IM atiaale, II
uaary, lak svdr Itfarvw
It k4 la ttd Uft Ike Ilea i VI ra
Jsaaie VVaikvr, at a rwllgloa HtwUMt
tike Iks! mUsUmi, i rtftk
irvvt, ywsUttlay, wka th Ml Uk
U.i kif B I, dia4
r-fil rwV&edthT
Iven of fal-
Cicff, , fiitw
uul literary
01 vunoua k'tiMm. J lie
teats of this kind that the trained, liir-1
ii writer of the money power arc
makers of text books a new lot of ex-
amo.ea jiever oerore etiuaiea. une 01
the araffniphs of not more than ten
lime that lms been goljitf the round
of the gold bug pre duiiaig tho cam-
puign, coijiiauneu iwjt ic tnun wveu
liilucles. A an example of. Unit kiiui
of writing tho following from the kni
I Henry W. lute, the Oinatia mwik-
r, Is nt Jcust a tolerable fu tjocdmen.
J a ck-fcioM! of tho McClcury Iwll lie
JtJsclnlmed by jino tnat me
quantity of money In cxIsteJu: bua
had something to do with lit, ami there
is a clamor or uu uddiitlon i the dr
ill at ing meliuiii. l!u.t i.t will be eon-
eded, I thiitik, by alt, thut the volume
f money in the Lulled htiites Jims not
Ix'i-ii iniuteiii'uly liu'i-eahwki kince JH'Jrt,
xeept from gold udiled to tlie clrculia-
ion, and yet the present oniii lions
re a vast Improvement upon thoae ol,
f the qiiniitMy of money iias n,,y"'of the work it contained would, bo
g to do with It, their it tiruwt, be . Aa..t . '
qoamtity in CiitGULATION, ami taught, bo difficult to replace,
the quantity In fjW f(r . Librarian Clarke, after a cursory ex-
again it, will Isj eoncelei thut there is
vustly nurc money In circulation, nowiiignyoi lanicrns, exprcsseo mo opin
thiMi during those ujuI years. ion that many of the book could bo
"Jt 1 In the very nature of money to '
ireiiiuic, nnd li n mil to io so ux a
time when there Is uu ample quantity
in exlHtem-e, there must bo hoiiia cause ,
for the plienoinenoii, Jt is not d.lllcu.t
to (ilatwrn what Mas cauaea were which
oiicruUtl lit the time iiumed.
"A ratwdly Utvrcnsing reacn'e in me
treouiy created doubt as to the a bil
ly of the governuien.t to mlwuii its
cniaiHl now- on preM'iitutlon, oimi
his was Hiil,wc(iiciitJy HupiilciiiciiWui
by u wcll-foiiiulcd fenr that even a
teiiiKinry victory of the free
party would lead to u ulKMigc of the
moniifury iduiulord. 'J'hc first da-ngcr
was averted tiy tlio ri'Noiuta utwn
taken by a wise uud piitrl(nt:!c priwi-
li-nt and the elect ion of lh'JO coiupLct-
cd the restoration of coiiifldumiu nccifa-
sary for prosperity In any eoiuutry."
i lie wise and laitr.otie lwesident re
ferred to was (lover ('levclaud. Hut
let ns liKik ut the literary gymiKistie
lisplnycd ilii almost every seut"nc'.
tlie first part of the first sen
tence immI notice tin guile hidden In
It, "It is claimed that the quantity of
money has sonifUilng to do with if.
"Claimed by soine." Now that is dc
eiiledly rich. No oiu; knows better
than Henry V. VaU's thut the quanti
ty -theory of money bus always been
laid down us one of the f undniiientnl
prlneplea of iioliUeul eco-noiiiy by
verv economist or aiMiiorny in uie
whole world and that it has iwjver Iwvn
lenicd by any one until with'j) the kott
two years. Now in the most dulcet
voice he says that "it Is claimed by
some, etc," Jie, would nave n.. reuocrs
believe that tliere were only a few who
believed that the nuantity of niwiicy
had anything to do with proierity,
Whnt Is the difference betweou unit
and downright (lying?
fn the latler tsirt of the paragraph
he assumes that all the free silver
forces nirree that the present condi
tion over the whole eounitry ore vast
ly indter than they were in 1H9.1-0 on
account of the 'laitriotlc" aet.oo ol
tirover Cleveland in selling bonds- and
ncreusing the nutionul debt $(12,000,-
in the next jMirngniph be capitalizes
n worn, which is anoiner ihck w con
vey the impression that free silver td-
votti-teM (I'OiiljiUid t-luild it wa nnoiiey
n circulation, ins-tcad of money In ex
sleuec that affected prices,
'11k next parugraih In a platitude
thrown in to cover up niud the repul
sive features of what follows, ntiint'ly
that it was doubt of the soiiimIciish of
the money then in circulation that
caused tin- piin.e ot u.i. lienry law
knows that at the very hetiirht of that
panic. Kilter dollars uiwl tfreeiilMicks
were nt a premium over goui rigni lu
Wail street aud that that fact was fre
quently nuiioum'cd on the floor of the
Mvnnte. 1 he t oiiKreHe.iouul Kecord iuki
the market reixuis 1m,: h bear witiu-ss
to t,luw fans. No one not even tho
bankers-hud any fear that the gov
ermnu'iit would iikl mUniu I'ta niites. It
ttus redeeming them every duy at the
custom house by the nullum. t( re
deemed so many of thrin that they Ite-
caiiie m) sunt that tcuuill oe-
itomlnatloii and Ulver dollars rissc to
a pit-in I it in of from I o a js-r cent.
.Mr, luti-a knows iut ns wen as any
man lu the Tailed State Hint the
n nt Hint puiilc was not ine iintr
that this irreul republio could nl re-,
tiffin $.tlil,IHMl,(H)U of Its note, lie
know thut It wits the ties! rtlcl ion of
I lit credit mouey of the lutuks- It w.kt
l,ie oitlvr Mini toil by Uie Wu'.t at
I unkers to curtail credits- that pro
duced the punie aud eMtised suffering
u lerriliie ai.l illa,leititut ttttt the
toiu;ti of an it n if it etittld ihH tltwrilw
it. And lh brtiliii:ty of Ute banker
wan k.i rr,t thai they rten b mte,
iUml It, They hmI Utey ht I (ite;i tlx
fituMtV "uu nliii-,1 ,Miii,
lit lh liit bn he etMttlltura lh
ir'tk ef .rd by ii!uieif Ihitt llto
e,,xs -it t f Mt-Kitilrv rn tei "ttai
ilettee" and if.ttf tt 'iruitf r -iy. t -in-lldriifn
ill w lit', N.i tti Ital rter ht
eoutldi'itf In the itHiitt-y f th I iiilisl
M.tle. ti.e Itt.l tier l"l tnn
dfutf la ftet uoMiitttinl, Niiit 6l
eter it.iiibitd lliat H irotmiiiiritl
owrd In Jiiol fl Iihhu-V lh"
,-rtdtior l."d titil with, lh i,J
dt ittil lhal wu t-V trrMI wa
1' the tiihl s-siml.l ilf
1 1 1 nt leg w UN ni't. t lhl was a gtst
ile-t Unit laliMUi lhall llrt" vrtfliU
Hl Uml. Mr, Vle l l"t lH
ttt' t re i.m t 1 4 by ,VinSfcM.' 1 .
tiMt nf tl.itVtftit and UwlettittH lri
le a liU lltal U ,tttlly iuphil
by w.l g'-l UifM w, Mr, m t
ri fl wlit im ! WMi
nf Ikn Itb k. la lb be tolttf w
f.,ttri ik tl t.ui wf witi-na ( !
jrrl ti iiiit I H'tt!. It ll Mt'l f'l
tunt u,
l Trir' t4wl !
latm. N -Tka SUadrU vera
MNdat it Ik Imty .Mail tayat
'Srlw will tw lk rsc trawl
aadef rnst,
tU bun it t l Mk
urfitoora aod Library tn
Nov. 8. An explosion
5:13 Surdav afternoon
anpreme courtroom and
the rooms immediately adjoining it on
the main floor of the capitoL The
damage ia enormous. The entire cen
tral eastern part of the great marble
pile, from the main floor to the subter
ranean basement, practically Is a mass
of ruin. The force of the explosion
waa so great that coping stones on tho
outer walls, lust cast of tho point
where tbo explosion occurred, were
bulged out nearly two Inches; windows
in all that part of the building wero
blown out, and locked doors were
forced from their hinges quite 150 feet
from tho scene of it.
Tho library of tho supreme court,
located immediately beneath the su
preme court room, was badly damaged
by Are, smoke and water practically
destroying tho great collection of law
reference books. The library contains
about 80,000 volumes, and was used not
only by the justices of the supreme
court, but by member of congress and
lawyer practicing before the supremo
court Mr. Justice Harlan said tbat
was verv valuable. Manv
amlnatlon, nccesnaruy mauo by tno
saved, although they bad been
drenched by water from the streams
poured into tho library for two hours
f , , , occurred
v ' . . , ..
f' frlona damage, ia the
opinion of the justices of the supreme
court, is to the records stored in tho
sub-basement. These included all the
records of the supreme court from
1702 to 1833. The room contains tho
records of cases and opinions rendered
by tho fathers of tho judiciary of tho
government. Apparently the docu
ment in this room ere either totally
destroyed or so budly damnged by flro
and water as to be useless. Justice
Harlan said that while tho loss of the
records was irreparable, it was fortu
nate the ltfter records of the court,
which are kept in tho office of the,
clerk on tho muln floor, were not in
jured. As documents for reference at
this time and later Justice Harlan
thought these wero of far greater
value than tho records destroyed.
Fortunately the clerk's office was not
in the least damaged by tiro and the!
explosion did no damage in it except
to blow in one window. !
Arrangements were completed by Li
brarian Clarke, of the supreme court,
and Colonel Richard Kright, serjeant-
at-arms of the senate, by which the
siUiuirs of the supreme court will not
to interrupted. Tho court will con
vene in the room of the senate com
mittee on the District of Columbia, one
of the most spacious rooms in tho cap
itol. How long the sessions( of the
court will be held there will bo deter
mined by the justices themselves.
Atiikks, Nov. k The Greek cabinet
has resigned, its members considering
that the exceptional circumstances un
der which they assumed oillco have ex
pired. Soldier Kills Woman.
I.kxinotox, Ky., Nov. 8. Private
William Kane, Company E, Third Ken
tucky, whoso home is at Carlisle, Ky.,
shot and killed u woman named Maud
McClure at a house of ill fame here.
Kane snapped the gun in the woman's
face several times. lie elaimed not to
know it was loaded, but other women
in the house said he hadthreutcnod to
kill the McClure woman.
asy to Take
asy to Operate
Are frsturci peculiar to flood's Tills. 8ma.ll In
lio. tutcU'M. efficient, thorough. As on iuuo
have taken a pltl till It Is all ( 1 1
ovrr." tsc. c. I. Hood li Co., 1 1 1 H
Tit only )ill to lake w ith IIishI's sr.trifl
All is not Gold tbat
Tho Coal that 1 m the nkr
nuv t p riisiv variety.
HI'AVAKI'. I or rccnomy in
ttinkinw'. I'dViiiL. .tihI htratinc
there U t I'm! In thi nnr
Ln that will throw out thr
ume amount o( heat. ami uivr
uch crnrral wtiiCactioii.l-'OK
TllirMCsNlvY.MWir CiliN
We cll all kimU, mhsjIU
for a ton, Prompt ildUm
jL.rn f-n
son ittLxii
r AAA I H' 2r
MT4 I n U J.i
Guarantee to cure speedily and radlrall
VATB Diseases of Men snd Women.
SEXUALLY cured for lit.
Night Emission. Loxt Manhood, Hy
drocele, Varicocele, Conorrnea, Gleet
Syphilis, Btricture, Piles, Fistula and
Rectal Ulcers, Dlsbetes, Brlght's Dlseaaa,
our ml.
af home
toy new method without pain or cutting.
Call on or address with stamp
Treutment by rnsO
A. VL WEIR, Ann.
Center n in in St., lincolh.
Mass 41. ...
Fill Assortment. Best Gr.ja, j
Lowest Prices. Z
Dr. Ketchum
Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat
and OatarrL z z x
Spectacles Carefully Fitted,
All Fees Reasonable
226 South 11th
Small but fine. ,
Platinos $2.
Notice to Farmers
and Stock Feeders.
Bny yonr cattle and aheopat th atoofcy
yard, West Lincoln and aave freight
and other eipanse. Have your sheep
dipped. We iruarantee to care acab, we
do the work tor one cent per noon, wa
G. H. Geoghegan,
Gen., Mgr., West Lincoln, Net.
T th Oraad KncamptnaBt MlBlag Dtr
trtct, Wyoming.
Th Union PociRo will aoll ticket at
one fare for tho rouud trip, plus $5, from
all points in Kansas, Nbranka, Colora
do and Utah to Kiiwlitis. Wvo. Llate
on which tickets will bs sold are 1st and
3d Tutmday ia May, June. July, August,
Sept., Oct., aud Nov. Htair line daily
except Rnnday tcb way betweon Itaw-
Mns and uraud hnenrapmunk
ror tun information call on or aaareaa
E R. Hlosson. )nn'l Atrt.. Ijncoln, Neb.
0 pr aaat off ta California and Otfca Tm
Ifla Coast travalai.
Th above redaction appllea to tka
time snront. Ry tba North wtr
Dnloa Paeifle root th tiin iaoatalffhi,
or 18 boora, ls than by otar Haaa,
Thi ava money, bsrtk rata, aad talr
ta boor of wsariaom ear riding. At
Fremont eonnfctlooa ar diraet witk
tbrootrh toartst and Pnllreaa ektaperff.
chair car to Daovar, 0-da, Halt LJt
Ity, Portland and Ran Fraaclaeo, Dta
Inc ear throajrh to the aoaat, 0t Maa
eta and berth raasrvatlona ol A. R. FIaV
Ing.eity tleht aaat, 117 aoatk 10
at., IJnwda, Nh.
li mimiI u Awha falaMb
Tha Ntirthtrn t'nloa Pseifle ia tb
lirwt route to lh l'UKt Honnd aatt
Aiaka poiata. Morula and aftrnooa
trmiia r,is ttlret eiintioa at Kra
ut nut with through tour! !ijra aad
h- neliulnrf thalr car to Portland.
IVf etirmt lidoruistion coil on A, I.
rVldiutt, city ajr.t, UT eoata
1 1 ! St at. tnta N'. K
tba Mat Hoalata HW4lha
Wklhrr yon 4et tl. all aatar roaka
by way nl Mi. ll rha..!, t lha uvri4
mat via. I'ira, )kaaaay, Tioiat rivr,
Tak or rintiii, yim mixtl Oral raeww
' in Mirt id vsitiartailm,
Tb lt Urik VVtra lUilaav. ka
attaarrikHi with the i. A II (I., Ol I
rado Vlullaul Kf-la th short, dlrt
ad latpular rttuU ! rtua I'raaclamk,
pariUad, raiaj4 a rkallkv Ikrotib
aWiiia vara aad lr ttialni that
car trow ! l tka IVatataoo an4
Kav tit IVrllaad. tlMe ol Urtsi
roatMt tbrv tk RuckM aad tba
atiMtl atanAat aivwry la the wort!,
tt rUe tt t A, Wad .lab, tl P. A , Hall
I At lily, to awfl ot Mwadike tukba.
in va4i aka
frlvitt Dititt
! lav final Wae
k 1' raiBMa
I talnasi tvarav
tb u4 raa
VatAMAa k
a HkMbea
lh m aa.l si td! lit ins la IBB
ami iican rcrceiMpjf,
laiateat. lave I aa uw? It oat k