The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, November 03, 1898, Image 1

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Wealth Makers and Lincoln Independent Consolidated.
NO. 25.
A History of tho Effort Control
the Stook Yards Corpora-
Uniformly Worked and Voted for
the Advancement of Stook
Yard BiHs.
The Vmeu la the Case,
Tbe Omaha line and a few republican
puper have tried by Immendo through
out tbe prosent campaign to make It
upper tbat W. A. VosuU-r was opposed
to regulation of the Koutb Omaha stook
yard nod when a member ol tbe aenate
in 1801 prevented the bill regulating
stock yard from being advuneed and
becomming a law. ,
Net much attention Las boon given
those Insinuations for tbe reason tbat
the great bad of fanners iu this state
know that Mr. l'oyuter has consistently
thnrgbout bis public career stood tor
control of corporations in the interest of
ths publin.
As it is evldont tbat tbe republican
managers persist circulating these re
ports it is well to And tbe exact facts
regarding tbe stock yard legislation lu
1801 from tbe ofllulal record so far as
there are any.
House Iloli No. 34 was the stock yards
bill in tbe 1801 soselon. It was Intro
duced by Mr. Williams, of Gage, It wa
read tbe 6rst time January 1.1, tbe
second tlmo January 14, rod-red to com
.mitteennd reports! back with amend'
menu February 15. Tbe original bill
reduced.tbe yardage charges to ten cents
per head for cattle, four cents for bogs
and three cents for sheep and died the
charges for bay and grain at double tbe
retail market price. The amendments
made yardage ebargee: fJlteen cents for
cattle, Ave cents for bogs, three cents
for sheep and left tbe charges lor hay
and if rein the same as tbe original bill.
This bill was ordered en ponced for
third reading on February 12 and
iiaesod tbe bouse February 20 by the
following rote: ayes oi. nnys i. t
Tbe nave were llertrand, ISreen, lire
man, Fel Iter, Ford, (lardoer, II use near
ly all from Dougles county.
Tbe bill came to tbe senate and was
there read tbs first time February 7.
Oo February It was read tbe second
time and referred to tbe committee on
corporations. March 10 tbe committee
reported It back favorably and it was
placed on tbe general nie.
, Bo many bills were already ou general
file tbat K was impossible ever to reach
this bill without having It advanced out
of its order; On the very day that this
bill was reported Senator l'oyuter mode
tbe following Xnotion which,, carried:
"That tbe chair appoint a committee of
oeven as a sifting committee, nose duty
it shall be to report to the senate such
bills as shall be deemed of most impor
tanceand bills mo recommended shall
take precedence of others now before tbe
' Uuder this motion the president of tbe
senate, Hon. Tbos. J. Majors, appoint
ed tbe following as the tuembers of the
1'oynter, Stevens, Collins, (populists.)
woods, Moore, (republican.)
fivrluler, Sctaraui, (democrats.)
When tbe aiding committee met Hen a
toi Stevens moved to advance Senate
rile No. 34. Ilotb the republicans and
Senator (twlttler, who was from Ioug.
loS county, opposed tbe motion. Sena
tor l'oyuter, Stevens and Bobram sup
ported tbe motion and Heuator t'ollios,
of Gage county, gave tbs deciding vote
in favor of the corporations on tblsoc
coaion aa be did generally during tbe
aeaaion. As a result the tilting com
mittee was never able to advance the
Iluttbsfrieadsof tbe bill were deter
mined to fores il to tbe front la tbs sen
ate in spits of tbe treachery of Collins,
Ths Senate Journal ol has at pegs
H.VJ ths following record:
Mr, t'ollins RiovtHl,
Tbat the wests rotve Itself luloa
committee ol tbs whole to consider bill
on general Die.
Mr. IW moved,
Toawsiead. by lartlng llouelloll
No. 31 ud otbr important bills.
Mr, Wareer moved.
That tbs rules be aupeuild for the
nrMM of adopting tbantaluteat.
The yeas and asye Msg railed lor,
1 1tiw) votleg la ths ainreiativw, were:
IImK, Wk. ltrl, Hal, Kelt',
Makes, l'netf, lUedall, Header,
Sums, wareer, Williams--1 1,
Thoa votieg la tbe aitil wre
Mfaar. t brMoffefaoa, t ollia, li--!.--tea.
Matte, Mooes, rvhrem, whameay
HI, H.nrtf, 1 howa, aellauawat,
Wilson, HiMKle-1.1.
Not voting:
Weser. lro-e, t'oslWe, I'avJ Horn.
KHistt,rib, atnibuek, Taylor, Tm
AMsj.wtty not hailag votrj la lk
a (Amative,
1 h tnolHiB was t agreed !.
wrt eeeot t vm tor dfaa.ies;
IN Mil was a Haut evji kipr
(dtMIHtf l.)
All s rible. aga'ast It
The U ed of Iks bill wees aol salt
tM 4 rlet t Make aouMltl.
t ol Us Haai JoarsalU
found the record of tbe nest attempt as
Mr. Coulte- moved,
Tbat tbe senate reeolva itself into a
committee of the whole to consider
bills reported by the silting committee.
Mr. ltaudall movsd as an amendment,
To take up House Koll No. 84.
The yens and naya being called for,
Thoee voting lu the affirmative, were:
Messrs, fleck, Coulter, Dysurt, Hill,
Horn. Kelper, Mlchunnr, 1'oyuter, Han-
riall, Sanders, Hbumway, Smith, Turner,
Warner 14.
Tbose voting In the negative were:
Meesrs. Drown, Chrlstofferson, Collins,
Hgglsstoo, Mat tee, Moore, Hf liram,
Stevens. Hwllxler, Thomas, Wilson,
Not voting:
Messrs, Dny, Koonl. Shea, Klarbuck,
Taylor, Van Uoiimhi, Williams 7.
The ueceein ry two-tblrds not voting
In t(ie aflirmatire,
The motion uas not agreed to,
Ou both tliimo test votes Senator
I'oyntue and nearly all the other popu
lists voted to ndvuuiio the bill while the
republicans and ' democrats vombiued
against it.
It remained for tbs Neliemtka and
Kansas legislatures oflM07 to finally
pass stock yards bills which have reHult
ed In a reduction of feeding chops und a
saving 'if thousuuds of dollars annually
to I lie stockmen of the west.
Today as In 1801 W. A. I'oynter a-d
and the populist parly of Nebraska
stands for ths people and for control ol
corporations stock yards and other
Tli! nppoliitmeiit of "Coin" Jiarvey
ns tlniiiiL'iiil iniuiHger of tlio Joint ex
eeutiie coininittoee of tho tlire free
silver purtles, is giving the- yold dein
ocrul und repiililicaus a good deal of
uneaein,es, im It means a probwblo
iinloii or tnoMO force in 1h cunmiilirn
of lUOO iiikI a renewal of the poiitlcul
ttn iiggie on ins tines oi 1
Much coinpliiint Is liennl among ilio
governiiient einployea ut Washington
ov-r tlie liwivy t'lininnlgn inx demand
ed of l hem. One-fourth of the month's
Hillary received Is not an, unusual de
Routing Meeting Pte Strong llMola
, tloniet Llneoln.
Liiiooln, Neb., Oct. 23. The Veter-
ernnn'jtlnic(ulllc club met Jut night
lu the Lincoln hotel and Jicld a rout
ing and enthiiHlutitlc deKwlon. ' O. K.
(toiMldell waa elected president and
Joee-ph. McGraw selected to net as the
secretary. The following resolution
were uiiiiiinioimly adopted: i
"Whereas, Cainrnde Mart Hows
now ail'iliaUng with the republican
Miriy oi an in euite, oiui in now Miip
Krtjng the goldbug republican ticket,
therefore, Ihj It
','UeMolved, hut he le expelled from
uicni'bcrHhip lu tliix club und.lJint u
copy of this ixwilutlou be iimil,-to
M. liowe.
'Kcwolved, That we, tlie nieinlwrs of
the Veteran Sohliera Itryun JJlinetnl
lic club of Iiiii'.-aeter county, of L'57
inenilierM, again renew our ulie-iiiiicc
to tlie cause of biiuetalliMin und urge
all voter who hold dear the home and
tirculde to protect the mime by cnt
lng,thelr vote for tlio noinineea of the
biinctallio pari I cm of tliia state who are
opposed to the aiuglo gold Ntnudaixl,
adv(M-ntel by the republican jMirfy of
this utato who, in 1WK1,, udvoeatel In
ternational blinctiillihiii und llv 1HUM
came out iHildly for the alnglu gold
titaiulurd; and further be It
"Iteitolved, That we, the vet era im of
this club, urge the old Nohlicr of the
Mtnte to not be ininled by circular
anil epecheii IimiumI and made by gold
bug republicans, for they are eeek
lug only to me you s tool to help
them Into pover, ami we urge you to
Ntaml by Senator Allen by voting the
ftulon Iciflitlatlve ticket, for he wa a
l.i it w.l.lier who hiut tlio iiitcrcfct of
all old notillrr at heart. lie 1 your
true friend aixt one v. ho will not tie
ecrt jno; and further m It
"ItfMdied, That we opiate the ef
fort of the tfinbl nation of nalhuial
Uink to deMtroy the greenlxiek that
pa!d the iMililier of lr.i to the re.
mil of wlioeu effort in lighting down
the rebellion luaile the gnenlu-k dol
lar a gMMl a mdil. ami we are op
piNHtl to their retirement by the gttv
rriunriit and tlij roniHdidation of the
iinoiry Mrr In the IimimI of tank
1-iMiuiiiM.Untcr as prnMinl by the Me.
t Irary tail lw lefore eMigre nimI
-ioi-mI by tbe preent aliulikitra
We eoiijrrululule the volunteer sold-it-r
of the army ami nsy fr the lrll
ltltt !vt..rlr t')lrrl at SlillagS
Mritillit and Srlo ll.c.i ami we eirv4
ur viitMilhy wlh alt wddiet and
utu--r who are lutw I) lug .i k In ths
mwiuU, We deeidv r to hear
il the 1 kiKHM of IoK.imI W. J. Iti'l-
an, i'nr tv til aelf MM-ritUeg ile
tutUin to ll iim-h it we varuetly
itl f..e j reiry.
"I,'edel, 1 hot we earnvttlr e. the U'wml Mlry of ll (
uiUlher ilfe t.iMrl vt' l-l
N r at.l llir r f U la thst lie h
ettipltitwd la ki orH e three !. who
me tt ilaii-hlrr of ol I UHpf, aUo
tiitrale A. K., M was hh
dritttnl a UII Mr, ll.i, but
m a t.trtir.
'the tUMeliea; ih! Vo'rl tti ncet SUI tmintf, tK 2 at iiV k
t Jne.iU iMilrt. All,.lr
re raraH puiirl l.i U rt
nd In "i'i all otfcrr thai Ihrj iy
lit was Always and Every Time
for tbe lOorporationi and
Agaioat the People
He Voted for the Sugef Bounties
and In Favor of Un
limited Faaaea
ArraUt to Debate, '
The two candidates for emigres be
fore the pimplu of the first congres-
kIohuI district ure ''presented to the
voters of Uils dlntrlct for them to
choose Ihclr next comrreealonal repre-
aenlatlve. The fusion force consider
that the issuo upon which the canvus
Is Iwing intule tiro vital to the people
of this state and should be fairly find
oiM-nly discussed liefore the pulilio.
The fualon candidate, Mr. Muiiuunii,
has luWed liidufrioualy to obtain
from his opponent an ojmmi dlst'iiaHlon
of the rVwuen, end Mr. Ilurkett bus
carefully avoided any aiich discussion,
and by hi alienee ha reiiiseu to en
ter into the dlscusMion.
Mr, Jluikett's political opisments In
Mot that he Is unwilling to take a o
sition upon uny of the vital quest ion
Hint would come before the nxt con
greas In which lie hope to represent
the people of tlio rlrst Olstriet. Atu
further insist that Mr. Jluikett's rec
ord in the past, iiikI a lair estimate
placed Uki iii abilities to accomplish
nnvthinir for h!s constituent in the
future, do not entitle him to the vote
for which he seek.
Mr. Ilurkett ha served his country
in one capacity as a nienits-r of the
state legislature of tbe slate of Ne
braska, for the year 1W7. Upon, this
record end the fact that his nomina
tion wa forced by the Mib:leal ina
chino of Lancaster county, he i rec
ommended to the auffruge of tlie jh-o-pie.
Mr. Ilurkett In thr legUlature repre.
seated the second county In the state
lu wealth, iMtpnlatlon mid political I ti
ll uence. Hi home eouniy waa the
seat of the state government, and ita
repreaentailvea were esMclnliy favor
ably alluuted to exer'lse great eon
trol and liitlncnee In the IcgUliitnre,
If Mr, Ilurkett Msesma the ability
Mid energy ieeenry for a aueeessful
ndiiilnlNtralion of the ofllee of con
gressman, we would exN-ct that tluit
ability and energy would r shown In
hi legislative work.
We tttid iisni examination tht Mr.
Ilurkett liitroiliice In the legislature
six bill, none of them ehiiwing any
authorship by Mr. Ilurkett. All of
them allow etldi'lxe that they were
tnemrei and presented to Mr, liur
fit fur liitrodtifthm In I half of sh
eiul latere!. Three of lhe- lieeame
',m-orrnll a Itw of the atate, two
of them ladiig simply cornet inn of
rxUling statute, and the tlilnl pn
till. eg for the ctimlitlioi under which r who are graduate of unlier-
Itle. etc.. ehall le iffunlcd ti per-
I tleate. the Inttpr Iwing siiiuhmunI ,i
U i the aMrUI lnerel of si lutl
tiiilmi tn which the -rrl rharman
of Mr, Iturkett' ramtiaigit e.utiiiiitue
w rcilly lntrivlfsl.
We further Kmi iht u. iturkett !
fore the lomse. ol which he w a
nx-iuU r. mad ems' ttee oe rro-tt-
motion, tiioat of them frUohm
In their rh(ilr, U-Ing iiiothoia to
th"ira. etv. and hh of thrm fill
ieg of eonsidt ilioa for rr.n thut
IhrV wre toit 'f orl. r, The nalv ISiimi
that Mr, Itutkitl hnel say eI Ww
if r w la t!!!'! it the In
,1. Stul .l lfOiret of one ot thf
hili liilr.".M.d In the itit of lu
kutive riitiijmiiU',
Mr, tmkpU' n.r I ei. all
1 1. juoili the rphl t ll'il
n. a I sltn-iUilr their
Irrett I smli a W''i t
a.ntd hl t tke iit. f til IUU I
ti, of lh pria ',l eH:litn'
lht will l i.ed oh the
mi ! t will he ths v i ;! mi lo c'
th llfril t tVUl SihI U tiM'l'
Mtitoa, wht et ti htia fir
abb) legislation, which will rriablo
lliem to reap greater profit in their
transact ions with tho common ptwple.
We make (lie charge that at every turn
am lu Ills every net an the state leg'
Isluture Mr. Ilurkett operated in the
Inu-rsesta or tlio trusts und coinOlriii'
Hons that were seeking fiivonniio leg'
fslatiou, or reslsllng uufuvorablu leg
Islaliou, i '
I'pon page 2110 of the house Journal
is foumi the vote of Mr, Jturkelt In
favor yf (he Mil permttuatlng the beet
sugur isninty. on the people of this
state, for the benefit or uiu tixnaid
eoniiHiuy, whose lobbying methods
nave not only disgusted the pcopla ol
the state of Nebraska, but have at
tracted attention ut the tiationul cap
Hal. i
And noon page 2C8 of the house
touriui Is found recorded Mr, J!ur
;ett's vote itgnlnst the repeal of the
sugur Iximity law that was pushed by
a icpuuiicuit legislature for the lame
nt of the same intercHts.' Jf Mr. Jlur-
kett is unable to rcslnt the iIciikiiuIH
of Mr. Oxnurd as a inemlwr of tlie Icir
Isluture of the state of Ncbrasku, what
enn constituents expert of him when
these demand are made by the sugar
trust and I lau rprcchlc when they
(lemaim Tuvoruiiie , legislation in eon
trrt.niM '
I 'pun page 577 of the house journal,
Ms., Jterkett' vol o is recorded
ngaiest house roll No. 40, which wa a
bill for nn net to proiiiuitthe Issuance
of free iransKirtutlou to iiersons liy
riiilroads of the state of Nebraska, ft
I quite probable that In till voto Mr,
Ilurkett may huve had proper regard
for hi4wn special interest and voted
to protect his own railroad pass, which
he carried on hi inside iwickct.
Ujsni jsige 7S0 of the house journal,
Mr. Iliii kelt' vote Im recorded ngaiiisi
a bill that wus introduced, designing
to irive voters the riirht to vote ihkui
legislative question' (Tec ting their
particular distnd. Doubtless in the
opinion of Mr. Ilurkett the Kmmou
people could not 1 trusteil with the
rlghy of placing u check iKn per
uiciou legislation.
I'pon page HUH of the house jour
mil and n train uiNin iMtire O.'i.'l, Mr. liur
k ell's vote Is recorded nguiust the
alMilisliing of deficiency judgments in
case of ftirceloHUre of inort inures. A
law'-Nhut was ditgned for tlie relief
of debtor and Mr, Iturkett voted
nguinst establishing such a law, pre
sumably lu tlie Interest or hi slit.i
cat friend, the eastern louu couixi
I'pon page (ill.l of the hou journal,
Mr. Ilurkett' vote la recorded nguinst
a 41 1 1 for an act to coiiih- alt railnsul
witiiin the state to erect ami main
tnliwuuion pnisen)fer lex)t where
four or more roml enter the same
town, 'J' hi proposed law wa In the
Interest of tlie traveling public, 'and
opjMNtitjon to It un in the interest of
the niilrond coniisinle. Again, we
presume that Mr. Ilurkett' vote was
cst in the Inten-st of his ditiiul
I'pon ige lot9 of the house jour
nal i (flteu the vote iimiii a bill de
nit ned to give the slate IsMird of
lrHUHrtalloti the iwer to reiruUle
the charge of 1ee(frapli ami tel"
iihotie iiiiiniiiIc, ami we again find
Sir. Ilurkett' vote rat against the
'ople and liethe Interest of the cor
rnle teli irniph and teliphoiie emu
jsuile. bill wa IntrtHlticed rullil'l. "A
bill for an act to dcltn truol sn. rou.
plree againvt tr.ide, detlning the
Mtiue unlaw fnl and old, ami pro Id
lug tuealia fir the euppreauiion of the
titine, am) reined le fur the rin in-
lurl Ihereliy, aid t pri.vid. poa
I.I.UM itt for Volution," ami we Med
lr, lint lo ll' re'le, iiiMiit
ixitf-v lof and In of the hmie Jour-
il irni.i thl (Mil, i"l In opswl
lion l.i Hie llrr-l of ill MMile of
lK stale at irge
V bill fr aa to t to prevent Ure in
turitixe roiiiiiiM frmo miking eouo
hltiHleiu and "i' tlttitf M iillir
1 1..- for. we and th Mr, lnkHI
,tolirnl the Meal ot it, al
though IH bill w aa IhhmUm
wt rltuiU, and Wa de
tir ta the lirri of th ol
f Hit ile, ae.l K nitet ia
-lHt mieb'HalHie ami rimeieet
t.M'eioa of tiriM eoiuie.,
.h ut we ami Mr, Hue
Vrll'a via ei-t.nlnl tr,int m Nil tt
i si I t ciiiiwl h.r fro i le
' i klt.l.'.l tritoh lli mi h !.
if frsle Isiml roteiMhi.-.
Another lilel III! Il tH
ktfUUtufe, iie. wWUh Mr. Hkt
w t i !Iih tu m kida a sea
ate file No. 83, "A bill for aa act to
reirulatfl stockyard and flxinir cmn-
miseioiis for wiling live atock mereln,
ami providing punJshrnent for viola
tion thereof. This bill was an Im
portant one, and was viciously fotigh
by the stock yards companies of Booth
Omaha wltn a powerful loony. Mr.
Ilurkett lent tils assistance to the de
feating of this bill, voted against It ait
all time to tne final passage, The test,
mid decisive vote upon this bill was in
the committee of the whole, where Mr.
Ilurkett voted niralnst It. For the our-
isise of making bis record right, after
It was seen that the bill was certain
to piiM the house, Mr. Ilurkett voted
In favor of the passage Of tlie bill, und
his vote Is found In the House Jour
nal, page 7h, ir tins mil was sum
elenlly righteous fo receive Mr. Hue
kctt'a vote upon final passage, It wiis
certainly good enough to reelveu his
vote Jn tno committee or tne wnoie,
where tlie test vote was taken, and
where his vote would have amounted
to something. The change of his vote
wasonly t he shirt of a politician wno
desires to deceive his constituents,
und make the in believe that he da la
iMirim in their interest and not luW-
lug lu tlie In teres! of special corjiora-
tions who ure uttempUng to put a bur
densome tax upon all who ure obliged
to market live tock through the me
dium of the Omaha stock yarns.
With this legislative reeord, it seems
presumptuous in Mr, Jlurkett to nsk
the voters of tlie Klrst coiikreasloiinl
district to elect him to higher legis
lative duties, where his resjKinsibllity
i greater and greater energy is need
ed to reslat the influence oa corpora
tions und trust and other special In
terests than in the state legislature.
It would have been gratifying 40 have
Mr. Ilurkett, in joint debute with hi
opponent, explain hie action in the leg
islature ami his vote upon corporate
bills, end to have him define his por
tion upon the question Involving in
terest of trust and corporations, and
state what his action would he iu. the
national Jeirisliiture. upon these ques
tions, in case he were successful in this
district. ,
We caution the voters to so direct
their vote at the next election 1 hot
Mr. Ilurkett will not take a snap judg
ment upon the people,
I ii vile your republican ueJglibors to
go with you to the office of some re
putable attorney;' ask to be shown the
37tlt Nebraska supreme court report,
and then turn to page C9 and read to
page 157 if yon have time., And be
ure to 1m ve your 'republican) -friend
hear whiit Judge ,1'oet, one of the
judges of the euprtwue, court, uy on
page '125:
"It Is evident that outrngeoua fraud
were perpetrated uon the stole dur
ing the jM-rlod covered by the charge
( l hum to JHU1), ami that the vouchers
certified by the superintendent were
through fiia neglect or creduality,
grossly In excess of tbe amount of
coal actually iiirmslied, ultliougut the
amount of such overcharge cannot
lie uciirately determined from tbe
Then on page 147 read what Judge
Maxwell say In his dissenting opin
ion: '
"Contract for eoal were let every
three month end the Whltebreaat
Coul and Mine company and lletts,
Weaver ami Comimny eeem to have
monopolized the business. Krom Oc
tober 1, IMiiO. to 1 Seemlier 31, 1801,
ami the mouth of February, 1HU2, the
amount of coal alleged to have -been
delivered to the aevlum at Lincoln
was 1 7, M l,!07 kiiiihU, and the amount
actually received, o far a the evi
dence show, wa 7.5H9.I500 jsiunds,
leaving a shortage of U,ti(il,,:i07 jtounda,
which cost fU,H.'.5.47."
The Nebraska rejnrta are noC pop
repubHean and so wit Judge Maxwell
in lsu.l. The tsaird of public lands
and buildings was then composed of
republican state officer. Tbe wuper
lulendent of the IJneoln asylum was
a republican.
Here Is reputiliean evidence or re
publican rascality. Knough aald.
"Neither did 1 ever bear any well In
formed republican assert that 1he
iMiiniiaratively high price of wheat'
mii due primarily to any oilier rauee
than the sbortnire la other pountrtes,"
John W. Harry, In Hute Jouriwl, tto.
tolier 31, hus.
The oueation now confronting u I.
ha Mr. Harry Iwunm tullv bf, or
are "well Informed republican ex
ceedingly hard to find? H Bright
rcod with considerable lnterrt aome
iMirtiewlarly aeruiiie editorials pule
(lhed in the repnbllesn ier of Ne
lKka. gUing MeKialey pn-nrntv"
aial tbe I'ingley IhII the whole I mill
U advanee lu price or whrat au.i
eolit lat M-i).
I'r.Ll.nt MeklMlvv should rrnirBl
Iter thai II I tod mi IiapofUal to him
hl the iro.le thin to lary
wdl da two year hmie, i
If arwv iffU-r are to be Wl'eteil,
tu.Usiv gets the ervdil lur say of ear
iMe a the Mit war. There
do- no! apirar . i in at a rraietasi
ferliag aiHuef thflW.
W. tt. Alkraww, wlddW-f kef-l
er, rwadnUis for tarvart jmlge ia was
.,f ll.e VIImmimH di.trl. la, . wku ww
lead. eg hatf f"f WharHw Ukf
at the bite t'liU etwivatiow, hM
withdrawn fem the m a wl uWl
tulrd the esm et the um
ere fr thai ! Ukh Thl I Ut ue
at wise) iatM teat era iiMf e-
The Meeting at tbe Oliver wai
Flea for Faade to Fight tbe
State Offlceri.
A Very Queer Position for as At
torney to Take and bow
He Stated It. ;
3ir rr, , . , ,
' The Hum of the frleadle.
I'Mltor Independent:
Tbe writer abandoned a meeting of
bis political associate last Saturday
evening for tbe pnrpose ot attending an ,
a'leged mass meeting at tbs Oliver
theatre in the Interests ol the home for
tbe frlendleee, 1 f .
The attorney for the corporatioa ,
wblcb now holds forcible posaeaaloo of
tbe borne, In defiance of law refusing ad
mittance to the board ol public land
and buildings aod tbeofllcera legally ap
pointed and qualified to take charge of
the home was given an opportunity to
present a very bad case to tbe political
friends of bis client and be proceeded to
show very dourly tbat tbs meeting waa
a grand atand play npon tbeaympatblaa
o' the audience for champerty and mala
tenance. :'
According to his own statement and
thatofotbera who were npon tbe pre
arranged program, there ia ample
means, about 180,000 in the treasury
appropnatsM lor tbe use of tne none
but which bis client will not allow the
borne to use except through bis client.
That be has advised this corporation to
violate tbe law aud ita pincers to bold
possessloa of the boms in denanee of
law and asks the public to contribute
funds to enable It to do eo, ,
What la there to justify tbla nsurpa.
tionl Wby does tbla aoeiety which baa
alwava claimed (and bad its claim al
lowed) that it waa a band ol nobis
women wbo bad at heart the iateroete
ol the borne and ita Inmates and not
their own aggrandisement or the politi
cal fortunes ol their families, parade ths
empty lanier, tbe hollow eoal bla ta
scanty raiment and iil abod feat of the
lemates, to bolster up tbe unsound thao
riea of ita lawyer belora the publlo ba
It can feed and warm and cloth and
bonus tbrss warda of the ttate within
tbebour by complying with tbe law
under which the money waa appropri
ated? Wby doea It allow Itself to be used
for tbe purpose of fattening tbe lawyers
purse and making capital for cheap poli
tician by attempting to make tbs state
nmnila tanhnlonllir mheicla thia fund .
for their benefit and beeausv tbe offlclala
will not do II, but Insist upon complying,
wttbtbe law. starve and freexe tbs Ib
mataa ol tho home into objects of public
pity. ! ' " :' -
Tbeatatementaof those on tbe pro-,,
gram and in tbe article which appears ia
t be Sunday morning , Journal over the
signature of Jobn M. Tbayer are
........ i .rnr4 mat over the atate. to the
effect tbat this property waa deeded to
tbe society lor tne uoms lor iae inenu
leas and tbal appropriations have been
made by tlie state io tne iocieij. ant
not facta, but fiction for wblcb there can
be no excuse while tbe deed remaina of
record aud tbe appropriation acta open
to the Inspection of any one who can
I be ded ia for a consideration of 92,
100.00 from Lottie N. r'ranklin and bna
band, to tbe state of Nebraska for tbe
use and benefit of tbs boms for the
friendless not the society ol tho borne
for tbe Iriendloaa. Tbla consideration
was paid by the slate and not by the
eocietv. The sum ot money raised at
tbat time by private Individuals were re
quired by tbeaoteetabliablug tbs home
- I........ tn ha mi I it he the ! nr
eity where It wm located for tbe loco
ration. Tbe act approved February
1NV1. hectloo I, ssiamuinipg eonie
l... . IrWn.tlMiA In th atate. Hetioa
i pr- vidi-s tbat II shall bo located under
tbe direct loa of lbs board ol pa bile lands
and buildiaga la ths city or town wbreb
should dosato the large! amount to the
boms sot to the sooiely. Kvery fcpifo
pnattoa by tho slats bos lawn made lo
tho bone and not one dollar has bee
awrcprle'ed or could be appropriated
to this society.
lit true a elated by tbeanoraey inr
llauuu.l Itiat llMiaaral It abater. MtV
Horace, aiiiiaarvd ia Ike Jone-VYuV
llaniarase a amW-us eunaelor lale
eele Mrtv. aad ritrxl ia fcs able ls?M
aaclKIN l&oi Orlrcl 3 of Ike COMllt
luia Lrohibitisg the hnilalttara mat
graatiag to aay ioriatkia a-oac-
th., er iaiivhlw aar epet mm or eiee.
ivo pritla, Immuatiy or Iraat bU
.k.i... ' tad arc tio a of artale 1 1.
"therbt ol Ike atate ekaU never be
1. ,e r h-aaed to as tadUMaat, as
etaHoanr rofMiratea.M list IthiMnt
tfwelkattke ioa Ibcreby ra'M
aseeltleil ofevea toast.irn.qia ai
hrrU. Tb- law proteose have at
..iikMiulaJ IvMUlali.iB attllalthM
.a str ieli vwotrol uf Us b-cae
aad Ike epini-nstioa el aiuay la !
tweielf lsr4 of Ik bweae.
The ottufaty foe Ihst nirtwratkMt
Ubni Ikal lhy 4ie. aixta Ike rake -tUib4
la ike Uaveaa iarteolb C4
legeraae. II this M tree he oU pay
tk kiraae as I reliro lro 1
.ralv lartaHaib sHdlegs was talaw
tlVal assd wa l.lktb l'ar ) ,