The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, October 27, 1898, Page 3, Image 3

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Oct. 27, 1898
Has Never Asked a Favor of the
Government Since he First
acks are Constantly Made Upon
Him, But He Answers Back
Not a Word.
1 Still following tha flag . ..ZZ
The Chicago Kocord, on October 19 th,
published the following special telegram
dated at Omaha:
"Nebraska political circled are much
agitated by the Nebraska Independent,
tlw official organ of the fusion forces,
charging that the republican federal ad
ministration has forced Col. liryan back
to army life when be t very III. The re
publican declare the accusation in falsa
and was made for the purpose of in
fluencing politic In the state, which are
admitted to bare reached a very critical
The Information upon which the article
in Tub Ixdkpksoent was baaed woe
contained in an Associated Press dis
patch, which said that Colonel Dry an
hod gone to the mountains in Virginia
to regain hie health, but on hie arrival
there had been ordered to return to bis
regiment immediately, He went to his
regiment, and if be was not ordered
there, the falsehood was started by that
gold-beg corporation.
The Btate Journal of October 20tb
contains the following dispatch from its
Washington liar:
'As a matter of fact. Colonel Bryan
came to Washington for the purpose of
meeting tno governor 01 Ms Mate and
securing the disruption of the Third Ne
l.raukn. (! muni iiv tha frillMliirlnu' nut
of a batullon, which action would have
enabled him to hare left the service
without resigning,"
In the same column Ir. which the above
appeared there Is printed In the Journal
the following Associated Pre dispatch:
Washington, October iu. iue war
department today gave out the follow.
log: The Heerctary of war, on being
akd about the report that Col. W. J.
liryan of theThiid Nebraska had been
refused leave 01 absence and kept with
bis regiment, authorized the statement
that Colonel liryan has asked no Indul
gence whatever of the war department,
ho that none bad been refused him. Any
reports to the contrary are without
foundation in fact.
The statement given out by the war
department is a complete denial of the
assertions of the Journal's Washington
liar, and by an Inadvertence, appeared
iu the sume column of the nme edition.
Every man la Nebraska, except the poor,
ignorant creature who read nothing
but republican patters, knows that Col.
liryan never made such a request as
Acnin say he did. Governor Holcomb
asked that enough men be discharged
from the two regiments to reduce Ne
braska's quota to an equality with that
of the other state, and in doing that,
that the men discharged should be the
sick, the disabled, and those who bad
families dependent upon them. The re
fluent was ho wine and Just, so evidently
for the good both of the the service and
of the men, that the administration was
finally forced to grant it.
Colonel liryan has never given the
slightest Intimation that he wanted to
resign or to be mustered out of theser
vice. lie ha taken no part in politic
since ho enlisted. With the exception of
three or four day, ho bn answered
"preseut" at every roll call. There I
perhaps not another colonel in the army
who ha been o contiintly at hi post
of duty. During all thin time there ha
been couNtaut assault made upon him.
lie ha been attacked n no ollluer or
soldier nerving iu the United 8tntrnriny
w a ever at t nek ml In fore, Through it
all he ha bore It with a patience and a
courage that ha doubly eudeurcd him
to all tboae who stood by him two year
ago, and tin made him friend among
all right thinking tneii tverynher. lie
ha not failed in hi new position to add
additional honor, not only la hi own
name, but to the fus he advocate.
ing means fifty more votes for Poynter 1 next congress will be close, la short be
and the whole ticket 1 here are people
in this neck of the woods woo would
make Uoloomb president of the United
States if they could. The last time he
ran be got more than 150 republican
votes in Cedar couuty. At tne repuou-
can primary in the city of llartlngton
tin) year tney votea on cnoice ior gov-
ernor. lloicomu was votea ior in mux,
republican primary. Hence the influence
bis speech had here. The boat about
any republican carrying Cedar county
is as empty as the last three lines of a
town pauper's will.
Imt Every Man I)o til Uuty sad to It
That Kvery Other Mao Doe.
I trust I will be pardoned for coming
again before you to appeal to yon In be
half of a cause In which we are mutually
Interested the cause of progress and reform.
We have won glorious victories In the
state of Nebraska. We not only want
to take no step backward, but ws want
to win a still mor orlous victory this
fall, We want to give that grand
farmer, W. A. Poynter, a much larger
majority than wegave Kilas A. Holcomb
in ma. . .
There I not a shadow of doubt that
we will do this If a full vote is polled;
and In this very fact lies a great ganger.
With this confidence in a surs vtctory
comes the temptation to stay at home
on election day, and attend to some
duty that seems pressing.
Populist voter, let me entreat you
not to do this. . . .
There are over 230,000 voters in this
state, The failure to vote of one In one
hundred moan a shrinkage of a, .100
votes. Carry thee figure out to higher
percentages. Five per cent stay at
home mean a lo of 1 1,000 vote.
Itemember we all have this confidence
In kucccm. We know we are going to
win. And then remember that the temp
tation to stay at home may pervade
large tnaes of men; and then think
what a calamity that connaence may
bring upon u.
Ho, let me entreat every inaiviuuni
voter to do his duty, And not only
that but let me entreat him to make it
hi buslneHS to see to it that the popu
lists of hi precinct also do their duty.
lt erery populit in the state consti
tute himself a committee of one to see to
it that a full vote is cast, and we will
win the greatest rlctory ever won in the
No populist can afford to forego hie
shnrs in thi election.
To fail to face the enemy is as bad as
to run.
To be shot In the bock In a great bat
tle I a dlMgrace that would make our
descendants blub for (fenerations.
I thank Uod for my confidence that
there are no such populists.
The issue bnv been fairly well stated
In an address that wa homed by the
fusion committees last week. Dut there
Is one trreat Issee that ha not received
enough attention in thi campaign
That i the great money question.
Populate, republicans, democrat;
all citizen do you remember that in
1800 the republicans promised yon in
ternatlonal bimetallism? and that now,
in 1 end of redeeming that promise, or
trvinir to redeem It, they bove prepared
a bill which I backed by the treasury
department, adopted by the ndminut ra
tion, and reported by the Houe com
mittee on bunking and currency, which
retire the greenback makes silver and
silver certificate token money only
turn the whole money creating power
of the government over to the bunks
fantens the gold standard forever upon
the nation, and create the moat stupen
dous bank monopoly the world has ever
1 cannot go Into the details of thi
bill in thi short article but I will say
that it contains provision of the most
infamous character which strike at the
very source and spring of American
This question iu In Issue now. If you
show auy fulling off in your vote thi
full, it will be cotslrued to mean your
aequiesenee In thi iufumy.
PopuliMt, your interest were never
more vitally at stake than they are In
thi election. 1 entreat you, l implore
you to poll your lull vote to the very
last man.
Your lor the good cause,
Lincoln, Neb., Oct. 21, 18'J,
expects the republicans will lose thirty
or fortv members b.v thi fairs olectiou.
Not content with showing themlres
alarmed, but they have (Uncovered that
all Europe will be scared todeatdliw
do not vote for irold and burning the
irri!nback. Thev are all going to pitcb
In and helo Houiu not back ail sue uns
lot. Itatl
They can't say that our candidate for
coventor "farms the farmers" for he
farms with his own hands bis own farm.
V.vnrv farmer who does not vote for W.
A. 1'ornter deserves to be cost out of I
the tanner' synagogue, About nine
tonths of all tha offices are filled with
lawyers, now let ns have a farmer. Now
IS lun mils IW vuuugu, bum uuu v w
get it.
Borne thing when done are dons,
others can be undone and dons over
aorain. The sufferings of our soldier
boys In tuba, Jroiu neglect, cannot now
t.11 dimmed or wh tewasbed out of sight.
There is not likely to be any more such
negleot. Hut there ore unjust proceed
ings In the form of law that are persisted
In, Take the standard oil company;
millions and hundred of mllious from
nniiiNt freight rate with no slims of n
Imt sxcerit from government roads run
for every man alike as the mail ar run,
The four hundred minion gatnerca oy
Mia nil trust never could have been
imthered If every Amerlcun citizen had
been granted the same rights and privi
leges over the railroad,
Then there sre thing now being plan-
narf whih will work still greater hard-
hlna rlaanciallv. A bill is now bulore
congress to retire ail the greenback,
traoNurr notes ami silver ceruncaies ami
even to melt up the sliver dollars or
make them redeemable in gold. .ny
tlil not dare to nose It before thi con
trrMHinna.1 election but If a majority of
V t . t I li. 111
tha DHit conirreo l remimicau 11 win
Mia at once, iiurket doe not dare to
say where he stand on this measure.
it inuiina nr no an an acreou on Tnrj
farm in the United Muatus and other
property in proportion.
The blif feellnff Melklelohn is with 0s
ti Imlncirrv the state for prosperity,
Why doe he not stay In Washington
nnd attend to hi oilleiul duties as
Krvnn dmis? We can stand congrews-
men and senators during recess bnt the
armv ha not adjourned. This defeated
ndiiirrfSMinan told UMi
"Then abor wa seeking employment,
now employment seeks labor; then the
laborer wa hunting Job, now Jobs are
huntlnir the aborer: then capital re-
treated trembling with fear, now it ad
vances with boldness and confidence:
then we had contentions between capital
and labor, now co-operation and fe-
lis undoubtedly refer to (he "felicity"
riw.nifi.nt down at Paoa. III. Cleveland
turned republican so tar as the tariff
and monev fliiestions were concerned
and that was what raied hob with bi
HdminiMlration- Mr. Meikh lohn further
said that "factories had been opened to
their utmost capacity," Nowhowdnes
thi statement com pars with the follow
ing taken from the sams paper contain
ing his speech:
Cotton Mill Shut Down.
Fall Hlver. Mas., Oct. 22.-Tbe Chnce
Regamore, Wampanong, weetamoano
Htafford cotton mill shut down today,
A few week ago there wn a bigirer
but down of cotton mill In New hn-
iriimd than for rears. II employment I
wkinir labor wbv so many strikes?
rtiriltHS in mine, strikes in factories,
trill! in Iron works and strikes all
aloug tb line. These thing only indi
cate republican gold bug prosperity.
Amoricnn women are not idle. The
true woman find something useful to
do. Look at Clara Burton and the Hed
Onus associ ation. No pent up contl-
tmnt hem them in. no danger or expos
ure intimidates, where suffering is, there
th red cross may be found, w ar, pesti
lence and famiue are alike under the eye
of the Hud Cro association.
1 .1
IVr sitvsr rally at the ditrit
Krt room lt evening, Wilbur P.
Hrf St presided. The tussling sal
drMrl by Ouvrraur lluhsiub and Hon,
Jobs M, Itubiuaoft fuiduBj sddt tor
etingr-, NutwiihaUadiaf U aigst
was dark e4 ebsJy, asd the road
m la a mtm ettadiHtm Uaa Uy aav
! lor IIjhii, th iirl hmih,
ni!4, Ttliairiii UtlrelunMl !!,
tUiw A. Ita(wib a NVbrM'srwtt
a4 Ul r, 1k gtl pupnitst
iiMtwi wiihaa wvalitHi a rwN
ilua as h dut barg tt a liallsff j
artnWty, lis Kt aw kuur 4 a
sail, talts ittt ftatipally to
lata Uia.
"Us ( tm,i U t Mubi.
t Ik Sartd, W4 aiM ..rsr., as I
ftd lfwist ati Uar Midi vlWttl4
a tftloa U abttiM krs I it.M
TtM acpiasa m r Ua tsa ld
lil w4i vil. Jwlm li ItnUia
t l 11 iu,s, w4t w(Sjiii
tk M dsMrwl, e!4 4sl a kr4
a (hi? Ik Hvtf, tk lalrwdillltM tt
Mis4i"slis.l aa4 salltMMiM eat
ftr, 4 tk kf wfcwH Mua4
diaii4 lkilaik4i r4ahMit
rtwfft eaff HM t4a roaaly, J ;
)toUiast u t4 Nr 4) htial asd ki
rwikst U rsxv4. Ik ftjesk.
l)r, Hull's Cough riyrun prevent
inieuiMOhlu or iutluiiiatlou ol the lung.
Thi eht.rated remedy will cure a cough
or cold promptly. It's the
cine for all kind ct lung trouuiu uuu
oost but -5 ct. a bottle.
(Jeneral Thayer W. r.. AoDiu-ll
rurnis Hi Parm-Some Thing,
lions and Horns Not Uoas Tblag
Yt todo-Mikljohn, Clara lUrtos,
Kraacs Wktlard, Women la (Isasral
Why dt-a t Osnrral Thaysr ssy
ontet hingaW guviraor takisgthe
usatiluUtiaa tkouiaad dollars lor
kousa rst? Aadaby dis ks sU ds
auuat-s rldiug oa railroad Jsssa? Thiws
who lavs does utk Ulsg aw tha osr
to know lb vU ul lk.u. TU gasral's
IU! ol Halt dUttlWf ia not sum!
by aloug way, Thv wassa u.aH.t
..t IimI, tsara au. I'tas ga-
.l him aaSMNL dalia. plaewi and
u...aiu amiwitlsd a4 asvsf aaJ
Sam Marl. Mil ! l
i,i infill ihiIm-v wkisk aas4 tk rat
lad ) Hal s4 lsaaai apksavsl ia lhi
tiaairyta lt !' Il !
ta4 tketasta r grlf ahaisl U
an alal tka or a
liMU U'r lky k4 esaae jd
Ufi Miit-y vf lhia al how aoaH
wr taut itt tkswl Ih4
tmattta kav Ik a tmik
H.v-aT 1hI U lrke. Not a
4tealry tfctUsn4 lkea
Ma id ! ! dtswkaa. Tk dsf
t.uaig suuttiM, aa4 km a
Ikaa a kail ", ksvs Umm mm
fttoaiwfoss as 4(Md s ll laaa,
W, Vh Assis, Waaktsitoa sot-ta4.
lit 111 a (!, eJatii Iks
Is seasonable now, Ws are ready to put neat
and stylish llubberson the whole family solid
serviceable Overshoe for the man who mi st
be out la hard, cold weather,
Pall Wi o stock complete In Men's, Hoy'
Youths', Women's, Misses' and Children's. All
sizes, widths, styles, and prices.
Hers ws quote some of our many bar
gain: Child's kid button Hhoi-s, 5-8, cheap for K A a
60c, sale price , ilUU
Hisses' grain solar tip, hol and spring, QOa
regular $1.U5, sale price UOW
Boy's Shoes, genuine calf, stock will
wear like iron, -5, reg, f 2
A few pairs Ladle' kid button, plalu toe,
'i li and y,i, wortn aoumo tno 7hn
. vv
Ladies' kid button, patent tip, AQ
reg. 2 and $'JM, to close If I T 9
Ladle' kid button, patent tip, point-(P QQ
ed toe, 11 4, reg. f 'I, to close out.,.ip 1 vSO
Indies' kid lace, patent tip, tan, tf 1 C A
coin too, regular 2, now ipitUv
Ladies' kid lone, vesting top, brown, tff) A A
li 1-4 and 0, reg. I2,t,t) ltJ.UU
Ladies' kid lace, brown and black,
stock tip, coin toe, 8 7, regu
ltrfi), now, per pair.
40 ploce Vicugna Cloth, regular 10c, As
sale price, a yard . ..5IV
17 pieces Drooadlnes, regular 11c; A f Oa
this week l l'LJ
17 pieces brocaded, all shades, regular f f A
, aoo, sale price, a yard... 1 I V
14 piece Bedford mills, fancies and QAfl
broken plaids, reg. 80a, sale prlce,..GT;w
9 piece Novelty, regular 45o, Q7l
this week, per yard M I w
6 pieces all wool Novelty, regular 60c, JQa
sale price, a yard
Covert cloth, 54 Inches wide, regular 17 O a
H5o, sale price, a yard I tlw
1,000 yards German Jllti Prints, In mill
lengths, from 'i to 10 yards In al7 Oa
piece, worth 10c, sale price........ I 1 fiV
Ladles' fine jersey Ilibbed Vests and f f a
, pants, reg price 20c, sals price, each... I I V
80 doeen Ladies' Hwls ribbed Vets and 1 Ca
pants, cheap at SOo, sals price, each., .6 ilV
20 dox. Ladles' fins natural wool vests JQa
and punts, reg. 50c, sale price, eacb,.,.?llv
Ladles' fine Merino Jersey Ribbed Vests ISQa
and Pants, reg. 75c, sale price ......MOW
50 doz. Men's Wool Random shirts and f fla
I)rawers,regular 25o, this week eacb.,1 9U
80 doi. Men's Hauitary shirts and draw-QQA
ers, regular 40c; this week, each UUV
35 doe. Men's Elastic ribbed shirts and AO A
drawers, reg. 75c; this week, each VlIU
Do you need anything: in
the following: seasonable
Dress Flnnnels.
Flannel, blankets,
lied Comforters.
Hhawls, Puselnators.
Hoods, Ice Wool Hhawls.
(Hove and Mittens.
Plannel Hlnrts.
Cardigan Jackets,
Wool and Fleece Lined Hosiery,
Lined Hhoes and Bllpper.
Felt Hoots, German Hocks.
Men's Canvas Legging.
.P. 0.
FRED SCHMIDT & BR0., 9212,.
Professor Coleman Gives a state
ment of it From a New Point
of Vuw,
The Woman Christian Temperance
Union which encircle the globe, I work-
inir n reform In th ttpetire and posse
Minus of men and women lietore Miss
France Wlllnrd stood upside by side
with the great reformer of the nine
teenth oeutary. Million will rise up
and call her and her union blessed.
The Waste to Civilization Oausod
by use of Costly Metal
for Money.
In everv nnrt of the land the educated,
Intelligent women are orgnuiiliig clubs
and duiuu- club work. Ihey do not
com toireiher to pin v tfatiie and smoke,
but they discuss th current news of the
day, review books, read essay and talk
sense. Tuey im-et In em li other homes
aud not in secluded halls. Ws don't
bear so much about "strong minded
women" as w did furty years ago, la
our universities lbs boys have to scratch
tu keen un w.lii the girls ev. n In ths
liiuatiutricat bratiehe taught.
Lawyers ami husiness men
who arc particular about the
appearance of their stationery
ihouM leave their order for
that dart of printing at the
lNDM t:Mi n r. 1 oubt it, try it.
IIM LS lf Itsaaa,
"liovrnitr lhall id Ohio Mu
Ml to
all.ia Mirk llaaar to hoi I aii sials
um.r lr airiUmusv but
lha iMltvai uitt.1 ktl lr frtiai thai lal
ar (MtHiKtM to aland aad dltvr lb
)! larihitttf.
Mktk Itsaaa eas4.
Urk il ha aoid an aUr.
II Iraskly ll hi Muw rhiss
IS4 ha att hoMsaol rpa ll la
ItMf ta Im deerU-N. T, vui4.
Qreatcft Ndtir ta Ntbrtiki.
hi Omaha
Sm Mw !
1 aas kill In lSSMSa
StkawtiiMrM U V hmWI M la !
U Ka mtm
NotAbrssot of tha TIiudi.
Improvident civilization waa the
subject of the chairman' address bv
1 ior. U. 1. UjiOurn, in the bection of
Social and Uconuinio Science of the
Amerk'iin Asswiatlou. Touching the
currency question, the speaker ob
served that when we speak of value,
equivalency, wealth, risk, trust, dls-
irusi, punic, prosperity, we are urai
ing not with concrete aubstancea like
frold pieces, but wllti sillies of in hid.
et these Ulen lie at the foundation
of commercial exchanges aud uiou-
tery science. "Have any of you eve
Imagined what would oupii If suae
iiuhWtu lUMlcmlan shoulil succmhi Hi
the turning of buss luetsl cheaply Iu
to gotd?,... ..riut'h a d:sHvery would
inlrHlii Into (be world of eoninwrca
and indeed into all fiscal relation of
lueu an apiwUing confuaioni first, by
a grnrral ri of prlcesj aud, mcoiiu,
by a dislocation of fixed payment of
Intsrrkl, aalarls. and wthrwis.
Amoittf other eurktu reaulta w
sltouM wIliMMt, would be change of
siitr and tune lietween Ilia atlvocate
of gold and ailver standard. ,.i.Ths
tune thing would haptra, wnly HMr
siowiy, ti a vast urpoan vi tm f
iinrthvdt and if, afur gold was thna
illwretl.ted by a jratiivUy lit h na
il bltt supply, the ailvmpt ws wd
la iM i,ir lit lt pla- (ih rUa el
whlt-a wwuui is eiMruiatMiy bs
rdl, thi stal of thing would b la
Li la II Iwm l b Uiwsl br eioilr
tltMH,ri.M iy prwipilatiw
tHi;ii tt tavsalhiit sows tra srti
tat Im) t etehtttgra, a oisillflJ smt
eiur Haws twt f
after UnsAV (a MtaMklad l as
snl htiitht tviiwal fur alt Ih
illaaaier It wuuM IswiHtrsriiy !.
tha tttaaks Jn'Urva war rai
t Ih lint axl at tMtiMf la
kls.t aaii la satouHt l tu
i.l well lie It Mlvhl t asl fal
a-lvpHisr aisMi m ;.
Ta Ih HMihr wt h fhaitr
l Ik haasM 4 whsa .!
An,U hv M W Hfst'l, la
nuil,) nf slaihlsc Ut hii'a t a
utf pIMIRf li issmw
.i. U !! aaaiv lt lfia tl
Iks (aiMsvaia M lha diffew l
and make the best use of every dollar.
In buying new goods It la always
wise to consider the quality as well as
tne price. All wool ureas good is
cheaper In the end than the naif cot
ton materials that lose their freshness
ami beauty in a short time and are
often not worth making up. Then it
la a good idea to line the skirts with
dark calico. It make tliein wanner
and they will wear longer than when
unlincd. It la better to buy one good,
firm, gingham dress than two of cali
co, and if fast color are aeleclcd they
will look well aa long as they lost.
Hiittons are quite an Item of expense
If new onea are purchased for every
dress. Flut pearl button seldom
break, and wheu an Interlining ia plac
ed In the liema when tney are aeweu
on, they are not often lost, so the same
set may be used for several dresses.
Manv ft mother Is wondering how
she can provide drcsse for her little
giris when sha ha enough old cloth
ing stored away in the attic to furniah
$35.00 Calumets for
f 40.00 Loagues for.
150.00 fattees for,
Him necessary material, isring tneso
articles to the light auu carefully plan
your work. With the present style or
comb nut ions small Piece can oe useo
to advantage by making tm yose aim
sJrrvra of one material and the rw
uininder of the dres of another, or by
mukliiir the irulmn costumea which
are so pretty and stylsh for little
irlris. I to not use faded material for
a package or uiamomi oye win mssa
it fresh and new bsiklng, and the chll-
lien will tx much UtU T pleased witn
It. A certain amount of pride la t&eir
neraonal anooarauca should b en
couiagtHi In chldren. A jacket of your
omii can tie washed, pressed, and cut
down Into a short blr. trimming
It with Urg button which a careful
housewife can umially find la hr but"
inn Imiv or on Mime ot ina east on
clothing. The lst part or a worn
out soil of papa's oft b us
Usaatad front iu Ih plalu lfvt
styte, A drra skirt of t.ivy w.s.len
.uui. kin uauallv contia eootigti
ro.s material Id luak aa empire Je?
Ut wUWh U sot wlta a pUla yaw
k. t..u tuiiiwitt is lUalvtl ami hwm
U It. A Urirs vr ttrra tw
nd it is a kn.aim
44 . ao tf A!
w a4 Tassa Msaat
CavaMiHf a 4.
4. m4 rinrs 2
t VT" i l ... a f
... !. -sa tk v l 'If Mi
Sm. tv u
VJ nri so1 Lincoln acrenta
for the famous RACYCLE.
This wheel has 20 per cent
! nrpssurrj on the bearincrs
than any other wheel on the
Complete line of supplies
always in stock.
uo North 14th St.,
Lincoln, Neb
1,1 - '
tlr7l IHfl.r-Il
t.- u 11.. iunmI of a wvtoan ear
Ing he did no have dinner rdy bm
mum her aewlnf oisda ar Utta, whaa
you mrt gs furaaM
W 11950. It yott a a iwaola
writ, the It. fab. Co. lor
vu.t ir . ma Uis ut tasasarete. iaa
laeat Ur and twl tt
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s.rtMat J Isaattssasarta. la
Jaaota, Sis