The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, October 27, 1898, Page 2, Image 2

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Editorial Shots.
fore leaving: lie went through he bos
pi taJ, smoothing the brow oi each, one
t ,hi men. snoke kind wordi .of
, , , .! cheer to brae them ivp and take cour
It is claimed with, a good deal ot jn efforts for them. Oh, that
jrutfto by the pneudo projerity paper Aln,rctl ha uoh a man as Bryan n
"hat the g. o. p. Is entitled to aU the tlje presWency. Would that we bad
credit for tbe pension law, Yea, JMm Aryans la the America a army.
jarty inntUi n iommiv mi i miiadiron Aew.
reurcHl army omeers xo umw i'n";
salaries of from one to several huir
ami dollar per month, wbile the
noor and deserving old soldier priv
ates Who slept on the ground are
grudgingly given the beggarly and
miserable pittance of $4 to fl2 per
montJh. Courtland Herald.
J)o you believe it when tflie republi
can ftix-ukers tell you that Aity. CJen.
tirnythe it 1 blame for Gene Moore
being found not guilty? Do yon
(iM-lleve that? Vou know tlliat Gene
Moore en tered a plea of guilty. I tie
Atty. Oen. 1 Wie prosecutor. When
a rlefeiuJent pleada guilty there is the
end of the luwyers work. 1 is tJie
duty of the court to enter Judgment.
The wirt rendered Judgement , iy
ing tliat Moore wa not guilty. Jnt
let tliera play ywu for a geewj. Ihe
During the compnlgn of two year
ago, the republicans wild "low floes
iH-nefit the lit IhitI m man;" alw,
"wljat's the different If wages ere
cut In two if wages 'buy twice os
mUfV (farm products, c Willing, etc)
0 Wiey used to ?" JJut when wheat
struck $1 they shouted "prosperity."
(Now when! is 43 Cents. This is wlwre
Mi5 lalKM'Ing man come in again.
Fairmont Tribune.
35rad Slaughter litis promised to see
tlhe republican flnamoe committee on
behalf of the Madison counly republi
can. This Is the republican method
of meeting argumat,Coleridge
The people's party is nlwlged to re
d'lice MiMnger and freiglut rates,
nils means more business for the
railway companies). More business
means that more men. will bo required
arid a greater demand for men. ! cans
iiwsreased wages. The Granger,
Mart I Tows, wIikwc lieart was brok
en in a million pieces because he did
iwrt get am apjKlntnieint under J. V.
Wolfe, Is out w I l'h the ry that Wolfe
didn't appoint old soldiers, copper
head, etc. We are surprised to see
Mart flying the bloody shirt at this
liwle dale, but there has been Mood
in 1ils eye for some time. The Granger.
It will be remembered that Dave
Mercer In bis speech here a few
nlgliU ago had considerable to any
about the present state officers buying-but
terine for the use of the blind,
weak minded and old soldiers at the
different state institutions. ITe said
they had bought seven car foods of the
"stuff," paying a big price for it,
while good country butter went beg
iring on the streets, end that Uhrough
the action of the fudoh state offi
cers the farmers bad Ion thousands
of dollars on their butler. Dave evl
ilcwtly had not looked up tlhe records,
himself. If be had be would have
found that it wos the other fellows
who bought the big lots of butterine.
-prlngleld Monitor.
The Views eI Abraham Lincoln Ap
plicable to Preaent Conditions.
Mr. Lincoln showed bow the old
slaveholders might escape the dangers
before them viz, tbey should deal just
ly toward otberi and be less rapacious,
f be same advice is now applicable to
the avariclonn epeonlaton who have
disinherited the American people. No
man has a Just right to bold lands for
peculation while otber men neod them
for bom ea. Nor has any man or corpora
tion a right to bold title or exact rents
on lands occupied ai homes . by any of
Two Million Saved to tha Taxpayer in
Twentf-to Months.
State debt November 30, 1894:
General fund $ 677,825.75
Temporary university
fund warrants ai.
Institute feeble minded
fund warrants 61,230.54
State relief bonds 100,000.00
State funding bonds 449,267.35
Total state debt $1,188,575. 59
State debt November 30, 1898:
General fund warrants... 1 1,936,273.47
Temporary university
fund warrants
God's children. The true and paramount Institute feeble minded
title to lands is "occupation and use,"
ai homes for the people, and all laws
which do not recognize that Just, para
mount title are nnjuNt Jaws and should
be changed. How much easier and safer
tbe change can be made before the
storm comes than afterward! The man
or the party who oppoees a peaoef ul
change in the interest of tbe people
fund warrants
1 State relief bonds
State funding bonds
, 27,444.63
Total state debt $2,403,709.95
State debt November 30,
1896 $2,463,709.95
State debt November 30,
1894 1,188,575.59
The republicans tell us tlat if the must necesHariJy be in favor of revolu-
people will return uncm w i"r ni tion, ana may jusny oesiyieuBB uuuiuu-
'ebr&ska, they will conduct the busl-
n ihnt. wh on the norm 'nave cororucww i
riii4f liuf'i v. o uney oiu wm-u
tuvv were in, twwer. They stole mii-
411, a rutnfili.'tt TnoiW V Bind TUIlr
dered the Whole state. Aroom ouie.
If our ffovernmeut can, and docs
rum the jMistal W-partment on satis
fartory and economical principles,
without extortion end discrimination
en. why not a railroad J'.eatrice
News, I ,
The Associated l'res Js so intlm
alely connet'led with the flould family
amd others of "the 1,000 men wild by
statisticians to control over balf tin
wealth of the country" that it is idle
to expect genuine, tniight forward re
porting from it. It suppresses and
distorts to suit the purposes of those
who control it. Hence, though the
debate on imperialism at the lait sess
ion of Congress was one of tUie great
est debates In tlhe history of the eour
trv. the mib c knows nolililng or it,
The Associated Tress suppressed it,
sending out nothing more than a bare
mention of the great speeches in
Which Democratic leaders squared the
party for a contest as far-reac Jng as
that an the slavery issue. Everything
saild on that subject is still news tbe
most important news of tlhe day.
J ou riuil of Agriculture.
GllUxrt M. Illtohcock, tlhe World-
nerald's talented publisher, is) making
a gallant race for congress, and he
will be elected, too. He has manfully
denned bis position on tlhe vital bees
of the dnv. and fearlessly eliiienged
Ji la ofyoonent to iolnt debate. Thus
far Mercer has falleu to respond
Abbi.nd) Journal
Instead of fighting, bleeding, and
AriniT Itve tihelr country, our rwys
liave iM-em jignung jor wm miu uj-
inig for Alger. Superior Bun.
George I. Meiklcjohn, flSKlwtaTit
secretary of war, announces Tiiani ne
will take tine stump m eoraKo iw
the g. o. p. un til the close of the cam
News will venture the
gmtts tHint liefore be bn held the Job
many days be will return to weon-
itrlon "to fl'tiena xo impwwi, oui-
mis. A position ou vub g.
Ktiiinp is no sinecure tinese auys
St'ri Inner News.
The Rush for Gold.
(Krnra IhsTlini-s, llln", III.)
The nmlt of crold seekers to the
Klondike brinirs thrilling memories
to the "fortv-niners" still alive, of tbe
time when they girdled tbe continent
or faced the terrors or tne greax, aw
rican desert on the Journey to tlhe
and of gold. Theme pioneers tell
some experiences wmcn iwiouio. vz
heeded bv seekers today. Constant
exposure and faulty diet killed large
auraibers, wmie nearly an uie surviv-
I'erhnns our KMienitie officials are
honext ilirouirh fear. No matter. It
is enough to know that tbey are boa
et, and God and the tuxjinyers of
Nebrnska know that it is difficult to
iut a finirer on a republican state
officer who was bonest through fear,
or tbrouirh any other motive. This
belnir the esse, we Can boldly tdend
for the election, of our popocratic
state ticket every man on the ticket
fprwn Povnter to Jackson, and wi'b
this pies ws give promise to aid our
renuUl can mends In fleiesiinff or oar
rettaeotting the fin', one of them who
JltfUl le Hlnd guilty of following in
the footntciw of tbelr dc faulting and
emlerllnff republican pretlecessors.
rsjfillion Times.
Every labor represtaive and Petv
Stor voteil sgainai tns iisnnn-r.iai.
ilnrtran Imhmi lroioItion in the St
Ion lest summer. It wsa unfortunate
for knlxtr that It bnd so few reprraen-
rtllvra.-llk (Viunty Imieiemieat,
rt'kH HeiluHiHl, menw of "Tor-
w'a TwMti." srrimt la Chmlron M
,Mvt ha saw Colonel Urjsn deti
mm ratlin hi WSd.iliton tO UrfT th
ttiixsrfe of his sivk sl!1era. He-
Increase in two years. .$1,275,134.30
State debt September 1, 1898:
General fund warrants.. .$1,538,642.07
. 153,207.35
TUa ulavahnirlnra flnlniorl tn liO
conservative par excellence, but tbe D iwvwug
laotsana events oi History uow provH . . ti.ftOi.0O0.42
them to have been the mont dangeroos gwU) (ebt Nw 30( 1896 $2,4C3,709.95
of revolntioniuts and anarchists. Tbey
themselves created tbe storm which
overthrew tbuir system,
In bis letter to a Boston committee
April 6, 1809, Mr. Lincoln soldi "This
is a world of compensation, and be who
would be no slave mast consent to have
no slave. Those who deny freedom to
others deserve it not for themselves,
and under a Just Ood cannotlong retain
That was written as applicable to
chattel slavery. It is now Just as appli
cable to a syMtcm, brutal
izos and starves tbe white laborers of
Homestead and Pullman, of tbe Hock
ing valley and the coal mines of Illi
nois, and the trainmen on the railroads,
worse than chuttol tluvery did the negro.
The first and best plan of outlet or en-
capo from this merciless and dangorons
svstem is to free tbe lands ana coiu
them in easy reach of oppressed labor,
as they were when Mr. Lincoln made
bis mastorly argument in favor of free
labor, Aliens, corporations and land
speculators have no better fight to bold
the toil of this country ont of use than
tbe Indians had. The title of tbe In
dians was extinguished for tbe benefit
of tbeAmericau people. The titles of
tbe speculators should bo treated in the
tame way. John Davis in Junction
City (Kan.) Tribune.
State debtBcpt 1, 1898... 1,691,909.42
Decrease m state (leu in
22 mwi'tlh $ 771,800.53
Increase in state debt In two years
under republican! rule, $1,275,134,30.
Decrease in state oeDi in zz monms
under reform rule, $771,800.53,
Difference in favor of reform Jnc two
ma .1 i. nr
years or repiioncani ruie ant
month of reform state government,
A Uoctrlna I'romiHi" tad by 'Hie Kepubll-
can Candidate.
Last Saturday Kosewatcr ,and Web
ster debated-in Omaba Jtosewater
claims that some of the men on the
legislative ticket ought to be in Jail
instead of the legislature. Webster
did not dispute the proposition, but
stands pat on the nomination. In the
State Journal of last Monday, 3d col-
umn, 3d page, the debate is given in
fall. The point that we wish you to
think over is this, which we copy from
the Journal: "Well, now," continued
Itosewater, 'Must take the case of P.
Ji. Moores. Suppose it bad been gen
erally believed during the campaign
that he was a defaulter, do you con
tend that we could not keep Mm, off
the ticket?"
"I will answer that with pleasure,"
said Webster. "That charge against
Mr. Moores was made nubile through.
the nress and talked about on the
streets before Moores was nominated
yet you, Mr. llosewater, supported blm
man gets bis political hair set like that
he is not fit to hold any office in the
gift of the people. That doctrine does
not allow you to think. That doctrine
made men vote the republican ticket
until the machine got away with near
ly a million dollars. The time has
come when you owe it to your family
to vote that political law out of ex
istence. Your great party leaders tell
you that it is better to nominate hon
est men, but if the party nominates
thieves, it is your duty to vote for the
thieves. Being busy on your farm or
in your store, how are you to know
that your party has nominated honest
men? If the very foundaton of your
party rests on tbe doctrine that it is
your duty to vote for dishonest men
if they are on the ticket, you cannot
know that your candidates are honest
men. Such a doctrine is an insult to
every Lincoln republican in this state,
York Teller.
McKloUy Prosperity,
Fall Kivkk, Mas., Oct. 22,-The
Chase, Bagnmore, Wampanoug, Wee
tamo and Stafford cotton mills shut
down today In accordance with the
agreement of print cloth manufacturers
to curtail production for four weeks,
llut JIuMet Still go Hungry,
"Our national credit was uevor so
high is it is now," MeKinley.
Yes, and you might have uddod that
thi Individual credit of most working
men whs never so "low." High national
credit don't buy food and clothing and
other necessities for them. Spartu
Much in Little
Is cspeclitlly true of Hood's l'llls, for noinedl
cine evr contained o great curative power In
to mniill upace. They are s whole medicine
client, alway ready, al- mm
ways efficient, always sat. 10 I I I C
lofuctary; prevent s cold O
or fever, cure all liver Ills,
sick headache, jaundice, constipation, etc. 2Te.
The only rill to take with Hood's Sarsaparllla,
Tbs President Has On of Them Tell
A Ail... St. IL.i V'n
I I - .... ' - ..A T l v(ii!ss nuitr.riosi
There are rnmor. going about that "ZXlM
President MeKinley has, through tbe
The Opportunity
of a Life Time.
ore were afflicted with disease, many
of them with rheumatism, Sudn, a
sufferer wus Adam Van gundy, who
now resides at Muffs, 111., where be
has been Justice of the peace and wan
the first president or tne board, oi
trustee. In a receut interview be
I food been a sufferer of rheumatism.
for a number of years and the pain
nt times was very intense. I tried all
the proprietary medicines) i ooum
think or bear of, but received no re
I flnoUv placed my case witb sever
al physicians and doctored wth tQiem
tor wnie nine, out iney iimuhi to no
me any good. Finally, with my hopes
of relief nearly exhausted 1 read an
article regarding Dr. Williams' Pink
l'llls for Pale People, which Induced
me to try them. 1 was anxious to get
rid of the terrible disease and bought
two boxes ot the pill. I began using
them about March, 1U7. After 1
had taken two boxes I was complete
ly cured, and the pain has never re-
turnni. 1 think it is tne nest metii
clue I have ever taken, and cm win
lng at any time to sign my name to
nny lentiiiiony setting lorui Its goou
hulnu'iilH-d ami sworn to before me
this :9th dor of eteptemtier, A. !.,
Notary Public
Mr. VnjtMHtjs) sttei-ivt ought
to ! rrimrdeil as a rrtteriou of the
giNnl nterits of these pills, and what
14 trr proor eouiti a person warn
thsu th above factA These pills
stwtwi utvrtvsauti ss a tonto for tns
ron saif. two corrtc ha?ta
tlONI la las ail sis a4 tose
0usenar at MstlsltojsysH stste l
lVtla, Vl'llett. Oss stissWIs tl StH)
, purtUia la tuB trvo
msJ h tste hn ull. All Mads ul
tn i W-J Itrsil, sbb, eJs as4 '
nl ers, le gts-s, sn.I(s aoses
...lik.s Lull.liKS. I'fvl-ttf Inrfvs
Is sls- as vss Isttt Wshs.
it ..,...11, tie itkv tlaisll
e,.li Hi l's'l ll
IMkiMllllW, It isl
,tss tsimsis la aU4
t,t-rs Um lftt4 st
ssia a Me !
Wists4 atlss ! ! Its! M
.kj ssreat. eklissrviv U4
ik. .,)., 1 s k .! fcsslia
h, a f siias tv 4 H I
i.. IuiImm 1st Utt Ms as I
1. k..j Ia (Mata that ktslls. J
.....w... Ui.iiiJ.& sa I at ts
A race of sUtrs, ol sut-h as sweep
Vy th fall lids of power, the eoiMiMi
To rrlma tVrv and undtluir fm,
lut bsssv-ltfttobls susi sUtsa K
pUf iMiikers rWt trusts, menUis
to is rU'H tUiMvr, Ugi'srs est your
a si L
Smrne, as dogs (It foul fr I'laker.
HUrAK 1IIK i:iu
V.r4 sp, s4 Uvss the spvtl tKsl
MhU )et ti tn. Na Vmf f4
tuuf imIrJ a Iks ss(f tasre t ranis
J.a m hi )h la tss fspers a4
Klr wwtJf sill !. Msrit tss
trula as4 N frvs. AH Iks (.prsml
kiio t l tr jr wsfv tHs UKw ef
iiriit wi4 asMl fIUits walvH IK
relief (kMi tw4Wt Kih W
I T mkm l trw ! Aswtk-a
UUy, I'e lu tl fl 1W a, A
tMtt!ift i will v as4
yuwf b'.ya tfes, Hvmsia !
ssil t4 imi Im pti !
medium of his friend, Colonel Myron
T, Herrick, rebnked his otber friend,
Senator Ilanna. Witb the oponing of
these war department scandals, which
have come upon the country like a
black diHgraco, Ilunna again asserted his
ownership in tbe White House. It irks
and galls tbe president to nave Ilanna
pose in tbe light of a mortgagee in pos
session, and he has been Jong m com
ing to the point where he would object,
but this last newspaper statement or
Ilanna 's was too strong for even the
president. Besides which, as I have said
in a previous article, Elkins' influence
is dominant at tbe White House, and
tbe president is loosening and lengthen
ing tbe stiings which tie him to the
Ohio snubbing post of politics. At all
events, Ilanna said tbia:
"Whoever attacks Algor attacks Mo-
Kin ley and whoever attacks MeKinley
attacks me. Alger will not be removed
from bis office," hud farther to tho
same emnhatio. ill judged effect. The
piesidont, with a courage born of Han
na's absence, told Herrick to intimate
to the Ohio senator that suoh obsorva
tions were not enjoyable; that they
put him in a bad light, and he would
be very much indebted to Mr. Ilanna
if he would be a little more circum
speut, Tbe newspapers are filled with
tbia scandal of the war department.
Half has not been told. Alger's weak
nesa and his not too fine moral sense are
responsible tor death and starvation,
robbery of soldiers and tbs disgrace to
tha American army establishment.
Presldeut MeKinley iu his weakness is
responsible for Alger. Tbe Republican
paity is responsible for MeKinley. Tbe
path of the people tl tha United States
is pointed out. Tbey cau take II or go
some other way as they please, "gup-
Dressed News flow Washington ' ta
New Time.
Aa EslsrsrUlas rsthes.
I know it to be a fuel that Alusr Me
Kluley has teu the attorney of a nmu
tr tf successful contractor who have
besa dolus busiums w lib tha wards-
patlmsuL 1 aua rsllsbly informed thai
he has made a small furtaoa out of his
less in these eases. If cungrsss irdi
aa laveeilgslUui of lb war depaitutsul,
all Ihsse thluga will be tuade puhlio.
Hal I dt aol t((KN:t tost any lavssllga
UosiwIIIUaiisuipledal Ibaiisit
loo. Tbs whole powir tf lbs aJmluls-
tisib will U tr(4 la trsvsat
taaulif, aa4 Urfi4 I da o think
ih lUpttUUs l4iIU Lava la
tuursji u suwUl lbs wUbss at las
leldtil, CVf, t'blvsgil i'htoalula,
and if the republican party should
again nominate him to be worthy of
republicans I would again support,
The supreme court bos decided that
Moores is an embezzler, and for that
reason entered a sol men Judgment
that Moores shall forfeit his ofllce,
which is the mayor of the great city
of Omaha. Knowing this fact tbe
republican candidate for United Btates
senator says:
"It the republican party snouia
again nominate blm to be worthy of
repubicans, I would again support
We want to tell you that when a
Private Diseases
WMt saS Writr !
0 ymrtExperisnc.
10 Vears ta Omaha.
UtKik Vroe. ('oiiHnltS.
tioairree. Uox7en,o
14th and Farnsm 8U,
T the Grind Boesaapmsnt kflalaf Dis
trict, fyyomlag.
The Union Pacific wilt sell tickets ai
one fare lor th round trip, plus 15, from
all points in Kansas, Nebraska, Colora
do and Utah to Kawlins, Wyo. Dates
on which tickets will be sold are 1st and
8d Tuesday In May, Jane, July. August,
Kept.. Oct.. and nor. Htage line dally
except Sunday each way between Raw
line and Urand hncamnment
For full information call on or address
B. B. Slosson, Oen'l Agt Lincoln, Neb,
IP If All V
SssissBejjsfS sajsSJ
To purchase
a piano and wish
to get the best val
ue for your money
you want one of our "Three S'es":jJBJJ,
America's Greatest Piano, the
greatest in the world.
CPU A EE ED Very fine, good tone qua
OLllArrCn Iity, beautiful case designs.
CUI1 I ED A good PUno at a price that
OlllLLCU wiU come within your reach
Sold on easy terms
at cash prices by the
Guarantee to cure sp"1j'y, a"ar5alr,a,
all NKllVOUS, CHKONlfi AND Vlt
VATE Diseases of Men and Women,
SEXUALLY curtd for llfs.
NlKht Emissions, Lost Manhood, Hy
drocele, Verlcoccle, cofiorrries, uieei.
Bypl.llls, Btr.cture, Tilrs 'lu' on
Jtectal Ulcers, Pisbetss, lirlght's Disease,
by new niaihod without pain or cuiiing.
tall n Or SUUrcss wmi mxamv
'l rettllliuni vy mail.
k. n. WKIH, A ant.
Cnut H ui Stfe 8U., LIHCOLU
PbII Assortment, Best Graot , j
Lowest Price. Z
Dr. Ketchum
Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat
and Catarrh, z z x
Spectacles Carefally Fitted.
All Fees Seasonable
226 South 11th
Small but fine.
Platinos $2.
0 St.
Onr work la tbs best in the city.
from 115c pvr dosen no.
Notice to Farmers
and Stock Feeders. .
Buy yonr cattlo and sheopat the stock '
yards, West Lincoln and save frniifht
and otber expanses, iiavs your sosop
dipped. Ws guarantee to cure scab, we
do tbe work for one cent pur bond. Ws
G. H. Geoghegan,
Gen., nzt., West Lincoln. Neb.
orncx ioio o wt. punRig
Prompt Service, Phone 255
yr sal ssTis OsllformU sa4 Olkss rs
slfls Csssl t rsvstsrs.
Tbs abort r"ttlna applies ta tbs
tins enronta, Vy tbs North wsstsra
Unlon rsolfle roots tbs time Isotsslfkl,
nrl8 bours, less than by otbsr Mssa,
Tbls sstss mnnsy, bsrtb rata, aad this
tsa boars of wsarlsoms sar riding. At
rrsmoDt eonnretlom are direst witb
tbronab toartst and Pnllmaa sWr
sbalr ears to Denver, Ovdsa, "sit Lake
elty, Portland and Kaa fraaeleoa, Dis
lac sar through to the eoaet. Ost ttek
eta aad berth reservations of A. I. fteleV
Isf.elty tlrhM aireat, 117 aaatb lOab
tl, Uaeola, Neb,
ssste al h.4 relUwe.
IWt be fuul taail U 11
Buu4 fslluw" var te t e
fy, II ta l a avtsMioi vl "H
ks." Vslvt kitswtle, tt It all the
14 bse i M4 la t ;t
Is U t ay "guw4 MUiae." Uey Ut
sU tu tit aaw till eVwessklsy, aa4 the
shlstf flM tll t wa aJ
auite wif a4 ai ta will bet
MaMh la lewaatt Al isla. It Is
i luwd vta 14 ttre s4 "i4 fel
kia' ssMUlli sltltl '-4 hi-
We.M A 'fv.a t.4iw,M as a tat I
a sea aba ftts4s tit4sbti M e
stf use b bee a Ives. 'Vmp4 tsl
nL cuntconsTiPATion
lellretlf f PHlbTrfft f - fws Mts Mm! Use
- Dm, 44 SI .kilts SI met Ml, fc.
, e.,k ,. !.
fa rsasl S4.s4 sS AiMhs felais.
The Northasetera I'ttloa I'seifle la tbe
dltvet rMte to (he lUKt Huuad asd
Als.ka iKitats. Mihih aad aileretmn
trains sns dlnrt eousaeliua at t're
aioat withthruuli tourist rwi aad
tr) rvcliuius- vbair ere ta l'illaad,
r'ir eurrvitt lalorutatuia tail a A, M.
I'M liba, eiiy iHit as-ost, UT auatb
Hih si Ihis.Ih Vh
tbs Mth mmm Wi M W4ie.
Wbslhsr os sket tU all aawr roata
bf ay bl Hi, M., u the vfrUe4
ruate H. I'tsa, Mss-asjr, t mr nf,
Tela tif Diistaet u aiusl first rasb
I'a' ide rt i eaittsrhaiMa.
Ihs IUi (l.s,)s VVsstrra llaileaf, la
e,ai.wH.a ana the i. A L u.. tr t).
ra.l.i Ul.ll!,! U the sh..ft, dirstt
aad Im'I' r'N li la 'r-MMi,
Utt4. taxMHtaaf eiattU, lhrttib
sWi-isa ' aa I ra m-lials that
ears Itwai Nsv ta Ha a te.ea aa4
Kstf U Vrite4, tkt.e sA thr
rwiiee tbrlt the ll.lwa 4 tha
lta4ei.,t e.,srt lalhea itUl,
ttr.Mt.. r.A.Walta, U A,HU
Uhe Illy, bi tw. Kl.a.ihe M,h, i
tWarela tUwaUt litef, bUaa
aad hl aef atehea ie4 f
w, ruts,
lirasJl,04nJ Msikws U.sw
U ess. s P I' J-t
Ware'' ai aet U saaiaeVa4ei
Vee.-J. A, M st Wsl.
lsjvismt Iliai4