The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, October 20, 1898, PART TWO, Image 9

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paw THE NE
The Republican Press Grasping at
AH Talk of "McKlnley Prosperity," the War, or Other
Subjects of Moment,
the "Butterlne
Loose on a
From a thousand stumps in the state
of Nebraska republican orotors of
mere or less renown are explaining
why tlie rtpublloun nominee should
be elected. Little is now wild about
'McKlnley prosperity"; still less is
aid about the recent war with Hpaln;
but the whole burden of song burst
ing from the lips of these impassioned
oratora la "butterlne, butterlne, but
terlne!" Immediately after the republican
atate convention and the organ Ization
of the republican atate central com
mittee, the grave question aroees
Whatahallwedotobe aaved? What
hall we aay in thia campaign? We
can't point out many placea where the
McKlnley prosperity hippodrome
wasn't compelled to cancel ita datea;
our record at the atate house look
rather black; we can't make much
political capital out of the war, be
cause Mo and Mark and Steve op
posed it to their utmost, wnat anai.
w do? Thia waa a noser. Chairman
Schneider went to the mountain of
Colorado "for a week's rest and re
operation preparatory to prosecuting
a vigorous campaign", and the rest of
the committee Mlcawuer-iiue, waiusu
for something to turn up.
It did. The Omaha Kee reporter at
Lincoln felt equal to the task of hold-
Ingdown two jobs atonce.anaaccepiea
a nosition with the committee as man
ufacturer of campaign thunder and
apeech writer extraordinary to iuage
llayward. , Thia was a god-send to the
committee; they were at their wlt'a
end for something to say, and besides,
Bosewater waa doing aliaolutely noth
ing in hia naDer for the republican
atate ticket It waa killing two birds
with one atone; the reporter woum
end to the Bee. as Lincoln corres
pondence, day by day, the results of
bis work with tne committee, uose
water would print the stuff as newe
matter. II a v ward would read the same
from manuscript under the pretense
of making a campaign speech, and
harmony would be apparent, if not
This reporter la a knowing chap,
well acquainted at the atate house and
with the records there. Many a piece
of information that showed up the
popocratic administration in a iavor
able licht. he had garbled until it
bore little or no resemblance to the
reality. Hut, notwithstanding, expert
manufacturer of misinformation that
he la, he waa about to be prostrated
with brain-fag, brought about bv his
constant endeavors to make something
new and startling, when, lu and be
hold! In digging through some vouch
ers In the auditor's ofllce, he beheld
the maglo word, "butterlne." "Eu
reka," he cried, "That la the very
thing. These pope have been feeding
the blind children, deaf and dumb, old
aoldlera and other inmates of state in
stitutions on butterlne Instead of real
cow grease. Won't the explosion of
that bomb eause consternation in their
ranks? Well, I gueaa yes!"
Of course the state committee was
pleased. "Trifle light aa air make up
the sum of human happiness," Even
If U didn't amount to anything as a
campaign argument. It varied the mo
notony. Anything, however diaphan
ous, waa better then harping on Me
Klaley prosperity or eiplalalaf how
Hen Hsker tried, eonvlcted and sent
enced Joe Hartley a4 then got slapped
tn the fa a by the republican machine
when hi asked ta be nominated far
governor. It would be much easier lu
cry "butterlne" thai to esplala repub
lican mistreatment and maltreatment
of volunteer euldteru, Hutterlu
would esplala why the arhool eppr
tWnmeta are larger under pMpwretle
administration, lb I'!
tetlae to the lass and blind end
deaf end feeble nln-ll, there ie,
"I al Jshe la euabbnt l elt
mure rentals sad Interest h.iMl
lead lvea4 and m14. Vardn I
dk fwd bntletine t the uaftxt
est tUtwis II ti e state nket
ry that esplala hy vneM4
ta maintain lS fnlet, nitidis and
inl at that luMIliH daring
the sti mths ended Msy II. Is, at
tt at ti the lftnjl tot N ts.ks
tt wly lis1- V d '
too tlajs aelatnane M lie I the
Pf-wn ewnld enlf t nwetlU-4 by
tl use f hslbeh bulteilne, that
T IU vredit W It said thai the Mate
Journal at trt h4lnb, Keltnf that
the bntt-tlne Hy waa enl"ly t"
intiU foee'va ItsevUwna Hut the
two and the atate eiamltte hsd start
4tt ha tog aa4 ey Mule
In the atate wa U'' " hat
Wile, bullenei the pa-pa m I'hll
Aiuu'abulWtlue, Iheutk Jensl
.-! l It aU,,""0,"L'',u'tlu
Is Sidetracked, While
Express" is Let
Clear Track
On Sunday, October 2, it suid editor!
"The pop state ofllcer are feeding
the blind children, dear ana uunio, in
sane, feeble-minded children, old sol
dicr at the home, and other inmates
of the state institutions, on oleo, In
stead af butter. What's more, they go
to Kansas City to buy it of 1'. I). Ar
mour, the pocking house pintocrat.
Thia is standing up for Nebraska and
her dairy interest with a vengeance,
This I one of the pop' streak of econ,
Yes, the pop have bought some but
terlne for use at state Institution.
Most Nebraska people use some sort
of animal fat or vegetable oil for cull'
nary purpose, and most of them con
utne aa an article of food at the table,
butter, butterlne, or oleomargarine,
Nice, fresh dairy butter is sometimes
hard to procure In considerable quan
title in many local! e la Nebraska.
The atate ofllcer buy good butter for
use in atate Institutions a long as it
can be had at a reasonable price; and
good butterlne as a substitute when
the market is glutted with rancid but
ter. Yes, the pops buy butterlne of
Phil Armour, and for the aame reason
that they buy kerosene from the
Standard Oil Company it's hard to
get these article elsewhere.
'Any well-informed person know
that good butterlne 1 preferable any
time to stale butter. Your travelling
man is somewhat of an epicure hlra
self, and he will tell you that he pre
fer good butterlne to rancid butter
on hi cakes for breakfast. Most sup
plies for state institution are fur
nished on contract let quarterly by
the board of purchase and supplies;
but butter 1 one of the article for the
purchase of which an "open permit" is
usually given the head of each instltu
tion, authorizing such officer to buy
good dairy or country butter, wbere
ever it can be procured, at the market
price. At time the supply of good
dairy butter is entirely inadequate to
meet the demand for it, and good but
terlne la the only available substitute.
Yes; the pops buy butterlne, whtsn
good butter cannot be procured at a
reasonable price, for use at the state
There are approximately 1,550,000
people in the state of Nebraska today;
most of them use butter for culinary
purposes and eat it at table. There
were, on May 31, 18UH, all told, 2H73 in
mates, officers and employee In all
state charitable and penal institutions
of Nebraska, or less than one-fourth
of one per ce of the population of
the atate. These Inmates, ofllcera and
employes are not greater consumers of
butter or substitutes for butter than
an equal number of average Individ
uals. Huppuse that under republican
rule every inmate, ofllcer and employe
In atate Institution were supplied with
butter, good, bad, or Indifferent) then
the demand for butter In Nebraska
might be represented by the number
loo. Now, suppose that a popueratle
administration should decide to buy
nothing but butterlne for use In atate
Institutions) that would absolutely
strike a death-blow at the dairy Inter
ata of Nebraska, because the demand
would be reduced one-fourth of tne
per oeat, "Utand up fur Nebraska,"
Hut what are the facta? The repub
lican pettifoggers have told you about
the use of butterlne under popueratle
administration! they havo howled
themselves hoars from every stump
about the disastrous afreets thl ha
had upon the dairy Interest of Ne
braska; they have professed the must
profound love U the treamerte
and dalrie of the state, but-lhey
have utterly tailed to aay anything
about the many thousand pound l
butterlne they bought of 'lutM-rali
I'hll Armour at Ken( lly during the
year - fur uw In these tme
state Institution.
I tint Mp ttrti.lsU beltet It l I
erttue, and Ut Injustiee 14 the pet
pie nt Nl-rs,kn w tut fewer the e pe,
la fureUh butterlne as an artud mI
fi4 foe strong and rotmtt etlwinsl
at the puttentiarr, at suwh Urn
tshen It t tstllly luipxMlhle t
prer gw dslff or ewuntry bntter.
Ihsy WiMe lu uw f enlkasry pur
! at I h tot IttwpiUls an l otkvf
state InttlUlkmt U nwltut JnliBsMe
bnt prvpsr at sa lime. And, acting
with this thong at l mind, tny t.e
mad na sheng in the tablUle4 re-
rmtn.'sn p.U.-jr ef byUg butWrln
mt un pHtptaw vhn gil dairy
ewnntry butwr was hsr4 Ut ft In
snASeWnt uantttu at ,. Me
nrti-e. In rasa tly hate they re
versed the tvpuhtkan ptll In thu
rgar4i Iheyhav flt that In the
malntenanee f the mddlert an sail
' hitwe. the gallant defender tl
tmt nation In Ita hour of neitl denerv
strong and healthy criminal at the
penitentiary, is an absolute necessity
for these veteran now in the evening
of their earthly career. Hence, no
butterlne ha ever been purchased un
der the present administration for use
In any way at the soldiers' and sailors'
home. No better expression of this
thought can be given than the follow
ing quotation of a letter written by
Colonel John W. Wilson, commandant
of the soldiers' and sailor' home at
Grand Island, to Auditor Cornell, un
der date of Bcptember 28:
"Replying to your inquiry a to the
use of butterlne in the soldier' home,
I beg to Inform you that we have nev
er bought any butterlne since I have
been commandant of the home, The
board of purchase and supply have al
lowed us to purchase all the butter,
telling ua that the best waa none too
good for the old soldiers, and we have
alway endeavored to supply the ta
ble with the very best dairy or coun
try butter, We have found It difficult
the past month to procure dairy but
ter, and, after visiting several coun
ties, and falling, we made arrange
ment with the Orand Island Cream
ery company to supply u with what
we need of their product. There is no
hotel in the city of Lincoln or else
where that use purer butter or better
meats or food of any kind than the
soldiers' home at Orand Island." i
, Voucher In the audltor'a ofllce show
the following amounts of butterlne
purchased under the republican ad
ministration from August 4, 1M, to
March 5, JS08, aperlod of eight month,
for use at the soldiers' and sailors'
home at Orand Island: ,
Au'. A 1 tub o. d. buttorlM, 60 lb ,
st 11 iTM
1 tub Ornacest butterlne, W
llm, stlfte (X)
Pslrt by wsrrsnt No, fWIUO IS SO
Aug. 22, I tube CrcM'wet butterlue, :
120 1 b, SUM It 00
2 tubs , J, solid butterlne,
1201l),SH!lo.,. !
Pslrt by wsrrsnt No. mm 10
Sep, I. Stub i. d. solid butterlne, , ,.,
mh. at Die It 60 ;
t tub Crescent butterlne,
12011m. at ifto.. H00 . ;
I tub s.o. butterlne, dO lbs, st
isu i80..;
I'sld by wsrrsnt No. mm 44
Oct. II. I tubs s, o. solid butterlne,
isuibast 10.... ........... 13 40
I tubs Crnscont butterlne,
IWiiis. st Ifto... tT 00
Psld by wsrrsnt No. m HO 40
Nov. IV. I tubs s. e. solid butterlne,
iwibs. st I2u ...2160
I tubs o. solid butterlne, W0
lb, stlto
Psld by wsrrsnt No. MI68..., ... M 0
Jlsn.4. tubs Cresoent butterlne, MO u
lbs. st lo tt 00
so. 95, h tubs Crescnnt butterlne,
100 lbs. st Ho..
Psld by wsrrsnt No. M0AI tM 00
Mar. 4. 7 tubs Credent butterlne, u
m lbs. at Mo H 10
Paid by wsrrsnt No. Km W 10
And every ounce of the 2400 pound
of thia "wagon dope" (a some repub
lican peanut politician are disposed
to call it) wo bought of Armour Pack
ing Co., Kanso City, Mo. Ye god a!
I it possible that republican atate of
ficial would compel battle-scarred
veteran to eat "wagon dope?" The
records so disclose.
O, Uutterlne, IJutterine, Ilutterlnel
Thou art a monster of so frightful mien
A, to be bated.need but to be seen;
Yet seen too oft, familiar with thy face
We first endure, then pi ty, then eiubroee.
Hut tbi is not all. .ropocratlo ofll
cial buy butterlne of l'lutocratio
I'hll right at this climax of McKlnley
prosperity, with price of everything
mounting up, up, up, for ten cent a
pound. During the hard times of 1893
and 1804 republican officials paid this
same I'hll Armour 13 to 20 cents per
oound for the same kind of wairon
dope that the pop now buy of him for
ten cent.
The industrial school for boys at
Kearney used 7.43(1 pounds of butter
lne iu 18U3 and 1804 under republican
administration, at an average cost of
17 cents per pound; 3,558 pounds of but
terlne were used durlnir the same pe
riod at the Institute for the blind at
Nebraska City at an average cost of
about 14 cents a pound: 3.448 pounds
of butterlne were used at the Norfolk
hospital for the insane at an average
cost of 14 cents per pound, and so on.
The ltee reporter, the republican
state central committee, the Mate
Journal, and the whole litter of whin
ing yelpera, find one after another of
their political bombs turn out to be
mere boomerangs, hurting the throw
er worse than the party assaulted,
lletter atiek to talking prosperity,
even If the people know It la only
"proaperttylae" we're getting) better
try JwrrUnr flrurea, farming the
record, and swinging the bloody shirt
brag about Melklejoha'a "re publican
war ; do moat anything but keep
their Angers out of Ute butterlne.
' TW'eitoM 4 aW)hn,B, """
A. Puvaoa. forawrly a aerraaan fca
ta Bleak watch, vrtlea u raaatty
lUrnle aa4 Weekly Star fro rmt
faaee, K U bout the relative ttrtaft
t U mien DrttUk MUaaellUe ta
ta ieeta rsaiaieaU. Clalaaa kf
been aad that the rtaert r
ontag to be lllghlaal sm art ali4
vltk BaIUhma aal Irish men, hut. A
refutalh) of lata. Serai Paoeeei
fule U fvllewlag etfielal atateaaeati
at the faasaoettlea af two wU kiea
rtmaU: rirst balUlUsa leaAnruk
Itlhlaa4er. K!bk; l?fj trUk, III
l4tUh, Tel: beta la lH or reieeJso,
II; Mai 1.0 1 i Plrtt latlalleaj Quej
area lltthtaaJsre. Ki!sk. IIli tvtak,
II; Hcelttsh, 111; beta la 14
aalea, tl ttl. t til
A Mteal far ftai I4 tia
baa II44 a f rtae t rf ha
4i4 thuaa4 4u!ars far u torteusta
f, a4 ih laitater at a reitar
19 ) lie eo4 ry alty yr a
the reoaN fr l tadeaiar, A aew
hl4 el aleev bullet hs m4 MM
m la le ' tf l aaUatee, 4
Ik !! IwUiiai ef a ettr
la suth a uy thai tier It 4air
t lha r)t Utli la the tUM,
aremtaa to earkk It owaer beieal
tiy at hi early t )Hk.
thMf 4nt Aee
It U Miiaiu that aau laUatloaalif
eeaellea the iMtJ ef aetUU ta
aU la latlr aaata, 1 hi la U ,
IW laataata, vuk tnrleui bia4
bottle, valtk l ahasluuiy 4soe4n4
Whleh a Ussf sod Darnb Mother Of
fered tn n Chisago Court.
There was a pathetie ace no in, a
Chicago court recently. A divorce
case had been called for judgment
The wife sat surrounded by her
legal advisor. ' Her face she kept
haded with her band. Through the
open door that led into Judge Ilorton'a
private room occasionally oame child
lab. prattle and peal of innocent
laughter. The mother' hsad wa
bowed with griot Then the Judge
poke. Ill solemn tone rang through:
the room. Ilia word were few. If
bade the woman go tn freedom, and
charged bar with the aafety of her
But ahedid not need the poken de
cree. Her lawyer bent over to ex
plain. Apparently h did not under
stand. Suddenly there wa a happy
hout Like a ray of auallght a gold
n-halred child aprang out of Judge
Ilorton' room and rushed pU mell
Into her mother' arm. The two
lost, themselves in each other' em
braca Tear of Joy cursed down the
mother' check. She kld and felt
ber darling' . face with trembling
finger. ; t
Then the left ber -at, and, going
to the front of the Judge' bench, fell
upon her kneei ,
Khe lifted her hand first to heaven,
then to Judge Ilorton, and then to her
child, a if to invoke divine blessing
on his wisdom. Tier eyea were red
with weeping.
For aeveral moments the atrang
pantomlm continued. And the little
daughter Stood with bar hand uiou,
h - mother' shoulder, smiling
through her tears at the judge.
"Mamma deaf and dumb, ir,"
ho finally said. , "Hhe's asking Ood
to bles you for giving me book to
her." ;
Alene Be laved Train of rwalve
rres Uottrnotlea.
Rhode Iiland paper are bestowing:
praise oa William Eastman, who)
lathr waa long the Free Haptlat
preacher in the town of Park man,
Me. Mr. Eastman I a brakatnan, and
not long ago a fralght train on whlek
ho wa employed, and from which tno
locomotive had been uncoupled to
allow it to run to its destinaMoa,
alone, broke in two, loavlnr it,na
the only brakeman on fourteen earn,
which were headed straight forth
harbor in Btonlngton with a prospeol
of going overboard. Employe in the
yard houted to Eastman to aav him
self by Jumping, but ho stuck to hit
poet, braking one ' car after
another, until, in the abort Interval
allowed him, he had tightened up tko
brakea on half the train. At the last
instant he sprang across to the top of
;ne caboose on the next traeky and tko
ruin he hod juat abandoned crashed
dleavily into the bumper at the en 1 of
Vie depot, and through the west wall
of the structure, the first car h in? g
over the water of the harbor, who . it
came to a standstill. Seven cars were
more or les aamaged, but the brake
man escaped unhurt Now they are
aaying around the yard at Htonington
that if Eastman had dropped off the
train in the first place and left it to
take care of itself, several cars would
have gone overboard.
The Tramp Wm Not lUnl to PUnse
Uader the ClrnanietMUuee.
"What do you want."' she asked of
the tramp who bad made hie way
around to the kitchen door.
"Nothin' much, ma'am," he replied,
with a politeness that awakened her
"Money, I suppose. We don't give
tram pa money."
"No'm. I don't want no money."
"Well we have no vlvtusla, xoepl
for dinner, and they alo't done yet
"I doa't even ask for none of yet
dlacer, ma'am. All I want 1 toss
dry bread; jest dry bred."
She wa touohed.
"Poor maal" h exclaimed. "Hera,
ril give you a pise of pis, anyhow.
Mto'm. I druther hev the dy
"Do you Ilka it?"
"No, but yr e m aa the rest of
tko boy kea kuatled aroun till we'va
ftrt a tarkey, fan' some eelery, aa'
a eraabecry aauee aa' some plum
aa44la', an' aU w waat aew Is Jea
tko dry breai ter make the tuRta'
A fwr Neary s taiase.
Mr, Le wry la a man with amodar
at laeom aad ess child, a boy of 11
at II year, wanes he Is nlrendy (wad
ing to a ITreaek master, who Is aeen
totned to be faki every Monday, He
eoatly Mr. Uowry seat Henry to hi
Isasja without tlie nusl bank note.
That evening the father did as ke al
ways 4iea looked or Ik boy' .
ere We, aad thle ts wht k fmn4 Ilea
ry 4is hU Ut ttl put let I'sriaUu
'-Sihi "I bar aa mwney, Ihe
week U up. llf yun no ntdnsyf
Ha yuer father nu mney? I 4
money What U the 4ar ft Iht oeek?
The day et tan week Is Mn4r. !
ytttr father knew the day ef the
4 Ipetae tnSsi M Me,
The reter tn the ys-4 ef a ia.
Uf buardmg knao eM4 I4 h
al4a "Yeu waat to bk oat ke
14, klaJiy "Ike wvwi-ue Ml
k fsaats yfU4y ke wnnld five
thm a splng ehlvheu an I he' laytag
foe ten." Uelt,a she sighwt, ratu
4lr, " Matame 1 he a light to
ok)et I've tn laying kirn a
wu4 insst ysi"
I 'est tn ! s tut,
A t days , fr the litt time I
maay ysma, the water af IMewei
boy was aearly a freak aa Ike water
ot a meaatslu trenv Tkte ew4tlo
H i'i,j"0'"jtiiM,
A Perfect Machine at a
3H S19.50 K
" aTa4akttaTnananukff-xa ,
- w
, ........ ,; ' .' v. . , , - , , V i , ,
fAy nay Ikroa timaa a muek hi order to aeemre a popular auttxof sr-aTTJ
ler boom maeklaea you pay TS per eeat for the nam aad ZS per ant larti -
utiit. Wo aaU yet a Bowfag lfaohiaw that will ew, ami ekar yoa vrtLZrt 1 1
o mubmv, you do not like ta name "ladepradtBi," paiat fioTarf4 tJc J
tanrsuuklt-uWTouTrllL Wearedoiajr tke ad vertU and it lam Bsl tstll
amok, W boy the aaaohlaM dlrsnt from on of the bvgwt jat
world a4 rieroBT eorr, awd w offer them to our labacrikora at aa
aad alt w want la addition
ilrne to a tfcoroucbly Irst-elaee Fam
hs ofirrfnal name at 165.00. Our arraacemeaU
. w . ' m .a
o to aa tatr name, out laaraaa wo oau i --iaoimBwaa--
mon aiili, niQH ghadr
CTQIBELE30. LIGHT nxnininrs
dewing moniim
Awariai tha Ee4al Framlia at tka Werlii Celimklaa Expa-a r)
Ckieago la IKS.
-VEBT UAOBXVB WA-1ANTED.-A written wamaty aotompaat-j
' nck MaeMa. All parte ar interchangeable, aad we eaa aopply
eatea at any time. Each part of the If aehine to fitted witk soak
that no troable ean aria
applied with the assurance of
m Indiinndentf to a strletlv
tkrougbout lu the beet possible manner. It all modern improvun
nata,aad It mechanioaleonotruetion tonchthat In I arecombiaed linety
witk great atrength. thu Insuring eaa of running, durability, and nuJoaj O
iapoaaible lor the Maebiae to de put ont of order. It aewa fast aad nsakea a
perfect titeh with all kind ot thread and all elaoee ol maUriai. Always loaO
lor nae aad unrivaled (or peed, durability aad o,uailty ot work.
-J - t.m tMllAeilK, Mliiia nf anr-lnrlt.
Tn JJiab awiaga oa patent ockt binge, aad la nrmiy aM ooum
by a thomb serew. It to atroag, aubataatlaL neat aad kaadaoaM ta
design, and beautifully ornamented hi gold. The bed plate kaa
rounded eoraera aad to inlaid or ouuterauak, making it flaak witk
the top ot the table. Hioim Arm Tb apaee under tko ana to S
taoha blgk aad 9 laekea long. Thia will admit tko largeat kirta,
tveu quilta. It rJaLt-TaajtApmo Tbers art abuMy no kotoa
to put the thread through eioept the eye ot tko aeedto. Tm Bavt
tu to ey Under, open oa the tad, entirely -thread lag, oaay to put
a or take oub kvbbla hold a large amouat ot tkraad. Tn Crma
RaooxAToa to oa the bed ot tka Maeklae, beaoatb tko bobbin wtadar,
and kaa a eoai akoolag the aamber ol titebe to the laea, eaa k
aaairadlromB to8atltehatotklaek. Taa Fnnn to ktoaa4
extend e bolk alae o( th aeedkx aever take to take tko good
through; never atop al aaojaaj movement to poalaivr, aa prHa?i lHi
break aad get out ot order; aaa be rato4T aad lowered at wfj,
AoroaUTto Boanii Wma-Aa arraagemeat lor llUaf tka UkVta
aatoesatleally aad perfeetiy amootk witkout koidlag tko UraoA
Tko MaaklM doea not rua wall wtodlag tko Wkbaa, Leaarf Caak
maawTb Maoklae to eaey to
Htfla aaiaa and sews ranidlv
Utah, the aaxs oo betk aldea,
witkout atr4afl tk Maeklae.
tjnd wU admit tkroad warn to
lever geaa oat ot order. Taa Naaaui to a elrkk.
aea3e. Cat ea aa aloe, aad eaaaol k put la wvwag, Jt
to round, mastoaf aa taNaaai atot, w;u an tap aa aoasoei n
atwfuat al Irani gotttag oa tko goode AuwTAta KaUauluw Al
UriTc. ara eaoaWnUd t4 aad ana ke eem Utdwta
eafinf. AH toot moMou aaa a takea a a. aad the lMUao wa
anotattutoM. ATWauVJ8aluk Maklao b) lutV-inni wllk t
toi lowing at4 kealaleel atuaoameaui raam wao rooi hamawa
lokw.oM raekage 4 MoatNa, aU lokkiaa. one Wreaak, MaCarwv
Pvtvee. aa Bhuttte Boraw Uiear, aae f i Fwola wao. Wt aad)
Hook, on OU Lea filled witk eat. aaottag4 ea Ue- Urt, ona
tVatitst, aad aaa Is true Una atooa.
nttBfoOw laiepoadeat
aod Neaeaaka ladepeadeot oao f oao for ' t B4h
MOtllaW4r U4ean4eotM Bewtog Maehlno gtvea at a
mines abowlatotf
at INHk
fIRBw4at Indeaondsnl' Be wing hfaenlnn W$tAC9
anel a ak af BB
FirtaaT r AltV-aH utaekhMO ttlrfnid airt tnm taetaryal
aargea imsi4 to ay iwdat ta t'nitrM Btatat oa a rati
KHte Wninwa, t'nlUea Jta4a tbegmu CVsoradn,
io flak, Mnotaaa, Ate aad Wtomlng. to ktok a taunt
aa ! Marge tut t w MiitMMiai,
ISraoM oeosvtng Maeklaea wlU thnssa sute ptotal tk potal la tatsk EH "
to ta ko ak'pr4, a well no the pttna the aepst I to bo aaat to. Coat'
pag pal aa wii a poetofiot aAreea, tad betk Masklaa a4 gt r- O
promptly al
lAMaaaa ttb
aa iff ti ri
Popular Prico.
itlon to On Babeeriber. Oct "UirZr
FamUyBewlag Maohiao, ad to nta??
anaagomeuU witb tk aiaaiatwan v) cj
aa a. . a M a. I
witb any part, aa aew
a peneoi as.
hlarh-arrade Bewiax? Machine, aad
rua, doe aot latkjuo tko 4oma
Til rmnj at a Muanieu
will aot ravel, aad aaa aw akar-ri
Taa TnaioM to a Bat mta taarTa
160 apooieottoa witkMtkk
it, aea-oeit
Be wing Mae hi no a above
fro al ooot tat a tin af a)
Bauojotlbora al IN (
akstH fterr!
way, att U
Hew urw
Wieatha. 1
lart tuUTtat t
a. v