PENNSYLVANIA POLITICS, (Continued from page one.) 14aitflit wM.-li linnnplied to be con' troltetl by ou inau and thin man bid in luir ..nt Iwul tluin WiLIliilUaK . , Whoa the contract wu awarded from Waakdug-tou Wanamaker wa given tme 4..I. the irm "lOYViJMt and beal bidder," he being considered th "beet bidder,'' Having secured the contract, lie oanocu 11 over, uj pwpic boj, v 1, M-Ir1nn1 hnAir of th leather tO fill, Thu John get 10 per cent on the conitrout, while the next lowet cora- pctttor get the work at itlhe same fig ure be offered the governmentt. The WuOie 01 rat tower twuuu ui wi I tatJdug over tlha mutter and wander hiriiu mmt.raut fil inito Wanna Mf - - " " maker' .land, and whether it w through, official cauiMHOik rfhortJy after the war broke out the Kewinig women of the aoutihweotorn part of the city complained that they were "bring deprived of the govermraent araenul work by contractor tmd lm- mefliatieiy rwnor uuy uiJwriH wammnker wiun Deimg une nun rored with, the work, and a comm4tlte W.Lr 44. im f t,1.wiilV vtl!tjftrl V.n1l- Jnartow. He promptly denied1 it, but aa Mvewigauou mane uwkhwito that the womem do not believe hi dr. Dial, but Innliit that he !iee aooured . mimM for inikilniir lent and tlhey were being farmed out to aweat sfhope, own woninrai jiuvin uwwvwm etack of them In a Ituaaiaitt Jew aweait ahop at EUffhUh and Waafhtnirton ave nue. One of the curloua thing about thie i that nnirobwre of tlie sewtn women !elong to John'e fake gowpel hop. There are about 1,000 women engaged In thla governmemit work, and aa many more would1 like to get it. The Yne around the Gray1 Ferry araenal are lively at time, la fact so TDtu'h fto that pollowneni lhav been called In to maintain order anwnRWt the women, who fought fiercely wllJh one another, roinimg to blowa for the clothing, aa a failure to get tlhe olotke meant a dewreea in the family Income that would be felt. The "poijulIiorWy" of flit war loan entirely obaouired the Popularity of the army clothinig made y the poor, but the loan cut no figure with, the fighting women; who etrug gled ao fiercely for thir bread end butter work la the big brick building In the nrwnel ground. With Mark Jlnntift fnrnlnhlng the conl and Wana inaker the ahoe one can read'lly un dermtand why the latiter Ja trykfl to aecure the enatorilli1p while lie cadla on ua to "uphold the prealdent'a liandal" Thla contract bualneee at the eiwenal 1a one of the feature of the war which ahotild not be overlooked. THE COLONEL'S REPORT, Continued from first pngo.) 674 cnClated wen and forty-alx ofilc'era preMeivt and alxent, nuikiiig a 'total of 1,02. The prevloua r'iort whowned fourteen uixlfated men in orret or con finement. Mention la matte of the Sec ond and Third batitallona being on out pout duty Auguat 6, and the wounding of Claude Head of eouipamy U, and (Jeorge Cnglehom of coiujwiny K. The Firwt Imttuilon wna on outpotrt duity Auguttt 4, the Recond bntlalion. on Au giutt 0, the Third bivtUxlion on Auguw 12, and the regiment entered Manila August 13 at 12:30 p. m. and took po aeMalon of the public onUdimga end the ailiinplng along the l'aey river. 'ilia rrtmrt howa that at the da it wna lgnedv Sejrtetnber ll,Cptal.n fieorge II. HoMmnan of comiwn," A, Captiun Juiliia N. Killen of company K, and Oaptin Lincoln Wilson of com pany M are art 1 11 abrnvnt on recruiting acrvice. Aaaiatant aurgeon IUlert 1'. Jenen i on duty with a battalion of the Fourteenth U. 8. infantry at Ma nilla, In acordanoe with orders, and QMurternwuiter Warren II. McLaugh lin rejoined the regiment August 2. The tri-mowthly report of Auguwt 30 d(Ma not differ mnterially from the monthly reiiort. It ahowa ten offlera and enllKted men on duty in the Jni tel Statea hospital c)rpe. Adjutant Oenerol Ikirry bt beieged by jenlon aittornej' who want tilie addretea of heir or relative of Ne braka aoldiera mentioned in a recent telegram among the dead and wound ed. No official information ha been received concerning the list except John Hlnck, company It, Who ia rr ported by Colonel itmtt a having died la the reserve hopltal September ftth. 1 The Hat of name and correction aent to aiHintdon attorney jentenlay by General Itarry together with the laime of rentlve la a follow: WUliama J. Kvan (not Van), com pany C, lletrle, Ilaphacl C. Maher (not Itoy Maiher), cHUiny K, Catherine Anderaon, V I (araWio, Walter Ilojrue (not Walter li. Maynr) eomjiany 0, J. A. Hogue, MiV iWn, Keb, ilorac I Kolkiter (not lTort t. ralkner), com)ny K, II. R WUklna, WeMern. t John ltlV, company IV, fV Piack, MUWrtoa, Pa. 1 TbMklore larxwi, no suca nam oa th reeortta of the rirat NebraaVa. laiat atif auicai, Oo4, U-Baport from Japaa are la elrealatloa Kara ta the tf fa laal m Claada UlVUt. Ilrtll.h aalaUier tl likla,u tafora laa Chlaaae fearwa laat amelgat fePMrUia awUlf i IK otuvrwe, wa aa oriklff 4a4i4 4 da m4, a4 taat ae fc ruir4 to VU fMlUeta. watt Ka T Wat aa4 lae iat rafvrM Miut e Mr4aaa.. fattlaf MlUat, Ural ttfttala will talsw la Ma4 Laaawa, CM. llUa kattllf uaat4l4 AM . at l"w t Arthur I fee I r4aM ht aay aaMrfaaey at MkhWf mo aa Ik a Ltvt. Ma. iwi. lra4Jal MKtatf M ytaety ta a l W !, la t ta wfcUfc, w far f a rvM4 im iaaU4Mi u a a lKal k tl anw. Ua tmm (aaaaa, way 4 Ularf , ;l, t la tf UWi rtMa a l aa Wt I 4 h a ft 4 ift u 4 H . M eN) tHaalaa Lake if a I'ata, War f awa wr Utai -aat Affl aaiy 4I U Vaaat tlM NtltH rraa U Maia J aU arttrai aatll II aa,aa la ltilUri la ail, SAMPSON SAYS DECEMBER 1. apBlard ; Told ' Tot Itlvatr Thai Their Rule Will End With Next Manth." Havana, Oct. 2. A conference last ing three hours waa held between General Wade, General Butler and Ad miral Sampson aa to th eontenta of the fire official note delivered to the American oommlaaionera by the Span lab evacuation committee. Th Spaniard! claim thai it, would b practically impossible to effect evacuation in th ahort period of time 0 zed by the Americana, They insist that the sovereignty of Spaia will continue until the . final treaty of peace is eigned In Paris. In reply Admiral Burapson person ally dictated a brief note, stating em phatically that December 1 would posi tively be th data ea which Spain' rights, claims and sovereignty in the Island of Cuba would cease to exlsi NEWS IN BRIEF. Boston. Panl Tyner of Denver bas purchased a controlling interest ia the Arena, the radical review founded In Boston by B. 0, Flower. Pekta. The physician attached to the Fronch legation her visited the emperor of China for th purpose of making a medical examination. Falmouth, Kng. After a simple ser vice at the parish church here the re mains of slxteea viotims of the Mohe- gan disaster were burled la a large pit ia the churchyard. Baa Francisco, -The atearaar Son ator ha sailed for Manila with 800 soldiers on board. All the steam whistle on the water front salated the vessel and the people waved adieus from the dooks ' Candia, Island of Crete. Seven Mus sulmans who were triad and convicted of the murder of British soldiera dur ing the recent outbreak here, were hanged Tuesday. Paris. General Horace Porter, the United States ambassador, gave a ban quet Tueaday evening at the American embassy to the United States and Spanish peace commlsalonera Montpeller, Vt. The house and sen ate took separate ballots for United States senator. Both houses by an overwhelming vote re-elected Sonator Proctor. New York. J. J. Oorbett baa left for West Baden Springs, Ind., where he expects to do a little) preliminary training for hia fight with Tom Shar key, which la scheduled to come off at the Lenox Athletic Club on Novem ber 23. London. Balnh Disraeli, brother of the late Earl of Beaconafleld, Is dead. He was In his 80th vear. For a loner time the late Mr, Disraeli waa deputy clerk of the parliaments London. A dianatch from Pretoria says that Mr. Hope, representing an American syndicate, offers to loan the Transvaal irovernment St9.Kon.nnn at a per cent and W per cent commlaalon. Paris. -The Dowager Duoheas of Sutherland has offered a reward of 830,000 for the recovery of the jewels said to be valued at 8150,000, which she lost on board a train bound for Calais while on her way to London. The jewelry includes a necklace valued at 823,000. Van Buren. Ark. The Western Coal and Minlntr comnanv. onoratinir three shafts at Jenny Llnd and employing 600 men, nave been compelled to shut down lta mlnea, the men refuaing to work. The mlnera demand the rain statement of two men discharged for negligence, resulting in the death of a mule. New York. Twenty thousand per sons or thereabouts were In or adja cent to Tammany hall Tuesday night ratifying the Democratic atat ticket About one-quarter were In the wig wam. The others were la the neigh boring street and were addressed fmin aeveral stands. Jamea 11 Euatia waa chairman of the meeting. Topeka, Kan. Rav. Mr. John Me Qulsitan, a auperannaeUd Methodist preacher, waa found dead al the aide of the Santa Fe track near Paollne. He had baea Wtt on a visit for the past tea days aal the supposition la thai a gat off f aa early morning Irala al Paallne 1 was hit by a freight whll walklag np the track to hi home. lie waa 81 year eld and wu deal ftaa rraaclaeavll la gtaerally b lUvad ta shtpplaf elrol thai th TalUd State guv tram! will settl th qaaallo of elalata praateted fey CaaaJlaa aaalara by piurvaaalag tb atkr teal at vaai thai aaak lal ae4tertr at Yietorla. TaMafto.TU gvraaMal la a a trial uatailaaU r(aete4 by leetlaf teaatar Kri cbairasea, a Rpratatt fbUUp 4 Paaaaylva ale lrt vUeahalraiaa, Kapreaaatatlv Uatdlaa f Maw Jaraay aaaaaJ vt kaUsaaa ta4 J. M. V areata f ftltalV fat tiMrry aoUry. It u 4444 4Mr tiU lb taUJ'. f abr, I-alUa, Tasaa Tb gra4 )tf l nab awaatv aa rMia4 aaarl laty la4Utaal afaiaal aa ( aa4 tr-U Mtw tb ,0O$ fr4 a! a aaaaa baa fea 4 awvaeat lb rwUa 4 lb Vil aul J lreJyi, lb rU ! Ia.f Me Mas W-aa abttJraa aerva lb twaa4a Ta U4ktat at Ibe raaall l a bar fa aa4a by larral IMbb. hp. alMl aa44l M fvait IbU 4ae lag tb taal aa a( It. , I lb SUM aw Ka4 b4 baa ri l avtatbvaaUra ! atiaai bMt I lb ia a4tattrlta aa lb THE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT, II' Delay in Evacuation Has a Bad Ef fect on the Cuban Capital. -tf t 4. PRAYING FOR YANKEE CONTROL Until Arranf emaota for Araerleaa Oampi Daf an, Ms 07 Doubted Thai tha United Btatae Would Aiiame Aothorltf Soma Ag-rloultaral IiuprovantenU. ! v ' Havana, Oct. 20. Havana has known dull time in the past. Accord ing to the merchants, however, there never has been a period of stagnation quite equal to the present. The con dition is a natural and inevitable one, but this knowledge does not lessen their Impatience. It is a literal truth that, barring the Spanish officials, who will be deprived of their offices, and a few, very few, radical Cuban pa triots, who hoped that their own flag would be rua np aa soon aa tha Spanish ensign should come down, everybody is praying for the American military occupation. Uatill the custom bouse is In the control of thj American of ficials business in Havana will continue stagnant. On the heels of this control will follow a period of activity greater, perhaps, than the situation warrants, but the normal baaia will ultimately be reached. It Is a curious illustration of the Spanish character that the coming of a second military commission charged with the minor duty of selecting camp sites, has had mor effect in eonvine lng all elasses that th United States will' assume authority than does th presence of the commission charged with arranging for the evacuation of the island by the Spanlah troops. They can see the engineer officers and the sanitary experts who arrived this week, going about and taking observa tions. The labors of the evacuation commis sion have not been carried on In pub lic General Wade and his associates, General Butler and Admiral Sampson, have not been able to point to the transports departing with Spanish troops In large numbers. On this ac count, as much as for other reasons, the people of Havana were blooming hopeless of seeing the Spaniards do part for months to come. The Idea that the evacuation would be delayed until the verge of another yellow fever season had gained potseRslon of them. Every step taken in preparing the camps for the American military gar rlsons is a convincing argument that the old order is coming to an end. The more openly these preparations are made and the further they advanos the more cheerful will be the feelings of the community. The fact of Amer ican control is a needful thing. As this fact approaches the conditions will improve. The outlook Is not luminous with hope, but it is better. The drawback to agriculture, which was foreseen when immediate possession of the island by American troops did not fol low the slgniug of the protocol, is real, but it waa unavoidable. The tobacco farms are not yielding as much as they will under more favorable circum stances, yet they will yield something. The same will prove so of aome of the sugar plantations, and there will be a quantity of cane to grind in December and later. The condition of the poorer classes of the population is also a little better. The suffering is great, yet relief is finally reaching those who are in need. This is true of the country, aa well as of Havana. INSPECTOR BON Fl ELD DEAD. A Chloate Folloe Officer Who Grew ra ta tha Haymarket Rlota. Chicago, Oct 80. John Bonfleld, former polio Inspector, died here to day of Bright' disease. He waa famous for hia part In th Haymarkel rlota In 1188, and th subsequent ap prehension and conviction of th An archlal leader a Captain Bonfleld waa In charg of th 100 polio who dlapsraed th crowd around th wagon from which th Aa archlats were 1 peaking. It waa whll Captain Bonfleld waa calling oa tham to caaa their harangue that a bomb waa throw among th police, alxty of whom war wounded and eeven killed. la Ike trial Captain ltonflold waa ac tive la securing tb eoavletkua f the Aaareblst leedera SMALLPOX IN THE KLONDIKE. rHee Take leattari Maaearae Wavt It aa Atathe aVee riaaab roar Tuwiaaan, Wasa., tVt. ta ttmeUpoi be appeared at iHwaoa City, Tar teae bad baa raMv4 to a peat Kaaa at lb lias of tb de part vir f tb party that arrived ea lHrlage eeUrdey, Tb fulte bar take aaaatara to pravvat a spread ol tb 4ta. Tb party waa atao lae taal as laav lau Paly twa t-aate, tb Nuraaa4 tb Irviag, woal l auetapt eavlf alio tb Yba aftt iupt bt l , lb IHrUd brvaghl Ikm twty-lv 4eutt aataera. aaabl a to pay tbetv far to ta uta WtRRITT'S WCDD1NG, ama Htusaaaa la Wf a aa I Haa CawatA Ckji, tMte taara WlV taaa t tVagK la taat l Nf- avaa WUUaa aa4 ffva4 U-ef w IN Uv J4f Jka taa Uaa. W rwaaiag M AUaaUa la 4J4 aaaa Ilea wUM IM tl ! U V Wa UaaM1 Wlaf aWrvtlt, atil.laty gtia4 ta ratUnMa tola 4 It! Mar SIIlSSllFEInim rtH a 4 at aatty Ul far ta N L t ( j Underwear Ladies' silver grey wool plait-til f AA ed union suits, each 9 1 ,UU Ladles' half wool vests and CAA pints, each UVV Ladles'; all wool rest and OA. pants, each Of0 Children's all wool union suits, ti QQ Children's extra heavy fleeced EL A A cotton nnlou suit, each wUU Children's flneos lined cotton ACA union salts, each fivU Ladies' heavy ribbed closed n EA . union suits, each f UU NOVEMBER 3, 4 AND 5 I CAA FUIt JACKHTN, Muff., Collar 1 tlUU ettiM, Capita and Hy nft in gen uine H ul, Otur, l!rt,!vr, Antrakliuii, Mnrltn, UiMMHimi, lUcdiioii, Monkey, ii'tdgrr, MonFfloiiii, l'. mum, Lamb, Krimm-r ami Dtlmr fiirN, ellii Coney collarette hh lo hh l.-ll); Axtrukhnii collurettea from 't 4!) to f 1 5 00; Mur- ten collurt,tH at 10,00; browu Oinm- xtirn collrtTHltiH, 12 in. (Wp. f. ",)(; Monkey colliiretNtH ut ." 1)7; MuNloon ami eleolnu mhuI collmeiteM K,(Mi; Muffloon Hud irrn,v Axtriikhiin collur ettea H fiOj Kleoirla fwil colluretteM, long tabs, Aiarton tails, ?o H). We notify you two weeks alimd so that you miiy be iireitured. We eun supply anything you want or take your uieanure tor specim oruer. This will be the k wit est dinplay ol flnu furs ever seen in Lliicolu and you eun not afford to iiiUsit. WE ARK SOLE LINCOLN AGENTS FOR I1UTTER1CK PATTERNS AND PUBLICATIONS. 1IAWLEY AND 10 INTER. Lat week Mr. llawley undertook to aay a few word im regard to hlmaelf and Mr. Poyuter, but tlie inattr got into uuch a elmpe ln the liuudllug of it tiiiat It hardly reeembled whut he had originally writteui. It ia tJkrore reprinted: The republirtin pree eeeina to be lil ut the Idea tlmt the literty wrty noiuinated Air. Poynter to fill the vacaiu'y tauaed by my withdravml, tMvauiie lie mid. I am not a prohl- hitioniat, 1 am a nopuliat." In a pui UiU party aenae tlda 1 true and it Is Jut aa true for auy man to aay It who itma not vote Die prohibition'' party The tictet a iiermm vote dete-iuinNi what he ia politically. A repuenu i vote the republimn ticket and 1 iKt a ttruhibttloutat. A Wb- ni"t vote tii iitwirty party tk-ket aiitt a tleiuuerat votta a UriiMautttiC tUUrU Tt.a name of th party that put the tkkft In th field la tho nam t4mt ttlatingupahrd th ihiUiha1 iuuu of th vtflre, What hurt th ri.uMka preaa 1 thai Mr. iVynter atitd that v.a "a Irtuiw-raiM'a iimu" ami va honeaa eM4ca to aay ao to a hrnnerat U ton ventM'B vittaa aav lattitkally VtlUot him ta a repuMUva (vuvutkMi. tt h tuul aaul that ha wa MjiMt a ftaal a tempt1.' Ilk it -Ihi a lta trtupraiM (f) rrHtttkmiHi ht aiteas yvar praUa ia 1VN) uimWmp protuiwa la au th tiuratloa to th pl aivd tit thry JH aotatUl It, orraitia th 'laki stat iHtatturaav MaHk MMalttknM aiwl th rap.liMa rM an tlafeat It. I an ) ti vouai va au rnra ". IVMa Mtavew ta itliat Irgtatattua am, as iki lve plttka.t parilao (Hat Mlaatnl aim. It '. th .tMtaaa of tk pH: al Wwn tk Mr ol y Vi Awrka aw wko I t wvm ol a taaa o k)a 14' go fctfotWlS A. II.VWLRY. GRAND FUR OPEN! Tk toralaf ol Ik taara tt. paHaaaol sr oa H vo artial ee a folt! tl. ttUt I I, HMt ta is, ttT.MI ; alaa a4 a aoif a.N.ttka rl I, , Via, Tk earatag ta ) wor ITT . Tk oai-aleg la i ! TTW aaraUo la Jaly, IH I w 114 a. of the season is pleasant to look upon, but it is a forerunner of snows and cold weather to come and should be a warning to people to prepare home and person for the inevitable. Our store presents a picture of winter comfort in every aisle, every department and every corner; com forts for the home and person and one and all at figures that are within everybody's reach. Here's a sample: Hosiery . Mlaaes' flne Imported fleeced cotton hose 111 rib, double knee, spliced AC beol and too, a pair u vl Hoy's eitra heavy wool hose, 2il rib, seamless, double heul and toe, O EL a a pair...,. ', &d(j Ladles' ribbed wool hose, seam- f C. leas, double hoel and toe, pair 1 9U Ladles' Imported fleeced cotton hose, hlghad spliced bmti and toe, AC doubla sole, a pair , , u VV Men's all wool socks, black and tan, seamless, spliced hoel and toe, IjQ Domestics Canton flannels, 4c upward from asi':"i?.::: 6c8c& 10c DLANKETS AND C0MF0HT8-AII ikJh, ull sices and all grades and every tie from tb cheapest to the best; well worth consideration for the value is In dinpiitablH and the price remarkably reasonable, - We irc Linnoln agents for th fnmoas liuck's Stoves and Kanges, They are, without exception, the vry beat that any m )iiH,v cmi buy and cost lom i ban any other good niuke, NEBRASKA'S GREATEST MAILORDER HOUSE, n.iisrcoiL.isr, neb. nie earning la July, 1807-8 wore $1,108.23. The earnings In Augnat, 1803-6, were $C04. The eornlnga in August, 1807-8 were $1,010.30. The earning in September, 1805-0, were $303.50. The earnings In September, 1807-8, were $087.63. The earnings in October, 1803-6 were $331.60. Karnlnga October, 1807, and 13 duya October, 1808, $303.01. , 1IOODLI. PLENTY. Hery ropublkNin ward heelw la the Mtuulry will now have their tletu jula BtttiafltHt, lkkmll wlna, aay Hanna. Cltalniuin lUUxKk waa badly turned duM-u whet, he rfiitly made a trip In tlte iimivufw-turtnif ao'tkxi, on a fat frylntr errajwl. lie knew Wttor than llamia wlial h oje't for defeat really were, eo he gav up th nftit. 1 1 anna went to ew Vtwk ml ml th tiankero pony up. That'a whv ao manv rrpuUHHUk eottdldatea liav been tut NvahMirtoa and koo honto with a ral alaeU taml eafh. Th republk-aa 'Wter In ritnoal every eonajreaaluital tUtrit't lit th wattt will uaa imttiey to burn, awl If every heolev ku1 rat ht bait, tt will t bmokia tha are defeat ami poUrl th eoia. ::::n:::::t BRIEF PRINTING I a a. vara oka era parlkeular atHHit tkk elaa 4 vert a trl vBttr Mltaiactioa ty ais UaT Ike to tk las Msv, Prkr-kl. BUSINESS MEN Wh ! a eaa4 attr tit BMtk4 aaa a t tal kV era tMiia k al tk Uersf affltMs ;nr.t:r.::i Oa ae at Vaaaaaaa I wUea la tk Wrttuk rrtaaal tat aiktr 4r ;uit4 tk frto la Ivwattoa tkal ta tk lrl Ukt r a. U sit! at aosial aHart tk Irvasart taat lata tia4fall l star If J4-tk ma4i af arr t tkia4 t4 faa. far t laaak II aaaaal tl ft II as mm aeam la al etiMi4 kl .Oct 20,1898. Warm Shoes Write for prices on folt shoes and sllp. rs for women and children, and bear n mind the fact that our prices on men's, women's and children's rubber footwear, represent a saving of from 10 to 60e a pair to you. Ladles' and Misses' wool leggins, boy's felt and corduroy leggini at remarkably low prloes. Men's Furnishings Men's Husking Mitts, 2 pulr for , Mon's ICo merino socks, pair , , , 50 9c Man's 200 Teck and 4-1 a hand J (q Groceries Granulated Sugar, 19 lbs. 97c Hox Iiutte potatoes, bu. 40c Shreaded wheat biscuit 10c Rolled wheat break, food 10c 3 pkgs. Ralston pan cake flour 2$c A 1 Sorghum pr gallon 35c a! frrup 33C Pail Jelly 33c Satin Flour, patent, guar anteed, pr sack 88c 50 lb. can Ivory Lard $2.15 ivory i.aru, any amt, lb. 15 bars Satin Soap Table Salt, 10c sack for " " 5c sack 2 for Wheatlintr. 1 fnr 5C 25c 5C 5C 25c at u - - J" IJOX Of 200 Dar or mntrhpa in - - , bapoho, 4 for 25c 25 oz. K.C. baking powder 15c 1 lb. can Calumet " 15c Lewis Lye, per can 7c bird Seed, fancy mixetl,box,3c 10 lbs. N. Y. Buckwheat 25c We pay 18c for butter and 13c for eggs. Patent egg car riers hold 12 doz. eggs. Free to customers. Our new catalogue mailed free to out-of-town customers. Write for it. The Independent office has the material, and printers that know how to use it, to give the best result in job printing. NOTICE TO NON-RESIDENTS. State Hank of Moute Vista, Colorado Tha George Trlch Hardware Company! Lee Clark Andreaen Hard ware Com pany, E. 8. Kttennelmer, Frank L. Sheldon,, Job P. Klrby, Ellaabeth F. Manafield, aa executrix of the last will and teatanient of Henry M. Manofleld deceoaixi EUza M, Alan.tteld l a ee cutr ot lh hurt will and UaiUunnt of Henry M ManafleM. deeeaaed. Na Uiaulel a MoaafleU, . exaeutor ol the last will and teatament of Henry , nafield. deorael, IkoiiMu. taf. 7' d' i,-,,attrk'.c- 8- uppti. tbarl- A. Hanna, I'hlla.lelphii MorW iraire and Trual Company, iVnver ardwar Company, 1Ml Unknown Heir of tieoru 11. Kklnner. deeeaaed, Drfendanta, vil take noiU; thai oa tlonal Itaak of Clla. t)blo, pUlatlU nrreia fifed hia imMlil. u . eourl of IiMetrr rounty, .Nrt.raaka. T V . " 'vmiiBu a IV I oik era. th obajrl ami prayer of wkka hi to forevloa a eertaia mortrar . rutl by Urt It. Hklnaae to C. H. .Ipinmtt, CTiarle A. llaaaa ami A, It. Clark, o. U.I Wv,a III). btoi Uty of, ,Setra.k, aeronllna to th ptal tkaraof on HI tM t wl ia the oftte of l ha ltrtatr o IWds f Ik said eMtaty ia atal, U awaro the lavwaa f protoUawry n ttatetl vl.ruarv , ti, Uai a.-l yabl attarv , a,lUl Uiaraal frot dat at ika rata f m, roal ier aan aa r vuw at ta Imlj tkal Ikar ta tua iai aald nut and trtre tk mm mt tkuuoaad dolUr ottk latevaol freaa laaruary a, HM, at tk ral al m real r aaauat. I'laUilff m. fiMT a flaeva d a,.. tluwra at tk al. av-rtr a4 tkal Ik eU! aaas u. t. , I . .4 . tk aaid praattaaa aav W aukl to w rvtairad to imv aaUl (iia a Wf ir tt Mta da H.aakf. laaa Ita IVt.hev U, 1 sua P-y I' Attomav yum ill M'O 1 M 11.... I V at44 aa alww awalMi4a Ueav ww4 a4laf . a eamal aay eg.