Oct. so, 1898 THE NERBASKA INDEPENDENT m mm The Sttrs ind Stripes Float Over Porto Rico. FROM HONOLULU TO SAN JUAN wini Brk. etlaes the Wm Dsprt mmt Thai Iks OMiftHM ef bUM Is Ww CaaplW What the IHilwdi Have Lotk WASinxaTO, Oot, 19. The United Ststee Li now formally in possession of tbt UUnd of Porto filoo m aovereljrn. The War department bu retired the followlnf dispatch from General Brooke: 'Bak Juaw, Porto Elco, Oot. 11 Beoretaryof War, Washington: Flag have been raised on pnblie building and forU In this city, and ealuUd with national aalutee. The occupation of the island ie now complete. Urooke. FROM HONOLULU TO BAN JUAN.' . Prom Honolulu to San Juan; tbie ie the leap made by the Btare and Btrlpcs in two month. A few weeks ago the flag was raised 9,000 miles west of Ban Frandscoj to-day it flies 1,000 miles east of the Florida Keys. For over 800 years Spain has guarded Porto Ulco. In 1920 French pirates at tacked the coast. Mitty-flve years later came the victory at Han Juan over the cruel English pirate, " Don Francisco Dragon," known to Eng land as Hlr Francis Drake, Then came the repulse of a Dutch admiral. Late in the seventeenth cen tury the English were driven off with the loss of many ships, and 100 years ago the Morro beat off Admiral Aber croinbie with his Dritlsh men-of-war after a three days' fight. Ban Juan that proved itself so impregnable an upholder cf the yellow and red of Arragon and Castile, now flies the red, white and blue. Porto Ulco has been held by the Spanish crown since early in the six teenth century in the days of Ponce de Leon, who was so. delighted with its loveliness that he sought there the fountain of youth. As early as W0 the Porto Rloans at tempted to gain their independence. This first rebellion was put down after short guerrilla war. Several abor tive attempts to drive the Spaniards from the island followed toward the middle of the century. It was in 1848, the year of the great uprising in Cuba, that the most for midable outbreak In Porto Iiloo oc curred. In Porto ltlco preparatloni were made for a great simultaneous rush to arms. The Spanish govern ment was so universally detected that the prospective insurgents included a large number of the people. In fact, it was the number of people in the se cret that proved fatal to the plot and led to its exposure by traitors. As a result, it was necessary that the In surrectlon take place several weeks be fore the patriots were prepared. After two month's fighting Spain was victorious. Porto ltlco is the easternmost of the Greater Antilles. On the east the Lesser Antilles sweep in a great bow toward Trinidad, Inclosing on the westward the Carribean sea. The near est strategic point to Han Juan is Ht. Thomas, a Danish coaling station, ninety tulles to the southwest. Mona passage, seventy miles in width, cuts Porto Ulco from Ilaytl, its nearest western neighbor. To Hampton Roads from Han Juan is 1,430 tulle; to Key West, 1,050; to the Cape Verde islands, 8,100 miles. Our new colony Is a parallelogram, about 103 miles long and forty miles wide. With its dependencies it con tains about 8,070 square miles of ter- retory, and a mixed population of about 890,000. There are fewer Span iards in Porto Rico than in Cuba, in proportion to the population. This Is due to the fact that the island is poorer and, therefore, does not afford so rloh a harvest field to the politician and office holder of Madrid. Of the population, about 475,000 are whites, itC,6t7 mulattos and 75,xki negroes. Slavery was abolished In 1871. Our agricultural transactions with the island duritlg the lastyear amount ed to 84.170.OOO. the least since the civil war, esoept In INttJ. The high' est mark was In 4871, when Im ports and exports combined equaled 818,870,000. Agricultural products ntav the most Important part la our commerce. Sugar Is the most Import' ant of the Porto Kioto export to America, comprising nearly 73 per eent of all Imports. Sugar and molasaet together form vS per vent. In return we supply the Island with breadkluffa The total exports of the island In lilts amounted to about t,uoo,0o0,wltli about 13.000.001 Im Imports. The ehlef town of the Island Is a Juaa, the capital, with a population f ti.414 Inhabitants It Is on 1 long and asrrow Island, separ etel from the wiuUn4 at one end by a shallow arm ul the ms, wale Is a bridge eoaneetlng It with the mainland, stalest run out here In k long sand spit. Ihe Ur( elty I IW, with IT, III lebabiteate, Hn ti.rm.n, the socoad elty la site, hts Ut label IVsaU. TWO MURDEMED BY ROBBERS, ttotate" KttI a rM e4 Mis wits te ft. As a, in, (vi ia-:mmvii evr. a '! fern, and hi ire were fat ntrtr4 itdsi Mwsr heats ' eveket In by . Uktramsat. (tufflar had eater 4 by a tdw, A 14 tt the ntwrdare-t ul tLyt epstalr bat hr I ntaxl, t hiaUjHf, II is thieved, k4 a Urge tarn tf . a a l tee auwee. NEWS IN BRIEF, Columbus. . Kan. Prall'a elevator waa totally destroyed by fire Monday night Loss, 110.000. , lUadlnB'. Pa. Four men were killed by the explosion of a Wilmington and Northern freight engine at Joanna station. Lebanon, Kan. Cheunoey If. Me- Nail, an old soldier, aged . 85 yeare, father of Insurance Superintendent Webb MoNall, postmaster at this plane, died here Sunday. London A collision has occurred on the Great Central railroad near Earth ney, nine persons being killed and twenty-two injured. Springfield, Ohio. Editor Marco Morrow, of the Republic-Times, and Editor 8. M. MUlen, of the Daily Tern- ocrat, fought over personal editorials. Morrow' arm and hand were badly bitten and Mlllen's faue was scratched, lkth are now under arrest. Chicago. The formation of a furnl are trust by the largest manufacturers throughout this country was consid ered at a meeting in this city Monday, The intention is to form a company with a capital of 125,000,000 with head quarters in Chicago. Paris. The dowstrer duchess of Sutherland, wife of the president ol the council of UrltUlt ministers, while on board a train bound for Calais, lost a satchel containing jewelry worth 1150,000. It Is believed that the satchel was stolen, but there is no clew to the thief. Hprlngfleld, 111. On account of a shooting affray at Puna, in which a negro shot another with a state rifle, Governor Tanner issued an order re calling all state rifles in possession of Sheriff Coburn of Christian county, St. Joseph, Mo. Owing to the alarm ing lncreae of diphtheria in this city, Health Officer Graham has instituted rigorous quarantine measures and has ordered a general fumigation among other methods adopted to stamp out the diseame. Hundreds of bushels of sulphur will be burned in the sewers. These fires will be Ignited at distance of one block. New York. Graham A, Young of Louisville, Ky,, who died at the post hospital at Willit's point, was heir to almost a million dollars. He enlisted in the United States engineers and went with the' expedition to Porto Ulco. He returned three weeks ago and was taken ill with typhoid fever. His father was a millionaire earthern ware manufacturer, Marshalltown, Iowa. Rev. George IL Parrlsh, pastor of the Congrega tional church of this city, was arrested by officer from Sandwich, 111., charged with forging a check for 1300 three years ago under the name of Rev. Mark Thompson. He is also charged with Issuing checks for .VW on Water town and Elk horn, Wis., banks. Par rlsh is a married man and a brilliant preacher. Santiago de Cuba. The wood used by the military establlthment for gov ernnient purposes since the capitula tion of Santiago has been sent here from the United States at a probable cost of over 118 a cord. This has been a needless waste of money. The for ests are full of wood of all descrip tions, thoroughly suitable to all the government uses. Cleveland, Ohio. Countess Louisa von Llndau, art actress known in Ger many and many American cities as Countess Koenlgstow, wai locked up at the central police station here upon the charge of intoxication. During the night she made an unsuccessful at tempt to commit suicide In her cell. In police court her fine wae suspended for twenty-four hours In order that she might have time to leave the city. The countess was formerly quite wealthy, but through dissipation lost every thing. Washington. The grave of the late Secretary of State James G. Blaine, which has heretofore been unmarked save for a dead oak tree, will have a monument of the finest marble from Vermont within the next ten days. Ever since the death of Mr. lilalne his expressed wish that nothing should mark his Isst resting place but the blasted tree has been carefully ob served, but as a result of a heavy wind storm that rulnsd the tree some months ago, Mrs Illalne decided the grave thould receive suitable recogni tion. The stone Is eight feet high, of the simplest design and devoid of or namentation. The Inscription con sists simply of ths name, date and place of birth and date and place of death. rilnt, Mloh.-W. P. Murray of Clin ton, Iowa, shot and killed his wife, Harriet, an Ineurable InuuU of tk Grove atvlem, located here, and then himself. Their bodies were found In a grove, w We they had gone for a walk, a lt shot through Ihe bead. In Mr. Murray's poeket was found a let ter addrsMed to the phythlan la eharge at the liutUutioa eiplalnlng the resson of his e I !. He said that the imlr way to rstleve hi wife frm her sufferlNg wan la kill her, and that at It waa agaiat Ihe law to da so the only thing be eould do was t 1 hoot himself elsu, fall Ktr, Me The agreeateat aatoag Ihe maaafsturer of prtal eloth .t vttHekl produ,tl sad pat all the standard plain g Mkt t st ed Using made lulo the euetrvt f a ' mitlee la sell we U hot t, a It v4 era bee, has ba fisls4, floren, ltd . Se baa rthJ here ml the death by fretting 1st! IMnrdtr eight ef the lOyear uld ea ef Willie l.oUa. I Uf 8 tulle frm bre and the sJkie fatal f resting ef Ihe father, lhywer driving home frota tloteaee aud lt their way la the bltadiag taew tr at. SOME OK FIGURES BY COUNTIES The Republican Claim .. .... perity " Caused the Increase in School Funds Exploded. STATE TAXES PAID A Comparison of Two Years 1894-5 with Two Years 1896-7 Shows More Counties Decreased Than Increased Their Payments. A Net Decrease , If tfie repuMoon cainixilgn manag er lmd poasewwed the raLrneaff and toneety to com frankly up to tL rock at the oiwnlwg of Uh cuuniwlgn ami admitted that Hartley, Humh11 Si Co. trad misnmimged the echool fuTwle and that the great lnraie in actiool fund spportloimietnfta tfluj jt 18 monttlis, waa trlmply the rcanlt of hon ewt butAnem iruniflgement, tfhey would Imve iMsWered their standing wltib; 1 telMgenit jwnle aU over tiia etnte. ItNfUnd of doijiir this UmUud of tKiylog that tlnere waa nothing wwnideT ful in tllio better smKr1.Loiimciit bo niKe it wis aim ply businnsm, otmntno'O st-iiHo aipplled to the collection anJ dllabuiwranonit of Ui atmool funds tlwry a one lvfiiilt luntt Uncle Juke Wolfe for cUiroctllltug leu on aoliool kuuls on w-lii-)i,iot a cni luul been 1M tor elx or lg4ii ymm jm1 rc-hrttlng t1i kiiMri io thowe who would tsiy mnd in, Hue same breajttn declare that tba In Total Btate taxes collected in 181) in, f 41,;i;il.)l5 21.1N6.A4 51,070.811 1,880.64 20,490.18 10,!1.80 1.108.2M 6.097.65 48,188.04 88,808.8(1 84,5201,07 68,187.77 28,710.65 11,776.02 18,640.07 17,070 82 48,000,07 24,002.80 20,014.00 24,805.80 10,78220 10,816.08 21.470.01 8,048.78 22.510.88 42,000.27 202.888.15 7,218.68 87,51828 15,188.61 12,654.04 10,131.58 70,420.00 2,105 00 H, 084.8O 2,720.85 10,060.50 88,850 25 28,888.80 15,111.48 7,400.80 4,602.85 27,751.25 784.20 19,080.40 85,058.22 27.080.08 10,000.01 12,055 80 4,068,05 8,278 71 10,077.87 182,018.22 81,248.07 I, 002.48 1,304.80 81,038.81 802.70 24,227.08 10,010.40 84,68505 84,002.85 60,500.64 81,408.74 10.ft44.iiO 15,800.80 18,0708.1 17,200.8)1 17,025 87 11,780.08 44,71310 0.85.85 88,44a.4.'l 80,27.00 45.670 0J 8,717.18 40,2Tn.5T 13,8 5T 6.04 7.1 1T.U54.TSJ 80,624 45 1.60701 4 TU o.t 11.004 41 trj j vj 4 2d,NlH.6lt ai.4i.ist n.tin.15 8.uT.0 COUNTIES, Adama . . Antelope Hanner . . lilalne Iloone ........... Box Butte Boyd Brown ............ Buffalo Burt Butler ............ Cass .............. Cedar Chaaa ............. Cherry Cheyenne ......... Clay Colfax Cuming Custer Dakota ........... Dawes Dawson ........... Deuel Dixon Dodge Douglas Dundy Fillmore Franklin Frontier .......... Furnaa Gage Oartleld Qosper Orant Oreeley Hall Hamilton Harlan Hayes Hitchcock Holt Hooker Howard Jefferson Johnson Kearney Keith Keya Paha Kimball Knox Lancaster Lincoln Logan Loup Madison Mcl'herson Merrick Nance .. , Nemaha Nuckolls Otoe Pawnee Perkins I'helpe Herce I'latta IS.Ik Ited Willow Iliehardson ....... Hook Hsllne , . rpy Kit under twit's HI u ft Hewsrd Hherldan Hherman KLmis KtauUm Thajer I hOIIMIS Thurston Vsllev Washington ...... ay be ,., Webster heeler .......... lark in mi a Tula) ., VrraM , i.o5,x.H j.2ol,UII,40.., ttS4tt SECOND HAND STORE. BIGGEST AND CHEAPEST In the city, Cook Stew-1 If Attn. IMi ami Sprin:, I)UH ti, Tinware, all kind ( Took Sr5 m bruits yut buy, No. 132 South 10th St. Phone 581. W. 0. VANANDEL. Propriotor, That "McKinley Pros- SHOW THE CONTRARY of Over $50,000, orease in w;hool apnortdonimenit is all due to WcKlnley prosiwri'ty that omisd Uie icole to wy in thouanml ox tioiinra more tnxea than previously. Tli'ia paper hum heretofore given the aummury of facta allowing thwt in the two years, 1HV0-7, tfliore wore actually collected ami wld ia over $00,000 less money Iij'Io ulie slate trcaaury tflwiu the previotis two ycum. This alwjwinjr is now given by ooira iim. It comi!olHy overUhmowa the W'11 TtipuWUnn theory thai tHi lm cmiwe liv school furula won tlie reauW of tlh tstymetii of delinquent tnxea cniiwd i;y MtfKlnley prosjterity. It wnllrms 'lYeasurer Meaorve'a atate ttieui that tlie collection of dellnquwnJt ii x re (luHuatea aoconllug to the an Won of couwfy treasurer. About liftlf Wi muntle Jnmwawl their mymewta In. 18fifl-7 over tlio trevifua two ywra and linlf de!Teaw. The total de emme us sQiKwn ,is over 1 50,000. Total Ktate taxes collects 1 in 1800 7. 80,885.47 20,800.68 1,404,07 1,601.21 21,802.02 8,728.05 , 2,843.18 6,800.78 41,128.00 84,060.00 83,801.14 65,804.15 25,887.42 6,181.60 16,207.00 1 6,888 30 80,000.85 25,418 40 80,312.83 21,008.00 2 1,019.01 16,658.10 20,031.27 10,131.87 21,632.75 43.034.35 270,647.63 6,452.72 87,342.60 14,404.88 12,420.84 28,658.07 71.700.08 2.284,05 10,233.80 8.020.42 11,041.00 85,710.00 23,604.77 17,000.53 6,770.51 8,800.01 27,000 57 1,245.60 18,057.10 85,823 02 28,722.03 18,032,00 10,708.40 4,101.83 7,450.80 10,015.87 114,102.50 28,485.00 1,307.57 1,00080 83,421.01 1,483,87 25,170.08 10,228.68 84,041.08 81.2O5.02 00,280.80 81,001.00 7,482 (10 18,840 01 10.447.52 82,24.1,20 1M.75A.08 14,005,1(2 42,02t.y 5.844.47 80,148 8,1 27,410.05 47.424 01 3.HO0.6O 85,700,41 12 8(18.00 12.150 8H 6,17105 lN.a.tU tKl flii.T n5.no 1,600 52 6.6TT24 12. 4. VI. 05 8.1,216 ltd 22.T05 6I S J 005 8T 2.UJ& in BI.V10.80 Decrease in 1800-7. 1,445 88 205.05 005.42 280.48 ""i',803!24 '"T,(07'87 2,056.32 wiim 2,278.02 2.823.13 6,046.08 '"XC87,'03 7,067.02 'si!U7.'ac '"a"257.68 639 84 o'o'aoii Nyj"HHs!ba 700.80 170.78 784.13 125.60 '"8,745.60 100.12 "' li087!88 054"08 423.80 Inrreooe I in 1800-7. 012.79 ""ijio'io 681.73 2,021.83 eeffe """760.00 808,88 1,220.76 1,487.60 725.08 eeeese f "'8,'420',64 1,870.08 178.00 1,600 69 800.67 081.50 "''l, 81 5.00 4,000.00 5tT27 704.80 785.05 008,01 1,847.81 857 22 817.35 001.60 17,015.72 2,708.31 ""5,760.43 801.16 400.78 3,802.40 215.14 241.97 1,482.70 620.67 843.00 3,818.12 60.08 2,977.11 477 19 14.078 00 830, II 2,285,84 2.0N4 00 1,040 HH 2.204 00 2,80(114 """ilijiJ'Vt 4,51110 70007 1,85390 It teeeattl loT.ao 80U.TH l.uvnt ttlt tSStl 1,10(125 nt ui oval tss' ' ' 2.210.TO mi of y.o oo 8 2?N 80 , 90 1 0 J te4t lessees I.2H1.68 4tatts ta4 - i Ml.t'l ia r W WW wO C "No use for a duster iq-tjij ( "No use for a duster there no dust on ) nnodi A I SB I M . . W M ii IrbUV Every dealer who Has handled Battle Ax knows this to be a facte There is no old stock of Battle Ax any where : nothing but fresh goods, as Battle Ax sells five times more than any other brand in the worlds All who chew it never changes Remember the name; when you buy aflain. 000000000000000000 xim CEti ctj:.ED AND IR000HI fOPIIFICT iijr avt la urWSS loll tnumnt vf T.rws tlci r Umln tmuiil. Dun turf it m m Mlvhl Lamm. Dm Immm pan. Mxl fit MS rlOB HlUn .U. W. Imu. wrttun tuuubt with full enr. tut wmru. w. aua out wm mta IIMIIM. Mnerme ran Nees.si Isnereseerr CAMPAIGN DATES. 1IONT. W. A. lOVNTElt. l'awiwe Clity Outober 80. ' lltwtrice ihilAr 21. Fo4rlwtry (MxAmr 22. iCetl Cbutl Ocuyber 24. Olmctm OctoW 2S. Ik'iuem (Mdjr 26. Afternoon Crete OuUAnr 26. Nlffht. York OtSUAHV 27 AftmrnooiJ. llutltiv C)rHrler 27-JNlgjt. K wwl OuUVbw 2. tSyrucutte (MkAwr 29 Afternoort. Nbrwl(A Oily (Mobtr 29. Nlffbi. ATTORNKY OKNKRAL &MYT1I. lilotsjtifleld (K-'tolx-r 20. (Wlliton. (Mwr 21. Norfolk OcUjHkt 22. Frennonit (ktolxr 24. tStanfaw (Xrtiwlt.r 25, i ' Hcfouyler QcUAxir ifl. CoJinnbtis OcMwr 27. HON FUEI) T. DUUOIS. I'ttwiife City October 20. Iksiitrk-e October 21. llnwt'iinr Oebw 22. HON. J. H. MBSKUVB. Oitwull Island Octotesr 18, with Du tool. Ilfltlnprs OHolw 22, wllb Dubois. uov j. b. iiAiinia Wine October 20. VaJpamleo Oetobnr 21. Otoe Courtly Octolier 22. Otoe Oanmif Octoler 24. SADIE PUCKETT ...FASHIONAULE... Dressmaking and Millinery Prices Reasonable and Satisfaction Guar iMantecd. Ileak IlullJlog, Corner 19tb end O. Ladies are invited to call and sec us. t Certificate ol Putlicatioa. oirsi or Auditor of Public Accounts, ! iree, .Umle, N.b , Itrlctwr 1 1, 1 It Is kr7 rvriirtl, Ihsi the Lrie l ire Insurance ComiMny o( HufUlo, in ihe state til New York, . M W k. Im.i. I . ml t s. t4 t Ki im sm m t'H Im. t M im . '. ..I IttlHl $ IS. I M IMH4 IS. 4l t .' ..... . tk SV I S.Sitait r. S. siitli. iT,l. Ne. IU4 Ike Mrsses Mr, ft IHV W W W WW W,W VZLi 1 there ' no dust on it sells too fast I wwww 5YFull3 C3 c:d clc:d. tnyUau era T tsr jrabitt. Oar. BT1 S-l HAMN'S SHMMOV, vImsj wHtisisTtw e. yivrrtovi. Anprr rvri t r. TO THE ROUGH RIDERS bad to pass! under the auction ham mer reoeatly,nd ', It brought teare to their ey eto ( see.tbelr friends la camp and battlepae to tranKr All lover ol.tbenoble animal like to see blra well J tqalpped, and look parkling and proud In one of oar fine oak barneee, trimmed and fla tsbed to Ibe.Queea'a taste, and tbat yoo can rely ton as tbe best made. Cook a.Bariow, , 225 So nth St., Lincoln, Neb. -ft :;M 1 1 ' i r A Chilly Autumn Evcnlnr I W eihiruble asl bwt y ty a ttiekt, lit areie ttfv, A I tit,..), tti ii iJ te Many tilth traic Coals til tsil ts siei eM mI eklll "4 ts.sMt sWesHst es4 ewutlwrW We vs le Best aujlltles of ill Jcsiratlc Kinds tel a te4 te) sMtvee eKtlle CEfiTIRVItIC tlOCX COll CO, uwmiiiaai. r ;, lard rbeaelsl. Vs) MUua eveuva ei a u t es.lf taUaitie. r g snetateesV Ida, Is i