Oct. 20, 1898 THE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT. Nebraska Independent. The Peace Jubilee If you are going to visit Omaha during jubilee week, commencing October 10, we want you to keep two things prominently in your mind. One thing is that our store is at your service for accommodation and another thing is that if you have never been inside of it you'll find a different store from any you have been accustomed to trade in, The difference is that we are here to hold your money during your pleasure only, and that we hand it back as gracefully as we took it if you have any fault to find with anything you buy. Or even if you don't have any fault. If you would like your money better than your goods, all you have to do is to ask for it. We'll never ask you why. Of course we could't do that if we weren t run ning an absolutely square business and if we weren't pos itive that , our goods are worth all we ask for them and more,, That's an unusual way to do business, but it's The Nebraska way. And it's the only fair way. Come and see us- .!. :::: Tbe republican candidate for congrm in tbe flrst district is mill dodging, lit doesn't dare condemn bis party's pro gram for retiring the greenbacks and be doesn't d'ire doft'Ud it before tbe Intelli gent to tern of tbb ditttrlct. Vote or JainesManahan. , , 1 . T.Tbe table showing tbe amount of taxes paid in to tbe state treasury by tbe different cooutie la republished this week because of two or three typograph ical error that crept Into it last we k. Tiro of these mon were in the Lnncns ter and Douglas county figures both of which show a large decrease of taxes paid under McKiuley prosperity. The gold bug speak constantly of a "fifty-cent dollar." Aside from the vio lation of tbe most common rule of gram mar, which In excused on account of tbe unifewtal ignorance of gold bug gen erally, the pbaM Is a contradiction in Itself. Tifry cent i half of any dollar, Dot if fifty cent can be a dollar, then a hundred cent must be two dollars. A thing cannot be one-balf and one whole, at one and the same time, which is a simple truth thit everyone but a gold bug knows. They, poor creatures, are o Ignorant that they don't know it. Be gentle with them, they can't help being stupid. Aorrespondent of the Chicago Rec ord trailing with the McKluley party say that tbe president expressed the most profound astonishment at the action taken by Governor Tanner in re gard to the Virden riot. Ife said that it was just what might have been ex pected of Altgeld. It was also Intimated that If the trains were interfered with so as to make any possible excuse, regulars would be sent there and the whole matter taken out of Tanner's hands. It Is the first time in the history of this couatry that the militia was ever used on tbe side of the workmen, and the whole gold bug crew, from Maine to California, taBd agast at it. What is tbe good of tbe militia, they are all asking, if they are to protect working men instead of the capitalists? HUAM REFORMS, One of tbe wry beat points in tbe very effective speech mad by W. A. I'oyoti-r waa M quiet comment mads by him on tbe republican state platform of 1608 in particular that part which refer to the work of tbe prevent state adminis tration as "sham reform." A few quo tations from bis stweeh make good edi torial waiter. Raid he; "Ths tiotmtM redaoed the tat in terest Soaring . debt over 1700,000 the past tfbteen months, while the re publicans twrreaMHl it over a millioa and qsrtr, Waa tbe popalisl Im provement a skam reform?'' "The ! t attorney general has eat lbs last rei'tiMieas stats treasurer to stats' prUttt fr twenty fwirs. Is that a sham rwwr Tk rae rotiMiuar ot psblte d a4 luMi a as pai-l lt lb eomttioa m'hmA t4 f ItKJ.OOO, Is that a fhmV TU stat CaaM lav fcswa rdutd ovf f-IStHM) is Ik pat Jr. Utkat ask reter srttivN TamtatiM. Th reiMw parte in b ia a U4 f la Mrl J.tfrreat iIiIm l al ukMtlti l III MMMtiat tt . H.m Haait Q uj atftd a4 Haa4ar thr ! gtJ d lb rep IVmwi , It U g'tj voiKvdxhkal li dwwt ti rtf Ik 4 w ttf. i.tikuifcaltlUfc tikta a IN v 4xk Ik stat. Tkf !" ' 4 el tasJafM t tmt U' WH, V tr M4n r4 ! il hWe ta kl aU lwf Ik Omaha, Oct. , 1893. way. That Kyle business was a little too much for even a casa hardened re publican, In nearly every county in tbe state there has been organised among the republicans what they call "The Republican Anti-Rail way Trust and monopoly party" These republican Insurgents are putting up tickets In most of the counties by peti tion, Tbe g. 0. p. is doomed, not only io this state, but in many other states where the republicans have always here tofore run thing to suit themselves. Hulldlof op School System, Despite all tbe noise which the pbpo- crats are raising about money saved for tbe schools, two things stand out before the voters. The first is that the money distributed In the school apportionment was all paid in by tax payers and school land li'saees, who Iihs been enabled to make current and delinquent payments through restored prosperity under a re publican national administration. The second Is that the mairnlfleent public school system of Nebraska wa estab lished and built up by tbe republican parey.apon whom tt must 'Continue to dfftend for further growth and progress. Omnbaiiee. Yes, "building up the school systen" of Nebraska is an elegant phrase to use, there was a time when tbe republican party did stand for tbe upbuilding of tbe great common school system just as ft once stood for the greenback which its leading men are now conspiring to destroy, That time has gone by. What are tbe acta of tbe republican party In Nebraska toward "building up the school system" during the past tenor fifteen years. ' , Was it "building up the common school system" when a republican state treasurer in connivance with a gang of political bankers sink 1230,000 in the national failure? Was it "building up tbe sebool sr tern" when a republican board of educa tional funds kept a million dollars of children's school money for ten or twelve years in pet banks over tbe state in stead of investing the same in securities that would produce revenue for tbe schools? "Was it building up the school sys tem" when the late republican commis sioner of pnbllo lands and buildings ex tended the lease of pet politician year after year without payment anM wound up tbe last hour ol bis term oi office by extending such lease already t long de linquent for another year. Waa it "building up tb school sys tem" of Nebraska when Governor III comb tried month after month in 1803 andl80 to set over 000,(WO of idle school money invested in boad or stat warrant and tb republican majority on tbe board of educational land and fund blocked every ffrt? WAS IT MJIMMSUUPTilEKllOOL HYHTKM WIIK.N THE LAST it KIT II MCAN l.EUlUU'KE CAST A MA JORITY OF ITS It F. IT li Llf AN TOTE tOlt A IUI.I.TIUT bV.MX Ai:An. t.Y IM.ttW TO TUB COUSTttT WHOOLHor NEHUASK I? Wbak dvM tba lUmthiak nay way of lb record wt "feailding Ik rhooi vttsat" el Nbr4a a mad by tb rw pblwa pMy Ik pt ta year? What da Ik wpi tkisk ol It? 1 1 W irw Ik womj paid la talk rkw4 f4 ka fa Mtl ia by tai pyf 4 ! ol okHi taa Tkat' Ira. Tk Hilt t-tRiUU kv pa4 itwat prnaipiiy, Tk kata ara4 Ik polWr ul lttlig Ik prmNl vkM4 I1 last I ol WitUg Ik li tal )ak. TW kv kn(4 Ik t ko4 U4 la tkixM ka w.i4 pi lk rental i4 vl tkwa akt k4 M.il f"- Tkf k twi4 la H Ik k4 s.! Ikf mii4 a4 k ka sKtwaDy i't H . 1kt' alltwy k dw Tkf Uifttf kat t "bll p Ik kij !" t4 Nkrak a' Ik reKik4 a Hf fl Ik Ul ( Itar. roKHttl: M IHtl't-IW ' U4,mi g4 kiMo 4 rtkttl ! 'Wa. A4 HSrMSH 4 lklt 1'ia. I'll, HARDY'S COLUMN. 1 Election Cry Republican Calamity iiuwungAiexico anu Aioraiity 1.' publicaa Allies Surplus in thfc Treasury Evidence of l'roepedty. , After tbe murder of ths fiiirrnrtirW1 colored soldiers at Fort 1'illow, the cM ored meu took uo iuore white prlaou er. On going into a litfht th battle cry was, "Remember Fort Pillow." So the bnntfcle cry wiUi our soldiers ia Cu ba waa, "Remember the Maine." So the electiou cry uext November among me luxmers nouiu be, "Kemeiwbttr Joe Hartley and Kugene Moore." Tha Journal ha raised the amount money embezzled bv Don fount of treasurer from 700 tn i7i)(inn no old hundreds, no odd cents. . Rut not a single name, time or locality is giv en. They will probably raise it to J.w rtnA t J 1 " ... jio,uuu ut'iore eieci.on so us to bal ance Uartley and Moore, Give us the mime and nmintlnii nr u ilmt m Ve want no more republican culumity iiowiing. ivery state uebi paui 1 a calamity, to republican. Mexico ia one of the ten or fifteen progressive countries of the world that bus not progressed backwards on the money question ,to please the million aires, corporations and trust. One of uie long steps toward morality taken lately waa to prohibit bull ilu-ht on Sundays and other church days. It is something like Lincoln's closing thea tres ana oau games on Huimuy, It la for the Interest of tha republi can party to keep tbe national demo crat lu the held just as much as to keep the middle of the road dod in uie niiooia oi tne roaa. jou see U they declare themaelves rennblicana. that ends their Influence with tbe rest of the world. Tbe middle of the rond pop and the national gold bug demo crats are republican stool pigeons snd tnat is all. Why the president hugs and kisses such democrat and pop nx every opportunity. , , As evidence that the Issue of bond the other day was unnecessary we have out to note tnat there are about four hundred million of dollars in, the treasury at this time. McKlnlev ia doing just as Cleveland did. lettinir bis new lork banking friends have it to hold. Of course the same bankers are friendly to the present president who were frlamlly to Cleveland, because both president were elected by New York money. No matter Which old party electa tbe president the million aire bankers, corporations, trusts and liquor interests own and control him and they all get what they want. The republican journals auote. as an evidence of prosperity, the larcre re ceipt of the railroads and the splen- ota dividends declared. That is just one of the calamities we howl about. Railroad charge have not been reduc ed to a gold standard a almast every- tning eise nas, ana tne ntgnest court in the land has said the people have no rights that railroad men are bound to respect. So the white slaves must wait, just as the black slaves did, till the pro-slavery judges did and we get lovers of justice in their places. . Fixed charges and fixed incomes de mand as many dollars, no matter whether the dollars will buy one bushel of wheat or four, five pounds of cotton or twenty. Every change in the money standard has always been made In the interest of these fixed In comes and the moneyed men gener ally. All the changes proposed by the present administration are In the same interest. Burning the greenbacks will Increase the purchasing power of the gold dollar and the Shylocks know It. MeKlnley and the law making powe will do it as soon as they can change two or three senators. But it looks now an though botfo house of eonigmts would be strongly anti-McKinley and the common people will be protected in their present wrongs, but If any law la proposed for their relief the president wilt veto It, It was a long, hard struggle to con vince the people that slave-driving was wrong but it waa done, so it will be again. The people of the south and west are fast uniting against the east and the money power will be forced to losen It grip. It may cost a little blood, but it ha got to ome through the ballot box first and then by the bullet if necessary. Our navies will be in the uttermost part of the earth commanded by millionaire, but we core more for the farm than the wat er. The farmers blood to thick and will not flow in vain. DB, LEOJfHAltDTt ANTI-PILL CUBES CONSTIPATION. fr.'i, niiloaasM, Mf vi ll t Hill tlautt. Aeltos kut loiiii4 l? MSlitv. . l-.mlil lit Tr? It awrM tr; d' tau V) ot mtUUmm A H I U.I. t ' , t.lw , hal,. Aalit? Sp' , la (uiIiiim $3 capitu 5c LAUNDRY f -, ? "to If, mm ..,...... ' fA l'drf & VV CAHMINTS MPT l? , UfAll. Vf cm is a tiu. WR MMUF1CTURE i'mtm4 rkt, a4 SM el II istj Nt HMf rH t'" If, ! tUf k i retail, Ni fcsti T 4 ri ttff t 'itu! t !' pfil smmW U Ik kMMMM Ml UW. lk Ttatfe lret, iwt II . J, M. CAMP GOLDRuG rHOinSESw Confound the goldbug 31 tors Who bnnt the dold'en Sun, They teM suoh akful faleehooda Sust like a horse con rum. I took dat bapcr every week For more a three year wtroig'hit. Und I remember all the promise ten they made ahust for a wuL They said, "Vait till 'leetiom day, umi eery money sack , Vlll come out form it hiding Ven confldenee cooma pack." Und ven 'lection day n ofer The next tihlirg iay did wny Vn, "Ve glf you some broaWtrity On' inauguration day," I told my rife ve wait now i Till the fourth of March I jran Und see vat tory vll come next From dat eonfoumlt Golden turn Und sure enough they haf ne VIoli they say would Jm the hwtj They my, "You get some eonflilent'a Yoi the Dlngley bill get post." Veil, the Dimgley bill .vnt pnsrt? Now they hint", but just don't my, "Vnlt while ve burn de greeiMicka," Or, vait til judgment day," -WSilver Knight-Watehnion. , M'KINLEY'S TRIP BsswisMijl A Wrll.r VTho Thinks If Ilsl llstlrr Look After ths Alforlnrs, Mltor Independent! 'lodny people peak with contempt and abhorrence from Nero for Addling when Rome was burning, but a few years ago when the Mississippi overflowed some of the southern ataite Presldenlt McKlmlev made a pleasure trip on a man of war. instead of sending every naval olllcer ana snip wiiieh was to spare to the MHice or imiU'iMitt'iion to ne!p wive prec iou nves ana property. JNow, ns thousands of half-starved, poisoned eoldiers luy hick In hospitals nmi caup and thousands of relations mourn over the loss of their beloved fathers, broth Mtu mrnm on1 K iiuKn ifls At.A 4 vi t oviio v siuvns'iiijn nuu .4if7l4 All consequenee of crimlmil neglect of duty oi tne some one, MeKlnley Is making another pleasure trin to the exposition at Omaha, enjoying tne ex- , travnigttimt luxuries of a special train I in Pullman cars worth the great state also accommodation and del lenses of a first-class hotel, whereas favored otv tractors feed our soldiers upon mag gots and hard tack and the poor sick have to lay on tha bare floor, or ground, What Is the difference between Nero and MeKlnley? Their acts show that they were men of the lowest characters without any human feel ing, sympathy or compassion for tbe suffering people. A man who will fiddle or celebrate a festival when his neighbor lays on bis death bed is a monster, but in the case of McKnley he Is doublv so be cause the neglect of his duty caused a great deal of tbe worst sufferings. In stead of doing all that he can to reme dy the cost, he goes to a fair to serve ns on advertisement. A man cannot have the least bit of self-respect if he allows himself to be exhibited amongst elephants and rhinoceroses as an attraction of a fair for the pur pose of filling the money bags of some greedy speculators ana money onang ers. , A president has no right to the dis posal of his time as he wshea. No is a hired man who nas to woric Tor nts wages Just a any other man who sells his labor ana ne is just as wen ooug tvt lo ntflv and work In his shon as any common laborer. The White House Is the shop of the president and there, not at some castle, a Buzzard's Boy or Lone- Island is the place lor tran sacting his business, tint instead of working himself, MeKlnley appoint a white-washng commttee to cover all trace of his neglect. MeKlnley may banish witnesses to Devil's Island, Cuba, Porto Rico, or Manila everywhere, but the noiiow viW!. starved, poisoned soldiers will appear, like Ranquo's ghost, as wit nesse. never resting until the whole truth U known. As Senator Thurston said, it is not Alger. It is AicKinley wno ff nttur n trial. McKnelv and not Al ger s responsible that a horse and dog doctor was appointed as superior uw tA, swi- military hosTiltal and this single fact tells more than anything else what the gentlemen at Washing ton think of common soldiers. A dog doctor I just good enougtt ror mem and not better. "REDEEMABLE IN COIN." II Hm IU TrUMl I vry Coir Kurlh 4 Always a rllr. ft wa, 1 know, formerly held that if Miicr wa cowvertiU) Into coin, -o . I M . V... jldaf. orf UmM COUW ItMiw, uv w - tntwi hm k'ug g exploded, aud no ta,tiuian of ladling its M'tl aju it la WUUUog on rurreney for the pul ha.f rvntury, and no -oiwmit of rrpitte, i far a 1 know, ha wwlrtv ru to difeud a a uf pitwtp by whkt to tegut the supply of cur m;y. Tb rurrcmy i-uiuwlwioii, husmr, ntHii tail "if U Umi nmi.y of a miry i KJUerUtU al Mr wiuh goUt, Ibrr may b hler, ami a wwh of tb rpr Mitu fm-uM of rurnemy a tb iw elieiM of lb (s "y rpiir, A.-ninM this I mtim lh perii of rtrrv wntry lt ha rrd H, im! tr,y a.t U t tin wr auuil.ee. II lit ba trie! in. KU wwMrtry r Mid uTvr gwla awl k a rfv fi5l. vtu,ir, la k tkU-irurr tw. la Marvk t. M. "t o4 ifet tk HtwtibiUiy, lUirH lwlf tiMibi I rrai 4 aw titi kng gruMi-l t rvJUwi, 'Iterr U a lh4U..ttf l U pI i .iS mr I ekrutC l wt-t f IM ttM rii tt AiMU,H lrd 0,rtiM ptt ikhm frww Ueir, h,I 4-Ui "t"tH!tl ihm i Oi irrrrjr k Wa iirvly t'4rflK fruiM Ik uhuv, sivUhs iMt'll t wwi INia mm Kt fii t Itm ((.; f ft I pAHCf SOT Ik UMt uwU ai if reiV va i ' n4;i il tki rtr a utmirmUtm l rr lt f'l ftmm n,t, Mk a eey tMwtir a mm l-'v f-tmi tt ka aSjs !! IS THERE A COOLNESS toward you on the part of the weather? If so, it's un pleasant for you. The best way to escape it is to take refuge inside a suit of our new fall Underwear. That will despel the unpleasantness, and the price we will charge you for the Underwear is one you will cheer fully pay, and wonder how we can sell so cheap! There's a breath of winter in the store as well as in the air now every department will remind you of your needs in seasonable apparel, but the reminder need not worry you much, for supplying these needs will be an easy matter if you buy here. What better proof of this assertion can we offer that! the prices we uuote below: Children's Combination Suits " Camels Hair Vests . , . . , irom joc up. Camels Hair Pants .... from 10c up. " Ribbed Cotton Vests , , , from 15c up. ' - Ribbed Cotton Pants . . , , from 15c up. " Wool Combination Suits . . .' from 50c up. . Ladies' Ribbed Fleece Lined Vests at 25c 1 H , 11 " " 35c 11 u ; 11 a a " ' " " " Combination Suits at 50c " Wool Combination Suits at 89c and up. The above quotations are just a few of our many bar gains we are offering, and a visit to our store and Un derwear Department will convince you of the com plete stock we carry, r , ' ;., , W. H. LACEY & SON 12170 STREET. A Chance of a Lifetime! Boston Comes to Lincoln! ' ENTIRE MANUFACTURED STOCK . or, THE EASTERN RUBBER Company CONSISTING Or MORE THAN 10,000 U3(flb Grabc i1lach( ntosbes All New Goods, Guaranteed Absolutely Waterproof. Here are some of the . Bargains offered Ladles' detachable 2-eaps velvet i collar, catis lined with baud- soma plaid silk. , ,, Hetall price, 7.fi0 00 7 Our prlo .if Q, I J Bpectal attention Is called to tbls very fins lot Ladies' 1 and 2 cape Mackintosh, teket col lar, detachable cane, all double texture, colors Hack bins and gray mixtures. Retail prke,9 00 04 Our price pOiiJ Ladles' yery fine Pergs, lined with fins quality rich silk. Sjtwlal lot of Ladlns' Imported Mackintoshes niada op In oitial and double detachable capes, assorted colors. Ilotail prlcH, f 18.60 0Q Al) Our price ipOiUU HMsses' Iftachfntosbes, 50c OPEN EVENINGS Mail Orders filled promptly when accompanied by cash. EASTERN RUBBER CO. S. W. Cor. 12th & O, Under Funke Opera House. way wUl Xcituer s gold stomlan? nor anyUiing eke worthy to t eullvd a Mtuiuuvrd1 can be maintained urndor sw4i a avtm. UBNfiRAU A. J. WARNER. KANSAS STOCK YARDS. 4dsCIrkRrl Shw nw It Km iitdtrd tha Star ha f Ifc wt. Jutlge titor- W, Clark, who was a liiHHl by tb Vaiued but court to tk twciuooy la tb Kua City u-k yard m rrjwrtwl to rba ewurtt "i'irnU l'bat the Kshmw tlty tun k Vn nMMiiiy trtil oul in 171 with a tmpul stik of IW.too pUl la rk) rxtMl, that uu to l'Mruary 1, liivT, it bail expratkM upon He iiA to Ik aiiMMMKt of U.lil.Sooj thnl, that during this lint U hat drawn ml tiuih l lb irnuunt of Jt.Sa,i fuurtk. that It had walrml it .k fnaa tint ta Uiim uoiil t hl pu ttMUg k to Ik auiouat ot IT,. 14.Mi tftk, tha Ha (Mr tain) U tVHi.Oulli. '1'h rvwrt furlkee ah thl from a latit of mlf t M,c tk wm myt iMi yi Ik ranting ot lh aktiit, h"ttt4ml J,l.3iw tlWUM la k UMr'jr I MtKkuna atwl a klf ! mi 14 h a iwrljr urtk t,PK w tt ai k U la aki.f tk k niwrt hi (, r. dm U a ruir ir ti IkU tsU. lli.MI IM Ik ! f .XelMSMk. lu a U H !.W iK' tUt M r-, kml w k Jhi Munrrt ntw.l ! a t fvt dl -k Jmi Mrtrt t.tif N ta f ba t"i ik n f t J"i! U U lkl rrrt wi IN UI f Wk il nmt II iW k" ! m i.k fii f Ntak h t fcfti, li ui p a br fr lkn is m ika M wi k lifW k m Ht ' t M rw ik k jn M j (good value), 25c. . LINCOLN, NEBRASKA Gent's Double Tvilure Mackln tonb coats with long cspiis. Retail prlcH,5.U0 Cl Aft Our price 11 0ntlemeu's Mackintosh coat made up In box styl, double breasted, to) vet collars, stitched strapped and cemented. Mi n's all-wool, flue Multon Box Coat. Rftall price, 010.00 Our price. , 55.50 Gent's Imported Mackintoshes, yery fine high grade, latrst style, blue, black, plaid and casimere, Tulvnt collar. Retail price, f 18.00 CtJ C A Our price kfltUU fifteen yars they hav uever kept their promise. The first fusion legis uuiire, without making any promkes. wwt to work and patwod a law to reg uUtte the stock yarda and cut down their exorbrta-ot charge, A ruah wa) ltnuMHli&tly mad to a gold bug Judge, awl the Cu 1 hung up while the cor inoraut of the Ux'k yard go on feed ing thrriMwlv to repletion. If ivpublicaa Wgkftur ia elected and the rty rriurnrd to power that hIU Iw an md to all hop of a reduo tlitn of lb rxcM.iv eharg which thtti inM-ptH-aliun baa a.! way colWeUJ. , npulHtn aUorney grurral woukl Ma have lh rh in swb a fix iht there would b no hotw. lie would act jul a il other mMiblttn aMorocy (friKTl did In rrjrard ta th malraun rl thai ih barn, eama ta lh jluurtlf owner. rtiuxnMtrj On humlml trm in rllnr eotit ly k p rd iat th band ot an? kaiftcT In th lt I ww yeam ami tW pnM-M i gitog on a IrMity ih rUtlewly a Ik rkw of ta to,rwNs lMs awt Mdy la Uwr miuivt y but ia y eottsly ta ik t'witM) HH, ry aigkbnrhot k It Mil wh n lew apttft tk rarat Ikey ew a few pmr axv I'mI.i a emtiud ssCt 4Ued al licpwtih.'w frla r! IkMi pe cm will e4iii ttitl IM Acnvrfe'att w4 ! iliiWM iwH t eWiMws -W rjf rfe-k ! H rj - ! l niM! rM wkwk, w t mm kM Wa it bulwark at th VtHM Witt k li)pwrd. M'XIM KrmFirKWHK!. 10 rmMlka f4 H t ie fc A-'t' U flN, wfmr fwi e ! a t aie vk Mi fr.a r taiwa'a wrtf. 1 I lpwlWI - tumr t t"M. If M dt !.! W trel f Wf tai wttMoil Htr lMi , a r.ii.witMk Wl tf k1 W J (lilU,