Sj Nebraska flnbtpmomt rM WtALTH MAKBKS m UNCOUI INDtriNDtKT, s FUBL1SHED EVERY THURSDAY r m Indspsijdiiit FublisMng Go. LINCOLN. - NEBRASKA. , , , TILIHONI . $1.00 per Year in Advance iijmm ii MMBiilMllaai I. jak raits, -. rwii ta tui muirtMUEHT rot. CO,, jrol Nss, THE WINNINO TICKET. For Governor WILLIAM A. POTXTER of Doom Llea Una t Governor E. A. GILBERT el To. ertry of But ; WILLIAM F. PORTER ol Utoitk. Aodltor of Public Aeconuta j JOHN F. COHNELL ol Rlcbjdoa. JOHN B. ME8ERYB ol R4 WUIow. tap, of Public lastrootloA WILLIAM B. JACKflON aJBoII. Iaod Coaeiistloser JACOB B. WOLFI f LaWr. Attorn Oeneral CON8TANTINB J. SMITH of Doasja. FOR CONGRESS, Firat rXetriet Jsme Manahan of Lincoln, second strict Gilbert M. llJtehoock of O, I, fkird 1)1 strict Join. H. I'oMnaon of Madison. Fourth Districts W. L. Stark of Aurora Fifth IXstriot R. I). Sutherland of Nelson. 8ixtb District ( W. L. Green of Kearney. LANCASTER COUNTY TICKET. or District Judge (to fill vacancy.) Ssmuel J. Tuttle of Lincoln, For County Attorney . John F. Carr, Lincolni. wve State Senator J. II. Ifarley, Lincoln. J. J. Stein, BalUllo. ' q For RepreeDttlve-- J. II. Curyea, Wsverly, , i W. C. Phlppa, Hsvelocl I A. E. Sheldon, LincoJ E. Blsler, Lincoln, L. M. Went, Lincoln. - , For County Commissioner- , Wm, Sebroedet, Lincokn. . W. A. Poynter fa ft man of both college and practical education and has been an ol th promoter ol nnlveralty ex tension work In Nebraska. The McKinley law wai In lull force when the panic ol '0.1 struck this coun try. 8d It woe not free traJo that did It, but McKinley high tariff. Rothi-phlld A Co. are atlll rejoicing over their oUiry In Oregon. They think that when the senate cnlla the roll Mr. Simou will Bound particularly well. At every repuhliean weeding there ought to be cards distributed on which these paseagee from Holy Writ should be printed: "Thou Rhalt Not Steal." Thmi RlmU N.ifc n,.r Falsa Witnmi.Mn' Of all the crimes, and tbey ars many and grievous, that the republican party ba committed, the taxing of (300,000,-1 000 out of th (staple and giving it to tbs bankers to loan back to them again I la tb most outraireou. Of all tbs evils that ever aliUct a poor renter, a steam heated bouse is the I worst. Tb fireman freeies yon when be I take tb notion, lonsts you hn that I nitabimand I ' hidden ay wber yon 't dud bint when yon wast to expreesyoqr mind. Tb reiulilk-an adrtiMH grand rally at Nebraska ( tty October 5th, with EaseaeJ. ilaluer and Paul JMf a tb orator, It was a trrifle and 0efbelMig Ullur as a rally, lite aosuuqi w seiner inry m as,v the toaregw to try asala dsrlsg tbi aw pass3Mt.V3acsasB'as r RtMMt water la wniii-g a boat tb prob abitltf pi awsj wOy in Ike ant boaee agaloal tb repaMtras doa'i UM away ... a . as ay woei ai ia war. ii ays that! The ekxlioa of a rofmhlk-aa (4 ririi U mn a realllrw lb m4 Mosey n. tn" TbalUtk gUt tb wboW tatter. Tb tra that tbeyeipm a bunt tb wt m sit erta. RM Ilwwti4 ti Iber W aadoabttkat tH retaraieg ol a tl-Mt raii rely t tb baaef . . 41 bw ter.Wt abniai a peveeeai al tb flm Ut batba war, Whjf tb deauraiie MMattart4 latbw ay iaa I aa ifMr4 t reataa, tb V,aa. )(! A4lfVt fVfttMMWS 4 MtMhar, Aait tt ail tri-t alike, Hal a latia few tmM a 4b ba take a ft Tvrwklttl 4tjNst"e.At aa I be war tta tb ay a,tMMt, Tkat bt bat ta trvaWbaa ftl Hew Hair ve4, BEI'COLICAW KlIW From the time that society "wai flret organised on the prairie where Lincoln now stand, the republican hare gov- erned the city, made all It law aoa raided tt deBtiny. Its authorities have never depnrttd from the economic theo rize advocated by that party and ail th.Je nolicles hare been shaped in ac cordance with thorn. In the condition of Lincoln and Lancaster county we see n. uuif. i,t undertaking to conduct government according to those theories. The city and county is heavily debt. That is an application ol their theory that a nnbl'O debt is tt public blessing, it uth every condition that surround US. After si.cii a demonstration that their principle when enacted into law bring nothing but ruin to a community, they come before the people and ask that the ohull eontinue that we eh mII go on In the waj of destruction In which thev have so long led us, For the laet ten years the people of this city bave paid nbout half a million dollars a year tn taics. During the last ten years the republican office holders of Lincoln have bad 15,000,000 wllti wnicn to pay the! (lenses of the government of the dry? What have they returned to the people of theoltjT Loos ftt M condition today. What has become ol that enormous amountof money? That, however, Is but ball the truth. They have run the city In . debt for ball us much mors and nut ft mortgage upon every dollar of property In it to pay thW debt. What have tbey done with that monev? It has mostly been squandered by following out and trying to apply he economic theories o! the republican tarty, which, wherever applied have brought about the same conditions. Borne thousand of It have been stoieOi but It has been mainly lost In encourng- ng corporations, in giving away Iran- chisesthftt be longed to the whole peo. pie, In allowing these corporations to charge excessive rates and in exempting them and many of the ciipltullets from paying their just share of taos. Mean time the great nines has been impover ished and thousands have left tbe city, If this city and county could be res cued from the republican party, an great a change would come over the city a has come over the state government. Instead of constantly increasing the public debt, that debt would be Imme diately reduced. Corporations would be made to pay their taxes. A reduction ol expenses would be made in every de part meut of the city government, The result of all this would be that prosper It j- would return. City property wojld be worth something again. The republicans have tried governing thecltyand county fortwenty-flveyears. They bave brought ruin and dlsastor. It Is time that every man who has an Interest in the welfare ol the city and county took off bis coat and went to work for a change. If every man, not an office holder, would Just go out and work for his own Interest, the republi cans would not poll GOO votes in the whole county. t A CO LOU A I. CHIMB. No greater outrage wos ever perpe. trated upon a suffering itfople by feudel lords of the dark ages that was h.flicted upon the people of the United States when tht lwker forced congress to pass a law authorising the leeua of bonds lust spring. The crime did not t-bii fly consist In unnecessarily increas- lnl.a nutimnil debt, altbouuh that was bad enough, but It coneieted In taxing 1.100.000,000 ! dollars out of the people In these hard time lor the purpose of giving it to the bankers, that thev might loau it back to tbe people at exorbitant rates of Interest and thus wsatthr out of tbe Buffering of their fellow cltlsens, Tbs crime ta con rested by the secretary of th treasury ber In hi reports be leads tbs people to believs that Iber is f 100,000,000 "in tb treasury." It is not in tb treas nrv at all. It baabeea given out to a I lot ol bankers without iatvrtwt, tor them to loan biM-k to th people, and th bukf udU t th Interest and put It down In their oa lta k. No clvil'H-i1 govern mewl on earth, ever did stieh an Infamous act Mure, II attempM by any aonrtb in Europe, It would pro d a revolution IseLU ol twenty lour hoar. Think ol ill TU people lord to pay inrfHMMHl tatr to the amount ol 3iO,ooi,OoO to tb jotersmeM I one tear ) then pay lb basket tlO.txui,, 0i 0 a year in later! to get tbe wioeey !-k la to theekaaael A trad again! Ankimi alt Ike outruns Ur eid upon Ik peod by ts lkrs, ibU taad oat a tb baimI mil"!. MWWWCtMSS A Utltl tttflM HIHI, A tt r ol lb rM bug Ufa net asks k miiki (miMms H tbees oetatMt, Ubet.tewir a vibt hmi flat sati s4 Ilea ak a Jiwm t Ikeea a'aMMt kWl eat ail tbs vMtl tW, la tkat ftf lb.f bteey Ibat a I '"-f w" w vlr lk feat p"l-t tbket. ba tbey ! k Ibat tby g. rl" 4 bad tb atMai tlo it b ait tfc tts tbey t tMbi iev 4 H, Th ibap ba )t eJe4 I Ub aa ia Te, llaa, la lb r tby M aev ba I We aal asMa hi crai f lb fclatfc, Tkf Utt twt t ia VT WmI teMe aetft tu otbVatU wAgtaM aa4 ail ill enmitant evils are aboltebed. and the full value of ft man's labor be bis own." Then follows a direct contradiction of that just demand in tht-se words. "The only mesne to nbtalu the overthrow of PR1TATE 'OWNERSHIP of all the ineai of production and distribution," (which is the ownership of everything)" Is a claBs-conscions ballot." In one sen tenee tbey declare that tbey are In favor of the individual ownership of all the products of labor and In the next they rant ft collective ownership! The gold bug who wrote that platform wasn't at tending to his business. He did not for uet however, to fill out with every de mand of the peoples party except a re form In the financial system. That he did not mention ftt all. HANK HKKMV1, f, ? It seems that the bankers got greatly excited over some comments made by this writer upon tbs last statement of the condition of the bank of this state made by Dr. Hall, the bead of the bank lag department. The figures as pub lished In the papers were absolutely cor rect and the bankers and their tools to avoid the conclusions arrived at had to resort to ft : misrepresentation by jug gllng with the terms "cash reserve" audi "legal reserve." Now there' is a vast difference between those twr things, The cash reserve on the date mentioned was a stated, f 5.710,880, bat the legal reserve was many times greater. What Is this legal reserve? It Is a correct answer to say that besides the actual cash on band, It Is purs wind and nothing else. Take a bank In Lincoln that has $50,000 credited to Its legal reserve. You will find that under the aw it is deposited with It reserve bank in Omaha. (Jo to Omaha and you will find that it bas been sent to that bank's depository for reserve funds In Chicago, Go to Chicago and you will find that It bas been sent on to New York. Goto New York and you will not find it in any bank there. It has "disappeared from the ken of ungentlemen" lent out, In all probability on call, There is nothing to show for It but wind, represented by some figure on a bank ledger, the only thing material or "intrinsic" left of It being a pck of ink on a speek of paper. If a demand for money Is made on the bank In Lincoln, bow I that speck of Ink on ft w k of paper in a New York bank blok going to help it pay it debt? A TIIKKATKMKI) 1'AHIO, Th wrath of the bankers is being toured upon this writer's bead in unmeas ured quantities again. It is because he wrottaa article wbfub closed with these words. "Tba bonk report liows that the conditions that produee panic I already here." Tb article was written some week ago. The various mega sines published by the bankers have since come to hand and prove iteyond dispute that the statement was correct. This is tbe history of the affair; When the crops began to move, tbe banker In the west and the south be gan to call on the New York banks for their "legal reserves" whleh ire sup posed to be in the New York bauks, Hut the money wasn't there Immediate euHK'UHiou stared every bunker In New York in the flic. Even clearing house certificates would not snvo them this time, for the dernnnd wits for money to move the crops and It had to be money. Ibiuk credit wouldu't (ill the bill at all. A mad rush was made to Washington to help them out. The bankers always have a eympathetlo triend in the govern ment at Washington. That Is wbr hey poy their money Into the republi can campaign fund. There was $300, 000,000 cash balance in tbe treasury, Tba banker wanted it and must have it or suspend pvyment at every bank counter In New York. McKinley and (Inge said: "That is all right you can have the money. We wont charge j on any Interest lor It either. Hut w will have to fix some way an that It will not hav the appearance ol tb violation ol law, Tboe bauks that ar government depositories can have that they wnut iliiuul any difiUultv." Hut there was a long drawn out bow from tb banker wboe bank aer not government demUor(e, They wanted some of tbo million, without ialrri just a badly tbsntber bllow. Th. Ir bank, tbey ll, must hav It or tbey would go up tb flame, and II tbey did. ib ptber won'd rum tantHJi; attr l beat, To aeeojtntntat tbt else ol basket "tewporaty ib poeitorW wr Ulated. Thee ol lbee,b-Mlortea wer bwate-l it Nebraska. Tbe reaatt ol It alt was Ibat aboi ;)0,ixm imm) wer given oat ti tb basket wttkoa lstetwt wbU b bad bn tl. eat ol tb p opl ad tbef ar loaaisg It a4 ttetle itM tkele wt.'Set broai Koj ta tea per t ett aa It a4 latitg it 4w ia tb) fxwke. TbMidealtaa tb Nile big b lb baskeew tba eif aitsl ba. anie a4 w t4 1- tbgrt laaa 4al -ttU la wHm at , tie wat rt.uti u tk. bse, emit l tb tb l'MWr iMLt wist "TV ar aletftdf Ukl tt if' f tat lb 8 r t bat.!, bt tb mm tlt bab bwt4 by ksrama tb l wbtata try hmJbm u.k.Malai.t.M MnilltailU UlH.w liel iieM,1 Tkta4iMa.f-t tbtN.a kU aad t44 atbrtftfMMi bi4i4 vttlbti 4 la tb tbl.t rlf4,U .bakket la tb MHiaieg sentence taken from page 790 of tbe issue of October lOcb: "There is no doubt that the distribution of public deposit among a large number of banks bas had an important f ffect in prevent ing a real money stringency.' TUB TABirr DOOMBD, Marshall Field, one of the millionaire republican leaders of Chicago has just ret or ned from a trip to Europe, Are porter of the Chicngo Record interviewed him upon bis arrival. The following is part of the interview as it appeared in that paper: "How Is the Dlneley tariff law regard ed abroirt7" Mr, Field was aeked. "A It Is at home by all who know anything abone it," he replied emphat ically, "that i to eav, a a flat failure from both a political and economic etandpolnt," For several months hints hav been frequently given of the Intention of the leaders of tbe republican party to aban don their high tariff theories and adopt the English system, They have made a successful flop from the position of ad vocating tb "coinage of both metols without discrimination against either," to tb Advocacy of the "single gold standard," and why should tbey not muke another? If the leaders conclude to do It, tbe whole .' troop of republican papers in this state will next year be howling fur free trad and declaring that they bud never don anything else I In all their lives but bowl for It. Then the Ignorant, most of whom can b found In the republican ranks, will put into prnctice the declaration of John L, Webster, who said he would vote for Hartley if he were the candidate of the republican party, would I In up and add their voices to the cry for free trad and war taxes for all time to com. A large part of the republican voter are just that kind of men. Tbey never think, they never reud,they never reason. They ust "vota 'er straight" and then brag about it, . THE UUMMOM SOIIOOI.U, Voters should not forget that wher ever th republican party has been in ndlspured control forth last ten years he common school bas gone into deca dence, In th cities where millionaires have been tbe thickest, there bave the common schools suffered the most. When he schools opened this fall in New York city, thousands and thousands of chil dren wer sent back to their bom and refused admittance for want of room. n Minneapolis and Ht. Paul tbe school year has been cut down and the teach ers wages reduced, Boston ba don the same thing. In Philadelphia thousands of children are so ragged and shoeless that tbey could not attend school even there were schools for them to attend. Bo it I everywhere that republicans have ruled. On th other band, where tbe populist hav bad control, the schools bave flourished. It is the boast of Governor Leedy of Kansas that every child in that state is provided with a free education. In Nebraska the die buroement to common schools has been doubled since tb populists came into power. The moral to this is: "If you ve your children and want to see them ducated, vote the populist ticket." lie emblem Is the cottage home. tiik ma HI KALI NO. A great deal of stealing has been done n Nebraska by the republican party something over a million of dollars all old but that Is a bigatelle to what he party has stolen from the citizens of this state throuuh tbe national govern ment at Washington. That bond deal, that overtaxation which bas resulted in piling up up In the bankers vaults if over 800,0o0,000, and the Interest which the bankers ar getting out of It y loaning it back to the ieople will re. suit lu a steal of over $40i,000,0o0 be ore wearwdonewilblt, Theshare oltbat steal which Nebraska will have to pav ill amount to mor than Hartley and all bis ron'erer ever got awav with. It la at Washington wber tbe big stealing is dm,. That Mng thee, the fusion forre should le more interested fa tbe rlertion of a Pelted Hiate senator and member ol rouge than tbey are In the election ol the state ticket. Thoe- onsh work should I done In every le (laliveitietriet Ibal w may tie ur tbat w shall bar Alien ia tbenat to ftgbt our battiv for a, and la every cosgreaaUiMsl district tbal we may help la areneH tb bo Iroai lb foatnil nf Tom U1, tb plutitevat aad tbe hb r. No better m aad a braver Msbter l Ib ! ow Ofte ever stemti imi m is than Wat Y. Al'ea. Hua I M bles ssill Ik Wlitk Uni a4 tb ig ia .tify down troat tbdaai bM4lol, Aautbe tl Mk II a' bM ba iual Wa pat lat evattm. It ee4 i W a'l tb liotw ol tb mtry A diaaAt ewlUI V4t Pwlre aa. kkbN I'M I belled 'IVr .Oet a" Mail kt aslilibi Wrtwef Tb um u m wwrt mii. swa a waJHi atlb AA Wlkbl he a tbat. mmm en TtrtMtbMtfb ttt Ittt a HikbbiMt loae) lleA U m tf WnPUncj i l aig tb f itktta 1 irf Sa t tkl tl 14 Witawl titb bbIWw. la a fbtw alsaV. wf ak4 tail t b M 4. M W4 IN ba ftbt M'taae.l Ma t lktb tbat wrtu . SOHB OMAHA CONDITIONS, Tbe Western Laborer, published at Omaha, which is supporting Judge Hay ward for governor and may therefor be regarded as good authority ou tbe par ticular brand of prosperity prevalent ia that city bos the following remarkable picture of conditions in Omaha today in its last week' editorial. It ongbt to be read all over this state. Republicans will attempt to explain It by shouting "real estate boom," but it wont work. There was a real estate boom in Omaha ten year ago. There was also a panic Ave years ago. Hue since then Nebraska has had three good crops and two years of McKinley prosperity, Omaha has had an exposition in addition and this is the picture presenbta in that city todav by an Omaha newspaper: When one come to realize th situ tion of Omaha tlna' cially be will find it to he deplorable. Bet ween 39,000 and 40,000 parcels of real estate In this city are advertised for sale for county and ciiy general taxes. The amount due on these several parcels foots uo to the enormous sum of f 1,000,000. And when it Is considered that the assess ment against a large pcentage of the city tots is more than the lot are worth on the market, It will be seen that the collection of these delinquent taxes Is doubtful if not Impossible. For exam ple, there are lots in the north vnrt of the citv that are not worth to exceed 1100 each on which there are special taxes to the amount of ittOO to 1400 on each lot. As a result the owner has vir tually abandoned th oionertv. This is only one of many like instances: The consequence is th city tin a vast amount of uncollectable taxes, FRfB SILVKIt PitOfUKdf K. During the last flfty years the science of politlcul economy has become so nearly an exact science that those wjio understand it can predict economic re sults about as accurately as an astron omer can foretell an eclfps of th sun or moon, Take tbe following which was written by Heyd in 1872: "Tbe strong doctrinism existing in ngland as regard gold valuation is so blind, when the time of depression sets n, there will b this special feature: Th authorities of the country will refuse to sten to tbe cause here foreshadowed, ud every possible attempt will be made o prove that the decline of commerce due to all sorts of causes and irrecon cilable matters, Tbe workman and his strikes will be the first con run l nt. target; then speculating and over trad trad rig will bave their turn. . Later on when foreign nations, unable to oayin silver, have recrurse to protection; when number of secondary causes develop themselves, then many wouldbe wise men will bave opportunity of pointing to epeelflc reasons which in their eyes account for the falling off of every branch of trade," Every man who is familiar with the arguments of the gold bag advocates. now that tbat is as complete deecrlp- ion of their sophistries as could be written today and it was written two years before silver was demonetized. Many other economists foretold 25 and 80 years ago just what would happen if the gold standard advocates succeeded u their plans. It has all come to pass. The time is not far distant when the gold standard advocates of todav will be looked upon with tbe some contempt s those who derided Galileo and de- lured "that the sun do move," THE ClliAN DEBT, As predicted hitherto the sticking point in the iieaee negotiations at Poris as been reached and it is the assump tion by the United States of that part of the Spauisb bond issues secured by mortgage upon the revenues ol Cuba. The proceeding in tbe peace conference are secret, but enough is known to be sure tbat Spain's representatives insist tbat the United States shall assume the lebt or require th new Cuban govern ment to assume It. As is welt known Ibis action ol tbe Spanish commission er i dictated by th French bondhold er who hold thee securities. Th total amount ol the bond ia between f 100,. 0(10,000 and 1500,000,060. A larg part ol tbl sum waa squandered by Hpanisb ofnVUI and wasted In jobbing war roa tract. The whole of it is the product o cruelty, corruption And op- oreaaion. Tbe American eommieeioners outrht not to wast a slug! hour la di ruselow til tb lufanitia pmpoeitioa tbat tbt blood money debt b vaddled upon a igla foot ol thoil ol Aateriea. ot klArtiv. One ia a wbli a gold ia Urd paper nl tell lb trttb, bml lhaa eewMiow are very rare aa I bea It doe. It i gen erally AA laod'eM, tt Wevaf bp- pra when tb Aioaey aieatioa I under aldeeatkiA, A f old taadd him, ththtday difaig tba bttai. aea roapet ia iVria Res bea t Ia Advltlf threw Ia lb fBwis Imm "At pet lb rxnt h4 I Ktm ma a'itt of tb etiy nf mwAev, lbaeMilki BHbl It lrnalai. lbwe)kl ama It baf Ii" la tbal ht tb lt id lb W bob atawey waaltttA, tlbAt4i)b4 bA Wtl. If lA lb MMe A,ttla, AW tAW WufcUl bAA b tt4 Tb a!b4 M T4r4Ukt ft.f4tl! 44 tb WAINS M tht, laki 4 tt ittyybt ! t v4 4ti,wl tatpte It M, " I View tt I iwi wp"tJI Wal w iait tbal It i.te-eai," Jl lb)k l Ibat a4 eb4A ttf tb I tki b bA 4eeiti Ibat iiy was kew vt MkkaWy wm )t4l Frw perity? Well, ebe is not exactly here after all. Then go to work and help us change this financial system so we can all say tbat the is exactly bere. The ad vance agent has been out here several times but prosperity bos never put ia an appearance even one. 'BE IT ENACTD." J. Sterling Morton bas . got the "be-it-enacted" again. That disease seems to attack him about once a month with grsat virulenc. He and Cleveland went Into a "be-it-nactd" scheme once. They wanted congres to causa it to "belt-enacted" that gold bonds hould be Issued ond offered on premium to tbat body of 116,000,000 if it would only put the "be-it-enacted" to their plans. If no one could get any value from that "be lt euacted," why did Cleveland Mor ton and the bankers spend so much time and put no so much money to get it done? Why? I. "be it-enacted" at tached to laws cannot ffeut values, why not let congress go ahead and give the people all the "be-it-enactede" that tbey want? Why not? If "be-it-en- ncted" cannot tffrct your property or your salary, what are you making all this fusa for? Seriously, Mr. Morton, did it not ever occur to von Hmr vnn had a habit of making an idiot of your self every time you took up your pen to write on an economic subjeoi? IIUYAN V MEIKKLJOIIIT. Col. liryan ha never left his post of d aty for one moment to assist in this campaign, In which he has perhaps, a greater personal interest than any other man. He went to Washington to plead for the discbarge of some of bis sick and disabled men, and wo taken sick him self, Before he was fully recovered ha was permanently ordered back. While at Washington he was denounced by tbe whole republican' press for neglect ing his duty and a cry went forth that he should remain at bis post of duty. Hcretary Alger and assistant secre tary Meiklejohn, both holding immensely more important positions have left their posts of duty and are out campaigning. wot a word is said by a republican ed. itor about their neglect of duty. Bryan Is only a colonel. These men are the very bead and supreme authority in tbe whole war department. There waa never anything on the face of the earth since the days of Judas Iscariot that equalled the bypocricy of tbe republi can party. J. Laurence Langhlin is making an other desperate effort to aid bis gold bug paymasters. He says: "In 1806, tbe long suppressed socialistic spirit re fused to be controlled and spread itself over tbe Chicago platform," and he fore tells tbat socialism will in the.near fu ture overthrow the existing ideas of government and property. He admits tbat so long as tbe price delusion re mains, doubtless some phase of tbe money question will appear as a politi cal issue. Laurence has dropped his old falacies of late and bas gone to talking about "price delusions" instead of "silver lunatics." It will ail amount to nothing. American citizns will not be frightened by his socialism bogy man. Republicans are "the queerest critters" on earth. Tbey will fill columns trying to prove that "value cannot be created by law," and then they will turn right around end declare that the nrinciDal part of tbe wealth of the United States was created by tbe tariff laws. They in sist that if we had bad free trade laws in the past instead of tariff laws, the whole country would now be in tbe depth of poverty. Not a day passes now tbat tbey do not declare tbat the Wilson bill destroyed values, and that tbe Dingley law has added untold mil lions to tbe weultb of this country. In almost any republican naper can be found tbe two statements value cannot be created by law aud the Dingley bill bas added million to th wealth ol tb United States. Tli ditouim ute prtMM-nled to th court when Senator Quay was bound over Irav little hop lor tb escape ol tb great republican boas. In A little waile the repubhrAB will bave an entirely new e of leader, both Mat and na tional, lor most ol tb oid one will bw In tb vriou aiteatlrW. ItoA't lorgt IbAt ewal nbttJI b trh eat do tb bwit ol t-bo4 Wvy Irun ' Atili la 15 mill Ad would t hereby bat cioe4 bsBtlreil ol buo boiie 4uwr rwwived a majority wl rpAbliA votes la lb )! rvpaMtetin biltnr. No Moro Scrofula Nat lymytaen af tha Afftiftlaet Hm Cwta4 fey Maa)', M Wba 4f Met was tw f war ebt b beek t ail be Hm 4 b4 Mb ret kt , itt(baf lbAAl4 M bet h4 ta 4 sy uw4. t b am. 4-Mrafe4, b en ar saw It-4 fMrfUlA a bl4ta iwuqi. amM tt a 4aU4 V try It. Tb eit tsetll b44 bet, 4 ftt Ublwf bwtlhet be tae AM MHk 14 WW bat at m ! bia Al ! hm twtaiaf faiA yaastfot, wst pwb. i Iwtb. tbe) ly It 4 t ha. fl ft Ia x nnrre U UWWW I O porllla tl M - la( laa )M tt kht fWiAai, 4 toli 'Nbi. IbbV' flrbfcsJJ