Oct. 2o, 1898 THE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT, i 1 nn in r 4 a cm. THE ARMSTRONG CLOTHING CO. Sell more ready-to-woar clothing than any two stores in Lincoln. This is equally true of our Furnishing Goods and Hat Department. Thousands now use none other than "Arm strong" Clothing. If you are not on our list you should be. Tangible Bargain Opportunities Offered by Lincoln's Greatest Clothing Store. JEtJ'G, gOVS', AND CHILDREN'S SUITS, ODD PANTS, OVERCOATS, AND ULSTEflS, In qualities that can not be matched, at prices which baffle all competitors. NOW IS THE TIME to make your selections of Fall and Win ter Apparel while our stock is complete and all lines unbroken. Do not wait for your neighbor but come direct to us, for these bargains are for you. No such opportunity will come to you to buy in mid season such excellent merchandise at such unheard of prices. Positively, not one item mentioned on this page will be sold to merchants. THESE. BARGAINS ARE FOR OUR CUSTOMERS. 08' HE. OB r Buying in ouch largo quantities and disposing of suoh a vast amount of merchandise annually, the Eastern manufac turer naturally turns to us for a quick cash mar ket. When the price is low enough no quantity is too large for us to han dle, for we in turn give our patrons tho benefit of all our blose buying. MEN'S SUITS 20 Styles Men's All Wool Suits, in cheviots sod cassimeres, colors, blue, black, grey, and fancy plaids and mixtures, worth $7.50, with us only 5.00 25 Styles Men's All Wool Suits, ev ery seam sewed with silk. The material are cheviots, tweeds, and worsteds. They are perfect in design and as graceful in ap pearance as suits usually sold at $12.00. Our price is within the reach of all, being only 7.60 At 10.00. Thousands of Men's Fine All Wool Suits; come in Scotch cheviots, black, blue, and grey Clay worsteds, fine all wool cassimeres. Some are made double breasted coats, some single-breasted coats and vests, others single-breasted coats and double-breasted vests. These suits are superior to those offered by other stores about town for which are asked $12.00 to $15.00. Ours go at only.... 10.00 At 12.50 we show a big assortment of all wool, fancy wors teds, and cassi meres, also black and blue Clay worsteds and serges. They come in single or double-breasted sack suits and cutaway frock and Prince Albert styles. These suits are thoroughly well made and have all the appearance of made-to-measure suits. They are well worth $18.00; our special price only 12.50 At 15 00. Men's finest dress and business suits; come in sacks, frocks, and Prince Albert styles. The materials are fine fancy worsteds, cassimeres, and blue and black Hockanum cheviots and serges Just as well made, trimmed, and fit, as well as suits made to measure, for which you would pay $30.00 to $35.00. Our price. .15.00 At 18 00 we show this season more than 20 styles new Fall suits; coma in round cut and double-breasted sacks, frock and Prince Albert styles; are equal to the best made to order at $10.00, and are better suits than you will find in any ready-made house at $25.00. Our sjtecial price for these suits 18 00 MEN'S OVERCOATS 20 Styles Men's and Young Men'i Coats. Come in Covert, Whip cord, blue, black, and olive Kerseys; also, Beavers and Chinchillas. They are the top notch of perfection, and are equal to the made-to-measure coats which oost $35.00. Our price, ,...15.00 500 Men's and Young Men's Top Overcoats. Come in Covert, Melton, and Beaver cloth; shades, tan, brown, blue, and black; also olive. Made with welt seams, box backs, fly fronts, or double-breasted; as perfectly made as the tailor will produce for double the money. Others will ask $16.00 for these coats; our price .... 12.60 At 10 00 we show 40 styles Men's Top and regular length Over coats. Some are made in the short box style, materials: Covert, Meltons, black, brown, and blue Kerseys; others are longer lengths. All are pure aye wooi, nana-pauaea snoui ders, and hand-made buttonholes. Such values as these are quoted as being bargains at $15.00. Not so with the Armstrong Clothing Co. Our price is 10.00 At 7.50 Men's all wool black, blue, and brown Kersey Over coats, made with silk velvet collars lined with fine quality Italian linings; fancy sleeve linings; every ' seam sewed with silk. An extra value at $10.00; spe cial price 7.50 At 5.00 Men's all wool Covert and Beaver Coats; extra good value at $7.00 and $8.00; go at 5.00 Other coats in substantial unions at $4.50, $3.05, and $2.75. Notice. All our Overcoats and Ulsters selling at $10.00 and upwards and Men's Suits selling for $7.50 and upwards are made by liart, Schaffner & Marx, Stein Blooh Co., and L. LI pp. man & Sons, which is a strong guarantee of their perfect tailor ing and general goodness. ULSTERS 150 Men's Black and Oxford frieze Ulsters, worth 6.00, go at 4.90 200 Men's Black and Grey frieze Ulsters, made with high Col lars, Welt Seams, Fancy Shoulder Linings and Fancy Plaid Body Linings, worth easy 10.00. Our special' price ...7.50 250 Men's Black and Brown Irish frieze Ulsters, strictly pure Wool, 86 oz. weight, thor oughly made and trimmed, best Ulster in the oity for 12.00. Our price. ........ 10.00 800 Men's Black, Grey and Brown frieze Ulsters, also a full line of " Warm Back " Ulsters, These coats are big values at 16.00 ' and 18.00. Sale price. . . . . 12.50 MEN'S ODD PANTS fcri tJ 500 Men's Pants, Heavy Weight, part Jjf Ff Wool, cheap at 1.00, go at 69o 300 pairs Men's Pants, 85 per cent Wool, well made and serviceable. Good value at 1.50, go at.... . ...950 500 Men's Cheviot Pants, Heavy Weight, in several patterns and shades, includ ing black and plain grey, worth 2.00, go at 1.50 200 pairs Men's extra good, all wool Pants worth 2.75, go at 2.00 600 pairs Men's Worsted and Cassimere Pants, worth 4.00, go at 2.76 200 Men's fine all Wool and Worsted Pants, worth 4.50 and 6.00, go at 3.75 U U Remember, we make this assertion, "That you will find in our new Fall Stock twice as many new, dosirable goods as all the other stores in Lincoln combined, and at a posi tive saving of 25 per cent. piJllIJlipil fH (n) r in n i i i i n LA V V nn T(TD 4 1 01 3 to 1 0 1 9 0 Street, LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. 1 -"..)r-