Oct. 20, 1898 THE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT ' ..v : -t- . . A CONFIDENCE GAME, TTs litwr f stfllna leelelBtlv 0m4MMm NMN elee flea "aaartfseateas" aaaee. Tb ids, ot 0b republican cawdt- feast flaaily tew nxorereJ, by wttab hy ar mtotmfUoi to dMiT U Ttoer to a mwUnmIUo ffort teioar Wttrluxi t7 thaai fenUua who tiu tuM&lonUoa ftron. tfo gold faun- maaooolv riddea party oa weir ronton. Jrieud who belong to the popuiitt, dnocrevU and irt imr re publican parti, la DMMi cmm W I M follow! On otf Ui Candida mraidi a member of on of tin partie jut mesvUonod and repreen1 that thk t not year to draw party Knew, tfoat liber I no national ticket in, tli field, and that he J making hi campaign amonff pemnonal friend, iw1 Ghaut tho friend are in all political parties, and if elected h huM feci thai it we thl clue of voter that elected blm, and not We party alone be gor further In a confidential imtv ser and ttea that lie think the pres ent elate Admlnbrtratlon lie mad rood record end that 1i ie eplally friendly. to ttemtor Mlm, and eom moral upon We aWHty, and when que tioned wnnewhat by fbe person whom h le iryinK to work, a to whom he Mhould be favorable to for United Wate aenalor provided lie ehould he elected, wtart out l an Indifferent manner, y that he doe not think that cut much of a figure and make but little differerw to anyone except the one who wa el!rd, Tha, who ever that party wae, A would not draw the pay ami t'he average rater would realfr.e no difference an 4Hween candidate or pertle. When lie i In formed liy bin attempted victim that be 1a great n&mlrer of Henator Allen, thai the Mirator ha repreene hi view In aU of tile ad lone, that lie I anxlou to cawt M vote where it wilil aaftiet la the re-eleHlon of hi Ideal eti4 tor, tbl candidal of inonopo'y "and deception,, in ardor and waJ for the office h "don't care much about," juat running bwauae tie ha 0 limuy pprwonad friend thai he can't rrwlut them, trik out wll-h a new Wca to hi inierrofrntor, and aiatca that he haa no particular candidate for Um'lted dtate pntor, that he la wot a friend of Cheap Wheat Webtr, Jlocwab T or Jjamlierteon, and Mould h "e placed in that poeitlon to be put to the teat, he would rlae up from hi aeat when the roll wa calUsd and cant hi vote for Allen. There aire a (Trent number of thee oamdblate tnukino; thl kind of a camv pwlsrn, and I muni my Vhat it 1 the irreaitcdrt dleplay of deception, dilion eety and wholeaale lying that wn ev er attempted In a political campaign. There ,4 not one of the brow cellared fed low Who haa control of ll own vote - wfuen he omme to the 1ftgiln tti re. If elected they ro a the tool of tlb corporaitJoni and cannot re1t their drf fetation Can- tho loptvrd change W apota? It I jnwt a impoe alol for one of 1lieee men to follow the nromntt Intra of a (rood oonaotence and atay with the repuWUcan, party. When hey are argulrvg with) the homewt, wert meaning voter wl twilng nil of tfh mfMntrj at Wielr comnnd to deceive him Mo 'belief that be will tinport Benator Allen, or any other enndidate that doeunt have the coTnorwtlon brand on Mm; they know they will not and conot no amy tiling' or tlie J ml And now, fellow Htlzena, let me ad tnonltrti yoti who have watdied the work of flenivtor Allen and VHeve he Ihaa fairly renreoenH' the atnte of Ne brneka and believe when he la re-eWt-ed that he wtM continue to eerve the tnlt in the rame maimer, not to le- lleve one wonl 1he repreeenntlv of trti corporatlona ear when they talk to you about supporti n g Bonn tor Al Woman's Heroism. from ib Blilf OhmK. Iloekford, III. Daring thi civil war nearly aa much herointn wan ahown by the women of our nation an by tba brav aoldiera. Many woman, weeping lor ber da1 aon, bund np the wnnnda ol her anfffrin comradaa. n-ioiulng la their renawed Ua th (lattlrfleld. treaath, v wbll acrrnwing for W one ano waevoae, ai thai time wan laid Ibn louotUllon lr Ib worM-lamml era ntiliailoq taoaa an the Woman' IUM (if-, ahtwn ad M the mtl.lirr til today, flgntlMg aglnn thn worl.l lor a living, In au Imm nbla tbaa tba aru- lam ol b early We. One of laa ! rarannt ainmber ul thaeorpnal II tM, III., la lira, J a man llittMWftiNirt, bat tllnn uaea t a alut to hrr acitva irl. A trau ana wbn aba n nrlna flllf ynar of a-, tba time b wiimna tal Im mhi famliil f Ibnlr alnb. aim, lltia wnarl n In in anrmanly III, Tba lam if ibf atnta Mt kne that ata ha rM h'd a rrtlK-nl fUl u brl k,an4 aunt b v? taMal, IHn irriittien a tmalmnat did ut branll bwr, aad otane tmtra irux navtltna. At laat I'r W.llmW h I'tiia hit fa l'wtJn briinntit ta br , HI lattniauim t.lnn tkat law neaMlflall attbrM an bws awl tta r4 ain aha tr t kn r.n.l t Iinl Uanb aba twh tba Imt but ul tba hUln, btb gave war mWf. Mbn aa Mihw4 li ba ml, aa knot ia lib tba Rtedl nan, aM alnbl bftna v eea aianuHtl, aal b Ma Ida aa lima. Mia, llunttt aMl t bava tln attlf n4btWl,Mt I bena In netivlnn nlnnn tuib lb lent dtna 14 tit tlwv I niUt an lll itbual tba el K Tbn ntlaUl bava il.tna ai ti gfMt tba aav bvnwiai ut an m Mm I lava vt tvit." l. ttilitnmn' 1'iak Mi ni .I4 tut 1 an larn la lmnn bail I at (HI eal bet an ' h i &, aad av U bad ul all r1etia, .f rfieret bv mail Iron he. wtHuarn' Ne4liaCu, eVknai ud,N. r. to, They um tbis a a deoeption to fret your vote, and have no iutjvtAo wboa they uak euoa prom Wee 1 to earry them out. Ueware of tOwm. 'lher will b ao few republieam fak to next Nebraak boua and aenat that the tnaa who cat hi rote a they ao earaevtiy plead will b wfrwA to thimk that be ba been hoodooed by thorn. Tot cmpi- 1 aeveipoping m wv mar new feature and on tn. ha mora eaoeciaOly attraoted the aUontkm of the public than any other baa been th DoUoeauie ainereaoa unar wotuu tit two oandtidarte for governor vtarted out t th Wpmtng of tm campaign. One who had no eapeolal kitowledg of th politloul trend la hie elate would have thought from read' Ing a few of the gold bug paper tbttt Vtue repuvixnin eatKiioane jot gowarur would b elected by an overwhelming majorVtyv Th great bkurt of ram a horn and the eoundlng that were heard far and mar wa etoriilliing to ihiriMe that mad the nola. but it Wi ceaaed the blowing tf Mi ram't horn InmtcjMl of mcven, day a or owi, n len aeven week, and ttfi tfWering wfllla at the old retmbllcan fnbrlo are awaylng to und fro, and the plain evi dence 1 tutmi'WWO 10 au vimt ii tvijj go down on Novemllier tn wltw a greater crh thttn at any time in th porft, The inJy roumiauon on wnunn t aland carwnot rewlat nonwty tn um admin intra tlon of tt' affair. Qor rriKr royner wlen. uomlmmled bV Hire t,rtli unanimonaiy wm lorun with 110 effort to d'velv t(j gnwt fvMrwnonweaiMi wliUfli h exjwtoil to prflftide over. He went before Mxrn a the plaiin, rfimlghtforward, wcrgtc kiuffnee ftirmcr that h I. H b tolling nitim have nwrprlml hi wanneat al'ini rer. He ha cleared away every louht (If there wa u0)) um H J the twin for the plaoe. That the am leswne that hi haractriW!0 m 'lion In th honae and acmot wiien memlter will give poawlve aawiironce of hla unirjueationable aMlity to meet all the queaMon that nuiy preacmn thenmelve for lul conalderotlon., Mr, Povnter i growing every day In th KMiimMcm of the BPfflile, wliil It i coiDimon tolk wW-h th f epuWi! Ulint tiutue Havward doc not com up to their exw:tatlori, and that clow re lallon wlin Ihe raurofl'ia nn ami norm preclude bl election. Tlie grint com ni.ml are In the malorMy in t3i1 alarte ad they will not permit the cor- poraHJon to folat upon wienn one 01 MiHr choeen trol for governor. Tlie poMtical aftuatlon i-n thi atate me( everv exnectnitlon of thoae who am In clone touch with the anme, and now ht me any to the three partiea hat have the courage to maim lor re form and the Jntereat of the ficowie Khnt wilfti vigor and vlgllnwe you can nd1 do doiM win put fort'h from now wlitl tlie u4t vote la polled on election lv, that you will agaim e rewarded with vW-torv in the election of a fi:W wtflife Wicket nd ToaHi-Wy n increaee n 1oth houeea of 1ih JeglaJatur ovri two year ago. Twit or eourae nwwn the rrttnm of fienator Allen to the aon- atc, and to any that there are nix con greeaional dltrlct, ami tmat imere wiu be aix repreaerrhatlve from weoraaKa n t'he tiex-t eontrrean that ere not re- Hiflddcam will be a eoiirce of eMfac 4n M eefnrm fnrcea in NeflrraeKa. To av that there la a atrong Hope or changing Wie cvmrplexlon of he next cctwrreea a-nd' the elect ion, or one rnnx will heed the wlnhea of Mie people jn tend of the tmat. nyndlcnte and cor- wrra'tlon of tUie coumtry i very grwfc- Yoivra ffr a ewcejHng vwiwrjn liraaka. SENATOR W. V. ALLEN. His Riso From a Despised and De rided Populist to a Com manding Influence. How Hi ronaht thn Moony Pownr for rillnna Hoar ainln Hnadnd nd Alonn. Nfbranka baa had aevnral United ttatn nenatorn. noma ol the m men 01 xniMitional character and aom ability, but nevnr until Allan waa aent to Wash ington did Iba ieopla of tbia atat bava a man In tba aeoat who exerted an ap preciable Influnnce upon tba whole n. Hon. OuUidn of tba atate, tba otbnr .Ne. branba aenator wer nokoown. 2S0 man will deny that hVnator Allen la a man of mi. u tat Ion. The atory ol bin nan from the humble place of adnapinnd iMinulUl to a commanding iNwiiionln tba arrntrnt pariiaMinutary b'uty In the world la of lalerent to the wnoie nation Whna A I Inn Aral aiMH,md In tba wn 1 In be waa tmalnd wiih eoatampt by Iba lofitlv Bi-tttlenipu who bava an loiiv uom nalel that ImmIv. r.vnry laauit iMMMiiiin wan bfnw UMin bun by the rprnoiav iitm ul tba money pownr, Allen bore II all with a calm d'Hnlty and lur eome ilma wllbout mi.ly. nrly the flrnl llrunlhatbn aronn In the aeualn, bn mwantl bin eiwweb wllb tbnnn wordn: Iwl 10 thai nmtunei ami imrttieti iiarlt aalM 'itMhU and I ant bnre to " . . a 1 a a a j a a advocale and dbad Ibn txlacliib wbicb il baa l.roiiioUntwI." that alinrnmia aMir Tlif nnid to the ariuri "1 ber maaiHKl daJ I thai Rial AlUa ol ouin." Tha laaun 111 inn um B'lviwajfnn nenaoatlauiHl and nff airt id art vaiia thing wan aald that Ib raWa im Ibn nnaat oiM alio about tb pofil Im nitnltir lof wwba, antll oan dar baa Alt waa ttinkia a araamant I aannnr to tb gold bna tbnoty uluvnf prodite'lwa ikHry hlb a amal iwt (ii tira ai laai i teaaloe It ml aronn and lalr tai'in! bim, aad ainking latbawiiMl innnlii un be toa'd eommaad aatd "Hh al Ibn nnat tbiab bm tfmtk a a avnf .ro.atMaT feaalt AlWa bad aadamd nannb Ha at lvd ! Ibn db la Iron! ul 1 1 nr. brown b I bin d Hiw It aad la a (time ibat tnnM ej maala IW Mninnnul "liewtb aloe la lead lo lanall anT" Utf uanalaaen a Ikaflnabia n and tontiM bitm lbt h I litwnvd blw, avoa Mad tttedt a al'Kt aiMiltiny, Aline ta! dar tba ixulu MaJ. tbHtoval ailnaibia aa Imt atiranlnd to Alb aia tba ttecanl'i ka ba il htwel Ibn loannnt iwe on Hrd II tiMl tbnra bUn Ibn .. Ilinra bartrriag I "vat arltoa tbat ,imi tniiMk deamt wonidrnmlt la talauaa itll I 'le, briaag diairaa and tdId to tbooaand of Am.rican bom and wbleb th flaal raaalt. Tba dnbU on the repJ of thpnrcha- lag elauee of tb Bberman at bad goo oi for noma tint. Allen bad prepared a paeeb of a boor length and bad en cored tb floor jnat befor tba time of adjournment ao a to b bl to deliver It tba Brat tniog id oexc norniDa;. Wbnn tha tim arrived to dioorn, Baa tor Dobol aroaa and aakad tb oppo altlon leader wby b did not move to ad Joor, and tb reply eao quick and abarp: "Tbo aanatawlll never ad Joura antll tbl bill I paao." Tb flgbt wa on. If rot wa taken tbaa. tb bill would pa. Two tblnga war to be gained by delay. Firat, a full dlncuaalon of tba money qneatlon would be aeourad aod there wa a poeei. bllltytbat tbeblll might b defeated. No olber aeoator wa prepared to take the floor and if Allen topped, a vol would ba taken. Alien met th emer gency with courage, with a pbyelcal endurance and with ao ability never ba lor equaled on a Ilk occaaion. jnera .i.l -I A ... I At... wer 00 repef itiona, no oinpirap m mi artHn hour aiMwch. When It appeared In tba Chicago Record, tb learning, tba logic, tba way tb argument wa aua tamed by quotationa from all tb atand ard ecouomiata. commended It a one of tb ablnet apaecbea aver delivered la tbat body on the money Qneatlon. 1 will never forget tbat night. Allen began about B:0 p. in. Shortly after dark be wont bla private aocretary to bla roomi and the young man aoon returned with Ibirty-flv. or lorty eianuaro worka on political economy. Allen bad read then hooka and aa be read, nao marked with a blue jx-uoll all tb atrlk Ing pnanagea that bore upon tba que, tlon before tbe aenaU Aa tb olgbt wor on, b fortified every poaltlon taken by reading lengthy pannage Irom tba book which ba bad piled up before lilrrt, Kvery quotation bora right oil thn point diacunned and tba printed epeecb bad no appearance of ' padding. Tbe tilarbt wore alowlv on, Ilia air In the nenat chamber, never pure at any time, became almoat Innufforabiy loui. bvery now and I ben aenator and fieraon in the gallery would o to the outlda window for freab air. Hut Allen atood at hi noat and talked on. Ten o'clock came, twelve, two, three, and Allen t II talked on. 0 other aenator waa renuj to take bla place and bold trie fort agalunt Cleveland, Bberman, Alliaon and the cohort of tbe money power. Four o'clock came. I bad washed evry movement up to that time, but l coukj ndur the atrain ana in 10m air n loncrer. I eought a couch in a commit tee room and laid down and aiept lor two hour. At ail o'clock 1 came back to the eenat and tber wa Allen, bin vole a clear and bin eye a ungntan whenhebetten thirteen hour before, ntill defending with undlmlulahed vigor tb rltftit of the people to to ire coin age of all ver. Heven o'clock and - lgh o'clock came and Allen .with undimln. inbed vigor talked on. One in a while now be would look over toward Teller, who wen tb maneger on tb free aiiver ida. Tnllnr had aat In hia aeat all olgbf lontr. occaalonal v writing a brief note andaendinglt out by a page. Altera while Teller nodded to Allen, mere wan a man ready to take bia place. Allen atraigbtened up, rained bla voice, wnicn waa aa clear aa a bell, to a higher pitch and dxlivnrnd one of tb flneat perora tiona aver beard witbin thoae bletoric walla. Ha cloned bv aavlnn: "I am In formed that another annator la prepared to take tbe floor and I will Dnian my re mnrkn at noma Other time." Tbna ended a hlntoric ene. une never to be forgotten by thoae who wltneanert Itandbv milliona who did not. For nearlv fifteen hour Allen atood, tbe un connuerable hero, flghtliig tbe money newer a one in tne iiHrouai, wuwnwvr uu-fii on tn n com neni. Uurinirthe flveveura tbat have aince elapned, Allen ban alwaya been lound at tbepontol duty, lie nna ween iuh un purchnnabln champion of the common worde. Todav he in the mont prominent and powerlul iieraonallty In tha U. H. m-nate. I't the potiulinta ol Nebranka, nliOMH clmmiilon hullo beou, nee to It that the coming legilature re-electa blm bv a firiictimtllv unaniinoim vote. " Hee to it that every lunlon candidate for thn leg Inlatur get every vote that it la ponaible to give him. I, 11, iiiini.Kn, rrom rnaajr la wnnitn. St. Ixiuia, Mo., Oct. 19. The Mia- aourl Supreme court yenterday handed down Ha daclalon In the cae of Adair veraua Matte, aflirmlng th judgment of th 81 Louie circuit court, llehlnd thl almpla announcement la tha atory of a widow who married a aecond time aud aought to dialnherlt her daughter. The daughter baa lived In poverty for yeara and now bida fair to become tha owner of t.OOO.OOO worth ot property altuated la thla city. Thrnnla AnafcbUU Itiaxi, Rwitaerland, tVt. !. Thn praaldent of the f vl confederation, M. Huffy, baa recnlvad UirnnUolng let tara fruin anarchltt. Meaauraa are be Ing takeu by tbe polio to pmvnut a attempt on bla Ufa, The Opportunity of a Life Time, rot) saic two come manta TIONS 1 tb well kaoa asd prt unar-oifey at llnilalloyuf, alat td I'unbla, Mnibxt, Onnvonslnl ol aern, a portion la " trena, aonia lr and aoatn tbine innra old. All k lad d trupleal bralln, rabhee, eJf aad ra imiI tmn, gain grana, deviling knana aaJ nlbnr balldla rotrlr laetna. In I vln aa r eiima lalabarlng d nMltorMna!. Tba Olbn ilallli Mtalniss ItHi arena with lkoande Iiianaetrwa, Tba owane bavin itibnt bnnlanaa ialnennla la etlnad l itftVr IbMM lnsrovnd ilnlalioa ai aavb a l Pear 1 bat lb vaa almni be iisr-kanrd at tk samnitik.-n tbat m abd bin v renal. almieov4 Unt la Innvoltisv. 1 b eUmni In wont bnnllb tal, and a Vftf il-niiabie flan id anil Im J.i Aennrwana bare lbiv bn a i.laninlitinn been. t'o anton wbo rvbiag t mila tknir bnalth, bi tie siren nneepe tba asm wiaier biwlbrra Utilttdw. and at tba aaw tlNtaeondtiet a Mollabln idnanaat bni. aai, tbui ta tbasimt, "w pnriielm aUlmatbaaanf W, I. tlitn, ho, )lCabll,ni id Msihm, M.skH. SOLDIERS PUT TO TORTURE rhrae aa raea4-Batar em tba Oraaafl Caaia Meade. Cam Meaob, Mlddletown, l'a. Oct It. Privata Ma, Plant and Moor of Company M, Second Want Virginia, war "apraad aagled' oa th ground with their hand and feet tied to heavy atak with atont rope for nearly two hour yaaterday for dlaobdlna of order. Sentrle were plaoed over th proatrat man and their faeea war ax poaed to th burning glar of th aun until they promlaad to do a they wer told. Whan th mab war released they refused to keep their word, and they ware ordered back to tb guard hous for trial by court-martial. , Th offender were arreatad and aent to tb guardhous aavaral day ago for conduct unbecoming a soldier, in re fusing to clean up tb company itreeta, Were Fntnd te fnrlsta. WAMKitfOTOir, Oct. 10. Secretary Long ba granted thirty day' leave of abaenc, with permission to leave th United State, to Mr, J. P. Fireng, chief clerk of th naval pay offlo, Maw York. Thar la a pathetic atory behind thi action. Laat summer th wlf and daughter of Mr. Fireng engaged pass age on th Ill-fated French steamer La Hourgogne, which waa wrecked off Newfoundland, but Just before her de parture from Naw York, fortunately concluded to make th ooean voy age by another line. After spend- ng th aummar In Enrope, thay engaged passage for home on th French liner, but at th last moment changed their mind in favor or tho English steamer Mohegan, and wer among th number who per shed on th rock of th Lizard, Frl day night, Mr. Fireng' Bad mission is to endeavor to recover th bodies of hi wlf and daughter, and bring them to tb United State for Inter meat. Swlndlad Out ot 11,800. Jaiksviuk. Wi., Oct. 19. Everett II. Itansom, a retired farmer of Janes- vllle, I minus 111, .',00 a tb result of patent right territory. Th purchase were made recently from Don rriaby of Detroit, Mich, ilansom wa hired to drive Frisby and hia partner over thla country while they old quick ti re setter territory. On all side men paid from 1300 to fOOO for the right. Thi waa mora than Ransom could stand and he at once closed a deal for th atat of Wisconsin, paying th sum of 11,500. Hansom now claims to have been duped, alleging that th sup posed purchases war mad for tha purpose of drawing blm on. Frisby claims Ilansom got what he-paid for. May Be Wlf Mtrlve. ST. Loins, Mo., Oct. 19. Because of th dlacharg of three freight conduct or running out of Parson, Kan., th Federation of American Hallway Em ployes and th M., K fc T. railroad will lock horn to-day in Bt. Louis. If compromise fall there may be a gen eral strike extending throughout th system. Wffl IF YOU I HlflJ WISH rou want one of our Three S'es":jj QUA W America's Greatest Piano, the 0 1 1 A T T greatest in the world. CPH A PCCD Very fine, rood tone qua OVnArrCI I.ty, beautiful case designs. CUM I CD nA rood Piano at a price that OlllaUaUlaI wifl come within your reach Sold on easy terms it cash prices by the MATTHEWS PIANO CO., 'l-ftjlp LINCOLN COAL e000 COMPANY $000 BEST GRADES HARD AMD SOFT COAL WOOD AND COKE, 1206 O STREET iNDY CURtCOtttTOtOil M0UITUI CClUnUED ZTZZ iSSnn MMM . I1IIK.(I1IM. M1, IM., 1 - (mfeUnn Are ban Wreaked. CHICAOO, Oct. 19. Th strong wind and rainstorm played havoo with th paace jubilee archca and decora tiona. Six of tb arched wr blown down aad badly damaged. Three person were struck by pie with which th down town building wer decorated and which wer torn way by th wind. It ia hardly prob able that th arches will b rplaod. Street car traffic wa blocked for hr by tb debrl. Mfcefellne Kabnn Futile Beest Clivklahd, Ohio, Oct. IS. It 1 an nouncad that John D. Rockefeller will furniab fund to build alarfcaoolal settlement hous in th Italian district her. It will ba aalled th Alt house, in honor of Mr. Rockefeller' daughter, who i on of th prim mover of th kindergarten aad day nnrsery work among th children of that dlatrlot. Orsgoa t Olee Cnptnla Clark a wvd, i'oHTLAKD, Or., Oct. 1. Governor Lord no appointed a commit. of five oltlzen of Portland to collaot fund for th purchase of a sword to b pre aentad to Captain Clark of th battl ahlp Oregon. Th commltte desire to raise 11,000, and hag collected nsarly on-hlf that amount. AN ELECTRIC LOVE ALARM. It Tnnds te Itsndnv tha Parlor Sot Unpopular, Tb Ingenious father of an estimable roung lady In Sheffield, say Pearson'! Weekly, recently rigged up a clever eontrlvanc by which he dlacouragad a certain young man who had bean accustomed to mak love to his daugh ter. Th. old gentleman recently caught tb young man and girl rather close together 00 tb sofa. U read th girl a lecture, and mad her prom Is not to let tb young man sit b Id ber on th sofa again, lie was suspicious, , and decided not to trust th girl's promise, so h called In ao lactrlclan to carry out a Uttl schent f bis. A contact plat wa fitted Juit inder th cushion of tba sofa and an other to th bottom of tb frame la such a way tbat when the weight of two persons bore down upon th top plat It would touch the other and lose th circuit. Wire were run from th plat to th old man's bedroom, where, as soon as tb circuit would lose, a small bell would ring. All this was don without the knowledge of the girl. Th next night th young man called again, and everything was as it should bo until the old folks re tired about 10 o'clock. About half an hour later th bell upstairs rang furi ously. Tb old man sneaked down stairs and caught the lovers snug gling very close together on the sofa, Tb young man escaped with hi life fortunately, but th poor girl I lock- d up on a diet of bread and water. UlUtVKU MAIM T Ik Oraad Sannropmnni Bftalag Din trtnt, Wyeralag, Tb Union Pacific will sell ticket at on far for the round trip, pin f 5, from all point in Kannaa, Nebranka, Colora do and Utah to Ilnwlin, Wyo. Data on which ticket will be sold are lt and 3il Tunnday in May, June, July, Aojrunt, Hnpt, Oct., and Nov. Htag line daily Hionpt Kunday such way between Raw. 'Inn and Grand Encampment For full information call on or addrnns 9, H Hlnaann 0n'l t . ,innln Snh SIS To purchase piano and wish to get the best val ue for your money PHONE 440 CATHARTIC AU. STt?XlSS fc5 R3o npG Wbta ra tabs Becd'i rills. Tbnlg.anMaV Wand, suarnaln4 pina, wbleb taw m aa W rnnns,arBotlitwnbHood'a lasytatak aad easy te opsrate, I true ot Beed'i nils, which ar bp to oat In evsry rsspecfc Pillo Safe, certain and sura. All druigists. e. C. I. Hood Co,, LewsU, Maaav Tb only PllU te take wltn Hood' Bartaparufev MMIMIM LUDGEH LUMBER CO. i iTlL WKIJt, Aaan. COAL & LUMBER Piif AMortaint, Best Grii, LowtatPVlai. J Dr. Ketchum. Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat ' and Catarrh, z x x Spectacles Carefully Fitted, Ail fees Keasonable 226 South 11th 24 PHOTOS 25C Small but fine. Cabinet Platinos $2. -PHOTOGRAPHER- 1029 Lin coln 0 St. Our work is the best In tb city. Price Irom ilOc pr dosen np. Notice to Farmers and Stock Feeders. Boy your cattlo and aheepat tbe stock yard, Went Lincoln and ar freight and other eipenaea. liar your beep dipped. We guarantee to cur scab, we do tb work for one cent per bead. W ar buying HAY, STRAW AND GRAIN G. H.Geoghegan, Ceo., Mgr., West Lincoln, Net). DR. McCREW ia Ta onxi PIO I ALI8T WHO TBKAT8 ALL Private Diseases WpllMi MS DWIll .1 MEN ONLY tO Taars Eipnrlnnon. 10 Kanm ia Omaha. ba Frank Con.olt. Uoa ITma. Box 700, on 14th and Fsroam Bta, OMAHA, MKB. OTTKM 100 O IT. rum TC9 L1WC0LNC0WPAWY; Prompt Service Phone 255 nnml aT ta OrJItamln aa Otae r nian OnasS Irnvnlnm. Th aboTa redaetkta applies a ta tins sa root. By tb Earth we ter. Dale Part 8a roat tba time loalgkV erll boar, Una tbaa by tar liana, Thla snTna anoaey, Urtk rata, aad tah t boar of wnarieoaa ear Hdlag. A rmaaeat aoaaeetloa are dtmet with throatb tarlsa4 fallraaa alnnnsra. hair ear to Ininvnr, Omina, fUlt Lai tit, Porilaad aad fUa Fraaataeo, Dia lag ear tbroab ta tba aa. Oat tle ia aad berth rnaereattoaa e4 A. . FMaV lai. ally tlebn mrnal, 11T U 10b 1, Uaeola, Neb. fa raant nn4 aa Alaoaa felalni Tbn Nurtbwnnlnra I'aiot faettU I tka dimet rual ta lb )'an Hua4 aad Alaska palate, alueaia aal a'tnramta Iraiaa aaka dlmct auaaaalHia at I'r atuat with tkrwaab tuartst Untm4 tena reliai vbair nar to I'wrtiaad. ' enmet Inlormalma all ra A, M. t'WJia, aiiy imknt (, UT aoalk Th maai aunaiaa Wk.t he fa anWet tu all vatnf rat Vt way M ai, Mfcn,ta, x is wsnrlan rual via. Hna, Masway, IWpa rinne, TakrMtikianyu lnunt Irat reaak a rawi nrt n.ta,taUa. Ika Km (UaaJ Unnir Kailar. la , M 'ik IU 1 A R. U, lUia. ra4 klivli j Rf, k u ifm aaaiHtpaUa rt t rain, lnl sad. taeutfta, re rkaliW, lhHnb aWi'ia. a a4 tm twUatt. n4ai PREWETT, m 0 aea tewni I Ut ) aa t Katnt Wi iVtllaad. thok a Mn I tkrwagh the aad Una anont w.ni.'B.t any l thn I . u r. A. Walwa, it A. Jt ' Uk Illy, M Hit .W.ka bvl.U, tatU UMsalal liter, kUanj a4 b-st sr aink, vaakta a frlft Iflav